we need a ten episode hbo/ netflix adaption to get this right.

we need a ten episode hbo/ netflix adaption to get this right.

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Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    >keep the original setting of 50s/80s
    >keep the forms that IT took such as wolfman/ creature/ giant bird
    >keep the types of scares which are unsettling and slow instead of modern jump scares
    >keep the ritual of chud and adapt it properly
    >have mike frame the episodes with his history of derry segments
    >the original ending is not a bad stephen king copout. its works when properly done
    >yeah, we can change the orgy to something more subtle

    • 1 week ago

      I forgot the book has an orgy. It is already subtle enough.

      • 1 week ago

        It's still wierd as frick, peak stephen king cocaine bender writing era.

      • 1 week ago

        How can you forget that? It's, like, the only thing I remember about that book. The girl fricks all the boys so they can escape from the sewer, somehow. That scene traumatized me.as a kid. It was, like, half the reason I identified as asexual throughout a good part of of my teens.

  2. 1 week ago

    the adaptions we've seen so far also dont properly show Kings philosophy in the book.

    Pennywise seems to engage with the imagination of the generation it victimises. In other words, our culture and its collective spirit is IT's feeding ground. Our anxiety and fear is turned into love when IT victimises children because IT says the adult world is scarier than him. It spreads and ferments hatred in the adults to make the childrens fears more palpable and make them ready victims for his ritual feasts. These feasts represent cultural shifts in the country. In other words, in order for progress to happen we must sacrifice the children of the previous generations. We must forget the sorrows and horrors that came before so that we may live comfortably in our new world whilst ignoring what is happening in front of us. To confont this horror is to admit our own blindness and cowardice and face the reality that we are the sacrificial lamb as well as the executioner. To balance the two may result in madness and so we let the executioners run rampant whilst we turn a blind eye to the lambs in the fields being slaughtered.

  3. 1 week ago



  4. 1 week ago

    The concept of the book itself is very strong but the problem that I've always had was, why did the people of Derry put up with IT's shit for soo long? King never went into this or maybe I can't remember since I haven't read the book in almost 3 decades. Every 27 years a bunch of kids go missing and no one says or does shit?!? How did that go unnoticed the last few times or was there a deliberate cover up by people who knew what was going on and said nothing? Why would they do this?

    I think this needed some back story, like Pennywise promised the people of Derry prosperity if they let it feed every 27 years. Have it that only the Mayor, the Chief of Police and a few others in power know, so during the events of the first half of the story, the kids notice that these people and their families went on extended vacation for a few weeks until the coast is clear. So they have no one to turn to and can't convince adults about it while others secretly know but don't have children and don't say anything or make subtle threats not to cause trouble.

    • 1 week ago

      There needed to be more of an air of paranoia and I just don't get that. Also, the kids defeated IT in 1989, when the first movie takes place as the local theater is playing Batman and Lethal Weapon 2. So say they come back in 2017 because they get word from Mike, who stayed behind in Derry, that children are going missing again. They come back to find that Derry is a shell of its former self as manufacturing jobs left and the economy suffered. Have Pennywise running about but, here's the twist, he's not killing any kids because he's weak from hunger and not strong enough. He can still frick with people using illusions and what not but it's actually Henry Bowers killing the kids. The town elders allow him to "escape" from prison, where he's been since killing his father, on the condition that he kills some random kids, as a sacrificial offering to Pennywise in the hope of bringing prosperity back to Derry, and they'll cover it up. They promise Henry that, if he does this, after the summer is over they'll get him out of the country with a new identity or some such bullshit to sucker him when they'll actually just murder him and say he was an escaped serial killer. Case closed.

      Word gets around that the Losers Club has returned and the town folk try to scare them away as they don't want to kill them and draw attention from Federal authorities and their families. When that doesn't work they send Henry after them so that they can peg their deaths on him later on. Pennywise teams with Bowers and uses his powers to distract them so Henry can get to them when they go back into the sewer to finish IT once and for all. The Losers manage to kill Bowers but only after Eddie gets mortally wounded while saving them.

      • 1 week ago

        They find the heart of IT and it isn't some dumb fricking spider. Say in the cavern there's some sort of weird tree shaped thing, a kind of fungi, that took root in the ground after landing from outer space and grew, spreading its tendrils and spreading beneath the town. Somehow this allows IT to manifest itself anywhere in the town but no further as IT is afraid of drawing too much attention to itself and has relied on the towns superstition and fear to keep it safe for centuries. The truth is that the entity never had any sort of influence or power over Derry's economy but being a small town the elders believed IT's lies and allowed it to feed, passing the info only to a small handful of people in power. It was just a coincidence that the towns manufacturing base and jobs left due to NAFTA and Free Trade in the 90's after the Losers defeated IT in 1989.

        The Losers torch the fungi, along with Eddie and Henry's bodies, which ignites its tendrils across the town, turning most of Derry into a raging inferno. The media chalk it up to a gas leak that built up in the sewers and ignited, something unforeseen due to the age of the city. Case closed. The town is abandoned and a news team interviews the Mayor who is the last person to officially leave Derry. He says he plans to retire and move to New York to live with his children. He says this while holding a small potted plant in his arms. The news reporter asks about the plant and he says "oh, I do a bit of botany and it's a hybrid that I've been breeding"...…

        • 1 week ago

          Two years later Bill is living in New York. His car is in the shop and he has to take the subway. He gets into the last car which is packed. He manages to get to the back of the car and finishes a cell phone conversation he's having with Ben who tells him that Bev is pregnant. Bill congratulates him and says goodbye. While waiting for the car to start he see's a red balloon passing by the cars side windows with the person holding the string out of view due to the other passengers blocking his view. He continues to watch from the back window and see's what appears to be a child in a yellow rain coat and green boots walking along the edge of the subway platform.

          The child turns around and Bill's eyes go wide with horror. It's Georgie, his little brother, who smiles at him. Suddenly Pennywise steps out from behind one of the concrete pillars and begins to wave to Bill while Georgie does the same with his bloody stump of an arm as the subway car jerks forward and begins to depart. Once the train is gone, Pennywise jumps down onto the tracks and helps Georgie down. Pennywise holds the balloon while holding Georgie's only hand as they walk into the subway tunnel entrance and the darkness as Pennywise muses "You know something Georgie, I should have left Derry a long time ago..."

          The end.


          • 1 week ago



    • 1 week ago

      This is explained in the book. Pennywise has some kind of mental effect on the adults of Derry that causes them not to really pay attention to the large amount of missing kids, and anyone who moves out of town has their memory fogged over about it.
      Like, people will be sad if a kid they know goes missing, but won't go "Huh, it's weird they went missing around the same time a bunch of other kids did" or "Huh, there sure are a lot of disappearances every 27 years."

      • 1 week ago

        I dont think its weird that a town would ignore missing kids. Look at the Houston Mass Murders from the 70s. The police wrote off the disappearance of over 40 kids as runaways. Its only when someone revealed what was actually going on that the police made a move after families had petitioned them for ages to do something.

    • 1 week ago

      IT is what makes Derry thrive. Derry is the feeding ground for the creature. Pennywise basically ensures the sirvival of Derry so that he can feed every 27 years. He has cast a spell of sorts over the townspeople who turn a blind eye to whats going on or never truly piece everything together. There are framing chapters in the book wirtten by Mike Hanlon where he tells the history of Derry that other writters fudge or leave out details of. There is some philosphy to this wherein a town like Derry can only survive when it allows evil to thrive. When the adult kids destroy IT at the end, the town breaks apart in a massive earthquake/ flood because IT is the literal foundation of the place.

      • 1 week ago

        >IT is what makes Derry thrive.

        That's the thing, how does it make the town thrive? Does IT have economic influence over Derry?

        If there was evidence that IT had a positive influence that would explain why the town lets it feed. Also, how did IT convince the town that it was protecting Derry by preventing natural disasters?

        We never get an explanation about these things and I have no problem with ambiguity but there has to be some logic as to why people in the town would let things happen which they don't explicitly state.


        • 1 week ago

          >That's the thing, how does it make the town thrive? Does IT have economic influence over Derry?

          How does a city like New York become like it is? By ignoring the plight and suffering of its poorest citizens and exploiting them. Derry thrives because IT makes it citizens heartless and ignorant to its evil nature. The citizens ignore his existence or the strange nature and history of town.
          >Also, how did IT convince the town that it was protecting Derry by preventing natural disasters?

          What? I dont think you understand the meaning of a metaphor.

          • 1 week ago

            >>That's the thing, how does it make the town thrive? Does IT have economic influence over Derry?
            >How does a city like New York become like it is? By ignoring the plight and suffering of its poorest citizens and exploiting them. Derry thrives because IT makes it citizens heartless and ignorant to its evil nature. The citizens ignore his existence or the strange nature and history of town.

            You're right about New York but that's more of a class struggle than what's happening in Derry.

            We know that the citizens of Derry ignore the evil within but what benefits do they receive by doing so? If it was a case where the people in charge of the town and its citizens gained some sort of wealth or power and were desperate to maintain it that would make sense and why they'd strongarm others into looking the other way under the threat of violence.

            >>Also, how did IT convince the town that it was protecting Derry by preventing natural disasters?
            >What? I dont think you understand the meaning of a metaphor.

            I understand that what its meant to represent.

            Evil being kills children while the town looks the other way.
            Protagonists defeat it.
            Town is destroyed by a natural disaster to cleanse Derry figuratively and spiritually.

            But it still doesn't answer why would the people in the town allow these things to happened unless it was because they were under some sort of threat?

            It's like the classic Shirley Jackson story The Lottery where the town sacrifices people because they believe it keeps them prosperous.

            In that case it would make sense that the people in Derry would let IT feed as what they would believe to be a necessary evil. It also only happens once every 27 years while you would think that no records of the disappearances would be kept while anyone who did know that it was going to start would leave the town for a few weeks as IT feeds at random unless they were threatened not to do so by those in power!!!FACT!!!

  5. 1 week ago

    No adaptation will keep the e-girl orgy scene you pedo. Just give it up

    • 1 week ago

      They where all around 14 to 16 if i remember correct.

  6. 1 week ago

    My biggest problem with the adaptions so far is the scares. In book, pennywise appears in a form and its jarring for the character that sees him because its something unnatural in anatural setting. FOr example, my favourite image from the book is Ben leaving school late on a snowy day and crossing a bridge over a frozen river. Ben turns his head and sees a mummy off in the distance standing on the river looking at him. As he looks more, he realises that the mummy has big buttons on his coat and tufts of hair. The mummy then points at him making him aware that it sees him. Stuff like that could work cinematically. The tv adaption cops out or does the scares too quick and the modern one has too many shitty jump scares and modern monster tropes (the painting lady is the lamest addition). King is also brutal in the book which made me appreciate that bleachers scene from part 2 which despite being new is exactly the kind of thing would be in there. Pennywise targets kids from abusive or broken households and it makes the whole thing more tragic.

    • 1 week ago

      Also, I fricking hate the new design for Pennywise.

      The point of IT being a clown is to lure children who get too close and then realize something is wrong at which point it's too late.

      The Tim Curry Pennywise just looks like a regular clown that wouldn't have a problem doing this.

      Meanwhile, I don't think even the dumbest kid would go near the film version as you can tell from a mile away he's fricked up!!!FACT!!!

      • 1 week ago

        I think bozo the clown was a visual basis for IT. I mean you already have a great design that would scare or confuse the shit out of kids. Pennywise is also funny in a fricked up way in the novel. The new IT seems like an alien that doesnt understand what humour is.

  7. 1 week ago

    I will defend the ending of the book which i think is great and not a letdown like it seems in the movies. The book is only properly understood when read as a horror fantasy novel. The kids literally enter IT's lair through a magic door. THe spider is not his real form only a physical representation of the horror that lurks below the town (the spider is also like shelob in the book). The real Pennywise exists on a cosmic plane and that is how he is defeated. The ritual of chud in the book is a ceremony where you face fear on an astral plane and defeat it by making it bend to your will. The new movie fricked this up by making Pennywise more like Freddy Krueger. The kids in the book basically make IT questions its purpose or existence which allows them to kill its physical form.

    • 1 week ago

      Yeah the book ending is fine. The problem is Stephen King's utter lack of creativity when it comes to his eldritch monsters' final forms.
      Like, you know how Lovecraft thought deep sea life was freaky, so he incorporated aquatic aspects into his monsters? Well, King evidently thought the same thing about spiders, but instead of making his monsters spider-like, he just keeps making them spiders.
      Pennywise? Spider.
      The Crimson King? Spider.
      Mordred? Spider.

      • 1 week ago

        The problem is that if you go too far in the design aspect, how can the kids understand what they are facing? I think a spider which is a basic fear for nearly every child is a fine form for IT. My biggest dissapointment with the ending is actually the forms IT takes in the sewers (frankenstein, the crawling eye) which are somewhat lower tier than the wolfman or the creature from the black lagoon. King also conciously made this book with Lovecraft in mind. Its kind of like The Colour out of Space wherin a meteor crash lands of earth and affects the environment around it.

        • 1 week ago

          Fair, but he could have at least made it a freaky/fricked up/alien spider or something. Make its skin wrong, give it more legs, shit like that. The only major difference I can remember is that he gave it a venomous stinger and had it drool constantly.
          Look at Atlach-Natcha. That's a proper eldritch spider thing.

          • 1 week ago

            I dont think King explicitly states that IT comes to earth as a spider. I think IT breaks through some sort of cosmic divide and lands in what will become Derry a million years ago. The spider might be the form he latches onto over time as he begins to understand his environment (he may have lay dormant until the 1700s). I dont understand the Dark Tower stuff to be honest though so i dont know if he was a spider in that universe.

            • 1 week ago

              I read the book last year, and the spider is explained as the form Pennywise could adopt that's closest to its true form. Which again makes it weird it's JUST a big spider. King didn't make it have any kind of weird anatomy or bizarre aspects. It's just a larger than normal spider.
              Even the mini-series did a better job.

              • 1 week ago

                At least its better than the newest one. I remember being so disappointed in the theatre because i swore when i saw the first part in the theatre that i saw some huge squid like monster as Pennywise disappeared down the sewer pipe.I though that was where they were going with the second but we ended up with a stupid crab like clown.

              • 1 week ago

                >King didn't make it have any kind of weird anatomy or bizarre aspects. It's just a larger than normal spider.
                Odd, I remember the spider being made of bleeding lights and shit it definitely wasn't a normal spider

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah no, the only extra things about it was that it had a stinger and was drooling all the time. Maybe when it died it exploded into light, but for most of the encounter, it's just a big spider.

  8. 1 week ago

    Are they still doing that IT prequel on HBO?

  9. 1 week ago

    It's too bad Pennywise can't be played by someone as kino as Tim Curry. I would choose Paul Reubens he can wear the rubber bands that pull his saggy face back for Peewee and use that effect for Pennywise

    • 1 week ago

      >It's too bad Pennywise can't be played by someone as kino as Tim Curry. I would choose Paul Reubens he can wear the rubber bands that pull his saggy face back for Peewee and use that effect for Pennywise

      You mean like picrel?!?FACT!!!

    • 1 week ago

      Paul Reubens died a year ago, man.

  10. 1 week ago

    moron shilling his headcanon is the funniest thing I've seen in a while

    • 1 week ago

      >moron shilling his headcanon is the funniest thing I've seen in a while

      I'm glad you are amused!!!FACT!!!

  11. 1 week ago

    >everyone knows about orgy
    >nobody knows about Bowers getting a blowjob from his friend who killed his baby brother.

  12. 1 week ago

    >“Tell your friends I am the last of a dying race,' it said, grinning its sunken grin as it staggered and lurched down the porch steps after her. 'The only survivor of a dying planet. I have come to rob all the women...rape all the men...and learn to do the Peppermint Twist!”

  13. 1 week ago

    We need another coke fueled magnum opus by King. How is Tommyknockers which seemed to be his last?

    • 1 week ago

      He is too old now to do his extended cocaine benders where he wrote entire books.

      • 1 week ago

        I wonder if AI could do IT? evil bullies, weird sex stuff galore and addicted writers

  14. 1 week ago
  15. 1 week ago

    Has there ever been a bigger drop off in quaity than It part one to IT Part 2? Its like they went from Nightmare on Elm Street to Freddy's Dead in one movie. How much it was memed must have got in their heads because the movie is a tonal mess.

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