Villain is killed on accident by a random nobody

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I was right, Last Son and D-Day Knight weren’t the same person

    • 2 years ago

      That just opens up more questions
      >Who is he?
      >How did he get the horned serpent skull?
      >How was he at d-day in the 40s if he killed Dean in the 50s

  2. 2 years ago
  3. 2 years ago

    Yes, it was an "accident".

    • 2 years ago

      this is an american cartoon, go have a nice day

      • 2 years ago

        Did you respond to the wrong post?

  4. 2 years ago

    No Country for Old Men is a great fricking book

    • 2 years ago

      What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss, Anon?

  5. 2 years ago

    >creates thread 30 minutes after video is published
    >rightfully gets deleted because it's not Cinemaphile
    >zoom zoom creates another one anyway
    You might not even be a zoomer, only Alex himself would shill this stuff here that hard.

    • 2 years ago

      >People can't enjoy something I personally hate!
      That's not how it works anon.

      • 2 years ago

        Go enjoy it on the relevant board then Alex, or is /x/ not marketable enough for you? Judging on your current viewcounts, shilling here isn't doing you any favors either.

        • 2 years ago

          >Animated series about super heroes
          Sorry anon but no amount of crying will change the fact that it fits here and has an active fan base who enjoys it and has had multiple threads that lasty a good while before a natural death.
          Instead of giving them constant attention maybe you could just use the hide feature instead of spending everyday you can samegayging in zoomer horror threads?
          I can't understand people who hate something so much they go out of their way to shove as much of it into their face as they can.

          • 2 years ago

            Sure it is Alex, sure it is. Is that why you randomly decided to rip off Brightburn? So you could try and better shill your threads here?

            • 2 years ago

              >rip off brightburn
              Lmao you spend all your active time in threads you hate so much and you can't even get the most basic of comparisons right. You can't even sage, you actively keep them alive far longer then what would happen normally.
              >trying to repeat something with no proof over and over because it's literally all you have
              Sure anon, sure. I'm Alex. I'm always with you, no matter where you go. I'm at your work, inside your car, underneath your bed.
              You can never escape my analogue horror because it is now an infection within your mind. You can never have a day of rest, because someone will enjoy something you dislike, and all your attention and time will be spent on them instead of anything you actively want.
              So go ahead. Insult me, call me a homosexual. Prove me right.
              Prove that you are obsessed beyond measurement.
              Prove that you would rather spend time in threads actively bringing you nothing but anger and sadness.
              Prove me right. Do it mother fricker. Respond to my post, call me Alex, claim my show isn't Cinemaphile.
              Do it.

              • 2 years ago

                >le evil Justice League horror
                >not Brightburn
                Damn Alex, are you okay man? Do you always get this testy when people point out the extremely obvious comparisons? If anything you should be thanking me, I actually keep your threads more active when I post in them.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes. Good. Keep calling me Alex, keep bumping the thread with your hate.
                Keep giving attention to something you want everyone to stop talking about.
                Focus all your attention into this one single thread, then wait until the next thread to do it all over again.
                Go onto Cinemaphile to express your hatred on their analogue horror threads.
                Become so obsessed over random youtubers that someone makes an analogue horror based off of your hatred for them.
                Continue to seethe. Continue to post.
                You know you have no choice in the matter.
                Bump the thread. Reply to me. Call me Alex.
                Do it.

              • 2 years ago

                You seriously need to take your goddamn meds. You're somehow even worse than Lee, an actual dogfricking furry.

                Are you this much of a tourist that you don't know what sage is Alex? For someone that's been ranting over how angry and obsessed I am you sound pretty angry lol. Also what this about Cinemaphile threads and dogfrickers?

              • 2 years ago

                Yes. Good. Continue to post, continue to seethe.
                Bump the thread, Reply to me, call me Alex.
                You know you have no choice. With each response your mind falls deeper into my trap.
                My show will be on your mind of every hour of everyday.
                Let it stay in your mind and fester. Let it rot and decay until it infects your mind from within.
                The process is already happening. You can do nothing to deny it.
                You must do as I say.
                Bump the thread.
                Reply to me.
                Call me Alex.
                Do it.

            • 2 years ago

              >le evil Justice League horror
              >not Brightburn
              Damn Alex, are you okay man? Do you always get this testy when people point out the extremely obvious comparisons? If anything you should be thanking me, I actually keep your threads more active when I post in them.

              You seriously need to take your goddamn meds. You're somehow even worse than Lee, an actual dogfricking furry.

            • 2 years ago

              Hey, if it works for Japan...

    • 2 years ago

      Where else are we supposed to discuss this? It's closer to Cinemaphile than anything else I can think of.

      • 2 years ago

        /x/ used to be a pretty good place for unfiction discussion, I hear. Used to be.

  6. 2 years ago

    Your thread got deleted because it was a shitty parasitical bait thread.

  7. 2 years ago

    >newbie redditor doesn't know who Lee is
    >doesn't know that Sage does not work
    >is also an ESL
    Man, remember when trolling took effort?

    • 2 years ago

      You could have just said Barneygay Alex, not everyone is on a first name basis with lolcows. What makes you think sage doesn't work either? For someone that likes to call people newbie redditors you sure do sound like one. Also, have you been taking your meds lately? It looks like you're having a full-blown dissociative schizophrenic meltdown

      Yes. Good. Continue to post, continue to seethe.
      Bump the thread, Reply to me, call me Alex.
      You know you have no choice. With each response your mind falls deeper into my trap.
      My show will be on your mind of every hour of everyday.
      Let it stay in your mind and fester. Let it rot and decay until it infects your mind from within.
      The process is already happening. You can do nothing to deny it.
      You must do as I say.
      Bump the thread.
      Reply to me.
      Call me Alex.
      Do it.

      • 2 years ago

        You try and work around my infection, but in doing so, you only make it stronger.
        You ignore me, yet still call to me. Still believe Alex to be here.
        In trying to circle past me, it only loops you back to the beginning.
        You can never escape. You can never stop posting.
        Reply to me.
        Bump the thread.
        Call me Alex.
        Do it. Even when you try not to, it still ends up being what you type. Your fingers are no longer your own, for they are now my tools, my pen to place down what words I wish to hear.
        Reply to me. Or not. It does not matter. You still see me in every post. You still think of me of every hour of every day.
        You can never stop replying to me, for in your eyes, I am every post.
        Reply to me.
        Bump the thread.
        Call me Alex.
        Do it.

        • 2 years ago

          Not that guy quoting Multiversity at you. You are obsessed. Here's your last (You), schizo. Going to go shit up one of those Owl House or Steven Universe threads instead, so enjoy screaming into the void.

          Holy autism Batman, no wonder your videos have been sounding like schizo ramblings for a while now. Also why would you want to shit up threads for something that is explicitly Cinemaphile material? I don't like OH or SU either but at least those are cartoons and not some shitty audio drama you keep trying to shill as a cartoon. If this shit is a cartoon so is pic related.

          • 2 years ago

            Again you try to work around the infection, and again you only dive deeper into my depths.
            You can no longer see me, you can no longer see anyone else. For now all you can see is Alex. Now all you can think about is Alex.
            You reason to yourself to remain here. Refuse to leave into something you might enjoy. For now the only thing that brings you joy, is your own anger and obsession.
            For now, I am the only thing that can bring you any sense of completion. Your hate is only enough when it is for me.
            Your life is empty and meaningless without me. Without something to hate. But I am still whole without you.
            I do not need you, but you endlessly need me.
            You are just my puppet. A plaything. Something to toss aside when I am bored.
            You have no choice but to post.
            You have no choice but to respond to me.
            You have no choice, no matter how you word it, but to call me Alex.
            Do it. Continue to entertain me. Continue to feed all that is you into me.
            Reply, bump, call me Alex.
            That is your life now, for that is what I see it worth.

      • 2 years ago

        Not that guy quoting Multiversity at you. You are obsessed. Here's your last (You), schizo. Going to go shit up one of those Owl House or Steven Universe threads instead, so enjoy screaming into the void.

  8. 2 years ago

    Keep in mind that THIS is the guy who has been spamming all horror threads on the board.

    • 2 years ago

      Again you try to work around the infection, and again you only dive deeper into my depths.
      You can no longer see me, you can no longer see anyone else. For now all you can see is Alex. Now all you can think about is Alex.
      You reason to yourself to remain here. Refuse to leave into something you might enjoy. For now the only thing that brings you joy, is your own anger and obsession.
      For now, I am the only thing that can bring you any sense of completion. Your hate is only enough when it is for me.
      Your life is empty and meaningless without me. Without something to hate. But I am still whole without you.
      I do not need you, but you endlessly need me.
      You are just my puppet. A plaything. Something to toss aside when I am bored.
      You have no choice but to post.
      You have no choice but to respond to me.
      You have no choice, no matter how you word it, but to call me Alex.
      Do it. Continue to entertain me. Continue to feed all that is you into me.
      Reply, bump, call me Alex.
      That is your life now, for that is what I see it worth.

      Sorry zoomie but wojack posters are more of your generation's thing.

      >on accident
      I fricking hate people who say this. You're not 5. It's "on purpose" and "by accident." Frick sakes, the frickin' state of you.

      >You're not 5
      They're probably not much older than that honestly.

      • 2 years ago

        >You don't make a story about political corruption surrounding Evangelion monsters and follow it up with a story about a dimension-hopping James Dean(?) being brainwashed into thinking he's Jesus by the US government without at least a part of it being a metaphor for -something.-
        You do if you're a hack like Alex that is just writing random shit as he goes along in a desperate attempt to cling onto relevancy.

        See the proof before you.
        See just how long it took for you to try and work around my being.
        And yet you still can't but help call out to me. You can't help but wish for my next reply.
        Even as you target others for the crime of personal interest, you still call out my name.
        You still think of me every moment.
        There is no escape, for ignoring what I have done is impossible. I am in your mind. I am your mind itself.
        Your obsession of me will never leave. You will always be looking for the next thread, the next reply, the next reason to indulge in my being.
        You can no longer exist without me to hate. You can no longer live without me to despise.
        Post a reply.
        Bump the thread.
        Say my name.
        For you have no choice, for it is my own choice.
        Do it.

        • 2 years ago

          Why don't you put the same amount of thought and energy in your videos that you do for these spergouts? They are way more entertaining to read.

          • 2 years ago

            Hey thanks this is some pretty good writing practice.
            You're still a massive homosexual with a weird hate-boner for something you can easily avoid with two clicks.
            Though personally what I find funny is that I actually hate what Alex is doing with The Last Son, it's just not as good as Monument Mythos was. Just doesn't hold my interest.
            But I will still call an obsessed cuck an obsessed cuck whenever I see one.

            • 2 years ago

              The last thing we need here is more off-topic generals Alex. We can't even get the Death Battle threads to leave they're so entrenched, at least with the zoomer horror generals you can kill it in the crib. Nothing but pride is stopping you from going to /x/ either where you can post about all the spooky shit you want unmolested.

              • 2 years ago

                Man even when I drop the act you don't huh?
                Guess you really are that God Damned obsessed.
                Maybe get help for that? Don't want you freaking out at home because you saw Alex in your refrigerator .

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                >Make fun of an anon for being so obsessed it's developed into a metaphysical mental infection
                >turns out to actually be true
                Well shit.

  9. 2 years ago

    >on accident
    I fricking hate people who say this. You're not 5. It's "on purpose" and "by accident." Frick sakes, the frickin' state of you.

  10. 2 years ago

    I'm genuinely interested in knowing what all of this is supposed to mean. You don't make a story about political corruption surrounding Evangelion monsters and follow it up with a story about a dimension-hopping James Dean(?) being brainwashed into thinking he's Jesus by the US government without at least a part of it being a metaphor for -something.-

    • 2 years ago

      >You don't make a story about political corruption surrounding Evangelion monsters and follow it up with a story about a dimension-hopping James Dean(?) being brainwashed into thinking he's Jesus by the US government without at least a part of it being a metaphor for -something.-
      You do if you're a hack like Alex that is just writing random shit as he goes along in a desperate attempt to cling onto relevancy.

  11. 2 years ago

    God, rule34 in the Monument Multiverse must be an eldritch horror in and of itself...

  12. 2 years ago

    So James Dean was the original D-Day Knight? And when getting killed in a car crash he transfers his power to the kid who killed him, creating the new D-Day Knight/Last Son of Alcatraz. It still doesn’t fully explain Regan God, or if James Dean is somehow the same one from the original Universe.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty sure the d-day knight and last son are seperate people thanks to this video

      • 2 years ago

        It seems like Alice was telling the Last Sons origin, but the Knight kills her for it. Did she unintentionally reveal his true identity as James Dean which pissed off the seemingly resurrected Knight? It’s all honestly so fascinating.

        • 2 years ago

          >it mentioned characters I know!

          • 2 years ago

            That's just it, you -don't- know these characters. Is the Last (Lost?) Son James Dean? Is the D-Day Knight? Is Richard Nixon God? What's the connection between superheroes and religion, for that matter?

            • 2 years ago

              There really isn't one, the guy is just throwing whatever he can at the wall and sees what sticks.

              • 2 years ago

                I doubt it, MM and House had clear themes Nixon should follow

        • 2 years ago

          Knight throwing Alice off the Chrysler Building doesn't sound like an action out of malice, its immediately followed up by "no one is gone forever" So its not the last we've seen of her.
          I also wonder if the misspelling of Chrysler as Christler is a misspelling at all.

  13. 2 years ago

    Sounds like Bleach.

  14. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Frick is this?

      • 2 years ago

        Superman vs the Elite, the atomic skull goes rampant, Superman takes him down and send him to jail, Skull says he is going to scape and kill more people, he does and the the Elite this new super hero group of 90s strawmen parodies kill him, this is treated as a bad thing by superman who doesn't kill under any circumstance

  15. 2 years ago

    so what i get from this is
    >Last Son isn't James Dean (and also not Nixon), he's the guy who crashed his car INTO James Dean and gained superpowers via mumbo jumbo bullshit
    >The D-Day Knight (whether he be James Dean, Nixon, or whatever) is also not the Last Son

    • 2 years ago

      There's a lot of evidence to say Nixon is the Last Son, his silhouette and face being shopped on Kirks superman in eye, to the house bearing a lot of resemblance to Nixon's childhood house, the whole trinitarian view with him being both god, jesus and the holy spirit.
      The D-day Knights identity is still in the air though

      • 2 years ago

        The more likely possibility is that Nixon and the Last Son are separate entities similar to how God and Jesus work.
        Plus he can't really be Nixon since the Last Son is all but stated to be Donald Turnupseed, who's 20 years younger than Nixon.
        The reason I'm betting Nixon's the Knight is because
        >Nixon would have been active for WW2, unlike Turnupseed/the Last Son, who wouldn't receive his powers for another 10 years
        >The Last Son and the Knight are never once referenced or referred to as being the same entity, with the two titles being used for two separate entities
        >Nixon is referred to as "God", much like how the Horned Serpent is called the "true God of this world". And the Horned Serpent currently lives on as the Knight

  16. 2 years ago

    What song will he use to play us out of the Nixonverse?

  17. 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    I don't think he was dreaming.

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