there is no way a single chimpanzee could get more than one attack off before being tackled and subdued by a few strong crewmembers.

there is no way a single chimpanzee could get more than one attack off before being tackled and subdued by a few strong crewmembers. are we really supposed to believe a room of 10+ crew and 30+ audience members instantly all scattered and ran, leaving a literal monkey to commit multiple murders by repeated slow bashing?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Do you have any idea how strong chimpanzees are?

    • 2 years ago

      That monkey would rip you to shreds.

      literally one decently strong adult per limb is more than enough

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          okay two adults per limb

      • 2 years ago

        we should get the mountain to wrestle a chimp

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Yeah a strong adult per limb is enough, but multiple of those adults will be horribly maimed and injured in the process. Dealing with someone or something willing to engage in small joint manipulations and biting with the intent to maim is something almost nobody has experience dealing with. Everyone loves to talk about how unrealistic it is in movies where it's a 4v1 and the group with the numbers advantage doesn't move in in unison and subdue the single party, but instead approaches one by one. The reality is that's exactly how it goes down in real life scenarios 90% or more of the time. Nobody wants to put their body on the line when grievous bodily harm is a likely outcome, even when the alternative is people dying.
        >now you have a weapon with reach. good luck monke
        that monke has better coordination than you, and multiple times higher grip strength than you do. You better get the drop on him and knock his ass out with one blow or he's grabbing the thing and now Mr. Monke is the one with a weapon with reach. Nets though are unironically a decent tool. Highly underrated and underutilized in subduing anything in modern times.

    • 2 years ago

      Chimps aren't even that strong. Pound for pound they're maybe 1.3-1.5x as strong as a person, but then a full grown man is heavier than a chimp.
      But then again, chimps are fricking savagely violent, have insane grip and big teeth. That's why they're dangerous.

    • 2 years ago

      That monkey would rip you to shreds.

      >lets be around and film a chimp when its going literal ape shit

      Are you fricking moronic? Chimps are docile for the most part and only lose it and show strength when they need to go ape shit on something. Fun fact, the woman in the movie is based off a true story of a woman who got her face fricking shredded by a chimp, but you'll probably say its fake. Heck most mammals are stronger than your dumb ass.

      If it was just a crazy hobo with a glass bottle everyone would still run away let alone an angry chimpanzee

      im willing to bet you idiots WOULD die in a fight versus a monkey. but thats you.

      >pick up a light with a stand or literally any prop
      now you have a weapon with reach. good luck monke

      >attack with just a few other people helping
      you overwhelm and win

      >grab a curtain or blanket and throw it over the simpleton, confusing and blinding it then tackle
      easy win

      • 2 years ago

        >im willing to bet you idiots WOULD die in a fight versus a monkey
        Depends what kind of monkey tbqhwy. Some monkeys are pretty gnarly. Also hitting a chimp with a lamp or something isn't going to do shit but piss it off more.

      • 2 years ago

        Go fight a chimp then homosexual. Ill laugh when they wheel your corpse out on the news.

    • 2 years ago

      Just smash a chair on the back of its head lol

      • 2 years ago

        Have you heard of Travis the chimp? Getting stabbed by a butcher knife and hit with a shovel didn't stop his ape rage. It took four gunshots to actually put him down.

  2. 2 years ago

    That monkey would rip you to shreds.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you have any idea how strong chimpanzees are?

      everybody always talks up the trnegth of a chimpanzee but nobody has any proofs.
      we have thousands and thousands of hours of video of chimps.
      Show me video of a chimp performing a feat of strength that an average human could not match.

      • 2 years ago

        >lets be around and film a chimp when its going literal ape shit

        Are you fricking moronic? Chimps are docile for the most part and only lose it and show strength when they need to go ape shit on something. Fun fact, the woman in the movie is based off a true story of a woman who got her face fricking shredded by a chimp, but you'll probably say its fake. Heck most mammals are stronger than your dumb ass.

        • 2 years ago

          >chimps are docile for the most part
          Wrong. Chimps are like demons. They are evil and monstrous.

          • 2 years ago

            >for the most part

            Read man. Chimps like any animal can go absolutely demonic if pushed, but its not like they're like this every second of the day....cept those Billi apes, they were on some crack shit.

          • 2 years ago

            Bullshit, they are far less violent than humans they just occasionally display an unrestrained level of brutality

      • 2 years ago

        you dont remember that woman in 2009 that got both her hands and entire face ripped off by a pet chimp for no reason at all?

        • 2 years ago

          the reason was because the chimp reached puberty

        • 2 years ago

          >no reason at all
          She drugged it with Xanax so she could sleep with it. She ran out of the pills and it started having withdrawals.

          • 2 years ago

            plus it was getting more agressive since it was a hormonal

  3. 2 years ago

    >commit multiple murders

    Don't know how you did it but you speed watched a movie in the theaters.

    The girl didn't die, and we could most likely assume the man didn't either.

    • 2 years ago

      it for sure killed the mother, the daughter was the survivor but was still attacked. dad was btfo and definitely dead. there was also the body of an audience member schlumped in the stands

      • 2 years ago

        We have no evidence of the mother dying. The audience member wasn't slumped, most likely hiding. The Dad COULD be dead, but all we see is the chimp hitting him really.

        • 2 years ago

          >YOU speed watched the movie, not me!!!
          the chimp beats on the mother, then goes back for more when it realizes she is alive. then after killing the dad, goes back and thumps her foot a few times to make sure she is fully dead before noticing the young kid. the audience member was not hiding by laying on their side in plain view perfectly still with blood on their shirt

          • 2 years ago

            Not to mention they had a fricking chimp with no defense against it on set, animals dont take long to maul and pulverize things if they're stressed enough.

          • 2 years ago

            >the chimp beats on the mother, then goes back for more when it realizes she is alive

            Not the mother you cuck, it was the girl. Hence her fricked up face in the present day.

            • 2 years ago

              please pretend you actually saw the film. we are literally shown explicitly that it is the young daughter costar of steven yeun with a picture, AND he introduces her as his first love. the mother is an entirely different character who is clearly shown as dead after 2+ beatings and a "are you dead??" check

              • 2 years ago

                We don't see the daughters face you b***h because THE CHIMP FRICKING ATE IT. Explain the shoe then you cuck. The shoe was clearly the daughter's. The shoe was missing from the body behind the couch.

                Two victims. No confirmed deaths.

              • 2 years ago

                please, please actually watch this film before discussing. you're literally pulling this out of your ass

  4. 2 years ago

    I wish some rich saudi would organize one of these fights already

    • 2 years ago

      They probably have
      >hire Instagram ho
      >take her out on yacht with friends
      >"So guys, who's first?"
      >"Ooh ooh ooh..."

      • 2 years ago

        thats a different type of fight

  5. 2 years ago

    If it was just a crazy hobo with a glass bottle everyone would still run away let alone an angry chimpanzee

  6. 2 years ago

    >it's another "working class fitbro underestimates the monstrous strength of wild animals" episode

    • 2 years ago

      Not even a fitbro can fight a chimp yet your average Cinemaphile cheeto eater thinks they'll do just fine.

  7. 2 years ago

    have you seen the average worldstar video? 90% of people either gawk or flee. you chose to criticize the most realistic aspect of the movie.

    • 2 years ago

      if 90% flee, that leaves 10% of 40, which is 4 people, more than enough to subdue an ape considering the tools at their disposal

      • 2 years ago

        They could but unless they're trained fighters they probably wouldn't be able to coordinate their actions quickly enough to do anything useful.

  8. 2 years ago

    Just give him a pack of pokemon cards, everyone likes to open them

  9. 2 years ago

    guys come on. it's a fricking ape. 0 IQ. i dont care if its literally as strong as 3 men (a stretch), you should be able to outsmart 3 men who don't have a brain

    • 2 years ago

      Its not just stronger, its a lot tougher. It has thick hair covering its body and thick leathery skin. Its skull is also much thicker than a humans.
      You couldn't hurt it very much by punching and kicking it. Not as much as it could hurt you.

      • 2 years ago

        but i could wind up with a full swing at its head with a metal pole with a heavy end. i could then take the sharp broken shaft of that pole after a swing and stab i

      • 2 years ago

        You don't need to you just need to destabalize it and disable it. You don't need to be necessarily strong to do that. Get it on its back, and prevent it form using its arm and mouth in proximity to other humans.

        • 2 years ago

          You absolutely need to be strong to do that. It takes relatively little strength to restrain a chimp flat on the ground, but that's not the task. The task is to take a chimp in a defensive or offensive position, and force them into a neutralizing stationary position. This is a much much bigger ask. You have to realize the chimp is going to fight back against your restraint and getting on its back is going to result in it turning in on you and going for your face, going for your grip on it by tearing at your hands and breaking and ripping off your fingers, or it'll just roll out of your grasp. What we call a Granby roll in competitive wrestling is a fundamental defensive movement in the animal kingdom. Webm related. You can see bears, all types of primates, felines, canids and just about any animal you can think of utilizing it in play up to fight for life and death. If the group of you isn't 250lbs lean and fight for a living there isn't a chance you're going to subdue a chimp without specialized tools and a lot of people. Tranquilizers are the bare minimum if you don't want people getting seriously hurt.

          If you give a child your back with both hooks in and a rear naked choke sunk in they can almost certainly neutralize you with little effort. That's not in contention. On the other hand if you both start from a standing position where you know they're going to try to take your neck I can say fairly confidently that even if you're completely untrained there's no way they're going to make their way to your back short of you having a medical emergency. That's the distinction there. You don't get to start the encounter with the chimp subdued and restrained. You have to get him there first.

  10. 2 years ago

    It's true, chimps aren't superhuman godbeasts. They're a fair bit stronger than humans, and they're much more stable and coordinated in their movements due to being partial quadrapeds.

    What makes chimps so dangerous is their capacity for violence, their durability, and their intelligence. They have extremely powerful grip strength, low centre of gravity, and their bite strength is a borderline hate crime, and their teeth are huge.

    Most animals don't register pain the same way humans do. We're horrified by it, crippled by it, we panic at relatively low levels of damage and pain. Inflict pain on a chimp, it just got angrier. Really hurt/damage it? It just got realy frickin angry. And it's not going to beat you like a drum. They immediately target hands, face and genitals, and can bite through a human hand like it's a ripe banana.

    Bite your own hand, as hard as you dare. Now imagine something with canines as long and thick as your thumb doing it, about 5x harder than that, and it also wants to completely disable you in fear for it's own life.

    Yeah, with weapons it could be subdued, but people panic and don't form plans that quick, especially when they just see someones face/balls being bitten off by some shrieking rage goblin.

  11. 2 years ago

    This thread is proof that the average American desperately needs to spend more time around animals. Not even chimps, just any kind of animal. No you could not take on a chimpanzee you delusional homosexuals

    • 2 years ago

      luckily im not defenseless and alone. sure thr chimp would win in that case but come on

  12. 2 years ago

    cope, chimposters

  13. 2 years ago

    A grizzly bear would frick up any chimp

  14. 2 years ago

    get on my level

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