
I miss her so much I can't stand it.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    >Glad you could come, Anon. Now take off that shirt and jump in the pool!

  2. 8 months ago

    Frankie is the better redhead



    • 8 months ago

      True, at least she didn’t reject the boy crushing on her like Wendy did.

      • 8 months ago

        Reminder that they have, at most, a 3 year age gap.

        • 8 months ago

          Weird how Ferb and Vanessa, who have an age gap of 7-8 years, is accepted but this pairing isn’t.

        • 8 months ago

          Pretty much the same age gap as Aang and Katara and nobody ever complained about that.

          • 8 months ago

            Again, same age gap as Aang and Katara
            It’s not any different “stage” of development, it’s Alex being a dumb prude about an incredibly arbitrary nonissue

            Viewers disliked the age gap between Katara and Aang that they started shipping her with Zuko who was at the time their sworn enemy.

            • 8 months ago

              >Viewers disliked the age gap between Katara and Aang
              They didn’t and you have zero actual example of this because you made it up for a narrative.
              Also your made up lie is hilarious because Katara and Zuko have the same agegap, he’s two-to-three years older than Katara

          • 8 months ago

            What? Aang is at least 100 yo

        • 8 months ago

          12 and 15 are in two different stages of development.

          • 8 months ago

            Again, same age gap as Aang and Katara
            It’s not any different “stage” of development, it’s Alex being a dumb prude about an incredibly arbitrary nonissue

          • 8 months ago

            yet 22 and 25 wouldn't be

            • 8 months ago

              yes, that's how aging works. Gaps get smaller the older you get. The difference between a 5 year old and a 10 year old is much greater than a 30 year old and a 35 year old.

          • 8 months ago

            If that were the case, the show should've done a better job at expressing how different their interests are and how that hurts their compatibility.

            Instead of, you know. Having ALL their scenes alone show them having a blast with each other.

            • 8 months ago

              You can have fun with someone without being romantically interested in them. Wendy has a type and Dipper isn't it.

              You act like these are living beings with free will. The only free will here is Alex’s, and it was the will to write 2 whole seasons around Dipper loving Wendy just to end it with a poopy fart of a rejection because of some message about “tiny agegaps bad”

              I don't think age gap was the only reason, but it was the excuse given. Sometimes crushes just don't work out. Telling dipper "I'm too old for you" is a softer blow to his ego than telling him that she's just not physically attracted to him.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't think age gap was the only reason
                I do, since that was clearly what the show was pushing. Any slightly saner show maybe not, but that’s obviously what Gravity Falls was making out was the only reason why it was horrible and morally bad.

              • 8 months ago

                So what will happen once Dipper’s legal and the age gap isn’t an issue anymore?

              • 8 months ago

                >I do
                Well that's because you're a weirdo who misreads signals.

              • 8 months ago

                >Wendy has a type and Dipper isn't it.
                She literally says he is but he's too young, did you watch the show

      • 8 months ago

        how dare she reject someone who liked her.

        • 8 months ago

          You act like these are living beings with free will. The only free will here is Alex’s, and it was the will to write 2 whole seasons around Dipper loving Wendy just to end it with a poopy fart of a rejection because of some message about “tiny agegaps bad”

          • 8 months ago

            >I don't think the intention was to make it seem wrong or weird
            I think you’re mixing up your own narratives of the show with what the show actually said and did.
            It wasn’t a source of humor, only condescending moralising. It was to show Wendy as morally right to say Dipper is too young to be allowed to date her and Dipper as morally wrong for even wanting to. Hence the time travel shit where Mabel tries to equate and shame him for 3 year old Wendy crushing on him. If the show did what you said they’d make it funny that Wendy is just being stupid over nothing. They didn’t, they made Wendy to be right and Dipper to be moronic for thinking he ever stood a chance or deserved a chance despite a tiny age gap, then tried to equate it to him wanting to date a toddler.

            Also everyone Dipper’s age in the show is high height. Candy, Pacifica, Mabel. Grenda is just slightly taller and that’s blamed on her being half-giant.

            You're guys are reading way too much into this.
            Dipper's whole character arc is learning to enjoy being a kid and not wanting to grow up so fast. Mabel represents one end of the spectrum while Wendy and Stanford represent the other.
            There's no moral element to it. Wendy and Dipper are both still kids and neither of them are meant to be seen as right or wrong the show is simply giving you their perspective of how they view the world and relationships as kids.

            • 8 months ago

              >I do
              Well that's because you're a weirdo who misreads signals.

              >There's no moral element to it
              It is, it’s difficult to believe you’re this obtuse. If the big pretentious apology Dipper had to give to Wendy in their rejection scene didn’t tip you off that the show is moral grandstanding about agegaps and how Dipper is wrong for wanting one, the fact they shamed him for toddler Wendy should have, or Hirsch’s moronic quote about how Dipper is too young for romance and should be eating pokemon cards and playing poptarts should have

              • 8 months ago

                Anon there is no moral element to it. You really think the whole point of the show was to say that 12 and 15 year olds shouldn't date? Seems like a weird pitch to make to Disney if you ask me.
                Wendy and Dipper not getting together in the end is symbolic of him fulfilling his character arc of not trying to rush into adulthood that's it. That's all Hirsch was trying to say not some elaborate social commentary about kids dating as if that's such a serious thing in the first place. I mean the show constantly pokes fun at it. The time travel scene is just meant to be played for laughs like any what if scenario. I mean what's the alternative Dipper starts actually dating a toddler? Obviously that would be ridiculous there was literally no other way to play such a scene.

              • 8 months ago

                The whole point of the romance with Wendy was to say that 12 and 15 year olds shouldn't date.
                If it were at all “symbolic of him fulfilling his character arc of not trying to rush into adulthood” then it would be Dipper’s choice of not wanting to date Wendy.
                But it isn’t, it’s Wendy rejecting Dipper and telling Dipper he has no option and no choice and no chance with her at all because they have an agegap and therefore it’s wrong because he’s too young. Nothing about it was voluntary from Dipper’s end and nothing “grew” from it, he was smacked down and told he’s wrong for thinking she’s not too old for him

                Well done for entirely misreading that shit too. The toddler scene was saying “if you expect someone two years older than you to want to give you a chance that’s just as bad as you molesting a toddler, Dipper. Wendy was right for rejecting you and you are too young for any sane 15 year old to ever want you.”
                It’s moronic false-equivalency that only exists for moral grandstanding about inane moral politics

              • 8 months ago

                >If it were at all “symbolic of him fulfilling his character arc of not trying to rush into adulthood” then it would be Dipper’s choice of not wanting to date Wendy.
                But it is his choice. Part of growing up is learning to accept rejection and who you are and it's Dipper's choice to do that. He accepts Wendy's decision because he accepts that he's still just a kid and realizes that it wouldn't have worked anyway.
                Wendy is not meant to be some paragon of virtue that decides what's right and wrong. She's literally a side character that exists to add to the main character's arc.
                The only reason you think this is such a moral issue is because you can clearly only see the world in black and white yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                Except it could have worked, and there is no stone distinction between Dipper being a baby and Wendy being an adult. Dipper had nothing to accept if Wrndy was not right, whoch she isn’t. They’re two years apart and it is moronic for both of them to claim that’s too old for them to date.

              • 8 months ago

                >not some elaborate social commentary about kids dating as if that's such a serious thing in the first place

              • 8 months ago

                This is the cope he told himself after a cool camp senior rejected him

              • 8 months ago

                In what way is he making a moral judgement here though?
                He's not saying it's morally wrong for kids to date just that they are better off not doing it and focusing on typical kid stuff
                As if most adults wouldn't agree with that too

              • 8 months ago

                It was in response to someone asking who Dipper gets with after the Wendy rejection. So yeah it very obviously is very much a moral judgement that Dipper should not be allowed to engage that side of himself because of his age.
                Kids at that age exploring romance is also completely natural, most adults unlike yourself have enough brain matter and social lives to remember as much.

              • 8 months ago

                >It was in response to someone asking who Dipper gets with after the Wendy rejection. So yeah it very obviously is very much a moral judgement
                What? There is zero logic behind this conclusion. In fact this makes it seem even more innocuous. You're literally just making this about what you want it to be about.

              • 8 months ago

                It’s about what Dipper “should” be doing because of his age, when asked about who Dipper will be with after Wendy rejected him on account of his age. He’s very clearly on his moral high-horse again about how Dipper was wrong to expect or want romance from Wendy or the other girls and should just give up on the romance he wanted to guzzle poptarts like the sanitised caricature of childhood he’s painted inside his head
                >You're literally just making this about what you want it to be about
                You would be a worldclass olympian if projection were a sport

              • 8 months ago

                >He’s very clearly on his moral high-horse again about how Dipper was wrong to expect or want romance from Wendy or the other girls and should just give up on the romance he wanted to guzzle poptarts like the sanitised caricature of childhood he’s painted inside his head
                No anon you literally just made all this up in your head. You are insane.

              • 8 months ago

                >Hirsch whining through multiple episodes how Dipper is wrong for picking up girls, how Dipper is wrong for wanting to date someone slightly older than him, how Dipper is wrong for wanting any romantic life at all
                >nooooo you’re making all this up!
                Holy shit get Alex’s tiny dick out your mouth you simping lil gay. Gravity Falls was shit and Alex’s moral b***hing about pickup lines and agegaps was shit and has nothing to do with comedy

              • 8 months ago

                If I had a kid, there's no way in hell i'd let him date at 12. 16 at least

              • 8 months ago

                Frick's sake, never do that to your kids. I know from experience. Freshman year is fine.

              • 8 months ago

                >"Kids shouldn't be dating at 12"
                >*Makes horniness one of the kids' defining traits*

  3. 8 months ago

    She should move to whatever city they live in and be Summer's new best friend. And get hit by one of Rick's ray guns.

  4. 8 months ago


  5. 8 months ago

    You aren't the only one anon

  6. 8 months ago
  7. 8 months ago

    It's only weird because of the character designs. Dipper has the average height of a six year old and Wendy is twice as tall as him. In real life, 12-13 year old boys can easily be taller than 15 year old girls.

    • 8 months ago

      It’s a self-made prophecy. The show wants to paint it as wrong or weird so it purposefully designs Dipper like a toddler to make it seem like they’re worlds apart

      • 8 months ago

        I don't think the intention was to make it seem wrong or weird
        If anything I think the whole point was to highlight the humor in how kids view such a short time as 3 years which is a trope that's been done many times i.e. the classic kids vs high schoolers type plot
        It's an easy and consistent conflict to carry on and add interest throughout the whole series that is both funny and drives home the main themes of the show
        It's noted that Dipper is unusually short for his age which is an important part of his character and it's just cartoon 101 to make visual elements like this exaggerated

        • 8 months ago

          >I don't think the intention was to make it seem wrong or weird
          I think you’re mixing up your own narratives of the show with what the show actually said and did.
          It wasn’t a source of humor, only condescending moralising. It was to show Wendy as morally right to say Dipper is too young to be allowed to date her and Dipper as morally wrong for even wanting to. Hence the time travel shit where Mabel tries to equate and shame him for 3 year old Wendy crushing on him. If the show did what you said they’d make it funny that Wendy is just being stupid over nothing. They didn’t, they made Wendy to be right and Dipper to be moronic for thinking he ever stood a chance or deserved a chance despite a tiny age gap, then tried to equate it to him wanting to date a toddler.

          Also everyone Dipper’s age in the show is high height. Candy, Pacifica, Mabel. Grenda is just slightly taller and that’s blamed on her being half-giant.

    • 8 months ago

      It’s a self-made prophecy. The show wants to paint it as wrong or weird so it purposefully designs Dipper like a toddler to make it seem like they’re worlds apart

      It's weird because Wendy and Dipper don't actually get along. Dipper is just hanging out with Wendy because he wants to frick her.

  8. 8 months ago
  9. 8 months ago

    Art style quirks factoring into actual writing only works if it's actually consistent and thought out, otherwise it's moronic

  10. 8 months ago

    >meanwhile, in Japan

  11. 8 months ago

    Still hate the episode where Dipper is painted as a player.

    • 8 months ago

      It's not great to be honest family.

    • 8 months ago

      >no you can’t wanna date attractive girls 2 years your senior, your agegap makes it wrong, they’re too old for you and you need to learn to accept it and give up even wanting it
      >no you can’t actively pursue girls you’re not as attracted to who happen to be your age, actively chasing girls you fancy makes you a morally bankrupt player and you should be ashamed for not accepting disgusting creatures from the black lagoon like Candy who you aren’t interested in
      >you should just passively allow ugly sameage girls you are not attracted to in the slightest approach you and then accept them instead of chasing girls you actually like either of the same age or older
      - Hirsch the Hobbit

  12. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Images that aged like sunbathed milk

  13. 8 months ago

    Can we get back to Wendyposting?

    • 8 months ago

      No, thread has made me realise how trash Wendy was

    • 8 months ago

      Why we should we talk about an average looking chick?

  14. 8 months ago

    Gravity Falls doesn't hold up

  15. 8 months ago

    banjabu's halloween cosplay specials feature wendy this year so there's that.

  16. 8 months ago

    She was pretty great since they mostly had some restraint with her being "cool." Even her more active roles like Into the Bunker was exciting to see. The only time they fricked up with her and dipped into the Californian bullshit writing was her screaming "WE'RE WOMEN AND WE TAKE WHAT WE WANT" while punching a tree. Glad it didn't go for more than 2 seasons or they really could've fricked this character up majorly.

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