This show is going to make a bunch of 35-year-old jobless virgins who live in their mother's basement think they can finally "turn their lif...

This show is going to make a bunch of 35-year-old jobless virgins who live in their mother's basement think they can finally "turn their life around" by becoming a line cook.

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Has housing situation gotten worse though? Honest question.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Building code has gotten mas jeu if that's what you're really asking.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    What about 23-year-old jobless virgins who live in their mother's basement

    • 2 weeks ago

      Pick up a trade. You still have time.

      • 2 weeks ago

        People in their 30s have the time too, moron

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not really, no. The labor market is pretty barren for anyone 30 and up trying to actually "do" anything like that. Your best bet is to scrape some money together and get a two-year certification in something like process operation.

          • 2 weeks ago

            nah. It's really not.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >The labor market is pretty barren for anyone 30 and up trying to actually "do" anything like that.

              Kek, no its not.

              And who told you this, Sam Hyde?

              The Department of Labor Statistics and the "real" long term unemployed outlook data, but what do I know. I'm just an academic researching this.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >but what do I know. I'm just a loser living in my mom's basement

              • 2 weeks ago

                where are you published? Could I read more of your work or findings rather than your bathroom wall scrawlings? Mister Academic?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Journal of Organizational Behavior

              • 2 weeks ago

                My dad works at DoL and he says he you're lying.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You're full of shit. I work for a fairly large corporate chain. The age of employees is trending up, has been for the last decade.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >no link
                Show proof or gtfo gay

              • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            >The labor market is pretty barren for anyone 30 and up trying to actually "do" anything like that.

            Kek, no its not.

          • 2 weeks ago

            And who told you this, Sam Hyde?

          • 2 weeks ago

            I've changed jobs twice since I hit my 30s you have no clue what you're talking about. If anything people assume I'm more responsible because I'm over 30 (I'm not, but happy for the benefit of the doubt).

          • 2 weeks ago

            i don't know where you're from but every company i can think of would much rather hire a 33 year old than a 23 year old. because the young ones today are moronic and have zero attention span

            • 2 weeks ago

              They're not going to hire a 33 year old that has been unemployed for very long. If you've been a neet basement dweller for years, you're going to have to "do" something first. Like go get a process operator certificate. That's the easiest way to be able to call up somebody and get a job.

              • 2 weeks ago

                well i got a tip: lying on your resume is not illegal

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"Welcome to the interview here at Father's and Son's Big Corp Consulting Co, we had some additional questions about some of what you did at your previous place of employment. Now, what exactly did you accomplish as the CTO of Beating Off and NEETLife LLC? You didn't fill in too many details here, as a large portion of your resume was instead dedicated to your hobbies.."

              • 2 weeks ago

                if you're a neet loser no way you could bluff yourself into some skilled job. but if you say i worked at ups, walmart, ikea or whatever. you really think they're gonna call ikea to double check? lmao

                i was unemployed for two years doing jack shit and when the money ran out i had another shitty job within a week. that was years ago and now a have a real job

              • 2 weeks ago

                we do
                >t. HR drone
                We call every company listed on the resume

              • 2 weeks ago

                but you're hr of one (1) company. there's a huge labour shortage and companies are competing over worker drones. it is almost impossible to not get a job these days. it's not going to be some don draper prestigious power player job but you have to start somewhere

              • 2 weeks ago

                You aren't going to get an entry level "collar" job. You're going to get a job running the register at a gas station

              • 2 weeks ago

                >i need to stop being a neet
                >i want a job
                >no not that job

              • 2 weeks ago

                Even then, there's better options in terms of wage jobs. But I'll have to agree with him that you can sprinkle some candy on your resume and if you're clever it will boost your chances of getting hired.

              • 2 weeks ago

                White collar jobs have the most churn. You realize how many dumbasses I see get trained only to leave in a month or two.

                Zoomers are legit completely un-hirable. It's basically a goldmine for Millennials right now, because as stuck up as they are, most of them are at the point where they're too old to be trying that shit and are likely to just do the fricking work.

                Shit, I had to do hiring for my team, and the slampig millennial who was switching careers was my pick mainly because she actually put effort in the interview while the others didn't bother to do anything.

              • 2 weeks ago

                lol no we fricking don't, we barely call 2 most of the time.

                >t. Another HR drone

                Just lie, but make sure it's believable and know your lie well.

              • 2 weeks ago

                When you call do you just verify employment dates or what?

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's a checklist and a few single sentance answer questions basically.

                We verify dates, but many referees aren't sure on the exact dates if its been a while more than half the time.

                It's honestly hard for someone to give a bad reference.

                The only time the referees answers would matter much are if they were being used as a tie breaker between 2 candidates who the interviewer was equally impressed by which almost never happens.

                The main things the referee check is for is to make sure you didn't get fired for stealing or assaulting someone, and to make sure you don't have any health conditions which would be a liability work-wise e.g. a bad back, arthritis etc.

                You can easily get a friend to be a fake referee, but brief them first, get someone who is a competent talker and give them a sheet of paper with the basics of what your fake job entailed, when you were there, your reason for leaving etc etc. Even a lot of legit referees don't have an answer for every question and it's not a big deal unless it's about your reason for leaving or if you're a criminal or have medical conditions.

                If you are a criminal, just don't be a thief. No one cares about drug convictions or even assault if it's a few years in the past or you were young but they don't want to be stolen from more than anything.

                I have over a decade of experience all up in recruiting and hr, I hate the field but I know how it works.

                Obviously if you're applying for executive level jobs or important government stuff it's a bit different but even low level government stuff here is not very strict or the browns and wouldn't be able to get employed.

                The Indians and chinks lie their asses off so do what you need to do. That's just the environment we're in now.

                And it is NOT all over even in your 40s. Just smile and be polite, don't be autistic and remember to wash daily etc.

              • 2 weeks ago

                no you don't. I use 3 fake reference and have voicemails set up for each. None of them have ever received a call and I work a comfy WFH job as an IT.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Which IT field?

              • 2 weeks ago

                we do
                >t. HR drone
                We call every company listed on the resume

                one of the things I have also noticed is a lot more "family owned businesses" which I know is a lie but it's still like whatever as long as the resume bit matches up pretty closely

              • 2 weeks ago

                >but if you say i worked at ups, walmart, ikea or whatever. you really think they're gonna call ikea to double check? lmao
                that logic only applies to shit wagie jobs. any job that's worth a frick will actually check the employers and references on your resume.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >underage who hasn't worked a day in his life

            • 2 weeks ago

              I'm an academic, of course I haven't actually "worked" a day in my life.

              • 2 weeks ago

                then shut the frick up because you have no idea what youre talking about Black person

              • 2 weeks ago

                Data says otherwise. If you are "long term unemployed" and have fallen out of the metrics that measure unemployment, you're pretty much fricked when it comes to re-entering the workplace. Especially if you have a degree. If you have a graduate degree, the odds are worse.

                Employers shy away from 30-somethings who haven't been working for a long time.

                You're full of shit. I work for a fairly large corporate chain. The age of employees is trending up, has been for the last decade.

                Doing what? Have those people been unemployed for a long time or are they just switching jobs as is commonplace for whatever sector that might be? It's probably business as usual if it's hospitality or food services. Also normal for retail.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Your data is horseshit, and so are your idiotic theories.

          • 2 weeks ago

            This. I fricked it up, I am 33 and have no provable job experience. And in my Europoor country you can't lie because companies ask you to show then the official papers of how long you paid taxes and the different companies you work for. It's over for me. No woman will ever be with a man in my state. I make some money online but that's it. Dont frick it up in your 20s, kids

            • 2 weeks ago

              Say you were overseas working

              I do that on my resume and it's a great little hack for filling gaps. If they ask why you left just say you were in a relationship that didn't work out lol

              Don't give up on the lies, anon. You can do it! I believe in your dishonesty!

            • 2 weeks ago

              where do you live, sounds like you're making excuses. any fricking moron can get some warehouse job

              • 2 weeks ago

                What about more than that?

              • 2 weeks ago

                you have to start at the start. especially when you're a Cinemaphile dweller with no irl skills (yet)

                >i deserve better
                is what a woman would think

          • 2 weeks ago

            Just gonna make a quick PSA to those jobless people who are actually trying to do something with their lives.

            Posts like this are fricking moronic and come from eternally online idiots who don't have a job and just want to doompost all day. I got stuck in that rut once, but believe me, there is shit out there as long as you put some effort in.

            I completely switched career paths at 30 after getting depressed in my late 20s, crashing out and not working for 2 years. I'm 32 now. Promoted within 6 months of starting, promoted after a year of starting, left in 18 months from start to a better agency where I'm at now.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I had a very similar experience to yours, crashed and burned in my 20s but things are better now. If you manage to weather the storm there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

          • 2 weeks ago

            i don’t know where this ‘my life is over after 30’ doomer shit came from.
            i see it in real life with a coworker who got depressed he was turning 30 soon and wasn’t going to accomplish anything in life.
            then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy where they get too depressed at 30+ to fix their lives.
            just fricking bizarre

            • 2 weeks ago


              This woman killed herself shortly after writing this because she turned 30

              • 2 weeks ago

                Makes sense for women. Every generation of women before this has been content with fulfilling their role as a homemaker and raising children but now women think they can girl boss their way to a fulfilling life that goes against their biological nature. I would kill myself too if I was her.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >just fricking bizarre

              is aging bizarre?

              30 is where it really starts to hit you while in your 20s you still felt ageless

            • 2 weeks ago

              ~~*Hollywood*~~ propaganda promoting boomer corporate idealism by convincing children that their only route to success is taking on massive debt as soon as they graduate highschool so they can get a good job so they can have a good life with a hot wife and a sports car in the garage of their 4 bedroom home by the time they are 30.

            • 2 weeks ago

              It's part of the doomer/demoralization textbook. It has no basis in reality.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >The labor market is pretty barren for anyone 30 and up trying to actually "do" anything like that.

            nonsense. there's a large and growing need for nurses and carers.
            males who can stomach it have a comparative advantage because they need male strength to lift people and because of workplace equity blah blah
            and because many places the people applying are disproportionately black people and immigrants who are more likely to abuse the patients or be incompetent or the patients just prefer white carers/nurses.

            the only downside is that most men naturally can't stomach it temperamentally because men don't enjoy being nice and caring as much as women.

          • 2 weeks ago

            At least you’re confident in how you sound

          • 2 weeks ago

            you're moronic if you think this way. I neeted it up from age 27 to 30. then I got a job by just saying I was "freelancing" during that time.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Being a skilled process operator is honestly not a bad gig from what I can tell. The hours suck, but once you make your bones you spend most of your day in the control room drinking coffee and watching boards.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Basically and the nature of the gig is such that they are always hiring anyone who has the paper. If you have been a NEET and have zero work experience but a degree and no luck getting a job doing anything other than working a register, it's not too expensive to get the two year certificate and the degree will put you in line for supervisor positions and possibly into management at corporate.

              I know the other anons are shitting on me, but I actually am an academic and I have worked for the DoL on this sort of thing and of all the pipelines out of unemployment that I have seen tossed around by people it is one of the best ones out there for someone with no connections and nothing tying them down to a singular area/region.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >nothing tying them down to a singular area/region
                Moving out of my parents’ house to live some place far away and alone at some job I might not like sounds like a recipe for mental breakdown. I only do things I know I will like or feel confident about.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It’s incredible to me how there are people who can leave home at 18, go somewhere else for college, immediately move to a new city/state out of college. People who can do traveling jobs or go on business trips throughout their 20s. People who can just completely live independently in new environments and succeed. Then you have losers like us still living with mommy and daddy in late 20s or 30s. What the hell happened to us.

                >The only thing that actually matters is getting as much money as fast as possible and enjoying your life
                How do you do this? I'm never gonna be a doctor, lawyer, or programmer. I think my best shot is a trade, AV installer, or something like that. I have a good brain and a good work ethic, just a shit childhood.

                There’s not even anything that money would provide me at this point. I don’t care about vacations and traveling, I don’t want nice cars, I don’t want a big house, I don’t have large expenses or any desire to have them. Money isn’t a driving force for my life, so there’s no ambition to improve my financial situations

              • 2 weeks ago

                Those people aren’t all that. Look at the famous ones that crash out like Timberlake.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I want money so I can have a family. If that isn't attainable, I want a money for a house so I can live a modest life in peace. Living in the city and renting apartments is hell.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >What the hell happened to us
                I wish I could pinpoint it to one particular thing but I just can’t. All I can say is mental illness, some sort of chemical imbalance or something. Having panic attacks about life and general anxiety before even knowing what anxiety meant. And that mental illness causing bad thinking for decades.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Just constant uneasiness and fear, not knowing or finding one’s place in life. Limbo. A prison for which a key was never made.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >What the hell happened to us.

                I guess it's obvious to everyone else but I only realized recently how crucial being social is. I was able to vegetate uninterrupted because I had no friends checking up on me and no social responsibilities. I failed college because I had no one to study with or motivate me to come to lectures. Also you miss out on so much. In the short time I had friends in school I went on adventures, got free tickets to events, got stuff with employee discount, went to parties even got a job... having no friends/acquaintances is severly crippling. And once you are out it's hard to get back. You need to be a genius or autist of some kind to do well without a social circle.

              • 2 weeks ago

                In my experience, never confronting problems makes your fears more real and amplifies the anxiety that comes before actually solving anything. The more you wait the worse it is. But those people can be scared too at first. My brother left home overnight because he got a job offer in another city and the first weeks he was miserable and wanted to go back home. Now he's got a flat, a gf and is constantly travelling to other countries. He needed to go through that frightening stage. He's younger than me and far more acomplished because he was forced to get better, unlike me. I am still in my comfort zone and am too scared to leave it. But the moment you start tackling problems and solving them your confidence to handle life increases so much.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I'm studying EE at a prestigious university, and will get my Master's by the age of 31.
            Are you telling me no company would like to hire me?

            • 2 weeks ago

              If you're EE and getting a MEng or MS, you should get an internship and they would/should hire you unless you frick up.

            • 2 weeks ago

              If you’re an EE with a Masters and no work experience it’s going to be hard for you. All the EE’s I know get out of it early and into management.

              • 2 weeks ago

                If you're EE and getting a MEng or MS, you should get an internship and they would/should hire you unless you frick up.

                guess i stick with academia, you know....doing research n shit

          • 2 weeks ago

            I literally make $75/hr+ from home with no degree in my boxers
            >t. 30 yr old boomer who started a data annotation company to capitalize on AI fad

            • 2 weeks ago

              were you born in a upper middle class family?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yes. My dad has been retired since 2008 and turned 60 last month.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >People in their 30s have the time too, moron
          This is not true at all. If you're in your 20s you need to be either finishing your education or finding a career ASAP, it's not going to happen in your 30s.

          • 2 weeks ago

            only the 18478181473th time this exact thread has happened before. keep it up i'm sure posting it verbatim another couple of hundred times will fix your shitty life.

            • 2 weeks ago

              It's like looking in a mirror for you, isn't it?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Dont listen to this moron , I was a NEET till 31 , Due to my parents finally telling me to grow up I enrolled in tech school. Got a job as an X ray tech and do fairly well , most of all my parents arent embarrassed of me

            • 2 weeks ago

              >x ray tech
              isnt this job oversaturated/ hospitals generally only need 1. how long was your job search

              • 2 weeks ago

                They don't even need one, usually hospitals make the "imaging" crew do it and they're certified on all the machines.

                >NEET till 35
                >work a job for 10 years
                >reach 45
                >don't own home
                >don't have savings
                >didn't pay into pension
                Hmm I wonder what'll happen

                Pensions have been going away for ages. Social Security has been effectively eliminated as well due to the retirement age and full benefits age being pushed back to 67. They are likely going to raise it to 70 before too long.

                It's over.

                Noting will happen you dumb frick, you are going to inherit a place from your parents.

                Reverse mortgage is gonna get you (you should sell your parents' house and downsize as much as you're comfortable doing because they will take it if you can't make property tax payments).

          • 2 weeks ago

            based on anecdotal evidence, no, I'll have to disagree

          • 2 weeks ago

            >pushes demoralization to cope with their own failure
            You can go back to school for a trade or something healthcare related in your 30s no problem, you could even become a truck driver. No excuse not to make good money other than fear of responsibility

            • 2 weeks ago

              Responsibility's cool but there's more things in life

          • 2 weeks ago

            You guys think it changes when you move out of your parents house?
            I own my house at 29, that picture is literally me if you remove the parents.
            And it's an incredibly based life.

        • 2 weeks ago

          No just ldar or apply for neetbux if you don't have rich psrents

      • 2 weeks ago

        even if I've consumed so much porn that I can't even sleep at night without having feverish manic porn dreams?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Hey guess what homosexual as long as you're still alive and willing to try you have infinite chances until you die.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Doing something other than sitting in your room jacking off will probably take your mind off of things like that. At least it works like that for me, ymmv.

        • 2 weeks ago

          What does this have to do with learning a trade? Just jack off after work bro

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Dude just destroy you knees and back and be unable to walk at 50 and have barely anything to show for it because trades don't pay jack shit

        What about 23-year-old jobless virgins who live in their mother's basement

        Enlist in the air force

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Enlist in the air force
          Hopefully they dont make you inject any strange chemicals

        • 2 weeks ago

          Absolutely glowing post

      • 2 weeks ago

        This , Hell I was a 33 year old Jobless virgin who went to trade school. Still a virgin , but I have a job now and my own place so progress!

        • 2 weeks ago

          So you finally moved out from your parents in your mid-30s? If you had done that in your mid-20s you could have been in a much better place by now. This just proves the point

          • 2 weeks ago

            >"muh much better place"
            the worlds not worth doing that good a job for, it's practically held together by perception and the unspoken heroes who actually keep things going.

            • 2 weeks ago

              It's not about the world, it's about being financially secure. If you just started your first real job and are renting your first place in your mid 30s you're gonna get fricked by the time you're into the middle ages.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you're gonna get fricked by the time you're into the middle ages.

                Kek, no. wtf are you talking

              • 2 weeks ago

                >NEET till 35
                >work a job for 10 years
                >reach 45
                >don't own home
                >don't have savings
                >didn't pay into pension
                Hmm I wonder what'll happen

              • 2 weeks ago

                Noting will happen you dumb frick, you are going to inherit a place from your parents.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >be 50 with nothing
                >parents die
                >inherit place
                >somehow this will secure your life
                You have sub-Saharan African tier IQ. Not like a regular Nigerian or something, but the blackest, most melanated, most bucktoothed African imaginable.

                They don't even need one, usually hospitals make the "imaging" crew do it and they're certified on all the machines.
                Pensions have been going away for ages. Social Security has been effectively eliminated as well due to the retirement age and full benefits age being pushed back to 67. They are likely going to raise it to 70 before too long.

                It's over.
                Reverse mortgage is gonna get you (you should sell your parents' house and downsize as much as you're comfortable doing because they will take it if you can't make property tax payments).

                >Pensions have been going away for ages. Social Security has been effectively eliminated
                All the more reason to have secured your finances before becoming middle aged.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >somehow this will secure your life

                Yes it will, and you are a fricking moron.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >>don't own home
                Who the frick owns a home in this generation. You're renting until you die.

          • 2 weeks ago

            It's not about the world, it's about being financially secure. If you just started your first real job and are renting your first place in your mid 30s you're gonna get fricked by the time you're into the middle ages.

            No shit moron. the point is better late than never. what are you even on about?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Pay them no mind. They are racing towards a red light.

            • 2 weeks ago

              The point is you squandered and wasted your potential.

              • 2 weeks ago

                yeah youre right but whys it too late to change that? guess everyone should kys at 35 because everyone should have such a deranged opinion about life as morons in this thread

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nah not really. You can always keep learning if you have faith and the drive. It's only over when you accept that it's over. And that's why it'll never be over... you fricking israelite.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The point is you squandered and wasted your potential.
                Blank slatist actually believe this.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Nice goalpost move you dumb homosexual
            >nah it can’t happen in your 30’s bro, just give up
            >w-well it would’ve been better if you did this in your 20’s
            Concession accepted loser’s opinion rejected

          • 2 weeks ago

            If my grandmother had wheels she would've been a bike by now

          • 2 weeks ago

            the best time to plant a tree is either 20 years ago, the second best time is today.
            dont listen to frail losers trying to remind you how much their life sucks by giving you 'advice' that conveniently allows them to feel better than you in the process.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Marathon not a race idiot.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hey guess what homosexual as long as you're still alive and willing to try you have infinite chances until you die.

      • 2 weeks ago

        alright, I'll take my 79 year old ass to boat school and become a merchant marine.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >thinks this is an epic gotcha
          some idiot has never read the old man and the sea. You absolute moron, you fool.

          • 2 weeks ago

            my fortress of rhetoric has been unmade. you got me

            • 2 weeks ago

              >he also never saw back to school with Rodney Dangerfield
              there's still time for you, you don't have to end up seafoam on the bottom of some Jap's shoe.

              • 2 weeks ago

                why dont you just explain it to me

              • 2 weeks ago

                But you were so confident before. That's what the point of the original post was. Be confident and grateful I didn't spoon feed and devalue the message for you.

              • 2 weeks ago

                oh, I thought we were doing a bit

              • 2 weeks ago

                I ran out of steam, sobriety sucks.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I drank all last week and I've been having light withdrawal symptoms the last few days

        • 2 weeks ago

          You may laugh but i've heard tales of a 70 year old or two going through a merchant mariner apprenticeship.
          t.Merchant Mariner

    • 2 weeks ago

      i was in your situation, just spend 4 years in the military and then spend 4 years getting paid to go to college

      if you're autistic (likely seeing as you're a virgin) you will fit in the military well

    • 2 weeks ago

      I would give anything to go back to being 23. You have your entire life ahead of you. Provided your dreams aren't something like becoming a professional athlete or astronaut you have more than enough time to do pursue whatever you want.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Just stop being a pussy and take the fricking leap. It's not too late.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It would be nice, just not this era, it's ugly and doesn't lead anywhere no matter how young you are. There are plenty of people, women even, neither you nor anyone else cares to remember despite their company and more.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It is so cringe.. You want your life to be this movie in the op? I think the movie sucks and want something, again, much better than any movie.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I would give anything to go back to being 23

        people gave me good advice when i was at that age but i ignored it all

    • 2 weeks ago

      Inject fentanyl. Escape the masters rules and the master's domain. You didn't choose to be born anyway. You only have to make it to the finish line and it will finally be over. You never have to wake up again in the master's domain.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I'm going to open a tattoo shop that has poison ink but just enough where it'll wound over a period of decades and degenerate their mental faculties.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Regular tattoo shops do that too.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm just upset I didn't think of it first. I think blowfish poison would've been cool to use. I bet someone's done that before.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Why don't you want people to have hope. What's in it for you to put other people down

    • 2 weeks ago

      misery loves company

  5. 2 weeks ago

    nobody thinks that. being a line cook is a shitty thankless job. he was professionally trained and not just a line cook. in fact the show pushes for people who are just shitty line cooks to seek out further education in cooking instead of just being shitty line cooks.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I unironically know a dude who quit his shitty desk job to work as a cook (for less pay) after watching the bear lmao

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Cooks are cool, get over it civvies.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Girls who are in the cooking business are actually pretty chill in my experience. It's office chicks that tend to be c**ts.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I didn't go on a date with this girl that worked at a bar once and like a month later I saw she was dating the cook that worked there that looked like me.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Why is he so hot?

  8. 2 weeks ago

    demoralization thread

  9. 2 weeks ago

    wow something to give losers hope. how horrible. we should all stay miserable jobless virgin neets our whole lives

  10. 2 weeks ago

    ITT morons lying. Nobody lives to be a 30 yo neet virgin without blowing their brains out.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Good. Being a line cook is more about workrate and attitude than skill, it's probably something most people can learn to do

    • 2 weeks ago

      what the hell? you cook limes?

    • 2 weeks ago

      dis homie cooks limes

  12. 2 weeks ago

    being 32 with no skills or money is a nightmare. I can't enjoy anything anymore because I feel constant anxiety over my situation and near future. idk how I could have let this happen. How could I've been so short sighted? Did I really think time won't pass and I will be in my 20s forever?

    • 2 weeks ago

      You were born with bad genes which lead you to make bad decisions. You will most likely become homeless or just live a miserable existence until death. Isn't life great.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It is. A shitty existence beats being dead. Imagine being one of the unlucky ones who won't get to witness nuclear holocaust in their lifetime. Shit's gonna be litty.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Get skills?

      • 2 weeks ago

        too late

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Actually I’m enlisting in the air force to try and do that. It’s that or suicide, maybe both.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >went to school for a meme humanities degree
    >have no discernible skills other than I sort of know how to research and write essays
    >made 0 friends in university, no connections, internships or experience of any kind

    i'm fricked aren't I?

    • 2 weeks ago

      You can always get a masters or get a 2nd degree. I'm back to uni now and the zoomerettes are miring hard.

      • 2 weeks ago

        No they aren’t

    • 2 weeks ago

      Bro law school

    • 2 weeks ago

      I was a NEET for most of my 20s, didn't have my first full time job until I was 27, now at 34 I'm in a cushy work from home job that pays well. I had some bullshit I had to put on my resume where there was still an employment gap. When they asked about it I said I was earning money through a YouTube channel which they bought lmao.

      All it took was getting that first job which let me climb through the company to where I am now, I also thought I was fricked.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Which job did you get?
        How did you get it?

        • 2 weeks ago

          The break-in role was a call center job doing inbound sales (no cold calling) at a large tech company. It was a fun atmosphere with a lot of good people, but it only lasted about a 6 months as it was a temp role. This lead me into getting an interview for a permanent position at a major bank / insurance company doing a similar kind of role. Did this for about 1.5 years and because I became very familiar / skilled at using their internal systems someone recommended me to be a software tester for them. I interviewed for this, got the job and have been doing it ever since with multiple large pay rises over the years. There's so much downtime in this job that there's days where I have nothing to do and can just play vidya or watch YouTube all day.

          It allowed me to get my life together doing all the adult things I should have done a decade prior (own place, car, girlfriend etc.).

          • 2 weeks ago

            It’s so sad how I can read a story like this that some previous loser managed to fix his life, a story that seems completely doable, yet still feels completely out of reach for someone like me. I don’t know. I just feel like such an impotent moron that why bother interviewing for a job different from my pathetic one because I’ll never get it or succeed at anything anyway. God I’m so mentally ill.

            Basically and the nature of the gig is such that they are always hiring anyone who has the paper. If you have been a NEET and have zero work experience but a degree and no luck getting a job doing anything other than working a register, it's not too expensive to get the two year certificate and the degree will put you in line for supervisor positions and possibly into management at corporate.

            I know the other anons are shitting on me, but I actually am an academic and I have worked for the DoL on this sort of thing and of all the pipelines out of unemployment that I have seen tossed around by people it is one of the best ones out there for someone with no connections and nothing tying them down to a singular area/region.

            What is a skilled process operator?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Not sure if academia anon and I referring to the same job, but I’m talking like a chemical process operator. A guy who works in a chemical plant or refinery. I’m a chemist in a small batch-process plant and we’re always taking applications for anyone with a process tech cert or any manufacturing experience. We are not one of the cushy, automated, watch a board type places. It’s all manually operated old as shit batch reactors and everything is charged from drums, so we get a lot of ex cons and others who can’t get hired by the refineries.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Did you go to community college or get a certification?

            • 2 weeks ago

              No, you don't need that to work at a call center.

              It was literally just starting at the bottom of a company and working my way up. Takes some luck and effort to get recognized but it's very doable.

      • 2 weeks ago

        no you don't. I use 3 fake reference and have voicemails set up for each. None of them have ever received a call and I work a comfy WFH job as an IT.

        Question: do you people with these work from home jobs have some script that tells you to call it “cushy” or “comfy”? Because it’s all I ever see people describe their jobs as.

        • 2 weeks ago

          When you move out of your moms basement you'll find being at home comfy, too, anon.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That's because it definitely is cushy and comfy. I've worked at home for prolonged times in my career a few times.
          Work in your sweatpants, eat the food out of your fridge, no annoying coworker habits, set up a spare TV to have some show or movie on in the background or crank your music, if you have a job that doesn't have much interaction, you can just crank thru your work and just go out before quitting time.
          It's not for me though, I need the social aspect of work and to get out of the house.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not a script, just the best way to describe it. Working from home is infinitely better than having to wake up earlier and get home later due to the commute to / from work.

          Also means if you don't have anything to do it's much easier killing time at home.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I went to a terrible school, took like seven years to graduate and got a meme lib. arts degree. You have to actually learn how to use the fricking degree.

      Do you realize how many fricking idiots are in your average white collar job? People that have no fricking skills and struggle to send simple emails

      As for connections, your school has a job porta. All you literally need to do is get a single job and then you move up. The start basically sucks for everyone though. Even Comp. Sci gays don't start at 6 figs. That's why I laugh at the idiots that want to hold out for some big thing that is otherwise a very rare thing. Meanwhile, I got there with a meme degree and like three years of work and making connections. Now I do less work, while making more money.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The Straussian secret to liberal arts degrees is the skillset they teach you is actually exactly what you need to effectively lie and bullshit on a résumé

    • 2 weeks ago

      >have no discernible skills other than I sort of know how to research and write essays
      Those skills are actually pretty transferrable to an absolute shitload of jobs. You just need to know how to sell yourself which I understand for many is easier said than done.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm in a similar boat as you, so I'll tell you what I'm doing. I got into a masters on research with my meme humanities degree. While I was there I applied for a scholarship and got 500€ a month just for doing it because I was a "young researcher". I didn't learn much in the masters besides getting more practice writing and reading, but that was no the point. The point was getting the certification to apply for a PhD. And there is where I am right now. I applied for another scholarship that would pay me 1500€ a month just for writing my thesis (plus giving classes but not that many). First time around I got rejected and now II'm writing nonstop to get publications and apply again. 4 years salary just for writing and a job opportunity down the line. In the meantime, you can also pursue another degree or get into education.
      Ypu'll also have time to network, make friends, and get into internships. I fricked up royally during my college years but I could turn it around and so can you.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    But that's most chefs. They're mostly losers. A lot of them are junkies, alcoholics, ex-convicts, former neets. Cooking shit is their last chance.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I loved this guy in the ironclaw. One could see he was gonna bEcome a star watching shameless

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Reminder that money is fake and people that make lots of money are nothing more then smoke and mirror occultists

  18. 2 weeks ago




  19. 2 weeks ago

    btw remember to say you're gay or a transman so they'll be too scared to decline your application

  20. 2 weeks ago

    I'd work a job if someone would offer me one. After 100s of applications with jack shit to show for it you kind of stop giving a frick. I'd like to start an apprenticeship or something but if I don't get an offer what the frick am I supposed to do, pull one out of my ass?

    The economy is terrible and even the normiest of normies are having at hard time of it. I've seen lots of stories from people that used to work great jobs, got fired and couldn't get another one so now they have to work at Walmart or whatever. My uncle used to be rich and run his own business but it went under and now he has to work a shit job because he has no professional experience. He used to give me shit for not having a job but now all he does is complain about his. He used to be so wienery but now he's fricking miserable.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'd honestly love to work at Walmart if the pay was as good as a desk job. It's easier and not as sedentary. Yeah, it's not a prestigious job but literally all that matters to me is the money.
      You're defined by who you are outside of your job and what you do with your free time, not whatever slave labor you do.

      • 2 weeks ago

        In my country it's pretty much on par with the average desk job, salary-wise. The economy is really shit. But there are certain benefits, especially if you're a student, they can basically pay for your loans out of pocket.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    >all of this stress over something that will eventually end anyway
    Just do what's within your own ability in order to survive and don't worry about punching above your weight class. You'll never truly be satisfied if you're greedy. Ambition isn't a bad thing but you're also less likely to be disappointed if you aim low.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >This show is going to make a bunch of 35-year-old jobless virgins who live in their mother's basement think they can finally "turn their life around" by becoming a line cook.
    I mean, it'll make you fricking miserable and die at 50 but it will also likely get you laid at least some. High stress, terrible hours, everybody smoking and high rates of drug use, stuck in a wet, hot, sweaty enclosed environment with other people for 12+ hours, getting your dick sucked isn't unlikely to happen. The most unrealistic part of the show is how the whole """family"""" at The Beef aren't all fricking in between their screaming matches and stabbing each other.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    There's no such thing as a 35 y/o virgin nowadays. If it's that important to someone they'll just go to a mistress of the night.
    There is however unemployment, poverty and joblessness. Better to switch as many jobs as you can to fill out your resume and see what works for you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I literally am a 35 year old virgin, would never go to a prostitute.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    being a chef is like having served, if you have then you know. if you havent then you really have no idea what youre talking about

  25. 2 weeks ago

    just get a job moron

  26. 2 weeks ago

    what demoralizes me to try is that if i let it get this bad to be a 32yo NEET it's clear something is deeply wrong with me and im like a moron who cant be left alone and needs to be told what to do. i wish i had clear goals and a plan like others.

    • 2 weeks ago

      There's a decent chance you have the 'tism but the good news is that it's possible to function with it and live an enjoyable life, you just need to develop work ethic. Understand that the time you're sacrificing in work today is going to aid your future self.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    >show is about how the cooking industry is shit and will ruin your life
    >this will convince people that it will actually fix their situation

    • 2 weeks ago

      >>show is about how the cooking industry is shit and will ruin your life
      >>this will convince people that it will actually fix their situation
      also known as the Wolf of Wall Street effect, yes

  28. 2 weeks ago

    So what exactly should the 35-year-old jobless virgins do instead, just kill themselves? What good does that do?

    • 2 weeks ago

      In a healthy society the men are drafted into war. The ones that survive get their pick of women stay married and die. Modern society doesn't have that anymore drones do all the work. You can't even become a pirate or join some sick cult. Life is just too easy, women no longer have to date a man for protection.

      • 2 weeks ago

        how does this factor in men who don't see combat and draft dodgers?

        • 2 weeks ago

          They usually get shamed like john wayne.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    Former chef here. The clips I've seen of this show are cringe and gay. My kitchen was cool as frick.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    I got a useless degree and I’ve wasted the past decade at a completely useless job. I legitimately want to commit suicide every day going to this job because of how useless it is and how humiliated I am that I’ve wasted my life here. Every night I contemplate not showing up the next day.

    I don’t even know what to do anymore. I’m now 31 and a compete loser. Obviously not a NEET since I do have a job, but everything else in my life is basically NEET. I’m terrified of everything. All I think about is suicide. I’m too afraid to apply for any other jobs because I have no clue what to apply for, I know I’ll fail any job interview I do, I’m terrified of them questioning me about my job history. I’m terrified of getting a job and then getting fired weeks or months after starting because they’ll see I’m a completely useless moron incapable of anything. I don’t have career goals. I don’t have financial goals. I don’t have life goals. I absolutely despise myself, it’s difficult to put into words the amount of hatred I have for myself.

    I truly don’t even know what to do anymore. I’m so despondent and miserable. And it’s made even worse that I live in an area where everyone is rich and successful. I just can’t believe what I’ve done to myself. I lie in bed at night literally crying thinking about my life.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Stop stalking me and suck me already.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Same except I’m 38 now and went back to college for a non-useless degree only for the tech market to crash and not hire entry level anymore. It’s over. Two college degrees and still delivering pizzas for almost 20 years.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I don’t have career goals. I don’t have financial goals. I don’t have life goals. I absolutely despise myself, it’s difficult to put into words the amount of hatred I have for myself.
      Same. The constant negative self-talk makes everything so much harder, so I became an alcoholic and that led to some really bad decisions and more self-hate. There’s no relief is there? I’m too afraid to kms.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I don’t have career goals. I don’t have financial goals. I don’t have life goals. I absolutely despise myself, it’s difficult to put into words the amount of hatred I have for myself.
      Same. The constant negative self-talk makes everything so much harder, so I became an alcoholic and that led to some really bad decisions and more self-hate. There’s no relief is there? I’m too afraid to kms.

      Stop with the fricking doom posting

  31. 2 weeks ago

    I hate going outside bros

  32. 2 weeks ago

    Why are you obsessed with single men?

  33. 2 weeks ago

    wtf is your problem?

  34. 2 weeks ago

    TV has made being a cook seem weirdly appealing for decades, homosexual!

  35. 2 weeks ago

    I don’t even want some bullshit joke job that everyone talks about, working from home for an hour a day earning 6 figures not doing jack shit that I’m tired of reading about constantly. I want a job where you actually leave the house and do something that actually has a tangible effect on society, unlike the bullshit made up society destroying tech jobs that every person on the Internet and Cinemaphile has.

    But I have zero self confidence whatsoever that I could get any decent job. Even the thought of doing a job interview and sitting there and being grilled about stuff terrifies me because I know I would fail. Even though I am a failure in my life, I do feel like I would be very hard working if I got a job that actually mattered and made me feel some fulfillment. But I’m completely avoidant of the thought of a job interview. I don’t know what the frick is wrong with me. Like 32 NEET anon said above. There’s clearly something seriously mentally wrong with you to let you get to this point and it’s all I think about.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I want a job where you actually leave the house and do something that actually has a tangible effect on society, unlike the bullshit made up society destroying tech jobs that every person on the Internet and Cinemaphile has.
      It's called manufacturing. You can apply at any manufacturing plant since almost every factory in the US is massively understaffed.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    >This show is going to make a bunch of 35-year-old jobless virgins who live in their mother's basement think they can finally "turn their life around" by becoming a line cook.
    I've been ignoring this show for as long as I've been aware of it, and I can honestly say that I've never been more tempted to watch it than after reading those words.
    T. Employed 29 yo wagie

  37. 2 weeks ago

    imageboards ruined my life so far

    ive been thinking: you've heard how people talk about the attention span decrease because of smartphones and tiktok? well thats what imageboards basically are. I was like 15 years ahead in rotting my brain. But now I'm burnt out from instat gratification content and have 0 interest in social media. is this my moment to catch up as everyone is addicted to their phones?

  38. 2 weeks ago

    I sacrificed my youth to coding and am a multimillionaire at 30. Despite the money I feel like I accomplished nothing and made the world a measurably worse place. I have zero social life and think about suicide daily and would trade it all to not be an autist.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The deserved outcome for a worthless tech homosexual

    • 2 weeks ago

      Whenever I read a story like this I get happy. The tech industry destroys society and yet these homosexuals get paid insane salaries do it. Your work is completely and utterly worthless, soul crushing, mindless, nothing but consumerism and data stealing for advertising revenue. Everyone working in the tech industry, every homosexual software engineer and programmer should disappear into thin air tomorrow morning and I can’t even begin to imagine how much better off society would be.

      If a just god existed, every tech homosexual would feel the same way you feel and would all commit suicide to make this planet a measurably better place.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The physical world isn't better. There's no point to anything. America is a worthless dead end society from top to bottom. The only thing that actually matters is getting as much money as fast as possible and enjoying your life, and for the last decade tech was a good way to do it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The physical world is better. Anything is better than tech. But there’s no just god, so every tech leech homosexual like you won’t be mass holocausted like you all deserve for destroying society with your worthless homosexual products and websites. I hope you die slowly and painfully of cancer you lecherous piece of human garbage

        • 2 weeks ago

          >The only thing that actually matters is getting as much money as fast as possible and enjoying your life
          How do you do this? I'm never gonna be a doctor, lawyer, or programmer. I think my best shot is a trade, AV installer, or something like that. I have a good brain and a good work ethic, just a shit childhood.

    • 2 weeks ago

      these kind of posts sound made up. its impossible to feel sad as a multimillionaire unless you have a serious debilitating illness

    • 2 weeks ago

      Despite me hating tech people, don't seppuku. You still accomplished more than most so find some joy in that and at least spend your money in a way that would make you content.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    learning how to cook is a good thing
    men are better at it than women (like all things)

  40. 2 weeks ago

    Honest question: How do you recover when literally all you think about every waking moment of your life is the shame and misery you have about how you wasted everything? From the moment I wake up at the prospect of facing another day. Going through a day doing nothing of value and having no friends or relationship or children to be with. Ending the day thinking about how I just wasted another day of my life. How much I want to kill myself to end the torturous misery. All my waking hours for years have been spent like this.

    There’s no way I can even cobble together a bare minimum life when I’ve already wasted 32 years like this. Go back to school? Why bother, I did that a decade ago and it was worthless. Get a good job? Why bother, there’s nothing I strive to attain. Try to make friends or meet women? Why bother, I offer nothing positive to people.

    There’s no point to anything. I drive across local bridges and see the call boxes that say “emergency contact and crisis counseling” for people planning to jump off the bridge and I long for the day I get the courage to do that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You lack purpose. It's pretty simple. Throughout a large portion of our history, men have usually had a purpose. It could be a trade or warfare or religion. Nowadays, if you're not born handsome and/or rich you pretty much live life on hard mode and tons of people end up working some lame and soul crushing job just to feed yourself. You're not honing your skill for war or learning a trade or communing with whatever god you believe in because you don't have to. At the end of the day, humans need to have a purpose or they'll go crazy. That's where you are. On top of that, you seem to have some pretty rough self-esteem issues. If you don't value yourself, then no one will value you either. Killing yourself is still an option though if you insist on posting your gay blog shit to strangers on the internet.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >the shame and misery you have about how you wasted everything
      >Go back to school? Why bother, I did that a decade ago and it was worthless. Get a good job? Why bother, there’s nothing I strive to attain.

      If you don't want anything why do you feel like you wasted something?

      >How do you recover

      I still struggle with this but one approach I see is asking yourself what exactly you wasted or ruined. I think the mistake we make is imagining this perfect life where we did everything right and are happy. With millions of people on social media there are statistically going to be a few that have these perfect lives and you wonder where it went wrong for you. But the truth is that life is never perfect. Everyone is facing challenges of some kind and is competing against better people and we are all getting older. So you should give up the thought of a minmaxed perfect life and try to do the best you can in the moment. Life is not a game where you get a score in the end and unlock special content if you did well. No one cares if you did everything right. A lot of our problems we make in our head.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Because the reason why I don’t “want” anything is BECAUSE I wasted my life. I don’t “want” anything because wasting my life made me not give a single solitary frick about anything and that’s why I don’t want a house, a family, good career, etc. If I was doing okay in life, I would have had goals, and I would have worked to attain them.

        I don’t even want what you call a perfect life. I just wanted what I felt was a pretty basic bare bones normal life. Having a relationship, having some hobbies, having a decent job, having some friends. Maybe having a family and a house. I was too autistic to attain a single one of these. I’m not one of the people who wanted to be some millionaire with a model wife and mansion and kids, taking vacations to exotic places multiple times a year, etc etc etc.

        A complete and utter failure of life.

        • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      You sound like me only I’ve stopped caring about everything altogether and just kinda drift through life feeling like I’m killing time waiting for my merciful death, hopefully I’ll die in some freak accident or get killed when walking through a bad part of time some time

      • 2 weeks ago

        *bad part of town

        Luckily there’s a lot of them around me, lots of black ghetto type cities I often danger seek and walk through them at night hoping I’ll get luckily and stabbed my some crazed black guy who’s trying to rob me

        • 2 weeks ago

          That’s a stereotype bro, black people don’t just go around trying to rob and stab every white person they see! That’s racist!

    • 2 weeks ago

      >From the moment I wake up
      If you can still have a normal sleep cycle you're in an enviable position. At one point it became unable for me to fall asleep until I'm so exhausted that my body shuts down on its own.
      Gotta look into sleeping aid.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    i refuse to believe anyone 30+ doesn't realize that blogposting in pointless. you'd have to be legitimately no lie a little moronic to still blogpost or doomer post at this age.

    • 2 weeks ago

      its free
      not like you can discuss movies here

  42. 2 weeks ago

    I never bothered aspiring to do anything with my life because I was figured / hoped I’d be dead by my mid 30s but I’m still here… frick I didn’t think this through.

  43. 2 weeks ago

    At least they'll be trying and restaurants always need cooks. Better than leeching off their parents still.

  44. 2 weeks ago

    i would only want to work in movies but i know have neither the talent, nor the social skills and energy to make it in that cutthroat industry as a depressed social moron so I just watch movies all day with no plan in life

  45. 2 weeks ago

    34 year old permaneet here I'll either make the in-roads to be able to live a meager life off streaming and content creation or my eventual small inheritance I'm set to receive will run out and leave me with no possibilities at which point I'll just kill myself.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    All these threads are some butthole telling people "its over" and they should either post bank account or frick off

  47. 2 weeks ago

    this show is a manlet power fantasy. it's the equivalent of a forklift operator t-shirt

    • 2 weeks ago

      I like the ones with the birth month on them, kino boomerwear

  48. 2 weeks ago

    >This show is going to make a bunch of 35-year-old jobless virgins who live in their mother's basement think they can finally "turn their life around" by becoming a line cook.
    Yes and rightly so. Work has many rewards besides the money: validation, social interaction etc

  49. 2 weeks ago

    It’s bad enough being a loser. It’s even worse when you’re a loser in an area where everyone is successful like me being in California. Every morning I see on the subway as people go to their tech or finance jobs that normal people here have. Or any other decent job where they make decent money and also have a decent life with their loved ones. Every day, their happiness and my failure shoved in my face.

    Curse my parents for being from here staying here and me being too autistic to leave from them. I don’t even get any benefits from living here. Just a loser in a very successful place.

    • 2 weeks ago

      you can move out

  50. 2 weeks ago

    Also, don't be scared to look up companies that went out of business and say you worked there. Pick one in a different city from where you're applying.

  51. 2 weeks ago

    >"turn their life around" by becoming a line cook.
    Uh... yeah? Cooks are usually the highest paid people in the restaurant and resturants are always hiring cooks. I can tell your just a civi

  52. 2 weeks ago

    These threads make me uncomfortable so don't ever make them again

  53. 2 weeks ago

    >Line cook
    >Stand-up comedian

    Are these the two hardest and most important jobs in the world?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Work from home software engineer is probably the most important job in the world

  54. 2 weeks ago

    I’m legitimately scared of doing a job interview. It isn’t nervousness. It’s dead and terror. I’ve never passed a job interview in my life and I’m in my early 30s. As a teen I had a job that didn’t require an interview. In college I worked a campus job that didn’t require an interview. I applied for a few other jobs and internships with interviews and failed them. Get told how great of a fit I would be and still they reject me. Actually I did pass one for a small internship. Coming out of college I did some interviews, failed them. Mommy gave me a shirt entry level job with her company that had zero room for advancement because I was supposed to go to grad school. Failed to get in. Never left the job. I can’t believe there are people who can get prestigious internships in college or get top careers, do interviews with graduate schools, do multiple round interviews with companies, etc.

    I’m such an unconscionable failure of a person. I’m even worse than people who went to prison or got into drugs or shit. I’m just nothing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Apply for some jobs you don't could probably get but don't really want just for the interview practice. I'm serious.

      Everyone fails more interviews than they pass. Even "successful" people.

  55. 2 weeks ago

    Can you have working comradery doing a low tier job like this or will you be with people who don't speak the same language?

  56. 2 weeks ago



    NO GF

    Simple as. If going having a job does not 100% guarantee sex and gf, no point in working. And no, prostitutes do not count. We live in a society..

    • 2 weeks ago

      >We live in a society
      We live in a freak show

    • 2 weeks ago

      AI terminally online forever

    • 2 weeks ago

      Don't worry, the world isn't losing out. Betas dropping out is a mass genetic selection event that will result in superior future generations. It's like nature has decided the dead weight humanity has accumulated needs to be shed.

      • 2 weeks ago

        IQ negatively correlates with number of children, this selection event is disastrous.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >not betas
        now this is cope.
        literally the only difference between an actual slave and a wageslave is that the wageslave is psychologically enslaved as well as physiologically, even doing something that obviously has no tangible benefit to the world or anyone except his boss he needs external validation why a woman can never truly respect him and will get impregnated by pretty much anyone else upon securing his betabux.
        And this is good because constructing your life solely around conformity is not what built the modern world or any civilization and it's getting to a point where it just doesn't cut it anymore.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >no pussy
      someone else will get the pussy. the state doesn't care if you jerk off or frick b***hes on the regular
      >no work
      skilled jobs will be taken by someone else. shit jobs by immigrants

      the only options left are to become a hermit or hobo

  57. 2 weeks ago

    what's wrong with that, you dumb troony

  58. 2 weeks ago

    Being a cook was the worst mistake i made, ten years down the gutter with nothing of value to show for it. Been doing factorywork for the last three years now, but this shit makes me want to blow my brains out from the boredom.
    Currently applying to become an air traffic controller, but even if i'm accepted i'm pretty sure it's one of those jobs that are going to be obselete in a few years with my luck. Being alive is a fricking nightmare.

    Where the hell do i go from here?

  59. 2 weeks ago

    >very responsible child-teen with no social life
    >uni reveals the reality of shit
    >starts living like a moron
    >uni dropout wasting years living the moronic teenage years I didn't have during my 20s and second uni
    >hit 27
    >get my shit together, drop out of doing nothing at useless uni, get a job
    >get a better job, leave home at 29, get my own place
    >time passes, life goes on
    >some regrets here and there, more than some flaws and mistakes along the way, but it is what it is and no regrets regarding my independence

  60. 2 weeks ago

    I feel like a tourist in life. I'm too inept to do anything but consooom. I can't imagine ever being self-sufficient, getting good at something or creating something great. I just watch others live life and wonder what it would feel like to experience all these things first hand. After all I wasn't born with a goal. I am not some royal heir. There is no rule that says everyone has to have some talent and purpose.

  61. 2 weeks ago

    my references? sure here's is the number of a sim card i just bought this morning
    >mom can you answer this phone when it rings and tell them i was a top bloke

  62. 2 weeks ago

    >regular threads
    >Cinemaphile acts as tough racist edgelords

    >make a veiled thread to discuss life circumstances
    >Cinemaphile starts crying about how fricked their life is

    Can't make this shit up.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Someone calling you a Black person is not a big deal outside your gentrified circumstances, irl the people saying the dreaded n word have daily constant concerns about getting murdered or raped by Black folk.

  63. 2 weeks ago

    what's the fastest way to unfrick your life? Learning a trade?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Learn2Code & Vote for Trump

    • 2 weeks ago

      coding just keeps you at the computer. go be a plumber or something. hanging out with people who still have some testosterone left might change your perception a bit.

  64. 2 weeks ago

    Turn their life around? Wasn't the lil homie head chef at a Michelin star venue? If anything he fricking killed his career by working at the piece of shit slop shop

  65. 2 weeks ago

    i am 26 and I have been working since i was 17, I've only ever held one job for more than 6 months, 18 months at that job, but 6 months were on furlough and 4 months on sick. i spent an hour working at mcdonalds before i walked out
    I've been doing a degree part time and I am nearly finished with it, but i dont even care about it, my only saving grace is that when im applying for jobs i can excuse my employment gaps with talking about my drive to study properly (I do all my assignments days before the due date)
    i fricking hate working in an office, i hate my shitty degree, literally the only thing I have ever been able to focus on and do properly is repair and build bmx bikes like an overgrown child. I can reweld broken ones, repaint them, completely restore them. I wish i could work in a place where i can use shit like lathes and milling equipment and welders all the time, i got a B in engineering class at school despite spending half of my time being sent out of class
    i know im an overgrown child with social issues but at this point i feel like ill never be fully adjusted and it's better to find something i can at least tolerate than fooling myself into believing i can cope with office life. my last job ended with me being made to hand over my lanyard upon being fired so i dropped it at her feet and told her to go frick herself, looking back on it, that would've been cool if i was still 18 but im not

  66. 2 weeks ago


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