What the frick is wrong with Seth?

What the frick is wrong with Seth?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >take small joke
    >run with it for 20 minutes
    or just endless gay innuendo, its all he can do.

  2. 2 years ago

    It's been a while since I've seen a Season 8 thread.

    • 2 years ago

      I literally saw a thread about it this week, which is why I found it fit to reply.

  3. 2 years ago

    I thought season 7 was the dark one.

  4. 2 years ago

    What happened this season?

    • 2 years ago

      We don't talk about it. Stop asking.

    • 2 years ago

      It has an unusual amount of gore and macabre themes. Some anon did a watch-through and noticed there was one death per episode

      • 2 years ago

        Really? Do you have a link?

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            why did chris do it?

          • 2 years ago

            We need more of this not less. Pls my bloodlust demands it

            • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            This joke is actually kind of funny. Had no idea it triggered people so much.

    • 2 years ago

      Last two seasons have been trash, peterjack horseman might be the last good one

    • 2 years ago


      What the frick is wrong with Seth?

      >As of season eight, the series entered its seventh production season. Production season seven was executive produced by Chris Sheridan, David Goodman, Danny Smith, Mark Hentemann, Steve Callaghan and series creator Seth MacFarlane. The season's showrunners were Hentemann and Callaghan, both of whom replaced previous showrunners Goodman and Sheridan

  5. 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago


    He lives rent free in Trey Parker's head

  7. 2 years ago

    this was some disturbing sick shit

    • 2 years ago

      What about the episode Extra Large Medium? That wasn't that bad, it had the song Down Syndrome Girl.

  8. 2 years ago

    Seth hasn't written for the show since season 5


    • 2 years ago

      season 4 actually

  9. 2 years ago

    post the /x/ pasta

  10. 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    do it

  12. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      What does Majora's Mask or Ben Drowned have to do with this?

  13. 2 years ago

    I will not say who I am. I will not say what position I held that allowed for me to be aware of the information I'm about to share; suffice to say, I don't hold it anymore. I have read some of the letters directed at Seth and Fox complaining about season eight of Family Guy, and while I can't officially make these statements to any press, I don't want to stay quiet anymore.

    Many people feel that season eight was just off in an odd sort of way. For anyone who took note of season eight of Family Guy for the specific reason of elevated graphic violence, I wanted to say this:

    Seth MacFarlane was going through a lot during the times these episodes were written and produced. He was heavily involved in writing the episodes alongside series writers, several of which made comments later regarding his apparent state of mind during writing sessions. However, more recently, when looking for corroborators, my ex-coworkers denied Seth being involved as he was, as well as 'Steve,' whom I'll explain in a bit.

    • 2 years ago

      A number of scenes did generate a certain amount of negative viewer response — Peter's head getting crushed between two logs, for instance — but I'd like to point out that these images were no more graphic than the things you might see on other 'adult' cartoons. In addition, there has been blood and gore in the series before; typically, it's just more spread out over the season. However, if you did feel that such imagery was out of place for the series, you were right.

      Editors cut nearly two hours of animated gore, violence, and sexual abuse from season eight, as well as rejected three proposed episodes featuring:

      -The character Quagmire stalking, capturing, raping, and finally killing a woman (whom he keeps for several days while alive) in his basement.
      -Stewie developing a mind control ray which he tests on Brian, though he eventually uses it to have relations with him.
      -Lois becoming pregnant after cheating on Peter in a threesome with friends from college, confesses to him and after they argue about what to do about the pregnancy, he performs home abortion on her using a coat hanger.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        The last episode was eventually rethought and made as "Partial Terms of Endearment", but was cut from the air for the US, despite being shown in the UK and being available on the DVD for the season.

        I would like to point out the episode "Dog Gone", in which Brian loses faith in his ability to write and accidentally hits and kills a dog with his car while drunk, by crushing it in half. When he reveals this, everyone but Stewie laughs at him and mocks him, saying that no one cares. Stewie does mock him for a while, but when he realizes how serious Brian is about the issue, he stages Brian's death so that Brian can see the family mourn, and feels validated. I suggest you watch this episode while keeping in mind that Seth often represents himself through Brian and Stewie. In this particular episode, I also believe the various dogs and their reactions to their environment reflect Seth's emotions.

        Early on, when I asked Seth about why he seemed to be emphasizing his use of Brian and Stewie, he just told me he was frustrated with the series so far — that he'd begun to feel like the earlier seasons were idiotic, that the fanbase were morons, and that he was stuck; his name would always be associated with Family Guy. He also told me that he was bringing in someone to help 'mature' the material. He mentioned having worked briefly with the man before.

        • 2 years ago

          The stressed, slightly manic, tone of season eight culminates in "Brian and Stewie", one of the most serious episodes of the entire series; there are no cutaways and the titular characters behave in a way that seems to show them in their most distilled forms. Again, this episode was heavily censored and altered: the original script called for the scene in which Brian eats Stewie's stool to be shown, not just implied. Brian considers suicide because he feels his life has no purpose, and Stewie saves him with their friendship.

          Following this episode, the tone evens out and things return to more or less normal for the series.

          There was nothing particularly occult or metaphysical regarding the circumstances around the making of season eight. None of the writers or animators went insane, there were no mysterious deaths or possessions... none of that. For those of you looking for a twist or reason, I will say this:

          While Seth usually seemed tired outside of working, he did his best to keep up appearances at major events and gatherings. However, it was said that he often looked sicker or more listless in the presence of his consultant (I assume this was the man Seth had mentioned to me earlier on), and was reluctant to say no to suggestions said consultant — whom I will call Steve — made. From what I've gathered he didn't really start making suggestions during sessions until around episode three, but was talking to Seth in private about the series. He was silent for some time, almost absent aside from just sitting in, and then began to converse more actively with Seth and the co-writers by the middle of the season.

          • 2 years ago

            >stressed, slightly manic, tone of season eight
            How was Business Guy stressed or manic?

            • 2 years ago

              Leave it the frick alone. There's nothing wrong with season 8.

          • 2 years ago

            While those who had to deal with Steve did usually seem irritated or perturbed by his presence, he did have some connections: Dwayne Johnson's brief appearance in episode 10, "Big Man on Hippocampus", was attributed to Steve, and I was told Mr. Johnson (when jokingly asked by one of the crew on set about how he got asked to do the scene) commented that he was only there because he owed a favor to 'Steve.' He acted uncomfortable at the time, and even during filming the short. It was done in one take and he was not asked to do it a second time. From what I've heard, Steve was present and seemed pleased by the fact that Mr. Johnson was visibly uneasy.

            During one session (the second time I saw him in person), I did question Steve directly about a suggested plot, and when he turned to look at me, I was genuinely scared. I had no idea why; he had never once threatened, swore, or made a personally violent move. I suppose it was the series of ideas regarding violence and gore he pitched to Seth. I should mention that when others did protest suggested violence, Steve would typically switch to sexual themes, racism, mental illness, or just withdraw altogether until he could work in one of his themes again.

            The pitch I was concerned about was for a running gag. The question I asked was something along the lines of:

            "I think that what we're doing may be too much for one episode ("April in Quahog"). Blood is okay once, maybe twice in the episode, but showing the same man dying over and over might be a bit much."

            • 2 years ago

              The gag being pitched was that Peter, at various points in the episode, runs over the same man, who despite being whole and alive every encounter, is increasingly mauled every instance, with a different reoccurring character running over and screaming that the man was dead.

              Seth was unaccompanied to the writing sessions for episode seventeen, and he was much more energetic than I'd seen him in months. He was almost celebratory, and it showed: he picked some of his favorite musical numbers from the series, cut or not, for the end of the episode, the plot of which seemed to have been a symbol for his own self-redemption.

              I have been unable to track Steve down since to find out more about him; no records exist within the company to show that he was ever officially signed on or paid, and I believe he may have been privately hired by Seth. For what reason, I have no idea; I'm just glad to know he's g

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm just glad to know he's g

              • 2 years ago

                >steve shows up behind the journalist
                >"missed me?"

          • 2 years ago

            Isn't steve seth's alter ego? ala tyler durden.

  14. 2 years ago

    Was there anything off about the episode Business Guy besides Quagmire ripping his scalp off? The pasta mentions that Season 8 had a "stressed, slightly manic tone". Is it possible every episode up to Brian and Stewie has subliminal messages and dark undertones?

    • 2 years ago

      It's just a dumb meme man

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Yeah yeah I'm a glowie or whatever, it's just that I actually worked with Steve in the past and the harassment he's received from this "joke" has affected his life big time. He's proud of the work he did with Family Guy and people are trying to turn it into this whole big thing

          • 2 years ago

            Idk man. Looking back, Season 8 does have a kind of weird feeling that seasons before and after don't have. Like the animation is kind of weird.

            • 2 years ago

              There's literally nothing to it, just drop it

              • 2 years ago

                >SHUT IT DOWN, THE GOYM KNOW
                not this time rabbai

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not a goy.

            • 2 years ago

              unironic meme response is it's probably around the time seth stopped giving a shit about the show. aside from maybe road to the multiverse (which is just ok) and seth's pretentious brian and stewie episode, the rest of the episodes are pretty lackluster
              now that it's been 12 years since that, i can only imagine how much seth wants to kill the show. yeah he doesn't work on it but he does a shitload of voice work for it.

  15. 2 years ago

    Hey Cinemaphile do yourself a favor, stop asking about Steve.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't bring up his name again. Let the thread die.

      • 2 years ago

        Agreed. Don't bring it up.

  16. 2 years ago

    This is just fricking 'Yellow-Matt' all over again

  17. 2 years ago

    To let normies know, this "Steve" people are referring to is the showrunner Steve Callaghan, he showran from Season 8 up to Season 15. Surprisingly enough, some fans will say that the show improved after he quit showrunning and Sulkin and Appel took over starting with Season 16.

  18. 2 years ago

    As for Nu Family Guy, I'll agree the show got better after Callaghan left, but not by a lot. It got a lot less gory and vulgar. We now lie at Season 20, likely the most inoffensive season in over a decade. Gore is far more spaced out, Barely any cutaways anymore, Quagmire is a cat person instead of a rapist, and Meg abuse has been doubled down drastically. The results of this are a bland season that tries to cater to the pussy twitter crowd, and tossing any bit of comedy the show was known for out the window, even it's own trademark cutaway gags. Assuming the show stays this way going into Season 21, I would label the show as "bland", it's not terrible but also not good.

    • 2 years ago

      I was livid at the 80s episode. Literally the punchline was '80s bad'
      That was it. Peter was shit on for doing shit from the 80s and it turned into a preachy it was wrong then and it's wrong now bullshit.
      Like holy frick who greenlights these storyboards? 22 year old zoomers with Lib art degrees?

  19. 2 years ago

    Is this the one where the mysterious Michael ups the gore and smut against the wishes of the manatees?

  20. 2 years ago

    Petah get down here!
    Ahhh what’s wrong louis?
    It’s 6pm and you haven’t fed quagmire yet!
    Ehehehhe my bad I’ll head down to the basement now.
    Wakey wakey quaggy!
    Wh- oh... no I’m still here... peter unbuckles his belt, his flabby arse falling out like a waterfall of ruined flesh*
    Peter please... please... I- I just wanna see my family again peter kicks over the chair, smiling down at the malnourished quagmire as he squats over his face, the rotund spectacle blocking nearly all light as poor quagmire can only stare up at the now widening pucker of peter griffin
    I-I’m gonna be sick again... peter please let me g-
    Mmmhmm yeah quaggy eat that shit! God I feel like when I met tom cruise that one time at the wheat convention! Oh FRICK quagga here comes the motherlode! you can smell the rancid, rotting shit well before it even pokes its vile head from peters stretched hole, the godless log slowly pushes apart peters elastic pucker as if descends into the mouth of dear quagmire, it’s abhorrent, filthy smell choking the air, as the worm laden horror slips over quagmires teeth
    gurgle- choke- gurgle- ack- p-Pete-
    *BRRRRAPPOOOOO PPPLPDPDPDPPDPTNRBTNBTBRBRBBRBR BRRRp* quagmire looks near death as he chews and swallows the log, as more vile fumes and particles collide with his face, he swallows every chunk, his face pale and his eyes blurred Wheeze, cough... peter please... let me go... I... don’t want to die like this.... please peter lowers his behemoth rump, the flesh flowing into every mold of quagmires face like a downpour, enveloping his every sense
    Time for desert quaggy
    The toxic cloud pierces quagmires nervous system to the core, and he slowly suffocates on peters fart, losing consciousness only to wake up at the same time, same place tomorrow

  21. 2 years ago

    Pfffffff hahahaahhhahahaha

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