Was it Fury-o-so kino?

Was it Fury-o-so kino?

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  1. 4 days ago

    it was alright. I like this world and like to spend time in it but it was a massive downgrade from the non-stop action of fury road. not that you could ever hope to match that level, let alone surpass it, so I guess going a different direction is an acceptable compromise. Dementus is a great character and carries the movie despite not being in much of it

    • 4 days ago

      >Dementus is a great character and carries the movie despite not being in much of it
      Really? Kinda boring and didn't understand why he had so many followers. The other guy in black seemed cooler

      • 4 days ago

        He was essentially a charismatic cult leader. Kept promising better days and occasionally would deliver them (albeit just by robbing others) so people rallied under him because of that. And enough desperate people would keep backing him so there was never a chance to anyone else to take over.

    • 4 days ago

      >Dementus is a great character and carries the movie despite not being in much of it
      That's quite a stretch, Hemsworth serviceably delivers quips as he was hired to do but he's mostly a joke character.

      • 4 days ago

        nah he was great

    • 4 days ago

      The non-stop repetitive action, no story no character interaction of fury road was already mediocre and a bore. This one... lmao

      • 4 days ago

        But this one is all about story and characters.
        They even deliberately demote the mindless action of the war to a collage to make room for more story and character writing

  2. 4 days ago

    I thought it was really good. My friend and I laughed when the midget got ACK'd. My ex looks like ATJ and was obsessed with Furiousa when the last movie came out. She's probably doing cringe cosplay of her as we speak.

    • 4 days ago

      hehe. Love that lil midge

  3. 4 days ago

    It was good, but less entertaining than Fury Road. Pacing had some issues.
    Despite Dementus being a good character, this prostetic nose was distracting.

    • 4 days ago

      >prostetic nose
      why he have this?

      • 4 days ago

        Probably because he looked too much like Thor with the hair and beard and they also wanted to make him a little more israelitey

  4. 4 days ago

    I would have liked it more if I wasn't comparing it to Fury Road (which is a true 10/10 movie) the entire time.

    • 4 days ago

      >d (which is a true 10/10 movie)
      It doesnt' even have cahracters and then they tur around. What is Terminator 2? A 150/10?

  5. 4 days ago

    > Muh feminist revenge power fantasy mutilating some dude's dick to grow a tree.

    Frick off.

    • 4 days ago

      That made no sense

      • 4 days ago

        You're telling me. Meanwhile that's the ending of this shitshow. And that is why it will forever be crap.

        • 4 days ago

          I think she actually just shot him. The tree growing out of his body was a metaphor or something

          • 4 days ago

            I seem to remember he had some moronic look on his face as she was picking fruits off that thing. And it's not exactly subtle in it's message, now is it? If you're at the point where you're making Mad Max movies without Max and writing some angry feminist drivel, maybe don't make a Mad Max movie, but an arthouse flick instead?

            Call me crazy, but maybe then it wouldn't be such a financial disaster.

            • 4 days ago

              It is a strange choice. Maybe he's sick of the mad max character but not his world.

              • 4 days ago

                That's one way to sink a franchise I guess. Honestly, Warner should just hand it over to Mel Gibson. Bring him in as director and lead. Guaranteed smash hit right there. I don't know what drugs Miller is boofing these days, but he's finished and obviously no longer capable of creating anything worthwhile. Put it this way, the video game is better than the last two movies he made. That's pretty embarrassing.

              • 4 days ago

                I've been meaning to check that game out but I usually get bored of modern open world games pretty quickly. Especially the zelda and Assassin Creed ones.

              • 4 days ago

                It's good at what it does. It's well above average. Personally I liked it a lot. The worst you can say it gets a bit repetitive, but it's a fun ride. Some really good characters in it, too. Chumbucket is a bro for life. He deserved better.

              • 4 days ago

                >tfw still away on one of those long journeys inside your mind

              • 4 days ago

                He really did have the best lines.

              • 4 days ago

                Its decent. Captures the mad max vibe well and makes you feel like max but it is typical modern open world games so it got a bit repetitive towards the end. Also it doesn't really give you a good indicator of how strong your vehicle should be for main story missions so I either went in underpowered or overpowered. I would still recommend checking it out on a sale since it will probably be the best mad max game we ever get.

            • 4 days ago

              >yeahhh ermmm actually George you don't seem to understand Mad Max maybe you should do something else...?

            • 4 days ago

              It is a strange choice. Maybe he's sick of the mad max character but not his world.

              That's one way to sink a franchise I guess. Honestly, Warner should just hand it over to Mel Gibson. Bring him in as director and lead. Guaranteed smash hit right there. I don't know what drugs Miller is boofing these days, but he's finished and obviously no longer capable of creating anything worthwhile. Put it this way, the video game is better than the last two movies he made. That's pretty embarrassing.

              meds. now.

              • 4 days ago

                What? I'm the second anon. Why do I have to meds now?

  6. 4 days ago

    fricking chuds

  7. 4 days ago

    It was great, Fury Road was way better but this was still much better than most slop that comes out nowadays. Hemsworth did a great job in his role.

  8. 4 days ago

    It's Furyo-sah, not Furyo-sar.

  9. 4 days ago

    I likes the wacky warlords but besides that the good parts were those with not-Max pretorian jack.
    Also I have an issue with the world building. The 'wasteland' which consiste of 3 locations (Citadel, bullet farm, gastown) is so small actual Mad Max IS hanging around in it 10 years before Fury Road.

    • 4 days ago

      Prae jack was cool. I thought for sure him and Anya were gonna bang or atleast kiss once.

  10. 4 days ago

    CGI hampered the good scenes, feels like they didn't really employ music well, and ATJ is just impossible to take seriously as an action protag.
    Some good bits (Hemsworth chief among them), but worse than Fury Road in every regard.

  11. 4 days ago

    No, it sucked. The expected good action sequences are there but the movie is bookended by ultra cringe le women strong moments, the men are parodically ebil and the movie's truncated, it's obvious that some plotlines were left out: how Furiosa flees, becomes a boy, becomes a girl and becomes a "Praetorian" without anyone batting an eye; how the encyclopedia skin guy changes sides; how she heals her arm and builds a prosthetic in 40 days; the backstory of her mentor/lover; why she hates Immortan Joe etc).

    • 4 days ago

      Imagine being such a midwit

      • 4 days ago

        Yeah we get it. The movie made your yeasty vag wet. Good for you. Meanwhile it's an abysmal flop. Facts.

        • 4 days ago

          you are mentally unstable

          • 4 days ago

            I knew it. It's a roastie. Shut your legs, c**t, I can smell your infection from here you filthy rag.

            • 4 days ago

              >this site is for 18+ and older

              • 4 days ago

                Don't forget to apply the lotion and try to keep your vag free of Black person sperm for at least a week. Just saying.

      • 4 days ago

        You tell us. As I pointed out, the movie objectively lacks many scenes and its omissions are due to a bad script/amateurish structure. Your lack of counterarguments is predictably cringe and low IQ

        • 4 days ago

          no it is visual story telling everything you need to fill in the blanks is there its like idiots like you complaining that she is ""suddenly"" a trusted solider, it wasn't sudden Jack says he needs to get a new crew together and he'll start with her next scene he's got a crew and shes on it, time skip again and she's his trusted 2IC, she was clearly introduced to immortan as someone jack found who was useful they have no idea she use to be either little d or the warboy that never talked from years ago, same with again midwits like you complaining that we didn't see joe freak out that one of his future wives were gone and then years later we see she integrated with the warboys, we see more then enough to understand what has happened, the movie is already 2 1/2 hours long, its like you being the midwit you are needed timestamps to explain that time had passed when if you paid the smallest amount of attention you would pick this up from visual cues and dialogue

          • 4 days ago

            >Visual story
            Kek. Huge/excessive narrative omissions are a major flaw you moronic ESL autist. You can't expect the viewer to fill the gaps over and over without a loss of flow and personal involvement.
            The fact that you have to blogpost indicates the story isn't "visual" at all as your autistic wall of text frantically tries to connect the dots in a way that proves my point. It is particularly cretinous to assume Immortan wouldn't suspect her to be the missing girl he took from Dementus.

            • 4 days ago

              lol you're just too fricking stupid to keep up it was not complicated everything made sense you just need everything spelled out for you because you are a midwit

              • 4 days ago

                No, you're stupid for assuming shitty explanatory footnotes (poor ones at that) justify the movie's gaps or "visual story". And Furiosa's trajectory in the citadel is one among the movie's many leaps and fitful narrative.

                a picture is worth a thousand words, since you are unable to understand the visuals I attempted to explain them too you as you clearly are to fricking stupid to understand what you are seeing, and why would immortan ever suspect this girl jack brings in a decade later is the same little girl? you absolute mong

                You again? Enough of your coping moronation. The way you have to "explain" this particular aspect of the movie shows you didn't even fricking understand it: women were exceedingly rare in the citadel you idiot, one being brought forth by Jack out of the blue isn't even barely coherent or in line with the previous narrative.

              • 4 days ago

                nope you just can't keep up with a very simple story, to you if you don't se it have it explained and maybe some text over the top giving you more exposition you think its a plothole, the movie isn't dumb you are

              • 4 days ago

                >I need everything to be spoonfed to me

                Then don’t watch adult movies and watch My Little Pony or Care Bears instead.

              • 4 days ago

                You need a movie not to have several huge, obvious narrative gaps caused by a sprawling script that obviously had to be shortened at the editing room leaving several plotlines poorly developed or just tacked on. Then again, the autists such as you who swear by dreck such as Furiosa will be submissive to its inept screenplay and try to say it's a "visual story"

              • 4 days ago

                >narrative gaps
                everything is explained you just need it to be spelled out for you, literally everything you've brought up is explained just not with shitty info dumps its worked into the story via visuals and dialogue, but this upsets and confuses you because you've been brought up on capeshit

              • 4 days ago

                It should have been a 6-8 episode season on Amazon or netflix

              • 4 days ago

                Probably. The script was evidently much longer.
                The rushed war segment makes it clear they had to abandon several narrative paths so as to get to Furiosa's cringe revenge. It is very amateurish in that it sets an immediate situation (fooling Dementus into thinking they were heading to bullet town) and, instead of going for a showdown, turn it into a passage of time sequence (the heavyhanded "40 days" allusion).

              • 4 days ago

                Frick you, some of us like actual fricking movies not shitty smeared long series by homosexual online retailers

              • 4 days ago

                lol yea you really didn't get it did you? jack clearly would've introduced her as someone he picked up during/after losing all his men you are so dumb, who says she was alreayd from the citidel, Jack says he needs a new crew, she would've been introduced as someone he found in the wasteland and brought on board, you fricking idiot you really do need every single thing spelled out for you don't you?

              • 4 days ago

                >jack clearly would've introduced her as someone he picked up during/after losing all his men
                Your cringe headcanon (which isn't only unrealistic in that setting but entirely detached from anything actually shown or said in the movie) makes it even more evident you're outright making stuff up since the movie's plot is obviously underwritten

              • 4 days ago

                its not headcanon it just wasn't explained in big bold letters so idiots like you would understand, this very simple revenge flick was unironically to smart for you

              • 4 days ago

                no it was both shown and explained just not in the way you are familiar with, a bunch of characters standing around in a room explaining exactly what is happening and why

            • 4 days ago

              a picture is worth a thousand words, since you are unable to understand the visuals I attempted to explain them too you as you clearly are to fricking stupid to understand what you are seeing, and why would immortan ever suspect this girl jack brings in a decade later is the same little girl? you absolute mong

            • 4 days ago

              So you actually are moronic, huh.

              • 4 days ago

                Ad hominem isn't a counterargument. Unsurprisingly, you sound too stupid to understand that

              • 4 days ago

                The moron is angry at bring called a moron

              • 4 days ago

                Seethe, Timmy

              • 4 days ago

                are you a literal bot? every post you make is so strange, its really offputting and weird, why are you here? just go back

              • 4 days ago

                No, I'm just not a dimwit such as you who still does not understand what an ad hominem is. Just stfu and cut your losses

              • 4 days ago

                nope you are 100% a dimwit, as in a fricking idiot and also so dumb you can't help but repeat the same shit over and over as you don't actually have anything to say but what your detailed reddit posts told you to say. In short you are a brain dead bot

              • 4 days ago

                You have been seething too much for too long now. You just don't seem to have anything insightful to say and your fallacious attempts to insult are the trademark of the cornered midwit. Stop seething/reeing and accept your lowly place

              • 4 days ago

                lol so sad have you ever considered simply going on back? i think you'd be much happier among your own kind, you clearly have no business being here

                its the same guy who derails 98% of the threads here, with his DIT cart threads and gaddon posting
                he's online 18 hours a day being a shithead and it's exhausting

                yea I know

              • 4 days ago

                you realize you stick out like a sore thumb right? nothing you post is ever worth anything as your agenda is clear, you weirdo

          • 4 days ago

            Visual storytelling is a buzzword. If you say nothing, nothing has been said

  12. 4 days ago

    I had a good time but I expect the movie to be even better on rewatch. Chris Hemsworth is capable of so much more than the marvel horseshit tier crap.

  13. 4 days ago

    Hey guys jet here you thought I went to bed but I've actually been here the whole time jerking off and filling balloons with whippets haha don't forget to buy a season pass don't donate to flowstreams they suck

  14. 4 days ago

    no max no watch

    • 4 days ago

      I bet you didn't like halloween 3: season of the witch for the same reason. let's explore the other characters and the world.

  15. 4 days ago

    Definitely better than Fury Road.
    A bit bloated though. Terrible pacing and a lacklustre story.
    Not as good as the Road Warrior or Thunderdome but decent

  16. 4 days ago

    I liked it
    Tonally it felt like a good bridge between Fury Road and Road Warrior, it turned down the fantasy elements and almost made the world seem plausible with all the minor details of how people got around and who was in charge of what. If it suffers from anything, it's that everything in the movie is interesting except Furiosa, she just isn't a very deep or compelling character, and she doesn't pull off the badass loner schtick as well as Max does. Good overall though, I enjoyed my time with it but I'd still probably rewatch either Road Warrior or Fury Road before it. Also Furiosa's mom was hot as frick

    • 4 days ago

      It doesn't help that Anya isn't as good at acting as Charlize Theron either

  17. 4 days ago

    Legitimately Hemsworth's best role ever. Good movie, not quite as good as Fury Road but I love a rise-and-fall story.

  18. 4 days ago

    It's a nice companion piece to Fury Road. I enjoyed getting more insight into the wasteland.

  19. 4 days ago

    This movie is so mid, its not going to even hit cult classic status in the future. I still dont understand why everyone in the media shilled so hard for this movie. IGN gave it a fricking 10/10 for fricks sake.
    Its a 7/10 movie

    • 4 days ago

      IGN review scores are never accurate

      • 4 days ago

        True. IGN gave it a 10/10 because with furiosa, it was the first time they gained access to Cannes and they wanted to do some ass kissing. But the problem is that literally everyone shilled it and gave it 9+/10. It felt inorganic

  20. 4 days ago

    Some nice set pieces but the narrative is disjointed. The story is barely there. A major war is handled in a 30 second slide show. Furiosa is not an interesting character and her arc doesn't work since she's basically a side character for half of the movie. Her motivations don't go beyond "take revenge" and then she ends up being hostile to the guy who treated her nothing but decently? Hemsworth is acting strangely, he switches personalities every other scene and hams it up too much so there's no gravitas to his character. Why would anyone follow this guy? His goons are more impressive than him. Also shit CGI, especially the fire effects look like out of some kind of Scifi channel TV movie from 2005.

    • 4 days ago

      the difference between furiosa and say jack is she knows their is a better place out their, everyone else sees immortan as the best option because what else is their? this is spelled out very clearly in the cave scene, she never fully commits to immortan because for her he's just another means to an end she is unique among all the other characters in this sense, apart from max himself of course who simply wants to be left alone

      • 4 days ago

        that is a great point.

    • 4 days ago

      The script is as amateurish as Fury Road's

      • 4 days ago

        >I need everything spelled out in detail because visual story telling confuses and angers my halfwit brain
        yes we know

      • 4 days ago

        What script lmao?

        >I need everything spelled out in detail because visual story telling confuses and angers my halfwit brain
        yes we know

        >It's either an esposition dump capeshit or a storyless, dialogueless, characterless collection of scenes
        False dichotomy. Good movies that are neither ogf those two awful things used to exist

        • 4 days ago

          no good movies don't need to spell everything out its enough to show it and give the audience some regard that they will understand the bits left out as more then enough has been shown on screen, it is clearby this thread that some aka you are so fricking stupid and cannot pay attention at all that the most simple shit shown but not shouted out with blaring on screen text and a room full of characters doing an info dump, is far too much for you, you can't watch a film and follow the story without the script being beamed into your stupid numskulls, shame I weep for zoomies, everything in this film makes sense and isn't remotely complicated its all on screen and very so so very simple. Its jut your tiktok addled brain cant wrap around the idea the movie isn't spelling it all out for you in some shitty boring big info dump. This makes you angry and confused

          • 4 days ago

            You are such an hyperbolic baby
            A movie needs to say what it needs to say and show what it needs to show. Name a classic action movie and it obeys to this basic law. Jus name one.
            Your shit movie doesn't and you are making up false dichotomies and premeises that don't exist at all

            • 4 days ago

              >name a classic action movie
              lol wat is this what this moronation has been? you can't keep up with the timeskips because most action movies from the 80s didn't do that? seriously you are dumb as dogshit

              • 4 days ago

                >everyone is one person
                >attacking better actual movies who mogs your shit because their very existance debunk your shitty strawman
                your movie is just bad
                The Running Man did it, btw and it ha none of the critical failures of your shity prequel to an irrelevant character

              • 4 days ago

                >everyone is one person
                no they aren't
                >buzz word
                >buzz word
                >running man
                running man did what? time skips? how fricking stupid are you? no really what level is your mental damage at?

              • 4 days ago

                >no argument
                >deflecting and goalpost moving
                If your flopped movie isn't shit why can'tyou properly defendit?
                Why do you need to defend it at all?

    • 4 days ago

      Yea that was lame they didn't even show the battle just the after math

    • 4 days ago

      The story is about Furiosa, not what Joe and Dementus are doing. Seeing the war take place is not important and would have been an entire movie in itself

  21. 4 days ago

    They should make a movie about him only. The problem is that if he will remember his lines.

    • 4 days ago

      did he fall for the early alzheimer's screening pseudoscience like terry pratchett?

      • 4 days ago

        You know what really fricks with your memory?
        Heavy opioid abuse

        • 4 days ago

          thats not how they diagnose it, its some ai mapping gene bullshit based on family history

  22. 4 days ago

    i don't mind le strong woman stuff incels are complaining about
    the movie wasn't terrible but it was boring compared to the 2015 movie which was better at everything this movie did
    dementus wasn't cool or interesting, i only liked his chariot. 2015's joe looked cool as frick and even though he didn't do much at least there was some aura around him because we didn't know a lot about him. meanwhile we know dementus is just a moron all the way through.
    also this could have been about furiosa without having to explain her origin, it could have been about a risky stunt she had to do for joe. hell maybe they shouldn't have shown how she lost her arm, would have been funny if it's teased in the movie with some scenes where it looks like she's about to lose her arm but she doesn't (and they never show it and we are left to assume she loses it some time in the future)

    • 4 days ago

      Incels, aka normal people since those arethe onnes youcal incels, are tired of your sht female characters. YOURS

  23. 4 days ago

    Was fun, liked the no-dialogue extended actions. Ending felt really dragged on though, from the chase to the death.

  24. 4 days ago

    If it was so kino how come no one bought their tickets?

    • 4 days ago

      greetings israeli person

      • 4 days ago

        not an argument

        • 4 days ago

          no its not its a greeting I thought israelites were suppose to be intelligent?

    • 4 days ago

      Quality has never guaranteed box office success. Multiple John Carpenter movies flopped when they originally came out.

    • 4 days ago


      • 4 days ago


      • 4 days ago

        Covid was 4 years ago bro it's time to stop blaming it for everything

    • 4 days ago

      Well, people didnt pay to see Bladerunner 2049, a movie that has nothing wrong going on with it on cinema, so its not like that ticket sales are an indicator of quality.
      In Furiosa's case however, its a hit and miss movie.
      Nobody asked about this prequel because nobody cares about Furiosa after all these years, movies get released pretty soon on Streaming services so people now have the luxury of watching them in HD from the comfort of their house, new gens dont really care about cinema, and going to cinema has become too expensive.
      Furiosa being a sloppy movie and a shitty Mad Max prequel comes after all these. Im guessing this one wont be getting a cult classic status, and it will be forever the black sheep of the Mad Max franchise

      • 4 days ago

        Exactly. Flopiosa isn't an interesting character. Nobody cares about their story.

    • 4 days ago

      Honestly it did about as well as could be expected. The highest grossing film this year did about 40% of what the highest grossing film in 2015 did. (800 million vs 2 billion)

      Furiosa made about 168 million which is about 40% of what Fury Road did. (380 million * 0.4 = 152 million) Theatres are dead. I'm guessing Furiosa will find some success on streaming as that's what most people have moved on to.

      • 4 days ago

        dude no-one cares one way or the other stop trying to engage that homosexual in genuine discussion, literally no-one cares what it did or didn't make ecept for yt morons making shitty vids that for some bizarre reason children click on, who the frick cares? the movie exists, its so fricking strange that kids are baited by vids discussing the boxoffice or how many views did this show have etc. its foul just fricking stop

  25. 4 days ago

    >side characters are more memorable and interesting than main character

  26. 4 days ago

    the characters werent terribly interesting and the visuals looked too crisp and sterile. we needed real characters, real grime and zero time jumps.

  27. 4 days ago

    Reminder its literally one person spamming shill threads for this slop

    • 4 days ago

      nope it is one homosexual sperging the frick out that we like it though, that person is you btw, did george frick your mom or something?

      • 4 days ago

        Lmao nice try shill. This shit is garbage

        • 4 days ago

          lol why does this movie upset you so much? are you going to start spamming ranjeet v train webms again? you are so obvious you moron

        • 4 days ago

          Rip meme midget

        • 4 days ago

          To be fair only the webms you homosexuals post look this bad, which is a total of less than 5 minutes of screen time

          The rest of these scenes looked ok, movie was not bad.

        • 4 days ago

          RIP Octodad

  28. 4 days ago

    From yesterday's thread
    >Dementus is a moron and its unreal how he is a warlord
    >After a while, nobody tries to question furiosa about the green land(not even another, more serious scouting mission) and instead they decide to take the hard way and go against Imomoran Joe with bullshit.
    >Joe, for some reason, he doesn't block Dementus escape route or hunts him after he escapes from the Cidatel.
    >Anya escapes Immortan but sticks around. Nobody is questioning her existence in the citadel, despite her not giving a frick after a while and uncovers her face and regrows her hair.
    >Also, zero alarms for furiosa escaping Immortan's harem. Remember, she was a healthy one.
    >Cgi definitely looks like crap sometimes. Just focus your eyes on the background during the action scenes(or in the scenes that show people standing in the distance) and see for yourself.
    >Anyas ayy face is too distracting. She is not suitable to be an action heroine, no matter how hard she tries with Furiosa.
    >Dementus instead of killing Jack and Furiosa, he wastes an entire evening, and a shitload of gasoline(supposed to be a highly valuable thing in the Wasteland) to torture Furiosa and Jack
    >Furiosia somehow manages to cut off her arm, sabotage the monster truck, jack a motorbike and leave the scene unspotted. There were riders doing circles around that monster truck all the time, and Furiosa was chained behind it.
    >Instead of getting a action scene with Immortan outsmarting Dementus, we got a lame montage of the "40 day long war"
    >The scene where furiosa confronting Dementus was dragging so long and it was so stupid, it made me realize that the protagonists here work with cartoon villain logic.
    >After everything was done, why Furiosa didnt took the road home? That tattoo was easy to remember.

    • 4 days ago

      That’s an impressive amount of your stupidity typed in one post

      • 4 days ago

        wow just say
        >i'm a moron
        and leave it there

        >Zero counter arguments
        You are the morons

        Are you rating your own bait this high?

        Im being objective. The movie is decent(nice acting, nice artstyle, nice camerawork), but it does have numerous flaws. I usually rate this kind of movies around 7.0-7.9/10.

        • 4 days ago

          there isn't anything worth arguing none of your points make any sense if you paid any attention to the movie, simply calling you a moron seems like the only thing to do, if you want counter arguments just read though this thread, you brain dead moron

          • 4 days ago

            >there isn't anything worth arguing none of your points make any sense if you paid any attention to the movie
            I did pay attention to the movie. This is how I detected these issues. You clearly didnt pay attention, and you cant refute them because you are dumbhomosexual.

            • 4 days ago

              these "issues" are explained as we have explained to you over and over, what exactly are you still confused about?

              • 4 days ago

                Ok then, since Im a dumbass, point me the posts that address my issues, otherwise you are talking out of your ass because you are a contrarian

              • 4 days ago

                as I said name an issue that hasn't already been explained at length ITT and I'll address it, go on just one

              • 4 days ago

                How did she escape Dementus ritualistic torture unspotted?

              • 4 days ago

                The focus was torturing Jack, she was chained so nobody had any reason to pay attention to her or guard her, and the constant circling on the bikes creates enough dust in the air to make it harder to see.

              • 4 days ago


              • 4 days ago

                they spent all day running jack around creating an enormous amount of dust, dust being used as cover is a major thing in this film and had been shown over and over again before that scene

              • 4 days ago

                If you watch closely one of Dementus' guys who had just been chastized by him was guarding her and saw her escape but didn't say anything

              • 4 days ago

                It was the tall bald guy wasn't it? interestingly enough you see him at the end captured by the War Boys next to history man holding the body of one of his friends.

    • 4 days ago

      >After a while, nobody tries to question furiosa about the green land(not even another, more serious scouting mission) and instead they decide to take the hard way and go against Imomoran Joe with bullshit.

      She pretended to be a mutt until she met Joe I think

      • 4 days ago

        A mute I mean oops

      • 4 days ago

        Yeah, she pretended to be mute, but she has such a striking face, someone would have eventually recognize her. Especially after she let her hair loose. She was the most precious concubine. Im sure Immortan would have cared enough to remember her face and to have a search party for her

        • 4 days ago

          Which is why she kept her face covered and turned away whenever Rictus was around to minimise risk of recognition, dumbass. She immediately started disguising herself as a newly joined war boy and nobody would have a reason to doubt it because a) they wouldn’t suspect anyone escaping chose to stick around and pretend to be one of them and b) they’re constantly taking in new recruits because the citadel war boys are intentionally raised to be fanatical suicide warriors and c) anyone who proves useful gets to stick around because good people are a scarce commodity.

          And by the time she is an adult and becomes part of Jack’s gang it’s been years since anyone saw her as a girl and it would be considered absurd to jump to the conclusion that she’s the same little girl that disappeared years ago and now somehow returned as a road warrior working. Speak nothing of the fact all the grease and change in attire makes her look radically different.

          • 4 days ago

            >I didnt see any woman other than furiosa becoming a solder. She cover her ass for some time, but eventually she reveals herself. Immortan is missing a woman from his harem, and a woman out of nowhere shows up in his ranks. It aint hard maths. He could at least ask her to show her arms, just to make sure.
            Such a striking face is hard to forget. One more reason why Anya was a miscast. At least Theron has a more "forgettable" face

            The focus was torturing Jack, she was chained so nobody had any reason to pay attention to her or guard her, and the constant circling on the bikes creates enough dust in the air to make it harder to see.

            Yeah, Im sure nobody paid attention to a woman cutting her own arm(plus sabotaging the monster truck), stealing a motorbike and then break through the motorbike cycle and casually leave. This is literally videogame tier stealth logic.


            they spent all day running jack around creating an enormous amount of dust, dust being used as cover is a major thing in this film and had been shown over and over again before that scene

            No, it was nanomachines. Come on, man. The dust wasnt thick enough in that scene not to see a thing. Plus there were dogs there. Im sure they could smell furiosa's blood

            • 4 days ago

              >nano machines
              oh you're just stupid, the dogs where eating jack there was 50 bikes driving around in circles, damn you really are stupid eh?

              • 4 days ago

                Dogs in Furiosa have shown to have an excellent sense of smell. Dementus used them to track down bikes during a sandstorm, at the beginning of the movie.
                Nobody paid attention to her. That was stupid as frick. Dementus is a moron

                >dust wasn't thick enough
                yes yes it was, try not watching it on your phone it was all day again you don't understand the progression of time as shown by simple visual clues, furisoa was saotaging vechicles at 8 years old, at this point especailyl after helping build the war rig and more then that being taught by jack shes really good at it, yes she ripped off her arm sabotaged the monster truck and escaped on a bike before they realized, none of this was remotely unbelievable given the world and characters and current situation we have seen up to that point

                This is literally the HDR version of it. I saw it on my OLED telly. You probably saw it on your psp and this is why you deducted that the sand was too thick. It wasnt.
                Honestly, all that back n forth with (You) about that scene is entertaining and all, but that whole scene itself is stupid to begin with. Why Dementus didnt kill both of them in cold blood, and had to waste a fricking afternoon toying with them like a cartoon villain?
                Anyone who says that Dementus a well made character in the movie, is lying hard.

              • 4 days ago

                the dogs were eating jack you idiot, if they had been called back by dementus and made to track furiosa no doubt they could have but everyone was busy having a torture death orgy

              • 4 days ago

                you are really fricking stupid, literally everything has been explained you just keep doubling back to try and get it explained further as you assume shit that is not happening are you genuinely moronic? can you not understand what was happening in any given scene? once again no-one was paying any attention to furiosa the dust was so thick it was obscuring everything, the dogs were eating jack, the bikes were driving around in circles non-stop, dementus was having a moment to himself all day long, how is any of this unclear?

              • 4 days ago

                >literally everything has been explained
                This is your mind in videogame stealth.
                >There was no guard to check her
                >the bike cycle, which was going on and on for a whole fricking afternoon burning precious gas, was impossible to break especially when she was missing half an arm. Thankfully, the bikers were npcs on easy mode so they couldnt detect her entering and then leaving their formation
                >Dementus was too busy doing yoga on the top of his monster truck while not paying attention to a single thing.
                Everyone was placed in such a stupid way, its ridiculous. Its no wonder why we dont see Furiosa actually doing the whole thing, but we only see the outcome of it.
                This whole debate is just as pointless as this torture scene itself. Dementus should have gut them on the spot and be done with.
                Anything else either makes no sense, or its an asspull.

              • 4 days ago

                >this is a detailed writeup from reddit
                holy shit you are pathetic I am not reading another word of your stupid nonsense, go back

              • 4 days ago

                You messed up, idiot. These are my words, not reddit shit.

              • 4 days ago

                yes I know its your detailed writeup from reddit you already cleared that up

              • 4 days ago

                Your autism is showing.

            • 4 days ago

              >dust wasn't thick enough
              yes yes it was, try not watching it on your phone it was all day again you don't understand the progression of time as shown by simple visual clues, furisoa was saotaging vechicles at 8 years old, at this point especailyl after helping build the war rig and more then that being taught by jack shes really good at it, yes she ripped off her arm sabotaged the monster truck and escaped on a bike before they realized, none of this was remotely unbelievable given the world and characters and current situation we have seen up to that point

            • 4 days ago

              The dogs were chasing jack and Furiosa was bleeding the whole time, blood doesn't suddenly smell different because it's running. All she had to do was make it to one of the unused bikes sitting by the side of the circle.

        • 4 days ago

          Yes. Only utter morons would accept Furiosa's presence in the citadel being normalized in the movie the way it was. "Oh, here's this girl brought out of nowhere to be Praetorian. And hey, the girl who fled from the harem was completely forgotten, nobody would possibly connect the dots in this setting where women are one of the most limited resources." The ways to rationalize this nonsense require an autistic/childish suspension of disbelief.

          • 4 days ago

            Jack brought her in how did anyone misinterpret this? she didn't start off as a pretorean just as jacks apprentice, jfc some people are dumb as frick

          • 4 days ago

            what woman? little d fell off the gangway a decade ago, then after a major disaster jack brings in a woman saying he shes useful and wants to train her, fricks sake how could anyone possible connect the 2

            • 4 days ago

              >little d fell off the gangway a decade ago
              And nobody found it strange that her body was never found? And nobody suspects the girl that Jack pulls out of nowhere? And she's given major duties just like that?

              • 4 days ago

                ah no, did you see what the tunnel dwellers were like? no absolutely not surprising they couldn't find a body, jfc you really need every single thing spoonfed to you don't you? they even take the time to set upthe maggot farmers and you still ask a stupid as frick question like this

              • 4 days ago

                The tunnel dwellers were using maggots to tend the wounded. And these maggots were probably used as food. It's yet another attempt to grasp at narrative straws to ask the viewer to assume Immortan Joe chalked up her body's disappearance to them.

              • 4 days ago

                >using maggots to tend the wounded
                oh you poor sweet innocent moron no they really werent' remember when the maggot lady said
                >its e peaceful I promise
                and they were dragging little d into their cave, no i'm sorry you really got a lot of shit wrong no they were cutting people up and using the racide flesh to attract breed and harvest maggots, this is perfect example of visual sotry telling that you zoomers miss, no they weren't good people patching others up I know all about using maggots to clean wounds that is not what was happening, bloody hell you just got it all wrong eh? no wonder you are so confused

              • 4 days ago

                It was peaceful there you moron. If they wanted to kill her she'd be shackled. The old woman is called a corpse minder who cures the sick and probably makes maggot mush. Having to stretch the narrative this much to "explain" why child Furiosa disappears and nobody much cares is ludicrous and and begging the viewer to excuse flawed screenwriting

              • 4 days ago

                she was tied up jfc are you now trying to argue the maggot farmers where benevolent? ok I'm seriously done with you, you are dumb as frick

              • 4 days ago

                She climbed out of the cave. The old woman was pleading for her to stay. If you have to keep making so many excuses for a movie you might as well let the cognitive dissonance you're feeling make you realize you're pointlessly trying to make excuses for a shit script and a shit movie.

              • 4 days ago

                you are a dumb person, you go ahead and trust the maggot farmers with living people hanging from there roof and the old woman promising it won't hurt ok good luck to you, fricking idiot

              • 4 days ago

                watch the scene again + the earlier scene in the same cave, you are missing a lot of subtext

              • 4 days ago

                no they are really nice people so are the otehr tunnel dwellers ain't nobody taking a corpse to eat no way, why didn't we see this on screen and have it explained in detail, what do you mean?
                fricking idiot

              • 4 days ago

                There were limbs hanging from the fricking ceiling

              • 4 days ago

                >using maggots to tend the wounded
                oh you poor sweet innocent moron no they really werent' remember when the maggot lady said
                >its e peaceful I promise
                and they were dragging little d into their cave, no i'm sorry you really got a lot of shit wrong no they were cutting people up and using the racide flesh to attract breed and harvest maggots, this is perfect example of visual sotry telling that you zoomers miss, no they weren't good people patching others up I know all about using maggots to clean wounds that is not what was happening, bloody hell you just got it all wrong eh? no wonder you are so confused

                This detailed write-up from reddlt (!) describes what the old lady's "corpse minder" role was and points out that she works for Immortan Joe and shows up beside him in some scenes, so the idea that young Furiosa's body was assumed to have been taken by "cave cannibals" is even more moronic since she'd have informed Joe if that were the case.
                >Her name is the Corpse Minder in the credits. They tried saving her when Dementus first comes to the Citadel thinking it was the place of abundance. They see this little girl chained up in a cage with this crazy war lord. Of course they tried dragging her to safety.

                >She also was tending to Furiosa’ wound at the end. The maggots were “debriding her necrotic flesh” as the History Man puts it, as the Maggots are doing similar to Dementus at the end.

                >As creepy as she was. They were just helping in their own Wasteland Wretch kinda way. Max obviously drags her to at least somebody that knew of the Corpse Minder, to then wake up there.

                >And we see the Corpse Minder literally collecting a jar of Maggots. A good source of protein in the Wasteland.

                >And no, I don’t believe they are cannibals like Dementus’ crew. Probably a maggot farm, since dead bodies are of abundance in the wasteland. If you look at Dementus when he gives his speech, the Corpse Minder is standing behind him to his right. And listens to his speech he gives the Citadel. She really get’s into it, and cheers her hands. And there are several children standing by her, showing she does not eat kids, and they find her safe when they approach this Biker Gang that is promising more food and water.

                >She’s also in the Wasteland going through bodies when Furiosa shows up with the beat up car Chum Bucket gave her. She’s on the left at the beginning, panning through something. So she’s a survivor for sure.

              • 4 days ago

                >this is from reddit please read
                how about no you bizarre weirdo could you frick off back and never ever come back you fricking tourist

              • 4 days ago

                >This detailed write-up from reddlt
                wish i knew what rest of your post is about but i guess im not finding out

                I don't give a flying frick what some homosexual from reddit thought you clearly need to leave you stupid dipshit what the frick? no wonder your posts seemed so out of place, GO BACK YOU MASSIVE homosexual

                I googled it and unlike you the guy knows what he's talking about. Read it and learn from him.

              • 4 days ago

                Refering to yourself in the third person is a sign of psychological disorder

              • 4 days ago

                >This detailed write-up from reddlt
                wish i knew what rest of your post is about but i guess im not finding out

              • 4 days ago

                I don't give a flying frick what some homosexual from reddit thought you clearly need to leave you stupid dipshit what the frick? no wonder your posts seemed so out of place, GO BACK YOU MASSIVE homosexual

              • 4 days ago

                >this is a detailed writeup from reddit
                didn't read another word by the way
                its time to go the frick back

              • 4 days ago

                Read the greentext instead of sperging out. As I mentioned above, he knows much more than you do and his comments are based on what the movie actually shows rather than autistic headcanons and flights of fancy.

              • 4 days ago

                >read my detailed writeup from reddit

              • 4 days ago

                Not mine. Same thing I mentioned above: simply try to refute it.
                Trying to blame the messenger instead of focusing on the message amounts to conceding the point. Learn from the guy, he's significantly smarter than you.

              • 4 days ago

                >n-no you have to read my detailed writeup from reddit
                how about no you cringy tourist, way to out yourself btw, this thread makes so much more sense now

              • 4 days ago

                Those people aren't cannibals, they raise maggots on the dead flesh. There's no way to tell if they're sinister or benevolent. When she pleads for Furiosa to stay you could interpret it as either she wants to help or she wants her as a corpse. "Make it nice" could mean I'll fix your arm by disinfecting it with the maggots, or I'll give you a nice peaceful death. The more I watch it though the more I think she might've just been helping, because the maggots are already on her arm like they've just been placed there.

              • 4 days ago

                yes we understand you really want people to read your detailed writeup from reddit, maybe go back their and leave us in peace you cringy homosexual

              • 4 days ago

                In the scene where Dementus is bargaining for Gastown one of his guys says they want double the "maggot mush", so they've probably learned that maggot farming is a thing there.

              • 4 days ago

                oh definitely, they probably sell jars of it to the war boys on the platform, i'm still lmfao the writeup from reddit anon, but yes this was no doubt their basic trade

              • 4 days ago

                There's just nothing present to say they're actually cannibals. Even though the scene is grotesque, it's pretty ambiguous how deranged the people are.

              • 4 days ago

                >Stupid bot ran out of cards to defend Furiosa slop, he keeps mentioning plebbit
                Furiosa bombed because its shit, and your homosexual ass cant cope with it AHHAHAHAH

                >p-please read my detailed reddit writeup
                no really never happening now go back you stick out like a sore thumb you cringy child

              • 4 days ago

                The guy knows more than you do and writes better than you do. Read it and learn instead of sperging out bc clinging to the assumption anyone would shill their own reddlt comment for any reason makes you seem even dumber than you already did

              • 4 days ago

                lol you really need to head on back then eh? I'm not reading your detailed reddit writeup you idiot tourist, you really misjudged were you chose to post didn't you? t is absolutely hilarious you thought that was an argument

              • 4 days ago

                no-one said they are cannibals, they use people to grow and farm maggots, whoever said they are eating the people? thats useful flesh to grow more maggots

              • 4 days ago

                Some dimwit above did try to say they were cannibals and that's his "explanation" as to why nobody in the Citadel made a fuss after child Furiosa disappeard

              • 4 days ago

                i'm sure many of the tunnel dwellers were cannibals but sure the maggot farmers would've taken her body to use as a maggot growth farm, I read that post too and thats what I thought he meant, why didn't you? what?

              • 4 days ago

                Ok well, the sticking point above seems to be that people are committed to the evil interpretation and that they want Furiosa for maggot food, but honestly people were dying all over the place in that battle and they would have had the pick of the litter after the battle so it looks sort of like they just wanted to rescue her.

              • 4 days ago

                what the frick? the battle with red dementus? that was years ago, jfc that was years before she escaped from the vault

              • 4 days ago

                they were harvesting what they could when they could they aren't the only people on the ground, as for years later again their are a lot of people on the ground they could've taken her body for maggot harvesting the others couldn't taken it for all sorts of reasons mainly food, wtf is this? I feel like i'm talking to complete idiots

              • 4 days ago

                The more I hear about this stinker the more I really don't want to see it, ever.

              • 4 days ago

                You'll lose way more time to the threads anyway with your obsession.

              • 4 days ago

                I am grateful for your informative post.

              • 4 days ago

                why would anyone find that strange? he said he needed to build a new team, he recruited her as a wasteland denizen that showed promise its not remotely unbelievable

              • 4 days ago

                >And nobody suspects the girl that Jack pulls out of nowhere?

                Jack is their most trusted driver and he personally backs her. Why wouldn’t they trust his word?

              • 4 days ago

                >just like that
                you do understand years pass between the octoboss fight and the next scene right...right?

              • 4 days ago

                Yet another reason for her sudden appearance out of the blue and acceptance as one of them to seem narratively incongruous

              • 4 days ago

                >out of the blue
                no she was there since jack introduced her we just didn't see that scene as it skipped a few years, I am beginning to understand you really didn't get when the time skips happened that is whats confusing you so much, pay a bit more attention its always obvious when it happens with visual and dialogue cues

              • 4 days ago

                Even if her 1st (re)appearance isn't shown, it's still poor writing, and the fact that this isn't a one-off but one among many gaps in the plot undermines the movie along with its other flaws.

              • 4 days ago

                no its not poor writing at all, you just want everything spelled out for you while everyone else got it immediately, its far from poor writing its very clever it gives you everything you need to understand what has happened without needing to spell it out for you with some scene with jack going
                >hey I found this wasteland derelict she helped me during the ambush and killed octoboss I'm going to keep her and train her ok
                >immortan: okay w/e
                >end scene
                what a waste of run time when literally everyone got what happened except you

              • 4 days ago

                really "clever" series of events you described lol

              • 4 days ago

                no really simple series of event that was obvious the first time I watched it which was 2 days ago, didn't question it in the slightest as it was very obvious what happened, you really do need to be spoonfed everything don't you?

              • 4 days ago

                I'm not that same anon I'm just mocking you, alright? the movie was cringey feminist slop and no amount of polish or extra writing would have saved it.

              • 4 days ago

                you are showing just how fricking stupid you are to not keep up with this movie, I don't care about your childish agenda, it doesn't need to be "saved" its good as is, being a complete moron trying to pick holes that don't exist in it changes nothing, it just shows you to be the utter frickwit you are

              • 4 days ago

                sounds like you've been wound up pretty good. also yeah, this movie could have used some saving because it fricking flopped. this is the age of the prog and yet this dogshit still didn't sell well, what does that tell you? its very premise was unattractive to most people.

              • 4 days ago

                >it flopped
                oh its you lahiam israeli person, I don't care about how much money it made you moron

              • 4 days ago

                ... which is why I specified it flopped during the age of unfettered progressivism. even the roastie-toasties and trannies this was made for didn't show up to see it. it's not a good movie. it's not even a good piece of propaganda. Miller is finished.

              • 4 days ago

                yes you really want to talk about current year and popular culture politics and idk I simply do not give a frick I am talking about the film, you can take that shit to yt or w/e you obsessed weirdos care about that shit, but you desperately keep tryig to start a discussion about muh identify politics or something.

              • 4 days ago

                this movie would not have been made without current year politics spawning it. keep your delusions to yourself.

              • 4 days ago

                I don't care what you think gay, stop trying to start some shitty culture war shit in these threads no-one cares you are on the wrong board, we are discussing the movie not your homosexual shit

              • 4 days ago

                Miller started the "culture war" tourist. with making this movie about a communist lesbian being stolen away by toxic males lol.

              • 4 days ago

                >this is a detailed writeup from reddit

              • 4 days ago

                not my post, I accept your concession.

              • 4 days ago

                >this is my detailed writeup from reddit

              • 4 days ago

                Keep telling yourself that. It's not me and whoever wrote is, as I mentioned above, much more insightful, intelligent and attentive than you and the rest of the mouthbreathers who tried to make excuses for the movie's awful script. Cope, seethe etc

              • 4 days ago

                lmfao go back and read some more detailed writeups you stupid homosexual

              • 4 days ago

                You're low IQ and you didn't understand/pay attention to the movie whose shitty script you tried to defend. Keep seething, at this point your meltdown is just cringe and redundant

              • 4 days ago

                no still not reading your write up from reddit thanks, you have immediately and permanently made any post you make worthless, holy shit you really are a clueless tourist aren't you?

              • 4 days ago

                Try to refute it. I'll wait. It's much more objective and informed than the autistic takes above and their "cannibal" nonsense

              • 4 days ago

                >p-please read my detailed writeup from reddit

              • 4 days ago

                >n-no you have to read my detailed writeup from reddit
                how about no you cringy tourist, way to out yourself btw, this thread makes so much more sense now

                Frantic samegayging/spergout. Keep seething but that only reinforces the obvious fact the quoted reddltor is objectively smarter than you.

              • 4 days ago

                still not reading your detailed writeup from reddit now its time for you to go back, i'm sure many more detailed writeups are already waiting for you, no wonder every post you've made has been so cringy and moronic holy shit this has made my night

              • 4 days ago

                you are everything wrong with the internet, far worse than reddit. clownshoes.

              • 4 days ago

                get back to those detailed reddit writeups I'm sure their are plenty more you cringy homosexual

              • 4 days ago

                >their are
                When it seemed impossible for you to embarrass yourself even further, you dug yourself an even deeper hole. Your ESL English is as moronic as your misunderstanding of the movie and attempts to defend it

              • 4 days ago

                why are you even here? you are a cringy homosexual you didn't understand even the most baisc things abot the movie and on top of that you posted the most cringy af post I and everyone else has seen in a while, I mean really honestly what are you doing posting on Cinemaphile? why do you think you can? you are like steve buscemi with "hello fellow children" except some homosexualy cringy af reddit gay trying to fit in to Cinemaphile its fricking weird, just go away

              • 4 days ago

                >why are you even here?
                Ask yourself this very question because your English is pathetic, you clearly did not grasp a lot of the movie's actual aspects (unlike the reddlt guy, who unlike you writes well and has a much better understanding of the movie) and your attempts to justify Furiosa's inconsistencies were mostly absurd extrapolations. And your meltdown (another one) shows you're out of your depth

              • 4 days ago

                >your english is pathetic
                in what way you absolute frickwit, I literally teach english professionally you dipshit. Go the frick back to your site for idiots leave this site you fricking moron there wasn't any inconsistency their was just you being so fricking stupid you failed to understand the plot, you absolute moron. no absurd extrapolations just you being so so fricking dumb you couldn't understand what was right in-front of your face because you are dumb as frick. Are you here trying to get content are you some awful brain dead yt homosexual trying to put together a "video essay" my god jesus wept you are so dumb it makes me weep for the state of morons like you.

              • 4 days ago

                >Stupid bot ran out of cards to defend Furiosa slop, he keeps mentioning plebbit
                Furiosa bombed because its shit, and your homosexual ass cant cope with it AHHAHAHAH

    • 4 days ago

      wow just say
      >i'm a moron
      and leave it there

    • 4 days ago

      Are you rating your own bait this high?

  29. 4 days ago

    What is the general consensus of Rictus chasing dicky?

    • 4 days ago

      was he though? based off the dolls he seems to think shes just a living doll to add to his collection

      • 4 days ago

        It was pretty clear he was a pedo with a young girl obsession. The dolls are there when he can’t have the real thing.

      • 4 days ago

        It was pretty clear he was a pedo with a young girl obsession. The dolls are there when he can’t have the real thing.

        He cut off her chastity cage, he wanted to deflower her.

  30. 4 days ago

    I didn't care for it. The worst Mad Max movie imo. How do you follow up Fury Road with such mediocrity.

  31. 4 days ago

    It was kickass. I'm glad I went to see it in the cinema and I enjoyed it at home.

  32. 4 days ago

    Why does nobody in these threads talk about how they dubbed Charlie Theron's voice over Ayylmao's?

    • 4 days ago

      They did?

    • 4 days ago

      They don't did that once when her back was turned.

      • 4 days ago

        *only did that once

  33. 4 days ago

    the whole fury road aesthetic was a mistake

  34. 4 days ago

    everything fury road did well, furiosa did poorly
    >world felt empty and sterile vs lived in
    >waste the charismatic character with bad dialogue
    >distractingly bad cgi and clean sets
    >rushed, unearned buddy cop story in act 2
    >forgettable protagonist


  35. 4 days ago

    i just didnt find hemsworth convicing as a bad guy, i am soft about stuff like this but him carrying around the teddy bear just made me feel sorry for him

  36. 4 days ago

    It's like if you took all the boring shit from Fury Road and made that a movie.

  37. 4 days ago

    Dementus aint even that bad of a guy. Oh he killed your mother after she killed like 10 of his guys? AND he didnt even turn you into his personal sex slave afterwards? Such an butthole.. Furiosa really needs to get over it.

  38. 4 days ago

    Great cast
    Alright story
    Creative setpieces

    And all of that was fricking ruined for me by the bizarre creative decision to have the movie look like low-budget Chinese-made for TV CGI slop. And no, i dont think it was just that the CGI was bad. To me it really felt like for some reason it was a deliberate choice by Miller.

    It genuinely knocked the movie down from like solid 7-8/10 to like 5. The ugly eyesore overpowered everything.

    • 4 days ago

      >the bizarre creative decision to have the movie look like low-budget Chinese-made for TV CGI slop
      why do people keep parroting this, it looked fricking great

      • 4 days ago

        i get that someone might enjoy the aesthetics (again, which is part of the reason why i believe it was a deliberate choice and not just bad CGI) but for me it just looked dreadful when compared to the Fury Road

      • 4 days ago


      • 4 days ago

        I don't get it either, there really wasn't anything wrong with it

  39. 4 days ago

    Two movies is more than enough in this setting. I felt that Fury Road's depiction of the wasteland was already a little ridiculous but Fury-so-so made it feel like pure fantasy. Which i guess is the point but I remember how precious bullets were in Road Warrior, how it was a big deal for Humongous to take out his revolver and handful of bullets at the end, and here they are pouring them into a fricking tanker like water. These gigantic factory facilities just seem so out of place in the universe.

    I feel like Hemsworth couldn't quite hack it, he didn't seem to have much range outside of his death scene.

    • 4 days ago

      bullet farm, its no wonder max hung around the general area, it is a place of abundance

    • 4 days ago

      >Two movies is more than enough in this setting
      I could go for like 5 more personally. This movie scratched an itch I didn't know I had.

      >I feel like Hemsworth couldn't quite hack it
      It's a bizarre character/role. It didn't quite work for me most of the time either, but some stuff landed. It was sort of novel at least. I didn't hate it despite not loving it.

  40. 4 days ago

    >You're a real jerk to me, you know that?

  41. 4 days ago

    funny how this board only started talking about this flick when it released digitally. shut-in loser freaks.

    • 4 days ago

      If you paid to see this middling girlboss movie you're an idiot

    • 4 days ago

      >board who prides itself on never paying for anything
      >only starts talking about something when it becomes available for free
      oh wow who could've seen that one? gee what a shock, you brain dead homosexual go back

    • 4 days ago

      Did you miss the news about it bombing in theaters?

    • 4 days ago

      >Marvel words but "A Mad Max Saga"
      No thanks

    • 4 days ago
    • 4 days ago

      there's no way you're actually this moronic, either a subhuman thirdy or a bot

    • 4 days ago

      Newsflash bucko; nobody watched this film at the theaters.

  42. 4 days ago

    Haha no.

  43. 4 days ago

    >This detailed write-up from reddlt

    • 4 days ago

      Still seething? Kek

      • 4 days ago

        >detailed writeup from reddit

        • 4 days ago

          That's quite the meltdown, anon. Keep going since you're still malding/butthurt

          • 4 days ago

            You know you don't have to reply to everyone as if theyre the same person, redditor. just take the L and go back

          • 4 days ago

            lol you keep enjoying those detailed writeups, and maybe never come back their must be so many for you to read

  44. 4 days ago

    More like Fury So-so

  45. 4 days ago

    I would have liked to see max carry Anya's body back to the citadel but I guess Tom hardy wasn't available

    • 4 days ago

      Why was Max even captured by the war boys at the beginning of Fury Road?
      I always assumed he didn't know about Joe or the Citadel and was captured by them for trespassing on their land.
      But then in Furiosa it seems like the citadel is a place where people come and go. Like there are tons of serfs that hanging out there.

      • 4 days ago

        my assumption is they snatched him to take his car, everything else was secondary

        • 4 days ago

          Nobody can actually leave the Citadel except from the platform so it means people only ever out with permission. Max would've been alone without Joe's insignia and I guess they don't allow any vehicles that aren't part of the cablal. Maybe the saw him through the telescope at some point.

          both of these, they saw him out their and more importantly saw the interceptor and sent out the warboys to get it

      • 4 days ago

        Nobody can actually leave the Citadel except from the platform so it means people only ever out with permission. Max would've been alone without Joe's insignia and I guess they don't allow any vehicles that aren't part of the cablal. Maybe the saw him through the telescope at some point.

  46. 4 days ago

    Why is the score so fricking bland? Junkie XL really put 0 effort into it.
    I hope someone re-edits the movie and just reuses the Fury Road score

    • 4 days ago

      I thought it was the same score

      • 4 days ago

        90% of the time it's just droning percussion. Even during key action scenes like all of act 3. The few times it picks up it does reuse the Fury Road score instead of coming up with something new.

  47. 4 days ago

    I liked how it didn't try to repeat Fury Road, and went the odyssey route with chapters. It had great action scenes throughout, fun characters and I was surprised Miller included some really gory imagery like Furiosa's arm dangling, Dementus' fate at the end, and the quartering of a person using the bikes.

    • 4 days ago

      I find it hard to believe the hottest girl in the wasteland was never raped or turned into one of Joe's sex slaves. I guess they can't really show that stuff in a major studio movie anymore.

  48. 4 days ago

    the cheap looking cgi made me not touch it. i dont care about the girlboss crap if the movie around it is good. fury road has the same problem, but everything around the beyond stupid plot device of women fleeing from literal paradise comparatively to the state of the world was great.

    • 4 days ago

      It looks a lot better than in the trailers, like that notorious bit with the hippy van being riddne off the cliff from the trailer that looked horrible looks fine in the movie. But even still on some occasions the compositing is still off.

  49. 4 days ago

    Dementus, you are scum!

  50. 4 days ago

    Why is everyone being so mean to each other in here? I thought that this was a fun adventure film from the creator of Babe: Pig in the City

    • 4 days ago

      it is but some insane spastic from reddit choose to sperg out in these threads, its really weird and we are trying to figure out why.

      • 4 days ago

        its the same guy who derails 98% of the threads here, with his DIT cart threads and gaddon posting
        he's online 18 hours a day being a shithead and it's exhausting

  51. 4 days ago

    it was furyoboring

  52. 4 days ago

    I hope they make the quadrology and make it epic!

  53. 4 days ago

    maddening people consider this more feminist than Fury Road

  54. 4 days ago

    >Joe trades for Furiosa because he knows healthy females are valuable
    >Furiosa runs away
    >Joe proceeds to NOT search every corner of the citadel
    >At the same time a very feminine looking boy is making "himself" known around the citadel
    >Nobody questions this

    This was the moment the movie completely fell apart under its own weight. So fricking stupid.

    • 4 days ago

      >Joe proceeds to NOT search every corner of the citadel
      we're given like a 10 year time skip, moron-kun

      • 4 days ago

        Wrong, when we next see Furiosa she still isn't of age. Like the scene where she saves the car from falling and becomes top dog.
        Looks like you have to apologize for calling me a moron now. How embarrassing for you.

        • 4 days ago

          >top dog
          lol you really didn't pay any attention at all eh? she was jacks apprentice and it was years before she got to drive the war rig and then more years before she was his 2nd in command and drove the war rig, and she still was't top dog she was a praetor and the driver of the war rig, jack was in charge

          • 4 days ago

            Try paying attention to the movie next time. She literally gets promoted after she saves the car. That's what I'm referring to.

            That's twice now that you've embarrassed yourself.

        • 4 days ago

          >he missed the scene of tree branch growing
          you need one of those social workers that work with mentally challenged people. they can sit next to you and explain everything that's happening on the screen

          • 4 days ago

            The branch growing comes immediately after she escapes and before she looks Scrotus right in the face and he promotes her to dogman or whatever, at which point she's still a kid

            • 4 days ago

              and clearly much older than she previously was. it's unbelievable how someone can be this moronic. the torrent is out just watch those scenes again carefully

          • 4 days ago

            The absolute irony of your post. How long does it take for a tree to grow, moron?
            The next scene after the tree growth still has a young Furiosa. Try watching the movie next time instead of scrolling tiktok you braindead homosexual.

            • 4 days ago

              the height of Furiosa doesn't even match, especially compared to Scotus between the two scenes. she's clearly older and taller than her previous scenes.

              • 4 days ago

                How does that contradict anything I said? I said Furiosa still wasn't of age. This was in reply to someone (probably you) that claimed it was a 10 year skip.

              • 4 days ago

                you said "NOOOO" to me telling you there was a clear timeskip. you're not even making sense anymore. it doesn't make sense to assume Joe didn't freak out, because again we've given a timeskip and don't get to see his freakout.

              • 4 days ago

                Gaslighting, lying, homosexual. What is this post:

                >Joe proceeds to NOT search every corner of the citadel
                we're given like a 10 year time skip, moron-kun

              • 4 days ago

                You said there was a 10 year timeskip [...]
                which there clearly obviously is not, it's like 2-3 max

                10 years, 3 years whatever. now you realize there was a timeskip so the post saying
                >Joe proceeds to NOT search every corner of the citadel
                is extremely moronic. dilate + cope + seethe

              • 4 days ago

                I never said there wasn't a timeskip you lying weaselly homosexual. Can you actually try arguing honestly?

              • 4 days ago

                >10 years, 3 years whatever.
                Numbers are real, they are not just dreams in your head
                >Joe proceeds to NOT search every corner of the citadel
                Well I mean this manifestly has to be true because he didn't fricking find her and at this point she's not even wearing a mask

              • 4 days ago

                >Well I mean this manifestly has to be true
                How does it have to be manifestly true if we as the viewer didn't see anything he did all those years?

              • 4 days ago

                and she was right there. He just had to look and see.

              • 4 days ago

                he didn't find her because she was hiding as a boy, yes. that's what happened.

              • 4 days ago

                But she wasn't hiding. She wasn't even covering her face.

              • 4 days ago

                she was covering her face in fact thats exactly what she was doing no really are you moronic?

                Imagine if Joe Biden's son went missing and after 2 years he gets a new female press secretary and it's a man with a very clear wig and masculine face. And nobody says "wait a minute..."
                This is the movie you are defending. kek

                ? what a bizzare non sequeter, you really do have some kind of brain damage eh?

              • 4 days ago

                >what a bizzare non sequeter,
                So you couldn't process the analogy. Unfortunate.
                Please stay in school and study hard.

              • 4 days ago

                You said there was a 10 year timeskip

                >Joe proceeds to NOT search every corner of the citadel
                we're given like a 10 year time skip, moron-kun

                which there clearly obviously is not, it's like 2-3 max

              • 4 days ago

                no their clearly is a 10 year time skip the movie even gives the morons this helpful visual aid with the tree growing on the side of the cliff, exactly how fricking dumb are you?

              • 4 days ago

                lol a "10 year skip". thank you for exposing yourself as a complete moron. its funny how you are accusing others of not watching the movie when you clearly weren't. or maybe you are too stupid to understand visuals and sound.

                please make the argument that a tree branch needs 10 years to fully grow. please, please, I beg you. go full moron!

              • 4 days ago

                you are so stupid. the movie even goes out of its way to help morons like you for instance showing the tree growing out of furiosas wig, and you still don't get it, bloody heel how do you even remember to dress in the morning? you are quite literally the dumbest frick I have encountered for quite some time

              • 4 days ago

                How long does a tree branch take to grow, moron? lol. You are genuinely cracking me up.

              • 4 days ago

                longer then it takes for furiosa to integrate into the structure of the citadel huh? what are you even trying to say?

              • 4 days ago

                Notice how you can't answer the question because you realize that your 10 year skip claim is absolutely bogus and completely BTFO by the next scene that still shows a young Furiosa (that is not played by Anya).

                Hopefully your carers can help you follow the movie properly next time.

              • 4 days ago

                We're given two timeskips, and I already showed you here

                the height of Furiosa doesn't even match, especially compared to Scotus between the two scenes. she's clearly older and taller than her previous scenes.

                how they digitally altered her face and height to make her appear older and taller. why? because some time has passed. And then we get another timeskip here

                um I don't get it, aren't movies supposed to show 1:1 time duration? like I'm confused why one scene she looks like the kid and the other she looks like Anya. how did she grow up so fast? the movie is only 2.5 hours long how the frick can you go through puberty in TWO hours?


              • 4 days ago

                Nobody ever claimed there wasn't a timeskip you straw-manning weaselly lying homosexual. The argument is over the length of time. Furiosa is very clearly (to anyone with intelligence) not of-age in the following scene after the tree growth.

              • 4 days ago

                you are so btfo its time to stop embarrassing yourself

              • 4 days ago

                >can't answer the question
                Thanks for playing. I accept your concession.

              • 4 days ago

                >no argument
                >deflecting and goalpost moving
                If your flopped movie isn't shit why can'tyou properly defendit?
                Why do you need to defend it at all?

                you are embarrassing yourself, its time to stop posting

              • 4 days ago

                so you have no argument, kek

              • 4 days ago

                oh no you wlll continue to make an utter fool of yourself for the remainder of the thread won't you? I salute you good fool may all your idiocies be met with equal scorn and may you rise to greet them with equal moronic nonsense

              • 4 days ago

                All you are saing is ad hominems, but no argument

              • 4 days ago

                No there was just some moron, presumably you, that complained that Joe didn't go bananas and you're still having a hard time understanding people telling you it's entirely possible and logical to assume he did go bananas. We just don't see that because the time skip.
                >Furiosa is very clearly (to anyone with intelligence) not of-age in the following scene after the tree growth.
                And I already clearly explained to you here that next scene she is older and taller than her previous scenes

                the height of Furiosa doesn't even match, especially compared to Scotus between the two scenes. she's clearly older and taller than her previous scenes.

                We're given two timeskips, and I already showed you here [...] how they digitally altered her face and height to make her appear older and taller. why? because some time has passed. And then we get another timeskip here [...].

              • 4 days ago

                Let me break it down for you since you are very clearly slow in the head.
                The hair/wig falls on a tree branch. The tree branch grows. Tree branches can grow in length within a couple of months or a couple of years.
                So all we know at that point is that time has passed.
                But the VERY NEXT SCENE shows another young Furiosa, who is clearly not of-age. And very clearly not 10 years older.
                We can guess she's 1-2 years older here. Where the thought of her running away would still be on their minds. But instead of realizing this very feminine boy is the missing girl, she gets a promotion, by Joe's son himself!
                And you defend this writing! LOL

                You are utterly BTFO.

              • 4 days ago

                do you think 2 years has passed between these two frames?

                um I don't get it, aren't movies supposed to show 1:1 time duration? like I'm confused why one scene she looks like the kid and the other she looks like Anya. how did she grow up so fast? the movie is only 2.5 hours long how the frick can you go through puberty in TWO hours?

                um I don't get it, aren't movies supposed to show 1:1 time duration? like I'm confused why one scene she looks like the kid and the other she looks like Anya. how did she grow up so fast? the movie is only 2.5 hours long how the frick can you go through puberty in TWO hours?

                um I don't get it, aren't movies supposed to show 1:1 time duration? like I'm confused why one scene she looks like the kid and the other she looks like Anya. how did she grow up so fast? the movie is only 2.5 hours long how the frick can you go through puberty in TWO hours?

                um I don't get it, aren't movies supposed to show 1:1 time duration? like I'm confused why one scene she looks like the kid and the other she looks like Anya. how did she grow up so fast? the movie is only 2.5 hours long how the frick can you go through puberty in TWO hours?

                That's what I'm talking about. we see the slightly older Furiosa for literally 30 seconds and then another time skip where she's clearly Anya.

              • 4 days ago

                >do you think 2 years has passed between these two frames?
                Yes. But I realize you've never seen a child grow in your life because you are basement dwelling moron.

                And that is the implication of the tree branch and the following scene. Whether the time skip is 1 year, 2 years, or 3 years; It's certainly not the 10 that you claimed.

                I'll accept your apology now.

              • 4 days ago

                oh damn now you are hung upon the exact amount of years between furiosais escape and her with the citadel, what exactly would calm your tisim? like this anon said some wanted posters?

                Did you want "MISSING CHILD" posters plastered all over the Citadel? Would this have soothed your autism? lmfao

              • 4 days ago

                >gets BTFO
                >moves goalposts
                So it wasn't 10 years as claimed. Thanks for playing.

              • 4 days ago

                no seriously you have some sort of mental disorder, are you trying to argue how long a tree takes to grow on a cliff face in the wasteland and furthermore exactly how old furisosa looked in the the following scene? you are a strange sad and very very dumb person

              • 4 days ago

                the tree branch growing how Miller wanted to let morons like you know there was a timeskip so we didn't have to see Joe seething. If you can't understand this then you're hopeless. Simple as.

              • 4 days ago

                It actually has to be frightening to be this stupid. When exactly did you want the Immortan Joe-led search parties looking for Furiosa, before, during or after the first time skip, or the 2nd time skip?

              • 4 days ago

                The first one obviously. What an odd thing to ask.

              • 4 days ago

                And you want the missing child posters too right?

              • 4 days ago

                You want Joe searching high and low obsessively for a little kid, going on for 2-3 entire years? This somehow adds to the story?

              • 4 days ago

                Do you think they'd stop searching for the Presidents son/daughter?
                Do you think people wouldn't notice if said son/daughter showed up at a later date with new haircut?


              • 4 days ago

                Did you want "MISSING CHILD" posters plastered all over the Citadel? Would this have soothed your autism? lmfao

              • 4 days ago

                Imagine if Joe Biden's son went missing and after 2 years he gets a new female press secretary and it's a man with a very clear wig and masculine face. And nobody says "wait a minute..."
                This is the movie you are defending. kek

              • 4 days ago

                notice how I did you stupid dipshit notice how you refuse to acknowledge that I did and the actual movie did and instead just continue to make shit up and sperg about your made up shit because you didn't pay any attention and refuse admit you are just flatout wrong, you fricking idiot

              • 4 days ago

                How long does a tree branch take to grow? Answer the question. A length of time. Go.

              • 4 days ago

                lmao stop grasping at straws, it was years later that she was working the wheel and rectus told her to save the truck, years,are you stupid? face blind? moronic? all three? i'm really not sure at this point

              • 4 days ago

                you are so fricking stupid it hurts

              • 4 days ago

                longer then it takes for furiosa to integrate into the structure of the citadel huh? what are you even trying to say?

                it never happened irl
                it was part of the narrators legend of events

              • 4 days ago

                Not the ending, the branch that grows out the side of the Citadel that had her wig in it

              • 4 days ago

                He realized that his argument got completely BTFO and is now stretching the "legend" logic to the whole movie. I'm dying laughing.

              • 4 days ago

                no that happened, it leads into why she is good at monkey crawling around the rigs and claws

    • 4 days ago

      Nah that part wasn't the problem, you can easily imagine them searching and not finding anything and giving up. Feminine looking boys is also cope, half of the silver boys look super feminine/malnourished.
      The ridiculous part is when she reveals herself as furiosa and becomes a top dog with literally everybody accepting it without explanation kek

      • 4 days ago

        >The ridiculous part is when she reveals herself as furiosa
        Why is this ridiculous? Praetorian Jack vouches for her. Prior to that no one knew she was a woman and they didn't know her name was furiousa. They just knew her as the little girl who came with dementus

        • 4 days ago

          >Praetorian Jack vouches for her
          That doesn't mean much, he was just a good driver not the 2nd most important guy in the citadel or something

          • 4 days ago

            >That doesn't mean much
            no that means a lot, he is introduced as the no1 preator the guy that always gets the job done, the war boys talk about him as a legend

        • 4 days ago

          >knew her as the girl
          Meant they knew the girl who came with dementus but like you said they probably assumed she died off in the wasteland or something and gave up looking for her but didn't put together that the furiousa was the same girl since it had been so long

          >Praetorian Jack vouches for her
          That doesn't mean much, he was just a good driver not the 2nd most important guy in the citadel or something

          He was. Jack knew immortan joe in the old times before the apocalypse so jack does have high ranking in the citadel

      • 4 days ago

        >the silver boys
        why are clueless morons talking about Mad Max? wtf is a "silver boy"?

      • 4 days ago

        nah she was someone jack brought in they had no idea she was the previous warboy who didn't speak much less little d, just someone jack found who was useful

      • 4 days ago

        >you can easily imagine them searching and not finding anything and giving up
        No, I can't. Because realistically Joe would be fricking furious and lining up every war boy in the citadel and asking everyone. The idea that Furiosa avoided being found during all this because she cut her hair is utterly ridiculous.

        The writing stinks because it's a prequel that NEEDS Furiosa to become a driver for Joe. And this is their really stupid and convoluted way to do it.

        The movie stunk.

        • 4 days ago

          oh you need a play by play scene of everything that happened you can't conceptualize furiosa hiding among the warboys and then working her way up as we say with rectus years later, and then agian when they were building the first warrig, nope you need each and every scene played out for you on screen, that is your problem not he movies, just you, you really do need a carer to explain this very basic stuff that is going on each and every scene so you don't have another sperg out

          • 4 days ago

            Furiosa not being comprised in the citadel because she cut her hair is as silly as Clark Kent putting on glasses.
            It's not about needing to see scenes. No amount of scenes can save writing that bad.
            You should stick to marvel movies.

            • 4 days ago


            • 4 days ago

              no it makes perfect sense, after her escape she would've spent years in the pits as a grunt before being picked out by scrotus to save the truck, then years after that she was picked to help with building the war rig. you really missed half the movie didn't you?

              • 4 days ago

                >it makes perfect sense because it just does ok
                Like I said, stick to marvel movies.

              • 4 days ago

                no thanks never watched that shit, you probably should though, its clearly your speed

            • 4 days ago

              No you don't understand she put dirt on her face too so now she's like a boy or something

    • 4 days ago

      no he probably did and rectus was probably in a lot of trouble but after pointing out that she clearly fell well what else is their to do?

  55. 4 days ago

    I'm not gonna lie, that ending was underwhelming. Everything before that was amazing but the problem is I watch fury road right before watching furiosa and fury road had such a huge and heartwarming ending. Furiosa's ending wasn't epic, just intimate. But the rest of the movie was alright. Not better than fury road but alright

  56. 4 days ago

    Everything after the point where Jack 'dies' offscreen is where the movie started to feel uncertain about what it was doing. Everything before that was essentially perfect

  57. 4 days ago


  58. 4 days ago

    Didn't Dementus refer to her as Furiosa in front of Joe? And then some years after she escapes here turns up a young woman approximately the right age also called Furiosa.

    • 4 days ago

      >Didn't Dementus refer to her as Furiosa in front of Joe?

    • 4 days ago

      No. Dementus never knew her name and neither did immortan joe until after she teamed up with jack

    • 4 days ago

      no he didn't he never learns her name he calls her little d

      The branch growing comes immediately after she escapes and before she looks Scrotus right in the face and he promotes her to dogman or whatever, at which point she's still a kid

      Jesus wept you are dumb as frick, please get off your phone for 5 seconds and actually watch the movie you are trying to argue about

  59. 4 days ago

    I liked it. Not as good as Fury Road but pretty good action. I cringed hard at some of the throwback quips “aaand he brought back the booty”. The CGI seemed split between a 300ish art style and just cheap overused garbage. It was distractingly bad in some scenes.

  60. 4 days ago

    Why are you all so invested in this shit movie?
    It's a shitty prequel to a mediocre action flick that nobody cared about until few days ago

    • 4 days ago

      >please stop talking about this, I'm paid to talk about mouse wars shit please stop this is cutting into my bottom line, can't you all just tak about star wars, seriously I need to pay my mortgage off
      FRICK YOU homosexual

      • 4 days ago

        >everyone is a console warrior like me
        you are just defending this flop like your ife dependended on it.
        personally I can't tell the difference between a shitty mouse war pos and this crap movie. And neither can you
        you are just the current version of a snydertard

        • 4 days ago

          >10 years, 3 years whatever.
          Numbers are real, they are not just dreams in your head
          >Joe proceeds to NOT search every corner of the citadel
          Well I mean this manifestly has to be true because he didn't fricking find her and at this point she's not even wearing a mask

          lmfao, you can't keep up with the time skips thats it thats all it is so are so fricking stupid you didn't understand that the movie took place over 20 years or so, damn thats it that is all it is, fricking hell you are the dumbest moron to ever post on this board

          • 4 days ago

            Loving the continued irony of your posts. You think a tree branch growing means 10 years have passed. You are dumber than dirt.

            • 4 days ago

              you are so wrong and you know it but you can't even acknowledge how stupid you have been ok bud, just sperg out I guess its all you have left

  61. 4 days ago

    um I don't get it, aren't movies supposed to show 1:1 time duration? like I'm confused why one scene she looks like the kid and the other she looks like Anya. how did she grow up so fast? the movie is only 2.5 hours long how the frick can you go through puberty in TWO hours?

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