What the FRICK is going on in Riverdale?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    Kino, anon. Kino.

  2. 2 years ago

    duhh, stay outta riverdale!

  3. 2 years ago

    Something stupid, it's fricking CW garbage

  4. 2 years ago

    Wait this is still going on!?
    I just looked up this clip

    What the actual frick

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick lmao

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I stopped watching mid season 3, this is completely insane to me. what the hell happened?

      • 2 years ago

        Wrong board
        >inb4 bu-but it's based on
        Didn't ask.

        • 2 years ago

          shut the frick up you wannabe janny, if you wanted to register you should have done it then, now either go away or report. you do it for free and you don't even have the job.

        • 2 years ago

          I'll take it over power level threads

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          You jerk off to pictures of children, go get shot by cops

      • 2 years ago

        >Fake Ms. Grundy is jerking off to the tough high school boys somewhere

        • 2 years ago

          remember when Archie fricking a young hot Ms. Grundy was the most controversial thing about the show

        • 2 years ago

          I thought Betty’s Dad choked her out

    • 2 years ago

      cartoon creators are wondering why girls grow out of cartoons and refuse to make stuff like this

    • 2 years ago

      I knew this show was moronic, which is why my sister loves it, its absurdly moronic.
      But what the frick lol

    • 2 years ago

      I never watched the show, but I've always wondered why you would use the Archie characters to tell these stories.

      • 2 years ago

        Because Archie Comics got a new CEO around the late 2000s who explicitly despised the fact that Archie was an industry joke and looked down upon as a dated franchise that peaked in the 50s.

        So she slowly started making shit edgier. Doing licensed crossovers with R-rated properties done in the same tongue in cheek style as the 90s Archie Meets Punisher one-off, introducing an explicitly gay cousin character for Veronica who got his own spin-off, lots of trendy tie-ins that featured celebrities to boost sales and finally a line of "mature audience" books with zombies, witchcraft and satanism that culminated in her investing all of the company's money into making Riverdale, which became the basis for a new canon for Archie as she canceled all of the regular "vintage" Archie books and replaced them with Riverdale themed books to rebrand the franchise going forward.

        • 2 years ago

          That explains it.

        • 2 years ago

          This is partly right, except not the "she" portion. Jon Goldwater runs the place. The she mentioned here is Nancy Silberkleit who is only CEO in name and is banned from the Archie offices.

          • 2 years ago

            what did she do to get banned

            • 2 years ago

              Repeatedly sexually harassed male subordinates. To the point several sued and Archie had to pay settlements to avoid trial.

              • 2 years ago

                This. She walked into the conference room and yelled penis repeatedly at them.

    • 2 years ago

      >Hero corruption arc Archie
      oh wow

    • 2 years ago

      they should do an edgy charlie brown reboot

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          that's such a dumb joke but it got me good

      • 2 years ago

        Someone wrote an edgy screenplay in the 90s about the Peanuts characters as adults. It got the writer into show business and made a strange impact even though it was never meds, because afterwards there was a glut of wannabe screenwriters submitting unfilmable scripts with out-there titles and premises attempting to pull off the same trick.

        • 2 years ago

          You are thinking of Dog Sees God; not a movie but an off-broadway play that came out in 2004 and which was basically "Peanuts but everyone's names are changed to avoid being sued.

          The play had Linus as a pothead, Schroeder as a homosexual who kills himself after Pigpen (now a homophobic bigot who is obsessed with being super duper clean) mutilates his hands after he brings up his past nickname Pigpen after blurting out that he fricked Charlie Brown when Pigpen taunted him over his crush on Charlie Brown (ruining Charlie's life as a result), Peppermint Patty and Marcie are self-asborbed dykes who don't care about anyone else but themselves, Sally a drunk c**t, Linus is a worthless pothead, and Lucy doing time in a mental health facility for trying to straight up MURDER the Little Red Headed Girl and who turns out to be the only friend Charlie Brown has left after he lets Schroeder exploit his grief over Snoopy dying to frick him and outs him afterwards to school bully Pigpen, as far as the writer of the piece being a Lucy/Charlie Brown shipper.

    • 2 years ago

      wif i love riverdale now, like, this is moronic beyond belief but i was entertained
      I agree with previous reply, i wish more shows allowed themseves to be this unhinged

    • 2 years ago
      Starving artist

      >archie kills jughead, veronica and cheryl whilst betty shoots archie riverdale

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Separate the two universes
      Wait what what the frick?

    • 2 years ago

      How long before the Punisher crossover?

    • 2 years ago

      >What? Why would you do that?!

      You can feel the actor's pain as he says this line. Who the hell writes this shit.

  5. 2 years ago

    They had two choices. Deny their shittiness and be mocked or just embrace the shittiness and still be mocked but have people watch to see what the frick happened next.

    • 2 years ago

      They haven't been denying the shittiness since season two. Hell, I question if you can call it shitty. It's like saying Jojo is shitty cause it's wacky.

  6. 2 years ago

    Oh shit! They weren’t kidding when they said in the beginning it was going to be like Twin Peaks.

    • 2 years ago

      minus the talent

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, no. Twin Peaks was a supernatural story and had some corny humor (and even that only to a jarring extent during its filler arcs in the second season). It mostly kept a consistent tone. Riverdale is some Adam West Batman shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Except Adam West Batman as wacky as it got was still pretty grounded in it logic and completely self aware...I don't know if Riverdale is self aware....the writers might be but show isn't.

  7. 2 years ago

    >back to being teenagers
    >back to the 50s
    Sounds like a win to me.

  8. 2 years ago

    Is this actually fun as it sounds or plain bad?

    • 2 years ago

      It's hilarious for sure.

    • 2 years ago

      anon what the frick do you think. it's schlock for teenage girls.

    • 2 years ago

      >First season
      Pretty mediocre
      Begins embracing the chaos
      >Third and onwards
      Batshit insane, serial killers and cults out the wazoo. Some of it's bad, most of it's fun. Maybe not full attention stuff, but worth it

  9. 2 years ago

    >teenagers again
    Were they not already teenagers?

    • 2 years ago

      No, there was a decades-long timeskip that aged them all into adults, but you know, being played by 20 year olds

      • 2 years ago

        Cole turns 30 in 24 hours.

  10. 2 years ago

    wasn't Riverdale canceled?

    • 2 years ago

      No. It’s ending after 7 seasons which is a good run. They were told during production of the sixth season that seven would be the last.

      I’m not sure why headlines called Riverdale and Flash “canceled.”
      If the network gives you over a year to wrap up the show, that’s not canceled, that’s called ending the show.

      Canceled would be having a season finale and then being told during summer that the series is over.

      • 2 years ago

        Being told your show is ending is still a cancellation. It's only not a cancellation if the creators decide to end it themselves.

  11. 2 years ago

    They are not fricking around, they want to outstupid the capeshit shows.

    • 2 years ago

      Difference is that the writers are in on the joke.

      • 2 years ago

        >using this i was merely PRETENDING to be moronic excuse for your hacky writing
        sure whatever.

        • 2 years ago

          >merely PRETENDING
          They are fully aware of how stupid they are.

    • 2 years ago

      >Fricking Archie and Friends is harder to follow than the Flash

    • 2 years ago

      Very based of them honestly, I think more mediocre shows should just say frick it and do whatever weird as hell shit they can think of, what's there to lose?

      • 2 years ago

        I remember Gotham did the same thing at a point. It started off being realistic and then the last season went apeshit.

        • 2 years ago

          It’s tween Twin Peaks, just like what people wanted it to be.

          Duh, that was the point of the show.

        • 2 years ago

          >and then the last season went apeshit.
          Gotham went batshit in the middle of the first season and stayed batshit to the end

  12. 2 years ago

    remember Sabrina is a Archie character so magic does exists

  13. 2 years ago

    It sounds like something out of fanfiction.

  14. 2 years ago

    Each new word felt like a mini stroke
    What in the actual hell?

  15. 2 years ago

    i thought this was suppose to be a "dark and realistic" take on Archie?
    if they're gonna add magic, are they gonna bring back Sabrina from the netflix show or the ABC show?

    • 2 years ago

      They already did

      • 2 years ago

        oh okay
        thats good i guess? I somewhat enjoyed the netflix sabrina show
        never saw Riverdale, so i don't know much about whats going on there

    • 2 years ago

      They are using the Netflix Sabrina, especially since Netflix only got Sabrina because CW hardcore rejected the show when they saw the pilot script and saw how they were doubling down on the Satanist elements while at the same time, removing the plot point in the comic that Nu-Sabrina was a good girl who didn't believe in Satan, hung out with unbaptized baby spirits instead of demons, and who was explicitly supposed to bring about the end of all witch-kind because of the fact that her mom was a very religious woman and as such, she had God's favor that would save her from Satan's clutches and her family on her dad's sides evil schemes for her being damned like they were.

      Also, Melissa Jone Hart is a born again Christian and basically persona non grata with the people behind Nu-Sabrina and Riverdale, in that she won't have anything to do with Nu-Sabrina/Riverdale and supposedly told them she won't even give them free press denouncing them.

      • 2 years ago

        >Also, Melissa Jone Hart is a born again Christian and basically persona non grata with the people behind Nu-Sabrina and Riverdale, in that she won't have anything to do with Nu-Sabrina/Riverdale and supposedly told them she won't even give them free press denouncing them.

        OK, but how does she reconcile playing a fricking witch then?

        • 2 years ago

          90s Sabrina basically was a generic magic girl TV show that removed all references to witchcraft being evil/satanic and instead portrayed magic as being akin to Harry Potter. Where a certain sect of people (think HP's pure bloods) are born with the ability to tap into/wield magic powers and they operate in a shadow society alongside the muggles and hide their magical powers.

          It's implied that the only "evil" magic user was Salem, who was stated to have used his power to take over a Central American country and had plans for world domination at some point in the past and was cursed to be a cat as a result. Also, that Sabrina's aunts purposely opted to live in middle class squalor instead of upper class splendor where they wore furs, fricked himbos, and lived the high life once they were asked to take in Sabrina, due to them wanting to make sure Sabrina was reared like a normal muggle teen per their brother's instruction.

          • 2 years ago

            >The funny cat was a Central American dictator
            What the frick

            • 2 years ago

              He's too old for Dictator, more like a magic Conquistador enslaving the people.

            • 2 years ago

              He's too old for Dictator, more like a magic Conquistador enslaving the people.

              You see hints of what got him arrested and a shadowed view of his human form a few times in the 90's show. It was meant to look like a parody of Castro. Surprised people don't remember that,him being the pet cat and living with the Spellmans because Hilda was his help was a commonly referenced thing.

              • 2 years ago

                Huh, I guess it was dictator after all then. I could have sworn I remembered him being really fricking old and him being punished since the 1600s or something, which is why he'd mellowed out so much.

              • 2 years ago

                He is over 500 and tried to pull off other schemes like that, he was just captured 50ish years ago.

        • 2 years ago

          did you even watch her show?

      • 2 years ago

        >Also, Melissa Jone Hart is a born again Christian and basically persona non grata with the people behind Nu-Sabrina and Riverdale, in that she won't have anything to do with Nu-Sabrina/Riverdale and supposedly told them she won't even give them free press denouncing them.

      • 2 years ago

        >removing the plot point in the comic that Nu-Sabrina was a good girl who didn't believe in Satan, hung out with unbaptized baby spirits instead of demons, and who was explicitly supposed to bring about the end of all witch-kind because of the fact that her mom was a very religious woman and as such, she had God's favor that would save her from Satan's clutches and her family on her dad's sides evil schemes for her being damned like they were.
        They should've gone with that instead

        • 2 years ago

          but anon religion bad and can't have a positive influence on anyone!
          remember that's what ~~*they*~~ want you to believe!

      • 2 years ago

        >emoving the plot point in the comic that Nu-Sabrina was a good girl who didn't believe in Satan, hung out with unbaptized baby spirits instead of demons, and who was explicitly supposed to bring about the end of all witch-kind because of the fact that her mom was a very religious woman and as such, she had God's favor that would save her from Satan's clutches and her family on her dad's sides evil schemes for her being damned like they were.
        When did this happen in Chilling Adventures?

      • 2 years ago

        Its funny because the reason sabrina has any pop culture relevance at all is because of Melissa Joan Hart. Her mom specifically pitched that adaptation as a vehicle for her. so she clearly has a lot of care for the character but its her specific interpretation.

  16. 2 years ago


  17. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      The frick. Is this fanfic?

      • 2 years ago

        Welcome to modern tv shows and movies, most are written like a bad fanfic made by a horny womanchild

      • 2 years ago

        No, its real. The show is bonkers. The thing most shocking to me was when Tabitha acquired the Holy Grail and had a milkshake in it.

    • 2 years ago

      So that's why Archie said rivervale in

      Wait this is still going on!?
      I just looked up this clip

      What the actual frick

  18. 2 years ago

    Lmao I should check this out. Reminds me of Gotham where they just embraced their identity as absurd pulpy schlock.

    • 2 years ago

      My favourite bit from Gotham is the black market being an actual store

  19. 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    Archie Weird Mysteries on crack.

  21. 2 years ago

    Who the frick still watches this?
    Why is the show itself clickbait?

  22. 2 years ago


  23. 2 years ago

    Crazy Archie never had movie back in the day.

  24. 2 years ago

    What the frick?
    As a Sonicgay, I only know Archie through the Sonic series. I thought Archie was a slice of life, instead of, well something like Archie Sonic? It's even getting rebooted through a big event FFS.

    • 2 years ago

      You aren't wrong, they're family friendly IPs that had an edgy reboot in 21st century

  25. 2 years ago

    Some people need a recap (not that any of this will make sense, there's a lot more nuance involved)

    >Hiram makes one last attempt to kill Archie and Betty with a bedside explosion
    >Meanwhile Rivervale happens, a pocket dimension where the supernatural runs wild and while seemingly a set of loosely connected anthology tales, they do reveal they're part of the larger story that occurs later
    >Jughead through comics in the afterlife, realises that something isn't right, chaos erupts with both Reggie actors appearing (and killing each other), Archie starts murdering his friends to stop Jughead.
    >Rivervale and Riverdale threaten to destroy each other unless Jughead isolates himself in the Bunker with Ethel to keep writing stories for Rivervale and prevent the dimensions from destroying each other. But against his better judgement makes a call to Betty to warn her about the bomb.
    >This saves the pair from initially dying in the explosion but gives them powers and damages Dale Jughead's eardrums
    > Meanwhile a stranger called Percival arrives in town and quickly and mysteriously begins gaining supremacy over the town
    > Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, Tabitha and Baby Antony all develop powers
    >Percival is revealed to have his own powers and is looking to control the town and does this by mind controlling the residents. The two sides war it out.
    >Tabitha jumps to the future and sees the apocalypse will happen
    >Their war kills Archie, Jughead and a number of firstborns in one of the plagues
    > Sabrina is called in to resurrect them, and while they refuse to come back, they're eventually convinced, but Cheryl brings back Polly, Jason, and Nana Blossom as well

    • 2 years ago

      >Bunker Jughead's phonecall is what continued the dimensions bleeding into each other
      > Abigail, Cheryl's ghostly ancestor (caged for trying to take over Cheryl) agrees to help defeat Percival for her freedom and one night passionate banging with a possessed Toni (also her ancestor)
      >It's revealed that Percival is an immortal of 400 years, put on trial by the ancestors of the River gang and left to die. Percival made a deal with the very real devil, that he's actually from Rivervale and found his way to Dale at the point of explosion. The powers developed by the Dale group were the arcane energy slipping out of Vale and as he puts it "Maybe the universe wanted a fair fight" His real objective is to build the ghost train to recruit the dead for the upcoming war for Riverdale's soul
      > Percival tries to make an example of Reggie, his father and Kevin, but they escape using Jughead's portals. Instead, Percival executes Frank, Tom, and Alice by guillotine.
      The Serpents raid Percival's casino fortress where an aged up and immortal Antony fights Percival
      > The group tricks Percival into returning to his own dimension and his own time before he made the deal, where the Devil drags his soul to hell
      > Frank, Tom and Alice are brought back from the dead
      > but Percival has one more trick up his sleeve which is to redirect Bailey's comet towards the town, which now has a barrier around it preventing anyone from leaving and anyone outside the town knows it's coming, thus, the apocalypse Tabith foresaw.
      >So the residents prepare for the end (with Jug and Tabitha living a full life together in only a few min), while Cheryl uses her and the gang's powers to prevent the impact of the comet. The concoction of all their powers being channelled through Cheryl rewrites their universe into becoming the classic Riverdale of the 1950s, but only Jughead remembers the world before.

      They pretty much threw Afterlife with Archie and Archie's Super Teens together

      • 2 years ago

        >rewrites their universe into becoming the classic Riverdale of the 1950s, but only Jughead remembers the world before
        literally Mystery Inc.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you anon, so is it the 1950s Archie who is the real archie, who killed Veronica and the rest?

        • 2 years ago

          Vale Archie murdered his friends after sacrificially being killed by the townsfolk, only to be resurrected (because nobody can stay dead in Vale) and kill his friends to prevent the two worlds from being pulled apart, so that he can be reunited with his father).

          Dale Archie never killed his friends, he is the one that gained abilities from the explosion and went through all that other stuff with Percival only to become the 1950s Archie when Bailey's comet was stopped by Cheryl.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, okay.

    • 2 years ago

      >Bunker Jughead's phonecall is what continued the dimensions bleeding into each other
      > Abigail, Cheryl's ghostly ancestor (caged for trying to take over Cheryl) agrees to help defeat Percival for her freedom and one night passionate banging with a possessed Toni (also her ancestor)
      >It's revealed that Percival is an immortal of 400 years, put on trial by the ancestors of the River gang and left to die. Percival made a deal with the very real devil, that he's actually from Rivervale and found his way to Dale at the point of explosion. The powers developed by the Dale group were the arcane energy slipping out of Vale and as he puts it "Maybe the universe wanted a fair fight" His real objective is to build the ghost train to recruit the dead for the upcoming war for Riverdale's soul
      > Percival tries to make an example of Reggie, his father and Kevin, but they escape using Jughead's portals. Instead, Percival executes Frank, Tom, and Alice by guillotine.
      The Serpents raid Percival's casino fortress where an aged up and immortal Antony fights Percival
      > The group tricks Percival into returning to his own dimension and his own time before he made the deal, where the Devil drags his soul to hell
      > Frank, Tom and Alice are brought back from the dead
      > but Percival has one more trick up his sleeve which is to redirect Bailey's comet towards the town, which now has a barrier around it preventing anyone from leaving and anyone outside the town knows it's coming, thus, the apocalypse Tabith foresaw.
      >So the residents prepare for the end (with Jug and Tabitha living a full life together in only a few min), while Cheryl uses her and the gang's powers to prevent the impact of the comet. The concoction of all their powers being channelled through Cheryl rewrites their universe into becoming the classic Riverdale of the 1950s, but only Jughead remembers the world before.

      They pretty much threw Afterlife with Archie and Archie's Super Teens together

      That escalated quickly.

    • 2 years ago

      >Bunker Jughead's phonecall is what continued the dimensions bleeding into each other
      > Abigail, Cheryl's ghostly ancestor (caged for trying to take over Cheryl) agrees to help defeat Percival for her freedom and one night passionate banging with a possessed Toni (also her ancestor)
      >It's revealed that Percival is an immortal of 400 years, put on trial by the ancestors of the River gang and left to die. Percival made a deal with the very real devil, that he's actually from Rivervale and found his way to Dale at the point of explosion. The powers developed by the Dale group were the arcane energy slipping out of Vale and as he puts it "Maybe the universe wanted a fair fight" His real objective is to build the ghost train to recruit the dead for the upcoming war for Riverdale's soul
      > Percival tries to make an example of Reggie, his father and Kevin, but they escape using Jughead's portals. Instead, Percival executes Frank, Tom, and Alice by guillotine.
      The Serpents raid Percival's casino fortress where an aged up and immortal Antony fights Percival
      > The group tricks Percival into returning to his own dimension and his own time before he made the deal, where the Devil drags his soul to hell
      > Frank, Tom and Alice are brought back from the dead
      > but Percival has one more trick up his sleeve which is to redirect Bailey's comet towards the town, which now has a barrier around it preventing anyone from leaving and anyone outside the town knows it's coming, thus, the apocalypse Tabith foresaw.
      >So the residents prepare for the end (with Jug and Tabitha living a full life together in only a few min), while Cheryl uses her and the gang's powers to prevent the impact of the comet. The concoction of all their powers being channelled through Cheryl rewrites their universe into becoming the classic Riverdale of the 1950s, but only Jughead remembers the world before.

      They pretty much threw Afterlife with Archie and Archie's Super Teens together

      I can't even.

    • 2 years ago

      >Bunker Jughead's phonecall is what continued the dimensions bleeding into each other
      > Abigail, Cheryl's ghostly ancestor (caged for trying to take over Cheryl) agrees to help defeat Percival for her freedom and one night passionate banging with a possessed Toni (also her ancestor)
      >It's revealed that Percival is an immortal of 400 years, put on trial by the ancestors of the River gang and left to die. Percival made a deal with the very real devil, that he's actually from Rivervale and found his way to Dale at the point of explosion. The powers developed by the Dale group were the arcane energy slipping out of Vale and as he puts it "Maybe the universe wanted a fair fight" His real objective is to build the ghost train to recruit the dead for the upcoming war for Riverdale's soul
      > Percival tries to make an example of Reggie, his father and Kevin, but they escape using Jughead's portals. Instead, Percival executes Frank, Tom, and Alice by guillotine.
      The Serpents raid Percival's casino fortress where an aged up and immortal Antony fights Percival
      > The group tricks Percival into returning to his own dimension and his own time before he made the deal, where the Devil drags his soul to hell
      > Frank, Tom and Alice are brought back from the dead
      > but Percival has one more trick up his sleeve which is to redirect Bailey's comet towards the town, which now has a barrier around it preventing anyone from leaving and anyone outside the town knows it's coming, thus, the apocalypse Tabith foresaw.
      >So the residents prepare for the end (with Jug and Tabitha living a full life together in only a few min), while Cheryl uses her and the gang's powers to prevent the impact of the comet. The concoction of all their powers being channelled through Cheryl rewrites their universe into becoming the classic Riverdale of the 1950s, but only Jughead remembers the world before.

      They pretty much threw Afterlife with Archie and Archie's Super Teens together

      This whole show feels like a group of wagie millennials got together to make a coherent story out of their cobbled-together screenplays

    • 2 years ago

      >Bunker Jughead's phonecall is what continued the dimensions bleeding into each other
      > Abigail, Cheryl's ghostly ancestor (caged for trying to take over Cheryl) agrees to help defeat Percival for her freedom and one night passionate banging with a possessed Toni (also her ancestor)
      >It's revealed that Percival is an immortal of 400 years, put on trial by the ancestors of the River gang and left to die. Percival made a deal with the very real devil, that he's actually from Rivervale and found his way to Dale at the point of explosion. The powers developed by the Dale group were the arcane energy slipping out of Vale and as he puts it "Maybe the universe wanted a fair fight" His real objective is to build the ghost train to recruit the dead for the upcoming war for Riverdale's soul
      > Percival tries to make an example of Reggie, his father and Kevin, but they escape using Jughead's portals. Instead, Percival executes Frank, Tom, and Alice by guillotine.
      The Serpents raid Percival's casino fortress where an aged up and immortal Antony fights Percival
      > The group tricks Percival into returning to his own dimension and his own time before he made the deal, where the Devil drags his soul to hell
      > Frank, Tom and Alice are brought back from the dead
      > but Percival has one more trick up his sleeve which is to redirect Bailey's comet towards the town, which now has a barrier around it preventing anyone from leaving and anyone outside the town knows it's coming, thus, the apocalypse Tabith foresaw.
      >So the residents prepare for the end (with Jug and Tabitha living a full life together in only a few min), while Cheryl uses her and the gang's powers to prevent the impact of the comet. The concoction of all their powers being channelled through Cheryl rewrites their universe into becoming the classic Riverdale of the 1950s, but only Jughead remembers the world before.

      They pretty much threw Afterlife with Archie and Archie's Super Teens together

      what the frick

  26. 2 years ago

    Bring on Captain Pureheart

  27. 2 years ago

    Looks like they are just stealing from mystery inc expect worse.

  28. 2 years ago

    I blame Homer

  29. 2 years ago

    I prefer the new Archie weirdest mystery issue imo

    • 2 years ago

      Sabrina is always doing crazy shit.

      Got I want a Witch GF

      I think it can work, speaking of Power Rangers...

      What's this from?

      • 2 years ago

        That's gunna be, quite literally, some homosexual's commissioned comic. I shit you not, there's some deviantart homosexual out there who goes around commissioning people to draw characters doing the power rangers transformation. I don't understand this fetish, but the guy has it. There's also one where they did all of the disney princesses as well.

        • 2 years ago

          Sounds kino

        • 2 years ago

          >Paying artists to draw cute girls in spandex


  30. 2 years ago

    Sabrina is always doing crazy shit.

  31. 2 years ago

    Got I want a Witch GF

  32. 2 years ago

    I remember when Archy was kidnapped by a fish monster than wanted to snu-snu him to death, and Betty and Veronica had to save him. Cartoons were different in the past.

    • 2 years ago

      >I remember when Archy was kidnapped by a fish monster than wanted to snu-snu him to death
      Alan Moore wrote an Archie comic?!

  33. 2 years ago

    >the same people who work in Riverdale wants to do the same with a Power Rangers reboot
    I don't know if that's a good thing or not

    • 2 years ago

      I think it can work, speaking of Power Rangers...

      • 2 years ago
  34. 2 years ago

    The only thing that I can think of that even remotely compares to this is Baywatch Nights, when it went from run-of-the-mill crime to Hoff fighting demons, vampires, cryptids, aliens, ghosts, etc.

  35. 2 years ago

    Cheryl also had to have lesbian sex with someone’s wife, to power to defeat the comet as well. Seriously

    • 2 years ago

      Hot, did they show it?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. In this past week’s episode, the season finale

  36. 2 years ago

    can't wait

  37. 2 years ago

    I stopped watching Riverdale somewhere between the incest plot and the one where Archie and a group of shirtless muscular 16 year old boys got together to make a video threatening a serial killer. This show is nuts.

    • 2 years ago

      It is. Cheryl is a lesbian.
      Betty is bisexual now.
      And despite being straight, Veronica had to give Cheryl her power by kissing her through the lips.

      • 2 years ago

        I seem to recall a Betty and Veronica kiss being used in the initial marketing for the show that last one isn't THAT out there, less the superpower transfer bit

  38. 2 years ago

    Salem kino incoming in October

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      That's not muh Salem

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