they're all stuck in a battlefield, winner gets to go home, goal is to kill the others to be sent home, who wins

they're all stuck in a battlefield, winner gets to go home, goal is to kill the others to be sent home, who wins

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    Nightshiftanon core

    • 3 months ago

      This isn't the thread you tard.

      • 3 months ago

        Where is the thread then

        • 3 months ago

          We just had one and you can discuss it on the board. No need to make one for every occasion.

  3. 3 months ago

    your mom

    • 3 months ago

      frick, how would she win?

  4. 3 months ago

    Aku. None of the others have the correct spirituality to kill him.

  5. 3 months ago

    Aku requires a very specific weapon to kill. Everyone else doesn't have it.

    • 3 months ago

      Aku. None of the others have the correct spirituality to kill him.

      >Aku requires a very specific weapon to kill
      The Holy Sword weakness only applies within the context of Samurai Jack's setting
      He has felt pain from conventional force and hasn't displayed resistance to potential other methods of sealing or even mindrape
      His reality does not compare to something like Bill

      • 3 months ago

        The OP requires him to be killed thoughever and not sealed or mindraped
        So howeverbeit you want to slice it Aku is likely going to win based off of that alone.

      • 3 months ago

        The sword is merely a tool to channel the bearer's soul. None of the beings in OP have the goodness and nobility required to kill Aku.

      • 3 months ago

        Aku in canon is a piece of the manifestation of evil in the universe.

        The gods of that universe tried to kill it, but a piece scaped, I suppose in allegory to evil never truly dying

        they're all stuck in a battlefield, winner gets to go home, goal is to kill the others to be sent home, who wins

        That said, going over the other, Bill could possibly? I don't know, that is a god too. Also, the Denture thing from Digital Circus is not a god like being, it's obviously going to be powerful in a computer program in which it works as the admin, but otherwise is less of a treat than a normal person. If this character were just avatars in a game that he is mod of, the he will win, otherwise no.

        All the others players might be able to do some shit, but without limitless time and materials I don't see how they could defeat god like beings.

        • 3 months ago

          god is just a title and even then not all gods are made equal

          • 3 months ago

            Yes, except in worlds specifically designed so that is not the case. For example, in Samurai Jack gods are mystical and create life and can do whatever the frick they want or feel like doing.
            Bill similarly can change reality however he wants it, and is limited by rules that would not be present in the given premise.

    • 3 months ago

      >Rick teleports to a reality where it has the sword to kill Aku
      >comes back
      >kills Aku
      You can't say he left the arena cause he technically didn't go home

      • 3 months ago

        The sword is merely a tool to channel the bearer's soul. None of the beings in OP have the goodness and nobility required to kill Aku.

        Thoughevebeit this anon is correct. Rick lacks the innate nobility.

    • 3 months ago

      Bill shaping reality should be able to work around that.

      • 3 months ago

        Bill has limitations, Warden of Superjail doesn’t, excepting that if he dies/is defeated in a funny way since Toon Force.

    • 3 months ago

      No, the sword just happened to fulfill the critera to frick him up. Aku has gotten btfo by others before like the low tier elemental deity guardians

    • 3 months ago

      Rick could kill him easy. Access to multiversal travel he could just go grab one of those swords or make one himself.

  6. 3 months ago

    The one you're not allowed to post on this board

  7. 3 months ago

    Ringleader and Bill destroy themselves.
    Alastor gets eaten by Aku.
    Rick cant kill the Warden, who goes home anyway.
    Aku and Rick frick.
    The end.

  8. 3 months ago

    Its always Aku.

  9. 3 months ago

    >all team up to frick fraudlastor to death

  10. 3 months ago

    Including Aku here was a mistake because he's from a nostalgc millenial cartoon so people will over backwards to justify why he'd win, as is happening ITT

    • 3 months ago

      >can't argue facts
      >pretends to be a new poster complaining about MUH NUSTELGAE instead

      • 3 months ago

        Fact is you have an obvious bias. I can read your mind so I know it's true.

      • 3 months ago

        >made thread asking who would win
        >includes character who literally cannot lose to any of the others
        >doesn’t like when people point this out
        >vagueposts rather than responding directly
        Who were you rooting for? Explain why you think he wins.

        How can Aku kill Bill?

        • 3 months ago

          No idea. It looks like OP was an idiot who set up a fight that can only end in a draw.

    • 3 months ago

      >made thread asking who would win
      >includes character who literally cannot lose to any of the others
      >doesn’t like when people point this out
      >vagueposts rather than responding directly
      Who were you rooting for? Explain why you think he wins.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm rooting for Discord. I think saying Aku can only be hurt by the sword is cope when he was clearly hurt by other things in the show.

        • 3 months ago

          >I think saying Aku can only be hurt by the sword is cope when he was clearly hurt by other things in the show.
          Hurt isn't killed, OP.

          • 3 months ago

            If I was OP I wouldn't add Aku so that you wouldn't come here coping.

          • 3 months ago

            >Aku "gotta die by sword lol" is overrated

            >pick fighter who can only be killed by one thing
            >pick no fighters with that one thing
            >shit self when non-morons point this out
            The only thing more eternal than Aku's unspeakable evil is OP's homosexualry.

            Reminder that it's not nostalgia bias to think someone will win in a fight to the death when they literally can't die to any of the others. This OP fricked up their battlefield when they added aku

        • 3 months ago

          Discord isn’t in the OP, silly horsefricker.

          • 3 months ago

            But he would still win.

            • 3 months ago

              >Winning by not participating.
              Clever play.

        • 3 months ago

          Aku can be made to feel pain through supernatural means, yes, but only the magic sword empowered by a pure soul can actually do meaningful damage and destroy him. The condition for victory is to kill everyone else. None of the characters in the list are able to kill Aku.

  11. 3 months ago

    Alastor lmao, Aku "gotta die by sword lol" is overrated, Caine is a computer program, Warden is funny but not the strongest here, and Rick has straight up died to getting impaled on a rock after a crash

    Bill would probably win just because nobody else here actually has a way to kill him if he's at full power

    • 3 months ago

      >Aku "gotta die by sword lol" is overrated

      >pick fighter who can only be killed by one thing
      >pick no fighters with that one thing
      >shit self when non-morons point this out
      The only thing more eternal than Aku's unspeakable evil is OP's homosexualry.

      • 3 months ago

        >gods clearly killing the darkness Aku was born from in huge chunks
        >Aku got his shit rocked by a water goddess on Earth
        >"only the sword will work trust me"
        there's being ignorant and then there's being blatantly disingenuous, if Bill can blast a Time God out of existence with one finger while he's still restricted by a barrier what in the frick is Aku gonna do to him? At best they just end up in a stalemate and at worst Bill has shown up in completely different series' before so it's not impossible for him to just summon the sword or Jack himself because the rules only state the combatants can't leave, not that they can't bring stuff in

        • 3 months ago


          If Aku was sucked in a black hole, do you really think he'd be able to regenerate from that?

  12. 3 months ago

    Reminder that it's not nostalgia bias to think someone will win in a fight to the death when they literally can't die to any of the others. This OP fricked up their battlefield when they added aku

  13. 3 months ago

    Can't Bill just spawn in a holy sword to wipe out Aku? He probably wins this one

  14. 3 months ago

    Bill or Aku.
    Those two are a "Unstopable Force Vs. Imovable Object" scenerio.

    Bill is far and above more powerful but was able to be killed with a basic sci-fi weapon. Aku isn't half as powerful and omniscient as Bill but has a single weakness that Bill can't make use of.

    A fight between the two would end with them both being frustrated and deciding to call a "truth" where they both try to instead find and manipulate someone else to do their dirty work.

  15. 3 months ago

    Aku wins unless Rick invents some bullshit tech to create a weapon with the properties of Jack's sword. Cane can't do shit beyond the digital circus, and the Warden has pretty normal durability so he can't do much unless he can utilize Superjail's wacky technology. Bill is pretty hard to kill too, can probably kill Alastor, but I feel like Rick or Aku would just destroy both of them

  16. 3 months ago

    I mean. If Bill is at full power he easily wins. As other anons have pointed out the issue is whether or not he can kill Aku. Can Bill just make a holy sword with his reality warping abilities?
    The dark horse is of course Rick. Depending on preptime and marysueness he could either trick Bill into defeat or invent some sort of gizmo for the job.

  17. 3 months ago

    Caine obviously loses, he's only powered within a specific computer program. Someone just unplugs the computer, EZ
    Warden would be easy enough to dispatch considering his narcissism, something Bill is known to capitalize on pretty easily.
    I havent seen the Verbalase show, but I did hear that he got his ass beat by Adam at some point or something so Im just gonna assume that he can get killed by any of the big three here, those being Rick, Aku or Bill
    Rick is a strong foe, but unless Bill hops into his head like a moron ala the end of Gravity Falls, he probably doesnt have a way to fully kill either Aku or Bill. Ultimately he IS just a human, so he'd die eventually.
    The real question is Bill Cipher vs Aku, and quite frankly Bill Cipher cannot kill Aku since he lacks the sword or a soul of pure good. Considering Bill's nature, he'd probably hop into Aku's head at some point, and if some smelly grunkle can beat him there then the embodiment of evil can probably come up with something too. That having been said, I'd say the fight relies entirely on if Bill hops into people's heads or not, and if he doesn't its a draw between Aku and Bill since they wouldn't be able to fully kill one another.

    • 3 months ago

      >since he lacks the sword or a soul of pure good
      If Aku can beaten through conventional force, there's nothing stopping Bill from enacting powers Aku has shown zero resistances to

      • 3 months ago

        But Bill himself was beaten via a conventional force. I think people have forgotten too often that Bill was killed by one of the most common low/mid tier sci-fi weapons.

        Not to say Bill wouldnt win but he really isn't as indestructible as people meme him.

      • 3 months ago

        Sure, and in theory Bill Cipher hasn't shown resistance to dying to oatmilk, throwing out random shit that a participant may or may not be weak against means nothing.

        >gods clearly killing the darkness Aku was born from in huge chunks
        >Aku got his shit rocked by a water goddess on Earth
        >"only the sword will work trust me"
        there's being ignorant and then there's being blatantly disingenuous, if Bill can blast a Time God out of existence with one finger while he's still restricted by a barrier what in the frick is Aku gonna do to him? At best they just end up in a stalemate and at worst Bill has shown up in completely different series' before so it's not impossible for him to just summon the sword or Jack himself because the rules only state the combatants can't leave, not that they can't bring stuff in

        THIS anon has a great point though, there's nothing saying that Bill can't just pull Jack at full strength in while he hampers Aku, and I hadn't even considered that. As that would fulfill the requirements I'm actually starting to lean towards Bill's winning this, as considering how full of himself Aku is he'd probably brag about only being able to be killed by that one sword, cut to Bill pulling Jack out of his tiny top hat sword and all.

        • 3 months ago

          Keep in mind that Bill can shape reality as he wants, he might aswell turn Aku into a tree again.

          • 3 months ago

            But not kill him. Which is the victory condition.

          • 3 months ago

            The whole "Bill can do anything, he's God" excuse is starting to piss me off cause if he really is so powerful then how and why died like such a b***h.

            This isn't a Bill specific problem, this sorta stuff bugs me with every God like character in fiction. Logic dictates these characters are unbeatable but narrative dictates they must arbitrarily lose for the purpose of a satisfying story.

            • 3 months ago

              The thing is that Bill was written as pretty much unbeatable unless he goes into people's minds and then he goes into somebody's mind because it's a kids show and the good guys have to win.
              Although, didn't Ford have a gun that could physically harm bill? If you shoot that into his eye, wouldn't he die?

              • 3 months ago

                The gun that blows a hole in his hat is somewhat depending if Ford thought it would work, KNEW it would work or hoped it works while Bill had just arrived.

                Anyones guess really.

              • 3 months ago

                The plan with the gun was to knock him back through the portal with it. Like how the spirit bomb launched vegeta instead of just blowing him up.

        • 3 months ago

          If we are going to allow fighters bringing outside help then the fight never ends since Rick can summon infinite Ricks and Bill supposedly can create infinite copies of himself.

          • 3 months ago

            Win condition is to kill the other combatants so technically even if Rock summoned other Ricks you'd only have to kill the specific one that started in the fight as a combatant for a win, plus it's been shown that other Ricks can be basically different people while this doesn't apply to Bill because he literally spawns clones of himself. Also Rick's ability to do that is entirely reliant on his portal gun while at least two of the other characters here can snap their fingers and make it vanish into thin air.

          • 3 months ago

            Sure, he can pull in infinite RIcks, but the loss condition is just that one Rick dying that's in the image. Having infinite bodies doesnt really mean anything if just one death offsets the infinity.

            I hate to admit it but this anon might be right. Rick is the only one that has been in this sort of scenerio before and won. But nobody wants to give him any credit cause he's a homosexual Gary Stu.

            So everyone is ignoring the fly in the milk and putting all focus on "Bill vs. Aku" because people actually like those two.

            You're not wrong that Rick is a definite threat, but he literally cannot kill one of them as he needs one specific sword to do so that's unconnected to his spiral multiverse thing. The only kill condition for Aku is that one sword. He'd be able to beat Bill easily if Bill hops into his head, but we've also seen Rick get his shit rocked by Rick Prime, and I'd say that that Bill ranks above Rick Prime as far as full power goes. He could definitely kill Bill though, 100%, but he'd need certain conditions to do it.

            • 3 months ago

              The three gods in samurai jack could also kill aku since they were killing the giant blob of darknes that aku split off of. Aku is just a fragment of a tentacle of that greater beast. So gods can kill aku.

    • 3 months ago

      The only issue in OP's scenario is that killing is a requirement for winning. And he has, intentionally or not, introduced a character who literally cannot be killed by the other, much more powerful, character. Nothing stops Bill from just rolling Aku into a little ball and playing basketball with him or something but since he cannot kill Aku, then the scenario is moot.

  18. 3 months ago

    Black Hat, duh

    • 3 months ago

      I do not enjoy this new-money overlord.
      His smug aura mocks me.

    • 3 months ago

      Unfortunately, my original character White Hat drained all of his power, bank accounts, and semen, so Black Hat is now a lifeless husk of apathy.

    • 3 months ago

      With all the powerlevel autism in this thread, Black Hat's place as an instant "Frick you, I win" button, like an evil Mexican version of One Punch Man, is super refreshing and appropriate

      • 3 months ago

        You just want to frick him NightShiftAnon.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't know who that is, and this isn't a Hazbin Hotel thread

          • 3 months ago

            It's the host of Ms. Cinemaphile and Mr. Cinemaphile, a smelly fujo who rigged for Black Hat and Zim.

            • 3 months ago

              >smelly fujo
              so I was right on the money, LOL

            • 3 months ago

              She has basic b***h taste

    • 3 months ago

      >Rapes them all

      >Black Hat goes next to Rick
      >Black Hat instantly dies
      Rick wins the thread again

      • 3 months ago

        Rick couldn't even take a Zeus

  19. 3 months ago

    Lol doesn't Aku just possess everyone else here and make them kill each other what is that stupid little triangle guy gonna do he's from a kid's cartoon???? Even Cain is more powerful than him and Cain runs a circus with the ability to warp reality.
    I guess you had to include a couple easy outs to make it competitive between the others

  20. 3 months ago

    The Warden and Caine have shown no weaknesses they have a true "Toon Force"

    Aku and Alastor are and can be classed as your traditional demon/daemon/lesser divine entities. They could be taken out by a human if they possess the proper knowledge in sealing/warding or divine/blessed weapons..

    Bill is similar to Aku/Alastor despite the Cosmic Horror Lovecraft flavor. I would scale Bill over the Heavenly Divine but even Bill have a ritual to seal him away to another dimension.

    I would say Rick... He has bee shown fighting and killing or unraveling the plans and powers of all the above...

    He has killed entities with 4th wall breaking "meta" powers... He has destroyed and laughed in the face of "unknown" cosmic insanity...

    He has clowned on the Devil and demons..

    God is dead and we have killed Him.. 100% edge cringe...

    • 3 months ago

      I hate to admit it but this anon might be right. Rick is the only one that has been in this sort of scenerio before and won. But nobody wants to give him any credit cause he's a homosexual Gary Stu.

      So everyone is ignoring the fly in the milk and putting all focus on "Bill vs. Aku" because people actually like those two.

      • 3 months ago

        Eh, Rick has high highs but also insanely low lows because later seasons of his show have shifted into showing he's not invincible and regularly gets his ass kicked, he could very easily lose to a reality warper pointing at him and going 'bang' without Morty or any time to prepare backing him up

        • 3 months ago

          Rick ran from the Retcon guy, thats as reality shifting as it gets.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm just looking that the lists of feats, Ws over Ls...

          You can say that the majority of the list has and can taste defeat... I picked Rick because he has shown that he could keep up and deal with 4th breaking memes, demons, and insanity inducing cosmic gods.. Reguardless of how you feel about a nihilistic old guy with an IQ of 600..

    • 3 months ago

      I hate to admit it but this anon might be right. Rick is the only one that has been in this sort of scenerio before and won. But nobody wants to give him any credit cause he's a homosexual Gary Stu.

      So everyone is ignoring the fly in the milk and putting all focus on "Bill vs. Aku" because people actually like those two.

      Eh, Rick has high highs but also insanely low lows because later seasons of his show have shifted into showing he's not invincible and regularly gets his ass kicked, he could very easily lose to a reality warper pointing at him and going 'bang' without Morty or any time to prepare backing him up

      Rick ran from the Retcon guy, thats as reality shifting as it gets.

      Sure, he can pull in infinite RIcks, but the loss condition is just that one Rick dying that's in the image. Having infinite bodies doesnt really mean anything if just one death offsets the infinity.
      You're not wrong that Rick is a definite threat, but he literally cannot kill one of them as he needs one specific sword to do so that's unconnected to his spiral multiverse thing. The only kill condition for Aku is that one sword. He'd be able to beat Bill easily if Bill hops into his head, but we've also seen Rick get his shit rocked by Rick Prime, and I'd say that that Bill ranks above Rick Prime as far as full power goes. He could definitely kill Bill though, 100%, but he'd need certain conditions to do it.

      >Thinking Rick is a threat


    • 3 months ago

      Cain is a reach since he only has power in the context of his digital world, it's more like he has admin controls there than anything comparable to 'toon force'
      and the warden's been knocked out by his own jailbot

  21. 3 months ago

    Aku can only be killed by a goodboy sword which stalemates the fight as Bill is probably equally hard for Aku to kill and both are seemingly immortal as far as aging is concerned so they can't just wait the fight out either. I'll put Rick and the furry demon on roughly the same level as their powers are conditional and technology based, and Caine is literally just some computer program or regular guy who Tron'd himself into a virtual world. He has zero powers on a battlefield.
    Warden is also just a regular human being, but actively uses toon powers and invents shit like Rick does even if he's a bit more Dr. Seuss about it but is shown to be pretty helpless without the Superjail Staff and sometimes even the inmates backing him up so ranking him is probably the hardest to do while being fair about it. At peak power level with leveled up friends Warden is able to solo the entire planet and be a threat to the rest of time itself.

    • 3 months ago

      I would assume Caine being on the batglefield would have all his powers intact. Also he is a fully sapient AI that can manipulate everything however he wants.

  22. 3 months ago

    I'd pick the Warden because many of these characters are from comedies and it'd be the funniest if he won. He's kind of a step in shit and come out smelling like a rose kind of character. Besides, we don't even know if he can die. Same with Caine, I suppose, but I'm still going with Warden.

    In a "I take hackney writing far too seriously Death Battle" sense, Bill. Bill could only be beaten by specific people in a specific town at a specific time. Otherwise, he's a trickster god who can enter minds and warp reality to his liking when off his chain.

    • 3 months ago

      IIRC the Warden has died in a few episodes but since it’s an episodic comedy series he just comes back the next episode like nothing happened

      • 3 months ago

        He gets knocked unconscious while Jared runs superjail for a bit, and in another episode The Doctor actually kills him temporarily to solve a spiritual problem but some Hindu god brings him back to life to keep the sacrificial altar of superjail running.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes and coming back to life is funnier than staying dead for him.

  23. 3 months ago

    Bill or Rick if he has prep time. Bill would have gotten btfo by that science weapon if Ford didn't miss so I can see Rick punking Bill with some science gun. If it gets to that point its a tossup of if he can take Aku because he seems to just flat out need divine stuff to deal with

  24. 3 months ago

    Can Aku regenerate from being turned into stone? No. Discord stomps while raping Bill.

  25. 3 months ago

    To settle the Aku vs conventional weaponry argument it's implied he couldn't directly kill the guardian which would be high on his "to-do" list as unsecured portals to the past are one of the few genuine threats to him outside of the sword itself and the guardian just uses a bunch of regular weapons and bare fists.
    Guardian is dead in S5, probably just to wrap up the loose end of a portal that Jack could have used, but the implication is you can absolutely fight but not actually kill Aku with generic weaponry and even keep him at bay for years at a time. Guardian should have been pure or honorable enough to deal the killing blow but lacked divine weaponry to actually do it.

    • 3 months ago

      Ngl this is a very flimsy argument. What's implied in that scene is that Genndy never gave a shit about SJ being more than an episodic show and forgot what a Guardian was, but saw enough people talking about that online that he decided to give them something to make them shut up.

      • 3 months ago

        >Genndy never gave a shit about SJ being more than an episodic show and forgot what a Guardian was, but saw enough people talking about that online that he decided to give them something to make them shut up.
        Considering how one episode from S5 was a "Member Berries" episode and the finale was a whole comeback showdown, it's unlikely.

        • 3 months ago

          He did forget about the bounty hunters episode. And most of the characters who appeared in E6 had similarly unsatisfying or underwhelming fates.

  26. 3 months ago

    >Rapes them all

    • 3 months ago

      He needs their business, BH works for villains he doesn't fight them.

      • 3 months ago

        >He needs their business
        He's all for having business with them but if they piss him off they're on the chopping block. Mafia Ganon seemed to have gotten killed on a meta level by one of his elite subordinates for pissing him off in the recent comic

    • 3 months ago

      >I can pull that shit too

  27. 3 months ago

    Rick likely has some gadget that'd seem tailor made to deal with each of them

  28. 3 months ago

    are all of them running at max power? Bill/Alastor/Caine are all severely nerfed outside their own domain. If it's a neutral arena Caine would just be on a flash drive or something, and Bill wouldn't even be physically present
    Either way it's probably between the bottom 3 as they all have varying degrees of 'frick you i win' power

  29. 3 months ago

    Aku can open time portals. He would just fling Bill into a future where Aku had already won.

    • 3 months ago

      Bill can just say no. Bill is multi-dimensional

  30. 3 months ago

    Aku is a tumblr sexymen?

  31. 3 months ago

    Everyone whining about Aku when nobody discusses how Cain and Alastor are hopelessly outclassed

  32. 3 months ago

    >shoot Aku and Al with a gun that shoots out artificial holy energy
    >make a deal with Bill except make it so convoluted and confusing that Bill has no idea he'll ultimately get fricked over by it
    >just shoot the rest
    Rick wins the thread

  33. 3 months ago

    >MY guy would kick everyone's asses
    >nuh uh MY guy would kick everyone's asses
    >lmao none of your guys could do anything to MY guy
    I see the truth now... This is actually the most obnoxious fandom competition in disguise!

  34. 3 months ago

    >kills everyone

    • 3 months ago

      What AIslop is this?

      • 3 months ago

        >thinks it’s AI
        your moron

    • 3 months ago

      >loses to a child who says beep boop

      • 3 months ago

        Not canon

        • 3 months ago

          >Instantaneously kneels

      • 3 months ago

        >Instantaneously kneels

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            have a somewhat enjoyable year

  35. 3 months ago

    The first one to die is jobbestor

  36. 3 months ago

    enter stage left

    • 3 months ago

      Hey. No.

  37. 3 months ago

    Discord solos them

  38. 3 months ago

    It is Bill 6000%

    He could even kill aku by spawning a weapon, a black hole or dissembling his molecules. I recall there being a villainous episode where black hat beats up or kills aku and I believe bill is more powerful than black hat.

    Discord has gotten his ass whipped by less powerful villains like tirek and sombra.

    Comparing rick or alastor to these in terms of power is moronic. Even before the adam fight i always thought it was dumbassery 5 years ago when people thought he stood a chance against bill. This coming from someone who loves alastor btw

    Only ones remotely in his ballpark are Black Hat and Caine in an environment where he has full power. But bill has more omniscience and intelligence than both as well as a better grip on anger than black hat and being a faster thinker and better reactor than caine. Bills also from a dimension that doesnt have the same physics as ours and is made of pure energy. Black hat is probably from this dimension or galaxy. Bill is still alive after the events of gf and there is probably nothing from the 3rd dimension that can kill that fricker.


    The wife of bill cipher who watched most of this shit

    • 3 months ago

      you forgot to hold up your spork

  39. 3 months ago

    Bill - almighty mythical beast chuthulu dark mythic godly power.
    Beaten by an old man lighting his brain on fire.
    Kinda dumb for not able to fight kids and old people?
    Alastor - Powerful, old high ranking demon.
    Is the puppet of someone else, got beaten by adam the first man, now high rank angel.
    Aku - Almighty demon devil god.
    Got beat by a sword and a human. The human just a basic, man before info (advanced education and tech came.) almost like a cave man.
    (the sword made by 3 old almighty gods, and the human kinda like batman?)
    Cain - controls a digital world with no exit.
    Doesn't seem that powerful.
    The warden - warden of superjail, somehow doesn't die from super criminals, robots, and junk.
    Is kinda a guy saved mostly by robot and buff guard, and insanity?
    Rick Sanchez - universe/time teleporting portal gun, near infinite knowledge and has godly scientific tools/chemicals, pets, robot body, lasers, potions, and stuff.
    Beaten by a kid (alternate smart/evil morty) Has died (and come back) and lost many times to a pope he accidentally gave super power to.

    Probably Bill or aku?
    1. Bill
    3.rick (he has fought a god, and probably could kill demons. Fair to say his tech and knowledge is beyond "radio")

    4. it doesn't matter after 3

    4. alastor - old powerful demon
    is Puppet of someone else, lost to adam the first human. (who was now high rank angel)
    5. the warden (in a way the ringmaster of superjail?)
    6. caine (if in digital world, he is the warden of it?)

    I think similar things as most people here.

    Bill and aku are higher lvl.
    Aku only hurt by holy weapon. Bill had to go into mind of person ERASING their own mind.

    Alastor is high rank demon, but a puppet, hurt by holy weapon/angel.

    Rick has gotten to the level of a "god" but also is kinda a human. And he might clone himself, or whatever. But he has some limits.

    Look they all have high points and low points. Which has more higher points, and which has more lower points, in power?

  40. 3 months ago

    I dont know who wins, but I do know who's dying first. Bill. It's always Bill.

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