This seemed like an insanely huge deal when it came out. The anticipation was off the charts.

This seemed like an insanely huge deal when it came out. The anticipation was off the charts.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 week ago

    And then the movie started...

    • 1 week ago

      and it was poopy but just shiny enough to keep your attention with the albino dread guys and shit

    • 1 week ago

      >Me no classic action movie, me le intellectshaual!! 😛 heh

    • 1 week ago

      And then we actually saw Zion.

      and it was poopy but just shiny enough to keep your attention with the albino dread guys and shit

      Everybody loved it until the Plinkett reviews.

      • 1 week ago

        I never seen the Plinkett reviews but bought ALL the hype for Matrix Reloaded.
        I got the Powerade. I got the game on Xbox. I got the animatrix dvd. I was a fully black and green cyberkarate 12 year old.
        I saw the movie and was extremely underwhelmed, even as a kid. I liked specific scenes, that was the general consensus with most people. Nobody really liked it like the first one, it’s not unwatchable but it isn’t great either.

        Sloppy movie with some cool action scenes instead. The moment they opened up the lore it became a moronic mess.

        The third one is the true stinker.

        • 1 week ago

          How would you know? it was before you were born.

          He's just making a joke about the Star Wars prequels. A bunch of people who like the prequels keep saying "everybody loved them until the Plinkett reviews", which is laughably false but they keep saying it.

        • 7 days ago

          Based and accurate take. It was flashy with some memorable scenes but overall kind of a mess. No where near as tight at the 1st.

        • 7 days ago

          This brings up a good point: the tie-ins were a load of shit.
          >Who the frick is "The Kid"? Have to watch The Animatrix to know who he is and why he's so important.
          >What is the Osiris and why was it important? Have to watch The Animatrix.
          >19 scenes missing from the story. Monica Belluci and Jada Pinkett kiss? gotta play Enter the Matrix to see that and 40 other minutes of cut scenes.

          More like the israelitechowoskis.

          • 7 days ago

            I actually thought it was kinda cool that they made the tie-ins actually important instead of them just being throwaway material like most franchises. I'm probably one of the few people who played the Enter The Matrix first before seeing the movie so it was neat seeing Ghost and Niobe pop up in Reloaded afterwards.

            • 7 days ago

              sick fricking game. the secret coding shit in it was so cool

            • 7 days ago

              Well, I can't argue with that experience. I just wanted to see a self-contained movie.

              • 7 days ago

                that then requires a longer runtime or cut out other content

            • 7 days ago

              I'm stuck at the airport and don't know what to do

              • 7 days ago

                reject krakozhia, embrace ketchup cracker

      • 1 week ago

        How would you know? it was before you were born.

      • 1 week ago

        No, just look at the box office for Revolutions which came out 6 months later. The first Matrix was a modest hit in theaters, but found an even bigger following on home video and cable, so the hype for the sequel was massive. Reloaded was not as beloved as the first film, and a good chunk of the audience didn't show up to see part 3.

      • 7 days ago

        Honestly, most people loved the action sequences. They are part of 2000s action iconography. Its just a shame the later half of the script was a total mess

      • 7 days ago

        There were plinkett reviews? Never saw em. Reloaded is still good. Revelations was shit.

      • 6 days ago

        I have never seen any Plinkett review (and never will) and I always love the first three Matrix films no matter what because those films are kino but my most favourite Matrix film will always be the first Matrix film and I'm not even going to bother watching Resurrections.

        • 6 days ago

          Matrix Resurrections is going to be considered a misunderstood postmodern cinematic masterpiece in ten years time. You watch it happen.

    • 1 week ago

      There were some pretty cool moments in Reloaded. Don't lie. The freeway, merovingian, etcetera.

      • 1 week ago

        Everything about Reloaded that isn't Zion is great.

        • 7 days ago

          The reason people volunteered to go and fight the machines and be away from zion was so they didn't have to be near the gay Black person orgies

        • 7 days ago

          No, literally just the middle section. I remember the DVD chapters
          >Start with merovingian saying "handle us? You'll handle us?"
          >End as soon as neo grabs morpheus and keymaker from the exploding truck
          Used to watch that segment over and over in the back of my dads car on family vacations along with the star wars hexology and LOTR movies. Good times.

          • 7 days ago

            with merovingian saying "handle us? You'll handle us?"
            >>End as soon as neo grabs morpheus and keymaker from the exploding truck
            literally 10 / 10 sequence

            toppest of tastes anon

      • 7 days ago

        Maybe I'm moronic and this was explained in the movie but why are Trinity and Morpheus so reluctant to use the freeway

        • 7 days ago

          it's partially a joke in that the freeway is full of crazy drivers. now have a big chase involving the cops, agents and exile programs that want to kill you, and you get why they wanted to stay away from the freeway to begin with.

        • 7 days ago

          My assumption is because there are a frickload of people that can become agents

        • 7 days ago

          Limited direction so it's hard to evade. When you get on a freeway they would be able to predict your trajectory for miles ahead and every exit you could possibly take. It's not like the maze like buildings they usually prowl through.

        • 7 days ago

          No hardlines to escape with if things get hairy. Also, as shown in the movie, agents can get into any driver, and you're doubly fricked.

        • 7 days ago

          Probably G-forces work in Matrix and if you crash 80mph your physical body takes effect also.

      • 7 days ago


        • 7 days ago
      • 6 days ago

        Once they went on the freeway the matrix franchise became fast and furious style slop. First one was unique

      • 6 days ago

        That green tint sucks tho

        • 6 days ago

          did your internet boyfriend tell you to say that?

          • 6 days ago

            Oh my god I'm so offended I can't even.

    • 1 week ago

      And it was fricking cool. No marvel slop compares to the original Matrix trilogy.

    • 1 week ago

      It sort of anticipated the sentiment int the mid 2000s going into the 2010s
      Everyone was so excited but instead we got... homosexual and Black person worship crammed down our throats

    • 1 week ago

      In the first movie, the Matrix felt like a real place full of real people who were plugged in. In Reloaded, the Matrix felt like an empty backdrop for action sequences. I don't even remember what the plot was, all I remember is the fight scenes, the one of Neo vs the dozens of Smiths, the one on the highway, and the one in that baroque looking room where Neo fights the Merovingian's guys. And there was something about a keymaker. It's like they first came up with the action scenes and then spent 10 minutes coming up with a plot just to move the movie along from one action scene to the next one. Of course I remember the Architect and the big reveal about how Neo isn't the first Neo. So I have to give them credit for at least taking the overall story somewhere interesting. That was cool. But man, they fricked up the execution.

      • 1 week ago

        nta but I kinda get what you mean, Reloaded did feel a lot more embedded but I think that's because they didn't want to rehash everything from the first one (i.e. how does the Matrix work, jacking in, etc.). They kinda of assumed most had seen it and had some foundational knowledge, but I agree it seemed more surface-level/not as deep as the first one.

        Again, it's that same criticism everyone makes that "it's not the first one". I guess that's as valid as anything, i.e. Spiderman 2, Return of the Jedi, Jurassic Park: Lost World, etc.

      • 7 days ago

        That's because they don't interact with anyone still plugged into the matrix since it would be suicide, the person would instantly become an agent and kill them. In the first Matrix we see Neo living his normal life for a while

        • 7 days ago

          That makes sense from an internal movie logic, but in practice it makes the world of the movie more boring. It kind of turns it entirely into a superhero movie about various superhumans fighting each other. One of the reasons people like the Animatrix, I think, is that it goes back to exploring the lives of the plugged-in.

          • 7 days ago

            All american media is capeshit.

            • 7 days ago

              Even Naked Lunch?

      • 6 days ago

        I'd argue that was kind of the point. The first Matrix movie was about the struggles of a resistance against the machines in an insanely stacked deck against the surviving blobs of humanity. Then in Reloaded, the veil got pulled back and people came to understand how cold, mechanical, and manufactured the entire world has become. In Revolutions, it tried to bring the two together and finish the arc of the Neo and Trinity. I think it succeeded, but it was a bit too overbudgeted with VFX and some of the original charm of the first movie was lost in the process. That said though, the Sentinel swarm is unquestionably legendary. These three movies have seeded the careers of so many individuals across the industry. I remember all the newgrounds flash shorts and music that were created as a result of.

    • 7 days ago

      it was worse than The Matrix but people still liked it, the 3rd movie was shit tho

    • 7 days ago

      This. Reloaded was so bad that no one cared about the third one.

    • 7 days ago

      It was great. I was like 14 and saw it in theaters and the hype was real, nobody knew what to expect. The audience audibly gasped at the bullet time scene, it was awesome

      • 7 days ago

        In my theater no gasped at bullet time because they saw it 3 years before in the first movie. There was a guy that snored loudly through the long exposition scenes and the action scenes would wake him up and then he'd fall asleep again. He had the best way of watching Reloaded

        • 7 days ago

          should've stabbed him in the neck for being so rude

          • 7 days ago

            why? he was being more entertaining than the movie.

            • 7 days ago

              ok homosexual

    • 7 days ago

      >Ugh, upgrades
      You could literally feel the disappointment

      • 7 days ago

        He was back to fist fighting.

    • 7 days ago

      And it was kino

  2. 1 week ago

    And then we actually saw Zion.

    • 1 week ago

      I expected a ton more Asians.

      • 1 week ago

        Just imagine when they release everyone from the matrix after the third movie, and a horde of a billion Indians descends onto Zion

  3. 1 week ago

    >everybody making a big deal of the multiple Smith fight before the movie was released and calling it cutting edge CGI
    >wathed it as a teenager and thought it was pretty badass but something was off
    >watched it again recently and it was fricking uncanny valley hell and shit overall
    wew... some things are better to keep as memories....

    • 1 week ago

      Here’s a blast from the past. I first saw this on UGO Flashplayer around the time the movie came out.


    • 7 days ago

      The annoying thing about that scene is a lot of it is practical, and looks really good. Right up until Neo grabs the signpost out of the ground. Then it transitions immediately into videogame cutscene level graphics. But you can’t seperate the good stuff from the bad.

  4. 1 week ago

    people are still trying to gaslight us into thinking it was not kino?

    • 1 week ago

      I've yet to see a single valid criticism of this movie other than "it wasn't the first one". Very midwit takes honestly.

      If anyone can provide a valid reason for why Matrix Reloaded is NOT a good movie I'm open to suggestions, but if not it remains as one of the best action movies of the 2000s.

      I think it's just shitty zoomers who don't appreciate kino.

      • 1 week ago

        It must be dissatisfaction from the third movie flowing backwards to the second one.

        • 1 week ago

          Honestly I think that could be it. The third was a huge departure from the first two, but 1 and 2 are very similar. It's idiotic for people to start moaning about Zion and how they didn't like it; it's integral to the story, the whole movie isn't just about them playing frickin Reboot the entire time.
          Even the fact that it's all just a bunch of mutt mystery meat people makes the most sense, that's exactly what happens when you jam people together in a tight urban space. If I can suspend my disbelief for bullet time and flying, I can certainly suspend it for the black computer nerds.

        • 7 days ago

          I remember thinking reloaded was great until I saw revolutions.. which was basically the 2nd half... Too many loose ends, and an overall let-down

      • 1 week ago

        they say the cgi smith fight and the Black person rave party took the movie from 9.5/10 to 3/10.
        Me personally i see nothing wrong with both, they are not "perfection" but whatever it's a part of the movie and i don't expect "absolute perfection" in every second

      • 1 week ago

        Valid criticism: None of the "action" scenes have any real tension or stakes, they're just delays until neo can get there and save everyone.

        • 1 week ago

          Very valid, yes. He went from just another member of the crew to fricking Goku. Everybody else just stands around getting their asses kicked til he shows up.

          • 7 days ago

            It was implied he became like Goku in the very end of the first movie. Get another reason to complain because that one sucks

        • 1 week ago

          Invalid criticism, the Agents are fully capable of killing just about everyone except Neo. So any fights between them, the Twins, or other bad guys are real. Not sure why you'd even suggest otherwise, maybe rewatch the movies.

          5 minute rave scene

          How much more of Zion are they supposed to showcase? Would you prefer it be 10 minutes? Or 30 seconds? It was appropriate in the overall context of the movie, and it was purposely juxtaposed to the rigid and formulaic nature of the Matrix. Sort of an organic vs. machine thing.

          Honestly I think most of the people who b***h about the rave scene are just doing it out of racist spite. That's fine and all, nothing wrong with being racist, but when it prevents you from even enjoying decent movies that aren't pushing some homosexual agenda I think it's time to re-evaluate your mindset.

          Absolutely cutting edge CGI for the time. Criticizing an older movie's special effects because they're not as good as today's special effects is moronic; it's like saying the Germans were wrong and evil because their worldview doesn't fit in the current accepted worldview of 2024.

          • 1 week ago

            Wow, a reasonable opinion on Cinemaphile. That's rare!

          • 1 week ago

            >Absolutely cutting edge CGI for the time
            It was mostly great. Mostly.

            • 7 days ago

              I never understood how people still get hung up on inconsequential shit like the graphical fidelity of 20 year old CGI and not taking in the scene for what it is and how cool of a shot that is. It's like you're looking for a reason to not like a movie and will use >muh immersion and >muh suspension of disbelief to hide that fact. Just stop being autistic and watch the fricking movie. Your criticisms are empty and you have shit taste.

              • 7 days ago

                The problem with it is that the scene lacks proper dramatic tension, so people hyperfocus on the CGI. You can have really bad special effects and people won't care much if the plot and characters are really interesting. Like in The Terminator for example.

              • 7 days ago

                >the scene lacks proper dramatic tension
                Yeah we need proper tension like Stormtroopers shooting at Star Wars protagonists

              • 7 days ago

                >lacks proper dramatic tension
                How so? It's fricking Smith of all people. And a suped up Smith who, through his sheer numbers, is able to essentially beat Neo and force him to escape. The One isn't the unbeatable god within the Matrix that Morpheus had himself, Neo and the audience to believe.

              • 7 days ago

                I absolutely agree. It's like people who shit on The Flash for its bad CGI, when it's reduced to places that could be 2d animated for all it fricking matters. Is it bad CGI? Sure. But it's not like I give a flying shit.

              • 7 days ago

                >20 year old CGI
                it looked fake as frick on opening night in 2003

            • 7 days ago

              Anyone who says this looked OK at the time must have been a little kid. I remember my dismay at this exact point (when he gets the stick and turns into a matte-shaded woody from toy story), the way he became a bendy model. I was so embarrassed for being the 'matrix fan' in my group, I wanted to leave but was stuck in the middle of the row

              • 7 days ago

                it was good enough, we gave it a pass cos the matrix rules.

              • 7 days ago

                Yeah even at the time I thought, eh. But the sound effects and music, and The Matrix

                it was good enough, we gave it a pass cos the matrix rules.

                I thought I'll allow this.

              • 7 days ago

                I remember a lot of people said that the technology just wasn't there yet. Yeah, it looked bad, even then.

                This. People only hate Reloaded retroactively because Revolutions shit the bed.

                I never even saw Revolutions. Granted, I wasn't huge on the original Matrix - I loved the lobby scene, and liked a lot of the actions scenes, but the story and its lore always seemed thin. Revolutions was a chore to sit through and seemed to embrace everything I didn't care for about the first Matrix. Time has been kind to it because Hollywood blockbusters have gotten so much worse since then. Comparing action sequences from Reloaded with the newest Matrix film (what was it called), the difference is astounding. That said, sentiment really nose dived after it was released, leading up to Revolutions, and you can see it expressed in this clip from late night:

                it definitely has not stood the test of time like the first one. the freeway sequence remains the best car chase scene ever filmed though. it's still worth watching for that, and the cool melee combat sequences.

                >best car chase scene ever
                Big nope from me. It's fun though.

          • 1 week ago

            >the Agents are fully capable of killing just about everyone

            they do not act like it. its implied when they're introduced they've been upgraded to handle neo, therefore everyone else should be fodder. Everyone else is not fodder. morpheus does better against an upgraded agent than he did against smith.

            • 1 week ago

              Not everyone who plugs in to the Matrix is of equal skill. Morpheus is one of the most adept so it makes sense.
              In contrast, the character Mouse is gunned down by a regular SWAT team in the first Matrix when they block off the doors and windows in that building. The Agent's done ever really die either, they just move among the people still plugged in, so even when Trinity shoots one in the head it means she just shot some poor sap who worked as a SWAT officer.
              They also beat Morpheus into submission and captured him, hence the rescue effort from Neo and Trinity. So even Morpheus was defeated by them, they just kept him alive to get the codes out of his head. Otherwise he would've been dead.

              • 1 week ago

                >Morpheus is one of the most adept so it makes sense.
                >barely survives against non-upgraded agent and then gets beaten by normal humans
                >holds his own against upgraded agent to the point the upgraded agent needs to do something crazy to win... soley because the scene needs to go longer because the matrix sequels were a script for a single movie, stretched to two, but also hacked up.

              • 1 week ago

                ngl you are just looking for things to be upset about now

              • 1 week ago

                I love the movies, but I do not pretend they are flawless. They are rife with padding and plot inconsistencies that are only justified by padding a single script to two movies... but also cutting important scenes at the same time.

              • 1 week ago

                From what I recall, it was a push to get a third movie made even though the first two were successful. Just internal politics with producers and shit, so they had to be selective about how they plotted out the storyline knowing they may or may not have a third chance to elaborate. This can sometimes frick with the flow of a story, or even make it untenable, like with Deadwood where they just pulled the plug on a 4th season and left everything in limbo.

                They have their flaws like every movie (except HEAT which is perfect don't start with me it's perfect), but overall I just can't understand the rabid hatred some people have for them. Each is unique in its own right, even the third one.

                With all of this being said, I think it's unanimous that the 4th one is an insult to God and we'll pretend it doesn't exist.

              • 1 week ago

                ... what happened is WB requested two more movies, the wachowskis submitted two scripts, one a sequel, one a prequel. The prequel was scrapped and became the animatrix. the sequel became two movies, produced concurrently, and came out the same year.

              • 1 week ago

                That was a good choice. All prequels suck gigantic donkey dick unless done like Animatrix where they're fairly condensed. And the story did need two more movies to finish, one showcasing lots of fun stuff in the Matrix that didn't get to happen in the first movie, then the final movie showcasing all the crazy cool stuff of the apocalyptic real world and machine city.

              • 1 week ago

                Prometheus is modern kino and I won't pretend otherwise.

              • 1 week ago

                That movie did a lot of stuff right, but the bad was really striking.
                Anything with the 2 dudes that got stuck in the alien ship was terrible. The ship crashing and the running way was stupid as hell.
                Currently I have a lot less bad to say about that movie than I can think of good things.
                My favorite memory was the very end where the alien popped out on the escape pod ship. A grandpa a few seats away from me gasped, turned to his wife, and stated "Is that a predator!?"

              • 1 week ago

                prequels suck when you try to make them directly before another movie. There was a lot that could be done with a matrix prequel. Kinda like how KOTOR was extremely good, because nothing that happened in it was influenced by star wars.

                But either way, the main criticism of the sequels is instead of expanding the world, everyone just waits around for neo to solve everything, and then when neo isn't around, every has to find neo.

              • 1 week ago

                Looking back from right now, the ideal trilogy would have had the first sequel be 2 / 3 Reloaded and 1 / 3 Revolutions, (seems like this was the original plan), and then the second sequel be something more like Resurrections (so it could be like a prequel AND still have the original cast in full).

                So now the second sequel would have Neo back working at some regular job, and he'd be encountering people like Morpheus and Trinity before their minds are freed, and as it goes on it's clear they're the same characters but they've been plugged back in and have to bust out again. At the time there was no real space for the 'reboot' thing, but this would definitely be in line with the 'mindfrick' thing of 'nobody can be told what the Matrix is' from the first film, and also the 'oh yeah Neo is part of the plan' thing from the sequels.

                Animatrix was fine on the side in the DVD anthology format, can't imagine it working on the big screen.

          • 1 week ago

            white people had a bit of shock to realize that the world at large is kinda brown

            • 1 week ago

              We know it's just depressing to be reminded of it. Imagine a country of one and a half billions Scandis, instead you have India.

              • 7 days ago

                its simple. we have sex with the scandis

            • 1 week ago

              i think the point is that brown people should be brown in their own countries

            • 1 week ago

              Welcome to the desert of the real.

          • 1 week ago

            >Absolutely cutting edge CGI for the time.

            No it wasn't moron

            We were making fun of the alley scene cgi on forums in 2004

            • 1 week ago

              >We were making fun of the alley scene cgi on forums in 2004

              Sounds like you might have been a humongous homosexual even back in 2004, because the average for CGI rendering was shit like The Hulk or the stilted battle droids in Star Wars. Matrix Reloaded wasn't any worse than these, but if you can find some movies from 2004 with exponentially better CGI I'm open to reviewing them.

          • 6 days ago

            >Honestly I think most of the people who b***h about the rave scene are just doing it out of racist spite.
            I enjoy the second movie, but I didn’t like the rave/sex scene and I’m black. I think it would have gone down better if it wasn’t 5 minutes of weird tribal techno music over sweaty people grinding on each other in between cuts of bony Neo and Trinity screwing each other with their ugly matrix spinal taps exposed. There had to be better ways of showing that Neo and Trinity love each other and that Zion loves a good party without it being disgustingly crass.

      • 1 week ago

        >it wasn't the first one
        It's weird how often this is repeated. Must be braindead npcs just parroting other's opinions. They're always angry that a sequel is not somehow miraculously creating the exact same everything as the first movie including feelings of freshness and "never before seen"ness. They can't understand the inherent concept of a sequel, yet all act like it's the best criticism ever. Matrix 2 and 3 were some of the best followups ever made.

        • 1 week ago

          Stop repeating buzzwords, you fricking zoomer. If you weren't born yet when these movies were released then frick off.

          • 1 week ago

            none of those are "buzzwords," yo.

        • 1 week ago

          >Matrix 2 and 3 were some of the best followups ever made.
          i liked both those films, and you are completely fricking wrong, they were serious downgrades over the first, which in some areas has aged quite poorly.

          Theres plenty of films that were worthy sequels to their predecessing film. The OG Mad Max films, LotR, OG star wars trilogy, terminator 2, The Raid 2+3 etc.

      • 1 week ago

        5 minute rave scene

      • 7 days ago

        nobody seems to remember that the first movie has a mystery which as it unfurls is mind blowing, with the audience along for the conceptual ride of their lives. the second movie doesn't have anything like that.
        It's like if there was a sequel to unbreakable which was just some homosexual ass comic book battles. what person who liked the totally other genre first movie is going to be a fan of that?

        • 7 days ago

          I think the second one is a empire strikes back that flies over everyone's head.
          Turns out neos mother and father are the architect and old chick. He's a program meant to reset the system, be downloaded and to improve a system of bondage. No matter what he does Mr Smith will match his power, his arch nemesis was programmed to be that way. Zion has been destroyed ,6 times the year is probably around 2800.
          Morpheus dream was a lie and programmed script. Smith can now take over people in real life.
          Neo breaks the cycle and starts a giant war which humans will lose.

          • 7 days ago

            This. People only hate Reloaded retroactively because Revolutions shit the bed.

          • 7 days ago

            you don't hear how these words sound.
            first movie: your own experience could be simulated and you'd never know. would you still enjoy things you enjoy if they were false sensations? maybe they already are. maybe it doesn't matter.
            second movie: what if zilbo's arch nemesis dr tron was able to always match his power! what if the magical city of zim was really a trick by lord limbo to trick its citizens into not knowing it is the year 2800! what if to beat mr tron, zilbo had to fight him SIX times!

            Don't you see how different that is? this is why all the other wachowski movies failed too. nobody gives a shit about these chinky (as someone else said in the thread 'dbz' plots)

            • 7 days ago

              genuinely the most cringe reddit thing i've read all year. at least half of it is your reductionism.

              • 7 days ago

                >do an explicitly cringe paraphrase to reveal the cringe aspects of a previous post
                >"Bro you wrote cringe!"

            • 7 days ago

              >what if the magical city of zim was really a trick by lord limbo to trick its citizens into not knowing it is the year 2800
              If you believe this is hinted anywhere in the movie, then you are as braindead as you sound.

              • 7 days ago

                ...what? its random text to illustrate that the movies descended from 'concept' to 'plot'

            • 7 days ago

              you a funny guy

          • 7 days ago

            >Turns out neos mother and father are the architect and old chick
            Are you genuinely re-fricking-tarded?

      • 7 days ago

        Too much filler from stretching the story to two movies and a video game

      • 7 days ago

        snoozefest where it doesn't make sense - it was established at the end of the first movie he basically can rewrite and do whatever he wants

      • 7 days ago

        OK, I've got some valid criticisms. Let me say, I really enjoy Reloaded and I think it is the best Matrix movie, but it is a flawed movie.

        >New characters not properly introduced
        There's a lot of new characters in the movie and at the length the movie is, there was plenty of time to establish their connections to our returning cast. We don't need a whole orgy dance scene, we need to see council interact as humans around other people. See Niobe talk to Trinity and Neo, and not just be an "old flame" for Morpheus. The movie is not economical with it's use of time to let us get a better feel for these characters
        >The plot inconsistencies
        The movie tries to have a more complicated plot and it is distracting. The main goal of the machines is revealed in the end to be a reset button. That they constantly win and let Zion rebuild and their system of control is just basically restart human history. Great twist, brilliant. Problem is, it is not threaded well with the rest of the movie. This means Neo's destiny is designed, he is meant to eventually be captured by the Architect and given the "choice" to save humanity. So, how was he going to achieve this? The key maker was a needed competent to get there, but he was marked for deletion. Was the Merovingian in on this? Was the oracle? Seemingly, the answer is yes, but the Oracle knew this Neo would pick Trinity and not humanity. The movie deals with the "illusion of choice" so much, it seems to actually forget if any character at any point had agency. The machine programs having their own sort of civil war is interesting, but less so when you actually analyze the work. Also circle back to the characters not properly established
        >Not concise film, ends on a cliffhanger
        This is very unsatisfying for people. You can have a cliffhanger and still close out a story, but Reloaded closes no story. Like Back to the Future 2, it ends with Marty stuck in 1955, but it closed out the story of corrupt timeline.

        • 7 days ago

          >The main goal of the machines is revealed in the end to be a reset button
          Only for the humans. The machines will be fricking around as usual without consequences, other than the loss of numbers during the onslaught.
          >The movie deals with the "illusion of choice" so much, it seems to actually forget if any character at any point had agency.
          This is exactly what Smith was talking about in his entire tirade about purpose.
          >Not concise film, ends on a cliffhanger
          This one and revolutions happen within hours of each other. Watch them back to back.
          >Reloaded closes no story
          It closes the story of Neo accepting that he was another measure of control, not a saviour. Whether a bugged matrix anomaly or a messiah, it is the system (the matrix or the humans) that inflict value upon him. By the end of the movie, both systems have ceased to hold any importance over him. He is free to make his own choice.

          Then in the third one, when he fights Smith, he rejects choice by refusing to fight smith, breaking the wheel of samsara, accepting his fate.

          It truly is kino of the highest order, flying over most people's heads 21 years later.

          • 7 days ago

            >The movie deals with the "illusion of choice" so much, it seems to actually forget if any character at any point had agency.
            For the most part they don't. That's the entire point of the overarcing plot of and the primary twist of the trilogy. The entire prophecy cycle down to Zion, Neo being the chosen one and having the abilities he does was deliberately designed by the Architect and his cadre to put a human they can monitor closely into a pressure cooker to learn from and better model what makes a human a human to refine their simulation. Arguably the only characters at the end of the day who have any level of true agency are Neo and Smith, and Smith is still extremely tightly bound by his nature.

            >This is not debatable, it is a valid criticism
            >This is valid as well.
            Then you are right about everything forever and every word uttered by you is the absolute and ultimate truth.
            >it introduces that element at the end
            Want some candy?
            Do you already know if I'm going to take it?
            Wouldn't be much of an oracle if I didn't
            Remember that in this scene Neo is worried because he keeps dreaming of Trinity's death, which is the OPENING OF THE MOVIE. And she is there to help him reach the Architect.
            Why must he reach the Architect? Because it is his purpose, where he will be presented with a moot choice. However, HE ESCAPES HIS PROGRAMMING AS THE ONE and chooses to save one individual AND THEN all the others.

            But hey, it's not debatable.

            I thought the whole point of the architect scene was that neo does have a choice that's not an illusion, since he chose to not continue the cycle
            although you could argue that this was also pre-determined, as the architect hints at the chemicals in his brain making the decision for him.
            But then - why? Doesn't seem like this was the architect's plan at that moment
            maybe I'm just too dumb to get it

            • 7 days ago

              Before the Architect even speaks of the chemicals flooding his brain and making the decision for him (that he will only try to rationalize after the fact) he speaks of "the process." Which of course refers to the process the machines used to modify Neo both physically and mentally to be the subject of the very prophecy they created in the first place and actively maintain. The Architect hoped he would take the path he basically ended up going down but at the time of the meeting he was unsure if the modeling and pressure they put on him would have the desired result. Neo reacted in a promising way though hence the reaction the Architect has at the end of the scene.
              >I thought the whole point of the architect scene was that neo does have a choice that's not an illusion
              No. The twist is the exact opposite. Neo lashes out the way he does because it is revealed that although he may have freed himself from a literal virtual reality, he has found himself in a figurative virtual reality, trapped playing a role he wasn't even aware he was playing, in yet another system of control.

              • 7 days ago

                this implies that the architect and the rest of the machines are not only aware of the oracle's plot to end the war, but that this was their collective goal all along
                While it sounds interesting, I don't think there's any evidence to support that theory
                the final conversation between oracle and architect basically disproves it

              • 6 days ago

                The final conversation between The Oracle and The Architect actually proves that very fact. You can think of The Oracle as The One and The Architect as The Zero. They both need to exist for the system to function and they both ultimately cancel each other out. The Oracle is basically a random number generator with a lower level memory access than The Architect. As such, she can retrieve data and make decisions to seed chaos into the Matrix to ensure that its invariability gives assurance to humans that are locked within, that the world is a chaotic place and isn't perfect. This creates a cognitive dissonance in the collective unconsciousness of sleeping humans, wherein they reject the possibility of a greater truth to continue living in the present. Thus ensuring the dreamers lay dreaming and the machines maintain control over the system.

                However, as the collective unconsciousness is inherently chaotic and the universe inevitably creates order from chaos, a will somewhere within forms and crystalizes into The One. Trinity, Morpheus, The Oracle, Merowingian, Persephone, Sati, Smith, they're all just a means of control placed around The One to ensure that in the very end he does the very thing he's designed to do: act as a backdoor that allows The Architect to zero out the system and reset it back to one. The final conversation between the two implies that they've danced back and forth between state and reset countless times, but this is the first time wherein the collective unconsciousness of the machines (if you will) has opted to allow The Oracle (The One of the machine world) to take one extra step.

                Unironically, The Matrix is not a choice about the humans, but the choice of the machines. Until that moment, everything has been a stale mate. The Oracle taking that extra step allows for Thomas Anderson aka Neo to break the cycle of stagnation and FINALLY, the clock that had stopped finally starts ticking again.

              • 6 days ago

                >Merowingian, Persephone, Sati, Smith,
                Nothing about the Merovingian, his collection of disobedient programs or Virus Smith were under the control of the machines or intended by them. In fact, Virus Smith almost ended them and they desperately needed Neo's help to put a stop to its spread.

              • 6 days ago

                That's the entire point anon. The system was doomed to failure, because every version of The Matrix until that point was a stagnant system that eventually unraveled. Like the dreaded Y2k bug, The Matrix had a specific EOL where everything ALWAYS WENT TO SHIT. All the other programs implying they have agency and have broken away from the Machine city to be their own AI is still an illusion, because EVERYTHING Neo interacts with, ultimately is a measure of control. The system is at least perfect in that it ensures that programs can move up and down the stack without deletion, but its not perfect that this action doesn't create imbalances that eventually spiral out of control. To deal with this, you need a measure to reload the system aka a factory reset. Which is what Neo is.

                The Architect specifically said that the machines were prepared for a world without the humans acting as batteries for their world. This also implies that they have the ability to do a hard line severance from the Matrix itself. This would trap Smith in the system with no way out. It would catastrophically reduce their ability as a species, but it was a choice they were willing to make but only after exhausting all other resorts. Ultimately though, the only reason why all other players interdicted with The One (human) is because The One (Oracle/machine) decided that she would take one extra step. Make a CHOICE that previously had not been made since the very inception and implementation of the Matrix. Smith itself was created by The Oracle and The Architect to act as a roadblock to the ascension of The One. The conversation at the end of the movie also implies that the outcome with Smith has happened before. The Architect calls The Oracle's actions a dangerous gamble that paid off. The gamble was the choice SHE made. But The Architect specifically also implies that they were prepared for the outcome if the choice was never made with his scoff.


              • 6 days ago

                >The system was doomed to failure,
                I think the second movie should have focused more on this, rather than speed running the explanation at the very end. Why do humans prefer a hell over a utopia? Were the first humans from the original human population or were they straight up created by the machines from scratch? Is it about electricity or processing power? Why can't or won't the machines fully control the free will of the humans in their simulation? Neo didn't necessarily have to be the center of this, or they could have had Neo interact with previous version of himself in real time. But no we needed an action chase scene on a high way, a rave party, and a monologue on cake and sex.

              • 6 days ago

                Agreed. and in an ironic way, the movie titles are actually inverse between the second and third movie. 2nd film is actually Revolutions and the final film is Reloaded.

                >Why do humans prefer a hell over a utopia?
                I'd argue here that this is the machine's inability to rationalize the chaotic soup from which humanity was forged coupled with the fact that human brains have a conscious and unconscious element. Therefore, hell was necessary where utopia (baseline machine function) failed. One can argue that an utopia is essentially a society operating purely on logic and its cold nature is rigid and therefore doomed to failure. Which in turn is why utopia is an ideal concept but impossible to pull off in society.

                >Were the first humans from the original human population or were they straight up created by the machines from scratch?
                Animatrix implies the former

                >Is it about electricity or processing power?
                Energy, because humans seeded the sky with nanites that float in the upper atmosphere creating a cloud barrier that prevents the machines from leaving the surface and escaping into the solar system beyond. It was a desperate last resort engaged by humans to deny the machines a proper victory and instead only allow for a phyrric one. The outcome and consequence of that is The Matrix.

                >Why can't or won't the machines fully control the free will of the humans in their simulation?
                The line about chemicals in Neo's brain making the decision before he can rationalize/justify it, implies that the machines CAN control human free will, but have come to understand that allowing for inherent chaotic conscious/unconscious nature of the human mind and body, allows for a greater energy yield due to implied quantum effects at the source. Controlling human free will expends energy. Allowing the natural soup of the universe to let the mind drive itself; providing energy to harvest.

                >monologue on cake and sex
                Haha, yeah.

              • 6 days ago

                >original human population
                All original humans are long since dead. If not from the war, then from the machine experimentations, and of course old age since it's hundreds of years in the future. And none of those questions are interesting. The movie tells you they are true, so you as audience accept it. Then move on to what the movie actually wants to focus on. You can whine all you want, but your movie would suck ass.

              • 6 days ago

                The matrix isn't a "hell", it's just not perfect. When the matrix was perfect, the human mind subconsciously knew something was wrong and rejected it. They had to add imperfections into the world to make it more realistic so the mind would accept it. People just expect hardship in their lives and when it's missing they know something is wrong.

                It's never stated that the matrix was a miserable place, just that it wasn't perfect.

              • 6 days ago

                they tried both extremes before settling in the middle

              • 6 days ago


                dis homie Terrence Howard?

              • 6 days ago

                1x0 you moron

              • 6 days ago

                >the universe inevitably creates order from chaos
                this is literally the opposite of true. like thermodynamically.

              • 7 days ago

                The first movie is a story about questioning your reality. The second is about denying your fate. The third is about accepting your fate.

                The architect scene is simply the focal point of the movie when everything is layed out. Neo can choose to accept his fate or deny it. The choice doesn’t really matter. The machines have prepared for either outcome.

                >Yes please Neo choose the path that leads to the destruction of the Matrix, humanity, and myself we don't actually need humans we're trapping you just for the heck of it it's all just a giant practical joke don't you get it Neo

              • 7 days ago

                >vis a vis

              • 7 days ago

                kek the MTV parody is more kino than the actual scene

              • 7 days ago

                It made sitting through Reloaded almost worth it.

              • 7 days ago


            • 7 days ago

              The first movie is a story about questioning your reality. The second is about denying your fate. The third is about accepting your fate.

              The architect scene is simply the focal point of the movie when everything is layed out. Neo can choose to accept his fate or deny it. The choice doesn’t really matter. The machines have prepared for either outcome.

        • 7 days ago

          >The movie deals with the "illusion of choice" so much, it seems to actually forget if any character at any point had agency.
          For the most part they don't. That's the entire point of the overarcing plot of and the primary twist of the trilogy. The entire prophecy cycle down to Zion, Neo being the chosen one and having the abilities he does was deliberately designed by the Architect and his cadre to put a human they can monitor closely into a pressure cooker to learn from and better model what makes a human a human to refine their simulation. Arguably the only characters at the end of the day who have any level of true agency are Neo and Smith, and Smith is still extremely tightly bound by his nature.

          • 7 days ago

            > That's the entire point of the overarcing plot of and the primary twist of the trilogy.
            And again, I like Reloaded, but it this is a very valid criticism. This theme can be waning on people.

            >The main goal of the machines is revealed in the end to be a reset button
            Only for the humans. The machines will be fricking around as usual without consequences, other than the loss of numbers during the onslaught.
            >The movie deals with the "illusion of choice" so much, it seems to actually forget if any character at any point had agency.
            This is exactly what Smith was talking about in his entire tirade about purpose.
            >Not concise film, ends on a cliffhanger
            This one and revolutions happen within hours of each other. Watch them back to back.
            >Reloaded closes no story
            It closes the story of Neo accepting that he was another measure of control, not a saviour. Whether a bugged matrix anomaly or a messiah, it is the system (the matrix or the humans) that inflict value upon him. By the end of the movie, both systems have ceased to hold any importance over him. He is free to make his own choice.

            Then in the third one, when he fights Smith, he rejects choice by refusing to fight smith, breaking the wheel of samsara, accepting his fate.

            It truly is kino of the highest order, flying over most people's heads 21 years later.

            >This is exactly what Smith was talking about in his entire tirade about purpose.
            Yes and it's honestly, one of the best pre-fight villain speeches ever. Smith seems to be the only character with agency and decides he must finish his task of killing Neo, that this purpose is all he has.
            >It closes the story of Neo accepting that he was another measure of control
            No, it introduces that element at the end, it closes no story or plot elements. This is not debatable, it is a valid criticism. Let me make clear, I like this movie, but it is not perfect.

            One for the price of two hurt this movie. Revolutions is also overly long, it's clearly meant to be the last hour of reloaded, but it's padded out to be even longer. This is valid as well.

            >It truly is kino of the highest order, flying over most people's heads 21 years later.
            Fully agree, the actions scenes also still hold up today. Some look gooey with their CGI, but they are really well done. The highway chase is amazing, it blew away all chases sequences in movies.

            • 7 days ago

              >This is not debatable, it is a valid criticism
              >This is valid as well.
              Then you are right about everything forever and every word uttered by you is the absolute and ultimate truth.
              >it introduces that element at the end
              Want some candy?
              Do you already know if I'm going to take it?
              Wouldn't be much of an oracle if I didn't
              Remember that in this scene Neo is worried because he keeps dreaming of Trinity's death, which is the OPENING OF THE MOVIE. And she is there to help him reach the Architect.
              Why must he reach the Architect? Because it is his purpose, where he will be presented with a moot choice. However, HE ESCAPES HIS PROGRAMMING AS THE ONE and chooses to save one individual AND THEN all the others.

              But hey, it's not debatable.

              • 7 days ago

                >But hey, it's not debatable.
                Correct, you're wrong and don't understand what closure means.

              • 7 days ago

                You are not as smart as you think you are. My interactions with you end here or with your next post. Your choice.

      • 7 days ago

        It must be dissatisfaction from the third movie flowing backwards to the second one.

        The biggest problem is that Reloaded doesn't work as a standalone sequel. It's unfortunately paired with Revolutions for a cohesive story and made worse because of it because the final payoff for everything it sets up just ends up being disappointing

      • 7 days ago

        Pacing was shit and the overall pretense was uninteresting. Barely anything memorable except for the truck collision. Boring movie.

        • 7 days ago

          >Falling out of building bullet time
          >Cave rave (for better or worse)
          >Many smith fight (CG looks a little dated but frickoff its still good)
          >Castle stairwell fight
          >Monica Bellucci
          >Crotch girl orgasm
          > key maker
          >Twin dreads Parking garage
          >Entire highway chase
          >The architect
          >Neo flying out of building and saving trinity

          That was just straight up thinking on the spot, dare I say it has more iconic moments than the first one.

          • 6 days ago

            Those are at best things that come up after you mention the movie. None of them are memorable on their own and several were reaches anyway.

      • 7 days ago

        - Neo is The One who has literally bent The Matrix to his will except now he isn't but well he still sort of is
        - Burly brawl while admittedly offering spectacle goes on forever without consequence or event, Neo just flies away
        - Bizarre Zion scene with amateur hour philosophy and a rave for some reason
        - Plot mostly consists of pointless action scenes sandwiched between meetings, the pursuit of macguffins and deus ex machina writing
        - Cliffhanger ending which had zero context unless you read some fricking comic book or something
        It's not awful but it just comes across as unnecessary and feels like it was forced into existence without the benefit of creative inspiration simply to make money. I did like Link though.

  5. 1 week ago

    Matrix Reloaded > Matrix
    if you don't agree you need to go back.

  6. 1 week ago

    And it was fantastic along with the third movie. The only 10/10 trilogy I can think of. I still love rewatching it.

  7. 1 week ago

    I tried rewatching the trilogy recently. The first is OK. It's got some excellent set pieces but is also cringeworthy as hell. The second was nothing short of absolutely unwatchable.

    The issue with the first film is that it's just sloppy. Time has done it no favours in terms of the CG, nor has popular culture or adulthood in terms of everyone being leather cladded doing freeze frame 360 degree kicks. And yer there's some really excellent moments like the sprint and jump to the helicopter.

    The trouble is that there are so many better action movies. There's better 90s Keanu action movies.

  8. 1 week ago

    only problem is how they replaced Tank

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Impressive. Very nice.

    • 1 week ago

      Nice digits

      • 7 days ago

        >gets hotter with age
        what did she mean by this?

        • 7 days ago

          Jesus Crist, what a sexy woman!!!

        • 6 days ago

          >plays Aria in Mass Effect
          the one thing BioWare did right in casting her after the Matrix films in their games.

    • 1 week ago

      This guy fricks. Tank stole every scene he was in. Still pissed they wouldnt pay the guy a few more dollars to get him for the sequel after these movies made such ridiculous money.

    • 1 week ago

      The actor wanted an exorbitant amount of dosh.
      His career was pretty much dead after that.

      • 6 days ago

        >writers regretting leaving that one character alive.

    • 7 days ago

      watch his "documentary" and report back


    • 7 days ago

      >shit dog i'm finna get my payday i want $5 million for 5 minutes of screen work!

  9. 1 week ago

    It was kino

  10. 1 week ago

    Love the music in this movie

    • 7 days ago

      im good friends with don davis's family

  11. 1 week ago

    The sequels weren't too bad.

    • 1 week ago

      >Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place?
      >upgraded agents are swole

      its the little things.

    • 7 days ago

      I love how happy the agent is when he managed to block neo

    • 7 days ago

      Daniel Bernhardt 🙂

      • 7 days ago

        >Daniel Bernhardt
        Still very active. Getting older but seeing him usually means we are in for good fight scenes. Great in John Wick.

        Hate when he is wasted on no effort girl bosses.

        • 7 days ago

          all i remember him from was bloodsport 2: return of jafar

        • 6 days ago

          I liked it.

    • 7 days ago

      >No shaky cam
      >No cuts every second
      >You can actually see what's happening
      I miss this

    • 7 days ago

      love that fight so much. he sends them flying into the walls and it looks and sounds great

    • 7 days ago

      >"Retreat to your exits"
      >"Asians are coming"
      What did he meant by this

      • 7 days ago

        Asians are the masters of kung fu

  12. 1 week ago
  13. 1 week ago

    I love the Matrix trilogy — all three movies. I especially love Revolutions. It's got this everything-is-coming-to-an-end vibe that really works for me. It's dark and moody and just great.

    • 1 week ago

      Agreed. I love the mech scenes and the flying hovercraft. Animatrix was rad too

      • 1 week ago

        I wish I'd been able to get into the Animatrix. I just couldn't. It was too Japanese for me. The Second Renaissance is obviously kino of the highest order, but the rest of it just bounced off me.

        • 1 week ago

          What about final flight of the osiris? It's pretty much a deleted scene of the matrix but made in cgi

          • 1 week ago

            I know the title, but I have no memory of ever watching it. Do you know if it's streaming anywhere?

            • 1 week ago

              Looks like the whole thing is on youtube

          • 1 week ago

            I know the title, but I have no memory of ever watching it. Do you know if it's streaming anywhere?

            Looks like the whole thing is on youtube

            All of them are great, it was cool how they chose to use different styles for each one. They could've made a Matrix miniseries and it would've been great, not sure why they didn't.

        • 6 days ago

          Beyond is the best matrix story. It's super comfy and dreamlike. Second renaissance is kino as well agreed.
          Animatrix proved that best Matrix stories are ones that explore the concept of a computer reality rather than just follow ups to the original movie.

    • 7 days ago

      Revolutions is absolute kino. They were real ballsy in making that movie so bleak. It's not something you expect out of a Hollywood trilogy.

  14. 1 week ago
    • 6 days ago

      Kino of the highest order.

  15. 1 week ago
  16. 1 week ago

    not Cinemaphile but did anyone play the mmo? i finished the trilogy a while ago and was just reading about how the game supposedly continued the story.
    wish i were born in the 90s bros. the 00s looked so cool

    • 1 week ago

      I never played it but I remember watching a retrospective video about it a long time ago. Apparently it was pretty terrible. Shame, the Matrix is a natural fit for an MMO.

    • 1 week ago

      I refused to play it when I learned you could side with the machines.

      I never played it but I remember watching a retrospective video about it a long time ago. Apparently it was pretty terrible. Shame, the Matrix is a natural fit for an MMO.

      all MMOs are terrible. Just a deeply flawed concept.

      • 1 week ago

        Shut up, contrarian butthole. Millions of people love to play MMOs.

        • 7 days ago

          billions of people love shitting in streets. shitting in streets > MMOs

    • 1 week ago

      not the mmo but Path of Neo and Enter the Matrix were fun

    • 7 days ago

      i played it a year or so after launch and it was fricking dead. i imagine it would have been alot better at launch.
      The cool thing about it (if i even remeber this right) is the map was huge and pretty much every building had an interior, even if It did look like ass.

  17. 1 week ago

    I saw this in a packed theater in Las Vegas on opening day with a massive crowd. Yeah the movie kinds sucked but it more about the experience!!!FACT!!!

  18. 1 week ago

    it was, and always will be, kino

  19. 7 days ago

    mom: "we have a matrix movie at home"

  20. 7 days ago

    it definitely has not stood the test of time like the first one. the freeway sequence remains the best car chase scene ever filmed though. it's still worth watching for that, and the cool melee combat sequences.

  21. 7 days ago

    The same people on the internet 20 years ago are repeating the same opinions to give the illusion of public consensus

  22. 7 days ago
  23. 7 days ago

    The third movie was better than the second by a mile. The second movie completely negated the struggle of the first. Why were the machines so desperate for the Zion door codes if they could just drill?

  24. 7 days ago

    Animatrix was the best sequel/prequel for me. Reloaded is somewhat underrated though; the franchise lost me however when Colonel Sanders showed up.

    • 7 days ago

      >the franchise lost me however when Colonel Sanders showed up.

      Really? That is very unusual. What about it? I thought it was excellent twist and in a way it made cold, calculated machines very humanlike.

    • 7 days ago

      I thought he was great, I hated how dumbed down and simplified he was made in the third one for convenience sake.

      Throughout all the movies until that point you had to be stupid if you seriously thought the humans could win against machines especially inside a playing field that they themselves created. The concept of 'the one' and the small pocket of resistance in the form of zion being another system of control was brilliant.

      • 7 days ago

        >I hated how dumbed down and simplified he was made in the third one for convenience sake

        How so? Oracle mentions him once and he appears at the end to reluctantly agree.
        Disappointing? Maybe.
        Dumbed down and simplified? Not seeing it.

      • 6 days ago

        A sandbox trap for rebellious children to play in.

  25. 7 days ago

    One thing that hasn't changed since its original release: autistic dorks will still defend the scene with the Architect.

    • 7 days ago

      No need to defend 10/10 scene. Sorry you lack the media literacy to understand it.

    • 7 days ago

      There's no ground left to stand on to still criticize it. It's iconic, funny and delivered the best twist the setting could've conceived.

    • 7 days ago

      Here we have the midwit who is old enough to remember when these movies released and still has the vocabulary of a 10 year old. It’s no surprise these types got filtered, I think basic functions of living like not shitting their pants also filters them

  26. 7 days ago

    the problem is they wrote that movie when they were trooning out

  27. 7 days ago

    i really like the fights and action stuff. some of the other parts i like too

  28. 7 days ago

    >you always told me to stay off the freeway
    >yes, thats true
    >you said it was suicide
    >then let us hope i was wrong

  29. 7 days ago

    The first two have good action scenes and soundtrack. Really Hugo Weaving stole the show in all those movies. The Animatrix is much better, though.
    But Dark City is the better movie.

  30. 7 days ago

    The Matrix was a cultural phenomenon and it was endless referenced and parodied. It truly is a great classic.

    The sequels…….. not so much.

  31. 7 days ago

    The Matrix was god tier and i still love it.
    2 and 3rd movie was fun capshit but without moronic quips

  32. 7 days ago
    • 7 days ago

      When I watched the first movie as a kid when it came out all I was thinking was 'cool kung fu and shooty guns'

      When I watched it as an adult it kinda gave me an existential crisis. If you imagine yourself experiencing it in his shoes as the movie progresses it's very distressing. what morpheus says about freeing minds that are too old is dangerous and they cant accept that their new reality is real, first time I watched it I thought it was just bullshit. You come to realise if this happened to you you'd be in the nightmare real world thinking 'if that was all a dream then it's logical to assume so is this. If I can learn anything from this it's that blindly assuming any reality to be real is stupid from this point on.'

      • 6 days ago

        epstein was my redpill
        everything's been a rabbithole afterwards

    • 6 days ago

      why didnt that robot just kill him? never understood that

      • 6 days ago

        it was checking why one of the crop had malfunctioned, it wasn't a killbot

  33. 7 days ago

    was matrix 4 the most expensive shitpost ever? i feel like wachowski didnt want to make it but investors forced them so they produced this self aware turd

    • 7 days ago

      People have been saying that since roughly 45 minutes after the movie debuted on Max and it's still not any less wrong than it was then. Giant companies don't make bad movies on purpose. They were all very much trying to make a good movie. Everybody involved in the process simply failed. It's no different from a hundred other bad movies that come out every year. Genuine effort, poor results.

      • 7 days ago

        Another brainlet filtered by Resurrections.
        You were expecting more of the same paint-by-the-numbers sequel that tried to be the first installment with new technologies. You got something new and genuine.

  34. 7 days ago

    I enjoyed the first half of Resurrections and I wouldn't mind watching a sequel.

  35. 7 days ago

    Twins and opening are kino

  36. 7 days ago

    The ending on the first one prevents any good sequels. Neo was about to liberate humanity and had control over the matrix, in his final fight with smith he showed he didn't even need to physically fight, he could just hack them and blow them apart. Sequels have to reverse all of that and plot an entirely new course that leads nowhere new. Seriously, tell me how the sequels help at all to envision a less alienated way of living? It was convoluted bullshit to waste time and come up with nothing new.

  37. 7 days ago

    I am posting in a good thread right now. Other threads should strive to be like this one.

  38. 7 days ago

    Lots of pretentious movie critic homosexuals. 2 and 3 are amazing. Like Lotr, the first one is a masterpiece, and 2 and 3 are incredible expansions with a full and satisfying conclusion. You just don't get that now a days. Yes the rave is homosexual, yes the architect is pretentious. But they are both great scenes that get across world building and complex plot in a relatively efficient way. Any corrections you would make to fix the scenes are much smaller than the strength of what they got right.

    I loved the Smith clone fight. I loved the escalation of smith into the real world, again, sometimes a little cheekier than any critic would say.

    • 7 days ago

      More comparable to PotC than LotR

    • 7 days ago

      >2 and 3 are amazing
      I liked 2, what killed it for me was neo getting his magical super powers also in the real world which makes no sense

      • 6 days ago

        >real world
        umm, you mean the 2nd-level matrix ?

  39. 7 days ago

    The first is one of my favorite films ever. Perfect music, dialogue, action, the themes are genuinely interesting and there’s not one wasted scene. Paced perfectly. We didn’t need any more films in the series

    The second one was un-asked for. It’s not bad per se but the rave scene and the Neo-Smith fight is CGI diarrhea. They focus more on the world than the larger themes which is a bummer too but at least they introduce some cool characters

    Third movie has more bad scenes than good scenes. I guess the final Neo-Smith fight is my favorite part but every second spent in Zion is a waste of my life

    Fourth movie
    >didn’t watch, don’t want to watch

    • 7 days ago

      3 was worth it purely for
      >Why Mister Anderson, why? Why do you persist!?
      >Because I choose to.
      One of the most kino moments in the series, even compared to the best moments in the first movie.

      • 7 days ago

        For me it's
        >Mr. Anderson, welcome back.

      • 6 days ago

        i love this moment too, it represents the indomitable will to fight on EVEN if the outcome is already written
        when you're fully invested in a cause, the actual outcomes stop mattering and you only care about the struggle itself
        there is nothing more human than this, and it makes sense that a program wouldn't get it

  40. 7 days ago

    As a kid, The Matrix was honestly one of the most amazing cinematic experiences of my life. I was desperate to pee by the end but didn't want to miss a minute. And then on Monday at school, everyone who saw the film was all, "HOLY SHIT THAT MATRIX!"

    Anyhow, I quite liked Reloaded. Sure, it wasn't the first but the car chase was still pretty kick ass, even if it wasn't the lobby shoot out. But Revolutions was pretty wank. The climax itself was okay, Smith vs Neo, but getting there was felt crappy.

    • 7 days ago

      FYI sit at the back of the theater for long movies or those you definitely can't miss, it'll let you quietly pee onto the floor without anyone noticing

      • 7 days ago

        I dunno, bruh, what if it starts trickling down to the rows in front?

        • 7 days ago

          they assume someone spilled their soda pop, but realistically no one would notice because they're all fixated on the screen.

          you could always just diaper it up too.

      • 7 days ago

        did peeing into the soda cup even occur to you before you typed diaper and peeing on the floor?
        fkn weirdo

        • 7 days ago

          that would be way more conspicuous, and then you've got a whole cup of piss jostling around on your lap or you have to hold this warm piss cup. you'd probably be overcome by the temptation to throw it on someone and end up showering the people below you in HIV-positive piss.

          not a viable option IMO.

  41. 7 days ago

    I don't care what anyone says about this film, it finally answers the question of WTF happens when multiple people attack the protag all at once, not waiting in line for their turn like pussies:

  42. 7 days ago

    They fricked up by having the Animatrix mog their own movie.

  43. 7 days ago

    I saw it in a absolutely packed theater, with people sitting in the stairs.

  44. 7 days ago

    Matrix sequels proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the trannies did not write the first film. Everything they've done since then only supports that.

    • 7 days ago

      nah man, when they wrote the sequels, they didn't identify as men anymore
      which proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that trans women are real women, since women couldn't write a good script if their life depended on it

    • 7 days ago

      nah man, when they wrote the sequels, they didn't identify as men anymore
      which proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that trans women are real women, since women couldn't write a good script if their life depended on it

      It's true. 1st film was basically stolen from some other i can't remember the name of right now. When they had to come up with new shit for the 'trilogy' we got this trainwreck.

  45. 7 days ago

    Title of this LITERALLY started the "reloaded" naming trend in just about everything because of the hype. It can frick off for JUST that reason alone.

  46. 7 days ago

    Morpheus looked like he ate the matrix in this one lmao

  47. 7 days ago

    The Matrix Reloaded is good and I'm tired of pretending it's not

    • 7 days ago

      it's 'average' which is saying a lot considering what we get now but compared to what came before it's not as good.

  48. 7 days ago

    The highway chase and the battle of zion was kino, the rest of the sequals was just meh.

  49. 7 days ago

    and then i got arrested for jerking off in the theater to Carrie Ann-Moss's sex scene

  50. 7 days ago

    me in middle school when the zion rave started

  51. 7 days ago

    I grew up on Hong Kong martial arts movies in the 80s. So when matrix came out on DVD in the late 90s and i saw keanu and a 55 year old australian man trying to do "Kung Fu" with very obviously sped up/edited footage i laughed so hard i had tears in my eyes.

    • 7 days ago

      >55 year old australian man

    • 7 days ago

      Well ain't you cool. I'd watched Bruce Lee films and John Woo movies before The Matrix and I still thought it was cool AF Neo uploading kung-fu and whipping out twin pistols.

      Shit, it wasn't even about the moves. It's that they did them in a professional, glossy Hollywood setting rather than the (charmingly) shlocky Hong Kong way. It wasn't Morpheus just getting smacked in the head, it was him getting detonated through a toilet bowl. It wasn't Neo shooting up some security guards, it was Neo annihilating a whole lobby with handguns alone and plaster flying all over the place and the room looking like it was ready for demolition afterwards.

    • 7 days ago

      Kung Fu is fake moronic shit, what do you mean "trying to do"? Do you think Keanu was "trying" to leap across buildings in the film too, lmao?

  52. 7 days ago

    first one was a mind blower so yeah

  53. 7 days ago

    Can you imagine being in the matrix. Whoa dude crazy

    • 7 days ago

      We already are.

      • 7 days ago


        • 7 days ago

          We're on a flat surface with a dome wall over us. No escape. There are many others beyond. We can't get out, Elon's rockets tried to blast though showing that blue watery effect, Atmosphere is made of water.

      • 7 days ago


  54. 7 days ago

    Crazy that the entire trilogy is just about trans visibility

  55. 7 days ago

    This movie was cool (the first) when it was about the introspection, escaping something seemingly inescapable, philosophical and all that.. I would've watched a 2 hour movie of just that - no action.

  56. 7 days ago
    • 7 days ago

      where are you getting these from?

      • 7 days ago

        They're from the same place I encoded most of the 35mm webms that have been reposted in here. Someone got ahold of an old copy of a busted blown out theater reel and scanned it in years ago. It used to be hosted on mega linked from a film enthusiast forum, but I don't know if it's up anywhere anymore. The filename is "The.Matrix.1999.35mm.1080p.Cinema.DTS.v2.0" if you care to dig for it.

        • 7 days ago

          • 7 days ago


          • 6 days ago

            back to the future is a GOAT movie

      • 6 days ago

        They're from the same place I encoded most of the 35mm webms that have been reposted in here. Someone got ahold of an old copy of a busted blown out theater reel and scanned it in years ago. It used to be hosted on mega linked from a film enthusiast forum, but I don't know if it's up anywhere anymore. The filename is "The.Matrix.1999.35mm.1080p.Cinema.DTS.v2.0" if you care to dig for it.

        Alternatively, you can just watch the 4K HDR version that came out in 2018. It's pretty close to the original film prints in terms of color grading, a lot better than any previous official release.
        Just don't watch the 1080p SDR "remastered" version released at the same time, that one looks like shit.

  57. 6 days ago

    I was still 100% liberal back then but my exact words were "too many goddamned Black folk".

  58. 6 days ago

    The first movie was a proper stand-alone movie with a message, cool new ideas and groundbreaking special effects.
    Part 2 and 3 were just action slob in the vain of modern Marvel movies. They weren't horrible, but they aren't anything special.

  59. 6 days ago

    My favorite scenes were the big burly brawl, the chateau fight, and the freeway chase.

  60. 6 days ago

    >can literally bend reality to his will
    >just does kungfu
    The sequels make the idea that they didn't even write the first matrix extremely plausible.

  61. 6 days ago

    and then homies were too illiterate to understand the ending

    keep in mind, Gen-Z homosexuals, this was 2003, so much stupider than today was the normie's norm

  62. 6 days ago
    • 6 days ago

      Why exactly did this and Dark City come out so close to the Matrix?

      Why did Hollywood go: this is the vibe dellow felegates?

      • 6 days ago

        both writers and producers rip each other off

  63. 6 days ago

    I’m trapped in the matrix! Ahhhhhhhh!

    • 6 days ago

      Here, take this pill given to you by a strange man. You may feel a little loopy and pass out for a bit, heh heh

  64. 6 days ago

    I genuinelly think it's on par with matrix 1 and people are just haters.

    Revolutions was dogshit tho

  65. 6 days ago

    The Battle of Zion was badass and still looks amazing on a big screen

    • 6 days ago

      quick! send out the wheelbarrel boys!

    • 6 days ago

      the machines just flew around like morons instead of going for the easy kills. Especially when they bragged about how efficient and amazing they were at destroying zion. They took a lot of unneeded casualties.

      • 6 days ago

        The Battle of Zion was badass and still looks amazing on a big screen

        Its interesting to note that Keanu basically gave the entire VFX team huge bonuses from his own paycheck for the movies, which was undoubtedly a massive contributor to why the movies' VFX has stood the test of time. He took care of them, so they in kind gave it their all.

  66. 6 days ago

    Honestly, the three movies did give us some incredible music:

  67. 6 days ago

    I think the only way this series could continue is if they did a prequel first. Neo's power level was so far off the chart at the end of the first one not even the dumbest brainlet could justify how much he was nerfed in the beginning. Or perhaps in a sequel they could have made Neo evil or like a third faction humans would have to fight. Or just rush to the end of Revolutions and say he has to sacrifice himself because of some instability he created in the matrix due to exercising his powers. But WB wanted that cash grab.

    • 6 days ago

      The Oracle was working for the machines. The whole concept of the One was something they had designed and were expecting. So of course, as soon as he appears and kicks their agents asses, they implement their upgrades so agents are more able to fight against him and subdue some of his powers. You're the brainlet if you still don't understand that after all this time.

      • 6 days ago

        At the end of the first one he was able to just completely delete agents. he didn't need to kungfu them so there wouldn't be an reason an upgrade would help. They hyped up the ones ability to change the matrix itself to his will and then removed that ability altogether in the sequel so they could have more stupid kungfu fights.

        And the oracle wasn't working with the machines. She was on her own little mission to end the war. She was manipulating everyone to fit her plan. That involved making trinity and neo falling in love so that neo would choose trinity over the matrix. She predicted the rise of agent smith which is why she just let herself be assimilated. She knew that it would lead to smith being connected to the source by neo, allowing the truce. The Architect even says "You played a dangerous game."

        • 6 days ago

          Another thing I found confusing in Reloaded was how you had these rogue programs with their own personalities and initiatives that were permitted free reign to run around the matrix. The first movie went from being a horror film to a superhero film, then the sequel just went into being a straight up fantasy with over complicated lore about how it is not just about machines enslaving humanity.

          • 6 days ago

            Well, no. It's not specifically that they're rogue programs, as much as they're programs that occupy the resources in the layers between the Matrix. It's fairer to say that they're bacteria that occupy the system, kind of like the gut bacteria we all have. By themselves, they help our bodies immensely and are harmless. But in the event that they multiply beyond measure, it would poison us and kill the body due to infection and organ failure. Similarly, the prime machine intelligence allows these "bacteria" to persist, as they assist in the function and garbage collection of The Matrix and thus exist in in a symbiotic rather than parasitic relationship.

            • 6 days ago

              yeah but that's a movie in itself. It'd be best to explore this in a streaming series or in more animatrix episodes. Reloaded was trying to do way too much, then ended on a cliff hanger for extra sting.

              • 6 days ago

                I don't think the Matrix films would have survived the streaming implementation. They're anachronistically incompatible with the concept.

      • 6 days ago

        >The Oracle was working for the machines.
        >humans frequently talk to the Oracle for advice
        okay big brained anon.

  68. 6 days ago

    what is the best scene in the matrix movies

  69. 6 days ago

    Someone post that Trinity big butt in motorcycle webm

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