VADER SHOW coming soon on Disney+

VADER SHOW coming soon on Disney+

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    who the frick cares

    • 2 years ago

      star wars is the same level of moronic as anime
      stop watching it

      These first two posts are all well and fine, but you homosexuals will EAT UP a new show regardless. Screenshot this,

  2. 2 years ago

    star wars is the same level of moronic as anime
    stop watching it

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw more hayden christensen
      he is bae anons i love him

      i'm glad he's getting work. he seems like a nice dude. (plus bae)

      that's ok he'll always be unmasked in my heart
      based fellow hayden lover


    • 2 years ago

      >star wars is the same level of moronic as anime
      no, some animes are actually good

      • 2 years ago

        No they're not

      • 2 years ago

        No anime has even been good

    • 2 years ago

      No Anime is for next bearded autistics that secretly love children a little too much

      Star Wars is for autistic but at least like people their own age

    • 2 years ago


      Frogspoting is at the same level yet here you are.

      • 2 years ago

        Cope and seethe, tr*nimegay

        • 2 years ago

          I don't even watch anime.
          Sneed and Seethe, city slicker.

        • 2 years ago

          but is not made by usa

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >using the word anime to describe something as bad

      will never stop being hilarious. especially posting this on anime image board.

      • 2 years ago

        Cinemaphile isn't an anime board you fricking loser

  3. 2 years ago

    Oh great, i've always wondered who his transgendered minority love interest was and how he empties his robo-colostomy bag.

    • 2 years ago

      all i want is a classic sci-fi show that shows the reality of trans-racial-scat romances. break down those barriers!

  4. 2 years ago

    Lucas and Disney already ruined this beloved character. He just seems like a whiny brat who gets his ass kicked by everyone and was never particularly very powerful to begin with
    > but muh hallway scene!
    Frick off!

    • 2 years ago

      He was literally beaten by Kenobi in ANH, don't pretend like he hasn't always been dabbed on by everyone. Tarkin treated him like a lapdog, Palpatine treated him like shit. He only beat his own untrained son. His life IS pathetic.

      • 2 years ago

        Not really, he never really “beat” Vader in ANH he disappeared like a little b***h and did a Jedi suicide trick. Dude was DEAD from then on and Vader was alive. I guess it’s true that technically he didn’t beat obiwan but that’s just because he an hero. In the prequels he physically gets his ass beaten multiple times, made into obiwans b***h, constantly dabbed on by mace windu and Yoda not wanting to train him or grant him the rank of master, treated like an butthole by padme, gets his ass beat by dooku, cut in half by obiwan, beaten again by obiwan multiple times who crushed his suit buttons and tore his mask half off and left him like a little b***h wheezing and complaining, dabbed on by his apprentice, then it turns out he wasn’t even “the chosen one” to bring balance to the force at all, it was Rey palpatine who did. It’s a completely different thing now. In the ot he was this juggernaut that could not be stopped now he’s just a jobber

        • 2 years ago

          >dabbed on by his apprentice
          I don't remember this

          • 2 years ago

            Cut his mask up and manhandled him like a b***h

            • 2 years ago

              Blame gayloni

            • 2 years ago

              Why do you lie on the internet of all places?

        • 2 years ago

          Anakin wrecked Dooku.
          Anakin wrecked Cyn Drallig while fighting dozens of other Jedi at the same time
          Anakin really dominated his battle against Obi Wan in RoTS until he did something dumb
          Vader wrecked Reva
          Vader dominated Ahsoka

          But yes, his loss to Obi-Wan on the D+ show was so fricking stupid that it killed the already decomposing corpse of Star Wars forever. God, SW is such a dumb fricking franchise

          • 2 years ago

            What people don't understand is that Vader fights himself, not "Obi Wan" or "Luke".
            He has emotional attachment to them. He didn't want to kill Obi Wan in the show, nor did he want to kill Luke.
            You could even argue the same with the case of Ahsoka, which is why he never killed her (that we know of yet)

            • 2 years ago

              Right, he is canonically MUCH MUCH more powerful than Obi-Wan. It makes no sense why Vader doesn’t just end Kenobi in 5 seconds honestly.

              Luke is a bit different as he is as powerful as, if not far more powerful than, Vader overall. So I understand Luke’s win. But Obi-Wan was always said to be pretty average so I just don’t get the fight on Disney Plus other than typical Kathleen Kennedy anti-Anakin horseshit

              • 2 years ago

                >It makes no sense why Vader doesn’t just end Kenobi in 5 seconds honestly.
                He could have, in episode 3 when he had him over the fire.
                But then he realized in their final duel that he still has attachments to his master.
                He was so obsessed with Kenobi that his former master more or less played him like a fiddle. Vader literally landed on the same planet, went to him, and asked him "have YOU come to destroy me?" That's how autistic Anakin is.
                As for Luke, he may have been strong (or potentially stronger), but Vader was older at the time and in his prime in terms of force abilities. He simply didn't wish to kill his son.
                So it will never be known what would change if he was bloodlusted.
                >Obi-Wan was always said to be pretty averag
                That's the old EU notion of him, although even then he was considered one of the best defensive duelists. The thing with Kenobi is, he was always a jack of all trades, master of none.
                But people also forget that Anakin was ultimately his padawan, and not the other way around. So of course he would have a trick up his sleeve, especially when his pupil is thinking unclearly and being torn between the light side and the dark.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, even in the Kenobi show, Sidious strongly implies to Vader that he's too attached to Kenobi, at the end.
                By the time ANH rolls out, that is no longer the case, but Obi Wan also realized he can't win through conventional means, so he sacrifices himself and puts his faith in Luke.

              • 2 years ago

                Because Anakin was getting into his feels. Deep down he doesn't want to kill Obi-Wan, he wants to be /saved/ but he knows he can't be so he seeks death. It's a very fricked-up relationship on both sides.
                Obi-Wan can't bring himself to kill Anakin ("Do you really want Anakin dead?") but Anakin thinks Obi-Wan never loved him because he refuses to end his suffering... so he want to kill him for it. (Or not.) They both can't let each other go.

          • 2 years ago

            > Anakin wrecked Dooku.
            I guess he managed to kill…someone, yeah, after the dude chopped his arm off and beat his ass like a fricking girl.

            > Anakin wrecked Cyn Drallig while fighting dozens of other Jedi at the same time
            I have no idea who the frick this is

            > Anakin really dominated his battle against Obi Wan in RoTS until he did something dumb
            He still lost like a b***h

            > Vader wrecked Reva
            Ok. But who cares? Who is reva that this matters? Just some dumb hole.

            > Vader dominated Ahsoka
            She was his apprentice and in every battle she held her own and even fricked in his mask slashing his helmet apart like obiwan did.

            > But yes, his loss to Obi-Wan on the D+ show was so fricking stupid that it killed the already decomposing corpse of Star Wars forever. God, SW is such a dumb fricking franchise
            It was not stupid when the OT came out. Vader was the only one with these massive powers. Now everyone is doing cgi flips while their hair remains still and moving around mountains of the force with ease.

        • 2 years ago

          Of course an anime fan would be complaining that their powerlevel homosexualry isn't being stroked enough.
          You realize he killed a shit ton of Jedi during and after Order 66, as well as two of the most powerful Sith of all time, in addition to being "the chosen one", right?
          How much more wank could a character get before they're a boring cardboard cutout of Superman? (who even has his own weaknesses)
          Go back to Cinemaphile.

          • 2 years ago

            Actually I wasn’t complaining that his “power level” isn’t being stroked enough, quite the opposite, it was Lucas and Disney increasing the power levels of everyone around him in an anime-like fashion that was the problem. Btw it’s my wife that makes me watch anime, not me, the pic was totally unrelated.
            Also, Disney made Rey “the chosen one” she actually defeated the Sith, Anakin was just a clumsy backstreet boy in an goofy Frankenstein suit. I guess he killed dooku. Wow. It seems like almost anybody else on the Jedi council could have done that, they just never got close enough to him to get the chance, Yoda was kicking his ass until he ran away like a b***h and mace windu would have easily fricked up palpatine in a one on one fight, dooku would have got totally wrecked. I guess it shows he progressed enough to defeat at least *someone* for gucks says but that’s not that impressive honestly and nowhere near the Vader we saw in the OT. And to say he killed some…so did some storm troopers.

            • 2 years ago

              >The Sith

              What does that even mean?

              Anakin killed 2 Sith (Dooku & Sheev)
              Luke killed 1 Sith (Exim Panshard)
              Luke defeated 2 other Sith (Vader & Snoke)
              Obi-Wan defeated 2 Sith (Maul & Vader)

              Rey let thousands of Jedi Spirits enter her in order to beat a Sheev Clone.

              Maybe the “Sith” is something else entirely and the prophecy has yet to be properly fulfilled?

              • 2 years ago

                > Anakin killed 2 Sith (Dooku & Sheev)
                The first cut off his arm and kicked his ass in AOTC and yeah I guess he killed one dude. Ok. Wow.
                the second Sith electrocuted Anakin basically to death and they sort of killed each other.

              • 2 years ago

                Anakin was literally a kid in AOTC. So what the frick are you talking about?

                Dooku wrecked Obi-Wan twice. With ease. Anakin wrecked Dooku in their second duel and killed him. Anakin also killed Palpatine

              • 2 years ago

                I already said yeah, he killed dooku. Wow who cares? One guy. Omg he’s so powerful. The PT and the ST made Vader look like a massive b***h. They ruined his character

              • 2 years ago

                Literally the scene where he kills dooku is like THE only scene where he actually accomplishes anything other than getting his ass constantly blasted by everyone around him. I’ll bet padme was pegging him with his fricking lightsaber

              • 2 years ago

                Anakin has been dominating since his first loss to Dooku in AOTC.

                He subdued Mortis Gods
                He killed Dooku
                He should have beaten Kenobi, but he jumped over him like a fool
                He single handedly defeated Cyn Drallig, the literal Battlemaster of the Jedi Order while fighting multiple Jedi at once
                He defeated Ahsoka
                He defeated Reva
                He killed Obi-Wan
                He killed Palpatine

              • 2 years ago

                > He subdued Mortis Gods
                ? I have no I idea wtf this is

                > He killed Dooku
                His only real victory

                > He should have beaten Kenobi, but he jumped over him like a fool
                Yep, he’s a fool alright

                > He single handedly defeated Cyn Drallig, the literal Battlemaster of the Jedi Order while fighting multiple Jedi at once
                ? What? Who the frick is this?

                > He defeated Ahsoka
                She butt blasted him pretty hard though and she’s like a tiny girl and his apprentice so this is pretty petty “victory”

                > He defeated Reva
                A literal nobody

                > He killed Obi-Wan
                > He killed Palpatine
                I’m not talking about the OT

              • 2 years ago


                He kills Cyn Dralig later in the same movie.

              • 2 years ago

                Is this fake character from the cartoons or something)

              • 2 years ago

                > Maybe the “Sith” is something else entirely and the prophecy has yet to be properly fulfilled?
                Kind of takes away from George lucas whole “chosen one” space Jesus arc he was pushing in the PT though and makes his sacrifice in ROTJ seem pretty ducking meaningless. It’s like all this new shit just ruins the OT. It’s hard to even watch these old movies the same way anymore. Lucas infected and buried the OT under a mountain of slop it’s hardly even recognizable as the great trilogy that it once was. Like a beautiful woman who has totally bogged herself in old age.

              • 2 years ago

                Also, Obi-Wan did eventually kill Maul. However, Maul was not a Sith at that time

            • 2 years ago

              >so did some storm troopers
              Dozens of clone troopers vs 1 guy. Of course they would win. Ironically enough, Vader was a similar situation once and didn't die. But judging by your other replies, you're basically mad that it didn't happen on screen.
              The reality is that these things should be left for the extended material. Power flexes alone are secondary to the actual plot of the movies and the points the writer/director wanted to convey.

              • 2 years ago

                >Power flexes alone are secondary to the actual plot of the movies
                This. It's obvious Vader could've killed Luke in ESB for example, but would it serve any purpose in the movie? Now apply that logic to Obi Wan and Ahsoka (who may very well BE killed by him in the future for all we know)

              • 2 years ago

                She's dead by the time of the ST since she appears as a force ghost to Rey so someone killed her. It could turn out to be Anakin or alternatively Maul. I doubt it was a non-force user in any case.

              • 2 years ago

                Could've also been Palps

              • 2 years ago

                But She and Luke are fricking in BOBF. They started sleeping together soon after ROTJ.

              • 2 years ago

                She's dead by the time of the ST since she appears as a force ghost to Rey so someone killed her. It could turn out to be Anakin or alternatively Maul. I doubt it was a non-force user in any case.

                Are you guys moronic
                She's in mandalorian and boba fett, both Vader and Maul are long dead

              • 2 years ago

                I forgot Mando was post-RotJ, my bad.

              • 2 years ago

                To obiwan? Obiwan cut him in half and left him to burn to death. And from his perspective obiwans also got into Padmes head and had her turn on him, leading to vader accidentally choking her to death killing the live of his life and his two unborn children. To think Vader would spare Obiwan and play nice with him? Ridiculous. He killed dozens of random younglings at this point in the film for barely any reason at all, to think he would spare Obiwan and go east on him, for old times sake, is laughable

              • 2 years ago

                >Obiwan cut him in half
                Same shit as the Maul fight honestly. Anakin was overconfident in that jump and it cost him the fight. Similarly, Maul could've simply force pushed Obi-Wan and instead decided to toy with him. And what's ironic is that he was actually younger than Obi Wan too. He had everything it takes to win the fight on paper, but he lost. Same with Anakin.
                >leading to vader accidentally choking her to death killing the live of his life and his two unborn children
                She didn't die due to the choke specifically. Just broken heart syndrome. So in a way, he did kill her, but not through direct physical means.
                And the kids survived obviously.
                >To think Vader would spare Obiwan and play nice with him?
                That's not his intent in ANH. But in Kenobi they made it a point to have Palpatine scold Vader for him being too attached to his former master, which means he wasn't fully intent on killing him just yet.

              • 2 years ago

                This is a massive straw man. I never said Vader should be Superman or something I just feel like in the OT he was the only one, other than the emperor who could do really intense crazy force shit, like choking people just by looking at them on a screen, and moving dozens of peices of debris at like like that so easily and various other things. Now that the PT and ST have made everyone able to do cartoonish feats it makes Vader seem pretty insignificant honestly. And yes I am only counting things seen on screen in tv shows or movies not comics and cartoons. It’s why Vader was such a massive threat in the OT. Nobody else could do this shit easily, only Vader and maybe Yoda sort of (but even his feats were pretty slow in ESB moving the ship out of the water) and the emperor. We never even saw obiwan do anything like that. Vader was like, elite. Now everyone is elite and it massively cheapened his character in-universe.

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe, but then again, certain feats like lifting AT-ST's and stopping that ship are still things only Vader has really done.
                The closest is Rey and Kylo holding onto the Millenium Falcon, but she's a Palpatine and he's a Skywalker.
                Luke, even in his lame nuCanon persona, was still pretty OP since projecting ones' self across the galaxy undeniably takes a lot of effort.
                Only Palpatine has shown that level of power when he was able to choke Dooku light years away.

              • 2 years ago

                I don’t have the slightest clue etf you are talking about. I’m not talking about stupid books and cartoons I’m talking about the movies and tv shows.

              • 2 years ago

                Alright moron. I'm assuming you saw the Kenobi trash, right? The way he stopped that ship is not something you'd typically see in the movies or shows whatsoever.

            • 2 years ago

              >it was Lucas and Disney increasing the power levels of everyone around him in an anime-like fashion that was the problem
              Piss off autismo, the best EU shit was the stuff that didn't hold them back

              • 2 years ago

                Agreed. Kind of glad to see nucanon has started to embrace this too, although they haven't utilized it in the best ways.

              • 2 years ago

                Wrong this is what you losers got wrong. You guys are probably Zoomers or gen-x dorks with your faces buried in comic book expanded universe nonsense. The OT had power levels PERFECT not your stupid little gay books that nobody gives a flying frick about,

              • 2 years ago

                I never read the EU book you are talking about nerd. Sorry I’m not a pathetic useless gay like you who sits around reading gay shit sticking a fake lightsaber up my ass.

              • 2 years ago

                Wrong this is what you losers got wrong. You guys are probably Zoomers or gen-x dorks with your faces buried in comic book expanded universe nonsense. The OT had power levels PERFECT not your stupid little gay books that nobody gives a flying frick about,

                >cries that X character is too weak
                >then cries when someone suggests the powers should be showed in full
                Are you a woman? Can you actually decide what you want, you cringey gay?

              • 2 years ago

                I think I’ve explained myself enough times. I’m not complaining Vader is too weak, I’m complaining that everyone else is too powerful. I’ve said this already like ten times. If you haven’t figured that out by now you must have a shit for a brain. The power levels were fine in the OT, the PT and the ST screwed everything up by making everything like looney tunes cartoon nonsense with everyone flipping and flying around moving mountains around and lightsabers everywhere it cheapened everything, the force, Jesus, it’s just a dumb marvel comic book now not a delicate situation like a space opera where only an elite few have these powers, might as well merge it into the mcu at this point or give them super powers like the Wolverine force user or the Incredible Hulk force user. It’s just cheap trash now. I guess you eat that shit up like a disgusting subhuman.

              • 2 years ago

                Your problems are with the directing and writing, not the power levels. The way in which said powers have been chosen to be used.
                Because even if you raise the power levels to the degree that the PT/ST has, the stakes remain largely the same. You can still create muh space opera within such a context.
                You're talking about capeshit but the reality is that
                a) Jedi have always been supernatural and thus comparable to capeshit
                b) There's plenty of capeshit with much lower power levels than even the OT.
                c) All of this was intended from the very beginning, but wasn't fully incorporated primarily due to tech limitations at the time. And this includes the wilder choreography. Lucas has explicitly said the PT has the Jedi/Sith in their prime, using their capabilities the way they were trained to do.

              • 2 years ago

                > You're talking about capeshit but the reality is that
                a) Jedi have always been supernatural and thus comparable to capeshit
                No it wasn’t always like that. The OT, taken alone, didn’t feel like a cartoon in terms of powers. It felt spiritual and was slightly outlandish but just grounded enough that it was still kind of believable. Yes it still was geared mainly towards young teens and kids and they sold toys and comics but it wasn’t like todays MCU, it was far more grounded. The only comparison I could make might be the original iron man to the current MCU. It felt far more real and grounded. This isn’t just due to directing it’s due to what is taking place on screen as a whole.
                > b) There's plenty of capeshit with much lower power levels than even the OT.
                And often these are less cartoonish movies. So what are you trying to say? That some MCU movies aren’t cartoonish and absurd? Ok. I guess you proved that point. Who cares? It doesn’t discredit my argument about the MCU phenomenon in general.
                > c) All of this was intended from the very beginning,
                It doesn’t matter, what was “intended” didn’t put Star Wars on the map, it was the final product that did.

              • 2 years ago

                >that it was still kind of believable
                It was never meant to be believable. It's a fantasy movie full of completely outlandish ideas and characters. The way they behaved and interacted just wasn't as particular or perhaps robotic as someone like you probably views the PT. It was more "grounded" in that respect, and the hero was more of an everyman that one could self insert as.
                However, you can still do that with increased power levels, tech and mysticism., or more bizarre alien species. It all depends on the approach. Some of the books and games are a lot more complex and "mature" than the movies, yet they also have a lot more outlandish concepts, both in terms of the force, tech, and so on.
                >It doesn’t discredit my argument about the MCU phenomenon
                It's an infallible argument, I'll give you that much. The amount of properties that can be compared to the MCU based on fictional elements and "powers" alone is never ending.
                But again, it's all about approach. The example you gave with Iron Man means you understand this.

              • 2 years ago

                > It was never meant to be believable. It's a fantasy movie full of completely outlandish ideas
                What? The idea that it could be possible to move shit with your mind? Billions of people believe a man walked on water and you don’t think some people could believe that moving objects with their kind is conceivable? Or that there is a force binding all living things together? This is basically like religion/spirituality. And yes, BIlLIONS believe in shit like this, so it is possible, in theory.

                > and characters.
                That aliebs on another planet might look different? You think people find this to be impossible? This shit IS for kids but fundamentally people can pretty easily suspend disbelief and take it seriously and enjoy it while watching.

                > The way they behaved and interacted just wasn't as particular or perhaps robotic as someone like you probably views the PT. It was more "grounded" in that respect, and the hero was more of an everyman that one could self insert as.
                It wasn’t even that at all, although those are good criticisms of the PT. It was everyone having a lightsaber, everyone flipping around, even Yoda using a lightsaber, everyone moving stuff around with their mind, a trillion space ships at the end of the ST, this kind of stuff just goes too far to a point where I feel like I’m watching a cartoon.

                > However, you can still do that with increased power levels, tech and mysticism., or more bizarre alien species. It all depends on the approach. Some of the books and games are a lot more complex and "mature" than the movies, yet they also have a lot more outlandish concepts, both in terms of the force, tech, and so on.
                Well I never read them, I’m just talking about the movies and tv shows,

              • 2 years ago

                >The idea that it could be possible to move shit with your mind?
                You're the one complaining someone is doing exactly that, but the objects are bigger. Even though Yoda has an entire spiel about how size doesn't matter in ESB.
                The force is just one aspect of Star Wars, but on the whole, it's still a pretty outlandish universe and concept. It's more of a fantasy movie than sci-fi, and the fact that it all happened "a long time ago.." tells you that from the get-go.
                >but fundamentally people can pretty easily suspend disbelief
                Apparently not, since you clearly have a problem with the force being used in a more competent manner.
                >It was everyone having a lightsaber
                It's a Jedi's weapon. This was established in the OT. Yoda was a hermit who didn't need one and wasn't on "active duty" anyway, and Palpatine didn't need to draw out his lightsaber whatsoever, as he was proficient enough in the force and the circumstances didn't require it at the time.
                I won't delve into the ST because that was handled poorly in general, and the trillion space ships were the least of it's problems.
                The Force still follows the same basic guidelines that were established in the OT. You just fail to see how something the size of the X-Wing could be moved more competently in the PT.
                If you strip a Jedi from any ability outside of very basic telekinesis, you're still doing a disservice to yourself for not utilizing the fantasy concept fully.
                You just prefer more subtlety because it makes every mundane usage of the force more impactful to you. Whereas someone else will want to see the full extent of the force and the reason why Jedi differ from others in general.
                But more than anything else, it's still mainly about nostalgia. I don't think anything could top your experience with the OT because you saw it at a time where you were more easily impressed with films. I've seen the opposite side of the argument too, so it depends on personal preference.

              • 2 years ago

                > You're the one complaining someone is doing exactly that, but the objects are bigger.
                No I’m complaining that everybody can do that now, which makes Vaders abilities seem less impressive.

                > Even though Yoda has an entire spiel about how size doesn't matter in ESB.
                But it does to *the audience* it doesn’t matter what Yoda says. Visually it seems cartoonish for everyone to be able to move huge shit around with ease.

                The force is just one aspect of Star Wars, but on the whole, it's still a pretty outlandish universe and concept. It's more of a fantasy movie than sci-fi, and the fact that it all happened "a long time ago.." tells you that from the get-go.
                > Apparently not, since you clearly have a problem with the force being used in a more competent manner.
                Like I said, it’s similar to iron man 1 and the films that came after. It is plausible that he could build a suit and fly around, it gets cartoonish when he’s inventing time travel and magic “nanotech” wraps around his body. There are differences of degree and you are autistically pretending not up comprehend this.
                > It's a Jedi's weapon.
                Ok yeah, that’s fine but I don’t want to see 50 jedis with 50 different colors lightsabers fighting like that in a stadium in the PT, it’s just cheap and shitty. It just seems laughable and cheap.
                > If you strip a Jedi from any ability outside of very basic telekinesis, you're still doing a disservice to yourself for not utilizing the fantasy concept fully.
                Actually I liked the more spiritual stuff, like obiwan disappearing and dying turning into force ghosts, like spiritual Buddhist or Abrahamic-religion-style powers, stuff like that…more religious, not shooting lasers out of your eyes type of stuff. That’s what it seemed more like in the OT. That’s what likes powers were all about, he used his fathers love and his trust in him as a weapon against the emperor. That was star wars. It had a religious depth, not cheap superpower crap

              • 2 years ago

                In the OT luke beat the emperor by using faith in his friends, faith in his father, all as weapons against the emperor. He used his fathers love for him. These were his “weapons” it was religious and it was in a whole other level. If ROTJ were made today by some modern directortard luke would have got a new superpower like lasers from his eyes and killed the emperor. There is no film craftsmanship anymore it’s all just crap made by marketing departments.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, I understand what you mean. But I don't think the force was demystified in the newer films. On the contrary, I think it would've went into even deeper spirituality, especially with the whole Whills thing and George's intended ST. But I digress.
                Sometimes, things are more exciting the less you know about them or see them. Demystification can be a valid complaint, and I think it's perfectly applicable to certain characters or cultures. For example, I never cared much for Mandalorians being turned into what is essentially space barbarians, even though it goes in hand with the whole "fantasy in space" gimmick of Star Wars.
                I also didn't care for Boba Fett being a clone. I've actually read pre-PT EU material specifically featuring Boba and other bounty hunters, before it was established that he was a clone, and enjoyed it a lot more than what was ultimately done with him as time progressed.
                But that goes in hand with what I was saying, you don't need to know whether or not something is "canon" to enjoy or hate a story.
                I've even seen people suggest only the original movie should be considered canon, or that it should've been a standalone. So nothing's stopping you from choosing your own canon.
                And as far as Vader is concerned, it's nice to be mindful of the fact that whatever current canon decides to do with him, it will be a story by someone who isn't George Lucas, or whoever made your preferred version of Vader in the OT. Whether you're pleased with the result or not, it will be someone else's brainchild.
                That alone means there isn't a "higher power" or overseer when it comes to technicalities or nuances in the story.
                These ideas are all coming from a variety of places. It's not George's vision anymore, nor Bob Igers', or any single entity. That was true during the making of the OT, and it's doubly true now that George has stepped down and doesn't even approve or disprove certain Expanded Universe material.

              • 2 years ago

                > nothing's stopping you from choosing your own canon.
                My canon is the Star Wars I grew up with. Three perfect movies, a semi-religious abstractly spiritual story about friendship and love overcoming evil in a futuristic setting. Abstractions crystallized into a timeless tale taking place in space in a distant world, it told the story perfectly nothing more needs to be said,

              • 2 years ago

                That's what I'm talking about. It's the best way to look at things.
                I don't think Star Wars couldn't have good content again or even be topped (for me, some of it has been topped in some EU material already), BUT, at this rate, it's simply unrealistic to expect that.
                We all know how shitty Hollywood's current output is.
                And if you think Star Wars has had it bad, think about all the other franchises that have also shat the bed. Some of it has pissed me off a lot more than what happened with Star Wars post-Disney. At leas Star Wars can have the odd decently made story now and then, by virtue of having lots of people have their stab at it.
                But for a franchise that has like 1 movie every few years (Terminator for ex.) and only gets one or two writers working on a film with heavy studio interference, the odds of success are much lesser.

              • 2 years ago

                I also agree with that. Our only difference is that there was more I liked outside of the one OT trilogy. But I also don't think that specific story needed to be continued, or at least not without any of Lucas' involvement.
                I'm fine with side-stories like Mando or R1, and things generally happening in that universe, as long as they're good. The problem is that they rarely are, but then again, that goes for modern cinema in general.
                And if you think about it, most well-known franchises have been dealt a pretty bad hand over the years. Sequels/prequels and remakes rarely improve them.

                Last but not least, I want to add that while I'm forgiving of some things in the PT that I consider downgrades, I dislike the ST in general and don't view it as my own canon. For better or worse, the official canon, as far as movies are concerned, is what the original creator intended. Which to me entails the cancelled Sequel Trilogy concepts that George came up with.
                But if someone were to write a good story set in Star Wars, be it about a droid from a scrap heap that has nothing to do with the Skywalker storyline, I would still give credit where it's due.

              • 2 years ago

                All the initial ideas that Lucas came up with during the OT for the characters and their origins were better than the things he changed them to later.

              • 2 years ago

                The EU is better than the movies t b h but that's my personal take as a movie watcher.

              • 2 years ago

                > The EU is better than the movies t b h but that's my personal take as a movie watcher.
                The EU is not what put Star Wars on the map, the PT wasn’t either, and neither was the ST or these dumb tv shows and movies, and neither were these shitty little cartoons and comics, or the special editions or Lucas's original intentions. What put Star Wars on the map were the original trilogy. That’s what was “Star Wars”. All this other slop is yours to enjoy and you have every right to have bad taste and enjoy garbage, like a crazy person eating rotten food from a trash can. That’s your business. I don’t do that.

              • 2 years ago

                Anyone who shoots down a story by presumption is a midwit at best.
                You think just because something is in a written format, it's inherently inferior as a story than a movie.
                Accept that you have nostalgia goggles for the OT and move on. It's never going to get better.

              • 2 years ago

                No I just feel like the original trilogy was so perfect. The perfect beginning the perfect ending. It’s like the perfect slice of pizza, it doesn’t need anything else it doesn’t need more cheese it doesn’t need more toppings, leave it the frick alone. Keep that shit in comic book land and “what if” type of stuff. These new movies and tv shows have destroyed Star Wars because they are canon. It’s just a disgrace what Lucas and Disney have done.

              • 2 years ago

                "Canon" doesn't matter. Only the quality of the storytelling does.
                Because things are only canon until they're not, as was the case with Legends (although they were never necessarily canon either).
                Point is, no one is forcing you to perceive anything as being canon, it's your choice.
                And you'll either like a movie/show or you won't. The advantage of the EU is that you had many writers doing their own unique takes set within the Star Wars context, and some of it worked, while some of it didn't. But all that mattered was whether or not you're wasting your time with a bad story, or you got your money/time's worth.
                Two heads are better than one, so you'll inevitably have a higher chance of coming across a good story with more variety and perspectives. The OT on the other hand, as well as the PT, were mostly George's ideas, but he still had assistance from other people obviously. The circumstances surrounding the OT just made it preferable to someone like you.

              • 2 years ago

                The OT was a product of it's time and you can't replicate it. The ST tried and failed.
                Other shows like Mando are also trying, and while they're better, you can *tell* they're trying, and that in itself takes you out of the show a little bit.
                The PT was also a product of it's time. The thing with Lucas is, he was always trying to make modern movies, in some cases literally inventing tech and filmmaking methods that hadn't existed yet.
                He specifically said that his sequel trilogy would've been handled in the same way, i.e. with modern tech, designs and concepts, and that it wouldn't have been "retro", like Disney did with the ST.
                Many franchises, even outside of movies, are basically lightning in a bottle, and the originals will never be topped. The sooner you come to terms with this the better.
                That being said, I still think books can bridge the gap due to the lack of visuals, and the fact that you're creating them in your head with your own imagination. They're still inevitably a product of their time, due to society, concepts and fads changing and evolving with the rest of society, but the transition between an old book and a new one can be a lot more seamless than in movies for example.

              • 2 years ago

                It can’t be replicated because it told its story. It’s like at the end of the Disney movie tangled she cut her magic hair and story was over. They tried making a sequel but nobody gives a frick because the story is over. Sometimes a story is just finished, it should be left alone.

              • 2 years ago

                I also agree with that. Our only difference is that there was more I liked outside of the one OT trilogy. But I also don't think that specific story needed to be continued, or at least not without any of Lucas' involvement.
                I'm fine with side-stories like Mando or R1, and things generally happening in that universe, as long as they're good. The problem is that they rarely are, but then again, that goes for modern cinema in general.
                And if you think about it, most well-known franchises have been dealt a pretty bad hand over the years. Sequels/prequels and remakes rarely improve them.

              • 2 years ago

                Star Wars as a franchise is fairly unique in that it's it's own filter.
                The OT is what lures people in, and the rest of the media is what will either drive them away, or increase their interest.
                And that's a good thing, because on one hand, you won't need anything more than the OT as a complete story, and on the other, the people who want to learn more can also get their fix. It's what divides the casual and the "fan" or enthusiast.

        • 2 years ago

          In the comics it's strongly implied he have what it takes to kill Palpatine, and that's one of the reasons why Sheev made his suit susceptible to short circuiting, as a failsafe.
          He never explicitly kills any of the people he has been attached to, such as Ahsoka, Obi Wan, or Luke.
          He kills everyone else he encounters, no matter how powerful they are. But he can't bring himself to kill those who were close to him, after the incident with Padme.

          • 2 years ago

            This looks cool, what comic series is the left picture from?

            • 2 years ago

              Sorry for the late reply but I had left the thread. It's the cover of pic-related.

              • 2 years ago

                No worries, thanks man

          • 2 years ago

            It would be nice if that were implied…anywhere in the films.

      • 2 years ago

        >He was literally beaten by Kenobi in ANH
        Kenobi suicided.
        >Tarkin treated him like a lapdog
        No he didn't.
        >Palpatine treated him like shit.
        Yes and he was killed by him.

      • 2 years ago

        God I hate shit takes like this. Vader is respected by Tarkin, his plan finds the rebel base, he and Kenobi are evenly matched in the duel, and he's the only one to see the threat the rebel fighters pose to the death star. He would have literally won the battle of Yavin if Han hadn't had a change of heart. He routs the rebels at Hoth, his plan to trap Luke works, and the only thing that stops a complete victory for him is Lando having a change of heart and Leia sensing and rescuing Luke. Yes, Palpatine dominates him, and you know what he does? MURDERS PALPATINE. Vader is a dangerous, dangerous character, the heroes frequently only manage to barely escape him, his full defeats are usually the result of someone else being incompetent or arrogant.

        • 2 years ago

          I agree with this take. If you make a character too OP he isn't as interesting anyway. People seem to forget that we're talking about a half-dead carcass in a tin can.
          He literally should not be alive and he's still pulling off that shit. Kenobi, as of right now, failed to dispose of him twice, and is ultimately responsible for a shit ton of deaths.

  5. 2 years ago

    have the advertisers always been so blatant on this site?

  6. 2 years ago

    This looks like porn.

    • 2 years ago

      She’s gonna totally suck his meat saber dude uhuhuhuh

  7. 2 years ago

    >tfw more hayden christensen
    he is bae anons i love him

    • 2 years ago

      I think this is just a bone they're throwing him so he can start doing conventions wearing the costume, rather that just showing up like usual, looking old, used up, and sad.

      • 2 years ago

        i'm glad he's getting work. he seems like a nice dude. (plus bae)

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe those conventions will give Hayden his life force back. Dude needs something to live for.

        • 2 years ago

          >ewan mcgregor is 51
          frick sake look at that handsome fricker

          • 2 years ago

            It's like he traded age with Hayden. I'd like to know what type of baby blood he consumes on the daily basis.

    • 2 years ago

      >he will be masked

      • 2 years ago

        that's ok he'll always be unmasked in my heart

        I'll watch it for Hayden.

        based fellow hayden lover

      • 2 years ago

        You know they'll throw in a ton of flashback scenes like Book of Boba Fett, probably setting things up for the Ahsoka show.

  8. 2 years ago

    Nice™! I'm™ very™ excited™ for™ all™ this™ new™ Star™ Wars™ content™ coming™ very™ soon™ to™ Disney+™!

  9. 2 years ago

    no one gives a frick. frick shills frick disney/ KYS

  10. 2 years ago

    We need our own /sw/ here on Cinemaphile so that we can avoid these troony zoomer pieces of shit that ruin every sw thread.

  11. 2 years ago

    I'll watch it for Hayden.

  12. 2 years ago

    I see the fricking wiener hole, you can't trick me.

  13. 2 years ago

    No Reva no interest Disney, please make sure to include Reva she is the key to the Skywalker Legacy.

    • 2 years ago

      considering she was given nothing but 'just be angry' until what, the last hour of the show i thought she did alright.

    • 2 years ago
      >Her friends deaths

      • 2 years ago

        for "likes", they should have "torturing 10-year-old girls" and "severing the hands of the elderly"

  14. 2 years ago

    Star Wars doesn't exist anymore

    • 2 years ago

      It exists in my heart

      • 2 years ago

        >From my point of view, it was Marvel that bombed horribly!

  15. 2 years ago

    Vader show would be the easiest one to make, there are countless fricking comics. It's also the perfect moment to include a What if Happy Ending, just make it Vader's dream.

  16. 2 years ago

    They're going to ruin it.

    • 2 years ago

      Darth vader is so cool

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          This is Emilia Clarke, right? For all the shitty nuContent, I wouldn't have minded a movie or at least a comic of her and Maul's adventures.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah. It sucks her off at every chance.

            • 2 years ago

              Damn this is almost as stupid as "Doctor" Aphra bullshit
              Star Wars media is overwhelmingly stupid and gay

  17. 2 years ago

    Why does Vader's dick need to be protected by the armour? It doesn't work.

    • 2 years ago

      He has a robot dick

  18. 2 years ago

    Boy, can't wait to see the story of the strong black woman that prepared him to be saved by his son!

  19. 2 years ago

    >character you remember from the old films appears
    this is the entire point of modern star wars

  20. 2 years ago

    fake news

  21. 2 years ago

    I'd like a show about lil Ani and lil Obi but sadly that's not possible

  22. 2 years ago

    Pitch me this show

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically kino if it was anyone but Disney. If they'd made a "Vader" series with Hayden and Ewan instead of a "Kenobi" series, it wouldn't have wrecked the canon as bad as it did, since fricking everything in the background of Kenobi's life has to warp into an unrecognizable mess to even get him off the planet.
      >No Leia subplot
      >Reva's vengeance could actually have, you know, been interesting.
      Not to mention lack the moronic "redemption" conclusion that also breaks canon a little bit more every time the let another force user loose into ANH-era star wars (which they are too pussy to kill off)
      >Instead of Obi-Wan running around being unforgivably stupid, we could have Vader actually interacting with the machinations of the empire.
      (They won't do this because they unironically refer to the RLM reviews when writing their scripts and won't touch anything that gets too close to "boring" political stuff like in TPM)
      >Vader actually doing his job and purging Jedi, being a bogeyman, and erasing the mythos of the Jedi from public perception
      I don't know, maybe I'll just keep writing EOTE campaigns that no-one wants to play

    • 2 years ago

      Here's your theme song bro

  23. 2 years ago

    I hope we will see his huge robot wiener in action

  24. 2 years ago

    Oh no he's gonna frick her face with his robowiener

  25. 2 years ago

    Vader wank was always ridiculous. The guy is a literal cripple. And he looks like a penis. A guy from a fricking movie from 45 years ago, give it a rest.

  26. 2 years ago

    Why does it look like Hayden has meth mouth now? Same thing happened to Jay from Jay and Silent Bob.

  27. 2 years ago

    a vader show already exists

  28. 2 years ago

    I really hate how bland the Kenobi show looks visually.

  29. 2 years ago

    don't care, still not watching Disney+.

  30. 2 years ago

    His original look and demeanor seem similar to obiwan.

    And Vader called the emperor his master where obiwan was originally anakins master. and the emperor looked all deformed in his eyes, like a deformed clone. I think Lucas originally intended to have cloned Jedis as the evil overlords and the clones wars to be about cloning jedi and the Jedi fighting evil clones not a clone army. I swear Lucas is a lying sack of shit. No i KNOW he meant to do this. Frick that!

    • 2 years ago

      RotJ wasn't a thing yet and they hadn't decided on a specific actor to portray the Emperor so they just spliced footage of a monkey and some woman who was either friends or family of someone working on the film.
      The concept art of the Emperor actually looks more like an alien/demon than a human.

    • 2 years ago

      RotJ wasn't a thing yet and they hadn't decided on a specific actor to portray the Emperor so they just spliced footage of a monkey and some woman who was either friends or family of someone working on the film.
      The concept art of the Emperor actually looks more like an alien/demon than a human.

      All the initial ideas that Lucas came up with during the OT for the characters and their origins were better than the things he changed them to later.

      Originally the were going to edit Mcdiarmid's voice to be the same serene voice from Empire but he showed them the croaky voice and they went with that. If you want more info on the original origin of the emperor and other stuff Eckaharts ladder has these videos

  31. 2 years ago

    At this point we NEED a Vader mini series of him hunting jedi to redeem the character after what they did to him in Kenobi. No inquisitors.

  32. 2 years ago
    Started a poll ranking the movies and shows (live action)
    Sorry for including disneyshit

  33. 2 years ago

    There is literally nothing Disney can do to get me to care about Star Wars again other than to fire almost everyone at Lucasfilm. Obi-Wan was their last chance to not frick something up, and they fricked it up even worse than Book of Boba Fett. If they announced a Luke Skywalker series I'd just roll my eyes because I already know it would just be more retcons and character assassination. Star Wars has been dead for as long as Disney has owned it, and they jolting it with more electricity hoping that it'll twitch long enough that we get tricked into thinking the heart has restarted.

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