We all know supes can destroy omniman and homelander easily but how about we pit the lesser clones of supes?

We all know supes can destroy omniman and homelander easily but how about we pit the lesser clones of supes?

Can nolan beat homelander?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Homelander is really weak.

    • 2 years ago

      His lasers are very strong. Probably even stronger than clark

    • 2 years ago

      >I want you to do a favor for me
      Rub you hands together and feel it's heat
      >Now compare that heat to a supernova
      That's difference

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          I think he replied to the wrong guy

          >I want you to do a favor for me
          Rub you hands together and feel it's heat
          >Now compare that heat to a supernova
          That's difference

          Was probably meant to

          His lasers are very strong. Probably even stronger than clark

  2. 2 years ago

    Maybe read some comics for once and determine it yourself you giant homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah im already gay

  3. 2 years ago

    Deathbattles did it

  4. 2 years ago

    Noland would fricking kill Homelander, dude is an alien and so skilled at what he does. It wouldn't even be that hard for him.

  5. 2 years ago

    Dude, Homelander is nowhere near the level of Omniman.

    • 2 years ago

      Homelander would destroy omni with just lasers

      • 2 years ago
        Himbo Chad

        Omniman tanked an orbital laser and only got a nosebleed

      • 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Homelander is a glass cannon who isn't on the higher end of the cape scale like Nolan who can fly around a planet in minutes and fly through solid objects without taking damage.

  8. 2 years ago

    I've not watched much of The Boys show, but did they severely power-up Homelander or something? Supers in the comic can be killed by conventional missiles or DU bullets fired from an LMG

    I just don't really understand why people try to compare the Homelander to any conventional non-parody superhero, in 99% of cases he loses HARD
    did the show not cover the 9/11 incident yet? that's something that a regular hero with superman powers would consider easy, but him and several other heroes frick it up MASSIVELY

    • 2 years ago

      The 9/11 incident was handled very different from the comic. In the serie it's just Homelander lasering the terrorists and hitting the controls by accident, then giving up outright and going away because "I can't just push the plane, I will only end up breaking it in two" and because he says that it's better if everyone there just dies from the plane crashing than having witnesses of their screw up.

      Other than that it's just that Homelander is more or less the only super with enhanced durability in the show, almost everyone else is shown to be a human in that sense. So you have a situation where small arms kill everyone except the few that are immune, and those few have never shown to have an upper limit, making hard to actually gauge how durable they are.

      We don't know how durable is Homelander in the shown because he's never been injured, but at the same time he's never actually been hit by something hard.

    • 2 years ago

      The 9/11 incident was handled very different from the comic. In the serie it's just Homelander lasering the terrorists and hitting the controls by accident, then giving up outright and going away because "I can't just push the plane, I will only end up breaking it in two" and because he says that it's better if everyone there just dies from the plane crashing than having witnesses of their screw up.

      Other than that it's just that Homelander is more or less the only super with enhanced durability in the show, almost everyone else is shown to be a human in that sense. So you have a situation where small arms kill everyone except the few that are immune, and those few have never shown to have an upper limit, making hard to actually gauge how durable they are.

      We don't know how durable is Homelander in the shown because he's never been injured, but at the same time he's never actually been hit by something hard.

      Both in the show and in the comic, Supes have differing levels of durability. Some are Glass Cannons, where they are basically humans with special abilities, some are Bullet proof, where small arms fire is basically a bee sting, but the Uranium Tipped Bullets got the job done, and a very few are near Indestructable, like Homelander, Soldierboy and Translucent, who were hit with everything short of a nuke with little to no damage. Homelander has only been shown getting hurt by Soldierboys punches, Translucent was killed by a brick of C4 slid up his butthole, of which his skin survied the explosion about 90% intact.

      Even in the comic this is shown, during the Pentagon attack they mention that only the bullet proof supes survived and maybe they should have attacked first to act as a shield, of course this didn't matter once the A-10 Warthogs showed up. In the show we see heroes taking bullets without much of a flinch, or moments like where Huey punches A-Train who instantly knows something is up because he actually got hurt, something he knew a regular human wouldn't be able to do.

      I imagine Bulletproof Supes are more common than we see, since generally the moments we do see are the ones where the protagnists kill the supes, so usually have access to a method to kill them, like powers of their own or things like the Depleted-Uranium-50-Cal Rifle, or spiking their heroin enema to make them overdose three times over ect. They wouldn't be using these things if a walmart handgun could do the job to 9/10 supes.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Can nolan beat homelander?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh, it was glorious. Homelander vs Omniman is like Condiment King vs a pissed off World-Breaker Hulk who has NOT had his morning coffee yet.

    • 2 years ago

      Where resulting to e celeb videos now?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes we are, ESL anon

  10. 2 years ago

    Homelander gets by because he's a big fish in a tiny pond.

    The second he's outside his own universe there are a million and one things that can wreck his day.

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