There have been a load of extremely divisive threads recently, clearly designed to get everyone here arguing.

There have been a load of extremely divisive threads recently, clearly designed to get everyone here arguing. Let's try something less contentious. Post shows you like that seemingly only you have watched.

>The Ancient Dogoo Girl
A comedy sentai show in which a socially moronic neet accidentally revives a cheerful, busty statue girl who hunts monsters. The monsters tend to be of a comical sexual nature (such as a bee-themed villain with giant stinger boobs) and when she defeats them she absorbs their evil spirit into their chestplate, clasps her chest and announces "Oppai mas!" or "My chest is full!"

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  1. 2 years ago

    You have my attention.

  2. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      If you google the Jap name Kodai Shoujo Dogu-chan torrent, it should be the first result.

  3. 2 years ago

    Cancelled after a single season, Brimstone was an interesting supernatural cop series. A cop's wife is brutally raped, so he hunts down and murders her attacker. He doesn't stop there, he goes vigilante and starts murdering criminals, but then he's killed in the line of duty and as a result goes to hell.

    A ton of demons then escape hell, they're all human souls who committed various atrocities in their life, some have gained other supernatural abilities. Satan gives the cop a second chance at life in exchange for hunting down the escaped souls and returning them to hell. His body is covered with tattoos, each representing one of the souls. When they're returned the corresponding tattoo dissolves.

    Also serves as almost a time capsule series as he'd been in hell for over a decade, so he's not familiar with a lot of the ways the world's changed in his absence. The devil's really well cast being charismatic and amusing, but also extremely easy to hate.

    • 2 years ago

      I enjoyed that one. There was also a comedy version callex Reaper with Ray Wise as the devil.

  4. 2 years ago

    do they eat the dogs?

    • 2 years ago

      Not really.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        There have been a load of extremely divisive threads recently, clearly designed to get everyone here arguing. Let's try something less contentious. Post shows you like that seemingly only you have watched.

        >The Ancient Dogoo Girl
        A comedy sentai show in which a socially moronic neet accidentally revives a cheerful, busty statue girl who hunts monsters. The monsters tend to be of a comical sexual nature (such as a bee-themed villain with giant stinger boobs) and when she defeats them she absorbs their evil spirit into their chestplate, clasps her chest and announces "Oppai mas!" or "My chest is full!"

        I'm sold.

  5. 2 years ago

    I watched that show too. Some episodes are really fricked up

  6. 2 years ago

    I enjoy that her design is similar to Hutziel or whatever from Darkstalkers.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, they have the same basic origin of being ancient stone robots designed to protect against monsters. Though if I remember correctly Hutzil was created by Pyron to wipe out life on Earth, but protects humanity because he malfunctioned.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Stan Against Evil
    Created by Dana Gould and starring John C. Mcginley, the show's a supernatural comedy series about a grouchy, put-upon retired sheriff forced to fight supernatural forces of darkness. The town he lives in was the site of mass witch burnings, subsequently the witches spirits haunt the town in various monstrous forms and kill the descendants of those who burned them. The ex-Sheriff's late wife was one such descendent who secretly hunted them. With her gone, he very reluctantly has to fight them. Strong Evil Dead vibes.

    • 2 years ago

      Stan Against Evil was pretty good, even if all the supporting cast were annoying, they weren't nearly as annoying as the supporting cast of the evil dead show. I include the daughter in that.

      • 2 years ago

        I found the daughter sort of oddly cute. Also, sometimes it felt sorta weird because the actress is clearly in her late twenties, but sometimes some of her dialog and behavior suggested she was supposed to be like a young teen or something.

    • 2 years ago

      fun fact. there never were any witch burrnings in the salem witch trials. like 3 women got hanged and a dude got drowned.

      • 2 years ago

        I too listened to the latest episode of the last podcast on the left

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            They just released a pod cast about the Salem witch trial and they went on and on about that

      • 2 years ago

        there were witch trials beyond salem. those who knew better were probably just thot patrolling and using religion to get the rest of the people to accept it.

      • 2 years ago

        >a dude got drowned
        Naw. We threw a rock at him.
        It was a big rock.
        We now have a movie theater across from the site he was killed. Though most films these days aren't quite as entertaining.

  8. 2 years ago

    >The Lost Room
    A sci-fi mini-series that was probably intended as a backdoor pilot as it left some plot threads dangling. Somewhere, there's a motel room full of objects. Inside the room they do nothing, close the door to the room and it "resets" and every object goes back to a default location. Removed from the room each object has a sort of power. There are hundreds in circulation floating around the world and various cults hunting them for various purposes or just for power. For examples, The Quarter, when swallowed allows you to manifest a living memory of any person who has passed away until it passes through your system. The Bus Ticket teleports anyone touched with it to the small town listed as it's destination, The Glasses "inhibit combustion" which prevents use of firearms or explosives, The Scissors "rotate objects" which grants a form of telekinesis, and so on.

    A detective discovers The Room Key, which grants a form of portal generation. The key will unlock any door, but opens to the motel room. From inside the room time stops and you can rest at your leisure, but the door will open to any door you can think of -even if you've never been there- anywhere on Earth. Not knowing what it does the detective lets his young daughter (played by a young Elle Fanning) play with the key, and she plays with the fact that any objects put into the room that don't belong in it disappear when the room "resets". She ends up inside the room when it resets and disappears. The series follows his delving into the objects and the room in an effort to bring his daughter back from the Lost Room. Kevin Pollack delivers what in my opinion might be the strongest performance of his career, and the cast has a lot of familiar faces to fans of sci-fi shows.

    • 2 years ago

      I liked this show. I also liked pic related, The Booth at the End, which was in the 'related' tab in imdb. I like the location, conversation-only premises.

      • 2 years ago

        Season 1 of booth was good but season 2 was pretty shit.

  9. 2 years ago

    I find it amazing how Japanese people get zero pussy. Stealing panties is actually a huge thing there. They get no pussy so they steal and sell panties or create TV shows like this. It's like how Miyazaki creates these fantastical worlds as a form of escape because he is an butthole.

    • 2 years ago

      I've been stealing panties since I was a kid and I've had over a dozen partners. It's a kino fetish. Gotta get them out of the dirty laundry hamper of course.

      • 2 years ago
  10. 2 years ago

    Have you ever seen Matchstick Men? fun flick

  11. 2 years ago

    That’s not what those figures were made for

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