What did you LIKE about Steven Universe? How would your "perfect" version of SU roughly go?

What did you LIKE about Steven Universe? How would your "perfect" version of SU roughly go?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    the shitposting
    seriously, this show was bad, but it was kinda fun how bad it was, and experiencing it it was the last proper instance of Cinemaphile getting together to really take the piss out of something in a way that's fun

    i miss old Cinemaphile
    SU may have been the first in an era of poo, but it was the last in an era of good times

    • 2 weeks ago

      I feel that way about a lot of shows, not just SU. The shitposting that went on was always fun.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This anon gets it, SU has no value besides shitposting.
      And porn. There's some good quality SU smut out there.
      But if you enjoy SU for the story it told? Frick off outta here, you dumb as shit.

      It IS bad and you should feel bad for liking it, beyond laughing at it and beating off to the smut it inspires.

    • 2 weeks ago

      /sug/ was great

      • 2 weeks ago

        Never 5get I cry evary tiem.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Never 5get I cry evary tiem.

        in hindsight I wish I had participated in /sug/ more. I only posted a couple of times and didn't browse that many threads.

    • 2 weeks ago

      People like this are the biggest parasites on this site. I don't mean wrt SU in particular, just for anything. They've dragged this board down the toilet

      • 2 weeks ago

        literally the only thing noticeable is the shitposting because otherwise its just advertising and botposting.
        discussion is fun, but content creation is what drives a site.

    • 2 weeks ago

      the homosexual lesbo undertones should have been wiped from the script. Its not a hill to die on.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This shitposting was fricking awful and I'm not entirely sure what you're on about, there were points where it was literally just people having DeviantArt-tier fantasies of beating up Steven. I don't like Steven either but that was some cringe shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        people got really really pissed off that steven just let the diamonds live instead of organising a lynching. then they got pissed that he didn't like spinel even though she tried to kill him numerous times.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Clussy good. Glowing giantess’ bad

      • 2 weeks ago

        >"Hey guys don't you just want to beat up Steven"
        >That one guy that just spammed those ugly drawings he did
        >The art is inconsistent thread #10 billion (not defending the inconsistencies at all but holy frick)
        >Political bait thread #10 billion
        >Dozens of threads demanding that the show be sent to /trash/ even when new episodes were airing
        I actually see the shitposting surrounding SU as the point where old Cinemaphile really started to die.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >How would your "perfect" version of SU roughly go
    The same as it went, I'm not rebecca sugar so I don't have a say in how the show should have been

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I would be consulted for things of making the series and it would be made simultaneously with cosmic tales of my Ring monsters.

    • 2 weeks ago

      guy why won't you ever make anything?

      • 2 weeks ago

        That’s your line for me posting a drawing to mess with my head. Enjoy the failed cartoons and other media that made you as pitiful as this.

        • 2 weeks ago

          you drew something? lemme see! i never see you draw anymore dude

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Inane Zoomer gooning like this
            >his cartoons by John K students like me and other types fell apart because of the animation community being a shitty place
            > perpetuates the same behavior as an adult that ruined his Childhood
            Your life is a cosmic joke

            • 2 weeks ago

              well? make something already

              • 2 weeks ago

                A random Catholic is necessary for Steven Universe to be good instead of a therapy session for Millennial women, and other things too if you’re not a fan. Have a good day w/cartoons

              • 2 weeks ago

                ok call me when you create something

              • 2 weeks ago

                guy why are you here

            • 2 weeks ago

              >John k decided I wasn't worth grooming so now I'm bitter and argue on Cinemaphile as a substitute for human interaction

              Homie learn to chill

  4. 2 weeks ago
  5. 2 weeks ago

    More adventure, more motw, less crying.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I thought the characters had some really fun dynamics with each other. It was enjoyable watching them banter and learn and develop with time. I liked seeing them going on adventures and doing funky Gem shit, or occasionally getting other peeps involved. I liked Steven, for his naivete and how much the people around him could let him down sometimes he was a good kid and a good guy. I liked seeing the plot unfold and seeing all the goofy or serious shit the cast could get up to. If I had a say in running the show I'd trim a few episodes' fat and try to tighten some relationships, e.g. prevent Lauren Zuke from going ballistic- but overall, this would be trying to make Sugar herself a firmer showrunner. I remember SU fondly.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Peridot would have stuck her nerdy wiener up Lapis Lazuli's tight butthole

    • 2 weeks ago

      Fellas, find yourself a lady who looks at you the way Lapis looks at Steven.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Zuke ruined them.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Tie aspects and future and the movie more into the original series instead of spin offs. Spinel would've worked great as a season long antagonist who begins the shift of Steven realizing the fricked up reality of the gems.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Make the diamonds the villains on the series instead of be summarized in "yes, Rose was a victim of the diamonds, but she is to blame for everything, she made the diamonds cry so she is the bad guy"

    • 2 weeks ago

      And for god's sake, seriously, remove the stupid movie from the canon.
      Seriously, Spinel doesn't contribute anything new to the series, doesn't she even contribute something relevant, a gem that had been betrayed by Pink? For that we can have Pearl
      A gem who was betrayed by Rose? That's why we have Bismuth.
      Spinel is a leftover

    • 2 weeks ago

      Showing Rose's bad actions doesn't mean the writers wanted to portray her as a villain but more like showing how flawed she used to be and even if she didn't mean to she did end up hurting people.
      In Familiar during the song Steven briefly sang about how mistreated Pink was with the Diamonds. They never intended to make the Diamonds the victims just because they missed her and they were very explicit in those episodes about how Pink was neglected and abused.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That Rose/Pink were flawed is actually a good thing, what seems like a problem to me is how in the end the message was so diluted that people just didn't understand it.
        That is, let's take for example the Cluster
        The cluster is an amalgam of gems forced together destined to exploit the earth in the future.
        Who did that? Who made that unnatural aberration and destroyed all those gems? The diamonds

        But people somehow ended up blaming Pink alone for initiating the release of the gems.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Definitely not the porn generals

  11. 2 weeks ago

    I liked the lore and monster fights for the first season and a half even though they quit the monster-of-the-week thing and then the lore shit the bed so Steven could cry more and talk to the humans.

    I'd change it to be 3 seasons max. S1 being a low tier MotW. S2 building to Jasper/Peridot as the main antagonists with the threat of the Diamonds looming on the horizon, and the occasional monster for the Gems to fight/Problem for them to solve. S3 being the Gems triumphing over/converting J&P, a surprise Cluster 2-3 episode special, then moving into space to deal with the threat of the Diamonds. Blue/Yellow could possibly be converted to the Gems side, but White can't be and must be conquered with the new found combined power of the Gems. The heroes save the Earth/Humanity/Gem-kind, the Diamonds change their ways, Steven is celebrated and then impregnates all the gems and Connie thus leading to a new Crystal Harem.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    I'm a lefty anyway so I like inclusivity, but also in that inclusivity the gems exemplify so many different body types it's like a horny buffet for me.

    The biggest downside is the lack of a healthy aggression -- sometimes you -should- be mad and the show's philosophy didn't leave much room for that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Also, reminds me that my ex-boyfriend used to frick me raw everytime I watch SU, so I really loved it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Also, reminds me that my ex-boyfriend used to frick me raw everytime I watch SU, so I really loved it.

      >I'm a lefty
      >my ex-boyfriend used to frick me raw everytime I watch SU, so I really loved it.
      Yeah that tracks.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >How would your "perfect" version of SU roughly go?
    I'd take Rose/Pink being a liar even further than the crew did, and find a way of integrating Spinel into the Crystal Gems

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Well if I had complete control over the show.
    >bump the episodes to 30 minutes
    >keep some of the mystical elements the gems had in the first season
    >have more fight scenes with better choreography
    >have fusions be a metaphor for relationships/bonds and remove the sex theme
    >don’t have the fusions be voiced by celebrities so they can be used in more episodes
    >only put townie episodes in-between major arcs and have all of them reveal something about either a gem character or the lore
    >have the cluster be a looming threat throughout the series and the main reason the gems need the diamonds
    >have Rose and Pink be separate characters with rose sealing pink in the chest before being release and joining the crystal gems later in the series
    >make lapis, peridot, and bismuth actual CGs with their own rooms in the temple
    >possibly include Stella and the Metal Men as minor rivals to show that other aliens exist and there is more going on outside of steven’s POV
    >have several non-Steven POV episodes
    >include some lars in space episodes to show what’s happening in the galaxy
    >have more one off homeworld villains
    >don’t have jasper giver herself GAIDS and make her more of a rival to steven at least until the pink reveal
    >make the diamonds or at least white actually villains

  15. 2 weeks ago

    the complaints about the Diamonds being Redeemed Space Hitlers never made sense to me. of course if Hitler was 50 feet tall and invincible changing his mind would be a more practical solution

    • 2 weeks ago

      it's moreso about how quickly they were redeemed
      >we have killed millions
      >but you act like child
      >oh shit u right okay were friends now lawl
      although whether that was the original plan, or because CN was breathing down their necks i don't know

    • 2 weeks ago

      The problem is that th diamonds didn learn anything and have (as far as the audience can tell) no empathy for anyone that isnt a diamond, the moment steven dies or changes his mind everything will most likely go back to what it was before

  16. 2 weeks ago

    >"perfect" version of SU
    redundant. Houseki no Kuni has already been made.

    • 2 weeks ago

      But that show sucks. CGI slop that even SU mogs in terms of soul.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Honestly I never understood the appeal of the show but recently my eyes have been opened

  18. 2 weeks ago

    More focus on the main characters for one, S1 had a nice enough balance if memory serves. Biggest differences would come from how Homeworld/the Diamonds were handled
    >war plays out roughly the same, the Diamonds lose Earth and think Pink is dead
    >in their grief and paranoia, the Diamonds reach a drastic joint decision that shall change the fate of gem-kind forever
    >within months, they have merged and integrated their form into a massive transmitter, broadcasting their consciousness across the galaxy
    >in essence, they have enacted martial law upon the collective will of the gems
    >all for the prevention of any further conflict and heartbreak
    >by the time Steven and co encounter Peridot, Homeworld gems are almost unrecognizable
    >their bodies covered in what seems to be "organic" armor with even their faces being covered, more preventative measures from the Diamond singularity
    I can touch on Peridot and the like if there's any interest.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm interested.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Peri is introduced as largely mute/using a garbled synth language
        >attempts to avoid confrontation like in canon, acts more like a cornered animal
        >could openly read as either comical or uncanny depending on the tone of the scene
        Cut to When it Rains
        >reformation happens without Steven present
        >armorless form is kept out of frame or obscured by convenient bad lighting
        >can make out stuff like her hands and face being indistinct, almost featureless save for eyes and thumbs
        >fashions a crude helmet out of household items, attempting to reconnect with her masters
        >rain and CG confrontation scenes smushed together
        >Peri scrambles out the door to escape immediate harm
        >Steven manages to calm them down before they kick her ass
        >as he's doing this, it begins to rain with the CGs noticing she's stopped running altogether
        >he looks back as she discards the helmet while looking skyward
        >for the first time in her life, Peridot can feel something without immediate feedback from the singularity
        >whatever feelings or thoughts she's having in that moment are hers alone
        >she's cut off here
        >but maybe that was more of a blessing than a curse
        >before they know it, she's already grown a distinct face and hands, more closely resembling the green dorito we all know and love
        >but where in canon she's borderline neurotic, here she's humbled yet curious about the world around her
        This all sounded a lot better in my head but here it is. Also picrel is what I had in mind as far as her design and that of the helmet.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You made it sound like she had some body horror thing going on, but she looks perfectly fine in your art. Unless that's actual concept art from the show.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah it's actual concept art, that little ID4 alien pic at the bottom right's closer to what I had in mind for the organic suit. Whole design philosophy for Homeworld was just a mix of the really early stuff and a kid-friendly Giger approach.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Actually stick to the original concept of a bunch of gay space rocks fighting space nazis and keep the diamonds as villains. All I wanted out of this shit show was to see Steven fight a giant woman and they couldn’t even do that

    • 2 weeks ago

      It could have been great.

      • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago
          • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago

          Fellas, find yourself a lady who looks at you the way Lapis looks at Steven.

          >sequential dubs
          Whoa mama

      • 2 weeks ago

        God this comic becomes a lot more depressing when you realize that pearl only rebelled because her master told her to

        • 2 weeks ago

          its way funnier when you realize the gems only love steven because he used his diamond commands to make them feel good. Blue made them cry, yellow made them fear, pink made them feel loved.

          the whole revolution goes down the minute steven no longer wants to play house if the only reason it exists is because a diamond wishes it so

          • 2 weeks ago

            >the evil space nazis… were actually just depressed wine aunts
            >none of the gems actually rebelled they were simply following another Diamond
            >steven saved the day with nepotism
            >all pearls are natural slaves and Pearl would gladly suck Steven’s dick if he order her to
            >good dick is all it takes to break a empire
            Bravo sugar

            • 2 weeks ago

              I want to have a pearl wife

              • 2 weeks ago

                Can’t even say the classic “she’d hate you” considering our pearl put up with being cuckqueened for several thousand years with a smile on her face

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I'm not a prostitute
                Yes you are, Pearl. You're my prostitute.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I really liked how Yellow Diamond's introduction sold her as this ruthless, mercurial sociopath whose calm and tactical facade falls apart when a single insult causes her to seethe with autistic rage. I was looking forward to seeing how she'd interact with Steven and the Gems, so having her turn into a mopey, "merely" mean sadsack was so fricking disappointing. They also mishandled her VA by having Patti Lupone sing what I consider to be the show's worst song.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    >How would your "perfect" version of SU roughly go?
    Not taking constant breaks for "townie" episodes. Not injecting townie episodes in the middle of dramatic story arcs. Actually following through on plot threads in a timely manner. Ignoring the opinions of shipper crewmembers. Have Amethyst suffer actual consequences for the things she does, namely shapeshifting into Rose to torment Greg with images and the sound of his dead wife. Have Amethyst go through her character development much, much earlier, so that she's not insufferable or "just there" like she ended up being. Have Pearl get over Rose earlier, rather than repeatedly dragging that dead horse out of the ground to beat it for the sake of cheap, forced drama for the twentieth time. Have Sadie actually answer for her crimes in the island episode, because while Steven and Lars do point out how fricked up that is, nothing really comes of it. Don't retcon the Gem society as having never encountered organic life before Earth despite having existed for millennia.

    Keep the Diamond Authority as mostly cold, malevolent aliens who need to be dealt with: Yellow stays as she was introduced (vengeful, hateful, just really wants Earth dead). Blue can keep her characterization (depressed but just as bad as Yellow, an unpredictable moodswinger, sees nothing she's done as wrong). White can keep her initial characterization (vain, perfection obsessed). Blue could maybe be redeemed, but Yellow and White would stay antagonistic until finally shattered: Yellow because she's done too much, White because she's psychotic and does not care in the slightest how much damage she causes in her pursuit of perfection, and no amount of singing, crying, or dollar store quips will change her mind (if anything, they'd just piss her off MORE).

    Also, make Pearl x Greg canon both because it was the logical endgame and because it would piss off the tumblr/twitter crowd.

    • 2 weeks ago

      IMO Blue is the only one of the Diamonds that actually deserved to be redeemed. She realized her own actions were terrible on her own accord and when finally given the right guidance led the charge herself against Yellow and White. Yellow needed a fight to change her mind and even then she wasn't really 100% on board, and White was willing to fricking murder everyone in that room. Blue realized her mistake early on, showed genuine compassion, and was willing to risk her life without needing any additional convincing.

      • 2 weeks ago

        she said 'i never shatter anyone, i never make anyone cry' as if those were equally bad

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah Blue's got the strongest case for redemption by FAR, I always thought if the other two ended up shattered that she should have basically become the sole Diamond overseeing the reformation of the Gem Empire.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    I enjoyed the concepts and characters for the most part but I wish they focused more on lore and the plot

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >What did you LIKE about Steven Universe
    The songs
    The character relationships before it got way too 2SLGBTQ+++ near the end
    >How would your "perfect" version of SU roughly go?
    I would make Rose less of a c**t or at least explain her motivations behind her actions more beyond than just the me me me shit it came across as.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I like Say Uncle, and the very early cosmic horror elements the show had were neat, which Say Uncle kinda feeds into funnily enough.
    >how would your 'perfect' version of SU go
    too much work to make it into an 'ideal' show without it losing its whole identity. the concepts it treads on can actually be interesting, but since it's written by fujoshi and warped little freaks who hate their families you can't make the relationship/family drama have any meaning or interesting parts

  24. 2 weeks ago

    The show sucked because it had an identity crisis and didn't really know what it even wanted to be, so it was all over the place until it settled on being lame predictable shit with a rushed ending. My favorite episodes are actually Cat Fingers and Frybo, because they're the closest the show got to having actual horror elements to it, which is pretty funny when you think about how safe, gay and lame the rest of the series is.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >they're the closest the show got to having actual horror elements to it
      What about the artificial fusions and The Cluster? They were lame later on the series but Keeping it Together and Nightmare Hospital had some nice horror and the concept itself is messed up.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I completely forgot about those. I guess they just didn't leave much of an impression.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The fact hat this also happened to Danny Phantom despite washisname and Sucrose beig polar opposites is surprising.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    I liked all the parts they cribbed from Utena, and I liked the schizo fandom lore of Homeworld in the first two seasons better than what we actually got.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    It referenced Sonic memes in like episode 3. That's it. Everything else was trash.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    I liked when it had potential, and then we get townie shit after townie shit instead. And then it ended.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    I was just thinking about this earlier today. I don't remember the latter part of the show that well but mainly I'd say delete every episode involving Peridot (after season 1), the cluster, or connie's parents.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this but delete every episode not involving Peridot (after season 1) instead

    • 2 weeks ago

      worst take I've seen in weeks, wtf happened to SUgays?

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's not SUgays, it's just the usual Cinemaphilentratians coming up with the most moronic ideas because they are either baiting or think they're smart for being against anything popular/good. It has become Cinemaphile culture to do this shit

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Peridot with mecha limbs
      good episodes. Cool lore bits about the current state of Homeworld. Interesting design and humor as the tech nerd villain with potential to turn good
      >smol uwu fem Invader Zim autism expy Lapis-fricker Peridot
      awful episodes. Jesus christ what the frick were they doing. I hate that such an outspoken portion of the online fanbase loved what was essentially Steven from season 1, like Scrappy Doo when we already have Steven/Scooby.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why did you reply to yourself?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Peridot wasted every minute of my time when she lost what made her cool.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Are you sure you're not just autistic?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Autist here, please don't group me with these gays who have shit taste

  29. 2 weeks ago

    I loved the general it made the 2010s very hilarious for me

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Season 1 was very very good. I really liked the family's dynamic, with the main character being in the role that's traditionally the comedic/mascot role. Always fun to see how this fat frick manages to save the day, or at least unfrick his mistakes that ignited the episode's problem of the day.

    It's such a fricking shame the the show gets caught up in shallow identity politics insead of a straightforward adventure fantasy romp. Some of the biggest hype moments were fusion reveals, and those were often hit or miss. Not involving Rose or some "reflection" of Rose to interact with Steven and the gang more often annoyed the frick out of me. I don't think I'll ever agree with the writer's decision to shit all over her corpse in the latter episodes without even walking back to consider the complexities of her life and impact on the world she controversially left behind.

    I'm glad Rebecca Sugar will never get a sequel for this show. Her best quality is songwriting. Ian, Matt, and Ben evidently had the stronger story vision. Without them at the helm, Rebecca's direction was all over the place and unsatisfying.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Not involving Rose or some "reflection" of Rose to interact with Steven and the gang more often annoyed the frick out of me.
      thank god you weren't writing the show then

  31. 2 weeks ago

    have steven wind up leaving connie for a gem

  32. 2 weeks ago

    The gem stuff was significantly better than the townie stuff, obviously. If the townie stuff was shelved, or at least involved gem stuff like most of season 1, it would've been a lot better of a show.

  33. 2 weeks ago

    The gems, because I have a nonhuman girl fetish

  34. 2 weeks ago

    the fact they never did a pearl/rose song duet is fricking... what the frick were you doing, sugar. that should have been priority 1.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Rose is actually a turbo heterosexual and pearl made up everything about rose loving her in her head (gem?)

      • 2 weeks ago

        gay copout

        • 2 weeks ago

          So just like the rest of SU?

          • 2 weeks ago

            what a high effort post

      • 2 weeks ago

        Literally all Pearl had to do was shapeshift herself a dick and Rose would have been all over her, she was just way too autistic to think of that.

        • 2 weeks ago

          She literally was.
          That's why she deserves to get dicked next and have 5 gem-human hybrids

        • 2 weeks ago

          I'm actually shocked that there's so little art of this, it seems like one of the most obvious dynamics. Pearl's thirsty as frick for Rose, realizes all she needs is a dick, shapeshifts one, they bang. Like it's right fricking there.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You are really not in the know then.

            • 2 weeks ago

              So far as I'm aware there's like, 5 pieces that have that dynamic.

              • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          i dont know how you'd think that. the show makes it pretty clear pearl preferred greg because he was willing to actually challenge her beliefs

          unless you are spergposting, in which case never mind

          • 2 weeks ago

            Did you respond to the wrong person, because I'm talking about the like 5000 year span before Greg was even born.

            • 2 weeks ago

              She was a rock dyke and had no interest in dick before then none of them did or even really had the equipment for it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Rose canonically slept with human men before Greg and Pearl even sung about it in "It's Over Isn't It". She liked dick anon.

              • 2 weeks ago

                A major plot point of the show was that Rose had been with men but only viewed them as toys to be used before she met Greg. The flashbacks make that really clear and Pearl even mentions "The men who would come into her life now and again" in that song of hers.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I'm actually shocked that there's so little art of this, it seems like one of the most obvious dynamics. Pearl's thirsty as frick for Rose, realizes all she needs is a dick, shapeshifts one, they bang. Like it's right fricking there.

          I find this idea almost more funny than hot.
          >Like 4000 years into Pearl lusting for Rose.
          >"Ugh, what do those human men have that I don't?"
          >"...WAIT A MINUTE."
          >Proceeds to unleash thousands of years of sexual frustration into Rose.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    >What did you LIKE about Steven Universe
    murderwiener memes

  36. 2 weeks ago

    >Have to keep it within the constraints of the original idea
    -Townie episodes remain like they did in seasons 1 where there's a lot of overlap with the gems
    -Keep the religious/mystical aspect of gem society that season 1 constantly implied even after they're revealed to be aliens. Those concepts aren't mutually exclusive
    -Don't put townie episodes in during major plot points, and if you have to do it like season 2 where the plot interweaves with those episodes
    -Also keep the missions/corrupted gems/gem artifacts as reoccurring episode ideas like they were in season 1, letting them flesh out the world more as the main plot introduces more concepts
    -Make the White Diamond confrontation an actual moral test that forces Steven to evaluate his entire approach to things instead of just "lol ur acting childish", if the writers decide she actually cannot be redeemed shatter her
    -Do fricking not listen to Zuke with her fricking moronic barn shit and have Lapis and Peridot become regular characters living in the gem temple instead of barn buddies

    >If I'm allowed to do whatever I want
    -It's an adult series
    -Steven is now 18 and setting off on his own journey
    -He must frick every gem to bring them to the side of Earth in order to fight against the Diamonds
    -In the end he fricks them too

  37. 2 weeks ago

    An entire season of me buck naked except for a top hat and a monocle hatefricking her vice grip tight bald israelite dicky with my uncut ten inch bbc while she dresses up like various gems.

    Will win multiple awards.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    I wish we got to see more of ruby and sapphire separated they were cute separate and hot together

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sapphire is easily a top 5 gem hottie for me, I'm sad we didn't get to see more of her.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    The series is more good than bad, just needed a few tweaks.
    No hiatuses.
    Fewer townie episodes in the later seasons.
    Integrating Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth as supporting members of the team instead of banishing everyone to the barn
    Stop at the movie, the movie was a solid epilogue, but Future was a mistake.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    Because of some buttfricking kid from Russia spamming Cinemaphile and /aco/ because he got butthurt, I can't post my favorite Gemstone without being thrown into the same boat as him. Frick you Perianon. I hope you get drafted.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Maybe you shouldn’t have shit taste

      • 2 weeks ago

        I mostly like her for what she used to be, or what she could've been. Something different. Not some, green midget autistic dorito thats a whizz at computers and is metallikinetic.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    > in the children's show about emotional growth and second chances, why did they simply not murder the antagonists???

    • 2 weeks ago

      Some people shouldn't be given second chances.

      • 2 weeks ago

        there are plenty of antagonists in the show that weren't given second chances

        • 2 weeks ago

          The primary ones, the Diamonds, the cause of all this - were.

          • 2 weeks ago

            that's because they control a vast empire with billions of loyal subjects, and are also ostensibly invincible

      • 2 weeks ago

        The primary ones, the Diamonds, the cause of all this - were.

        Because the early seasons were about a band of rebels fighting a evil empire and it went out of its way to show how evil the diamonds were with things like the cluster or them wiping out entire worlds

        Shattering a diamond fixes nothing. That's like one of the foundational plot points of the show

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because the early seasons were about a band of rebels fighting a evil empire and it went out of its way to show how evil the diamonds were with things like the cluster or them wiping out entire worlds

      • 2 weeks ago

        >it went out of its way to show how evil the diamonds were
        This is just speculation on my part, and probably a lot of one-sided lifting to justify/make excuses for the mess that Sucrose and gang ended up with, but Steven's hamfisted message of forgiveness, understanding and "emotions > fax and logixs tips fedora" makes a lot more sense if it gets recontextualized as Homeworld being truly alien, unable to fully comprehend that their terraforming destroys something they don't regard as being "alive" in the same way they are, and the overall mission of the Gems being not just to protect and care for Earth but under Steven, to try and get Homeworld to understand what they're doing is harmful. Sort of like a budget Ender's Game, or Forever War.

        • 2 weeks ago

          also they retconned it so the gems only killed animals and never species with actual life

          doesn't actually make sense when you think about the fact they have an entire soldier caste, but there it is.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah I wish the dialogue was a bit tighter. Peridot's throwaway line about them being a warrior race ruins the alien Otherness of it for me. Again, this is just me speculating and theorycrafting, but Homeworld would be even more threatening if it *didn't* have a soldier caste. Like, Lapis is insanely powerful and destructive but that wasn't her function, it's just a consequence of her abilities. Jasper and the other quartzes should have been simple construction or earthmoving platforms. Homeworld simply doesn't recognize the erasure and repuprosement of organic life as anything but efficient resource management, the same way we make fertilizer out of dung.

            • 2 weeks ago

              i suspect the original stuff about a rebellion+evil empire+DEEPEST LORE was ian jones-quartey and other's input, and rebecca was never that into it. as an estranged family metaphor the redemption, plot, conclusion is all perfectly fine, it just didn't marry up that well to the literal text of the show.

              • 2 weeks ago

                this is probably true and why they start to explicitly state the 'Garnet is a metaphor even though she physically exists' type of stuff harder in the later seasons. The worldbuilding of the show is representational first and logical second

              • 2 weeks ago

                yeah. i might just be getting too old to yell at shit, but SU is a lot better if you watch it like an exploration of a mood, an aesthetic, instead of grasping for continuity. a lot of the most kino episodes had this dreamlike vibe, like little nemo. even the way the s1 humans don't consider the gems or their temple particularly noteworthy felt cosy and insulated from reality.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Porl is cute

        • 2 weeks ago

          And hot

          • 2 weeks ago

            Accidentally called the thicc MILF I was smashing at work mom while I had her bent over in the breakroom.
            She went into full body convulsions and started moaning loudly pulling my hand too her now exposed breast I got over the embarassment and started drilling into her with evething I had I saying it over and over again
            I didn't even pull out I just erupted inside of her. She didn't walk or sit right for the rest of the week and was never the same towards me after that.

            Fun flirting, touching, and anytime I'm stressed blowjobs or powerfricking her when I'm pissed went to a complete..

            Anyway. That's my little story.

            I liked the female characters, and if I had my way it would've been a shounen/harem anime and Becky Shug gets beheaded on the last episode.

            Frick u mods, it's censored.

            By beheaded you mean forced to crossplay as steven while I hatefrick her with my massive uncut wiener into sobbing orgasm induced submission?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Close enough i guess, but her brother, Steven, has to watch.

  42. 2 weeks ago

    Why didn’t the Steven simply rape the diamonds?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >implying he hasn’t

      • 2 weeks ago

        He made his grandma hug the wall and poke it out for him, bro was a menace that day.

  43. 2 weeks ago

    Crank up the religious symbolism for maximum edge. White outright calls herself god and occasionally references Bible passages during her speech. The series ends with a defeated white using Onion’s essence to birth the true gem messiah

    • 2 weeks ago

      >White outright calls herself god and occasionally references Bible passages during her speech
      Very vased
      White is absolute

    • 2 weeks ago

      >gay satanists raise the literal anti-Christ to kill god and bring about an era of degeneracy
      I would have forgiven rebeeca for all her shitty writing choices if it turned out that was the direction she was taking the show

    • 2 weeks ago

      I mean Gems did have a religion based on scrapped ideas during Peridot's arc where she talked about Gem mythology. Even the Lunar Sea Spire looked like a place of worshipping with the Moon Goddess Statue, and Rebecca said the Diamonds' origins is religious. It's a shame they've considered doing an episode about Gemkind's origin and religion 3 times and they all got dropped.

  44. 2 weeks ago

    I wish we saw non-gem ayys or at least got some more info about the gems and their origin

    • 2 weeks ago

      Same would have helped the setting feel less small

  45. 2 weeks ago

    What do you all think of the gemsonas that spawned from series and threads anons?

    • 2 weeks ago

      i hate that stella and the metalmen thing for sheer laziness of concept

      • 2 weeks ago

        Eh I found the metal men fairly interesting whenever it didn’t veer straight into edgy SS or jojo references and made a basic attempt to fit into SU I also made a disgustedly large amount of Stella greentexts so what do I know

    • 2 weeks ago

      does anyone even remember kidney stone? or any of his comics?

  46. 2 weeks ago

    Tbh, what would make Steven Universe better is stop redeeming the villains, especially the Diamonds and stop pushing gay shite.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    amathyst actually tried.

  48. 2 weeks ago

    >Season 1 had a slow build I really liked. Drip feeding lore through slice of life episodes.
    >Honestly liked Steven. He was charming and I enjoyed seeing him grow as the show went on.
    >The backgrounds and music were fricking great and the overall visual style of the show was very pretty.
    >Connie learned to swordfight and there's not much I love more than a good battle couple.
    >I liked pretty much all the gem designs and amethyst is just great in general.
    If I was gonna change anything about the show I would allow the show to escape Steven's perspective after season 1. It's a very limiting way to tell your narrative. I would also probably have a few more fights, especially ones that show off the gems individual skills. Finally I would just give Steven a bit more to do. Even in the finale he's treated like an in-over-his-head kid and he only wins because white Diamond is objectively wrong.
    Also I would have Lars and Sadie get together.

  49. 2 weeks ago

    I always liked when it snuck in horror elements and fricked up concepts to contrast with the grossly sweet tone.
    >Cat Fingers
    >Steven aging to death in the span of a few minutes
    >Amethyst shape shifting into Greg's dead wife to screw with him
    >The gem mutants essentially being the desecrated corpses of the fallen being mashed together and reanimated.
    >The concept of using sentient living beings as power sources ala the mirror Lapis was trapped in.
    >Lapis raping Jasper into submission.
    It bummed me out that after the cluster arc, the stories seemed to moreso focus on space stuff that didn't interest me as much. The townie episodes involved the gems and otherworldly elements less and less as the seasons went on and became boring.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's weird how horror was basically an intermittent theme in early SU and it just was completely abandoned as the show went on, I really do wonder if that wasn't Ian JQ's influence. Aside from what you mentioned there's also shit like the lighthouse episode, the episode where the gem shards bring the french fry costume to life, Pearl getting stabbed by her clone which proceeds to spend the rest of the episode more or less hunting down Steven, and even just sudden tonal shifts like Amethyst's breakdown at the Kindergarten or Garnet being fricking pissed at Steven when he was trying to free Lapis. There was this genuinely unsettling background vibe permeating the whole series early on, I feel like the show lost a bunch of its edge when that got dropped.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Welll the horror was seen as a way to induce trauma in the children viewers so their messages could be digested easily and create a trauma bond.

      • 2 weeks ago

        doubt it was quartey, sugar loves horror and eerie shit. i imagine she dropped the horror when the series became more 'escapist' in tone. less 'realistic about the nature of being a hero' and more 'everyone can be a hero'.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    It shows that being raised by members of the LGBT would end up giving you PTSD.

    • 2 weeks ago

      He also became king of all women within a week so it all worked out

  51. 2 weeks ago

    how would the show have been received if everyone called him 'Steve' instead but the show was otherwise unchanged?

  52. 2 weeks ago

    You know, I liked the non-violent message it had.

    I wasn't a big fan of encouraging teens to have sex, the orgies, the incest, and everyone fricking everyone else. Because fusion was a metaphor for sex, and dancing was foreplay. It's not subtle at all. This is a show by a troony israelite to sexualize children and it's really fricked up when you think about it. They even gave him a double-shafted guitar when it was 2 dudes.

  53. 2 weeks ago

    The initial vibe was immaculate. Everything through the last note of Stronger Than You was great (save Sugilite), and then it immediately went to shit.

    I think the only real way to save it is to have it get cancelled about halfway into the following season, the show becomes a massive hit in Japan and a Japanese studio picks it up. America can't be trusted with it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Everything through the last note of Stronger Than You was great (save Sugilite), and then it immediately went to shit.
      I sort of don't believe that anyone who says this actually watched the show, because aside from the Cluster letdown season 2 was still incredibly solid and mostly kept the tone of season 1. People fricking loved it when it was airing, it was season 3 where things fell apart.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah the "Season 1 was the only good season and then the show went to SHIT" thing feels like an after-the-fact revision to me. People were going nuts for season 2 and the first part of season 3 was where the show hit its maximum hype levels. It's after Mr. Greg that you start to feel things really go off the rails.

        • 2 weeks ago

          i thought things slowly derailed after peridot/yellow diamond, it was the start of the barnening.

          • 2 weeks ago

            True but nobody at the time realized that the barnening was... the barnening. It was only one episode at the time and everyone thought they'd still be regular characters, even though people were disappointed that they weren't living at the temple. In retrospect it's a canary in the coal mine.

  54. 2 weeks ago

    The only time it genuinely piqued my interest was when it implied the CGs had done some seriously morally dubious shit like trap Lapis in the mirror.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah they never addressed that or had lapis really confront them about trapping her in a living hell past her introductory episode. Guess the gay barn was more important than giving lapis a actual dynamic with the other gems besides Steven and peridot

      Accidentally called the thicc MILF I was smashing at work mom while I had her bent over in the breakroom.
      She went into full body convulsions and started moaning loudly pulling my hand too her now exposed breast I got over the embarassment and started drilling into her with evething I had I saying it over and over again
      I didn't even pull out I just erupted inside of her. She didn't walk or sit right for the rest of the week and was never the same towards me after that.

      Fun flirting, touching, and anytime I'm stressed blowjobs or powerfricking her when I'm pissed went to a complete..

      Anyway. That's my little story.

      By beheaded you mean forced to crossplay as steven while I hatefrick her with my massive uncut wiener into sobbing orgasm induced submission?

      Let me guess and then everyone clapped

      • 2 weeks ago

        i actually don't mind lapis character concept, how she is so OP but crippled by her depression. but she was always a very ill defined character so i don't think she was worth wrangling.

        they already had a superior 'gem antagonistic to the CGs, semi-loyal to homeworld, healed by steven' character in centipeetle, and she was actually relevant to the endgame. they should have just used her in place of lapis if they had planned the show out better.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Lapis panicking as soon as she sees the CGs and yelling at Steven to not trust them.
      >Turns out the worst they did to her knowledge was Pearl keeping her in the mirror, it was Homeworld that trapped her in the mirror, she didn't even see Bismuth crack her gem, and never interacted with Garnet and Amethyst before
      Yeahhhhhh I'm 99% sure they were hinting at a lot more there and dropped it. Lapis's initial reveal is insanely tense and weirdly kind of implies that Pearl doesn't know what's going on while Garnet and Amethyst immediately panic.

  55. 2 weeks ago

    I liked the female characters, and if I had my way it would've been a shounen/harem anime and Becky Shug gets beheaded on the last episode.

    Frick u mods, it's censored.

  56. 2 weeks ago

    No pointless townie episodes after season 2.

  57. 2 weeks ago

    just make it a battle shonen with 300 eps

  58. 2 weeks ago

    Focus on gens exclusively, stevens not a low T homosexual and actually fricks the gems like in a harem anime, MUCH more focus peridot aka best gem

    • 2 weeks ago

      >harem anime
      >main character actually gets to frick his harem
      Lol Lmao

      • 2 weeks ago

        I fricking hate how modern anime has it where the MC never actually fricks any of the girls but in my rendition of SU steven fricks, and he fricks the brains out of the gems

  59. 2 weeks ago

    My biggest issue with SU besides the obvious (Townie bullshit filler) was the fact that nobody outside of Steven seemed to care one iota about the gems. So you have a group of aliens on earth for millennia leaving magitech and ruins all over and not a single human is remotely curious about this at all?
    The show wanted to have something like coherent world building but didn't want to think things through at all.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >So you have a group of aliens on earth for millennia leaving magitech and ruins all over and not a single human is remotely curious about this at all?
      i'm glad they didn't, some bullshit plotline about the fbi would have been boring as hell

      >keep the fantasy element the first season had
      >focus more on the world building
      >have non gem aliens
      >have Greg be more involved with helping Steven with his human half
      >have the gems be more involved with the townie episodes
      >no Steven bomb format
      >steven leads a second rebellion against homeworld
      >more nephrite
      >rose isn’t pink
      >white gets a villain song

      >>rose isn’t pink
      any rewrite that does this is extremely lame

  60. 2 weeks ago

    >keep the fantasy element the first season had
    >focus more on the world building
    >have non gem aliens
    >have Greg be more involved with helping Steven with his human half
    >have the gems be more involved with the townie episodes
    >no Steven bomb format
    >steven leads a second rebellion against homeworld
    >more nephrite
    >rose isn’t pink
    >white gets a villain song

  61. 2 weeks ago

    What was White Diamonds problem?

    • 2 weeks ago

      She needed everything to be perfect for... reasons and wanted to expand the gem empire at the expense of life in the universe for... reasons. Neither of these reasons are ever explained.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Okay, but that still dosen't explain why she esisits.

    • 2 weeks ago

      She was an autist who never left her room and couldn’t handle people being different from her.

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