What animated TV series has the best written story? I don't give a shit about the animation quality or characters.

What animated TV series has the best written story?

I don't give a shit about the animation quality or characters. I care only the plot and nothing else

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Haven't seen DuckTales. But of the other three: the best is the first two seasons of Amphibia and the worst is the final season of Amphibia

    • 2 weeks ago

      >first two seasons of Amphibia


      What animated TV series has the best written story?

      I don't give a shit about the animation quality or characters. I care only the plot and nothing else

      Anyway the answer is I suppose GF because it was the only one that could afford to tell its entire story, or at least until Hirsch got burnt out and decided to wrap it up in 2 seasons instead of 3.
      TOH only really gets a story going in the end of S1, and I think it has a lot of good beats from that point on, but then also had to wrap things up somewhat quickly.
      Amphibia, for the majority of it, is not a story driven show. It's an episodic comedy about a colorful fantasy world, with an occasional episode tying into the bigger plot. S3 is the one where at least the majority of episodes are plot-related and it's got a lot of problems.
      Never saw Ducktales either.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >or at least until Hirsch got burnt out and decided to wrap it up in 2 seasons instead of 3.

        He always wanted it to be two seasons you moronic moron

        • 2 weeks ago

          Didn't he want 3 seasons for 3 months of Summer?

  2. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Honestly yes
      Very seralized but straightforward and doesn’t waste a second on filler. Not a mature show but a well written one

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Very serialized
        You say that like a bad thing when all LORE shows consistently pull their bullshit from nowhere pretending it was planned all along or not loosely connected by three episodes an entire season.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Don't know if you're drunk or groggy but somehow you misinterpreted a 2 sentence post entirely

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Neither of the examples you posted.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    probably gravity falls

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Adventure Time doesn't have the best-written story, but it probably has the richest and most interesting one with lots of shit going on.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    DuckTales would have pulled off a "meh, s'alright I guess if not for the clone ending completely undermining all their "family is what you make it" talk.
    Of the rest, rated by plot quality
    Gravity Falls > The Owl House > Amphibia.
    Just don't put cloning in your final episode, Jesus. It never works well!

  7. 2 weeks ago

    No answer will satisfy anyone here, everyone of these shows has flaws. The safe answer gravity falls. Gravity falls had people who worked on the other shows on there show for at and it shows. My personal favorite is Amphibian because if the charge ter focus with Anne. We don't get that with dipper from Gravity falls and certainly not with Mabel. But if you like a mystery Gravity falls is the way to go. There's mystery in Ducktales as well but it was never as good as gravity falls. Now the real challenges is which shownhs the best ending because honestly they all fall flat in my book, some harder than others.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Now the real challenges is which shownhs the best ending
      Owl House because it didn't underwhelm anyone, it was exactly what people who got into it bargained for.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Shit man that's spot on to my reaction of the ending you're right. I really only watched it to the complete it, and haven't gone back at all I cant say the same for the other three shows.

      • 2 weeks ago

        So true.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    probably Justice League.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Gravity Falls
      Good overall quality but the finale needs work.
      >the Owl House
      Really bad story overall. This is just Harry Potter for even more autistic women.
      Mostly good
      Good season 1. Bad-Mediocre season 2. Really bad season 3. Really really bad finale.

      I would go with Amphibia because I'm still bitter how they revolved the conflict between the two generations of Pine Twins.

      If we are counting things outside the image in OP probably Justice League.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Tribe homosexual

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Avatar the last airbender
    Adventure time
    Gravity falls
    ..... that's bout it really

    • 2 weeks ago

      I would add OTGW to the list.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't think it's fair to compare OTGW to shows with multiple seasons, as a miniseries that all together is barely an hour and a half it was playing by entirely different rules

    • 2 weeks ago

      Avatar was only famous for it's characters, it's story was just okay

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Gravity Falls is the most cohesive by far. There's a few moments that the veil hiding the fact they were making it up as they went along slips, but it for the most part does a damn fine job of convincing you they had a Grand Plan laid out from episode one.
    Amphibia is a total mess, especially season 3 where it's obvious that they made changes due to S&P absolutely losing their minds over True Colors and toned things down.
    The Owl House they clearly had an arc set out from the beginning but S1 was a mess due to executive interference and then the rest of the story ended up rushed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >executive interference
      I hate that excuse and think its horseshit. People try and tell me the school shit was because of Disney not the writers but they're the same people who tell me grom was the best episode. Well gee good thing that school shit was there prom episode.

      • 2 weeks ago

        People don't say that because they don't like the school shit, literally a big portion of the fandom hated on Dana for sidelining the school characters and Gus (& somewhat Willow) for most of Season 2 & 3. Dana has stated multiple times the school was added because of Disney and she actually hated the idea which is why she gradually started to give it less attention by Season 2, but of course at that point they couldn't completely get rid of it.
        Also, whoever tells you grom was the best episode most likely has a fetish for dykes. It doesn't even come close in my opinion.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >People don't say that because they don't like the school shit, literally a big portion of the fandom hated on Dana for sidelining the school characters and Gus (& somewhat Willow) for most of Season 2 & 3. Dana has stated multiple times the school was added because of Disney and she actually hated the idea which is why she gradually started to give it less attention by Season 2, but of course at that point they couldn't completely get rid of it.
          Not really.
          The school was supposed to exist but not the focus but at the end of the day, Luz was supposed to get the respect of Bump regardless and all the school. Different path with the same result and Dana is happy with it, she said it in the the pixelth... or I don't know from that event from mexico she went.
          >Also, whoever tells you grom was the best episode most likely has a fetish for dykes. It doesn't even come close in my opinion.
          It has gays but also it has seeds for Luz's arc about her mother and all.
          The episode is just that good.
          Stop being a /misc/tard.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >The episode is just that good.
            It was a snorefest like the majority of Season 1. If I'm being honest the only interesting aspects of the show is the Wittebros and The Archivists/Collector lore and that was severely underexplored.
            It's honestly a shame how TOH and other shows like SU have intriguing backstories that are much more interesting than what happens in the present, and should've been explored more. Waste of potential really.

            • 2 weeks ago

              You're wrong.
              You don't have to know all the details in order to understand the backstories, you can comprend and understand everything about what the show tells you through show/don't tell and that way it makes the backstories more intriguing than it should be.

              Lamentably we are living in times where people see as "wasted potential" shows that literally don't tell every detail about it which I don't like, it loses the mysticism and the mystery to imagine how things went.

              The exposition and tell/don't show of Hazbin Hotel is the reason why I don't like the show instead of using my imagination go wild with the story, it tells me everything, it's super spoonfeed.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Steven Universe. Sadly because the plot is about the characters you kind of have to give a shit about them. You can argue how it was badly executed, I think the decision of shoving Steven in absolutely everything was kinda lame, but the show is still pretty amazing and on paper even better.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    something from the 90s or 2000s, maybe 80s too

    • 2 weeks ago

      >good story
      It was all monster-of-the-week, which I don't even hate, but the 80s was very repetitive and samey about it.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    If by "animated tv series" you mean anime as well than probably something short that weaves its themes in the narrative flawlessly like Paranoia Agent

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm not from Cinemaphile homosexual

      • 2 weeks ago

        Well you said "animated series" instead of cartoons so I thought everything goes.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Its avatar

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Owl House > Gravity Falls > Amphibia > Ducktales

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Amphibia, the final is ass but the first season has a workable balance of plot/characters, unlike the others where one of them sucks ass (or both in the case of Ducktales).

  17. 2 weeks ago

    12 oz. mouse

  18. 2 weeks ago

    It's obviously specific arcs from Archer, and you'd be a fool to think otherwise.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    How good is the Plot?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Basically, he's saying he doesn't want to hear about the overall plot is good not oh best character focus or I like it because this particular character or oh the animation is beautiful so it stands out. Take out that and give the bare-bones. Like if you read the skript only which would be the best. I think that's a little unfair since characters even in literature need to be written for a story to work. So I guess he doesn't want it as a script just a concept. So there's how I’d break it down. Going left to right top down.

      Two twins stumple onto the mystery of this small town but things aren't as they seem they only have until summer ends to solve the mystery.

      Outcast girl discovers her dream world but is is what she always dreamed of?

      Girl wakes up in nightmare bugs are bigger than her, will she find her friends and get home?

      Three boys find out there family is amazing can they live up to it and find there missing mother?

      Wow ducktales is hard to describe without going into characters.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Those are alot of words my boy.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    xavier: renegade angel

  21. 2 weeks ago

    I for one say over the garden wall has the best written narrative of any animated series.
    Book Two: Earth of Avatar is possibly the best single season of an animated show, but the rest of the series isn’t quite as up to par.

    I also feel 12oz Mouse is far more intelligent and has far better writing than it was given credit for with its mystery narrative

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >I don't give a shit about the animation quality or characters. I care only the plot and nothing else
    you shouldn't be watching cartoons then. watch a tv show or sth

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I like the plot and characters of SU and feel that's why it's still talked about, for good or ill. Definitely more quality examples like Avatar but this is my pick specifically.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Gumball unironically its Void plot was never been done before and I like how its a metaphor of cancelation as well.

    Its better than the typical melodrama shit shows mentioned in this homosexual thread

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Regular show

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Regular show's story is the space dome plot nobody gives a frick about.
      Your show was strictly good for only comedy and lel catchphrases

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Why Ducktales instead of Star vs.?

    • 2 weeks ago

      There’s not a single person, not even the actual fans of said show who would argue for it being well written

      • 2 weeks ago

        Eehh it was kinda well-written in the second season

  27. 2 weeks ago

    Amphibia S2B > Gravity Falls > OH post S1 > Amphibia > OH S1 > Ducktales

  28. 2 weeks ago

    None of those
    Hell, Amphibia only has a story when it reaches the end of a season

  29. 2 weeks ago


  30. 2 weeks ago

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