wait so what happened with the aliens and evil aliens? this shit was left largely unanswered.

wait so what happened with the aliens and evil aliens? this shit was left largely unanswered. also why did they kill off alex? couldnt they switch actors? they did it for the husband of indian lady.

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  1. 7 months ago

    It's answered in the last three novels. There's still a chance they will make seasons of them some day since there's a large time gap between the books.

    • 7 months ago

      >It's answered in the last three novels.
      what are the answers? dont wanna go wiki hunting right now.

      • 7 months ago

        The ancient Greeks built the Ring Gate network and then the Goths killed off the ancient Greeks and started living in the dimension outside of the Slow Zone and still get pissed off whenever transit through a ring gate happens because it hurts them

      • 7 months ago

        There's a whole lot more to it, but the gist is that the main aliens had a galaxy spanning empire and their interstellar travel goes through another dimension which hurts the other aliens. So they got into something of a giant space war and since the main aliens are not physically hardy, they got their asses kicked. They went into hiding and hibernation for billions of years hoping for a more hardy interstellar race to eventually come across their technology and awaken it. That was humans. Humans obviously want that technology and to use it, but the technology starts using them as well. It guides them towards modifying themselves and integrating with the alien technology which will eventually allow the aliens to take over humanity's minds and reawaken once more to rule the galaxy. Holden has to try and stop the various human factions from using that alien tech and convince them it's a really bad idea. Plus they don't want to continue pissing off the other aliens, so they have to figure out another way of interstellar travel.

        • 7 months ago

          any more books to come or the series is finished? i read the last book wiki and apparently amos is alive still? after a thousand years? how is that possible?

          • 7 months ago

            Isn't the time jump at the end like 100,000 years or something? But yes, Amos is still alive

            • 7 months ago

              >But yes, Amos is still alive
              do they explain how or are we just to assume some futuristic foreskin cream that stops aging?

              • 7 months ago

                Nevermind I misremembered, it is closer to a thousand years at the very end. Amos gets killed on Laconia in book 8 but is "revived" by the Strange Dogs (repair drones left behind by the Ring Builders), any damage that is done to him after his revival is able to repair itself (not sure the extent of that self-repair ability though, like if his entire body is vaporized would he be able to come back from that?). Anyway, he is on Earth 1000 years after the story ends and is there to greet his long-removed human cousins who come searching for Earth

              • 7 months ago

                The series is pretty finished, at least with that story and cast. All the characters and open arcs got their conclusions. They could always do a side story with some other ship, but I think the authors have moved on to other books.
                Remember in Season 6 when the little boy dies and gets revived all blue and weird? The protomolecule technology can revive dead things and repurpose them for its uses. It brought back the boy and his sister at another point. And remember from Season 4, the protomolecule tech lasts for a really long time. The kids are still kids and alien even thirty years in the future. Well, Amos dies as well on a dangerous mission and gets turned into a protomolecule zombie then a thousand years is not that long to keep him going.

                neat, thanks anons.

              • 7 months ago

                No problem, the final three books are honestly worth reading/listening to if you ever get the chance. There's A LOT more that happens outside of the brief recaps we gave you. I'd recommend reading through the entire series, even if you've seen all the show because there are some big and little differences here and there, and it's fun reading the chapters from the point-of-view of the characters. If not the entire series though, then try to find some time to get those final 3 books into you at some point. Book 8 is the best of the series, IMO

              • 7 months ago

                >mfw Duerte attempts an attack against the Goths, thinking he's hot fricking shit, and they retaliate to his feeble attack by supernova-ing a neutron star and wiping out two solar systems, two gates, and Medina.
                The third trilogy of books was a fricking ride, completely makes up for the mediocre middle-trilogy.

              • 7 months ago

                would love to see it on-screen some day

              • 7 months ago

                does mars ever get terraformed? i thought it was so tragic that everyone was abandoning mars. i think terraforming would be good tech to have, regardless if there are more planets to colonize.

              • 7 months ago

                Nope, it basically fell apart because why bother terraforming a dead planet when you have the ring network and all its worlds?

              • 7 months ago

                That's the point. Humans going through these great struggles that take generations of hardships. Terraforming Mars, mining the asteroid belt and outer planets, sending out the Mormon ship on a century long trip to reach another star. And all of it made obsolete in the blink of an eye. How would that affect people? How would people react to all these pristine new worlds suddenly being available to whomever can reach them first? It's why Marco can do what he does and attack Earth too, since now he has Martian tech and ships and the Belters are so upset they're essentially getting left behind. Then the Martians become Laconians in the next part ofnthe story.

              • 7 months ago

                >the Belters are so upset they're essentially getting left behind
                Belters should have just been allowed to frick off through the Rings and find whatever world they wanted.

                Of course the problem with that is most couldn't survive on a planetary surface and would die from the gravity, they'd risk killing themselves off.

              • 7 months ago

                >Belters should have been
                there's no realistic scenario where every single belter isn't systematically killed after what they do to earth

              • 7 months ago

                >Of course the problem with that is most couldn't survive on a planetary surface and would die from the gravity
                They can live on a low G world. The stations belters inhabit are at 0.3G, same as Mars.

              • 7 months ago

                There's 1300 systems, which seems like a lot, but really isn't when you have billions of people wanting to go to a new world. Season 4 was trying to showcase that concept. Different factions immediately fighting over the new planets and rushing to colonize them when they have no idea what's on them, then running into dangerous lifeforms/technology. Plus the Belters are not just one united group, which is the problem the whole series. Like Fred's Belters were different from Dawes Belters. Marcos plot line was about uniting a large amount of them since they finally had warships and technology to get revenge against Earth, which they've been seething about for years. So they'd rather do that than disappear to a new system like the Martians did.

              • 7 months ago

                Wasnt the neutron star trap made by the protomeme aliens? They were blowing up stars anyways in an attempt to hurt the interdimensional ayys. The trap just got activated because Duarte was a moron and wanted to test his attack in that "empty" system.

              • 7 months ago

                The implication, as I saw it, is that the totally empty system with the neutron star was a science experement of the protomolecule aliens, but the other aliens were the ones that injected mass into the star destabilizing it
                Maybe they moved the ring gate somehow too, seems kinda silly that the protomolecule aliens would put the gate where it would maximize destruction if the star collapsed, but moving stuff around isnt really their MO

          • 7 months ago

            >But yes, Amos is still alive
            do they explain how or are we just to assume some futuristic foreskin cream that stops aging?

            The series is pretty finished, at least with that story and cast. All the characters and open arcs got their conclusions. They could always do a side story with some other ship, but I think the authors have moved on to other books.
            Remember in Season 6 when the little boy dies and gets revived all blue and weird? The protomolecule technology can revive dead things and repurpose them for its uses. It brought back the boy and his sister at another point. And remember from Season 4, the protomolecule tech lasts for a really long time. The kids are still kids and alien even thirty years in the future. Well, Amos dies as well on a dangerous mission and gets turned into a protomolecule zombie then a thousand years is not that long to keep him going.

            • 7 months ago

              How could the aliens have protomolecule that can resurrect the dead and create bodies that make humans look like they're made out of spun sugar, but need humans to serve them because humans are "more hardy"?

              • 7 months ago

                Coz the aliens are the tribe and the humans are you, the goyim.

              • 7 months ago

                The aliens were weak as frick, especially to the other spooky aliens. In the last three books the spooky aliens start doing this shit where they stun everyone aboard ships/stations in ring space. Everyone literally just locks up and is blank for a while. But eventually they snap out of it. They did the same thing to the protomolecule aliens, and it killed them outright instead of just stunning them for a while

              • 7 months ago

                If you can stomach going to THAT place, somebody there managed to figure out basically their entire master plan and evolutionary history.

                It goes through the whole thing, outlining and detailing everything.

        • 7 months ago

          so this is even more of a Gateway rip off than it already was?

        • 7 months ago

          This is so close yet nearly every detail is wrong, that it leads me to believe you just read a wiki synopsis

          • 7 months ago

            idk, that reddit post says the same thing as him so please explain what he got wrong

    • 7 months ago

      >potty mouth tbh President goes full GILF
      maybe I'll continue watching this stupid 4th season

      • 7 months ago

        just stop at 3. 4 is boring, but that is because the book wasn't anything special, and the rest of the seasons fricking suck. they kill off alex in post production because of some cringe irl texts to women and then nearly focus entirely on naomi, her son and ex lover

    • 7 months ago

      don't care I had enough of the bear israelite.

  2. 7 months ago

    Just stop with the third season and it's a nice neat package. If you want the full story read the books.

  3. 7 months ago
  4. 7 months ago

    Starts off slow but is largely a fun space mystery with cool worldbuilding
    >S2 & 3
    Kino of the highest order
    Slow side quest that brings the story to a grinding halt
    Like 3 good episodes bookending utter dogshit
    Who fricking cares anymore

    • 7 months ago

      S3 might be the peak of sci-fi for the last twenty years.

      • 7 months ago

        Check out Beyond and The signal

  5. 7 months ago

    The Expanse is one of those things you find out about and the fans let you know to just ignore it and don't get involved like Mass Effect

    • 7 months ago

      It's far more interesting than any other recent scifi series. Certainly better than current star wars/trek

  6. 7 months ago

    >also why did they kill off alex? couldnt they switch actors?
    Why even do that? All he fricking did was text women that gave him their number. He was the absolute worst metoo of them all, he unironically did absolutely nothing wrong. Im glad the show failed after he was fricked over, i stopped watching the season before when literally nothing happened and every character was in 1 set the entire season, all seperated (the only character the did anything was whatshisface on earth).
    I tried getting into the books but they are way too technical for me to get into, i don't care about the exact speed and force the character is using when docking their ship

  7. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      the frick is wrong with you brownoids/zoomers that you fawn over random old lady ass

  8. 7 months ago

    I keep putting off this show despite what the fans keep saying because I have an innate prejudice against syfy originals.

    • 7 months ago

      Its shit. I got memed into watching it by a girl. I ignored the signs
      It is very lame gay shit and gay and bad

    • 7 months ago

      Syfy run was unironically way better than Amazon run.
      Obviously the source played the role, but in S5 and S6 meta starter to leak into the show, like Amos becoming fan favorite so he got more unnecessary showcase and some other dumb shit that broke an immersion.
      S1-3 though are worth watching EVEN if you aren't going to watch S4-6.
      S3 has a very nice open ending and is a good story in itself, finishing big part of characters journey. It also had all the best characters.

      • 7 months ago

        amos got the same treatment in the books because holden had that stick firmly jammed up his ass until the big time jump. and even then he's still insufferable, just in a different way.

  9. 7 months ago

    so any real ayy lmaos show up in the books? not the fricking red clouds

    • 7 months ago

      The blue ones pretty much killed/absorbed every alien that was in that area of the galaxy and they are now in hiding because the red ones are pissed at them. It's a story about 'what happens if we get out into space, find out that aliens were around but are dead, and it'd be a really bad idea to use their technology since it would bring them back and they wouldn't be friendly'

  10. 7 months ago

    Are the books worth reading?

    • 7 months ago

      I enjoyed them more than the show. But the show still has its moments. The final three books were a decent enoug ending.

    • 7 months ago

      it's junkfood sci fi but still pretty good. show did some good things like combining a few chars into drummer for instance, but books are overall better.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I read the last 3 books after the show ended
      they're awful but there's closure I guess

  11. 7 months ago

    This show wasn't very good but at least it was space show
    my life is empty without space show in it.

    • 7 months ago

      fricking tell me about it.

    • 7 months ago

      i could almost watch for all mankind just for a space show, but far too much women/minority drama.

      • 7 months ago

        Someone should cut that all out and each season would be a good 2-3 hour movie.

  12. 7 months ago

    Yeah well there are 9 novels and you could divide them into 3x3 story arcs, so like three trilogies. SyFy made the first trilogy, Amazon Prime made the second trilogy, and nobody seems to be smart enough to make the fricking last trilogy, where the alien shit gets answered. Every streamer is busy burning literal billions to produce all kinds of unwatchable cringe instead.

  13. 7 months ago

    its completely hilarious they fricked it all up because one of the major cast members tried to get laid

    • 7 months ago

      >tried to get laid
      have you seen his leaked messages? he went full vagene hunter pajeet mode, the fricking idiot

  14. 7 months ago

    for me this show ended with the space angel and it was the perfect space detective story the rest is some fanfic crap I don't care if it's by the same author he obviously didn't know what to do after the main storyline

  15. 7 months ago

    The show was trash once the space detective was killed off.
    What the frick were they thinking

    • 7 months ago

      Following the source material. Would have required a heavy departure to keep him alive which they should have done but I dont think they realized Miller would be such a fan favorite

  16. 7 months ago

    Imagine having a faction like the Belters that has absolute God tier kino characters like Miller, Dawes and Ashford or not god tier ones but still relatively good like Fred Johnson and Drummer(season 3 drummer), but instead of fighting tooth and nail to have them constantly show up in the show you instead have fricking Naomi/Inaros be the face of the belters and belter drama in the show.

    • 7 months ago

      Look anon, Miller and Dawes have actors that cost money, sure Inaros can't act for shit and neither can his son, but we'll give you a few token lines of dialogue to establish we killed the better characters off screen.

      • 7 months ago

        >sure Inaros can't act for shit
        goddamn this dude always whispered all of his dialogue, he was whispering, yell-whispering, talking-whispering
        was so annoying

  17. 7 months ago

    so the dark aliens were actually the good guys?

  18. 7 months ago

    Imagine being Amazon and cancelling the Expanse that cost about 50 million per season, then immediately after that literally throwing 1 billion that is 1000 million dollars into the fiery maw of a Balrog

    • 7 months ago

      remember the shilling angle they did when they claimed this is bezos' favourite show
      yea the richest dude on Earth can't sustain it
      nothing of value was lost when they canceled it as it went straight to shit after they picked it up

  19. 7 months ago
  20. 7 months ago

    Read the last 3 books.

  21. 7 months ago
  22. 7 months ago
  23. 7 months ago

    Season 4 had potential. Going to a far off alien world and trying to establish a colony there should be a recipe for good sci-fi. But it doesn't really work out when it has to immediately be only Belters and Earthers fighting plus forcing the audience to side with the Belters. And sure, coming up with interesting alien planets that aren't moronic is difficult.

  24. 7 months ago

    Can I pick up the books where the tv show left off

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, the show follows them pretty closely so you won't be confused. There's a large time skip that starts new events. There are a couple characters that are different from the tv show

    • 7 months ago

      I hope you can

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