They changed the gender of a newborn baby via surgery. I want to throw up. Libs have gone too far

They changed the gender of a newborn baby via surgery. I want to throw up. Libs have gone too far

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  1. 10 months ago

    It’s Dey culture

  2. 10 months ago

    This story arcs over multiple seasons and have massive effects on characters with repercussions felt later on.
    Some people mistakenly labeled it as pro when in fact it's the most anti-transitioning kids as you can get.

    • 10 months ago

      lol this, but OP probably never even watched the show and thought he could make an easy bait thread

      • 10 months ago

        >thought he could make an easy bait thread
        Two of them in fact.


      • 10 months ago

        The gay aliens thing filtered a lot of people which is funny since it morphed from a joke to some very interesting topics.

        • 10 months ago

          It's not just gay.

          • 10 months ago

            On the one hand I don't support trans shit, on the other, it's obvious that their medical technology has advanced so far that the result would be a fully male or female body and not just the mutilation we have now. So you saying "sew on dick" is just plain wrong.

          • 10 months ago

            On the one hand I don't support trans shit, on the other, it's obvious that their medical technology has advanced so far that the result would be a fully male or female body and not just the mutilation we have now. So you saying "sew on dick" is just plain wrong.

            I don't want to spoil but Topa has something to say about what was done when they were a child in season 3.

            ok but what do trannies have to do with outer space comedy

            The Orville stops being a comedy after season 1.
            It changes tone in season 2 and by season 3 is more of a classic TNG vibe.
            A lot of moral grey themes.
            One anon put it in the terms of a new crew being goofy and fricking up transitioning into a more seasoned ship after the shit they go through.

            • 10 months ago

              >I don't want to spoil but Topa
              I don't think anyone is going to sit through 3 seasons to get your point.
              Topa grows up and finds out she's was born a girl. She's furious with both of her fathers (weird I know but one of them was also female at one time so I think that how they reproduce).
              In the end she goes back to being a girl but the Moclans are fricking c**ts and kidnap and torture her because she's is if I remember correctly the only Moclan to transition back. Bortus her father and Kelly the co-captain go to rescue her and fricking murders an entire base to do so. They present her to the Union counsel because the Moclans were going to lie that they had nothing to do with her kidnapping and were going to seize a hidden refuge for other female Moclans and pretty much force them to troon out.
              This leads to the Moclans being kicked out of the Union and making them enemies.
              I'll admit the lead up to all of this was gay goofiness and insufferable but them finally getting what they deserved was satisfying.

    • 10 months ago

      To even make it a debate and let it happen and have the parents seem like normal people makes me want to throw up why are you defending this??????????wtffffffff

      • 10 months ago

        The cigarette episode was kino

        • 10 months ago

          Indeed it was

      • 10 months ago

        They didn't act like normal people.
        Bortus didn't want it to happen but due to culture and duty he went along with it after the trial.
        It had lasting effects on him where he nearly got every one on the ship killed when he downloaded a virus with is gay porn addiction.
        His relationship with Klyden became strained and he rejected him.
        He started to drift from his race as well because they were buttholes and forced his daughter to become a boy.
        The Moclans can represent a lot of groups and countries who are buttholes and get away with shit due to cultural differences.
        In the long run the act of of making Topa a boy took some interesting turns and even had a massive effect on the show's world building.

        • 10 months ago

          ok but what do trannies have to do with outer space comedy

          • 10 months ago

            Libs use our tv entertainment shows to push or introduce into psyche horrifying propaganda. This stuff is gonna be Normal in ten years.

          • 10 months ago

            The overall theme of the Moclans were they were gay bigots who got away with too much because they supplied the union with all their technology.
            The whole point was to show the struggles of dealing with other intergalactic races who might have fricked up ideals about thing like forcing a baby to switch genders.
            From the perspective of the humans it was crazy but like anon mentions

            They gave legit arguments for why it's ok to turn a newborn baby into a boy. It was introduced as a debatable concept. This is how they slowly normalized homosexuality

            they tried to present their argument as valid and had a bunch of gatcha questions.

        • 10 months ago

          They gave legit arguments for why it's ok to turn a newborn baby into a boy. It was introduced as a debatable concept. This is how they slowly normalized homosexuality

  3. 10 months ago

    That episode with the century ship was absolutely kino. Cut a few jokes and it would be on the list of the best TNG episodes.

    • 10 months ago

      Twice in a Lifetime when Gordon is accidentally sent to the past was really good.
      The actor who play him did an amazing job.
      They make you feel real torn in that final act.

      • 10 months ago

        Shit that was a good one. Seth really blessed us with some Trek kino. Great stories and hot chicks. My only complaint was all the modern day references. They always felt out of place and he just can't help himself.

        • 10 months ago

          Bad habits die hard.
          Like the whole Dolly Parton stuff in that one episode felt weird after a bunch of episodes where the humor was mild. You have an alien obsessed with her and then the stupid song.
          I was jarring and kind of ruined what they were going for.

        • 10 months ago

          It really was the best Trek post-Voyager.
          In a just world the show would get a few more seasons.
          I can't believe SNW-tards even tried to argue SNW was remotely on the same level as Orville.

          • 10 months ago

            I can't even watch SNW, most of the episodes felt like lame ass boilerplate shit and the Hispanic dyke and fat Uhura were fricking awful. There's zero soul and even stuff that should be soulful like the musical episode they just did feel like the most sterilized corporate slop.

            • 10 months ago

              Once corporations learned there where niche communities with disposable income and a few c**ts into it too boot it was over.
              They're pandering to people who never watched the older shows and only got in with for shallow reasons.
              So here we are with soulless uncreative dog turds.

      • 10 months ago

        He is married to the second in command irl. She is 6 feet tall!

  4. 10 months ago

    >They changed the gender of a newborn baby via surgery
    Suck it, you fricking anti transhumanist dickweeds.

  5. 10 months ago

    I still can't believe Yaphit got away with fricking Claire while she was under the influences of alien sex pheromones.
    How is that not rape?

  6. 10 months ago

    What’s the context?

    • 10 months ago

      >ayylmao species is introduced as being unisex (male)
      >crew member and his male mate have a female kid
      >it's revealed that 1/10000 ayylmao kids are "defective" and the species "corrects" it at birth by making the female baby male
      >it's later revealed that females are born much more often than the species tells people and the shame/stigma of having had a female baby means that the parents keep it a secret so the conspiracy continues

      Cinemaphile posters are often moronic and many hated the whole Moclan storyline but it was actually the best part of the show.

      • 10 months ago

        Moclan parents smuggling their daughters off world so they can live on a sanctuary planet and the fact the Moclan government were willing to force those women to have sex changes when they found out about it was wild.
        Went from funny gay aliens haha to naw these homosexuals are tyrannical war criminals in the making pretty quickly.

  7. 10 months ago

    I dont watch bad tv shows
    why'd they do it?

  8. 10 months ago

    I liked that The Orville did a lot of TNG and DS9 like stories where there was a debate on the morally grey. A few of the races were presented as villains but as the show progressed we learn why they do the antagonistic things they do.
    Like the Kaylon. They wanted to learn and evolve but their creators only wanted them to be mindless servants and were abusive about it.

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