>What if we made Band of Brothers but bad?

>What if we made Band of Brothers but bad?

Seriously, its not underrated when half your plot kinda sucks

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    Name a single war where Americans won.

    • 1 month ago

      The American Civil War

      • 1 month ago

        The wrong kind of Americans.

    • 1 month ago

      The Mexico-American War

    • 1 month ago

      World War Two

    • 1 month ago

      Revolutionary War

    • 1 month ago

      Infinity War

    • 1 month ago

      The Clone Wars

    • 1 month ago

      The War in Your Heart.

    • 1 month ago

      Spanish-American War

    • 1 month ago

      The War of the Roses

    • 1 month ago

      I would posit that we demonstrably won the Indian Wars.

      • 1 month ago

        That’s a tricky subject, because even though it was incredibly difficult and required Incredible sacrifice, some people (jews in the media of some of their relatives in academia ) told us we’re not allowed to be proud of it.

        • 1 month ago

          I wouldn't say stealing land from natives is something to be proud of but to acknowledge that it happened centuries ago by nobody alive today and giving all the land back will create more problems than solve and anybody still kvetching should give back the land their ancestors absolutely stole from that land's natives

          • 1 month ago

            There's something you need to understand princess, if we don't get to a certain point of development, we will be taken over, by other humans, or another species, from this world or not. There's no time for the collective to be hippies.

          • 1 month ago

            >stole land

    • 1 month ago

      The War for The Ring

    • 1 month ago

      War of 1812, the Brits fricked off once and for all and eventually became one of our closest allies

    • 1 month ago

      War on Health

    • 1 month ago

      The War in Your Mind Rent Free.

    • 1 month ago

      world war 3

    • 1 month ago

      we blitzed through iraq in 2 months

      • 1 month ago

        saddam was a CIA asset, iraq was always meant to be invaded due to its proximity to other post-soviet and pan-arab powers that were aligned against israel.

        • 1 month ago

          we fricked up iraq pretty good

    • 1 month ago

      War of your moms c**t

    • 1 month ago

      The War on Drugs

  2. 1 month ago

    Not going to die for Israel, Moshe

  3. 1 month ago

    Stories of the Pacific Theater suck after the Battle of Midway.

    • 1 month ago

      This series encapsulates the basic muhreen mindset that they are the coolest most badass dudes because they fight in the hardest battles ever but

      >Ignore most of the marine leadership for decades at this point are moronic
      >They constantly shit on other branches and even their own support like line cooks, engineers, or supply guys becasue they "werent there"

      Like the only drama you saw in Band of Brothers was them crying over new soldiers not dropping at normandy however they were equally outmanned, outgunned, and were given the shit jobs too but they didnt cry about it like they do in the pacific.

      • 1 month ago

        >Marines at the start of the War were all using WW1 hand me downs
        >Marine leadership thought they didnt need any of that new shit the boys are tough
        >Deploy marines on beaches when the water/air space is still contested but sometimes will just leave marines stuck on the island
        >The marines had paratroopers, and early special forces
        >Basically waste them to the point you say "Special forces are dumb just have the guys land with the rest of them"

        • 1 month ago

          I remember reading up on the marine raiders and was honestly shocked at how utterly wasted they were. How did we even win the Pacific when the marine leadership was so utterly moronic?

          • 1 month ago

            >How did we even win the Pacific

            The Navy and the Airforce, people also forget but the Army was in the Pacific too but muhreen propaganda tends to downplay them

            • 1 month ago

              Watch the Great Raid for US army kino in the Pacific

          • 1 month ago

            They didnt use their Raider teams effectively they basically started operating next to regular marine units over time.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah I just kept rolling my eyes at "weh weh the japanese are tough and crazy the guys in Europe are banging french babes and sipping beer weh"

        More men were dying in Europe than they were in the Pacific and they were fighting often compared to the marines. The marines fought extremely tough battles but it was sporadic compared to the constant move of Europe.

  4. 1 month ago

    I can't recall anything from The Pacific while Band of Brothers is still fresh in my mind. Can anyone with a bigger brain explain what exactly went wrong? They both seem like quality productions but one worked while the other one didn't.

    • 1 month ago

      It's just not as clean of a story. The first half mostly focuses on one guy and his buddies, but there is a loose connection to the other main who isn't in the war yet.
      Ultimately, the story is sort of fragmented.
      Also, the characters aren't nearly as interesting and voluminous as Band of Brothers.
      Those are the two factors.
      I still enjoy The Pacific, but not nearly as much.

      • 1 month ago

        >Ultimately, the story is sort of fragmented.
        >Also, the characters aren't nearly as interesting and voluminous as Band of Brothers.
        Funny because I think the direct opposite. I like BoB but I prefer TP (I've seen them both like 4 times) because it focuses on a handful of characters and gives them development.
        It's also resolved much more emotionally and memorably. The resolution of BoB is everyone looting the Berchtesgarden, watching the Germans surrender and Winters and Nixon talking about what they're going to do after the war. For TP, we see a worn out Leckie in a hospital watch a wounded soldier cry in the arms of a nurse on VJ day while all the civilians party, Snafu hesitatingly choose to let Sledge get his last peaceful sleep for a long time rather than say goodbye, and Sledge suffering night terrors and breaking down into tears (IRL it was after mercy killing a wounded dove).
        Also BoB shows Blithe being shot in the neck and says he died of that wound in the credits but it was actually in the shoulder and he would live for another 23 years, jumping during the Korean War and earning a Silver Star.

        This series encapsulates the basic muhreen mindset that they are the coolest most badass dudes because they fight in the hardest battles ever but

        >Ignore most of the marine leadership for decades at this point are moronic
        >They constantly shit on other branches and even their own support like line cooks, engineers, or supply guys becasue they "werent there"

        Like the only drama you saw in Band of Brothers was them crying over new soldiers not dropping at normandy however they were equally outmanned, outgunned, and were given the shit jobs too but they didnt cry about it like they do in the pacific.

        Yeah I just kept rolling my eyes at "weh weh the japanese are tough and crazy the guys in Europe are banging french babes and sipping beer weh"

        More men were dying in Europe than they were in the Pacific and they were fighting often compared to the marines. The marines fought extremely tough battles but it was sporadic compared to the constant move of Europe.

        The soldiers in the European theater "cried and b***hed" about their situation too, it's just not something they put into BoB.
        It's interesting to note the context each series was written in, BoB pre 9/11 during "the end of history" at the height of WW2 media and celebrating the Greatest Generation, well-received by audiences right after 9/11. The Pacific was written and aired at a time you would hear on the news every night about the servicemen being killed in wars most people were tired of and a lot thought were bullshit.

        • 1 month ago

          BoB just butchers many characters for the sake of drama. Entertaining yes, but not historical. The book has been discredited many times for it's in-accuracies and bias towards Winters.

    • 1 month ago

      The Pacific has the same love and care put into providing authenticity however HBO were always hesitant about doing a sequel series to BoB. BoB was expensive and was a mega hit in regards to sub numbers but even bigger DVD sales.

      HBO gave them the funding but they skimped it on the writing massively. The actors were all great they even had guys before they blew up but the entire story was just bad. Most people like Sledges stuff while they forget the other 2 what I really hated was the writing especially for what they did to sledges brother. They tried making his brother seem like he had a easy time in the war but if you look at his uniform he was in Pattons Second Armor and those guys saw some shit.

  5. 1 month ago

    I never finished watching it. It just couldn't make me connect with the people. It felt like I was watching a show with characters, not real people.

  6. 1 month ago

    This feels like a masterpiece compared to pajeets of the air

  7. 1 month ago

    I preferred The Pacific. Generation Kill is a close second, Band of Brothers, and then Masters of the Air is obviously last.

  8. 1 month ago

    its good minus the boring away on leave stuff

  9. 1 month ago

    I have the perfect idea for a historically accurate series about the war in the Pacific but the commonly accepted narrative police may not like it

  10. 1 month ago

    >Not focused.
    >No one unit fought all the major battles so hard to center
    >Gay Australia shit
    I look forward to the next miniseries of the 5th Marine Battalion fighting in World War 1 assaulting through Belleau Woods

    • 1 month ago

      i'm hoping for a korean war miniseries myself. just hope hanks and spielberg aren't behind it or pick actually decent directors and it's not stuck in production hell for 3 years like mota

  11. 1 month ago

    I liked Pacific. It was nice to see the tropics for change. I think I watched the whole show in a day. I'll probably star rewatching it to refresh my memory on it.
    I started watching Band of Brothers recently and liked the boot camp, England and the D-day but got tired when it got to the point it was just action scenes that everyone and their grandma has seen on Youtube and the "artwork" page of every single WW2 game on Steam.
    I'm also a bit bitter about the lack of Eastern volunteers on the German side in BoB, since we never see them in anything (the Czechs in Saving Private Ryan don't count. Czechia was part of the Reich proper and they fought in regular German units.).
    A unibrow swartoid in a field grey uniform cameo would really freshen up the overused countryside though.

  12. 1 month ago

    I watched Band of Brothers like ten years ago in high school. Still haven't watched the Pacific. I'm nervous to do so because I'm worried it's gonna make me want to kill Japs like hacksaw ridge did. I couldn't enjoy that movie at all, it just made me upset that so many American were killed by subhuman nips just for us to end up simping for them. What a fricking waste. We should have annihilated Japan. I've hated japs since I was 8 years old and read about the Bataan death march. I hated them for being slant eyed and I hated Italians because their language sounded Japanese tl me, any language ending in lots of vowels sounded subhuman. Or "ng". I didn't like the "eng" in England. Same with Nazi, the word sounded African to me and old pics of Germans I saw had them looking kind of swarthy so I figured they were basically related to blacks (who I hated as well). When I was 9 years old I drew pictures of Americans killing "Jap" soldiers and I wrote a story about world war 3 that started with Yuri Gagarin dropping a meganuke on Japan that reduces the entire island to a crater in the water. I watched tora tora tora and was seething about it for days, didn't understand why we forgave Japan for fighting us. I think this is part of why I never got into Japanese media at all. I can have some sort of grudging respect for their culture, but I'll never like Japs and watching hacksaw ridge just reawakened those childhood feelings. I remember when the two Japanese dudes get shot by the flamethrower I thought to myself "lol, fried rice" and started kekking and my dad looked at me like I was a fricking psycho or something

  13. 1 month ago

    this series is either smaltzy episodes supported by extremely saccharine music, or bleak fights in unbearable conditions where all the guys look starved and emaciated and there's barely any cover

    also they're complete pussies for not dedicating at least one episode on dropping the bombs

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