What would the DC universe look like if the New 52 never ended?

No Pre-Flashpoint characters coming back to supplant their newer iterations. DC is forced to work with the mess they've made and isn't allowed to do any wide sweeping continuity changes to undo the stupid shit they did.

Hell, what would you do it if you were in that position?

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  1. 1 week ago

    I think that would've only been sustainable for a few more years at most.

    • 1 week ago

      fpbp, they were doing a lot of timeskips and everything was happening of pannel, at some point it would be impossible to give a frick, or to even keep it consistent

  2. 1 week ago

    Superman would still no longer have a secret identity (since it was exposed by Lois in order to save Clark).

    • 1 week ago

      He also wouldn’t be dead.

  3. 1 week ago

    Cass would still be called Orphan.

  4. 1 week ago

    No Wally West would exist. Which would mean that DC would keep pushing Wallace.

  5. 1 week ago

    Superman get ipad

    • 1 week ago

      What's an Ipad, yo?

  6. 1 week ago

    DC would continue to push New 52 Superboy instead of Jon Kent (since Jon wouldn’t exist).

  7. 1 week ago

    Would this mean that Doomsday Clock would be a crossover with New 52 Superman?

    How would that work?

    • 1 week ago

      Doomsday Clock wouldn't have happened at all since the whole point of that event was to undo the New 52. The Watchmen stuff was just used as an explanation and set dressing.

      Superman would still no longer have a secret identity (since it was exposed by Lois in order to save Clark).

      I mean they somehow managed to put his secret identity back in the bottle after Bendis made Clark reveal it again, I'm sure they'd come up with something similar.

      • 1 week ago

        Would three Joker still happen?

        • 1 week ago

          Probably. It started as a Darkseid War reveal. Maybe some of the minute details would be changed but that's it.

          But what if the Watchmen crossover still happened and just wasn’t used as a reboot?

          I mean they could probably do that. I'm not sure what the story would be but if it's just a standard temporary crossover event it could work.

          Would that mean that Johns’ JL run wouldn’t end with Manhattan killing Owlmam?

          Yeah without that he'd more than likely be skulking around in the shadows as a recurring villain.

      • 1 week ago

        But what if the Watchmen crossover still happened and just wasn’t used as a reboot?

      • 1 week ago

        Would that mean that Johns’ JL run wouldn’t end with Manhattan killing Owlmam?

  8. 1 week ago

    Pandora would still be alive and The Question would be revealed to be Narcissus.

  9. 1 week ago

    Batman and Joker die at the end of the Snyder run. Robin War ends with Dick coming back to Gotham to resume his tenure as Batman. Tim takes up the Nightwing mantel to get that book going again. Damian reforms the Teen Titans alongside Ace and whatever young teenage heroes that are even around. Everyone else's statues were somewhat fine so they could just keep going until the implosion happens.

    • 1 week ago

      DCYou is canon, Convergence is not?

      Bruce is still dead. Gordon is still Batman and brings the entire GCPD along for the ride militarizing Batman, with Batgirl of Burnside fighting against the overreach of power as she gathers the rest of the surviving Batfam.
      Bruce and the Joker wake up in dystopian future where the Batfam lose against Gordon and have to team up fight against Batman's legacy of oppression.
      Here I will cheat, Superjerk will still explode creating the Superwomen. Lois will go back to Metropolis and fight crime with the help of "good guy" Lex Luthor and a New Team Luthor. Lana will go off into space with always angry New 52 Kara to answer a distress call from a not destroyed Argo City.

      Bruce came back to the mantle at the end of Snyder’s run though. He used the machine to bring back his memories.

      That wasn’t Rebirth nor was it Johns or multiverse shenanigans.

      Bruce would still be Batman in this new timeline.

  10. 1 week ago

    Would The Final Days of Superman still happen? Or would it happen but with alternation?

    • 1 week ago

      I can see DC using it to make the New 52 Supes into Electric Superman. Or New 52 Superman would be dead briefly before coming back (like they did in the 80s).

      • 1 week ago

        They might also use it as a platform to reintroduce a more recognizable of Superboy Kon-El (clone of Clark and Lex) while quietly erasing the original New 52 iteration (clone of alt future Jon Kent).

  11. 1 week ago

    What are you talking about? New 52 didn't end at all. We're still in the same shitty timeline we've been in since 2012. They never returned to pre-Flashpoint time, never even pretended to.

    • 1 week ago

      Actually, the timeline has been changed by New 52 Superman fusing with Pre-Crisis Superman (altering the timeline of Superman) and Manhattan rebooting the entire DCU during Dooomsday Clock (such as bringing the JSA back).

      While not the OG timeline, it is a completely different timeline than the New 52 timeline.

    • 1 week ago

      I mean yes technically we are but ever since Rebirth they’ve been trying to push shit back towards Pre-Flashpoint without actually undoing the New 52, no matter how confusing that makes things.

      Actually, the timeline has been changed by New 52 Superman fusing with Pre-Crisis Superman (altering the timeline of Superman) and Manhattan rebooting the entire DCU during Dooomsday Clock (such as bringing the JSA back).

      While not the OG timeline, it is a completely different timeline than the New 52 timeline.

      >DCYou is canon, Convergence is not?
      Basically this.

      • 1 week ago

        What happened to "everything is canon"?

        • 1 week ago

          This thread isa thought experiment to continue the New 52 as if Rebirth didn't happen.

          • 1 week ago

            You just do an event that reveals that everything that the fans didn't like and the editors/writers don't want, was actually because of some aliens/ancient race, and that now that they free from the aliens/ancient race, that they can be how the fans/editors/writers want.
            No need to have a "crisis", when you can just retcon anything you want away.
            Now, answer my fricking question.

  12. 1 week ago

    They might have had to learn how to care about how to actually plan and care about their characters.

  13. 1 week ago

    DCYou is canon, Convergence is not?

    Bruce is still dead. Gordon is still Batman and brings the entire GCPD along for the ride militarizing Batman, with Batgirl of Burnside fighting against the overreach of power as she gathers the rest of the surviving Batfam.
    Bruce and the Joker wake up in dystopian future where the Batfam lose against Gordon and have to team up fight against Batman's legacy of oppression.
    Here I will cheat, Superjerk will still explode creating the Superwomen. Lois will go back to Metropolis and fight crime with the help of "good guy" Lex Luthor and a New Team Luthor. Lana will go off into space with always angry New 52 Kara to answer a distress call from a not destroyed Argo City.

  14. 1 week ago

    Better than it is today.
    Retroactively speaking, DC Rebirth was a fricking disaster for DC because it essentially not only undid the whole New 52 thing, but it also made COIE completely irrelevant. And while I hated the New 52 at first, and the quality of it was questionable to say the least, I realize now that it was the only thing that could have saved DC from what happened to it after 2018 and made it at least a little better than it is now.

    • 1 week ago

      >Retroactively speaking, DC Rebirth was a fricking disaster for DC because it essentially not only undid the whole New 52 thing, but it also made COIE completely irrelevant
      New 52 already made COIE irrelevant by completely erasing the timeline everybody fought for, and it was all destroyed by Flash casually going to the past once by accident implying that it could be irreversibly destroyed over and over at any moment.

      • 1 week ago

        Also people seem to forget that New 52 already had every single problem DC got now, no continuity, events changed, personalities changing, cosmology changed, sales were back to the same levels of pre new 52 after a few months

        New 52 really was a shitshow, at least Rebirth had the excuse of being a compromise, New 52 had full freedom to make something solid and fricked up every single thing possible.

  15. 1 week ago

    Would pre New 52 Clark, Lois and baby Jon still be in it on the sidelines?

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