>watch the season finale of the Boys. >its complete shit. >wonder how this went down in the comic

>watch the season finale of the Boys
>it’s complete shit
>wonder how this went down in the comic
>finally read it
>tfw the show has been radically different since like the 2nd episode
>tfw they’re totally changed so many different things for no real reason
>tfw the show does it worse
Why didn’t fans lose their shit over it? This is Rings of power tier.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Cinemaphile has shit taste in everything

  2. 2 years ago

    Yeah the show is garbage because it puts unfrickable women in positions of power that doesn't maker sense. It's trash and will always be trash. Of course the source material is better.

    • 2 years ago

      >unfrickable women

      • 2 years ago

        >This goblin is actually considered frickable in Muttmeristan

        • 2 years ago

          You, sir, are a homosexual

          • 2 years ago

            Nah, I just have standards, which is why I don't consider fugly 6/10 to be "frickable". But of course I understand that when 95% of the women you see IRL are morbidly obese then anyone who isn't fat will appear very attractive to your eyes.

            >unfrickable women

            Was attractive early in the series, but is very clearly hitting the wall as we speak based on that photo.

        • 2 years ago

          And anywhere where the average male is attracted to women

      • 2 years ago

        Isn't she dating Hughie in real life?

  3. 2 years ago

    There hasn't been a truly good television series in decades
    Entertainment has failed

  4. 2 years ago

    the show is way better than the comics

    • 2 years ago

      The comics were shit my guy

      >the show does it worse
      did you even read the same comics? they’re absolute shit (or shite as that edgelord ennis would say.) the best thing they did was plant ideas that other writers could do more with.

      … unless your idea of good tv is
      >the justice league… but they’re LE PERVERTS
      >the x-men… but they’re LE PEDOPHILES (with some lame jokes about east coast vs west coast rap thrown in)
      >every enemy of the boys is a bumbling moron
      >the boys just take compound V making it lose any dramatic tension of normal humans having to beat the supes through their own guile
      >the comic wallows in its own piss until about 80% of the way through when it realizes “oh shit i’m supposed to have a plot” and starts sprinting to the finish

      Suspiciously close together posts. I suspect OP is samegayging to drive interest in his thread.
      That said, the books were far better than the show. The books at least have a central plot and themes that come together in the final act.
      The show just seems to be meandering all over the place, no real end-goal, no real purpose, no real vision.
      People that disregard the books for being ‘edgy’ are missing the point. They’re seeing the garnish and mistaking it for the meal.

      • 2 years ago

        >three people have similar opinions
        >must be a samegay
        i have some beachfront property in tuscon, arizona for sale if you’re interested

        • 2 years ago

          >missing the point this hard
          >outing yourself as a shill

        • 2 years ago

          Now let’s talk about The Boys shall we?

    • 2 years ago

      No, shill.

      The comics were shit my guy

      Correct, and the show is worse.

      >the show does it worse
      did you even read the same comics? they’re absolute shit (or shite as that edgelord ennis would say.) the best thing they did was plant ideas that other writers could do more with.

      … unless your idea of good tv is
      >the justice league… but they’re LE PERVERTS
      >the x-men… but they’re LE PEDOPHILES (with some lame jokes about east coast vs west coast rap thrown in)
      >every enemy of the boys is a bumbling moron
      >the boys just take compound V making it lose any dramatic tension of normal humans having to beat the supes through their own guile
      >the comic wallows in its own piss until about 80% of the way through when it realizes “oh shit i’m supposed to have a plot” and starts sprinting to the finish

      They could have kept the better parts of the comics and improved them, but instead they redid everything, improved nothing, and made a shitshow that crashed and burned on its own accord.

      • 2 years ago

        So much fricking this.

        That’s because nobody was a fan of the boys before the show. I am a huge comic fan. Genuinely my favorite superhero comic because it manages to be long running (72 issues and a few mini series), but still be an actual story and not a soap opera where the status quo constantly resets. I was hyped as shit for the show when it was announced. The show is nothing like the comic. Not an adaptation, but more something that’s ‘inspired’ by the comics.
        But they keep trying to introduce shit and moments from the comics into the show and they just become pale reflections of the comic. I genuinely wish they’d stop trying to introduce comic shit and just do their own things. After S3, I have nothing but disdain for the show. This show is bullshit. At least the comic, despite its flaws, was entertaining with consistent characters, a well developed world who’s alternate history was actually compelling, and an overarching government/corporate conspiracy that really pulls you in once it picks up. The show just sucks and I hate it, but I’ll always stan the comics until I die.

        Yeah I regard myself as a fan of the books too, and as such, have been massively disappointed by the complete crock of shit the show’s become.

    • 2 years ago

      The comics were shit my guy

      >the show does it worse
      did you even read the same comics? they’re absolute shit (or shite as that edgelord ennis would say.) the best thing they did was plant ideas that other writers could do more with.

      … unless your idea of good tv is
      >the justice league… but they’re LE PERVERTS
      >the x-men… but they’re LE PEDOPHILES (with some lame jokes about east coast vs west coast rap thrown in)
      >every enemy of the boys is a bumbling moron
      >the boys just take compound V making it lose any dramatic tension of normal humans having to beat the supes through their own guile
      >the comic wallows in its own piss until about 80% of the way through when it realizes “oh shit i’m supposed to have a plot” and starts sprinting to the finish

      Trash taste, the comic is more enjoyable because it's a comic. It knows exactly what it is. Comic Black folk really think their graphic novels are actual novels lmao. I'm not even saying the show is out right trash, but the comic was more enjoyable.

  5. 2 years ago

    The comics were shit my guy

    • 2 years ago

      the show is way better than the comics

      This but only until halfway through season 2.

  6. 2 years ago

    >the show does it worse
    did you even read the same comics? they’re absolute shit (or shite as that edgelord ennis would say.) the best thing they did was plant ideas that other writers could do more with.

    … unless your idea of good tv is
    >the justice league… but they’re LE PERVERTS
    >the x-men… but they’re LE PEDOPHILES (with some lame jokes about east coast vs west coast rap thrown in)
    >every enemy of the boys is a bumbling moron
    >the boys just take compound V making it lose any dramatic tension of normal humans having to beat the supes through their own guile
    >the comic wallows in its own piss until about 80% of the way through when it realizes “oh shit i’m supposed to have a plot” and starts sprinting to the finish

    • 2 years ago

      >wallows in its own piss until about 80% of the way through when it realizes “oh shit i’m supposed to have a plot” and starts sprinting to the finish
      how is that different from the show?

      • 2 years ago

        it’s night and day, i can’t remember any episodes from the show which could be “filler” compared to the comics where you could skip the whole tek-knight or malchemical arc and not lose anything

        • 2 years ago

          i imagine you can't remember much of anything, seth
          >HUH HUH HUH HUH

        • 2 years ago

          The Tek-Knight arc was there to demonstrate Butcher’s ability to leverage himself and to demonstrate that Hughie was a deliberate weakness that Butcher willingly took on.
          The Malchemical arc was there to test Hughie to see whether he was going to turn out be like Butcher, or to retain compassion (the reason Butcher recruited him in the first place, to be a moderating influence).
          Butcher was well aware that he could not control his desire to wipe out all supers and needed someone to balance him out. He needed Hughie to be willing and able to kill supes, but only for the right reasons.

          • 2 years ago

            I would also argue that superduper showed how grey the world of super hours are. You could definitely argue that it was because they were borderline moronic, but at the end of the day they had superpowers and were still good people. I thought it was strange the comic decided not to expand on this more and just made every hero cartoon bad.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah I agree. Superduper is an example of what Vought did with the unwanted byproducts of their supe-making process. The arc showed that it wasn’t specifically superpowers that were the source of supes’ corruption, rather it was how Vought manipulated and used supes for its own power and money.

        • 2 years ago

          I felt that Tek-Knight got done dirty.
          However what the comic needed was at least one or two scenes of an actual good person supe saving people in a way only a super hero could.
          Also designing Hughie to look like Simon Pegg was a really weird choice.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why didn’t fans lose their shit over it?
      I never watched it because just from the casting it was clear shit. If you're having fricking Karl Urban as Billy Butcher at least shave the c**t.

      >the boys just take compound V
      How else would they get anything done? That first confrontation with Teenage Kix couldn't happen. Instead of Butcher headbutting one of em(Dogface?) and Hughie fricking skewering Blarney wiener they'd get their shit pushed in.
      >making it lose any dramatic tension of normal humans having to beat the supes through their own guile
      That's not the point. The point is supes are c**ts and if a bit hypocrisy is what it takes to frick with them then who gives a shit. Frick em

      While show butcher screams out “HE’S MY WOIFES SON!”, comic Butcher instantly smashes what would have been Ryan into bloody pieces with a bedside lamp. Says it all really

      And telling it is such an emotional scene. How could the show not have this?

      • 2 years ago

        There is a scene similar to that in the show though

      • 2 years ago

        >If you're having fricking Karl Urban as Billy Butcher at least shave the c**t
        He did shave but only for flashbacks

    • 2 years ago

      >the boys just take compound V making it lose any dramatic tension of normal humans having to beat the supes through their own guile

      That V (which, incidentally, MM and The Female didn’t ‘take’ per se, and it’s never revealed how Frenchie got his) is needed for basic defense.
      One of the ongoing themes of the comic is that Butcher rarely needs to call on his super strength because he’s smart. Having the boys be supes themselves also opens up questions about the nature of power and corruption, and asks questions about who’s watching the watchmen.

      • 2 years ago

        >Having the boys be supes themselves also opens up questions about the nature of power and corruption, and asks questions about who’s watching the watchmen
        In a better written comic it could have. But not in The Boys.

      • 2 years ago

        >Having the boys be supes themselves also opens up questions about the nature of power and corruption,
        Literally Butcher and Hughie's final scene in the comic.

    • 2 years ago

      can you just spoil the end of the comics for me?

      • 2 years ago

        Homolander dies, Butcher gets killed by hughie, Stillwell (Edgar substitute) reminds hughie they can make more heroes, new lineup looks like kkk, he says the bad product line

      • 2 years ago

        Not really, you can’t spoil the comics for someone that’s only watched the show without providing a synopsis of the books from page one.
        If you want the books’ plot you can just look it up on Wikipedia.

      • 2 years ago

        in the comics, Butcher blackmails Homelander with pictures of Homelander skullfricking and killing and eating a family. Homelander doesn't remember any of this happening and it makes him pretty unstable. Homelander eventually decides to say frick it and take over the US. He convinces other supes that Vought American wants them to take over because something something but secretly he's planning to put himself in charge.
        He kills the president, Butcher confronts him, and Homelander says he honestly doesn't remember raping Butcher's wife. Black Noir appears, unmasks, and is revealed to be a clone of Homelander designed to kill him for Vought American if he got too out of hand (this was set up earlier, though somewhat clumsily). Smash cut to Black Noir holding Homelander's decapitated head and stumbling around half-dead on the Whitehouse lawn. The marines shoot the frick out of him until he's dead.
        Months later with the Boys disbanded, Butcher is going around setting the stage for his final plan. He plans to deploy a chemical into the air around the world that reacts with compound V and explodes the head of anyone with it in their veins. His whole reason for bringing Hughie into the team was because he thought Hughie would stop him. They have a confrontation on the Empire state building, Butcher falls saving Hughie, and Butcher ends up paralyzed. He lies to Hughie about killing his parents, which sends Hughie into a rage and gets him to kill Butcher.

        Hughie is a c**t the whole way through and I hate him.

        • 2 years ago

          Hughie’s biggest issue is that he’s a stand-in for Butcher’s younger brother. He’s easily manipulated, doesn’t take control of himself or his situation, and is basically a leaf in the winds of fate. Butcher wants him around because if someone like Hughie doesn’t get corrupted by being a supe himself, then there’s hope.
          Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

        • 2 years ago

          So it seems like the clone did the actual raping and skull fricking right?

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, Black Noir outright says he did it because he couldn't stand having to be near his target yet being forbidden from completing the only reason he was born/made. Thus he decides to push Homelander over the edge by doing all those things then sending the pics to The Boys (original team) since he thought they would send them to VA - which they do but VA ultimately decides not to pull the trigger.

    • 2 years ago

      Also the art sucks.

    • 2 years ago

      the problem with the show is this:
      >the writers aren't really good.
      >they're writing for TV
      >short seasons that barely leave any movement.
      >braindead ""twists"". where the red herrings are more interesting.

  7. 2 years ago

    I don't see Homolander raping Hughie to death any time soon in the tv show

  8. 2 years ago

    how soon into the comic does hughie kill atrain?

  9. 2 years ago

    kiwifarms dot net/threads/the-boys-comic-vs-amazon-version.121050/

  10. 2 years ago

    i want to frick an anime

  11. 2 years ago

    >niche media (anything that is writing on a page)
    >actually tries to tell a unique story, author has a vision and sticks to it
    >gets an "adaption"
    >a bunch of corporate suits, a paycheck seeking director, hack writers and a gaggle of sensitivity consultants all inject their homosexual opinions/agenda/interpretation into the work
    >original work loses all relevance in the plot
    >success of the first season and the rise of easily pleased mungo fans gives the gaggle of morons free reign to do whatever they want
    >the fans of the new lowest common denominator trash far outnumber the original fans of the source
    If you ever write a book, comic or do anything creative do NOT tell your rights away. Your shit will forever be overshadowed by the corporate machine and you will have to deal with a bunch of smoothbrain fans.

    • 2 years ago

      >actually tries to tell a unique story
      >the boys

      • 2 years ago

        >implying it doesn't
        no need to out yourself as never having read it so hard

        • 2 years ago

          >dude what if superheroes, but their awful persons instead lmaooo
          truly riveting

          • 2 years ago

            >here let me tell you again how I didn't read it

            • 2 years ago

              Black person there's like a billion comics that do the edgy superhero thing. Amazon's shiny new product is a drop in the capeshit bucket

              • 2 years ago

                >here let me tell you I didn't read it, thrice

  12. 2 years ago

    While show butcher screams out “HE’S MY WOIFES SON!”, comic Butcher instantly smashes what would have been Ryan into bloody pieces with a bedside lamp. Says it all really

  13. 2 years ago

    I really don’t understand why they had to make stormfront a sexy israeliteess.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Anime poster shitting on live action series
    I can't wait for school holidays to end

    • 2 years ago

      Anime website

      • 2 years ago

        Remind me, what year is it? 2003?

        • 2 years ago

          Site mascot is literally an anime girl 🙁

          • 2 years ago

            do you have access to bleach?

            • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              i mean the liquid form. go drink some. it tastes like honey liquor

  15. 2 years ago

    Gunsmith cats was shit

    • 2 years ago

      >90s action anime devoid of any shitty tropes
      Nah its great, moegay

  16. 2 years ago


  17. 2 years ago

    >Why didn’t fans lose their shit over it?
    I don't think The Boys comics have real fans.

  18. 2 years ago

    >comics written by a israelite
    >show written by israelites
    >wow it's shit
    colour me surprise

    • 2 years ago

      >comics written by a israelite
      First I’ve heard of Ennis being israeli. Care to provide details?

    • 2 years ago

      >comics written by a israelite
      First I’ve heard of Ennis being israeli. Care to provide details?

      Yeah but is he a Protestant israelite or a Catholic israelite?

  19. 2 years ago

    don't worry I'm sure it will stop being popular if Disney keep making threads like this.

  20. 2 years ago

    The novels make fun of capeshit as it was in 2006. The show has to make fun of all the MCU/DCU Disney+ shit that has happened since.

  21. 2 years ago

    That’s because nobody was a fan of the boys before the show. I am a huge comic fan. Genuinely my favorite superhero comic because it manages to be long running (72 issues and a few mini series), but still be an actual story and not a soap opera where the status quo constantly resets. I was hyped as shit for the show when it was announced. The show is nothing like the comic. Not an adaptation, but more something that’s ‘inspired’ by the comics.
    But they keep trying to introduce shit and moments from the comics into the show and they just become pale reflections of the comic. I genuinely wish they’d stop trying to introduce comic shit and just do their own things. After S3, I have nothing but disdain for the show. This show is bullshit. At least the comic, despite its flaws, was entertaining with consistent characters, a well developed world who’s alternate history was actually compelling, and an overarching government/corporate conspiracy that really pulls you in once it picks up. The show just sucks and I hate it, but I’ll always stan the comics until I die.

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks for the blog post. moron.

    • 2 years ago

      They could have just done the comic with some of the less necessary and silly bits trimmed. But instead Seth ‘fat stoner with ~~*connections*~~’ Rogen and Eric ‘congenitally unable to control a story arc’ Kripke decided they could do better than Ennis, a man with a thirty five year career in telling stories people wanted to hear.
      Rogen and Kripke’s arrogance is what has ruined the show. They’re not storytellers or world builders, they’re a pair of israelites who got lucky breaks through the Mitzvah Network. It’s clear from the show’s pointless divergences from the plot of the books that neither of them have a clear and consistent vision for the plot, and how it’s themes might resonate.
      So here, have lots of breasts and a guy with a prehensile dick, and ignore that the show doesn’t have a protagonist, a clear vision, or an actual story to tell.

    • 2 years ago

      >Genuinely my favorite superhero comic because it manages to be long running (72 issues and a few mini series
      Stormwatch + Authority was better, Irredemable was better, Punisher Max kingpin arc was better, hell Hitman by ennis was better too

    • 2 years ago

      >Genuinely my favorite superhero comic
      you have incredibly shitty taste

    • 2 years ago

      >Genuinely my favorite superhero comic
      The comics were made by and for people who really hate super heroes and just want to see someone throw them into a meat grinder and wallow in the screams and viscera, like myself. I love the books from the first issue to the last, it's my jam through and through. Just like basically everything by Ennis. The show is the opposite. It was made by and for people who really love super heroes but wants them a little edgier. Killing people and being kinda buttholes and they curse a lot. The show took nothing but the basic premise and the names of the characters from the books and does their own thing. I realized that when they announced it because i vividly remember just how fricking edgy the books are and i know, considering the still ongoing super hero craze, nobody wants to see that, let alone finance it. And, surprise, the show turned out to be nothing like the books. But little Garth doesn't care because he is done with his version of the The Boys and gets paid for "consulting" on the show, just like with Preacher, which means he sits in Zoom meetings, nods along and is done for the day. If they actually gave a frick about the micks opinion they wouldn't have raped the source material as badly.

  22. 2 years ago

    >Why didn’t fans lose their shit over it? This is Rings of power tier.
    because The Boys is just some random C-tier superhero parody and not one of the most important literary works of the 20th century.

  23. 2 years ago

    >>tfw the show has been radically different since like the 2nd episode
    it's a twist-based series, spoilergays would have just spoiled it in an instant

  24. 2 years ago

    I can't wait till Crossed eventually get adapted and people pretend they actually like Crossed too.

    • 2 years ago

      I like Crossed.
      But let’s not pretend that would ever get a show, any more than ‘The Pro’ (which was in many ways a thematic forerunner to The Boys).
      I’d like to see ‘.303’ adapted.

  25. 2 years ago

    theres no genuine fans of the comic here, its all capeshit redditors

    • 2 years ago

      As a massive fan of the books, let me be the first to say: FRICKINGc**t! sorry sorry

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Yes, books, what would you call them?
          I own them in trade paperback, so I call them books.

  26. 2 years ago

    I think the show is better, but that's because I think Garth Ennis is an edgy homosexual who needs to shut the frick up. Any distance from his original work is a vast improvement

  27. 2 years ago

    >Why didn’t fans lose their shit over it?
    Because the comic of The Boys isn't actually good, so deviating from it is ok. There is a chance it will be better. If you are adapting something that people like, any deviation has a 99.99% chance of making it worse. Since the adored work of the original master will likely not be surpassed by the narcissistic hack making the adaptation.

    • 2 years ago

      >There is a chance it will be better
      Then season 3 episode 8 happened. There will NEVER be a good prime tv show, it's a law of physics at this point.

      • 2 years ago

        >There will NEVER be a good prime tv show
        What about The Man in the High Castle

  28. 2 years ago

    >Adaptations won't follow source material but for names and places.
    WOAH. Huge revelations.

  29. 2 years ago

    If 92% of supes are Caucasian and Vought has 200 heroes why do we constantly see so many non-Caucasian heroes? Shouldn’t there only be like 16?

    • 2 years ago

      There’s a LOT more diverse supes in the books.

  30. 2 years ago

    Superheroes? Capeshit? Who gives a shit.
    This thread should've been about sex with Minnie May.

    • 2 years ago

      >This thread should've been about sex with Minnie May.
      Reminder that she would drain every anon in this thread like a Capri Sun in a dull afternoon.

      • 2 years ago

        Even me?

  31. 2 years ago

    I just watched the last episode of season 3. I assumed that it would be a final episode, pretty much all plot-lines were wrapping up nicely and it was heading towards a climatic battle. But then the climatic battle actually happens, none of the important characters actually die, plotlines don't actually get resolved and Homelander just walks off after the battle and they reveal they intend to stretch this shit for an another fricking season.
    Season 3 already suffered heavily from subplotitis where they keep giving irrelevant side characters pointless subplots that don't go anywhere interesting and never intrude on the main plot (except in incredibly forced scenes where usually the subplot doesn't actually have a meaningful effect on the main plot). The Deep and A-Train are the worst offenders, they were established very early on as complete scumbags and have remained that way, why the frick does the show expect me to give a shit about their personal problems? Feels like they have contract that specifies x amount of screentime and the writers have to struggle to fill that quota.
    As for the main characters, where the frick can you even go from here? Seasons 2 and 3 already struggle to give them meaningful arcs without resetting and repeating things from Season 1.
    I hate how TV series have copied the american super-hero comic book problem of being unable to give satisfying conclusions to popular stories because that means ending the story which they won't do as long as the story remains popular. So any good show that actually becomes popular is pretty much fated to continue until it becomes shit.

  32. 2 years ago

    >the strongest (but insecure) superhero is gaslighted into thinking he's a monster, with hints of this gaslighting and his enduring confusion hidden throughout the comic you only understand after the reveal


    • 2 years ago

      Yeah I'll still take the show version of Homelander over the "girlboss gatekeep gaslit" comic version

    • 2 years ago

      >Black Noir gaslights Homelander into going psycho so he can fulfil his purpose of killing him
      >Butcher gaslights Hughie into killing him so he doesn't have to live life as a cripple

  33. 2 years ago

    The Boys didn’t have that big of a fan base to begin with, compared to more mainstream capeshit from Marvel or DC. And the fans that it did have knew that having high expectations for an adaptation is setting yourself up for disappointment. It’s the fact that people are blowing a gasket over the LOTR prequel that’s perplexing. Like shit son, where have you been for the past decade or so. Why would you think this could have possibly been good.

  34. 2 years ago

    with "jews"
    you lose

  35. 2 years ago

    the comic is dragged down with typical garth ennis baggage where it feels like he never grew up past the age of 15. i understand that he made his career out of writing overly edgy shit with lots of random rape/sex in general but it would make his work 100x better to just remove a large portion of that and let his actual ideas shine through

    • 2 years ago

      Can’t see the Forest for the trees, Anon.

  36. 2 years ago

    Capeshit enjoyers don't actually read the source material at all

    • 2 years ago

      >"Reading" comic books
      Lmao, what are you, twelve?

  37. 2 years ago

    >animegay has shitty opinion
    What a surprise

  38. 2 years ago

    The Boys comic is so much better overall its unreal. Yes it looks kind of ugly, and there are pointless filler parts that drag. But as an actual artistic statement, character study, and standardbearer of the individual, auteur style of its writer it absolutely ragdolls the show.

    In a way the Boys is Garth Ennis' last comic. It's his ultimate comic that bookends and most directly reflects on the themes and fixations that defined almost everything else he ever wrote. It contains everything he's good at writing; war stories, intelligence intrigue, being a Unionist and hating Irish Catholics/Republicanism more than anything while delusionally pretending to be above his background, crude cartoonish vulgarity, and most pertinently the most consistent core of the Ennis style, the fetishisation of tough guys and their violence. The only major thread of Ennisism not present is the Wild West, and even that's basically just the tough guy shit again.

    And here we have the whole series building towards a challenge of that fetishisation of tough guy shit, saying that even if someone actually lives up to it it's misguided and hollow, gets you nowhere and ruins your life, and that its a tragedy so many men feel inadequate that they're not that, that they resent and chafe at the feeling of not being that.

    Anyone who's enjoying the show and doubting me here should look at the second last issue of the comic and try and imagine the show saying anything this coherent and substantial, this well:https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/The-Boys/Issue-71?id=52026#7

    This is spoilers but for background(because I don't feel like the show is going the same way) at the end of the series Butcher goes through with some kind of plan I can't remember that would kill a large number of innocent people but get rid of compound V forever. To do this, he first kills every member of the Boys(Hughie accidentally survives) he can before they can try to stop him.

    • 2 years ago

      Well said, though I think the part about machoism being ultimately hollow and self-defeating isn't outlined very strongly. In fact, I think Butcher's confession at the end is only paying lip service to the whole idea after many, many issues featuring violence as "the cool shit". As for Hughie's survival, Butcher outright says he wanted Hughie to stop him didn't he? That's why he sows disorder between him and the rest of The Boys by bringing up the conversation where Hughie asks to be the "2nd-in-command" and spins it as if he was scheming behind their back. It's also why Butcher cusses when he notices Hughie returning to their office earlier than anticipated, just before the bomb goes off and hopes he'll be fine.

      • 2 years ago

        Reread the issue just now and you're definitely right about him intending Hughies survival. Its been years since I read the full series.

        I do agree Ennis isn't just dismissing the tough guy shit as absolutely worthless. In fact one of the core ideas of the Boys is that the closest thing to that kind of person in real life can be necessary. But I feel like after yeah indulging in it more than enough it does come out and explicitly say a guy who isn't that should not want to be that, would probably be worse off if they were that, and any half decent guy should be able to appreciate who he actually is. I feel like Ennis must have some level of self awareness that he isn't tough and is trying to square the distance between himself and who he most instinctively wants to be, arriving at this reversal where the tough guy character specifically values and looks up to any fundamentally good normal man. The indulgence is justified by the acknowledgement that its kind of a natural male instinct to find that behaviour cool seeing it from the outside, it just then elaborates past that first impulse.

    • 2 years ago

      Also should be highlighted that in the comics Butcher isn't just a 2D stand in to represent the stereotypical violent badass Ennis loves. He's possibly the most 3 dimensional characters Ennish ever wrote, and they show you a backstory that not only shows why he's the way he is, but has plot threads that don't necessarily need to be there but give him general depth.

      Not only is there the whole thing where he admires normal, decent guys like Hughie because that's what his little brother who used to make him see reason and reign in his violent instincts was like, but there's this moment that's such an elegant, silent way of explaining at least the degree his obsession with violence.

      He's an adult at this stage and him and his girlfriend are helping his older mother seperate from his abusive Dad who kicked the shit out her for his Butchers entire childhood, helping her leave the house. And he and his Dad start arguing and Butcher steps up to him like he's going to hit him. And his Dad just smiles and says if he does it won't mean anything because he's an old man now, and says "you'd give anything for a go at me in my prime". Butcher is not cool in this moment. He stands there speechless, it hits him right in its core, and without ever explaining it in words you understand that so much of his hair trigger impulse to commit violence is him trying to compensate for the fact that its impossible for him to commit the one act of violence that would really matter to him and make up for all the times he did nothing while listening to his mother get battered.

      You will never, ever, see a moment that good in the show.

      • 2 years ago

        >Butcher isn't just a 2D stand in to represent the stereotypical violent badass Ennis loves
        Arguably he's a deconstruction of those kinds of characters (like The Punisher)

  39. 2 years ago

    The comic fricking sucks.

  40. 2 years ago

    >unfrickable women

    • 2 years ago

      >those cheekbones
      no this is edited, she doesn't look like The Other Mother from Coraline *just* yet

    • 2 years ago

      She has overdone the lip botox injections a bit.

  41. 2 years ago

    >I DID things

  42. 2 years ago
  43. 2 years ago

    >all these well written effort posts
    >in a dead thread on the capeshit, waifus and /misc/bait board

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Thread’s also doing a good job of ignoring the noncontributors and Le Master Troles.

      Well said, though I think the part about machoism being ultimately hollow and self-defeating isn't outlined very strongly. In fact, I think Butcher's confession at the end is only paying lip service to the whole idea after many, many issues featuring violence as "the cool shit". As for Hughie's survival, Butcher outright says he wanted Hughie to stop him didn't he? That's why he sows disorder between him and the rest of The Boys by bringing up the conversation where Hughie asks to be the "2nd-in-command" and spins it as if he was scheming behind their back. It's also why Butcher cusses when he notices Hughie returning to their office earlier than anticipated, just before the bomb goes off and hopes he'll be fine.

      Notice how Butcher hardly ever engages in violence, and when he does, it’s calculated to move his agenda forward?
      His real power is his ability to manipulate and deceive people to get what he wants.
      One of the more interesting aspects of the character is that so many just see him as a thug hungry for power, and this blinds them to the actual threat he represents.
      Th other members of The Boys are also kept in the dark by his genius, or they’d have banded together to stop his master plan far earlier (and for obvious reasons).
      And in an interesting twist, we have a character that’s assumed to be a brute and is underestimated for it, in a comic assumed to be needlessly edgy and underestimated in turn. A beautiful example of life echoing art.

    • 2 years ago

      Thread’s also doing a good job of ignoring the noncontributors and Le Master Troles.

      Notice how Butcher hardly ever engages in violence, and when he does, it’s calculated to move his agenda forward?
      His real power is his ability to manipulate and deceive people to get what he wants.
      One of the more interesting aspects of the character is that so many just see him as a thug hungry for power, and this blinds them to the actual threat he represents.
      Th other members of The Boys are also kept in the dark by his genius, or they’d have banded together to stop his master plan far earlier (and for obvious reasons).
      And in an interesting twist, we have a character that’s assumed to be a brute and is underestimated for it, in a comic assumed to be needlessly edgy and underestimated in turn. A beautiful example of life echoing art.

      this isn't reddit, it's an image board

  44. 2 years ago

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