I know I'm late for this, but what the frick was that ending? Did they made another movie and just stapled it?
The movie ends very well with the arrest of the riddler and the movie message was pretty obvious if you have any measure of reading comprehension.
Did you actually need to have some moron go and repeat "I'm vengeance" to Batman's face like if we were stupid?

Worst thing is that I was watching it in black and white and it has amazing noire direction, then it completely fricks up and looks like some Star Trek movie levels of bloom.
Did this thing had two directors because the fricks at WB were afraid of having an actually good and cohesive movie (save some edgelord shit that still kinda fit the mood and style)?

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  1. 6 days ago

    I disliked the entire movie. Everything about it

    • 6 days ago

      Nobody actually likes this movie. Now go away.

      Good to know that you don't like the movie, i like it. Probably a good sign to me.
      I enjoyed every second of this movie like a porn, i love justice and hate cowards.

      • 6 days ago

        Kek! Comparing this DYEL, weak, effeminate, whiny, ineffectual eye shadow wesring Batman who constantly fricks up to those Chads. This movie was tailor made for sexless incel zoomers.

  2. 6 days ago

    Nobody actually likes this movie. Now go away.

    • 6 days ago

      Nah, the first 2/3rds was great.

  3. 6 days ago

    So you do this every day then or do that many random anons wanna b***h about The Batman? I'm not complaining. I liked the movie (more often than not it ain't perfect) so any thread is great to me.

  4. 6 days ago

    This movie was cringe from the moment Ave Maria started playing like it's meant to be some haunting and deep artistic choice.

    • 6 days ago

      Well said

  5. 6 days ago

    Yep. Barry Keoghan was an insufferable little twat on set so his entire part in the story was cut out and the studio wanted more runtime. It was supposed to end with the dam blowing and Batman saving people from the stadium, no goon fight.

    • 6 days ago

      >It was supposed to end with the dam blowing and Batman saving people from the stadium, no goon fight
      That still was kinda ass, and the directing was still completely different.
      The movie ends perfectly at the arrest.

    • 6 days ago

      elaborate on the barry stuff

      • 6 days ago

        The whole time Riddler was supposed to be in contact with a guy name Stanley Merkel. Only ever through his laptop or phone via text. Merkel was feeding Riddler info on everything and everyone and you think he’s a cop on the inside. Riddler calls him “friend.”
        Fast forward to the end of the movie, Barry telling Riddler he did well and then hitting him with the riddle of his own. The answer is “friend” and that’s why both start laughing maniacally, Joker was behind Riddler and pit Batman against him as you can see in the deleted scene that was released.
        Huge fricking part of the movie gutted because Barry was drunk 24/7, insulted Andy Serkis, Rob couldn’t stand him, and he’s too fricking short and no one knew that because Reeves just offered him the part based off a send in tape.
        Huge fricking mess and a major reason Part II keeps getting delayed.

        • 6 days ago

          why not hire someone else??

          • 6 days ago

            No one wants to step on James Gunn’s toes so it’ll have to be an unknown.

  6. 6 days ago

    >okay, we arrested the riddler
    >now the movie can end, its not like the riddler clearly had some kind of fricking grand plan he was about to enact, he was just shitposting the whole time apparently!
    >what a great fricking story this is, and not a complete wet fart that makes the villain look like a moron!
    yeah i dont know what WB was thinking dude, its crazy.

    • 6 days ago

      It was a criminal investigation about a serial killer vigilante assassinating mafia bosses.
      Not every Batman villain needs a grand plan that destroys the whole city or be an intergalactic menace.

      • 6 days ago

        That's literally what I love about the movie, that it was so small scale, it's somewhat plausible as far as Batman goes.
        Also that the movie self itself so edgy because batman's character development is specifically about stopping being so edgy.

        • 6 days ago

          That's cool and all but it misses the point of Batman just like the last 20 years of Batman movies.
          Batman isn't just a detective who solvers crimes and mysteries. If you want a noir detective story then why have the protagonist be a billionaire who dresses up as a bat?
          Batman isn't just an angry rich man who shoots at demons from his futuristic plane and saves the world with superhero pals, either.
          Nor is he just a tortured ninja who deals with moral dilemmas.

          He is ALL of those things, at the same time. Why can't a movie capture that?
          WB can suck a dick, and Hollywood in general needs to start hiring writers that aren't hacks.

  7. 6 days ago

    Don't know I couldn't fricking hear the dialogue.

  8. 6 days ago

    >Cringy edgelord monologues done in a wannabe Rorschach imitation voice
    >Batman walking with his arms stiffly by his sides like he has a dildo rammed up his ass
    >Thumb drive
    >The twins
    >Penguin being some goomba caricature
    >Ugly midget mystery meat Catwoman
    >Gordon does a Batman voice the whole time for some reason
    >Cops yelling "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" while chasing Batman
    >"Let's go, pencil neck!"
    Every other scene in this movie is cringe kino. It's actually unwatchable due to the second hand embarrassment.

    • 6 days ago

      what about:
      >batman clanking loud as hell with boots, instead of being silent ninja
      >batman doesn't into spanish and needs penguin to translate
      >is called vengeance
      >looks like a guy larping in any scene where a cop is present (never got that feel from nolan batman or snyder's batman

      • 6 days ago

        like a guy larping in any scene where a cop is present (never got that feel from nolan batman or snyder's batman
        That's literally the point of the movie, to make him a Batman that's not only very new to the job and still figuring things out, but also very young even compared to Bale, the whole fricking point of the character is that he's still very rough around the edges and somewhat inept.
        The whole moral of the story is that what Batman is doing and how he's going it, is wrong.

        • 6 days ago

          I was complaining how in the end they added the goon literally telling to batman's face his catchphrase, and how annoying that was.
          But apparently you guys really need it if you can't get a movie that's meant for teens.

        • 6 days ago

          This. morons got so used to Gary Stu Batman they confuse character flaws with bad writing, and this Batman is meant to be very flawed.

          • 6 days ago

            Batman almost became the definitive Gary Stu

        • 6 days ago

          Bale Batman took out Falcone on his first day. moronman was fighting crime for 2 years and accomplished literally nothing.

          • 6 days ago

            Yeah, that's why I didn't like Bale's Batman, too idealistic and had most of his shit solved by day one.
            Even "mask of the phantasm" Batman struggled for months before actually doing anything worthwhile, and that was a kid's movie from the 90s

            • 6 days ago

              There's a point where the incompetence gets comedic. Like when the main villain does a better job than you at cleaning up crime.

              • 6 days ago

                They needed Joker’s scenes in the movie. He calls out Batman stalling on the investigation because “You don’t think he’s wrong!”

            • 6 days ago

              No. They both traveled the world to gain skills and were similarily prepared. BTAS version just got an oppportunity for a normal life just as he's about to start. That was the conflict.

      • 6 days ago

        It's obvious the writer/director didn't understand the first thing about Batman. He doesn't stomp around with his gimp boots like a wild west cowboy announcing his arrival from a mile away. Stealth has always been one of his core tenets. Even Nolan knew that.

  9. 6 days ago

    >Worst thing is that I was watching it in black and white and it has amazing noire direction
    fricking moron why would you watch a film shot in color in black and white lmao. This film really does walk the line between greatness and typical capeshit sloppa though, it looks amazing and has it's great moments there's enough stupid shit in there for it to ultimately be just another capeflick larping as a Fincher movie

    • 6 days ago

      >fricking moron why would you watch a film shot in color in black and white lmao.
      It has very good noire aesthetic until the ending so I decided to just try it and, yeah, it works. I just forgot I wasn't watching it in color, as if it was meant to be watched like that.

  10. 6 days ago

    The Riddler did a better job of fighting crime than the moronman.

  11. 6 days ago

    Batman's incompetent throughout the movie and doesn't solve shit so he becomes a volunteer, hands the city to the black woman mayor and passively watches like a cuck as Catwoman leaves

    • 6 days ago

      does batman ever hang around some disaster and help the regular cops/medics? i thought he just did things that the others can't or wont. why would he stand around like that. seems like a superman thing to do

      • 6 days ago

        That was a first, hopefully also the last time

  12. 6 days ago

    So the few fans of this movie want Batman to be dumb and ineffectual? Is that it?

    • 6 days ago

      Did you just ignore the whole point of that Batman is learning to be Batman?
      No, we don't want Batman to be dumb in every case, just that if the movie tells you the reason why he's incompetent and dumb, and makes sense, it's character flaw, not bad writing.

      There's a point where the incompetence gets comedic. Like when the main villain does a better job than you at cleaning up crime.

      I understand if you don't agree with the morals of the movie, but the whole thing was that it was bad effectiveness aside. You know, the morals Batman has held for most of its existence.

      • 6 days ago

        >Did you just ignore the whole point of that Batman is learning to be Batman?
        By being entirely moronic that he never does anything ever right? The movie even makes a point that despite him active for two year straight without a night rest crime rates has actually gone up, not down, because apparently fighting common thugs is all kinds of dumb and wrong.

        Yeah, i get that the whole point of the movie was to shit on Batman as a concept.

      • 6 days ago

        It has nothing to do with morals. Batman is a blithering idiot. He's been at it for 2 years. He might as well not have even bothered.

  13. 6 days ago

    Being in the window between the WB sale is just a terrible place to be. Emo Bruce is a good concept but this had practically no oversight or direction and ended up being an okay but absolutely bloated and forgettable movie.

  14. 6 days ago

    I thought it was a neat idea to have a still young Batman grow and learn he has to be more than just vengeance, he has to be a symbol people look up to, not someone who innocents run from when he saves them.

  15. 6 days ago

    I liked it. Batman actually had a character arc unlike most superhero slop and it looked great, the fact he couldn’t figure out were the riddler shot the guy at the start was moronic though

  16. 6 days ago

    The first 1/2 of this is good, but it shit the bed with the mystery. Batman was literally given the answer, he didn't solve the crime or beat the Riddler, and the terrorism scene was entirely unnecessary if the character writing is better.

  17. 6 days ago

    Cry all you want, this is the most accurate Batman. A skinny, DYEL barely stable guy because he doesn’t care about shit but fighting crime. It makes sense he looks like shit, he doesn’t care enough to eat and is salvaged solely by his training

    • 6 days ago

      To be accurate it should adhere to the iconic version of the character, and it's nothing like what you described. That's just a character you imagined who you desperately want to be batman
      Movie is shit

      • 6 days ago

        You probably think the iconic VerSiOn of the character is Nolan kek
        And I didn’t say accurate morono, It’s the most realistic take given an actual Batman would be mentally ill and not Le epic stoic. Learn to read
        Next cope?
        >b-but bales one is accura-

        • 6 days ago

          >And I didn’t say accurate morono, It’s the most realistic take given an actual Batman would be mentally ill and not Le epic stoic. Learn to read
          The dude wears an invincible armor, survives a bomb to his face, hitting a bridge head onto a bridge, and so on.

          • 6 days ago

            And two slugs to the chest in the club scene
            Shit is just Arkham level cheese at some point

  18. 6 days ago

    >Nolantards think TDK Batman is “comic accurate”

    • 6 days ago

      nobody cares about that colored toilet paper

      • 6 days ago

        >Nolantards think TDK Batman is “comic accurate”

        Name one more accurate Batman than Nolan’s trilogy you FRICKING morons and don’t say “LE PHANTASM”

    • 6 days ago

      Every single previous Batman movie has been, in one way or another, more accurate to a comic version than The Batman.

      • 6 days ago

        talk about beating a dead horse

  19. 6 days ago

    The Batman was worse than Batman Begins.

  20. 6 days ago

    >The movie ends very well with the arrest of the riddler and the movie message was pretty obvious if you have any measure of reading comprehension.

    Thay had to add a third act since Riddler comes a cross as WAY too sympathetic. Same reason why every reasonable villain has to comit one random ass "lmao I'm fricking insane" act out of nowhere, Hollywood can't allow audiences seriously adopting anti-system views.

  21. 6 days ago

    Why does this movie spout "Jesus" as a swear word constantly? It's cringe and blashphemous.

    Why does Batman work with the police? Isn't he supposed to be vigilante and wanted by questioning?

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