>wear a dress. >career and life stolen

>wear a dress
>career and life stolen

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  1. 1 week ago

    >commit an action
    >you're responsible for the consequences

    • 1 week ago

      >>you're responsible for the consequences
      But you're not. The person who commits an act is responsible for the act, not the consequences.

      • 1 week ago

        consequences result from the act

        • 1 week ago

          The act committed by the person doling out consequences
          Why isn't that person responsible for their actions?

          • 1 week ago

            >consequences only refer to other people's actions
            also responsibility can be shared

            • 1 week ago

              only refer to other people's actions
              You're confused. Consequences only refer to your own actions. They don't refer to other people's actions. Calling other people's actions a consequence implies that their own actions aren't their own responsibility.

              • 1 week ago

                I was never talking about other people's actions, that's my point

      • 1 week ago

        The act committed by the person doling out consequences
        Why isn't that person responsible for their actions?

        only refer to other people's actions
        You're confused. Consequences only refer to your own actions. They don't refer to other people's actions. Calling other people's actions a consequence implies that their own actions aren't their own responsibility.

        Holy autism....

    • 1 week ago

      If you say hi to me and as a consequence I decide to rape you, then you're responsible for it? I bet this homie voted for biden

      • 1 week ago

        If I live in a country where there's a precedence for people getting raped if they say hi, then yes I must accept responsibility

        • 1 week ago

          Precedence does not equate to moral or just. People who think like you enable situations like Rotherham grooming gangs. I'm looking forward to starting the precedence of lynching homosexuals like you

          • 1 week ago

            You seem a lil upset tbhon bud. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Has nothing to do with morality. Grow a brain, pencildick.

            • 1 week ago

              TBHon? You think I'm your tuberculosis honey? You're so sweet.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm not letting you get the last word. I refuse.

              • 1 week ago

                great use of your time anon

              • 1 week ago

                You cannot win. I won't let you.

    • 1 week ago

      Cope chink.
      Your country is a regressive shithole

      It is so fricking hilarious that anyone criticizes america as much as they do given how moronic other countries are and how much they completely violate basic human rights
      You are all such fricking idiots

      • 1 week ago

        rent free

      • 1 week ago

        Nobody even brought up even a hint of America you delusional tard

    • 1 week ago

      > commit an action
      Bring joy to the world? I'm still think back happy to the fact she wore that rocking dress.

    • 1 week ago

      Any "consequence" that is purely based on perception, and not based on harm or the potential for harm, is not your fault.

  2. 1 week ago

    Nobody knows what you're on about. Touch grass.

    • 1 week ago

      What's with braindead zoomers and their obsession with grass

    • 1 week ago

      >what you're on about
      why have reddit people all started saying "what are you on about"? you're not british bro. you sound like a gay

      • 1 week ago

        redditors are all boring californoids with no accent or regional mannerisms so they have to adopt affectations to make themselves sound interesting, like faking an accent, speaking in Black folk-speak (""""AAVE"""") or using expressions from other english-speaking countries. same reason a lot of redditors use "y'all" despite not being from the south.
        it's a result of California being the cultural center of the world for a long time, almost every actor has a californian (western) accent and dialect so everyone's used to it and it's considered blase. every social media influencer is from LA so everyone's used to hearing a coastal LA accent and it's generally considered the "neutral" accent or "not an accent".

        • 1 week ago

          no one on reddit speaks with an accent? you are insane. this is reddit derangement

          • 1 week ago

            >le what? What are you talking about? Huh?
            have a nice day.

            • 1 week ago

              I know what he (you) said, I'm pointing out that it's a moronic thing to say
              Black person

      • 1 week ago

        You can't say 'what are you talking about?' because you're not talking. And 'what are you typing about?' just sounds stupid.

        • 1 week ago

          "What are you saying" would suffice


          >Incel zoomer desperately projects
          grassless nontoucher here

          But the dead Korean babe! What will become of her memory and eternal soul?

          • 1 week ago

            I literally have no idea who that generic coomerslop is and I do not care.

            >no you can't just say x y z
            Don't care about your autistic problems either. Nothing wrong with using "saying" or "talking" to refer to online communication that is typed rather than spoken. If you don't like it you can jerk off yourself to sleep while crying.

      • 1 week ago

        I have been saying "the frick are you on about?" for 20 years, is it reddit now?

      • 1 week ago

        redditors are all boring californoids with no accent or regional mannerisms so they have to adopt affectations to make themselves sound interesting, like faking an accent, speaking in Black folk-speak (""""AAVE"""") or using expressions from other english-speaking countries. same reason a lot of redditors use "y'all" despite not being from the south.
        it's a result of california being the cultural center of the world for a long time, almost every actor has a californian (western) accent and dialect so everyone's used to it and it's considered blase. every social media influencer is from LA so everyone's used to hearing a coastal LA accent and it's generally considered the "neutral" accent or "not an accent".

        What the frick are ya'll on about?

    • 1 week ago


      What's with braindead zoomers and their obsession with grass

      >Incel zoomer desperately projects
      grassless nontoucher here

  3. 1 week ago

    Imagine looking like that and then killing yourself.

    A woman literally needs to show off that kind of body ONCE, go viral and then make an OF and rake in millions just posing around once a week.


    • 1 week ago

      She's korean
      Korean dont get married let alone breed

      • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      it's really insane when you think about it
      from our perspective she had all she needed to live a long easy happy life but still... she commited suicide
      you never know what's inside peoples heads

      • 1 week ago

        It's the same way you see billionaires and movie stars who are profoundly unhappy people. You can remind yourself of your good fortune as much as you want, but if you can't fix the things that truly matter *to you*, you'll be miserable. Sure, I'd much rather be rich, beautiful, and depressed than poor, ugly, and depressed, but that third one is still tricky either way.

    • 1 week ago

      You greatly over estimate the earnings of an OF prostitute

      • 1 week ago

        It's a different tier when it's a semi-famous person since it draws in a huge amount of normies and jeets

        • 1 week ago

          This. Big tiddy Asians in particular have a strong chance of joining the 1% club of top earners, and the hottest among them will join the .01% club where they rake in millions a year.

    • 1 week ago

      simps like you enabling eprostitutes should sent to the gulag along with them

  4. 1 week ago

    She showed her breasts in a valance movie

    • 1 week ago

      Who shot her liberated breasts in a valance movie?

  5. 1 week ago

    If only she found a Black man...

    • 1 week ago

      then she'd have found out how much black men love black wiener LMAO

  6. 1 week ago

    Since (you) are a poor OP, I'll do your job for you. The actress is Oh In-hye.
    ALWAYS post sauce comrades.

    • 1 week ago

      thank you.


      >wear a dress
      >career and life stolen

      op is a moronic c**t and should hang himself.

      • 1 week ago

        >waaahhhh spoonfeed me
        Go back

  7. 1 week ago

    She walked so K-poppers could run

  8. 1 week ago

    my white penis could have saved her

    • 1 week ago

      Nice joke

    • 1 week ago

      all 5 inches kek?

      • 1 week ago

        Asians women have tighter pussies to accommodate the smaller penises of Asian men. 5 inches might be a little too big actually.

      • 1 week ago
      • 1 week ago

        5 inches of love, understanding, and support no matter how upset she was about her failed acting career. Yes. If only she had met the right white guy

  9. 1 week ago

    She could have saved her life by splurging on a dress that fit her bodice, like Gucci, could have sewed it to fit and support her huge rack. This looks trashy and boobs look different sizes.

    • 1 week ago

      >boobs look different sizes
      Never seen a naked woman, let alone one with big breasts, in real life, eh?

  10. 1 week ago

    Her in that outfit was too much for the critics to handle. Seen her others outfit but the infamous orange one, screams "bad b***h".

    Need those shoes though

  11. 1 week ago

    Built for comically girthy white penis

  12. 1 week ago

    She killed herself like 9 years after wearing that dress.

    • 1 week ago

      That dress ruined her career.

  13. 1 week ago

    What exactly was the scandal again? She wore that dress and Koreans ostracized her for it?

    Are Koreans really that prude? Thats no where near as bad as the literal see through nude outfits women in Hollywood wear

    • 1 week ago

      The itty bitty titty committee (like 95% of Korean foids) hounded her for daring to have big breasts and showing them off. There is a huge crabs in a bucket mentality in Korea.

    • 1 week ago

      its all about face, few koreans actually care that she acted loose, they care that she was seen to act loose
      modern dating culture is at its worst in korea and japan and is partly the reason why their birthrates are circling the drain
      but koreans dont care about that because its private
      plus typical women things such as tearing down more attractive women for being attractive

    • 1 week ago

      Isn't porn like completely banned in Korea? It's why all those Kpop idols are so popular because it's like the only remotely lewd things the guys there can fap to

      • 1 week ago

        all I know is all the camgirls in Korea can't show their pussy. They can tease and show breasts and orgasm on cam, but no labia.

        • 1 week ago

          Why would anyone live like that? You only have one life, why waste it in a shithole? People are dumb.

  14. 1 week ago

    breasts too fat

  15. 1 week ago

    Korean women are some of the worst online bullies. They will stalk and harass people, usually attractive women until they kill themselves. This is why "idols" are not allowed to have public boyfriends or girlfriends. They would get death threats.

  16. 1 week ago


  17. 1 week ago

    Nobody knows who you are talking about, we don’t follow e-celeb gossip

  18. 1 week ago

    She was involved in many minutes of multiple different pornographic scenes, you know.

    • 1 week ago

      Your evidence Mr. Wright?

  19. 1 week ago

    It was basically nationwide cope and seethe that drove her to suicide. Cope because korean "men" would never get her and seethe because korean "women" would never rock a nice pair of breasts like hers without yet another visit to their corner store plastic surgeon.

  20. 1 week ago

    Wow she actually does have a lot of nudes but I am scared to post them not sure how this works.

    • 1 week ago

      I'll sacrifice myself. I implore you all search out her material. She's a real cutie it's a shame how it all turned out. A REAL damn shame..
      >verification not required

      • 1 week ago

        i kneel senpai

      • 1 week ago

        >file deleted
        damn shame indeed friend


        This that mainline shit

      • 1 week ago

        You are a true hero in a world of fake manufactured media creations.

  21. 1 week ago

    she offed herself because of the boob imbalance

  22. 1 week ago

    what a body

  23. 1 week ago

    Of course I'd let her drain me to a husk, but that tit job looks poor.

  24. 1 week ago

    are there lewds

    • 1 week ago

      Yes. Plural.

    • 1 week ago

      i got you senpai

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        Damn she's skinny.

  25. 1 week ago

    Delicious asiatic hangers

  26. 1 week ago

    if only that happens everywhere, instead you virgin chuds just drool over women being prostitutes and bawds.

  27. 1 week ago

    I stayed in korea once on business and I was hoping there'd be some sexy asiatics on the hotel tv and there was absolutely nothing at all lmao. and no the lack of porn didn't make those little bugmen any more "wholesome" or trad lmao, everyone in seoul acted like a dead-eyed walking corpse, polar opposite of tokyo lol. shitty ass insect country

    • 1 week ago

      Koreans are evil people. They leave a bunch of kids to die on a sinking ferry and then have people crushed in a shitty alleyway. Japan should be given free reign to pillage these fricks again.

      • 1 week ago


  28. 1 week ago

    Her last video is fricking creepy. Encoding errors look like chopping her head with a comb.

  29. 1 week ago

    reminder troony jannies didn't give her a sticky

  30. 1 week ago

    this website is full of miserable spastic cynical virgins with zero redeeming qualities or values. if you subhumans got carted off and executed en-masse, I wouldn't feel a whit of pity.

  31. 1 week ago

    i thought there was a korean actress who dressed like this to the oscars recently

  32. 1 week ago

    She could've been a mistress to some rich chaebol instead of dying over zero career

  33. 1 week ago

    Qrd? Who the frick is this and why do you care so much

    • 1 week ago

      There's not much to it, and the info is around the thread:

      Oh In-hye (오인혜). She did little other than show up to a red carpet in pictured dress which became a reposted meme image of sorts, not that anyone knew her.

      She was a C to D level korean actress where she went on to decline in her job prospects after said boob dress as her high point in career to failure. Later she resurfaced when it was revealed that the red dress girl, yes that one, had killed herself.

      The narrative is after her sexy dress which, in her own words, she thought would impress people with how daring and cool it was, she only got offers for borderline porn low profile films (it's a thing in korea) and got a lot of hate on the Internet. She later killed herself in despair when it all piled up, despite her good looks. We all could have saved her.

      In reality, so I've heard, she quit acting to be a small businessman when she wasn't getting great jobs (floral shop or something), then that fell through too she tried to return to acting, but by that time her star had fallen and no one was giving her worthwhile work. She got some shit for her boob dress but that's not what drove her to depression.

      You can also watch her final beauty vlog video on the Internet.

      • 1 week ago

        Thanks, anon

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