Unironically what is Mile's flaws as a character?

Unironically what is Mile's flaws as a character?
I dont even hate or dislike Miles but what actually makes him a unique character? The only things I can think of is how he acts as a foil for burnt out older Peters. What makes Spiderman interesting is what makes him human, in that while Peter still does great things and is a friendly fellow he still will falter and have moments of doubt due to greed or depression. Miles doesnt really have that, he is one note in his goodness, basically everything he does or wants is to benefit someone else. When he is doing something wrong, its only because he wants to save people.

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  1. 8 months ago

    He is black. I am being serious, this is the only thing he has. He is defined predominantly by this, it’s the only reason he was created (specifically cause bendis made it for his adopted black kids + clout from the Donald Glover Spider-Man thing) and it’s the only reason he got so much advertising and so much defense. It is the only reason for his existence. It is his biggest strength and greatest weakness. If he was any other race, he would simply not be Miles, because this version of Miles would have never been created to replace Peter, or achieved the ridiculous success and popularity Miles got.

    • 8 months ago

      >He is black. I am being serious, this is the only thing he has. He is defined predominantly by this, it’s the only reason he was created (specifically cause bendis made it for his adopted black kids

      why didn't they just push their pre-existing black heroes harder then? Especially in other mediums?

      Then no one would've cared enough for Miles to even be made to begin with

      • 8 months ago

        >why didn't they just push their pre-existing black heroes harder then?
        Because of the second part. The Donald Glover Spider-Man thing. That's why he went so hard with it. He wanted to capitalize on that.

      • 8 months ago

        In a lot of cases it’s simply because
        >Famous superhero is now a black person!
        Generates a lot more clout than
        >Hey everyone! Remember obscure black superhero?

      • 8 months ago

        >why didn't they just push their pre-existing black heroes harder then? Especially in other mediums?
        Because you guys will still complain.

        • 8 months ago

          Since when does the comics world give a frick about what the complainers here think?

          If I may, Miles actually suffers from two rather extreme flaws and a third to a lesser extent

          To put it simply Miles is passive and over reliant on others. He is desperately afraid of attention and would rather fade into the background instead of being his own person, but paradoxically he cannot function as a person without praise from others and thus constantly seeks affirmation from those around him.
          In this his existence as Spider-Man is a self inflicted psychological paradoxical hell of imposter syndrome.

          Miles is desperate to be somebody but fears the consequences of such, so he resigns himself to being a second Spider-Man so that the mask can act as a safety net. But I’m doing this he also shackled himself to the spider responsibility and placed himself in a horrid situation where he is always wanting a way to prove himself just as good as Peter while ultimately fearing the scorn that being THE SPIDER-MAN would bring, hence why he is always so desperate for Peter’s approval

          His name ultimately means the moral soldier showing his willingness to be a clockwork soldier until the orders directly conflict with his personal morals or life

          10/10/ Would give anon a maxi series that extends too long and gets tied up in stupid event comics.

      • 8 months ago

        Marvel (and DC) survive off Spiderman (and Batman) these days.

    • 8 months ago

      If I may, Miles actually suffers from two rather extreme flaws and a third to a lesser extent

      To put it simply Miles is passive and over reliant on others. He is desperately afraid of attention and would rather fade into the background instead of being his own person, but paradoxically he cannot function as a person without praise from others and thus constantly seeks affirmation from those around him.
      In this his existence as Spider-Man is a self inflicted psychological paradoxical hell of imposter syndrome.

      Miles is desperate to be somebody but fears the consequences of such, so he resigns himself to being a second Spider-Man so that the mask can act as a safety net. But I’m doing this he also shackled himself to the spider responsibility and placed himself in a horrid situation where he is always wanting a way to prove himself just as good as Peter while ultimately fearing the scorn that being THE SPIDER-MAN would bring, hence why he is always so desperate for Peter’s approval

      His name ultimately means the moral soldier showing his willingness to be a clockwork soldier until the orders directly conflict with his personal morals or life

      • 8 months ago

        Pure deconstructionist headcanon and a waste of digits.

    • 8 months ago

      >Donald Glover Spider-Man thing
      someone has got to explain this to me, what the frick was the donald glover spide-man thing i keep hearing about this shit

      • 8 months ago

        Low level Hollywood and reddit teir frickheads kept trying ot get Donald Glover cast as spiderman, making photoshop art of him in a spider suit.

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    Miles suffers from never being allowed to get out from under Peter's shadow. Despite their attempts to make him look better than Peter, no one actually gives a shit or buys Miles stuff so they have to keep shackling him to other more popular characters to try to get people to read him.

    Also the fact that he still goes by Spider-Man instead of having his own identity, and that his love interest, villains, and 90% of his supporting cast are either hand me downs from Peter or just Peter's.

    • 8 months ago

      Miles’ problem is his very existence. He is Spider-Man but black. He does not exist as anything else. He will never not be black Spider-Man. He will never have his own unique identity or superhero name, because he was only created to literally replace Spider-Man when he died, and he immediately took the name. Miles as a character only works when he literally replaces a dead Peter, when Peter is alive miles perpetually lives in his shadow while parasitically feeding off Peter. All of Miles’ stories must require Peter. He requires his villains, his cast, his friends, his settings, his name, his powers, his girlfriend. In every universe miles only becomes spider-man because of Peter. All of miles most popular stories are either spider verse shit or replacing Peter shit, all of which require Peter in the first place. He will never exist on his own ala the Ditko-Lee run, he will never have his own personal cast, his own love interests, his own villains, his own storylines. He will never have moments like If This Be My Destiny or temporarily losing his powers out of self doubt. And deep down every single Milesgay knows this, which is why in every single story of miles ever, there is this constant and perpetual fear and insecurity. This is why miles will never have his own unique story: Miles can only infinitely repeat his origin story: that if replacing Peter Parker. All of his stories will be some variation of insecure writers desperate trying to prove miles either is his own person or he IS Spider-Man while the entire premise and narrative can only happen because of Peter and everything miles gets is from Peter. Because miles’ very creation and concept simply cannot exist without Peter, because he only exists to replace Peter. If you do anythin different, unique, or interesting, or removed from Peter, you create a character completely removed from the source material since miles does not exist as anything other then black Spider-Man

      • 8 months ago

        In the end Miles is just a worse version of Terry from Batman Beyond
        Both characters needs their predecessor in order to exist but Terry was allowed to branch out and do his own thing his own way with his own rogue gallery that admittedly kept dying over and over but he was allowed new faces, people that weren't in some way related to Bruce. They were unique to Terry and that's part of what made Terry fun
        Almost everyone that's part of Miles rogue gallery was originally Peter's. Miles only gets Peter's scraps and left-overs

        • 8 months ago

          Bad comparison. Terry's whole world is different by being decades in the future while Miles took over for Ultimate Peter roughly a year after he started.

          • 8 months ago

            >Bad comparison.

            • 8 months ago

              It is. Most of Bruce's villains were old, dead or disabled and the Gotham that Terry ran around in was nothing like the
              Gotham Bruce ran around in. Meanwhile, Peter died with many of his villains still active so of course Miles going to fight Pete's old villains

              • 8 months ago

                nope, you're wrong

              • 8 months ago

                Plus Bruce wasn't Batman anymore because he was too old for it, but was still an active support character for him. Plus Terry was his own Batman and didn't have to do so by just aping Bruce.

        • 8 months ago

          Bad comparison. Terry's whole world is different by being decades in the future while Miles took over for Ultimate Peter roughly a year after he started.

          The batman beyond equivalent is Miguel. And you can compare miles to miguel to see some of the areas that are completely undeveloped.

          >but what actually makes him a unique character?
          He was conceptualized to replace Peter, while being very Peter like, after Ultimate Peter died.
          But then they brought Miles and Peter into the same continuity. And Miles has kind of been something of a mistake ever since.

          As a genuine replacement of Peter. No matter whether or not you're actually a fan of Miles. He kind of makes sense.
          But as a Spider-Man existing alongside Peter? He just ends up kind of hollow and lacking as a character. Unlike almost all the other characters, he wasn't actually conceptualized as being his own. And any post-hoc attempts to make him more of a character have ringed kind of hollow because the foundation has been weak.

          But of course people always make any criticism of Miles about race or racism.
          The race thing isn't exactly executed that well either though. Miles grew up in a good family in a good neighbourhood and attended good schools. And yet the writers insist on having him speak broken English, be into rap and shit, as well as having him fancy crap like illegal street graffiti and shit. Presumably because they think that's what "being black" is. But the background they gave Miles doesn't actually align with that, so why do they insist on it anyway?

          Miles is kind of a poorly conceived character. They could have made a significantly, and I mean a significantly better black Spider-Man. But instead they made Miles.

          ...they HAVE made better black spidermen. Hobie for instance.

        • 8 months ago

          Terry = Miguel
          Miles does not have an equivalent that I know of in the Batfamily.

          • 8 months ago
            • 8 months ago

              If you know of a Miles equivalent, then do tell. I don't know of anyone running around calling themselves Batman except.. I think Nightwing did it for a bit when Bruce was incapacitated. I'm not huge on Batman so I could be wrong on some bits.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Fox. I forget whether it's Tim or Jayce Fox that's about the equvialent.

                I honestly don't know either of those characters.
                That being said, if they're Miles' equivalent I'll take your words for it.

              • 8 months ago

                You're not missing much. Jayce Fox sucks.

          • 8 months ago

            Fox. I forget whether it's Tim or Jayce Fox that's about the equvialent.

            • 8 months ago

              It's Jace, Tim is his deadname because he couldn't handle killing someone when he was a stupid teen and getting away with it due to being rich.

          • 8 months ago

            >Miles does not have an equivalent that I know of in the Batfamily.
            They tried with the brother of the second Batwing, "Jace" the Batman of New York

            • 8 months ago

              >rich homie to appeal to 'em urban homies
              What were they thinking?

              • 8 months ago

                >What were they thinking?
                They were trying appealing to zoomers who don't read the comics.

          • 8 months ago

            you don't think so?

            • 8 months ago

              Azrael had an identity of his own, at least.

              • 8 months ago

                >Hero get booted from his own book by a villain he would've beaten handily any other day of the week in service of some fad character to pander to an imaginary modern audience
                >Character bombs and Hero is quickly brought back
                The real difference is everyone can admit Azrael was a failed Batman and have moved on, where as they've only doubled down on dragging Peter through the mud to try and make Miles not look so sorry in comparison all cause Miles's representation of the african american youth is to damn stunning and brave to just let die, if Miles was white he'd be near 1-to-1 Azrael-Spider-man

        • 8 months ago

          Terry = Miguel
          Miles does not have an equivalent that I know of in the Batfamily.

          Miles is simultaneously every single Robin, Miguel O’Hara, and Terry McGinnis

    • 8 months ago

      >Miles suffers from never being allowed to get out from under Peter's shadow.
      This is the biggest thing. It's a problem when all you can write for a character for 10 years is stories reaffirming his existence. No other legacy character needed 10 years of justifying their existence. But it seems Miles will forever be stuck having his stories be "Miles proves he is worthy of being Spiderman... again".

    • 8 months ago

      >Miles suffers from never being allowed to get out from under Peter's shadow
      That's not a character flaw though, or at least, it has never been treated like one in any real way despite the fact that it should be

      • 8 months ago

        The funny thing is you really could get a LOT out of pushing the idea that miles is insecure about being “Spider-Man 2” but for some reason he’s just fine with it for no real reason beyond the writers actively sabotaging peters character to make miles look better

        • 8 months ago

          This children's book is the only thing to toy with the idea but even then it just ends with Miles being happy to be Spider-Man "too"

          • 8 months ago

            Like frick, Kid Arachnid was fine, though I think just "Arachnid" would better. Or just give him Tarantula's name since he's built on copying other people at this point.

  4. 8 months ago

    Hes black
    I dont watch anything with black people in it . I exclusively consume furry media like puss in boots or old soviet cartoons made for the white proletariat.

  5. 8 months ago

    >but what actually makes him a unique character?
    He was conceptualized to replace Peter, while being very Peter like, after Ultimate Peter died.
    But then they brought Miles and Peter into the same continuity. And Miles has kind of been something of a mistake ever since.

    As a genuine replacement of Peter. No matter whether or not you're actually a fan of Miles. He kind of makes sense.
    But as a Spider-Man existing alongside Peter? He just ends up kind of hollow and lacking as a character. Unlike almost all the other characters, he wasn't actually conceptualized as being his own. And any post-hoc attempts to make him more of a character have ringed kind of hollow because the foundation has been weak.

    But of course people always make any criticism of Miles about race or racism.
    The race thing isn't exactly executed that well either though. Miles grew up in a good family in a good neighbourhood and attended good schools. And yet the writers insist on having him speak broken English, be into rap and shit, as well as having him fancy crap like illegal street graffiti and shit. Presumably because they think that's what "being black" is. But the background they gave Miles doesn't actually align with that, so why do they insist on it anyway?

    Miles is kind of a poorly conceived character. They could have made a significantly, and I mean a significantly better black Spider-Man. But instead they made Miles.

    • 8 months ago

      >As a genuine replacement of Peter. No matter whether or not you're actually a fan of Miles. He kind of makes sense.
      Not really when Ben, Mayday, and Miguel did everything he could decades earlier, and infinitely better

      • 8 months ago


        Isn't a complete replacement of a dead man and is Peters daughter, not a rando who got the powers one day

        Peter's long since dead and Miguel is more Batman Beyond than what Miles was trying to do


        The batman beyond equivalent is Miguel. And you can compare miles to miguel to see some of the areas that are completely undeveloped.

        ...they HAVE made better black spidermen. Hobie for instance.


        • 8 months ago

          If another guy is going to take over for Peter while he's still young and spry, it makes far more sense for him to have the powers by being Peter's clone rather than being another guy who got insanely lucky with a radioactive spider bite and decided to steal the identity and for Peter to be fine with it
          >Isn't a complete replacement of a dead man
          Neither is Miles most of the time
          >and is Peters daughter, not a rando who got the powers one day
          Which makes far more sense both powers-wise and legacy-wise, see above, Peter's already a rando and repeating the story just to replace him is stupid, it'd be like making Dick a rich moody orphan like Bruce instead of a poor protégé
          >Peter's long since dead
          Which is the correct, respectful way to do it, if a musician today called himself Mozart everyone would know he's not really Mozart and is only doing it as a stage name invoking a legend, but if he called himself David Bowie or Prince it'd be incredibly disrespectful

          • 8 months ago

            >it'd be like making Dick a rich moody orphan like Bruce iumnstead of a poor protégé
            The funny thing is that they did something like his with Damien, and it worked since his shitheadedness bounced off of the Bat family instead of everyone just sucking him off, and his shitheadedness actually has consequences including getting Nightwing killed in one of the animated movies

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah but legacies that are the OG's direct offspring work and Damien isn't an orphan

        • 8 months ago

          >Isn't a complete replacement of a dead man and is Peters daughter, not a rando who got the powers one day
          That's not an argument against her you idiot. The latter part barely matters and the former is an arbitrary narrative circumstance.

      • 8 months ago

        >Not really when
        I didn't say and never implied that he was the best replacement. In fact I kind of implied the opposite.
        I just claimed the character concept kind of made sense from that angle.

        If you wanted another Peter in the absence of Peter, he could fulfil that role. No matter whether or not he'd be the most suited for it or even any good at it.
        But if you rob him of his role as a replacement, then what even is he any more?

  6. 8 months ago

    He's naive, easy to manipulate. Has a harder time maintaining his balance between Miles and Spider-Man. Lack of experience.

    • 8 months ago

      No comic movie show or game has ever expressed that anon

      • 8 months ago

        If you say so.

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          nta but lol shut the frick up the last movie with him waks all about how he's super right about canon and just knows something opposite to something almost every Spider-Man is supposed to believe as fact.

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