What the hell went wrong?

What the hell went wrong, Cinemaphile? How did this go from the biggest television phenomena in history to something recognized as an incredible disappointment by everyone? What could have been done to prevent this, in-universe and/or production wise?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    fat frick couldnt finish the books
    way too much weird woke shit
    show fell apart after s4 basically

    • 3 months ago

      Looking back, I think they intentionally leaked the first 4 episodes of S5 on purpose because they knew it was going to be bad and wanted to soften the blow.

    • 3 months ago

      Only normalgays couldn't see the rot by the end of S2.

      • 3 months ago

        This, character assassinating Robb was when everything started going wrong and the first major sign of rot.

  2. 3 months ago

    DnD were talking publically about wanting out around season 6. I would have paid them out of their contract so the could go work on Star Wars and hired a new showrunner who didn't mind going for another 4-5 seasons.
    DnD only wanting to do 8 seasons (really 7 seasons as the last two were half length) is what butchered the ending.

    • 3 months ago

      I wish they left before season 5

  3. 3 months ago

    They made people wait an entire year and a half for that dogshit finale. They have only themselves to blame for setting expectations so high and then promptly shitting, pissing, vomiting and bleeding the bed.

  4. 3 months ago

    Literal morons writing the final seasons
    HBO rushing the release
    The election of Donald J. Trump

    • 3 months ago

      >The election of Donald J. Trump

      • 3 months ago

        >the white walkers aren't sending their best

  5. 3 months ago

    The books got too complicated after what in the show is season 4.
    To the point that even the author doesn't know how to end it.

    Think about it, to faithfully adapt to the two most recent books, in Season 5 they would have had to introduce:
    -A entire Dorne cast
    -A cast for Quentyn's plot
    -A Young Griff/ Old Griff cast
    -A much larger Iron Islands cast
    And the author doesn't even have a complete idea how it ties together

    • 3 months ago

      An entire Dorne cast was put in the show they just all died and did nothing

      • 3 months ago

        Arianne, the cringey Dane guy and whatever the frick the kingsguard's name was weren't in the show

        They just adapted the main Martell and his bastard daughters.
        Little of the plot remained, since Arianne wasn't there. Pretty sure in the books they'll be on Aegon's side anyways, rather than on Daenerys.

        • 3 months ago

          Oakheart got like 2 chapters and then got his head chopped of....so grrm could still do a sudden death like previously but not kill any main players. That was the early appeal especially in the show. You are waiting for ned to get himself out of it right up until that cold bite of steel and that was unique especially for TV at the time.

          Then we got 20 good men. Trash.

      • 3 months ago

        The entire shitty Dorne plot was the best example of GoT's main problem: trying to cater to perceived audience preferences and changing entire stories around to suit those preferences. The show started to get popular because people were praising the depiction of "strong women" and the lazy idiot writers decided the best way to keep going in that direction was changing the entire Dorne plot to include more "strong women". Except, rather than making them interesting and complex they were just bawds who were inexplicably able to fight men sometimes. As it turned out, the entire audience hated them so they needed to be scrapped ASAP. There are other examples of this but they decided to just throw logic out the window and focus on specific scenes, mainly battles and characters saying something "witty" or badass, the type of shit that gets included in the trailer and filling the rest of the episode with nonsensical bullshit (but don't worry, we got several minutes of Arya sweeping and looking smug instead of more character development!).

  6. 3 months ago


    They said from the beginning they wanted 70 episodes. 7 seasons of 10 episodes. But yeah the Red Wedding was their favourite part of the books and the part they really wanted to adapt.

  7. 3 months ago

    Season 5 was the beginning of the end
    Everything after that was just shitty developments with some neat moments of kino scattered about (Jon vs Ramsay, High Sparrow death, etc.)

  8. 3 months ago

    A live action adaptation is doomed to fail for ASOIAF

    An animated one could work, however

    • 3 months ago

      >animated one
      I could see this. Unfortunately probably never going to happen with all the pozzed live action spin offs they’re desperate to shit out 100 people tops will tune into

  9. 3 months ago

    we needed more of clarke’s bare boobies

  10. 3 months ago

    Starting in season 5, they began writing the characters with modern liberal sensibilities. The writing also got very cheesey and noticeably bad. The costumes started getting cheaper too, probably to make room for cgi dragon and white walker budgeting.

    Also, this is about when the normies started gloming onto it. The kind of people who want to see dragons and battles and bullshit, so the political intrigue went out the window (not that DnD could even write good political intrigue without book guidance anyways). There are a lot of things that went wrong. Old /got/ general chads remember the fun times we had mocking this show.

    • 3 months ago

      >they began writing the characters with modern liberal sensibilities
      Then they parodied that in the finale with Sam attempting to introduce democracy, since it was already a parody of itself by then

  11. 3 months ago

    GRRM formulated his original outline for the story over 30 years ago. Then around 25 years ago he realised he liked a bunch of random flavour/worldbuilding characters and elements and decided to flesh them out more and make additona plot lines out of them. Then he realised he couldn't do his original outline anymore and didn't know how to replace it and stopped writing.

  12. 3 months ago

    No matter how you look at it, the decline of the show directly coincides with them running out of book material to follow. I have to wonder if that theory of the season 8 ending being what Martin actually had planned for the books and now he’s even more fricked by writers block because everyone hates it is true or not.

    • 3 months ago

      They had two entire books to adapt moron they never ran out

      • 3 months ago

        They literally did jackass

  13. 3 months ago

    Show and book were always ass, it's just lord of the rings for coomers
    >Needless porn. Sex is fun to have, it's not fun to read about/watch unless you're a coomer.
    >In real life people aren't this evil. Only somebody who has fapped their dignity into the ground and has 99% of their interactions online is this cynical and cucked by life, it's like rick and morty. I guarantee martin was cooming 6+ times a day while writing this and never inside a woman.
    >I was told it was a more "grounded" setting and accurate to medieval Europe. Lol. Lmao even. Only people who think that are redditors (coomers) who occasionally read some headline from their history subreddits that pop up inbetween their coom sessions.
    >Has slightly more exploration of logistics and political structures than LOTR, but not enough to be complete. Said additions add nothing to the story, only serving to make viewers feels smart (coomer mentality).
    >Swear words used to a beyond cringey degree. It's like a 6th grader's first time being left home alone with his friends. Frick, c**t, breasts, wiener. The writer just can't get cooming off of his mind for 5 seconds.
    >Higher ideals are considered laughable in the face of linkin part tier emo whining and nihilism. Basically a depressed coomer's idea of what soldiers are like. Only in universe religion with merit is the one preached by the sexy coom lady who makes demons from her coom ridden puss.
    >Main character's hair is literally silver like coom.
    >Entire plot about a threat in the north coming to cover the entire land in coom.
    >Danny gets all her loyalty from people want to coom in her.
    >Obession with heirs and bloodlines, all the direct result of cooming.

    • 3 months ago

      > >I was told it was a more "grounded" setting and accurate to medieval Europe. Lol. Lmao even. Only people who think that are redditors (coomers) who occasionally read some headline from their history subreddits that pop up inbetween their coom sessions.
      Yeah this is just wrong. Martin bases his stuff of popular historical misconceptions and borderline caricatures. I think most people know this by now though

    • 3 months ago

      great writeup. Martin is obviously a sloth and gluttonous, which both tend to coincide with being a coomer. You might be onto something here.

    • 3 months ago

      >it's just lord of the rings but [x]
      this is the a great way to out yourself as having barely read any books
      it's nothing like lord of the rings

  14. 3 months ago

    only the first four seasons were stuff to write home about. after that everything got dumber and more contrived

  15. 3 months ago

    Has anyone watched the new spin off series? I tuned out after seeing they made Corlys black

    • 3 months ago

      its good, just ignore the odd Valaryon race swap

      World building GRRM is good at, so it uses it and his rough plot outline but its pretty well written and acted.

  16. 3 months ago

    The writing fell off a cliff
    Season 1 is near-perfection in writing. Season 8 has so goddamn awful writing, it's almost unbelievable

    The reason is because S1 adapted the first book, almost word for word. They eventually ran out of books, but the show started to decline in quality even before then. Each season deviates from the source material a bit more than the previous, and each season has a bit worse writing than the previous.

  17. 3 months ago

    I wasn’t disappointed, but then again the show lost its way by season 5

  18. 3 months ago

    First few seasons still remain some of the best television ever. My opinion on this show has waxed and waned over the years but every time I find myself looking up clips on YouTube I can never watch just one and I remember how good it was at grabbing your attention (mostly) and keeping you on the edge of your seat. Good times.

  19. 3 months ago

    I liked it all the way through but recognize I’m also in the minority.

    • 3 months ago

      >I liked it all the way through
      Thought I was the only one

    • 3 months ago


  20. 3 months ago

    >Constantly tease war elephants
    >No elephants !

    • 3 months ago

      This. They are literally the Company’s greatest weapon and then last minute “nah frick you”. Thought I was watching a parody for a second.

  21. 3 months ago

    >What the hell went wrong
    The source material isn't finished, so they made it up....ya dungle.

  22. 3 months ago

    I will never watch this show, can someone give me a super quick summary of it

    • 3 months ago

      a guy drinks and fricks and overthrows his king and then some other bullshit happens

  23. 3 months ago

    Same thing happened to walking dead.

  24. 3 months ago

    You either die a hero,

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