Watched the first episode, seems...okay. But isn't this taking nostalgia a bit too far?

Watched the first episode, seems...okay. But isn't this taking nostalgia a bit too far? The intro is literally the same...isn't there a better way to revive something from the past?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >The intro is literally the same

    I kinda liked that they made it slightly different depending on who was in the episode.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    They are now explicitly reviving children's cartoons from the youth of balding basedlennials. It's a new low for a major studio and culture in general.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    The show is doing white death. You start with this team then you end with a progressive team whole season is about movie thewhite characters out of the way

    • 4 weeks ago

      They're mutants, not whites. stop crying.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Mutants actually make much more sense as an allegory for white people than they do for minorities but no one wants to hear about that.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The same people that watch this show and think the humans wanting to create a mutant registry and mutant cure are wrong/evil/oppressive are the ones that unironically want to do the same for gun control, and they lack the consistency in their beliefs due to some combination of limited intelligence and/or lack of real value system outside of what Twitter or Reddit tells them is good or bad

          • 4 weeks ago

            Stop posting. You're a moron

            • 4 weeks ago

              No, he isn't and that's not up for debate

              >called out librul gets his fee fees hurt

              • 4 weeks ago

                When was xmen ever right leaning?

              • 4 weeks ago

                When the sides flipped after 2010

          • 4 weeks ago

            Keep posting, you're 100% correct

            • 4 weeks ago

              No, he isn't and that's not up for debate

              • 4 weeks ago

                He obviously is. Credit where it's due, you're right though about it not being up for debate, the correctness of his statement speaks for itself and invites no serious challenge.

              • 4 weeks ago


                Nice rebuttal, Redditgay

                Nope, you juice box of aids

                >called out librul gets his fee fees hurt
                >NO YOU'RE WRONG SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!

                You guys are trying so hard that it's pathetic

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nice rebuttal, Redditgay

          • 4 weeks ago

            Dude, actual facts on here holy shit

          • 4 weeks ago

            10/10 post right here.

          • 4 weeks ago

            The next season should have a mutant child go on a willing killing spree at their school and butcher like 250 kids.

        • 4 weeks ago

          People still think they l9ved the xmen because of racial allegories and not because of cool hetero dudes fighting juggernaut

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yes. but they are an allegory for the israelites. They should all be replaced by black lesbians to properly display the modern face of Judaism.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You're right. I said that here, but you couldn't have known it was me.

            People still think they l9ved the xmen because of racial allegories and not because of cool hetero dudes fighting juggernaut

            Libtards and the worst kind of current-day nerds love the X-Men for the messaging and for the fact they can pretend there was some kind of underground community of women, minorities, and gay people reading these comics and being inspired by them when in reality people just think Wolverine is really cool and badass.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's Xmen, if one IP gets a pass for inclusion it's Xmen

    • 4 weeks ago

      Some questionable design choices aside the show´s actually managed to faithfully replicate the original show narrative style and the way it adapted comic book arcs. Tone and atmosphere are a bit off but all things considered it´s pretty good for a nostalgia trip cartoon.

      One could argue that 3 or 4 out of 10 episodes were mid to bad or at least unnecessary/ filler but honestly that also holds true for the original cartoon so i say the show´s probably a solid 7 or soft 8 if you are more forgiving.

      Are they? The main plot featured the Summers family pretty heavily. And in any case X-men´s always been about accepting those that are different so it´s probably one of the IPs that could get away with it as long as they keep it subtle enough.

      That said, as long as they keep adapting the main X men stories Cyclops is bound to remain a core character for a good while.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Where is everyone? Everyone is time. And who is about to lead the new team with Dust Magik and all them while the team is gone? Forge and Bishop, 2 people of color.
        Sure the og team will be back but the point of the show is to set up the MCU team. And Scott will retire by the end of the show and Storm will be the new leader by the end.

        Heck Deadpool and Wolverine movie is only there to set up the FEMALE Deadpool and Wolverine variants who will take over in the MCU

        • 4 weeks ago

          If they deviate from adapting comics the show will die just like the MCU. The only way it survives is by remaining true to the spirit of the original show (because people are watching because of the nostalgia). That said, they could still get away with doing those things by making spin offs. X-men comics usually have the core X-title supported by comics like X-force, X-factor and so on. People may be more willing to accept a different rooster that way.

          Also Bishop and Forge being their own team was already a thing on the original cartoon so they can totally get away with that without it feeling forced.

    • 4 weeks ago

      only good mutie is a dead one

  4. 4 weeks ago

    This is not a revival or a reboot or a remake... They are continuing the show, so using the same iconic song was only logical.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    It's a direct continuation, not a reboot, so it's fine.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >Pink Lip

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Avengers > filthy muties

  8. 4 weeks ago

    First episode is one of the weakest in the season. Give it until episode three before you rush to judgement. The show doesn't coast on nostalgia at all, and the intro changes throughout.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    They should have called it "X-Men Continues All New Episodes 2024"
    The 99% of people who don't read nerd media won't have a clue this isn't the 90s show.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Go woke, go broke.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Cry woke, go cope.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's xmen moron. It's been woke since your dad was in diapers, which ironically is in the 60s and today

  11. 4 weeks ago

    You expect woketards to be able to create anything and not just rehash everything with a gay twist?

  12. 4 weeks ago

    > But isn't this taking nostalgia a bit too far?
    You are watching a reboot of a children’s cartoon show from your childhood. What were you expecting?

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Yidsney slop but this time with a 9 figure marketing budget to force it

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Alright I'll explain the X-Men's issue even if it's just to satisfy my own seething. First of all, when the X-Men started they were an allegory made by israelites for israelites, and the book sucked. The team was boring as all get out. You had Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Angel, and Beast (who looked more or less human at this point). Their otherness was not outwardly visible; they were secretly, one might even say subversively, distinct from the humans they lived among. Prof. X and Magneto weren't MLK and Malcolm X. Lee wrote Mags as just a straight up bad guy, and when Claremont came around he based him off of Menachem Begin. Begin was a Zionist terrorist who went on to become PM of Israel, and I'm not saying he was a terrorist to editorialize; the UK government described him that way in the 1940s. Okay, so that should disabuse y'all of the notion that the X-Men were some kind of proto-woke children's media; israeli guys wrote about what they knew, which was, unsurprisingly, being israeli. Of course that usage of the X-Men was shit, and it was the much more beloved X-Men today were influenced by minority politics.

    (TL;DR - The X-Men were israeli self-inserts before libtard white nerds made them their Tarantino-esque vehicle to suck off non-whites)

    So the minority allegory has been explicit for decades, but does it actually make any sense? No, not a bit. The whole rationale behind libtard's anti-racism is their notion that human beings are all basically the same and different groups don't have different capabilities and traits that are genetically inherent. The X-Men are the exact opposite. They are homosexual Superior, destined to replace humanity. Maybe it is stupid to be afraid of the Nigerian family that moves in down the street, but it makes perfect sense to be terrified at the fact that a godlike race of your evolutionary replacements live among you and could wipe you out if they so wished.

    • 4 weeks ago

      its easier to type out stuff like this in a Word document so you can just paste them quickly and not leave us hanging anon.

      Why do people like to pretend that the X-Men hasn't always been woke?

      comic books were always the vanguard of the subversion of the youth starved for entertainment. Its just the goals of the subversion changed over time.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The first anon literally wrote a TLDR for your redditor brain

        • 4 weeks ago

          so fricking what newbie? i wanted to read the whole thing, not half of it. Go suck his dick in private.

          Watched the first episode, seems...okay. But isn't this taking nostalgia a bit too far? The intro is literally the same...isn't there a better way to revive something from the past?

          I dunno OP, the first blatant in-your-face woke moment occurred literally 2minutes 37 seconds into the fricking show, im thinking its either coping redditors pushing this show because they're desperate for something only mildly soi-filled to consume or shills, im waiting to be impressed, doubt it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah. Lesson learned. Anyhow. Mutants don't work as minorities because mutants are essentially a breakaway civilization far more in line with the Evolian Global Imperium ideal. All the rhetoric of evolution and "children of the atom" stuff doesn't exactly jive with grievance politics. Protecting a world that hates and fears them? Is there any better summation of the white man's civilizing burden? Our gifts have uplifted the basest creatures imaginable in human form, given them the fork and flush toilet and the written word, yet we're hated all the more for it. The white race is far more akin to a "homosexual superior" breakaway species than any minority ethnic group.

        • 4 weeks ago

          yep, true, in hindsight you're correct and the klke-angles around the original X-men are an inversion of sorts. Well written overall anon. Marxist cultists do adore pretending to be superior to others despite being truly inferior subhumans on many levels, so they will likely refuse to see it this way and will remain happily consooming whatever they like with their inherently contradictory beliefs.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Why do people like to pretend that the X-Men hasn't always been woke?

    • 4 weeks ago

      You didn't even know it was woke til someone on YouTube told you

  16. 4 weeks ago

    X-Men 97 absolutely shit on Invincible not only in terms of animation but in terms of story and characters.

    • 4 weeks ago

      the final 3 episodes are written like a Neil Breen movie. I don't think it's intentional to be funny either.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I was caught off guard by how comic book-y the series was. I was expecting it to be much more geared towards a wider, casual audience that vaguely knows about X-Men. Still, leaps and bounds better than Invincible on the capeshit scale.

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