True detective season 2

i think its time we come to the realisation that it is kino

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's alright I guess.

  2. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Watch season 3 for she.

    • 2 years ago

      When did this 2>1 contrarianism appear on this board? (Contrarian chuds need not respond)

      • 2 years ago

        spare the homosexual brackets reddit Black person.

      • 2 years ago

        When season 2 came out and was better than season 1.

        • 2 years ago

          spare the homosexual brackets reddit Black person.

          >chuds need not respond
          please read the post entirely before responding

          • 2 years ago

            >people who disagree with me aren't allowed to respond to my question about why there are people who disagree with me

      • 2 years ago

        easy (You)s

      • 2 years ago

        S1 isn't that great if you consider it from just a writing standpoint. The acting really brought a lot to the characters and the directing made the convoluted plot hold together and seem better than it actually was (you notice it more trying to watch it a second time, but it's still much better than S2).

        S2 was a lot worse. It's just a shit show in terms of the writing and had way too much going on to really go deeply into any of the ideas or characterizations. The only decent thing about it is Farrell. Pizzolatto was going for updated noir but he ended up being too pretentious for that genre and it came out as a largely unwatchable mess.

    • 2 years ago

      3 was pretty ok!

    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    I watched it again for the first time since it aired, and it was as bad as I remembered.

  4. 2 years ago

    watched it for the first time after hearing for years it was dogshit and it was 10 times better than s1

    • 2 years ago

      both seasons much worse than everyone says
      i think there was less pseudointellectual garbage in s2 though, which meant a lot of gays around here were upset

      • 2 years ago

        >i think there was less pseudointellectual garbage in s2 though

  5. 2 years ago

    All three seasons of this show are miles better than 99% of everything that is made on any platform. Season two in particular gets a lot of shit because it was too different from the first season, too complicated, too dark, etc. which is basically like saying you don't like water because it's wet. Season three's only complaint on this board seems to be "Black folk are in it", which is not really even worth addressing.

    • 2 years ago

      >Season three's only complaint on this board seems to be "Black folk are in it", which is not really even worth addressing.
      I don't remember much of S3 but i remember that the detective duo was really good and that the ending was weird

      • 2 years ago

        >I don't remember much of S3 but i remember that the detective duo was really good and that the ending was weird
        kek the white guy does literally nothing, its magical Black the season.

        • 2 years ago

          Roland West was instrumental in so many ways. He was the Marty to Hayes' Rust. Hayes was the investigator, sure, but West had the authority and had made the right friends to keep the case alive in the 90's storyline and was the only thing keeping dementia-crazed Hayes on the path to accomplishing anything when they were old men. West took a bullet for the guy, they saved each other's asses time and time again. It was a bromance for the ages.

    • 2 years ago

      >Season two in particular gets a lot of shit because it was too different from the first season, too complicated, too dar
      It gets a lot of shit because's badly written, even though the actors did their best with what they were given.

      • 2 years ago

        Only stupid people think it was badly written. If you wonder why Frank didn't just give the guy his suit in the final episode or you don't get the scene where he was talking about cavities with the Greeks it's because this show is not for you. If you can't into subtext, need your hand held, can't follow a labyrinthine story, don't understand the traditional noir concept of a story being deliberately disorienting, or don't like troubled dysfunctional characters that are almost comically self-destructive, you should watch something else and refrain from having an opinion on things you don't understand.

        • 2 years ago

          I can do/like all those things and i think it was badly written
          i dont remember the suit or the cavities though, refresh my memory

          • 2 years ago

            I'll explain. If you don't remember, the exchange is basically that one of the Greek guys says Frank shouldn't take so much sugar in his coffee because it'll make all his teeth fall out and Frank says he's never lost a tooth or "even had a frickin' cavity." Likely the single line that most inspired Vinceposting. I imagine one would think it was a weird and stupid wannabe-toughguy line, a weak pseudo-Rustism, if you were either so forgetful of the previous episode or so incapable of grasping subtext that you don't realize they're referencing the scene where Frank ripped the guy's teeth out in the previous episode. The Greek is intimating they heard about what he did and won't be intimidated by it, also suggesting the same might happen to him if he's not careful, and Frank responds by intimating that no one will ever put him in the same position because he'll do it to them first. See, you don't have to be particularly smart to understand it, just not stupid.

            Idiots sat there thinking "Why are they talking about cavities? Man this show is stupid." It's pure irony, and case in point of why people don't like/get this show and think it's "badly written".

            • 2 years ago

              well, i'm not that stupid, and i still think it wasn't that well written
              story problems, the occasional bit of cheese
              it was ten years ago though i dont really remember

              >not up to par
              What's the par? L.A. Confidential?

              the novel, yes
              and Chinatown
              to be fair "the par" has basically never been met, even the Ellroy novels have their flaws
              it's tricky because what's great about detective fiction is the complicated story and "dark and full of blod" vibe, but a film struggles to squeeze in that much complexity in two hours and TV struggles to hit the right tone
              genuinely can't think of a movie that comes close to the ideal except Chinatown and maybe black and white ones

              Thanks for proving my point. You didn't get S1's ending which is why you also don't get S3's ending. Just watch GOT or Walking Dead or something, stop punching above your weight

              i haven't seen season 3, but feel free to post your essay about how heckin' deep season 1 was
              >time is a flat circle

    • 2 years ago

      Season 3 loses points because the story drags and the ending is a cop out

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, it doesn't drag. It is, if anything, overstuffed. Bouncing like a pinball machine between three disparate plotlines. If that isn't excited enough or doesn't keep you busy enough I don't know what to tell you. As for the ending being a "cop-out" thing, seems like you and I just want different things from our resolutions. I want realistic, you want grandiose. People had similar issues with the ending of the first season because they didn't expose the entire conspiracy and put every last perpetrator in handcuffs, but this isn't that kind of show. That shit only happens in fantasy land.

        • 2 years ago

          s1 ending is bad because (a) it was hokey and (b) it devolved into le grotty serial killer story, getting chased thru tunnels and shit, also killer had hulk strength, it turned into a fricking cartoon

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks for proving my point. You didn't get S1's ending which is why you also don't get S3's ending. Just watch GOT or Walking Dead or something, stop punching above your weight

          • 2 years ago

            "You know what was done to me? What I will do to all the sons and daughters of man." At the end of the day, Errol Childress was just another victim. He was tortured by his father, indoctrinated into a sex cult at an early age and essentially conditioned into being a monster. He's a victim of the same ritual abuse that befell Marie Fontenot and countless others, he simply survived where they didn't, and like so many victims of physical and sexual abuse, he continued the cycle by taking his pain and dysfunction out on victims of his own. He's a RESULT of the corruption and depravity going on behind closed doors in the rural south (and everywhere else, really) not the source.

            Two detectives can't resolve the darkness of human nature going back countless generations by slapping handcuffs on a city mayor and a few preachers, it's stupid to ever think they could, and if they had it would have been a "satisfying conclusion" to you and laughably absurd, childish tripe to me. Watch CSI if you want that dogshit. Oh and he didn't have "superhuman strength" just because he lifted a one hundred and thirty pound guy over his head, don't be a moron.

            • 2 years ago

              You don't understand physics. I've worked with the Havok engine. There's no way to lift a guy by a knife handle stuck in his chest like spaghetti face did.

            • 2 years ago

              genuinely lol'd, i can't tell if this is trolling or not
              if not you should really be embarrassed
              btw why do you think that your only options for a satisfying conclusion are what they gave you here and CSI Miami?
              >he didn't have "superhuman strength" just because he lifted a one hundred and thirty pound guy over his head, don't be a moron.
              he held him over his head with one hand for like a full minute

    • 2 years ago

      >Season three's only complaint on this board seems to be "Black folk are in it"
      No it isn't. Stop posting here

  6. 2 years ago

    Too many characters. It only needed to be Ray and Frank, and the story itself is a convoluted James Ellroy rip-off with a reveal that doesn't land.
    >rich guys having drug parties with consensual and paid hookers is bad because... reasons
    Nah, it fricking sucked

    • 2 years ago

      >rich guys having drug parties with consensual and paid hookers is bad because... reasons
      if you need something like that explained to you, yeah, this show ain't for you

    • 2 years ago

      >the story itself is a convoluted James Ellroy rip-off
      To this day I don't know how they didn't get sued. Did they pay him off?

      • 2 years ago

        He doesn't watch TV

  7. 2 years ago

    I think the ultimate litmus test for whether or not TD's second season filtered you is the scene where Frank talks to the Greek guys about cavities.

  8. 2 years ago

    Best part is the fat son and his sneaker debacle

    • 2 years ago

      The "12 years old my ass, frick you" line has the most kino delivery ever.

  9. 2 years ago

    Ray's son was miscast and it should have been 10 episodes rather than 8. Other than that it's kino.

    • 2 years ago

      i recall the gay cop and the chick being a bit useless/pointless
      does anybody remember who the fourth detective was? i remember there were 4 lead characters, one was colin farrell, one was the chick, one was the poof, and there was one more
      was it vince vaughn's character or someone else? i remember them all meeting up at the end of episode 1 or some shit
      the camera panned around the four of them and someone said "dont worry, we're detectives... we'll find the truth"

      • 2 years ago

        >i recall the gay cop and the chick being a bit useless/pointless
        well the panticapaeum institute and the black mountain militia both ended up being crucial to the main story so I'm not sure how you mean, also they were really interesting characters besides
        >does anybody remember who the fourth detective was?
        there wasn't one. so basically you watched it once and half paid attention and now you barely remember it?
        >the camera panned around the four of them and someone said "dont worry, we're detectives... we'll find the truth"
        never happened

        • 2 years ago

          >well the panticapaeum institute and the black mountain militia both ended up being crucial to the main story so I'm not sure how you mean
          literally don't remember the latter at all, i guess the former was that health clinic/cult that the guy from 12 monkeys ran?
          but those are just plot elements, would have been trivial to rewrite so that one of the other detectives uncovered whatever mysteries there were there - or to replace them with different mysteries
          you do realise the clinic/cult and the gay cop specifically are lifted straight from ellroy and other LA noir, right? the clinic in particular is a stock situation
          >also they were really interesting characters besides
          maybe the chick was a little bit, but she was also squeezed in for diversity points, who the frick wants to watch a lady detective
          the gay cop was the usual closeted cop, absolutely straight out of an ellroy novel - and obviously just in there for diversity points
          >does anybody remember who the fourth detective was?
          there wasn't one. so basically you watched it once and half paid attention and now you barely remember it?
          i watched it once ten years ago or whenever, paid close attention, and now i barely remember it because it wasn't that good
          >>the camera panned around the four of them and someone said "dont worry, we're detectives... we'll find the truth"
          >never happened
          now who's not remembering? i bet you also forget that scene where vince vaughn crushes the beer can to a flat circle and winks at the camera

      • 2 years ago

        Vince, Frank, the gay and the girl were the four main characters

      • 2 years ago

        The dirty cop who was Colin Farrel's partner. He dies in the shootout in the 4th(?) episode

  10. 2 years ago

    Better every time I see it. Just finished my most recent rewatch and I'm onto season three tomorrow. Can't wait.

  11. 2 years ago

    It's great but the hard Noir structure filtered a lot of the audience out of the gate. Frank's final sequence is certified kino and retroactively redeems any of the season's previous faults or missteps. I need to reencode the sequence now that we have vp9 support finally.

    • 2 years ago

      K I N O

    • 2 years ago

      >certified kino
      is that the part where he hallucinates he's talking to his wife and he turns around and sees his own dead body? that was gay

    • 2 years ago

      hated vaughn before s2, he's amazing in it. brawl in the cell block 99 is another surprise from him.

  12. 2 years ago

    i'm shitting all over this show but tbqh even though it's not up to par it is one of the closest TV/film has got to capturing that james ellroy magic, or to capturing proper noir/detective vibes in a long time

    • 2 years ago

      >not up to par
      What's the par? L.A. Confidential?

  13. 2 years ago

    >TD S1
    >TD S2
    >TD S3

  14. 2 years ago

    Saddest fricking ending ever

    • 2 years ago

      We get the world we deserve.

  15. 2 years ago

    You mean superheated garbage

  16. 2 years ago

    >big dicks

    • 2 years ago

      She likes big dicks? Thats how you know the line was written by a man.

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