>They turned the X-Men into some woke metaphor about racism

>They turned the X-Men into some woke metaphor about racism
Stan Lee is rolling in his grave.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    This but unironically

    • 3 months ago

      actually, made me laugh. Good joke

  2. 3 months ago

    sentinels are literally race war weapons the frick do you even mean

    • 3 months ago

      The X-Men just want to be accepted for who they are despite being born differently; how the frick can your mind virus bullshit make that woke? troony

      • 3 months ago

        bro, what are you even arguing about?

        • 3 months ago

          I'm not arguing, I'm explaining that there is nothing WOKE about outsiders who are hated for being themselves while they also argue for peaceful coexistence. Humiliation ritual troony woke groomer

          • 3 months ago

            >Humiliation ritual troony woke groomer

            if you want people to take you seriously, you should stop writing stuff like that.

            • 3 months ago

              Trust me, Anon; I could post that exact string of words and brainlets would take me seriously.

      • 3 months ago

        what does it feel like to be moronic?


        • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            >i was doing it subconsiously
            still counts

            >podcaster calls it laziness
            damn what a greasy podcaster

            >furthest thing from my mind about gayness
            yeah and gayness isn't what OP posted about. OP posted about racism, not homosexuality

            >magneto compared to malcolm x
            i agree that's hyperbolic

            >civil rights had nothing to do with what i was doing
            and then 3 years later he created black panther

            >it's a lie, it's never been true
            wait so he admits the the holocaust origin story of magneto happens 10 years later, that's still fricking 1973 when stan lee is making decisions at marvel.

            weak ass arguments

          • 3 months ago

            I'm not arguing, I'm explaining that there is nothing WOKE about outsiders who are hated for being themselves while they also argue for peaceful coexistence. Humiliation ritual troony woke groomer

            in all fairness; that was the first time he prolly took a dip innit

            also you can't rely blame society for mutant hatred, these guys can be very high-strung and angsty and often destroy things in their brooding (not to mention magneto's constant joker-moded rampages to prove a point)

            The X-men were just a metaphor for fears about the future generations in general. Most of the "mutants taking over the world" imagery was taken from scifi tales about radiation turning the next generation into super mutants wanting to enslave humanity, but there was also a lot of shit going on at the time like the protests against Vietnam, the hippie movement in general, and yes the civil rights protests, many movements of which were initiated by younger organizations lashing out against a far more conservative culture. It's why the original O5 X-men were teenagers, why mutants got their powers at puberty, and why they were at a school to learn and develop their new powers. So, the whole racism thing was only one aspect of a whole package going on about how the face of humanity was going to outright change overnight and how the youth were going to be the ones to change society whether they were ready for it or not.

            sentinels, A LITERAL ROBOT WEAPON FOR RACE WARS, first appeared in x-men #14. in fricking 1965

            It ain't PIDGE'S FAULT that the writers had a boner for making Lotor irredeemable. They straddled the fence between making him Zuko and making him the anti-Zuko and he ended up just being a mess. I think it works from a meta-narrative perspective as how every fricked up POS has the potential to redeem and better themselves, but most don't because they think it's just beyond their reach.

            no, Lotor was treated like Kuvira. did everything right and then made villain for unproven off screen shit

            • 3 months ago

              The Sentinels also kill humans. troony woke white genocide

              • 3 months ago

                >obsessed with trans people
                rent free

                Whatever makes you happy, skippy

                Case-by-case basis. Quicksilver and Crystal have a kid that is technically a mutant-inhuman hybrid, and Kamala Khan's also a weird inhuman-mutant hybrid, but in general the genetics express however they want to as some kind of genetic amalgamation. Marvel just wanted to make it confusing in recent years by implying inhuman genetics can interfere with the expression of the x-gene despite that not being a thing until now.

                it does make me happy, knowing you have no argument

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not arguing because you bore me, so have a nice day

                Korra sucked ass. Voltron's writing falls apart but it became a masterpiece by accident, telling a more tragic meta narrative about how all good things come to an end. The human condition.

                Wow, that's super lame. I love a world where a bunch of abilities just fricking happen for a bunch of dumb little reasons. That's interesting and it makes all of those abilities interacting an interesting mixture. The idea that all powers come from the same place is like... kneecapping the most interesting part of having a mega-universe with a lot of different stories happening inside it.

                Indeed. Welcome to the wonderful world of retcons and inter-connectivity. About the only real thing you can do with that knowledge is note how like

                Thats not actually true. Inhumans produce more inhumans. Mutates often produce children with the same powers. Hulk has little hulks. Spider-Man always has kids with Spider-Powers. And when they don't they do have kids with 'more' power like Franklin "Not a Mutant" Richards.
                Muties give birth to regular humans, kids with weird new powers and kids with feeble powers.
                Despite their claims about being homosexual Superior, of all the super-powered people, they seem to be the only ones who are not a race.

                pointed out, the X-men have less claim to being a race than all the gamma mutates and spider totems in the multiverse, which is only barely funny for the fact that we've seen examples of what those might look like before with Gamma World from the Avengers cartoon and Spider-Island.

              • 3 months ago


                >retcons of characters
                >i can't accept that a change was made 10 years after somethings creation and stayed that way since the early 1970s
                >these heckin woke zoomers from the 1970s, bro

              • 3 months ago

                Me, I don't really care that much beyond how the X-men are objectively wrong about being the next stage of evolution, considering by all metrics they genuinely aren't

              • 3 months ago

                >by all metrics they're not part of evolution
                i agree that eternals and inhumans and celestials greatly detract from x-men stories

                You never read X-Men or about any of those historic figures.

                you never had a real argument

              • 3 months ago

                You never read X-Men or about any of those historic figures.

              • 3 months ago

                There's some irony in that, sure. Still sucks. I loved thinking about street level heroes like Iron Fist or Daredevil just had some wacky shit going on compared to all the Weapon X program blokes, or the irradiated monsters, the guys who show up on raw skill like Hawkeye. It was cool; lotta flavors. Now it's just "The Super Guys" and "The Gadget Guys". Painful reductionism.


                >retcons of characters
                >i can't accept that a change was made 10 years after somethings creation and stayed that way since the early 1970s
                >these heckin woke zoomers from the 1970s, bro

                I wasn't alive in 1970, but you're getting pedantic mate. That data isn't common knowledge; anyone who learns that truth, at any point in time, is going to feel like it's a 'retcon' because it recontexctualized what we thought we knew about this world to begin with.

              • 3 months ago

                For what little it's worth, the retcon by the Eternals of all superhumans having a common genetic marker making them susceptible to mutate into something stronger in response to the environment doesn't really affect the mystic side of Marvel, so blokes like Dr. Strange and Iron Fist still had to basically work their asses off doing weird shit to get where they are.

                And it's not as bad as the Bendis Ultimates universe, where about 90% of the heroes can be directly traced back to Wolverine and the Super Soldier/Weapon X project.

              • 3 months ago

                >rent free
                That isn't an argument. Socialist troony woke boomer humiliation ritual

              • 3 months ago

                rent free

              • 3 months ago

                >rent free
                Still not an argument. Buzzword bait ironic troll post

              • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              Korra sucked ass. Voltron's writing falls apart but it became a masterpiece by accident, telling a more tragic meta narrative about how all good things come to an end. The human condition.

              That's 100% correct. They were involved in the same experiment that created the Deviants and the Eternals. Genuinely nothing separates mutants from mutates beyond opportunity and chance, and hell it used to be canon that the rise of mutants in modern day was cause the rise of nuclear power was collectively fricking with humanity's DNA

              And I, Robot was published in 1950, long enough for "robots rebelling against their human masters" to become a well-worn cliche at that point.

              way i see it, in the Marvel Universe, due to ancient alien tampering, all humans are carriers to some kind of metagene (whether it's the mutant kind/inhuman kind/ or mutate kind).
              the vast majority of humans carry the recessive metagene, while a small fraction carry the dominant metagene which can be activated.

              any human with the recessive metagene who got bit by a radioactive spider or locked in a radiation chamber will 100% die a horrible death and not become Spider-man or the Hulk.

              any human with the recessive metagene who got exposed to the Terragin Mist will 100% die a horrible death and not become an Inhuman.

              Wow, that's super lame. I love a world where a bunch of abilities just fricking happen for a bunch of dumb little reasons. That's interesting and it makes all of those abilities interacting an interesting mixture. The idea that all powers come from the same place is like... kneecapping the most interesting part of having a mega-universe with a lot of different stories happening inside it.

              • 3 months ago

                >voltron's writing became a masterpiece by accident

                woo nelly that's cope if i ever saw it. notice i wasn't trying to make it about korra being a good or better show.

              • 3 months ago

                Nah, nah, the writing is ass for what the writers were trying to do; it was insane how these homies who fought together and lived together just stopped fricking talking to each other, split off, lived their own weird disparate lives. Regardless of your opinion on gay shit, baiting the fujos that hard then pulling back makes for confusing plot arcs. I don't exactly WANT Lance to be a homosexual, but his dynamic with Allura was god-awful.

                My point is not about the main plot, that crashed and burned. The character stories though, they become this melancholy reflection of reality. People find each other and grow close, then other shit happens, we take them for granted, and we go our separate ways. Happy endings only exist because the story ends; in real life, we go past that, and our 'resting place' is usually far past the peak of our happiness or fulfillment. Voltron splintering it's cast and giving them resolutions that are insanely unsatisfying to the audience isn't good writing, but it is a good story. That's what I meant. Though I am just some frickin schizoid.

              • 3 months ago

                >backstabbing Lotor without evidence of crimes makes for a good story depicting heroes

                wrong. you literally are just fanboying or fangirling for pidge because you like ambiguity

              • 3 months ago

                I didn't even mention Lotor in that post mate. Lotor just sucked because his entire arc started and ended after the writing started deteriorating in quality.

            • 3 months ago

              Sentinels were created to PROTECT HUMANS FROM MUTANT VIOLENCE. Why do you morons keep talking like muh peaceful mutants did nothing wrong and suddenly for no reason bigots built Sentinels?

              And like

              That's 100% correct. They were involved in the same experiment that created the Deviants and the Eternals. Genuinely nothing separates mutants from mutates beyond opportunity and chance, and hell it used to be canon that the rise of mutants in modern day was cause the rise of nuclear power was collectively fricking with humanity's DNA

              And I, Robot was published in 1950, long enough for "robots rebelling against their human masters" to become a well-worn cliche at that point.

              points out, every Silver Age Sentinels story was a set up to get to the point where they turn on their creators and try to take over the world.

              • 3 months ago

                >suddenly for no reason bigots built sentinels

                think about what you just said about who's building the sentinels. take as long as you need

      • 3 months ago

        Subtle bait i like it you sir have won one internets

      • 3 months ago

        I'm not buying that mugga ass bullshit. EVERY single fricking time a mugga gets the SLIGHTEST amount of land or power, they go full Magneto.

        • 3 months ago

          Mugga is a term used between two mutants, like homie.

          Mutie is a term used to express distaste for genescum

    • 3 months ago

      Sentinels were Golems first created by the Hellfire Club and Shaw who were Mutants trying to control both sides of an upcoming political war.
      >Racial Allegory
      Only for israeli Duplicity, especially under Claremont. Both Charles and Magneto were expies for conniving israeli Zionist groups trying to control the world through Golem Proxies (X-Men vs Brotherhood). The racial stuff is just a smokescreen as the real chaims in charge only resetting the board when one of their Golems bite the hadistic hand that used them.

      • 3 months ago

        Bolivar Trask wasn't a member of the Hellfire Club

        • 3 months ago

          Trask was a Golem for the Hellfire Club. Shaw funded the Sentinel Project and was trying tried to manipulate it from the shadows. Even with Fraction & Krakoa's whitewashing of Emma, she knew as later books had her trying the same thing with Hellfire Academy but with terrorist mutants for hire as crisis actors to sell Sentinels as a defensice measure for the terrorism they created.

          • 3 months ago

            But that's false, it was Trask's life work because his children were mutants

            • 3 months ago

              >Not knowing about their funding of Semtinels in both Bolivar & Stephen Lang to play both sides
              >Or the even bigger bullshit retcon of them creating a Sentinel in the past (1906) bevause if mutant time trabel frickery.
              Your data is old and needs to be updated shabbot. It's always been a Golem turning on their "israeli" masters story.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh, I see why you're confused. We are talking about Sentinels

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, sholmo samegay. M, is the magic word. What was the magic word here?

              • 3 months ago

                You can't spell anything correctly, can you?

              • 3 months ago

                Yes you chillul hashem hasbarist, O was the magic wors, now what's this magic word in this one?

  3. 3 months ago

    X-Men wasn't a race allegory until decades after Stan Lee stopped writing the comments, but "go off" as the kids would say.

    • 3 months ago


      >They turned the X-Men into some woke metaphor about racism
      Stan Lee is rolling in his grave.

      This but unironically


      • 3 months ago

        I think that's just Stan retroactively taking credit for another Marvel employee's innovations, as he was wont to do. The race allegory was tenuous at best pre-Claremont.

      • 3 months ago

        what does it feel like to be moronic?


        Don't care. Sucks then. Sucks now.

        • 3 months ago

          Clearly you care or you wouldn't bring it up. Pretending you don't just makes you look more sad.

      • 3 months ago

        what does it feel like to be moronic?


        The eternal problem with the X-Men and Mutant discrimination as an allegory either racial discrimination is that the premise is that Mutants are "different, but there's nothing wrong with that."
        Someone of a different race isn't some nebulous "other" they're just a human whose genetic lineage lies elsewhere. Black people aren't "different" in Africa, Asians aren't "different" in Asia
        Mutants are "different" everywhere. Comparing them to any real group of people is implying that said group is distinct from the rest of humanity.

        • 3 months ago

          More than that it's the fact that black people don't shoot eye beams, gays don't sprout bone claws, and israelites don't control the weather.

          • 3 months ago

            >israelite don't control the weather
            ...as far as we KNOW

        • 3 months ago

          More than that it's the fact that black people don't shoot eye beams, gays don't sprout bone claws, and israelites don't control the weather.

          Yeah, you have a very good reason to be racist if the danger was the kid next door nuking your entire neighborhood, not just stealing your bike.

    • 3 months ago

      Anon, it's always been baked into marvel shit. Part of the inspiration for the hulk was Frankenstein's monster, and Frankenstein is pretty obviously about the petty judgments of common people

      • 3 months ago

        Nta but Frankenstein was more than that. In the original book, the monster was definitely an unjust outcast but more than that he was in a sort of existential dread knowing he was a bunch of body parts sewn together. He was a lot more intelligent in the book and got why people were so damn afraid of him. The story is a lot more about Vicctor's unchecked ego and the suffering he causes as a result. He brings the monster into the world and completely refuses to take responsibility when he sees what he's created. Even when the monster offers to back off in exchange for a companion so he doesn't have to be alone in his suffering and can frick off to parts unknowns, Victor turns him down and the monster kills his bride as a result.
        The point of Frankenstein was to call out how we were starting to play god without thinking of what we were doing, there were actual mad scientists at the time "theorizing" you could do something like that

        • 3 months ago

          >In the original book
          Okay, but the film was the inspiration

    • 3 months ago

      This, but opposite. Mutants = White race. Think about. Mutants are the superior next step of human evolutation, and everyone else feels threatened by them. Prof X is a academic white liberal who wants white people to help all the shitskins. Magnetto is a white supremacist.

  4. 3 months ago

    X-men are ALWAYS an allegory about some minority

    whether it's an allegory for gay/transgender/black/jews/etc. they are always meant to be metaphors for something.

    An X-men series without any bigotry metaphor would be... just another superhero team?

    • 3 months ago

      It's a metaphor for bigotry and ingroups in general its why they sometimes do need to be segregated. You wouldn't let an x-men compete in the Olympics but you shouldn't do that to Chinese people

  5. 3 months ago

    >mutants are dangerous because they can kill you
    >used as a rascist metaphor
    I think thats very rascist, because that implies that a good chunk from the minorities are very dangerous.

    • 3 months ago

      have you tried not being a mutant?

    • 3 months ago

      They can call me any word under the sun: flat-scan, normie, homo-inferior and it does nothing to me...but I drop one "muite" and suddenly they go nuts. I don't get it.

  6. 3 months ago



    I think that's just Stan retroactively taking credit for another Marvel employee's innovations, as he was wont to do. The race allegory was tenuous at best pre-Claremont.


    >They turned the X-Men into some woke metaphor about racism
    Stan Lee is rolling in his grave.

    Don't care. Sucks then. Sucks now.

    >yeah man, the creator of black panther would never be antiracist ever ever no not ever


    • 3 months ago
      El Barto

      in all fairness; that was the first time he prolly took a dip innit

      also you can't rely blame society for mutant hatred, these guys can be very high-strung and angsty and often destroy things in their brooding (not to mention magneto's constant joker-moded rampages to prove a point)

      • 3 months ago

        in all fairness black panther was created merely 3 years after x-men. why the frick do you think it's a special case when comic books with a message are created during a time when apartheid in the united states is being challenged

      • 3 months ago

        No man. Just no.

        the irony is that Mutants in the Marvel universe don't even remotely resemble human evolution at all like humans evolving from Neanderthals.
        Mutants are just the by-product of alien experimentation thousands of years ago, they're just humans with the superpowered metagene.
        Almost every human carries the recessive x-gene, only a tiny fraction of humans carry the active x-gene which awakens their power at puberty.
        Hell, even humans with the active x-gene (aka mutants) give birth to regular humans who are not guaranteed to carry the active x-gene.

        Mutants are no different from Inhumans who's active metagene is awakened by exposure to the Terragin Mist, nor are mutants any different from Mutates who's active metagene is awakened by some random energy exposure unique to that person.

        Humans didn’t evolve from Neanderthals. Neanderthals and homosexual sapiens were two species that evolved from a shared ancestor and in some parts of the world interbred with the less successful Neanderthals being bred to extinction. There’s also the Denisovans. Same deal. A cousin species to homosexual sapiens that developed alongside homosexual sapiens and were bred to extinction by the more successful homosexual sapiens. Only more in the Asia region rather than mostly Europe like the Neanderthals.

    • 3 months ago

      Wakanrldans hated other blacks

      • 3 months ago

        >braying of the ignorant

        • 3 months ago

          >Not knowing that Wakanda (Shuri) deported all the african-americans there to spite Sam Wilson for helping them to get pissy at America.
          Lol nugay outs themselves as tourist yet again. Go back to TwitX and cry on Reddit .

          • 3 months ago

            >not knowing that hating Americans isn't the same as hating all blacks
            Hating Americans is based as frick

            • 3 months ago

              Majority of Immigrants to Wakanda were African-American, as shown with the crying black child.
              >Every person screeching about being deported were the blacks in later books.
              I know America bad so blacks pay the price. Stop virtue signalling nugay, we know you don't read comics.

              • 3 months ago

                Wow. America is sad when someone treats immigrants poorly?
                lol... lmao even

              • 3 months ago

                1. Which run is this?

                2. Why the FRICK are refugees coming from America?

          • 3 months ago

            I was aware they hated other african nations and literally had a wall, but I missed this one.

          • 3 months ago

            >shuri in recent years
            >black panther in the 1960s

            one of these is not like the other

    • 3 months ago

      Neither Stan or Jack were involved in that Black Panther vs the KKK story
      Why don't you try reading comics for a change?

      • 3 months ago

        >why don't you try reading comics?

        why don't you try reading in general?

        • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      “Antiracist” never existed back then, dumb election tourist.

      • 3 months ago



  7. 3 months ago

    I want to motorboat wolverine's hairy breasts

    • 3 months ago


      His meaty asscheeks too

  8. 3 months ago

    Are you people moronic? It was never an allegory for discrimination, it was just a story about super mutants being discriminated against. Not like, a thin veneer over an IRL history, it's just... a thing that happened in the comics. Jeezus. Why do people always want to make fiction about real life? Why can't fiction do it's own damn thing?

    • 3 months ago

      Because the gays need everything to be about themselves and can't enjoy media or empathize with stories without it being specifically catered to them.

    • 3 months ago

      except that the discrimation in-universe against mutants made no damn sense at all.

      • 3 months ago

        How does it not make sense to be afraid of people with guns for hands and want to use your numbers and orginaztion to make sure they didn't become a threat?

        • 3 months ago

          because all sorts of fantastical and crazy shit lives on Earth in the Marvel Universe.

          Humans singling out mutants just seems so petty and nonsensical.

          • 3 months ago

            That's because humans are becoming a minority among the Xmen, the MARVEL civilians have also been hostile about the Avengers and other meta humans in the comics.

        • 3 months ago

          that's a bad example because any random moron with a gun is more dangerous than 99% of mutants. Anybody can be a threat with enough motivation, especially in the marvel world. Mutants at worst just get a head start

          • 3 months ago

            If you're saying Marvel writing is bad I don't have an argument they love their martyr tropes more writers and else worlds have diversified things but originally super heroes weren't well liked in universe these feelings just don't stay consistent.

          • 3 months ago

            >99% of mutants

            If I randomly scroll down and click someone dollars to donuts I'm going to find someone who makes a handgun look like a joke. There'll be a few more passive ones there, but at a bare minimum the idea of mutant-control-collars is perfectly and 100% valid. If you're some dweeb who looks like a fishman and your power is to breath underwater then fine, that's valid, but anyone with extraordinary lethal powers ought to be regulated and controlled.

            Mutants often feel less like the israelite or black or gay being discriminated against and more a CEO or wealthy plutocrat or dictator being discriminated against. Like it's more populism anti-elite than anti-LGBT, even if you wanna dress up "Can't you try being normal" "I was born this way" when the mutants we deal with on a regular basis have demi-god powers, not johnny-joe the poor frick whose mutation is making people sing and dance around him uncontrollably.

            I'll feel sorry for the powerless losers with shit mutations, not for the self-styled aristocrats who think (as storm did) they are our betters and whom we have to be gracious to for their noblese oblige.

            To be fair if I had the power to summon cool breezes on command and someone took it away I'd be pissed too

            Oh yeah, it's certainly fair that she's mad. It's just when I saw that scene I was reminded she had flown in and without any kind of consented authority just took command and told the humans to shut up and follow her orders and they might survive. And now she's not a god from Olympus, she's just another average joe who has to take the fricking bus.

            It's why the masked vigilante's grand villainous goal to is to....make Magneto like you or me. In the wider thematic implications I get the horror of conformity, but forcing a gay to be straight sure ain't the same as forcing someone with magnetic demigod power to be an average joe.

      • 3 months ago

        Man, it's the most reasonable form of discrimination there is; fear. You just stoopit.

        • 3 months ago

          It's weird how you have all these gays who love X-Men specifically for all the racial allegories and stuff, but then demonstrate they don't actually understand racist attitudes or beliefs beyond "It's bad, so don't do it." It's this child like hate and resistance to talking about it race in real world terms that makes woke shit so easily identifiable. Like this anon

          except that the discrimation in-universe against mutants made no damn sense at all.

          doesn't even understand how racism actually starts.

      • 3 months ago

        >Prof X can make you do whatever he wants with his mind
        >Storm can create tornadoes and shit
        >Wolverine is a Brits worst nightmare
        >Jean Grey can control shit with her mind
        >Cyclopes has optic blasts that can destroy buildings. That he needs specialized material to control
        It's very understandable to be scared of Mutants

    • 3 months ago

      >asks if others are moronic
      >picrel is traitor backstabber to Lotor

      you can't make this shit up

      • 3 months ago

        It ain't PIDGE'S FAULT that the writers had a boner for making Lotor irredeemable. They straddled the fence between making him Zuko and making him the anti-Zuko and he ended up just being a mess. I think it works from a meta-narrative perspective as how every fricked up POS has the potential to redeem and better themselves, but most don't because they think it's just beyond their reach.

    • 3 months ago

      subhuman IQ lmfao

    • 3 months ago

      "t's totally irrational, patently insane to condemn an entire race—to despise an entire nation—to vilify an entire religion. Sooner or later, we must learn to judge each other on our own merits. Sooner or later, if a man is ever to be worthy of his destiny, we must fill our hearts with tolerance."
      Go woke, go rock!
      Go fash, no cash!

      >It was never an allegory for discrimination, it was just a story about super mutants being discriminated against. Not like, a thin veneer over an IRL history, it's just... a thing that happened in the comics. Jeezus. Why do people always want to make fiction about real life? Why can't fiction do it's own damn thing?
      Lmao chud being denial

      • 3 months ago

        Jesus Christ, I see why rightoid chuds say the left can't meme.
        >Go woke, go rock!
        Get rid of this. It's fricking awful. Either use nothing at all or make up something new.
        >Go fash, no cash!
        This one is at least barely functional. At least it rhymes. You can use this until you come up with something better, but replace it as soon as possible.

        • 3 months ago

          here's something memeable:

          the right can't read

          • 3 months ago

            I give it a B-. It'd be snappier if it rhymed, but it gets points for accuracy.

  9. 3 months ago

    admit it, would X-men be anywhere near as popular if it wasn't for the bigotry metaphor aspect ?

    Think of it this way, does anyone care about the mutant heroes/villains who are NOT affiliated with the X-men bubble/universe?

  10. 3 months ago

    X-Men? more like cuck men

    • 3 months ago

      Speaking off if someone gets your clone pregnant does it count as cucking?

      • 3 months ago

        Not if they genuinely thought it was you the whole time.

    • 3 months ago

      The funniest part of the top panel is that it's a double-cucking, Wolverine feels cucked by Scott and Jean is cucked by her clone

  11. 3 months ago

    40 years late, OP.
    Better late then never, I guess.

    • 3 months ago

      *50 years
      Eh, whatever.

  12. 3 months ago

    If I were related to Malcom X I'd be disgusted and offended at people comparing him to fricking Magneto and yet these morons think that's a good thing

  13. 3 months ago

    The X-men were just a metaphor for fears about the future generations in general. Most of the "mutants taking over the world" imagery was taken from scifi tales about radiation turning the next generation into super mutants wanting to enslave humanity, but there was also a lot of shit going on at the time like the protests against Vietnam, the hippie movement in general, and yes the civil rights protests, many movements of which were initiated by younger organizations lashing out against a far more conservative culture. It's why the original O5 X-men were teenagers, why mutants got their powers at puberty, and why they were at a school to learn and develop their new powers. So, the whole racism thing was only one aspect of a whole package going on about how the face of humanity was going to outright change overnight and how the youth were going to be the ones to change society whether they were ready for it or not.

  14. 3 months ago

    >Batman fighting crime?
    >What the frick is this woke shit?

  15. 3 months ago

    But is Jean still as useless?


  16. 3 months ago

    the irony is that Mutants in the Marvel universe don't even remotely resemble human evolution at all like humans evolving from Neanderthals.
    Mutants are just the by-product of alien experimentation thousands of years ago, they're just humans with the superpowered metagene.
    Almost every human carries the recessive x-gene, only a tiny fraction of humans carry the active x-gene which awakens their power at puberty.
    Hell, even humans with the active x-gene (aka mutants) give birth to regular humans who are not guaranteed to carry the active x-gene.

    Mutants are no different from Inhumans who's active metagene is awakened by exposure to the Terragin Mist, nor are mutants any different from Mutates who's active metagene is awakened by some random energy exposure unique to that person.

    • 3 months ago

      Wait, I'm no comic buff, but is that implying ALL humans with superpowers in marvel are mutants, and their gay ass super DNA just activated with the random origin stories? Like, Spider-Man just had that DNA awakened by the spider bite?

      • 3 months ago

        way i see it, in the Marvel Universe, due to ancient alien tampering, all humans are carriers to some kind of metagene (whether it's the mutant kind/inhuman kind/ or mutate kind).
        the vast majority of humans carry the recessive metagene, while a small fraction carry the dominant metagene which can be activated.

        any human with the recessive metagene who got bit by a radioactive spider or locked in a radiation chamber will 100% die a horrible death and not become Spider-man or the Hulk.

        any human with the recessive metagene who got exposed to the Terragin Mist will 100% die a horrible death and not become an Inhuman.

      • 3 months ago

        That's 100% correct. They were involved in the same experiment that created the Deviants and the Eternals. Genuinely nothing separates mutants from mutates beyond opportunity and chance, and hell it used to be canon that the rise of mutants in modern day was cause the rise of nuclear power was collectively fricking with humanity's DNA

        sentinels, A LITERAL ROBOT WEAPON FOR RACE WARS, first appeared in x-men #14. in fricking 1965

        no, Lotor was treated like Kuvira. did everything right and then made villain for unproven off screen shit

        And I, Robot was published in 1950, long enough for "robots rebelling against their human masters" to become a well-worn cliche at that point.

        • 3 months ago

          sentinels were specifically built to hunt and kill mutants. that's a race war weapon. directly address what i said

          • 3 months ago

            No, you're fricking moronic

            • 3 months ago

              then i accept your surrender

              • 3 months ago

                Whatever makes you happy, skippy


                fascinating theory, but that just raises one more question...

                what happens when a mutant impregnates a mutate or inhuman?
                does the baby carry all three metagenes?
                Can all the metagenes be dominant or active? Or is only one metagene active? Is it randomly chosen?

                Case-by-case basis. Quicksilver and Crystal have a kid that is technically a mutant-inhuman hybrid, and Kamala Khan's also a weird inhuman-mutant hybrid, but in general the genetics express however they want to as some kind of genetic amalgamation. Marvel just wanted to make it confusing in recent years by implying inhuman genetics can interfere with the expression of the x-gene despite that not being a thing until now.

              • 3 months ago

                This is why i prefer DC's metagene theory for everything, makes things so much more simpler.

              • 3 months ago

                It's been ten years, anon. Quicksilver isn't a mutant, Luna isn't half-mutant.

              • 3 months ago

                Eh, give it another ten, we'll see what the latest retcon says by that point

              • 3 months ago

                Things are fine as they are, hopefully they learn to leave it alone before we end up with a Hawkman-tier stack of retcons.

        • 3 months ago

          I-robot wasn’t about robots rebelling against their human masters. The wil smith movie has to relation to the iRobot novel aside from having the three rules. Asimov was strictly against having robots fight and hurt humans in his work. His stories dealt more with the difficulty of robots and humans interacting with the three laws in place. Like one story has a robot assigned to figure out how to have hyperspace travel for humans. The problem is that hyperspace causes humans to no longer exist momentarily so that conflicts with the first law of robotics. Stuff like that.

    • 3 months ago

      way i see it, in the Marvel Universe, due to ancient alien tampering, all humans are carriers to some kind of metagene (whether it's the mutant kind/inhuman kind/ or mutate kind).
      the vast majority of humans carry the recessive metagene, while a small fraction carry the dominant metagene which can be activated.

      any human with the recessive metagene who got bit by a radioactive spider or locked in a radiation chamber will 100% die a horrible death and not become Spider-man or the Hulk.

      any human with the recessive metagene who got exposed to the Terragin Mist will 100% die a horrible death and not become an Inhuman.

      fascinating theory, but that just raises one more question...

      what happens when a mutant impregnates a mutate or inhuman?
      does the baby carry all three metagenes?
      Can all the metagenes be dominant or active? Or is only one metagene active? Is it randomly chosen?

    • 3 months ago

      Thats not actually true. Inhumans produce more inhumans. Mutates often produce children with the same powers. Hulk has little hulks. Spider-Man always has kids with Spider-Powers. And when they don't they do have kids with 'more' power like Franklin "Not a Mutant" Richards.
      Muties give birth to regular humans, kids with weird new powers and kids with feeble powers.
      Despite their claims about being homosexual Superior, of all the super-powered people, they seem to be the only ones who are not a race.

  17. 3 months ago

    X-men is literally a woke metaphor about racism. That’s what it always has been. The 90’s cartoon had pro-human kkk for christ’s sake.

  18. 3 months ago

    We get it, you guys really want to be the next Quartering, anyone upload the episodes yet?

  19. 3 months ago

    >be mutants
    >govern and enslave humanity for centuries, raping, torturing and even eating humans
    >humans fight back and win
    >mutants be like "HELP! I'M BEING GENOCIDED! IT'S NOT FAIR!"
    I will always be on the side of the human race, sorry if I don't feel bad for your supergods

  20. 3 months ago

    Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, why don't you go back to donate money to the former showrunner's OnlyFans

    • 3 months ago

      OP btfo'd

  21. 3 months ago

    If Africans could shoot lasers from their eyes, it would still be unreasonable NOT to exterminate them. The Sentinels are the true heroes.

  22. 3 months ago

    >Depowered storm so she's a normal frick like you or me
    >this is the most horrifying and cruel thing imaginable
    >To just be normal and be treated normally, having to take a bus instead of flying
    I know depowering is an old feature and storm's always had that take, but it really just makes me feel like they're power-hungry wannabe demi gods not poor widdle victims.

    • 3 months ago

      To be fair if I had the power to summon cool breezes on command and someone took it away I'd be pissed too

    • 3 months ago

      if you had storm's powers and then suddenly didn't you'd be pissed off too. Most mutants are straight up upgrades to being a regular human. It's like being able to run fast and jump high but one day you get monstar'd except more extreme

      • 3 months ago

        RIght, but that's just it for shitting on the sympathy. They come across like spoiled aristocratic brats who want to be homosexual sapien 2.0 and lord over us, not the poor and marginalized. Like I mentioned a sec ago Xmen start seeming a lot less like a 1939 israelite or 1955 Black and more like a WASP CEO of all things. Hell, there's even a kind of entitled-rapey undertone to Rogue with that doctor in the aforementioned episode that reminds me again of some good ol-boy caricature CEO.
        >I want something, you won't give it to me and for the crime of bigotry (against someone who could tear the hospital apart in her birth pangs) I'm just going to knock you unconscious, mind-rape you to get it, then have your nurses intimidated into obeying me lest they suffer my power too.
        It starts to all seem more like power fantasies of the dispossessed than people I should be sympathetic for.

    • 3 months ago

      Now take away Deadpool's mutations and see the issue he would literally die from cancer

    • 3 months ago

      Anon they are israelites.

      They are the chosen people who are better than all the normal humans. To take that away from them and turn them into a normal person is the worst possible thing for them.

      Just like how all new Muties they recruit they instill in them how amazing and special they are while at the same time they are victims of oppression somehow.

      • 3 months ago

        You can convert to Judaism

        • 3 months ago

          You can convert but the israelites who genuinely believe they are gods chosen people won't ever see you as being an equal to them. Magneto would never see a someone like Deadpool who was a normal human who was artificially grafted a mutant power as a real mutant.

          Ignoring all recent bullshit where they want to pull he was actually a mutant all along and had the X-gene.

        • 3 months ago

          Judaism is 80% ethnicity and 20% religion, this is why israelites who are completely non-practicing are still considered israelites. israelites will never consider converts 'real' israelites and they don't even actually want converts (Hence why they don't proselytize).

      • 3 months ago

        >how amazing and special they are while at the same time they are victims of oppression somehow.
        You can be physically superior and still an oppressed minority; just look at black people and their domination of physical sports

    • 3 months ago

      >it really just makes me feel like they're power-hungry wannabe demi gods not poor widdle victims

  23. 3 months ago

    Kirby created Black Panther bc he realized there weren’t any black superheroes and thought it was weird and should be fixed

  24. 3 months ago


    There's some irony in that, sure. Still sucks. I loved thinking about street level heroes like Iron Fist or Daredevil just had some wacky shit going on compared to all the Weapon X program blokes, or the irradiated monsters, the guys who show up on raw skill like Hawkeye. It was cool; lotta flavors. Now it's just "The Super Guys" and "The Gadget Guys". Painful reductionism.

    I wasn't alive in 1970, but you're getting pedantic mate. That data isn't common knowledge; anyone who learns that truth, at any point in time, is going to feel like it's a 'retcon' because it recontexctualized what we thought we knew about this world to begin with.

    hey guys i know, let's be reactionaries who use the word "woke" to describe changes that happened in the 1970s

    • 3 months ago

      Where is pic related from?

      • 3 months ago

        it's charlie brown characters killing off the monster from "It", which is a movie from the 1980s. i just saw it and downloaded it a few weeks ago because i thought it was funny and people like OP are the gibbering monster and they project their own mental illness on to others

    • 3 months ago

      It's literal race pandering. Woke is an appropriate description. Why can't woke shit from the 70s be woke? I don't remember reading that anywhere.

      Where is pic related from?

      A woke homosexual posted it on Cinemaphile 3 minutes ago.

      • 3 months ago

        >ermagerd being against apartheid is "pandering"

        have a nice day.

    • 3 months ago

      it's charlie brown characters killing off the monster from "It", which is a movie from the 1980s. i just saw it and downloaded it a few weeks ago because i thought it was funny and people like OP are the gibbering monster and they project their own mental illness on to others

      wait no it's called the thing, not "it"

  25. 3 months ago

    >1 hour and 23 minutes later.
    >Already 91 replies and still counting.

    Oh my god, when will you Cinemaphile idiots ever learn to stop falling for bullshit threads like this?
    No wonder why both Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile laughs behind your backs everyday.

    • 3 months ago

      Cinemaphile should be fricking nuked, it's useless

    • 3 months ago

      Fricking moron.

      Stop bumping this thread; it's a waste of time.

      Troons screeching to shut up the just criticism of x-men woke washing, love to see it

  26. 3 months ago

    >Stan Lee is rolling in his grave
    implying he wouldn't be pleased

    • 3 months ago

      Stan Lee hated homosexuals and lesbians

  27. 3 months ago

    >Stan Lee
    Stan Lee's version of the X-Men hasn't existed in about 60 years.

    • 3 months ago

      He was already salty when Claremont version became the default.

      • 3 months ago

        Still without Stan Lee they woud be no X-Men at all.

  28. 3 months ago

    Fricking moron.

    • 3 months ago

      Stop bumping this thread; it's a waste of time.

  29. 3 months ago

    they turned the X-men into KINO, the show is amazing

  30. 3 months ago

    Stan Lee is on video saying the race allegory was never the intention. I've collected Xmen since the clairmont era in the 80s and the racism comparison was never even a thing until zoomer homosexuals started watching TAS. Stan created the Xmen out of laziness. He admits he essentially broke superman's powers broken down into 4 other people.

    • 3 months ago

      >racism comparison was never even a thing

      • 3 months ago

        >three fingers
        >three toes
        >blue skin
        I mean, Stryker's got a point, calling Nightcrawler "human" is just plain fricking wrong

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          Physically mutated and deformed people are a thin irl

          • 3 months ago

            >Physically mutated and deformed people
            > people

            • 3 months ago

              >Conservative anon accidentally mask-off again

              • 3 months ago

                > accidentally

    • 3 months ago

      go back to your podcast

      >superman's powers
      which one in the original five has speed and which one can resist bullets then?

  31. 3 months ago

    >Stan Lee is rolling in his grave.
    No he's not, Stan Lee was exactly the kind of person who you'd call "woke", lol

  32. 3 months ago


    >If it majws yiu feel better
    Angry, emotion posting with a side of racism. Calm down, boy.

  33. 3 months ago

    can you Black folk stop baiting and just post some goddamn cyke webms

    • 3 months ago

      fine. Behold!

    • 3 months ago

      just watch the first episode, its short and Scott is a fricking badass the whole time, episode 1 is Cyke's fanservice

      • 3 months ago

        Bros, will the cartoon finally undo the years of cucking the movies did to our boy?

  34. 3 months ago


    Calm down and concentrate on your posts, you're making a mockery of yourself

    • 3 months ago

      Shalom! Hold that M, it'll ceme in handy later.

  35. 3 months ago

    I feel like the metaphor is a bad one. When you have mutants that can run around altering reality on a whim, lifting cities with their mind, or shooting uncontrollable eye beams that can level buildings and vaporize people, then the average person is completely warranted being worried.

  36. 3 months ago

    I understand that you are trolling. I do not care.

  37. 3 months ago

    Why am I not seeing any gifs of this show? It looks so ugly 3D. Are the astroturfers afraid to show it in motion?

  38. 3 months ago
  39. 3 months ago
  40. 3 months ago
  41. 3 months ago
  42. 3 months ago
  43. 3 months ago
  44. 3 months ago
  45. 3 months ago
  46. 3 months ago
  47. 3 months ago
  48. 3 months ago
  49. 3 months ago
  50. 3 months ago
  51. 3 months ago

    its pretty damn hot how Jeane is pregnant

  52. 3 months ago
  53. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      sentinels prevailing over all of the marvel heroes, and villains by extension, never made any sense

  54. 3 months ago
  55. 3 months ago
  56. 3 months ago

    You know the only thing I found out about these episodes today was that Magneto was, and always has been a hypocrite. He blames the UN judges for what happened to Storm, when all they did was give him a trial, and when Storm got hit by that villain, he says it's their fault when actually the villain was trying to hit him... I'm pretty sure it can be said that Storm wasn't just a victim of Anti-Mutant bigots, but a victim of Magneto as well.

    • 3 months ago

      The allegories make no sense in this show. The scene with Storm wondering what it's like to be human was kind of ridiculous when she is 100% human passing.

      • 3 months ago

        TBF, externally you're right, if she pretended to be human nobody would ever bother her. Internally however the constant grip of control she has to have on her powers and the extrasensory perception it provides her means her personal lived experience is probably different from ours.

        Like, neither you nor I knows what it feels like to feel sad but have to temper that sadness because it could bleed into a flash flood and kill dozens of people.

        • 3 months ago

          What you’re exhibiting here is typical inability to empathise and understand other people’s perspectives. She is a mutant who knows her entire existence is under a threat from killer robots on a regular basis. Every day she wakes up she wakes up to a world where people want to murder her simply for having a gene. Her actions and personality doesn’t matter. Just having a gene is enough to be hated and feared. That is the baggage she has to deal with everyday. “Pretending to be human” because she physically doesn’t show signs of a mutant doesn’t change anything about it. If anything hiding would just increase anxiety and fear because you’d worry about being caught and exposed as a mutant. A normal human doesn’t think of worry about such things.

          It would be more sympathetic if her fans (and eventually herself thanks to the fanboys writing her) didn’t immediately parley that sentiment into basically bragging about how she’s a goddess who is so super powerful to not instantly destroy everything in a five mile radius whenever she felt like it. Like, as lovely as a lady that Storm normally is, she has a very strong if somewhat justified hubris and unintended tendency to downplay others’ capabilities compared to herself, and people rarely ever call her out on it cause strong independent X-men veteran lol. So it’s not exactly the heartwarming plea for common ground it seems on the surface.

      • 3 months ago

        What you’re exhibiting here is typical inability to empathise and understand other people’s perspectives. She is a mutant who knows her entire existence is under a threat from killer robots on a regular basis. Every day she wakes up she wakes up to a world where people want to murder her simply for having a gene. Her actions and personality doesn’t matter. Just having a gene is enough to be hated and feared. That is the baggage she has to deal with everyday. “Pretending to be human” because she physically doesn’t show signs of a mutant doesn’t change anything about it. If anything hiding would just increase anxiety and fear because you’d worry about being caught and exposed as a mutant. A normal human doesn’t think of worry about such things.

  57. 3 months ago
  58. 3 months ago
  59. 3 months ago
  60. 3 months ago
  61. 3 months ago

    It's funny how the chuds keeps screeching about it but it keeps happening more and more. Feels good to be on the winning side of history

    • 3 months ago

      I know half the thread is bait, but keep that shit in pol where it belongs.

  62. 3 months ago
  63. 3 months ago

    The quartering and his similar band of morons are acting like the x-men were attacked by the FoH just for playful laughs. I don't know if stan lee never meant for the x-men to be a civil rights allegory but lee wasn't the only person to contribute to the x-men's success. Like it or not the mutants struggle for acceptance can be compared to a lot of historical wrongs so yellowflash, quartering, midnight's edge and the rest of their fellow morons need to pull their heads out of their asses and remember what they watched back in the 90s, it wasn't just the shiar and apocalypse..

  64. 3 months ago
  65. 3 months ago
  66. 3 months ago
  67. 3 months ago

    >people who can't tell the difference between the trump family guy episode and citizen kane talk about politics

  68. 3 months ago
  69. 3 months ago
  70. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      That's from a story so bad it basically killed the X-Men comics.

  71. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >you sound exactly like adolf hitler!
      >lets magneto join later
      >rightclops leads straight to krakoa

  72. 3 months ago
  73. 3 months ago

    And just for fun, I read Uncanny X-Men #1 from 1963 real quick.

    • 3 months ago


  74. 3 months ago

    Goddammit quit bumping this shit thread you poltards.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Nobody cares about your hissy fits

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          I care anon. I love everyone. Even people who don't like skub.

  75. 3 months ago

    >weapons that depower mutants
    >Magneto x Rougue
    >Jean gray clones
    They are taking all the worst ideas of the franchise and making a mini-series about it.

  76. 3 months ago
  77. 3 months ago

    I haven't kept up with the X-Men comics and most of my X-Men knowledge comes from the 90s and early-00s. But this image I found to me represents what the X-Men are supposed to strive for as a super hero team, fighting for rights of all men and working towards a unity society despite having genetic defects that make them different from the rest of humanity and possible dangers.

    It's the one image I think Marvel should keep up everytime they try to discuss what is the X-Men because the core of it is X-Men.

    • 3 months ago

      >the "M" word
      it's become so stupid it's funny

  78. 3 months ago

    Ian McKellan ruined Magneto, I can only see him as a predatory homo

    • 3 months ago

      >can't enjoy X-Men
      >can't enjoy Batman
      >can't enjoy Star Trek
      Guess you'll have to have a nice day.

  79. 3 months ago

    I just remember WW Hulk, where he attacked the X-mansion to get Xavier and then left after beating all the X-men. Because of racism

  80. 3 months ago

    Charles and Erik are literally based on Dr King and Malcom X

    • 3 months ago

      He's said he has and that he hasn't on different occasions. homie was full of it. The X-Men are a racism allegory but they weren't specifically based on those two. Even Claremont said he based them more on David Ben Gurion and Menachem Begin.

  81. 3 months ago

    >Be gay homie
    >But also be pretty talented and redpilled gay nigg
    >Want to make The Witcher be good adaptation
    >Get fired by the bunch of angry femoids who want to make the show about Yennefer
    >Want to make X-Men 97 great, with cool Cyke and shit (actually managed to make it great)
    >Have to deal with the bunch of an actual mentally ill femoids, homosexuals, trannies who try to undermine your ideas
    >Shout at them so they did their fricking job and stick to the plan
    >Get fired again for 'Being butthole to work with"

    Was Beau DeMayo unironically the /our guy/? I kinda feel bad for this poor lad. Imagine being a gay who just genuinely wants to make a good project against the flow of trannies and femoids at work.

    • 3 months ago

      I would subscribe to his OF just because of how good the series is so far.

  82. 3 months ago

    >Blinded by nostalgia.

  83. 3 months ago

    Stan Lee changes his story and the civil rights aspect is something he openly admitted was something you "could see it like". It is retroactive on his part.
    >Stan's main assertion is: "coming up with origins is tough so I made mutants".
    >Mutants were "children of the atom" with the implication it was radiation.
    >Magneto was mutant Hitler more or less.
    >X-Men even worked with the government.
    >Being hated and feared was more or less used in every Marvel book and Marvel reused ideas all the time. (Spider-Man/Hulk had misunderstandings all the time. FF/Avengers had PR issues.)

    >Claremont really pushed the racial allegory.
    >Kitty said "Black person" a bunch of times to push it home.
    >Magneto's backstory changed to israeli and Holocaust survivor.
    >God Loves, Man Kills, is the pinnacle of X-allegory.
    >Allegory for race.

    >People started adding in other allegory.
    >Legacy virus = HIV/AIDS.
    >Iceman had that issue seeing his parents where Rogue seems like his "beard" (slang for gay man using a woman to appear straight). Bryan Singer even used this shit as inspiration for his "have you tried not being a mutant" thing in X2.
    >Morrison begins the era more or "we're here, we're mutants and proud" in moving with the times. Loads of other stuff gets thrown around, like in X-Statix mutants are "cool".

    >Modern era it gets battled over so fricking much that none of it makes sense.
    >One minute you are getting on an island (Utopia) and segregating yourself.
    >Next minute you're fighting Inhumans trying to genocide you.
    >Or going full on dictator with Phoenix force.
    >Then eventually you're back on the island again (Krakoa).

    • 3 months ago

      >One minute you are getting on an island (Utopia) and segregating yourself.
      They were going “extinct” and thought safety in numbers and being together made sense. Also, they didn’t segregate themselves, a major aspect of the Utopia era was them being part of San Francisco, interacting with the city and working with the local government. They just lived on an island slightly off the coastline of the city.
      >Next minute you're fighting Inhumans trying to genocide you.
      And this doesn’t make sense how? It was a dumb retread of being endangered and verge of extinction, now because of a toxic cloud.
      >Or going full on dictator with Phoenix force.
      Phoenix Five were possessed by a higher entity, were kinda depicted as bad guys with good intentions overwhelmed by the power they were channeling.
      >Then eventually you're back on the island again
      The only time they tried to form an actual ethnostate, largely painted as a train wreck in the making, and it was later shown to be due to influence by Moira McTaggert who ends up turning out to be a villain manipulating the X-men. Even then it was pitched as a survival effort to make a sovereign mutant nation that is the sole source of highly necessary effective medicine that would thus make continued mutant existence too important to be genocided by humans. But humans still want to murder them because duh, bigots gonna bigot.

      Like, a lot of the post-House of M stuff is dumb, some even bad, but that’s due to editorial making mandates that frick over the franchise and writers trying to figure out wtf can you do with the forced status quo that isn’t allowed to be reversed.

      • 3 months ago

        Cyke spazzes out when the mayor mentions that she's worried that her citizens will be harmed between their fight with Bastion, threatens her, and tells her that he's spying on her.

  84. 3 months ago

    Why is Jean holding her stomach like she's-oh no bros.....who's the father??????

  85. 3 months ago

    >blatant bait
    >242 replies
    Good job

  86. 3 months ago

    The racism/homophobia allegory is so narratively flawed it's hard to comprehend. Claremont toyed with the idea from time to time but if you embrace it the whole thing falls flat.
    >Mutantship is an allegory to PoC races
    1)Bubble blowing kid/ walking death dichotomy aside, the fear of mutants is semi-justified due to their potentially deadly powers. Comparing being born-nonwhite to having power to kill everything you touch is pretty funny to be honest.
    2) if mutantship is a race, what about human races.
    I quite often see the argument that x-mean are too white, and frankly it's true. Out of the most popular members only Storm, Jubilee and psylocke are truly well known.
    >inb4 beast and nightcrawler
    White coded

    The essense of the racial metaphor is that you are using white people with dangerous powers to tell black stories, which is funny.

    >Mutantdom is an allegory to queer stuff

    The metaphor falls apart too since most of the x-men members are straight and you are using straight people to tell gay stories. Hell, iceman got his whole character rewritten when he was retconned to be gay, a tragic character assassination, really.
    The potential presense of a gay black mutant leads to discussion of the third option - being mutant is something else entirely, a minority classification that doesn't exist in real world.
    Then why would you use existing minority struggles for said narrative, while regular minority struggles are already possible among mutants. Why being a mutant is the same thing as being gay or black whne mutants can be gay or black? Shouldn't the approach to mutant discrimination be completely different then?
    The ONE way to make the narrative work thematically is to make every single character PoC or queer, altering the core cast such as Wolverine, Cyclops, Colossus, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler and beast too (those two are straight and white (blue)).
    But the result would look nothing alike like the popular X-men team everyone knows amd sometimes loves

    • 3 months ago

      >well it’s okay to be afraid

      Except you’re just not being afraid, you act completely paranoid and want to commit genocidal on anyone you think is different. 99.99% of mutants also don’t kill entire cities and just want to live their lives. You’re essentially just buying 110% to the George Bush era mentality where any inkling of fear justifies doing whatever hell you want to “feel secure” which is not intelligent or just because essentially you’re just trying to rationalise oppression/massacre of other people you don’t like/who you find scary.

      • 3 months ago

        Way to brush off the rest of the wall of text.
        Irregardless, mutant hatedom is infinitely more justified in-universe then regular racism whoch makes the racism metaphor fall apart

        • 3 months ago

          Blaming and advocating millions of mutants to be murdered because handful of bad ones is not justified. It’s irrational hate.

          • 3 months ago

            This thread is full of lwftists false flaging.

            Nta You are doing that stupid leftist tactic of saying that all that your oponents want to do is murder who they don't like.

            Curing them is actually a good option that has been brought up.

            • 3 months ago

              That’s exactly what mutant hatred is like.

              >We have to forcefully sterilise people’s genes to feel safe

              Nothing but more empty fear based authoritarian bigotry

          • 3 months ago

            >the fear of mutants is semi-justified due to their potentially deadly powers = Blaming and advocating millions of mutants to be murdered because handful of bad ones
            Smartest radmutie shill.
            >handful of bad ones
            Provide statistics

            • 3 months ago

              Found the FOH member.

          • 3 months ago

            Much as the drive to outright murder a bunch of people for a genetic condition they've had since puberty is clearly unconscionable, the fear of those handful of bad ones is definitely that deep, considering the level of utter devastation that those handful can cause just by themselves. Magneto by himself once EMP'd the entire planet, causing stated thousands and implied millions of deaths from the fallout alone. Xavier has made the official statement that he's outright brainwashed the heads of state of every nation on Earth with nuclear arms to only launch them upon his command. More than a handful of mutants are not only capable of warping reality with just their minds on a massive scale, those particular mutants are also psychologically screwed up to the point that one intense nightmare could have them be the epicenter of a reality-destroying lashing out. And then you have the omega level mutants, the psychics who routinely violate people's mental privacy and tinker with their personalities to do whatever they like, you have Storm who could outright tsunami the frick out of every nation on Earth if she had a temper tantrum, you have actual necromancers and sorceresses working with the X-men, you have people who can call on the assistance of one of the most destructive primal forces in the universe when it's feeling peckish known as the Phoenix Force, you have goddamn Wolverine...and it just foes on and fricking on.

            Like, legit, the X-men have not done a good job of properly addressing WHY people shouldn't be afraid of mutants in light of the fact that they've basically got extremely temperamental and rather prejudiced demigods on their side. I know that the story says the majority of mutants don't have those levels of powers, but the story of X-men really isn't about those guys, is it? It's about the guys who could outright wink their whole reality out of existence if they tried, and I'd say they legit are THAT terrifying enough to warrant the fear.

            • 3 months ago

              >Like, legit, the X-men have not done a good job of properly addressing WHY people shouldn't be afraid of mutants in light of the fact that they've basically got extremely temperamental and rather prejudiced demigods on their side.

              Yet somehow this isn’t ever a problem with non-mutant heroes. And the X-men are at this point very public entities who have saved people and the world multiple times over. They have liaisoned with the government. They have made their own nation and removed themselves from other countries to make it less scary. They publicly are against mutants abusing their powers. X-men members have been Avengers. They have provided incredible medicine to the world. At this point you have to ask what else can they do to prove mutants aren’t just out to kill humans or any moment a disaster will be struck because of a mutant when other superhuman beings cause catastrophic events all the time.

              >It's about the guys who could outright wink their whole reality out of existence if they tried, and I'd say they legit are THAT terrifying enough to warrant the fear.

              Yeah but that’s what you, the reader, is exposed to. Because it’s more dramatic. Normal 616 people don’t see that most of the time. They don’t think about that because non-mutants similarly do that shit all the time as well and there are no giant movements to kill all superpowered people.

              • 3 months ago

                >Yet somehow this isn’t ever a problem with non-mutant heroes.
                Most non-mutant heroes don't throw tantrums or get snitty or passive-aggressive when facing the public and at least try to be held accountable for their actions to some extent, mutants feel like they don't have to answer to anyone, yet feel everybody owes them a favor, or else.

              • 3 months ago

                >Yet somehow this isn’t ever a problem with non-mutant heroes
                Actually, it is. It's why the US Government has an entire army division to hunt down and monitor the Hulk. It's why Civil War was ever a thing to begin with. It's why Canada is such a totalitarian shithole to both mutants and non-mutant superheroes. Even before then, the Avengers were regularly dealing with liaisons from the government to ensure they didn't have any seditious thoughts, SHIELD positioned itself as an international force just to keep the UN from demanding their dismantling, and it's why they created SWORD to deal with all the alien invasion bullshit. Hell, it's not like the non-mutant timebombs are all that safe from their peers either. Remember how they shot Hulk into space cause everyone eventually got totally sick of his problems? Or how the X-men and Avengers had a genuine debate on whether to outright execute the Scarlet Witch after she went fricking insane in Avengers Disassembled? Hell, they founded an entire school to ensure a bunch of teen metahumans wouldn't grow up to be supervillains, it's called Avengers Academy.

                >and there are no giant movements to kill all superpowered people.
                People's approval ratings of Tony Stark during Civil War outright leaped heads and bounds once they found out he was sending them all to an interdimensional gitmo. I think that's pretty indicative of how easy it'd be to set up a movement to have all capes killed.

                >ask what else can they do to prove mutants aren’t just out to kill humans or any moment a disaster will be struck because of a mutant
                Put Magneto in fricking gay baby jail for life. Along all the other mutant terrorist twats that regularly murdered people without remorse. I don't give a shit what sob story Selene or Apocalypse has this week, palling around with them would taint literally anyone's image just by associating with them, even fricking Captain America's.

              • 3 months ago

                B-But the Avengers forgave Black Widow and Hawkeye so it's ok when the X-Men constantly forgive Magneto, Emma, Gorgon, Apocalypse, and Selene!!

              • 3 months ago

                >It's why the US Government has an entire army division to hunt down and monitor the Hulk.

                But humans are out to murder all the gamma irradiated people. Mostly the army etc. want to capture and exploit them.

                >It's why Civil War was ever a thing to begin with.

                Rare instance which only lead to superhero registration act that has since been gotten rid of. Meanwhile Mutants were forced to register earlier and has never been repealed.

                >It's why Canada is such a totalitarian shithole to both mutants and non-mutant superheroes.

                Now this is actually something with actual weight behind it but the reason for this is that writers are lazy and Canada is a convenient way to write about authoritarian and fascists governments without bringing it home.

              • 3 months ago

                The Superhero Registration Act and the fact Canada is a totalitarian shithole is honestly one of the things that makes me remember how I'm generally disappointed that we only rarely ever see how superhumans are viewed across the globe, not just in the US. I know that until the X-men decided to make a moronic Brexit analogy that the UK treated its superheroes like celebrities barring the occasional intercession with a fascist regime alternate dimension, that Russia basically conscripts all its superheroes into the armed forces if possible, and that apparently the general Asian area also treats them like celebrities when they're not all hiding out in secret ancient organizations away from the CCP's eyes, but aside from that we really have no goddamn idea if America being schizophrenic about their capes is that popular an opinion worldwide or not.

                And I do admit that I always found it a wasted opportunity nobody's tackled the Mutant Registration act after the one time it was ever brought up. I know Reed outright cited it when he was trying to shoot down a prototype of the Superhuman Registration Act, but you'd think that someone far more savvy would have been challenging its constitutionality well before Krakoa was ever introduced.

              • 3 months ago

                Even if we pretend that the US government has any record in the last hundred years of giving a single frick about the constitution, you're expecting too much from writers who most likely unironically believe moronic things like "the first amendment doesn't protect hate speech!" or "uh, the second amendment ackshually only applies to the military and says we're supposed to regulate guns because it used the terms well-regulated and militia in a sentence I neither read nor understood"

              • 3 months ago

                Hence my general disappointment. Though I get that's on me for having expectations for the people writing cape comics nowadays.

              • 3 months ago

                >publicly are against mutants abusing their powers
                "Every mutant gets a fresh start on Krakoa, including those who have raped, slaughtered, and have attempted genocide numerous times. If they violate one of our laws and kill one of you flatscans, they will be tried by us, not by any of you because you are biased and we are 100% unbiased, just look at who's running our government body! You will also get no proof that mutants who have violated and harmed you have been tried and held accountable, you'll just have to take us on our word."

    • 3 months ago

      Post more pictures.

    • 3 months ago

      >Bubble blowing kid/ walking death dichotomy aside, the fear of mutants is semi-justified due to their potentially deadly powers.

      I mean, if mutants are covering a lot of real world marginalized groups, I don't see why those with mental disorders can't be included. Particular those with disorders that may cause them to act violently, and thus justify keeping them institutionalized, taking away their rights, or worse in some cases.

  87. 3 months ago

    Why is the voice acting so bad

  88. 3 months ago

    Why the hell this thread has 250+ replies? What the frick is wrong you homosexuals?

  89. 3 months ago


  90. 3 months ago

    CHAD Lee would've never allowed for this garbage.


  91. 3 months ago
  92. 3 months ago

    Anyone who thinks sublime isn't the only logocal explanation for in-universe mutant hatred is not worth talking to

  93. 3 months ago

    X-Men was used for that even during the 90s TAS. Stan Lee even said so himself.

  94. 3 months ago

    Controversial opinion: I do think there's a lot of trolling going on with the whole "they made xmen woke noooo" thing but I do really believe that 10% of any given audience will not notice what the politics of any given show is because they're too wrapped up in the spectacle. And then one day someone pops their bubble and they just think the politics came out of nowhere when the rest of the 90% of us see it as obvious.

    10% of the audience, and a vocal minority on social media creates a false sense of how big they actually are.

    • 3 months ago

      Semi true but it doesn't account for the valid criticism of progressive politics being abrasive and hyper exaggerated over the past couple of years.

  95. 3 months ago

    Races will always mix

  96. 3 months ago

    god I'm so sick of what Cinemaphile become after 2016. we used to actually watch cartoons and read comics here instead of just an endless shitpile the most obvious low effort rage and bait threads

  97. 3 months ago

    Gay people will always exist

  98. 3 months ago

    So, is this any good?

    • 3 months ago

      Looks to be okay. First two episodes are a retread of a couple of 80s X-men comics, which were when they were still good, so if you can get past the slow movement it'll do you fine.

    • 3 months ago

      Animation leaves a bit to be desired, and a lot happens during the second episode to the point of feeling a little rushed. Other than that I thought it was pretty cool.

  99. 3 months ago

    All religions will always think they are right

  100. 3 months ago

    Everyone will always be equal

  101. 3 months ago

    All republicans are traitors

  102. 3 months ago

    Humans are animals

  103. 3 months ago

    Races will always mix

  104. 3 months ago

    The dialogue is extremely cringe. Jubilee is fricking cute though.

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