What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Idris Elba isn't as popular as 2016 Will Smith was
    Sad but true
    >Another Harley gets over the Joker storyline
    It already flopped once with BOP, audiences weren't keen on it again.
    >John Cena as an ultra patriotic badguy
    Guess people felt he didn't fit the type
    >Cast of characters that didn't seem interesting
    They could try to meme the shark all they wanted, didn't work.
    >And most importantly, this is super fricking important
    Sorry baby but Harley minus Joker just does not seem to be a seller to the public at large. You my get some twitter praises, but when it comes to cold hard sales Harley with no Joker Baby just does not put butts in seats.

    I was going to also point out R Rating but after Joker and Deadpool and It and even now Oppenheimer, it's clear that ain't gonna stop shit.

    • 8 months ago

      >For no reason we see a penis, but not hot nude babes.

    • 8 months ago

      >John Cena as an ultra patriotic badguy
      The movie really played him a bit too hard into the whole "douchebro" thing. Cena sells it well, but not in a way most audiences would really want to see him being, I figure.
      He was way, way better in the Peacemaker series, where the script let him lighten up a bit. Had its shit moments here and there, but first season of that was really good overall, and he was a good part of why.

  2. 8 months ago

    >too gruesome gore

  3. 8 months ago

    i didn't liked king shark much.

    he did the less of all.

  4. 8 months ago

    They thought adding a THE in front of their title would make people forget if this was related to the suicide squad movie that only came out a few years prior and bombed. They should have just called it Task Force X or some shit.

    • 8 months ago

      >and bombed
      It made a ton of money. Beat out Dr Strange, even.

      • 8 months ago

        No competition.

        • 8 months ago

          I mean it wasn't that bad, Dr Strange didn't get completely blown out. It obviously didn't match it but I wouldn't say it was so huge a gap there was no competition.

          • 8 months ago

            It was bad.

            • 8 months ago

              Alright? I'm not gonna argue the severity of a gap here.

    • 8 months ago

      It didn't bomb. Gunn's movie bombed. And generally, normies were fine with the first movie, even got a lot of girls to cosplay Harley. Normies did not like Gunn's trash and then the dude got promoted for bombing.

      • 8 months ago

        >even got a lot of girls to cosplay Joker's girlfriend.
        Fix'd. And when that shit dried up, and the character became Ivy's girlfriend, it was over.

    • 8 months ago

      >and bombed.
      No movie with Joker in it has evar bombed, evar.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm impressed with how quick and how wrong it is about everything.
      Is this what Joker brainrot does to a homie?

      >Task Force X
      No shot.
      "Suicide Squad" is the branding. It should have just been SS2. "The" in the front was a moronic decision likely stolen from "THE Batman" but it's fricking dumb. It's clearly a sequel to the previous Squad, not a reboot to establish all-new, all-different Bat people.

      Suffered from association with the dogshit first attempt and being released during covid times when tons of people didn't want to go to theaters and studios couldn't figure out what the frick they wanted to do regarding theatrical and streaming releases.

      Quality wise, not much it's a pretty solid film.

      >Suffered from association with the dogshit first attempt
      Shit meme.
      The first Squad movie was the only good movie DC has shat out despite Aquaman and Wonder Woman making more money. They wanted their own Guardians and they got it and it scored well.

      The poison pill of this series is Birds of Prey. That shit fricked up everything. And because the same Harley Quinn is in both Birds and Squad for no explicable reason, both are now part of "The Harley Quinn trilogy".

      >not much it's a pretty solid film.
      It's really just dragged down from the dumb as frick camp scene where everyone around them suddenly became deaf and blind for the sake of a joke that dragged on too long, and Gunn's comments before it making it painfully obvious who was going to die and who was untouchable. When a movie tries to sell anyone can die, telegraphing that every white dude is either going to be dead or evil and every minority on the main team is going to make it out just fine really sucks the wind out of the sails. Oh wow I wonder if Harley's going to die or the guy named Flagg. Real big guesser here. Oh, one of them is going to betray the others. Is it going to be the brown girl or is it going to be the guy who keeps talking about loving his country, it's just so up in the air!

      Genuinely would've been a great film if they just did something unexpected, but it's so by the numbers and predictable it just kind of loses any of the sell of it being different than another Deadpool wannabe.

      >every white dude is either going to be dead or evil and every minority on the main team is going to make it out just fine
      You're not mad about white dudes being evil, Jokersimp, you're just mad they died. Get fricked, cuck. lol
      I'm mad Boomer died, too. He deserved better.

      >too gruesome gore

      >too gruesome gore
      It felt like Mortal Kombat camp, which is not the tone of the first movie. They want to milk the R rating but still want a predictable Summer blockbuster in the middle of a pandemic because WB execs has frog brains.

      Warner Bros, either put out a Margot Robbie Harley movie where she's getting hew puny ass anal gang-banged by giga-homies or just frick off already.

      This is what happens when hair dressers are in charge of making comic book movies

      • 8 months ago

        Holy shit takes Batman

      • 8 months ago

        >The poison pill of this series is Birds of Prey. That shit fricked up everything.
        homie most people don't even know that movie exists, and aside from a couple of the weaker scenes in the film Harley is barely even relevant in Skwad 2: Starro Boogaloo.

        • 8 months ago

          >Harley is barely even relevant
          you guys just live in your heads lmao. She was absolutely crucial to the marketing.

  5. 8 months ago

    Same as every DC movie these days

    No Snyder

  6. 8 months ago

    Suffered from association with the dogshit first attempt and being released during covid times when tons of people didn't want to go to theaters and studios couldn't figure out what the frick they wanted to do regarding theatrical and streaming releases.

    Quality wise, not much it's a pretty solid film.

    • 8 months ago

      >not much it's a pretty solid film.
      It's really just dragged down from the dumb as frick camp scene where everyone around them suddenly became deaf and blind for the sake of a joke that dragged on too long, and Gunn's comments before it making it painfully obvious who was going to die and who was untouchable. When a movie tries to sell anyone can die, telegraphing that every white dude is either going to be dead or evil and every minority on the main team is going to make it out just fine really sucks the wind out of the sails. Oh wow I wonder if Harley's going to die or the guy named Flagg. Real big guesser here. Oh, one of them is going to betray the others. Is it going to be the brown girl or is it going to be the guy who keeps talking about loving his country, it's just so up in the air!

      Genuinely would've been a great film if they just did something unexpected, but it's so by the numbers and predictable it just kind of loses any of the sell of it being different than another Deadpool wannabe.

      • 8 months ago

        Bro I don't know what the frick you're talking about because I didn't obsess over promotional shit, I just watched the movie and it's pretty good. You're overthinking things and your autism is showing.

        • 8 months ago

          He's not wrong
          Just watching the movie you know how the whole thing is going to play out

        • 8 months ago

          >You're overthinking things and your autism is showing.
          or he has basic pattern recognition

      • 8 months ago

        >Is it going to be the brown girl
        Who is tge brown girl? Idris was the only minority in the cast.

        • 8 months ago

          He's talking about rat b***h. Taika's daughter.

          • 8 months ago

            She's from Portugal though.

            • 8 months ago

              So is Nani and Rafael Leao

            • 8 months ago

              Cinemaphile brainrot does care about geography.
              "le funny accent" = non-white

  7. 8 months ago

    >came after WW2 aka that fricking dogshit that killed DC fans spirit
    >at the same time with watch it on max for free
    >standalone and not connected at all - only batman can do this
    these are the three big things

  8. 8 months ago

    Solid all-around movie that worked better without seeing a trailer/poster/media (with Savant being the main character for the first twenty-thirty minutes). Polka-Dot Man was amazing, there were some really great set pieces, excellent to see a Starro in movie form... biggest quibble is Bloodsport's relative uselessness in the final fight, especially after the overhyped gun-upgrading.

    • 8 months ago

      Dalmachian is a homosexual and I’m so sick of his agency clearly shilling him here and elsewhere.

  9. 8 months ago

    Nothing. I enjoyed it.

  10. 8 months ago

    Came out too soon, people still remembered the Ayer movie.

  11. 8 months ago

    Teen Titans and Task Force X caught lightning in a bottle once in their entire history early in their comics and DC/WB won't stop trying to make them big. All of their later runs and adaptations suck wiener. Yes that includes that gay ass 2003 cartoon

  12. 8 months ago

    I thought it was weird when this movie dropped, my mom (whos in her mid 40s) has always been a gigantic fan of the first Suicide Squad movie. She dragged the whole family to watch it release night in theaters, and I genuinely think she watches it at least twice a year, every year since. Keep in mind, she knows jack fricking shit about comic books besides the character Harley Quinn.

    Maybe a week or so after this movie came out, I come home to see her watching this on the TV through some streaming app. She looks bored as frick, and I ask her what she thinks of the movie, and all she says is "This is way worse than the first movie".

    Seems like this film was made just to appeal to online fandoms/twittards but actual casual movie goers who make up the majority of the film audience didn't give a shit.

    • 8 months ago

      i'm sorry anon but your mother has terrible taste

    • 8 months ago

      People are going to shit on your mom but she represents how normies were like with the first movie and why they didn't come out for the second. People actually did like the first movie well enough, it's just terminally online nerds who nitpicked it to death. People with decent social lives went in, thought it was an enjoyable movie, then moved on with their lives. Rewatch it when they see it on streaming every couple years if they need something to watch and can't decide on anything else. That's how most people handle movies. Companies have been trying to follow twitter/online feedback and it's blowing up in their face.

      • 8 months ago

        >People with decent social lives went in
        Not based on that box office.

        • 8 months ago

          >4th highest earning DCEU movie is considered by terminally online moron to be a box office failure.
          Harley will never frick you, bro

          • 8 months ago

            Well considering the three above were considered failures by execs im gonna say yes it was.

            • 8 months ago

              >by execs
              Who wanted these movies to do as well as a franchise with a decade of good will built up. It was the 10th highest grossing movie that year. That's an audience.

            • 8 months ago

              You should reconsider trusting anyone that pays $175 million to make a movie that generates $745 million at box-office but their coke-addicted frog brains still say to you those are failure numbers.

              The head office at Warner needs purging.

  13. 8 months ago

    not Cinemaphile

  14. 8 months ago

    It's Dead Company.

  15. 8 months ago


  16. 8 months ago

    Making two movies only a few years apart with the same fricking title is extremely stupid.

  17. 8 months ago

    Was the Peacemaker show actually successful or was it just memed into faux success by Twitter?

    • 8 months ago

      I don't know how successful it was or wasn't, but I think it deserved to be. It had its problems, but it was legit pretty good.

    • 8 months ago

      It was successful.

    • 8 months ago

      Basically impossible to tell how "successful" a streaming show is since but only are viewership Numbers kept extremely opaque by streamers, but they also still haven't figured out what about a show makes it successful. That said it was extremely well liked and popular enough that they hired the guy who made it to run all their movies and TV going forward, so yes it was successful in some sense at least.

  18. 8 months ago

    Only gold gem into a literal turd of franchise, which sunked it.
    Also being the sequel/reboot of a shit movie with the same name slapped on it, while having to compete against Mcu's during it's peak MEANWHILE the whole world was locked down (thanks China).
    An hell of bad timing while tainted by a bad franchise.
    It's a miracle it didn't flopped too hard.

    • 8 months ago

      >It's a miracle it didn't flopped too hard.
      LMAO. Good one, James.

  19. 8 months ago

    James Gunn directed it. Simple as. Everything he makes is an insincere nod and wink fest.

  20. 8 months ago

    It's the best DC movie released so far. Cinemaphilentrarians will cry about petty shit they don't like, but it's the best

  21. 8 months ago

    >everyone in this movie acted like moronic 9 yo
    >jokes are at the same level
    Gee I wonder what went wrong

  22. 8 months ago

    Association with the first film and Gunn despite what people think is not mass market friendly when not leashed by marvel.

  23. 8 months ago

    it came out during the worst times

    • 8 months ago

      And yet other movies made big money. No one gave a shit about covid restrictions in summer 2020 let alone 2021, lockdowns eased up over the summer because guess what, people wanted to go out and have fun.

  24. 8 months ago

    Came at a time where everyone was already tuning out of the DCEU and superhero movies in general

  25. 8 months ago

    the tonal whiplash was too much for me

  26. 8 months ago

    not being supported by dissney or dissney social media

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