What are some dubbing oddities or censorship from your country?

What are some dubbing oddities or censorship from your country?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    They didn't even try here lol.
    I'm an amerilard so I'll just post random ones
    Ceviche from Chowder is a girl in other dubs, Smellerbee from Avatar is boy
    Ponies either drink apple juice in most of the world, or just straight up beer in I think the Polish or Hungarian dub

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Ceviche from Chowder is a girl in other dubs, Smellerbee from Avatar is boy
      I'm guessing those aren't censorship, they're just done for ease of translation or a misunderstanding
      Especially in Smellerbee's case, my country doesn't have gender neutral pronouns like "you", all 1st person pronouns are gendered, so when they translate stuff like that and the character is gender ambiguous they just give em a random pronoun. Then, when it's suddenly revealed what gender they really are halfway thru the show, the network says "oh we fricked up... Oh well, leave it" and never fixes it because it'd be more confusing to suddenly flip it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      the pony thing was a problem cultural differences because in america 'apple cider' means hot pressed apple juice, and in europe it nearly always refers to alcoholic cider, which america just calls 'alcoholic' or 'hard' cider

      • 2 weeks ago

        No, it doesn't. I live in Europe, and you'd have to specify alcoholic cider. "Cider" by default is like soda.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Ponies either drink apple juice in most of the world, or just straight up beer in I think the Polish or Hungarian dub
      Reminds me that the cider episode was skipped in my country. Cider means exclusively hard cider in the UK, so that episode was cut and the word "cider" was changed to juice or cut out entirely.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Ceviche's case wasn't much a censorship than it was a mistake or a playful choice. It was change later on the season. It also doesn't make much sense since having a girly boy is less pron to be censored than having a girl liking girls in children's cartoon tv from the 2000's (unless it was a throwaway gag like Ceviche saying to Panini "Oh, give a kiss Mamacita!")

  2. 2 weeks ago

    This one's a classic.

    • 2 weeks ago

      what the frick is this censorship...
      Her face is exposed, people will think she is a bawd!

  3. 2 weeks ago

    this can't be, smoking and drinking alcohol are very normal parts of life that russian culture perceivers as being totally ok for kids to know about, even if it doesn't encourage em to do it, they don't have this belief that they shouldn't be allowed to even see it
    this can't be russian, it has to be from a russian channel in another country

    • 2 weeks ago

      Georgia, probably.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Is that real? lol
      In any case, americans used to be champions in this, on the good old 4kids days.
      Internet has defeated this kind of censorship.

      I don't know. I have heard they can't show people kissing in animated movies.

      • 2 weeks ago

        maybe they have different laws specifically for animation, or american animation?

        what's more likely is that they dig their tapes from who-knows-where and they already come pre censored
        russia's doesn't have a huge media industry, and it's even smaller when it comes to media shipping in from other countries
        they usually only get a few dozen, to, if theyre lucky, a couple hundred properly dubbed movies a year, particularly the very big ones like disney or harry potter or whatever, and everything else gets the good ol "lowering the audio to 50% and having 2-3 voice actors just speak over the film as it's playing" dubbing

    • 2 weeks ago

      there are laws that prohibit "propaganda of unhealthy lifestyle" (don't remember actual name for this shit).
      Basically you can't show a cigarette or an alcohol drink if you're not airing your stuff at night.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You can show it on adult channels, you just can't directly advertise it to kids
        The problem is that animation was considered a children's medium in the mainstream for the longest time towards the end of the last century and the start of this one

        • 2 weeks ago

          isn't advertisement of alcohol prohibited on ALL channels?
          Пocлeдний paз тeлeвизop cмoтpeл дo кoвидлы, вooбщe нe eбy пo пoвoдy oгpaничeний

          • 2 weeks ago

            Is it? I haven't been in the country in ages but I swear I remember seeing booze on daytime TV.

            • 2 weeks ago

              alcohol-free beer is allowed

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm checking articles and they all seem to be talking specifically about ADVERTISING alcohol, not just casually showing it.

                Also semi related but this came up, and yeah, that sounds about right kek.
                We used to say "I'm not drinking alcohol tonight, just a beer please" unironically

      • 2 weeks ago

        >russia of all places trying to censor alcohol and smoking in their media

        • 2 weeks ago

          Getting too uppity about health is what lead to Portugal making all drugs legal when Salazar was gone

    • 2 weeks ago

      Backwards shit holes tend to overcompensate with arbitrary moral regulations to act like they're fixing things.

      • 2 weeks ago

        don't care what you have to say, gay

        • 2 weeks ago
          • 2 weeks ago

            >believing WHO propaganda
            how many times vaxxed?

            • 2 weeks ago

              boy those sure are some digits

        • 2 weeks ago

          You cared enough to reply.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Apparently this channel specifically, 2×2, IS in Russia, but it always gets problems from the press because it cemented itself as an adult channel, and then started bringing in adult cartoons from overseas which people who don't watch the channel didn't understand as being for adults and gave em shit for, that's why they performatively censor stuff, just to appease an audience that doesn't even watch what they're whining about.
    TLDR everywhere, from Russia to the USA and everywhere inbetween, the worst plague is whinny ninnies who get offended over shit they don't even care about

    • 2 weeks ago

      Post-9/11 censorship is especially horrible here, since it affected the best part of Lilo & Stitch.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Can any Russian anons confirm?

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Not Cinemaphile and not really censorship but the dub for Tree of Might changed Turles name to Raditz and tried to make it seem like he really was the same character as Raditz. I think the dubbing studio might have thought those movies were meant to be adaptations rather than side-stories.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Not Cinemaphile and not really censorship but
      Then there's quite literally no reason to post it here you homosexual. It's not even censorship as you yourself said, so it's not what the thread is asking for.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Hungarian dub of Flintstones written to constantly rhyme.
    Same guy later wrote the dialogs of Mézga Family.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    hmmm hotdogs

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Any context for these edits?

  9. 2 weeks ago

    I guess a dub oddity I could offer: the latinospanish version of Avatar the last Air bender doesn't differentiate between "benders" and "masters", they all are refer to as "masters", don't know why but I suspect is because there's not easy translation for "benders" without sounding bad or out of place. Anyway, this doesn't affect too much the dub except for the last part of the last book, where is a little confusing that Aang says "I'm not yet a firebending master" when up until that point benders where already called "masters" just by being able to bend an element.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    the frick, someone other than america does that? is this muslim or something?
    ohh this is part of their false flag op, got it.

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