What happened with Marvel/Disney?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago


    Great job emily very nice but could you do it again with more eyebrows and smiles?

  2. 11 months ago

    woke Black person shit feminism homosexualry destroyed all forms of entertainment , I only consume media pre 2012.

    • 11 months ago

      Zoomers leave.

  3. 11 months ago

    It literally keeps getting worse. I was watching Hulk from 2008 and was impressed how better it was than most Marlelshit of the last decade.

  4. 11 months ago

    Victoria Alonso. She controlled everything from after End Game to Echo and Captain Marvel 2. She greenlit every stupid show and movie as long as it passed a message. She was fired but her bullshit will still linger. This is all Feige's fault for thinking the MCU will just keep going without any effort

    • 11 months ago

      I used to respect feige, but now he's a shell of his former creative genius self, he's been compromised by woke homosexualry beyond repair as well as the rest of israelitewood. I don't even consume current media anymore, I have a hyper response to even an ounce of woke propaganda.

      • 11 months ago

        >I used to respect feige, but now he's a shell of his former creative genius self
        I am sorry but he was never a genius. Just a guy there at the right time that had some passing knowledge of Marvel which overshadowed him. He took all the best Marvel stories that should have spanned an entire year and used it for a movie or a show or in the case of Thor Ragnarok, two major stories in comics into one movie. He just pick and choose the best stories and made movies out of them. There is no genius of this guy and it's obvious that he was being carried hard by RDJ and Chris Evans. He is like the Phil Jackson of movie producers where Jackson was called the greatest coach ever in the NBA but he coached Jordan, Pippen, Shaq, Koby etc so was he really a good coach or just coached the best players and they carried him?

        • 11 months ago

          >He is like the Phil Jackson of movie producers

          Interesting take and analogy, I never thought of it that way, and you're right, RDJ and Chris were the lifeblood and pre 2012 the woke virus wasn't as strong. But eventually the woke virus took everything over post 2012 and Feige was compromised and couldn't even do what gave early MCU it's success.

          • 11 months ago

            It's the story of everything popular. It starts as white male dominated and gets really popular and eventually "where are the woman and POC" demands start and then it inevitably gets worse. This happened with the walking dead where like there was one black character but towards the end almost everyone was black and at that point the show was done. It's like a mathematical formula at this point, the longer you have something successful, the greater the chance that calls for diversity will start and once you give in its over and the quality goes dramatically down. South Park was the only show ever to handle this bullshit well adding a black character literally named Token.

            • 11 months ago

              Cultural Marxism

            • 11 months ago

              well said anon. Just to add some context to my posts, I'm not even white , I'm actually pakistani born in raised in cali, and I fricking hate what this woke ideology has done to the shit I grew up with. These fricking woke revolutionaries literally have made me not consume media. Perhaps it's time to stop consuming israelite homosexualry at this point.

              • 11 months ago

                Not only that but people will start becomming bitter and resentful towards you by default because they will assume you agree with all that shit as a brown guy. My libertarian black friend explained this to me that he hates liberals because they are the reason white supremacists hate him because they assume he believes that shit.

              • 11 months ago

                I have gotten that from random people when I am out and about. When people ask me about any current marvel/star wars, or even Hollywood in general, I tell them the woke ideology has ruined media for me, and they can't believe a non white has these opinions, one dumb b***h called me an uncle tom and white washed. Unbelievable if this is what we're dealing with. it's like they can't comprehend there are people of other races who fricking hate this woke shit, which is the majority.

              • 11 months ago

                One of my favorite teachers from high school is currently being canceled on Facebook because he said things, and I quote, "unbecoming of a man who was experienced oppression personally". He is asian. He's a fantastic geometry teacher. His family are wealthy business owners. How on Earth is that oppression?
                The worst thing is that "academic representatives" from other states are also getting in on the hate wagon. They probably don't even know who he is.

              • 11 months ago

                If it’s any consolation, because of affirmative action in admissions I strongly favor Indian and south East Asian medical staff

              • 11 months ago

                most of my family and extended family is a professional degree holder of some sort, and I can promise they didn't need affirmative action(they earned it), which I vehemently disagree with, people should be judged by their merits and character not superficial checkboxes.

              • 11 months ago

                No, I mean that schools hold Asians to a higher standard so it’s led to me becoming biased towards believing that Asians in professional positions are particularly competent

              • 11 months ago

                r/asianmasculinity redpilled me about how Chinese and especially Koreans that live in the US hate white people with a passion to almost psychotic levels. Worse than blacks I would even say.

              • 11 months ago

                Asian males are good in worker roles. They are not good in leadership roles for the most part. When you assign some work tasks to some asian dude that shit will get done in a timely manner.

                r/asianmasculinity redpilled me about how Chinese and especially Koreans that live in the US hate white people with a passion to almost psychotic levels. Worse than blacks I would even say.

                Okay what they are gonna do about it?

              • 11 months ago

                >Okay what they are gonna do about it?
                They should find a nice Asian woman and marry them instead of b***hing that white girls don't like them.

              • 11 months ago

                They can even find white girls especially these days with all the anime zoomer girls

              • 11 months ago

                Yea because that's a forced social media fad. Zoomettes will post that Korean doctor guy over and over and say he's so cute and still only date white guys. It's a tale as old as time, claiming you support something just because it sounds right.

              • 11 months ago

                that johnny gat guy you all basedface over on Cinemaphile is not attractive. there are no attractive asians at all really. women have a better sense for beauty than you do

              • 11 months ago

                Hey Kamran Pasha just wanted to say I love your videos and frick everyone who shits on you and Doomwiener. You guys are much more entertaining and fun to listen to than the Midnight's Edge guys or anyone else from that sphere.

              • 11 months ago

                not Kamran, but hey I appreciate it either way, there are a lot more of us indian/pakis like Kamran, we hate woke israelite homosexualry and want to go back to the good ol days, we have no issues with white people being the majority in their own country. I love USA (not the woke shit tho) kek

              • 11 months ago

                Holy shit it really is Kamran Pasha. Tell me who Sparrow really is you fricking dweeb, I'm not paying you $2 a month to read Doomwieners videos an hour early.

            • 11 months ago

              it would be worrisome if this also occurred on the societal level

              • 11 months ago

                isn't it already happening on a societal level? I work in tech and I literally have to lie about my opinions.

              • 11 months ago

                >it would be worrisome if this also occurred on the societal level
                It does. I live in a super blue state. Every company outing people always start talking politics and they assume since you live there you must agree with their far left opinions. I just stay quiet because there is no winning in this situation if I argue.

              • 11 months ago

                isn't it already happening on a societal level? I work in tech and I literally have to lie about my opinions.

                Vaclav Havel has a book about this phenomenon
                An ideology can be carried along by inertia and if it’s suppresses dissent but is unable to measure sincere public sentiment the regime runs the risk of hollowing itself out - like the coyote running off the cliff, it doesn’t fall immediately because it doesn’t realize that it’s foundations have already disappeared

                Havel was also in the entertainment industry and successfully took over a country just so he could produce his scripts

        • 11 months ago

          >He is like the Phil Jackson of movie producers

          Interesting take and analogy, I never thought of it that way, and you're right, RDJ and Chris were the lifeblood and pre 2012 the woke virus wasn't as strong. But eventually the woke virus took everything over post 2012 and Feige was compromised and couldn't even do what gave early MCU it's success.

          >There is no genius of this guy and it's obvious that he was being carried hard by RDJ and Chris Evans.
          Are we pretending we like that gay now?

          • 11 months ago

            He is a shit human being but he played the character fine.

            • 11 months ago

              Other way around moron

              • 11 months ago

                No, he was right the first time around

          • 11 months ago

            he carried his captain america movies and the MCU joint projects big time.

        • 11 months ago

          He's somehow managed to burn decades worth of decent stories and now they're left with the box office poison Marvel Comics has pumped out for the last couple decades or nothing. It's incredible how short-sighted he was.

          • 11 months ago

            >and now they're left with the box office poison Marvel Comics has pumped out for the last couple decades or nothing
            Literally only from the last 10 years

          • 11 months ago

            It took Marvel comics 80 years until the multiverse and diverse characters kill them. The MCU got there in 15. MCU right now is literally mirroring everything that brought comics down.

        • 11 months ago

          >He is like the Phil Jackson of movie producers
          No. Jackson was legitimately great.

          • 11 months ago

            We will never know if that is true based on how he picked his teams. The Knicks were begging him to be their coach throwing money at him but their team was godawful and he knew it and how it would tarnish his reputation.

  5. 11 months ago

    Extensive Inaccurate casting from source material. I don't watch the movies because of that.

  6. 11 months ago

    Like I thought the CGI & Technology and shit was supposed to get better over time.
    This is ass.
    Pure digital buttcheeks.

    • 11 months ago

      Diversity hires lmao. Writing should be better, directing should be better, everything should be better, but hollywood all across the board is going backwards.

  7. 11 months ago

    I understand getting old and wrinkled, but come on, what's up with the baggy eyes?
    I have them because I don't sleep well but an actress having them is jarring

    • 11 months ago

      She looked haggard and harried.

    • 11 months ago

      she has literal brain damage

    • 11 months ago

      She looked haggard and harried.

      She had 2 brain aneurysms and had parts of her brain removed.

    • 11 months ago

      >what's up with the baggy eyes?
      In-universe, the character had just buried her father and spent almost every waking moment after that fighting for her life.

  8. 11 months ago

    Besides the AI opening and Clarke’s coom arm, what actually happened in this show?

    • 11 months ago

      From what I know, Maria hill dies, and Don Cheadle's character gets revealed to be a Skrull. The real one died in Civil War.

      • 11 months ago

        War Machine isn't dead. He was rescued in the last episode.
        People speculate he was switched early on but that's just stupid. Most likely happened during the 5 year skip or during the chaos after Endgame.

      • 11 months ago

        >Maria hill dies
        Really she was hot?

        • 11 months ago

          She was so hot back during Avengers 1 and Winter Soldier. Sadly so long ago

          • 11 months ago

            Disney has been very generous with their roles to the post-wall hollywood starlets.

        • 11 months ago

          She was so hot back during Avengers 1 and Winter Soldier. Sadly so long ago

          She's a troony. Very noticeable adam's apple when they're talking to her in the jet on a screen. I forget which movie.

        • 11 months ago

          She was so hot back during Avengers 1 and Winter Soldier. Sadly so long ago

          They killed "her" off because "she" does not pass anymore.

      • 11 months ago

        Jesus. Characters like that who have been there from the beginning deserved a better send-off.

        • 11 months ago

          She got a hero's funeral, what else do you want. You're the same type of person to b***h when good guys don't get killed at all.

          • 11 months ago

            NTA, but I'd want a character who's been around since Phase 1's death to be a bigger deal than that. It was essentially the equivalent of a horror movie's cold open kill.

      • 11 months ago

        So everything he said since CW is bs then?

        • 11 months ago

          Also how can you not have a scene where War Machine gets released from captivity for all these years and not have him ask "Where's Tony". Such an obvious slam dunk emotional heart string tug and they didn't do it.

          • 11 months ago

            Because he wasn't in there since CW.

            • 11 months ago

              According to the show he was captured at some point before Tony died so he wouldn't know that Tony was dead on release.

              • 11 months ago

                According to the show....bullshit

              • 11 months ago

                I don't disagree that the show is total trash but if this show has to exist and has to be canon then all I am saying is they should have added that line.

              • 11 months ago

                I mean the show never implied when he was taken.

              • 11 months ago

                >ecret Invasion director Selim has commented on the most common question fans have had after the reveal in an interview with ComicBook. “A lot of people have asked about, ‘Definitively, when did Rhodey...?’ I think his legs not working at the end of episode six and him being in the hospital gown points to 'Captain America: Civil War'."

                I mean they allude to this in the show but here it is from the show runners mouth before you start more semantics.

              • 11 months ago

                Which is a moronic take. His legs didn't working Endgame either. He had to rely on the suit or braces. And he would have gone to the hospital many times over the years

              • 11 months ago

                >Which is a moronic take
                Doesn't matter. He made the show. That's when Warmachine was abducted. You were wrong. GGEZ next map.

              • 11 months ago

                And even he is still only SPECULATING. Read it again. I'm not saying which one is right just that saying "according to the show" is bullshit

              • 11 months ago


                >Which is a moronic take
                Doesn't matter. He made the show. That's when Warmachine was abducted. You were wrong. GGEZ next map.

              • 11 months ago


                And even he is still only SPECULATING. Read it again. I'm not saying which one is right just that saying "according to the show" is bullshit

              • 11 months ago


                >Which is a moronic take
                Doesn't matter. He made the show. That's when Warmachine was abducted. You were wrong. GGEZ next map.

              • 11 months ago

                You can keep being moronic if you want. Your own link says they are purposely being ambiguous. Cope more. Your own post shows you are wrong.
                Mic drop. I'm out

              • 11 months ago

                I accept your concession.

          • 11 months ago

            >nd not have him ask "Where's Tony".
            You wake up from a coma inside to find out you had been kidnapped by aliens and stored inside of a machine in the middle of CHERNOBYL and you think the first thing out your mouth is to ask is about some other man?

      • 11 months ago

        >The real one died in Civil War.
        They literally show the real Rhodey being rescued in the final episode.

  9. 11 months ago

    is she dying on the show?

    • 11 months ago

      She's the peak vigor of health.
      Just look at that one arm!

  10. 11 months ago

    Who is she looking at?

    • 11 months ago

      The camera.

  11. 11 months ago

    nanomachines son

    • 11 months ago

      Don't remind me of that god awful movie.
      They fricken killed John Connor in cold blooded meta-murder.

  12. 11 months ago

    Literally nothing really matters because multiverses and shit + zero hype about anything so the shitty writing is especially blatant + fatigue.

  13. 11 months ago

    Who is that walking ballsack?

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          nice seizure inducing flashes

        • 11 months ago

          Just genuinely bad. I am baffled they continue to make these stupid decisions

        • 11 months ago

          how was she able to kill him when they both have super healing powers? he got shot in the face and walked it off.

      • 11 months ago

        Wow. Shit has gotten pretty bad, huh? I don’t really watch anything new, so I’m always surprised to see how heinous effects have become

      • 11 months ago

        This looks like a very big budgeted CW show or Asylum movie.

      • 11 months ago

        I can't take this wrinkly b***h seriously.

  14. 11 months ago

    I love her so much bros but I can't get over the fact McFarlane ejaculated inside her multiple times.
    It's like finding out your crush has a scat fetish.

    • 11 months ago

      >thinking she was anything more than Mchomosexual's beard


      • 11 months ago

        most punchable face ever dude

      • 11 months ago

        Imagine the sex

  15. 11 months ago

    What happened to queen of qts

    • 11 months ago

      Veganism aged her considerably in the years since GoT.

      • 11 months ago

        she needs bit of fat on her face.

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Never liked her. She has that uncanny baby-face and thick eyebrows look that only the lowest caste Indian women have. A Pajeeta in a white costume. Great body though.

  16. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Still cute.

  17. 11 months ago


    I stopped at Endgame, what could muh Warmachine have said that mattered anyway?

  18. 11 months ago

    Why does her leather jacket turn into an arm.
    Why does the arm have Drax's tattoos?

    • 11 months ago

      Because she has the DNA of all the MCU heroes, including Drax. I shit you not, that is the actual explanation.

      • 11 months ago

        Are tattoos part of Drax's DNA? Is the leather jacket that can morph the DNA of another superhero?

        • 11 months ago

          Why does her leather jacket turn into an arm.
          Why does the arm have Drax's tattoos?

          I've been thinking the same thing. First of all choosing drax strength over hulk strength is just stupid and a downgrade you have no reason to nerf yourself with the same kind of ability.
          Second of all why the frick would the drax arm have tattoos? Those aren't natural marks of his skin he was born with, they're tattoos he got put on him as grew older cause in his culture you get tattoos on your body that tell your life story.
          Dumb inconsistencies and plot holes like this really piss me off.

          • 11 months ago

            >choosing drax strength over hulk strength is just stupid
            Historically people always seem to frick themselves up trying to give themselves Hulk's powers. Even in the MCU it's basically a fluke that works best on people that share him genetic makeup.

            This is the issue where you hire different directors to do different things. I really think Disney should nail down like 3-5 directors whose only job it is to make cape shit so they can constantly talk to each other and make sure their movies are connected and make sense. This is how they do it in the comics.

            >Disney should nail down like 3-5 directors whose only job it is to make cape shit so they can constantly talk to each other and make sure their movies are connected and make sense.
            You just described Feige's entire job. They have an entire department ran by one person for that purpose.

            sure he could he's not like batman where he has to be in prime shape. Iron man can be old his suit does most of the work

            >sure he could
            Most actors don't want to play the same character forever. This isn't Star Trek.

  19. 11 months ago

    You have writers who aren't fans of the comic book characters writing stories about comic book characters. What do you think was going to happen? They're writing their own stories, generally about some reddit tier leftie framing of a social issue, and wrapping it as a comic book story. They're doing the same thing in every genre. Behold the era of the millennial writer and prepare to suffer for the next few decades.

  20. 11 months ago

    Almodt all of capeshit in the last 2/3 flooped so why the frick are they still making them? Do they even make them a profit?

  21. 11 months ago

    Civil War and Secret Invasion should have been a story that lasted for an entire year or longer and multiple movies and shows should have focused around it. You can't take plot lines that ran for years and condense them into a single 2 hour movie or in DCs case, they did the death of Superman story in the last 20 minutes of Batman V Superman

    • 11 months ago

      >Secret Invasion should have been a story that lasted for an entire year or longer and multiple movies and shows should have focused around it.
      Admittedly, I don't know a heck of a lot about the comics, and as such, due to their similar titles, I thought Avengers: Secret War was going to be a sequel of sorts to Secret Invasion. Like "You thought the Skrulls' first attempt at world domination was bad, well their second is even worse!" Once you get 'invaded,' then you're at 'war,' etc. But apparently it turns out the Secret War story in the comics has nothing to do with the Skrulls and now I'm just sitting here befuddled that Disney turned what could've been a massive Invasion of the Body Snatchers/The Thing-style epic saga into some bullshit about how Nick is very old and sad and none of the Avengers were involved. Frick me.

      • 11 months ago

        This is the issue where you hire different directors to do different things. I really think Disney should nail down like 3-5 directors whose only job it is to make cape shit so they can constantly talk to each other and make sure their movies are connected and make sense. This is how they do it in the comics.

    • 11 months ago

      Yh the show didn't even bother keeping who was a skrull a secret. They just told you and expected you to have that basedface reaction. They could've still made it work but you're right, these are infinity saga level stories that marvel just torched. DC could easily be fixed but from the looks of what James Gunn has planned the franchise is fricked for at least another decade.

  22. 11 months ago

    This is why the Marvel shit looks like that now.

    >NOOOOO, don't unionise!
    >What about the heck indianarinos doing all the marvel CGI

    • 11 months ago

      >Loves Roman Reigns

    • 11 months ago

      >‘If you don’t let us make shitty vfx for you we will be FORCED to work at a scam call center’

    • 11 months ago


  23. 11 months ago

    got woke went broke

    >you know all the awesome 70/90's comis everyone loved
    >lets skip all that and use the new woke comics they can't sell and everyone hates to make movies about

    • 11 months ago

      >man, people loved all these heroes
      >if we kill them off and replace them with DIVERSE replacements, they'll surely sell even better

      Problem is, RDJ can't play iron man forever.

      • 11 months ago

        Then you stop making movies whenever he (and Chris and Scarlett and etc) wants to stop.

      • 11 months ago

        sure he could he's not like batman where he has to be in prime shape. Iron man can be old his suit does most of the work

    • 11 months ago

      > Woke happened
      > No singular direction (Is it about the multiverse, the Skrull invasion, mutants?)
      > No charismatic, likeable singular character to "lead" the franchise at this point (like RDJ and Evans once were for phase 1-3)
      > Lackluster phase 4 (and which this current phase is shaping out to be)
      > So much behind the scenes drama (overworked employees, the actors and writer's strike, etc.)
      > Superhero fatigue (which could've been mitigated at least a little bit if the MCU was still good)

      woke Black person shit feminism homosexualry destroyed all forms of entertainment , I only consume media pre 2012.

      I used to respect feige, but now he's a shell of his former creative genius self, he's been compromised by woke homosexualry beyond repair as well as the rest of israelitewood. I don't even consume current media anymore, I have a hyper response to even an ounce of woke propaganda.

      >He is like the Phil Jackson of movie producers

      Interesting take and analogy, I never thought of it that way, and you're right, RDJ and Chris were the lifeblood and pre 2012 the woke virus wasn't as strong. But eventually the woke virus took everything over post 2012 and Feige was compromised and couldn't even do what gave early MCU it's success.

      People keep saying this but no one has the actual definition for it? What makes something "woke" in media?

      • 11 months ago

        why do you libtards pretend you dont know what woke means?

        • 11 months ago

          To be "woke" (in a broad sense) is to be aware of some sort of social issue that affects marginalized groups. What is the right's definition of "woke?" Hint: There isn't one, which is my point.

          • 11 months ago

            Isn’t it interesting that ‘woke’ and ‘red pilled’ are synonyms?
            Really makes you think

          • 11 months ago

            wokeness is a strain of american social and cultural liberalism that centers "the personal is political", reducing all political action as a matter of personal moral hygiene - woke is something you are, not what you do. it has its roots in american academia: anti-racism, intersectionality, equity, privilege etc. It's obsessive about language to the point of coercion and control. it's analysis is structural but imposes action on the individual. the woke enlightened person aims for moral cleanliness, but one slip up can't be atoned for. this is also predicated on how people feel: validated, triggered, victimised, privileged. etc.. because those poor minorities can't feel sadness at any time. this cynicism also drives a lot of the woke ideas of institutional capture and reform, and seeing oneself as the moral highground gives ample opportunity to shift blame to the problematic "other". it treats minority immutable attributes as virtues, it's own kind of social credit system

            • 11 months ago

              That's...still not woke means (I'm talking abut it's original term).

              • 11 months ago

                its what semi-illiterate homies called people who shared their revisionist afrocentric view of history and politics

              • 11 months ago

                I don’t care what anyone says, my grandma told me that cleopatra was black

              • 11 months ago

                What it means in practice, what it’s commonly understood to mean, and what you think it meant originally are certainly different things
                However, for daily usage his definition is much more accurate than yours

              • 11 months ago

                There's no "commonly understood to mean" because there's is no agreed term to what most people think of when they hear the word "woke" (because they don't know what it is) and the word salad you posted proves my point.

              • 11 months ago

                There's no "commonly understood to mean" because there's is no agreed term to what most people think of when they hear the word "woke" (because they don't know what it is) and the word salad you posted proves my point.

                Who cares? You wokesters always derail the conversation with the whole "umm what's your definition of woke?!" shit

              • 11 months ago

                this, they act fricking stupid by saying "hurr durr what is woke durr" and then we explain it ad nauseum and the same question gets asked again.

              • 11 months ago

                this, they act fricking stupid by saying "hurr durr what is woke durr" and then we explain it ad nauseum and the same question gets asked again.

                The definition was LITERALLY given to you (

                To be "woke" (in a broad sense) is to be aware of some sort of social issue that affects marginalized groups. What is the right's definition of "woke?" Hint: There isn't one, which is my point.

                ) and you went off to say "lol not true"

              • 11 months ago


                wokeness is a strain of american social and cultural liberalism that centers "the personal is political", reducing all political action as a matter of personal moral hygiene - woke is something you are, not what you do. it has its roots in american academia: anti-racism, intersectionality, equity, privilege etc. It's obsessive about language to the point of coercion and control. it's analysis is structural but imposes action on the individual. the woke enlightened person aims for moral cleanliness, but one slip up can't be atoned for. this is also predicated on how people feel: validated, triggered, victimised, privileged. etc.. because those poor minorities can't feel sadness at any time. this cynicism also drives a lot of the woke ideas of institutional capture and reform, and seeing oneself as the moral highground gives ample opportunity to shift blame to the problematic "other". it treats minority immutable attributes as virtues, it's own kind of social credit system

                is the definition. yours is full of assumptions

              • 11 months ago

                woketards can't even define "woman" lmao

              • 11 months ago

                Cause it's a question in bad faith.

              • 11 months ago

                it's a simple question, why don't woketards know what words mean when they're the ones doing all the language policing?

              • 11 months ago

                Are the woketards in the room with us right now?

              • 11 months ago

                An adult woman or anyone who identifies as one.

              • 11 months ago

                the second definition contradicts the first

                Are the woketards in the room with us right now?

                just in this thread

              • 11 months ago

                when someone identifies as a woman, what are they identifying as? what does the word mean?

              • 11 months ago

                It's a gender expression generally favored by people with a XX chromosome, you may now concede

              • 11 months ago

                expressing what exactly? favoured implies conscious choice, which isn't the case in the entire non-american world where "gender choice" isn't a concept or part of their worldview

              • 11 months ago

                >expressing what exactly?
                Their gender lol pay attention. There are a lot of traits we consider to womanly or manly in society and it'd be tedious to list them all. We would generally consider people who embody these traits to be either a man or a woman

              • 11 months ago

                what is the "woman gender"? a manly woman isn't a man. why can't you provide an explicit definition of a woman?

              • 11 months ago

                I just did, are you having trouble understanding? Which part do you need dumbed down?

              • 11 months ago

                your definition of woman is someone who identifies as a woman, which means having a woman's gender expression, but at no point did you define what a woman is, just endless tautologies

              • 11 months ago

                >your definition of woman is someone who identifies as a woman
                No it isn't, I didn't say that. Why are you lying?

                This is what libtards genuinely believe

                Not an argument.

              • 11 months ago

                one response says this

                An adult woman or anyone who identifies as one.

                which is basically the same as this

                It's a gender expression generally favored by people with a XX chromosome, you may now concede

                being tautological here

                >expressing what exactly?
                Their gender lol pay attention. There are a lot of traits we consider to womanly or manly in society and it'd be tedious to list them all. We would generally consider people who embody these traits to be either a man or a woman

              • 11 months ago

                That first post isn't mine. You should probably take the time to learn how this website work and how to follow reply chains. To avoid more embarrassing mistakes like this

              • 11 months ago

                You tried to dogpile and you failed. I accept your concession

              • 11 months ago

                Does this mean you're done? I don't blame you lol it's hard when people don't stick to your script and you actually have to engage

                >Not an argument.
                neither is saying having 'womanly traits' make you a woman

                Thats... How words work?

              • 11 months ago

                woketard can't define a woman lmao

              • 11 months ago

                It's a gender expression generally favored by people with a XX chromosome, you may now concede

              • 11 months ago

                gender expressing what? you keep going in circles without saying anything. if a woman is a gender expression, a woman gender expression is what exactly? are libtards really this dumb

              • 11 months ago

                >expressing what exactly?
                Their gender lol pay attention. There are a lot of traits we consider to womanly or manly in society and it'd be tedious to list them all. We would generally consider people who embody these traits to be either a man or a woman

                The only reason we're going in circles is because you can't engage with my answers. You just restate your question because I'm not following your script lol

              • 11 months ago

                a vague undefined term isn't a suitable definition for another vague undefined term. there's no "script", just think about it rationally for a minute, maybe the woke brainwashing will wear off

              • 11 months ago

                I am thinking rationally, only one of us is having trouble with this conversation. So now that I've defined woman you want me to define something else? Which term is hard for you to grasp?

              • 11 months ago

                i understand that words are difficult for you. maybe you're ESL or not a white male, but words mean something, and you've failed repeatedly provide a definition for "woman", so I can only conclude that you don't know. i know it's embarrassing for you, you can just stop posting

              • 11 months ago

                Oh we're doing this again? Pretending I didn't give you a definition an hour ago? Here I'll link it again:

                It's a gender expression generally favored by people with a XX chromosome, you may now concede

                I take it by your seething adhoms and begging me to stop posting you're conceding the argument like the other anon?

              • 11 months ago

                you didn't define what the gender expression *is*. what gender expression? expressed how?
                >"what is a florgle?"
                >"it's a blargle"
                >"what's a blargle?"
                >(no answer)

              • 11 months ago

                I kept asking you what else you wanted defined but you would dodge and seethepost instead before restating your original question. Here, do some reading: wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_expression

                No one conceded an argument to you, you just tired them out by going in circles with your "definitions". But your whole purpose was to derail any kind of conversation by arguing about basic reality which is part of the woke script.

                Not an argument.

              • 11 months ago

                I asked you to define what "woman gender expression" means

                expressing what exactly? favoured implies conscious choice, which isn't the case in the entire non-american world where "gender choice" isn't a concept or part of their worldview


                what is the "woman gender"? a manly woman isn't a man. why can't you provide an explicit definition of a woman?


                your definition of woman is someone who identifies as a woman, which means having a woman's gender expression, but at no point did you define what a woman is, just endless tautologies


                gender expressing what? you keep going in circles without saying anything. if a woman is a gender expression, a woman gender expression is what exactly? are libtards really this dumb

                and here

                you didn't define what the gender expression *is*. what gender expression? expressed how?
                >"what is a florgle?"
                >"it's a blargle"
                >"what's a blargle?"
                >(no answer)

                and not one of your replies answered it, why not?

              • 11 months ago

                I answered here:

                >expressing what exactly?
                Their gender lol pay attention. There are a lot of traits we consider to womanly or manly in society and it'd be tedious to list them all. We would generally consider people who embody these traits to be either a man or a woman

                And even relinked it several times. Now I've provided you with a wikipedia link but that isn't good enough either? Seems like you've accepted my definition of woman at least so I'll take that concession.

              • 11 months ago

                you just passed the buck to "womanly" and "manly" without defining those either, an endless tautology

                what is the "woman gender"? a manly woman isn't a man. why can't you provide an explicit definition of a woman?

                is a manly woman a man?
                any answer to that makes your gender expression link pointless

              • 11 months ago

                No I explained pretty clearly over an hour ago that there are many womanly and manly traits and it's tedious to list them all. Let me just speed run this next part of the conversation since you seem kinda slow
                >Give me specific examples of womanly traits!!!
                Wearing a dress, having long hair and painting your nails is seen as womanly
                >Ermmm but what if a man does those things??? Does that make them a woman???
                No because being a woman is comprised of many different traits that are too numerous to list
                >Ermmmm okay but how do we know which traits are manly and which are womanly?
                This is defined societally and can vary in other parts of the world
                >Uhhh... But... Uhhh... What is a woman? You still haven't defined that!!!
                Then the conversation loops ad nauseam, I give a definition; you demand a definition from within that definition and then another and then another and then we go back to your original question again

                Can't concede because I never engaged with your society destroying views, just dismissed them outright. Heh, dumby.

                >He's still upset
                Just accept you got BTFO and move on, this is sad

              • 11 months ago

                How can you btfo me here? Unpossible because all I've been doing is casually disregarding all your civilization-collapsing ideas.

              • 11 months ago

                you never mentioned any of those things. you never defined any of the traits of a woman, and why whether man having some subset them is still a man.
                >Wearing a dress, having long hair and painting your nails is seen as womanly
                Is this image of a woman? Be honest
                >No because being a woman is comprised of many different traits that are too numerous to list
                Try listing them. A woman wears a dress right? What about a woman wearing pants? Do the clothes make the woman? Be honest
                >This is defined societally and can vary in other parts of the world
                List some culturally different ways a woman is defined at birth. In cultures where they don't have dresses are there any women? In Scotland, men wear kilts, are they actually women?. Be honest
                >Then the conversation loops ad nauseam, I give a definition; you demand a definition from within that definition and then another and then another and then we go back to your original question again
                You said a "woman" is a "gender expression", and that "gender expression" is "womanly" (whatever that is, dresses or something?), but not whether a "man" displaying some "womanly" traits is a "woman" and vice versa.

              • 11 months ago

                >Is this image of a woman?
                I'm guessing it's a man dressed as a woman
                >A woman wears a dress right?
                Sometimes yeah
                >What about a woman wearing pants?
                That would be a woman wearing pants
                >Do the clothes make the woman?
                No, like I've already explained that's just one of many traits we use to determine someone's gender
                >In cultures where they don't have dresses are there any women?
                Yes like I said different cultures have different traits
                >In Scotland, men wear kilts, are they actually women?
                >but not whether a "man" displaying some "womanly" traits is a "woman" and vice versa.
                A man with some womanly traits is still a man, a woman with some manly traits is still a woman.

                You know I keep answering your dozens of questions but the goalposts seem to be getting further and further away. It's almost like you don't want to accept my definition which is fine. You can have your own understanding but I feel confident I've explained mine. Your concession has been officially noted and logged, I'll let you have the last word so you can try to salvage your ego (I won't read it)

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm guessing it's a man dressed as a woman
                How do you know it's a man?
                >That would be a woman wearing pants
                How do you know it's a woman wearing pants?
                >Yes like I said different cultures have different traits
                Like what? I've never been to Japan, but I could with a 100% success rate identify men and women. Same with Ghana or some Eskimo tribe. I'm unfamiliar with their cultural worldviews, why would it be so easy for me?

                >A man with some womanly traits is still a man, a woman with some manly traits is still a woman.
                So your definition of a "woman" being someone who "gender expresses" what is "womanly" is completely useless.

                Which of these two persons in this image is a woman and why? If you don't answer, I'll consider it a concession.

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm guessing it's a man dressed as a woman
                very transphobic statement, assuming someone gender from a photo

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah don't need to argue about basic stuff that children know. You gonna argue with someone that 2+2=5 next lil fella? Lil wokey boy kek

              • 11 months ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 11 months ago

                Can't concede because I never engaged with your society destroying views, just dismissed them outright. Heh, dumby.

              • 11 months ago

                No one conceded an argument to you, you just tired them out by going in circles with your "definitions". But your whole purpose was to derail any kind of conversation by arguing about basic reality which is part of the woke script.

              • 11 months ago

                >Not an argument.
                neither is saying having 'womanly traits' make you a woman

              • 11 months ago

                This is what libtards genuinely believe

        • 11 months ago

          It's one of their tactics; they don't want you talking about/noticing the ideology they put into every piece of media nowadays. Their side were the ones who came up with it but now that the right uses it against them they pretend not to know what it means and asking you to define it.

        • 11 months ago

          it's called gaslighting

        • 11 months ago

          They're trying to trick you into saying something offensive so they can discredit everything you say. Everyone knows what woke is.

  24. 11 months ago

    Entire empires crumble under a single mistake. For Feige it is not recasting Iron Man and Captain America. There are so many stories left to tell and they can't because those characters are now gone.

    • 11 months ago

      agree ironman was the backbone of capeshit gonna be hard to live with no backbone

      • 11 months ago

        People forget Iron Man wasn't even popular or even that liked prior to RDJ's take on Stark.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not like replacing Warmachine. RDJ is Iron Man, you can't just recast him. Endgame was a fitting send off.

      The problem is they thought you can just hand Falcon the shield and introduce Iron Heart or some shit down the line and people will just eat it up.

      • 11 months ago

        >It's not like replacing Warmachine. RDJ is Iron Man, you can't just recast him
        They said the same thing about Connery and Bond. You can. I don't even think RDJ portrayed the actual character well.

        • 11 months ago

          >I don't even think RDJ portrayed the actual character well.
          Based take, but the comics are modeled on the movies now, essentially.

        • 11 months ago

          >I don't even think RDJ portrayed the actual character well

          He is literally the only reason why MCU exists.

          • 11 months ago

            >He is literally the only reason why MCU exists.
            I understand that. But he didn't play Ironman. Ironman is not some quip throwing playboy. He is a mentally flawed borderline fascist character which was why he was on team pro government during the civil war comics.

            • 11 months ago

              >Ironman is not some quip throwing playboy.
              Then everyone in the MCU became a quip throwing snarky fricker.
              Then it even extended to other franchises such as Star Wars.

              RDJ and the MCU were a mistake.

              • 11 months ago

                GotG's success cemented that. Regardless if you like that movie or not, it was the most quippy and the rest followed.

                >He is literally the only reason why MCU exists.
                I understand that. But he didn't play Ironman. Ironman is not some quip throwing playboy. He is a mentally flawed borderline fascist character which was why he was on team pro government during the civil war comics.

                Iron Man had pros and cons. I agree that RDJ wasn't a 1:1 depiction but he did a pretty good job with it. The issue was when the sequels started modeling themselves after him, and not the other way around.
                They did a similar thing with Hemsworth's IRL personality and Thor, but it wasn't until the third one.

            • 11 months ago

              > He is a mentally flawed borderline fascist character
              He was arguably this since AoU

              • 11 months ago

                >He was arguably
                No he arguably wasn't. He dipped his toes into it slightly in AOU and immediately changed his mind.

            • 11 months ago

              >He is a mentally flawed borderline fascist character
              That's literally him in AoU and Civil War

              • 11 months ago

                >he's that in 5% of the MCU's existence and realizes the errors of the way and immediately changes back

                Can we stop with these terrible whataboutisms on this site?

    • 11 months ago

      Not recasting T'Challa was a huge mistake as well. John David Washington could've made a great replacement for Boseman. I feel like they went with the emotional reflex reaction instead of stopping and thinking about what was best for the series. At least Tony and Steve had their stories told. There was still so much left to do with T'Challa that we can't now, because they panicked and threw the baby out with the bathwater. Now, whenever they get around to introducing the X-Men into the MCU, we'll never get T'Challa and Ororo as a couple, which saddens me.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, that was weird. Marvel got fricked by that happening and let the real world bleed into their production a little too much.

      • 11 months ago

        >we'll never get T'Challa and Ororo as a couple, which saddens me
        That story was garbage, kys homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        They definitely should have recasted T-Challa or appointed a new male lead
        >John David Washington
        Not him though.
        I like Colby but Maria Hill wasn't some big named character. The way her death was handled was about on par with Coulson's, which is as much as a spy should get. Even in the AoS show when they send off two of their own (alive) they make a point of saying spies don't get big send offs. Maria Hill got a proper military funeral which is the biggest spy send off really.

  25. 11 months ago

    All that matters is Emilia had fun making the show

    • 11 months ago

      This is based, I can now cancel GoT and GoT fans.

    • 11 months ago

      She was damn eager in the first season because she was fresh out of school and was offered a starring role in a epic series.

    • 11 months ago

      >the GoT producers demanded she strip down nearly every day of filming
      Fricking based.

    • 11 months ago

      >"I can't believe I've got to strip and frick all the time in order to play this character that gets stripped and fricked all the time!"

    • 11 months ago

      >be got producer
      >hire actress solely for hotness
      >"eh she can't act, but as long as she keeps getting naked who cares"
      >actress has certified woman moment and refuses to get naked
      >can't fire her because of feminism
      >show goes to shit
      you'd be spewing i reckon

  26. 11 months ago

    was it a ripoff or an homage?

  27. 11 months ago

    At least they killed off Iron Man before the Arno Stark, Tony is actually an alien and not related to Howard shit.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh god please don't remind me

  28. 11 months ago

    Marvel was already dogshit unable to keep up with even the most basic moronic shonenshit. Imagine making a universe on that never ending bad writting and giving it to a israelite to milk forever.

  29. 11 months ago

    So Gaia is basically God now, with the powers of literally everyone from the Infinity Saga. She could probably solo Thanos WITH the Infinity Gauntlet. How long before the inevitable bullshit "Gaia can't come and help us because she got lost in Intergalactic Walmart" excuse?

    • 11 months ago

      >So Gaia is basically God now, with the powers of literally everyone from the Infinity Saga.
      Pretty much, though somebody like Strange or Wanda might be a challenge for her (assuming they had the jump on her first).

    • 11 months ago

      I don't think she can do magic, so that'd be a hard counter

    • 11 months ago

      I don't think she can do magic, so that'd be a hard counter

      Most of the powers she got amount to "strong and durable". The only real advantages are telekinesis, fire and ice powers, and Captain Marvel's energy blasts.

      She's op, but not THAT op.

      • 11 months ago

        She's every Phases 1-3 hero and villain rolled into one. You're going to have to search for a good, long while for someone capable of beating her, without getting into OP cosmic shit like the Watchers and beyond.
        >telekinesis, fire and ice powers, and Captain Marvel's energy blasts
        Flight, healing/regeneration, mental manipulation, phasing, plant manipulation, alien magic, and while she didn't use them in the fight (at least not that I can recall), there's no reason to think she can't also use Thor's lightning, Strange and Wanda's magic, and Spidey Sense.

  30. 11 months ago

    > Woke happened
    > No singular direction (Is it about the multiverse, the Skrull invasion, mutants?)
    > No charismatic, likeable singular character to "lead" the franchise at this point (like RDJ and Evans once were for phase 1-3)
    > Lackluster phase 4 (and which this current phase is shaping out to be)
    > So much behind the scenes drama (overworked employees, the actors and writer's strike, etc.)
    > Superhero fatigue (which could've been mitigated at least a little bit if the MCU was still good)

  31. 11 months ago

    They started making capeshit in 2008

  32. 11 months ago

    Looks worse than Galidor, and that was a kids show from 20 years ago

  33. 11 months ago

    It was good until the last episode when the capeshit came in. The same types that hate Andor also hate this.

  34. 11 months ago

    Got soft
    Bunch of dipshits wormed their way into actual decision making
    Shit scripts without focus

  35. 11 months ago
  36. 11 months ago

    overpaid white liberal women. they will be modernity's downfall

  37. 11 months ago


  38. 11 months ago
  39. 11 months ago


  40. 11 months ago

    you will never be born with a vegana.
    the problems of the minority are not my problems, just go somewhere else woth your minority and become a majority so no one will have any problems.
    shit thread

  41. 11 months ago

    It’s weird how every time a GoT star joins a Marvel production it’s shit, they must be fricking cursed or something.

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