Transformers good guys doing bad things

For my own curiosity, I'm looking for instances of Autobots or Maximals doing things that could be considered bad or morally grey, presumably in the name of some greater good. If anyone can provide any examples from the shows or comics, much obliged. I'm less interested in the modern movies, but I'll take what I can get. Thanks in advance, Cinemaphile.

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  1. 3 days ago

    Last bot Standing.

    • 3 days ago

      Well I wasn't looking for help from Satan, but a bump is a bump.

    • 3 days ago

      Absolutely terrible book, worst thing Roche has done by far.

      • 3 days ago

        It says a lot that it's also the best depiction of Moon there's ever been.

        • 3 days ago

          Shut up Roche.

      • 3 days ago

        Finally someone that agrees. It's the only IDW TF series I never finished beside some crossover minis and movie related comics, even though I am a fan of Roche otherwise and it was the last series so my enthusiasm should have been bigger.
        Also I fricking hate the art style. I know why they chose this guy and yeah it's a nice callback, but it doesn't make the art any less shit and I didn't like any of the characters, especially not Hot Rod.

  2. 3 days ago

    A good 50% of any story with Grimlock, he tends to tow the line and sometimes cross it.

  3. 3 days ago

    Flame was making zombies in the UK stories, the Wreckers, Dinobots and Firestormers are death squads, in IDW1 they might’ve blown Junkion to hell, Sentinel was a based boy, in FOC they cannibalized Trypticon and they did spread the war to the colonies and worlds like Nebulos and Earth.

    Good is not nice

    • 3 days ago

      I've never heard of the Wreckers or the Firestormers. Death squads you say? I'm intrigued and I will look them up, thank you. I'm just a guy who loved transformers toys as a kid, but we didn't have cable or internet. My exposure to the shows was limited but I watched Beast Wars every chance I could. By the time we got dialup, I was out chasing girls.

      A good 50% of any story with Grimlock, he tends to tow the line and sometimes cross it.

      Isn't Grimlock just a moron? Where should I start if I want a good Grimlock story?

      “Does the sight of it make you quake in your jets, Starscream?”
      “A constant reminder of what you will never be!”

      - Optimus Prime Skybound Transformers #5

      I looked into this and I'm not sure I see the morally gray side of Optimus here. Seems like he's just angry, justifiably so.

      • 3 days ago

        >Isn't Grimlock just a moron?
        Grimlock is one of those characters that fluctuates WILDLY in characterization between series.
        >Where should I start if I want a good Grimlock story?
        Marvel G1.

        • 3 days ago

          Also Marvel UK

        • 3 days ago

          There was that time Swoop (the pterodactyl Dinobot) stole a whole ass oil truck for the Dinobots to feed off of.
          Happened in Transformers (1984) #27

      • 3 days ago

        >Isn't Grimlock just a moron? Where should I start if I want a good Grimlock story?

        He is sometimes a moron, sometimes he just has a malfunctioning speech box, sometimes he speaks dumb to hide that he is a tactical genius.

        G1 Cartoon has him as a big dumb bozo.
        G1 Marvel has him as an antisocial brute butthole who is nonetheless a fearsome fighter. Except his ego always backfires spectacularly. He was responsible for saving/resurrecting the entire autobot army three times minimum, but he was also responsible for the entire autobot populace getting slaughtered to just 5 bots remaining, losing their ability to transform, and for alerting Unicron about the existence of Cybertron. And that's just the US stories.
        Dreamwave has him as a gruff veteran ex gladiator who isn't shying away from giving shit to the newly appointed Optimus.
        IDW is mostly the same as the above two since late G1 Marvel, most of DW, and early IDW was all written by Simon Furman, except he becomes a war criminal and thrown in prison and the dinobots all hate him. Then (under other writers) he gets mind fricked and regresses to a literal baby, he spends time pissing himself and a couple of decepticons are nannying him. Then he gets his mind fixed and starts carrying Skorponoks baby.

        • 3 days ago

          >has Skorponoks baby
          Would you say he got Skorpoknocked up?

        • 3 days ago


        • 3 days ago

          So he's forest gump in angry robot form. Kinda talking me out of reading his stuff.

          • 3 days ago

            What part of that sounds like Forrest Gump?

            • 3 days ago

              >what part of that sounds like Forrest Gump
              Being a big fricking idiot that has tremendous success despite his shortcomings.

              • 3 days ago

                Grimlock is only an idiot in the G1 cartoon and Animated, all of his major accomplishments are in comics that portray him as intelligent.

              • 3 days ago

                Whatever you say Lt. Dan

  4. 3 days ago

    “Does the sight of it make you quake in your jets, Starscream?”
    “A constant reminder of what you will never be!”

    - Optimus Prime Skybound Transformers #5

  5. 3 days ago

    Like, half of IDW1.

  6. 3 days ago

    Basically all of IDW once the series starts detailing anything about Cybertron.

  7. 3 days ago

    Did I miss the Void Rivals storytime, or did people just stop caring about it?

    • 3 days ago

      I don't think anyone has done one yet, which is a shame considering the major plot revelation and Solila being buck-ass naked for two pages

      • 3 days ago


    • 3 days ago

      People gave a shit about Void Rivals?

      • 3 days ago

        I don't, but it has Transformers and for that I need to see it

  8. 3 days ago

    Isn't the Wreckers series pretty much all about that time the Autobots commando team had to try covering up all the Autobot warcrimes, which also led to that one villain trying to kill every transformer that was "born" artificially through construction? It was all Prowl's fault by the way.

    • 3 days ago

      The Wreckers was a crack commando team whose job is to get shit done even if the mission is suicidal. They originate from Marvel G1 UK continuity, specifically Simon Furman.

      What you are saying is a couple of later IDW stories. They were sent to an autobot prison that a decepticon sadist took over and turned into his own personal horror house. The wreckers job was to get the database of the prison out because it contained a lot of dirt on the chief judge. Said chief judge then later goes completely buttfrick insane, he kept drilling holes in his body, then he drilled into his brain and had had the epiphany of killing all artificial built Transformers. I think it was because he saw them as Black folk and figured that they were responsible for 90% of transformer war crimes and killing them all would make things more peaceful. But it has been a while, I could be wrong. And yeah, it was Prowls fault. Prowl is responsible for a looooot of stuff in IDW.

  9. 3 days ago

    In the movies, the Autobots' base is on the island of Diego García.


  10. 3 days ago

    Speaking of Grimlock, I read this last night and it SUCKED.

  11. 3 days ago

    Read Dreamwave, IDW1 or IDW2 they are full of that. The cartoons are for babies, the movies are for edgelords and 3DPD gays.

    • 3 days ago

      The comics are much edgier than the movies.

  12. 3 days ago

    In Marvel's Transformers (1984) #19, Skids the clipped some rich kid's car.
    Not technically bad or grey, it was an accident. But if your car has ever been damaged, you know how angering it can be

  13. 3 days ago

    The Maximals made Protoform X/Rampage.

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