U_U so sad

U_U so sad

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    Sure love Kamala dying surrounded by a bunch of people that don't know or care about her.

    What an awful page.

    • 1 month ago

      The Champions did so up to the funeral and they chewed out Cyclops for not attending but he was already planning on taking her back to life.

    • 1 month ago

      imagine saving this shit

      • 1 month ago

        Where to do you think you are?

  2. 1 month ago

    I'm pretty sure we already knew how Kamala was going to be bought black before this issue came out.Also today I read the paper back Ms. Marvel: Fists of Justice. which I think was her last Comic before appearing in Spider-Man.

  3. 1 month ago

    >good guy osborn
    How did spiderman reach this lowpoint?

    • 1 month ago

      It was a Lowepoint

      • 1 month ago


  4. 1 month ago

    >randomly made a side character in ASM
    >shows up in less than a dozen pages across 25 issues
    >killed off as a part of a last minute bait-and-switch twist that's treated as the biggest event in modern Spider-Man history
    >gets a whole "IN MEMORIAM OF OUR FALLEN FRIEND" issue as if this isn't the most blatantly disingenuous comic book death since Superman
    >resurrected not even four months later
    >retconned into being a mutant and forced to join the X-Men
    >and then "her" first MCU film (she's not even the sole star) absolutely fricking bombs
    Kamala quickly becoming a strong contender for Marvel's second most JUSTed superhero behind Spider-Man

    • 1 month ago

      I could’ve sworn she was brought back inside a month. Its literally almost as deflating as the death of ultimate pete leading to his replacement appearing in 3 weeks

      • 1 month ago

        From what I remember, the timeline was:
        >mid May 2023
        >Kamala's death gets leaked (properly leaked, with pics of the pages, and not just a bunch of shitpost bullshit some pathetic gay typed up so he could pretend he's got some super duper totally real my-uncle-works-at-Marvel-you-guys tier "leaks")
        >Marvel then rushes to announce the Death of Ms Marvel like this is a major event that they were totally planning to hype up all along
        >the ASM issue properly releases at the end of the month
        >everyone gets to see how terrible the issue is and how out of place, unearned, and fundamentally lame Kamala's death is
        >the Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel memorial special comes out
        >final page teases Cyclops resurrecting her
        >then Marvel just goes all in on announcing WOAAAAAAAAAAH MS MARVEL'S COMING BACK GUYS BET NONE OF YOU GUESSED THAT
        >Hellfire Gala resurrects her
        >end of August
        >she's already got a new title

        It's hilarious how this backfired in so many ways

        I really wanna know what all went down. Like Feige allegedly went and asked them to make Kamala a mutant, did they just hear that and go "Ok, we kill her off in Amazing Spider-Man, and then resurrect her using the Krakoa Protocols" and think "This will definitely get people talking!"?

        Cause it seemed like:
        >Everyone who was used to comics, said, "she'll be back" or "this is obviously them doing MCU synergy to make her a mutant" and proceeded not to care
        >The Comicsgate/Outrage crowd were laughing at this
        >The people who got mad at this were the new fans that Marvel wanted, who weren't used to these constant stunts

        And what happened when Cody Ziglar spilled the beans on the behind-the-scenes? Did Feige go "Did you just say that?! Oh my God almighty, I am not part of this! No, you can't say that!!" and Marvel editorial had to send a press release to say it was all their idea?

        I think this is probably the absolute nadir of comic book deaths. It wasn't a good story. It wasn't done for a good reason. It lasted a FRICKING MONTH and Marvel had the nerve to pretend as if it meant ANYTHING. I don't think anyone liked this.
        I'm not even a Ms Marvel fan, but good god, this was terrible. If anyone wants proof that the comic book industry is absolutely creatively bankrupt, you can just point them to this.

        • 1 month ago

          If I remember correctly a bunch of people on this website will already predict and see what's going to be killed and revive before they even announce she was going to get killed and come back for MCU Synergy before the leak about her being killed happen.And I'm a huge fan of Kamala and I was like yeah they're going to make her alive again in practically no time. the most pissed off thing I thought about Marvel in all of this was them doing it in a Spider-Man Peter Parker comic.The finger pissed at me off the most was the YouTube video saying this is indisputable proof she failure of a hero and is going to remain dead permanently . I'm not sure if more than believed orl faking they believed it in order to have people cheer for them in the audiences.

        • 1 month ago

          The way they flipflopped on the handling of the leak was hilarious

    • 1 month ago

      into being a mutant and forced to join the X-Men
      She wasn't retconned in to have been a mutant it was changed in Universe gets he wasn't a mutant before and now she is in order for something to get retconned it has to at the very least change something get already was established previously as history or fact from ever being done event or fact before changing that fact does not make it a retconned if that change is something in new happening now instead of it's always been that way before.

    • 1 month ago

      It's hilarious how this backfired in so many ways

      I really wanna know what all went down. Like Feige allegedly went and asked them to make Kamala a mutant, did they just hear that and go "Ok, we kill her off in Amazing Spider-Man, and then resurrect her using the Krakoa Protocols" and think "This will definitely get people talking!"?

      Cause it seemed like:
      >Everyone who was used to comics, said, "she'll be back" or "this is obviously them doing MCU synergy to make her a mutant" and proceeded not to care
      >The Comicsgate/Outrage crowd were laughing at this
      >The people who got mad at this were the new fans that Marvel wanted, who weren't used to these constant stunts

      And what happened when Cody Ziglar spilled the beans on the behind-the-scenes? Did Feige go "Did you just say that?! Oh my God almighty, I am not part of this! No, you can't say that!!" and Marvel editorial had to send a press release to say it was all their idea?

  5. 1 month ago

    More like a relief

  6. 1 month ago

    Stop replying to my posts, shitposter. Especially if you're still refusing to learn proper, decent, remotely readable English.
    Frick off back to your own sad thread, wienersucker:


    • 1 month ago

      That's not my thread and I haven't even visit that one.

    • 1 month ago


  7. 1 month ago

    I still don't understand this. Miles was WAY closer to Kamala than Peter.

    • 1 month ago

      Peter has been inside her body

      • 1 month ago

        Oh yeah, that happened.

  8. 1 month ago

    >Paul and Mary Jane hugging in the background directly behind Peter

    Holy kek, Paulchads stay winning everytime

  9. 1 month ago

    >Family is written out
    >Friends are written out
    >Life in Jersey City is written out
    >Inhumans are being written out
    >Bruno is on the verge of being written out
    But hey, she gets to hang with mutants 24/7 now because she's so awesome. Ain't it great?

    • 1 month ago

      are being written out

      • 1 month ago

        Yes, they are. This will no doubt be their last appearance in Kamala's life.

  10. 1 month ago

    Did they ever shag tho

    Gotta get that fangirl groupie smush

  11. 1 month ago

    Why are the Fantastic Four there?

    • 1 month ago

      Because the Richards Royalty is obligated to appear at the site of any superhero death to pay their respects.

    • 1 month ago

      Why WOULDN'T the Fantastic Four be there?

    • 1 month ago

      Spider-Man stole something from them and stuck around to fight the bad guy's pet monster.

  12. 1 month ago

    It kind of hurts just how much Kamala was mishandled. Was any other character pushed this hard and fricked over in equal measure?

    • 1 month ago

      Hopefully, Miles Morales will be.

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