What would you say is the worst Ep of Avatar

I feel like if anyone used any Korra related suggestions it would be too easy so lets try to limit it specifically to Last Airbender

For me, the worst Ep is "The Swamp." This is a bad Ep because we have zero reason to be here

>The Swamp is calling me
>Because it wants to let me know there are a bunch of dumb rednecks down here
>Also I need to hurry the frick up and start Earth Bending or whatever

What was the point of any of this? We wasted a day trying to do what the Swamp should have known we were doing.

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  1. 3 months ago

    >t. speedwatcher
    The swamp called Aang to show him Toph. It’s mystical spirit shit. Did it have to be a swamp tree? No, but if you want to go down that road then nothing in the story matters.

    • 3 months ago

      They literally were already going that direction anyway. Thats like arguing how the Swamp had to stop Aang to tell him"NO YOU CANT JUST LEARN EARTH BENDING FROM ANYONE IT HAS TO BE FROM SOME BLIND e-girl WHO HATES HER FAMILY IT CANT BE ANYONE ELSE!"

      • 3 months ago

        That blind e-girl was the only one that could stop the entire fire nation fleet with some coaching so yes they needed specifically her otherwise the earth kingdom would've been gone by the time Aang finished curb stomping Ozai

        • 3 months ago

          Again, they were literally going that direction anyway. Im fairly confident Aang would have figured this out without a magic tree suggesting otherwise.

          • 3 months ago

            aang was stalking her, after the tournament he went to meet her at her palace. He wouldn't have done that without a magic tree telling him.

            • 3 months ago

              Nta but I wanna play devil's advocate here: Bumi telling him to find a master who waits and listens could've been enough for that.

      • 3 months ago

        Holy moron. The swamp showed him what Toph looked like. It didn’t tell him “go to the earth kingdom and look for an earthbending teacher.” You have severe mental illness.

    • 3 months ago

      It my not be the worst but the The Painted Lady episode is sour thumb in an amazing season. Its a filler that pumps the brakes just as it ramping up.

  2. 3 months ago

    this shit.
    I can't believe the netflix show bothered to include these buttholes. at least they took out the cringe.

    • 3 months ago

      >he doesn’t think secret tunnel was 200% necessary
      gay detected

    • 3 months ago

      shit taste

    • 3 months ago

      Pays off in, oddly enough, those post-script comics that are usually a chore.

    • 3 months ago

      >Secret tunneeeeeeeeeeel!
      >Frick you anooooooooooon!
      >Secret! Secret! Secret! Secret tunneeeeeeel!

  3. 3 months ago

    Swamp or The Great Divide. They even make fun of how shit that episode was in Ember Island Players.

    • 3 months ago

      The problem with Great Divide is that the more you think about it, its aggressively impossible to even consider the idea that the Gan Jin are terrible people. Like we learn later that Earth Benders all over the Earth Kingdom have insanely high opinions of themselves and maybe they're just being modest since theyre in the presence of the Avatar

      But frick off in thinking that the Zhang are anything other then poor and backwood people who might as well be the Earth Kingdom version of marxists. There is zero evidence of the Gan Jin abusing their authority. This is not Ba Sing Se so you'd have to be a special kind of stupid to believe anything they tell you

  4. 3 months ago

    never liked Toph. the trio was already perfect before adding a sarcastic mary sue.
    same with Bolin. he's annoying and unnecessary.

    • 3 months ago

      >mary sue
      who did Toph ever beat of note

      • 3 months ago

        >Mary Sue
        She’s plenty unlikable, and several characters don’t get along with her. You don’t know what a Mary Sue is, do you? You just think it’s any female character that can beat up a man.

        it's not much about who she can beat but her personality, attitude, abilities and lack of real weakness offset by seismic sense and metalbending, let's never forget bullshitbending, and I just know some homosexual will bring up sand. too bad they don't live in tatooine.

        at least I can say Bolin is endearing, not funny or useful, just likeable.

        • 3 months ago

          So basically you don’t know what a Mary Sue is, got it. Just say you don’t like that she’s overpowered, which is a statement that actually makes use of the meaning of words.

          • 3 months ago

            >So basically you don’t know what a Mary Sue is
            do you? Korra gets tossed around by all her enemies yet she gets called mary sue.

            • 3 months ago

              NTA, but Mary Sue is abused a lot and just a substitute for "I don't like this character" now. It was meant to represent an author self insert that had too much influence in the story, usually related to fanfiction writers.

    • 3 months ago

      >Mary Sue
      She’s plenty unlikable, and several characters don’t get along with her. You don’t know what a Mary Sue is, do you? You just think it’s any female character that can beat up a man.

    • 3 months ago

      Bro at the end of Korra the team suddenly gets to the point where there is honest discussion about phasing Asami out entirely for Varrick

      Also, Non Benders literally from the Spirit World themselves get validated in how fricking useless, expendable and replaceable they're because the very existence of Island Turtles and Harmonic convergence now validates the Equalists and why theyre neccessary

      Look I know I said we cant use Korra Ep's as examples because this would then turn into a Korra thread but objectively speaking that writing is so bad you'd have to be moronic to think Hiroshi did anything wrong.

      • 3 months ago

        too bad Varrick is a two-timing rat.

      • 3 months ago

        It's really bizarre how none of the Kang barely feel like they know each other despite even by the end of the show.

    • 3 months ago

      >thought toph was the coolest
      >rewatch it for the third time
      >toph is kind of annoying and moronic, has similar problems with randomly saying quips like sokka and always making blind jokes that no one laughs at
      she's still cool but zuko is the character that elevated season 2

    • 3 months ago

      shit taste

  5. 3 months ago

    final episode
    energybending asspull
    absolute bullshit garbage
    anyone who says otherwise is a gay moron
    and ugly

    • 3 months ago

      Can confirm I am an ugly moron but not gay.

  6. 3 months ago

    Zuko Alone
    >Focuses on cringey, whiny b***h boy rather than the main characters
    >Backstory is ridiculously contrived to make him look as sympathetic as possible (sister is a little demon, grandpa has a senior moment and decides to cull his own bloodline for no reason)
    >Fight scene is pathetic and makes b***h boy get beat by some random no name when a few episodes ago he was taking on an entire fortress sans bending
    >Lame ending contrived, again to make this loser seem sympathetic

    • 3 months ago

      Zuko Alone is unironically the best episode of the series, how can you have such shit taste?
      >Zuko is a b***hboy
      Oh hi Aang, still pissed the best parts of the storm focuses on Zuko?

      • 3 months ago

        Aang is the main character, and a much better one than the cringey whiner who can't make the most obvious decisions in the world.

        I think the reason why that Ep exists is because this was suppose to be the moment that Zuko feels aimless where he cant hunt for the Avatar because the whole point of hunting Aang was to appease his father but Azula and Ozai dont care about him anyway and they already have the whole fire nation out on high alert so he feels the need to fill that void

        Wanting to best Azula becomes Zuko's new obsession until near the end of S2 and the first half of S3 where it finally becomes clear he's wasted too much time focusing on his neglectful family so as the ultimate frick you he teaches Aang to Firebend

        He's still trying to hunt the Avatar the moment he can. So it changed nothing.

    • 3 months ago

      I think the reason why that Ep exists is because this was suppose to be the moment that Zuko feels aimless where he cant hunt for the Avatar because the whole point of hunting Aang was to appease his father but Azula and Ozai dont care about him anyway and they already have the whole fire nation out on high alert so he feels the need to fill that void

      Wanting to best Azula becomes Zuko's new obsession until near the end of S2 and the first half of S3 where it finally becomes clear he's wasted too much time focusing on his neglectful family so as the ultimate frick you he teaches Aang to Firebend

  7. 3 months ago

    The headband. The entire fire nation school thing was lame, even as a kid I didnt care about it.

    • 3 months ago

      It was to demonstrate that some people who're fire nation raised dont really have an issue with other classifications of benders or the Avatar its strictly a military issue

      Which to be fair, The Northern Water Tribe (Under Unalaq's rule as chief) fricking despises the Southern Water Tribe and was forever jealous that the White Lotus made base there instead of coming up North

      Lets also not forget Ba Sing Se exists beside itself where the Dai Li is so rooted in corruption that if Ozai's 100 year war wasnt a problem you'd see Earth Benders staging coups all over the place

      • 3 months ago

        Took too much for too little. Swamp at least had a few good fights and the rednecks were neat. Getting 2 seasons of the group in a warzone then having a schoolday was lame.

  8. 3 months ago

    Zuko Alone, hands down. Season 1 establishes that Zuko is a terrible person who cannot be redeemed, and then midway through Season 2 they decide he's not the villain anymore so they better humanize him.

    • 3 months ago

      Zuko was humanized throughout season 1, did you unironically not pay attention? Hell Zuko is just as much the series' protagonist as Aang is.

      • 3 months ago

        I watched it live, zoom-zoom. Zuko was a horrible piece of shit who wanted nothing but to make his evil father proud, and everything he did during Season 1 only constantly reconfirmed that. The whole Blue Spirit thing had no other purpose than to deny Aang to Zhao, Zuko was fully committed to kidnapping Aang during the Siege of the North, and he only abandoned that after it became clear that was no longer possible. Zuko isn't a good person, and was never a good person.

        • 3 months ago

          Guess him caring for his crew during the storm doesn't count.
          Or him resenting his sister and dad at the cave during the Northern tribe invasion

          • 3 months ago

            >Guess him caring for his crew during the storm doesn't count.
            He needed them. It was pragmatic. You're basically saying an SS officer is good for protecting his SS troops from Soviets at Stalingrad. He's still a member of the fricking SS.
            >Or him resenting his sister and dad at the cave during the Northern tribe invasion
            You mean the people he intends to prove he's no longer a dipshit tween and instead is a fascist like them? That sister and dad?

            • 3 months ago

              Hey dipshit do you not remember the scene where Zuko actively tell his crew to ignore the Avatar so that they all can remain safe from the storm? Or are you being moronic on purpose
              >Unironically using fascist and Nazi to describe fictional characters
              Ah okay so you are moronic on purpose.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh wow. He doesn't have a deathwish. Good job.

            • 3 months ago

              >an SS officer is good for protecting his SS troops from Soviets at Stalingrad

        • 3 months ago

          >I watched it live
          Yeah, so did I. I also didn't watch it once and never watch it again so I remember that Zuko was always shown as sympathetic and his goal to hunt the Avatar was shown as being misguided. The Storm shows his back story which was entirely a means to show Zuko in a sympathetic light as well as show that his back story has parallels with Aang. Seige of the North Pole actively conveys Zuko's plan is misguided and that Zuko is compassionate as he's still willing to save Zhao despite everything. Frick dude the Blue Spirit episode you cite literally has Aang ask Zuko if he thinks they'd be friends if the circumstances were different essentially foreshadowing Zuko's redemption arc. You can't be this stupid.

          • 3 months ago

            The Blue Spirit Ep is great because the only reason why Zuko helps Aang at all is entirely for selfish reasons


        • 3 months ago

          >Everything he did during season 1 constantly reconfirmed that.
          >The reason he was banished in the first place was because he took offense at his father callously sacrificing his loyal men and thought he was betraying them
          >Cared for his crew despite their animosity toward him
          >Tried to save Zhao's life, the same guy who constantly condemned him and tried to have him killed.

          • 3 months ago


            >Guess him caring for his crew during the storm doesn't count.
            He needed them. It was pragmatic. You're basically saying an SS officer is good for protecting his SS troops from Soviets at Stalingrad. He's still a member of the fricking SS.
            >Or him resenting his sister and dad at the cave during the Northern tribe invasion
            You mean the people he intends to prove he's no longer a dipshit tween and instead is a fascist like them? That sister and dad?

            You're defending a genocidal fascist that wanted to finish the genocide.

          • 3 months ago

            Zhao hated Zuko passionately right down to the moment he lost at Ag Ni Kai. He felt that Ozai would consider it more honorable that he failed in battle then accept forgiveness from Zuko which wasnt the case because Ozai is such a one dimensional character he considers everyone and everything expendable. Even Azula.

        • 3 months ago

          Zuko has too much of his mother and Iroh's genetics in him to be a bad person. His redemption was sealed the moment he was forced to participate in Ag Ni Kai with his father

          Im also convinced that when Iroh lost his son, Azulon took this as weakness and morally felt obligated to give the Fire Lord position to Ozai because he values nothing but power

          • 3 months ago

            What? Azulon was royally pissed off at Ozai over that.

      • 3 months ago

        Zuko Alone, hands down. Season 1 establishes that Zuko is a terrible person who cannot be redeemed, and then midway through Season 2 they decide he's not the villain anymore so they better humanize him.

        After my 3rd subsequent rewatch of Last Airbender it became clear to me that Zuko is mostly talk. You notice how he's actually not that good at either threatening or hurting people.

        He's someone who is aggressively impatient. You see this in his first confrontation with Sokka. Compare that to the dude that Zhao kills and throws off his boat who doesnt care about Yue as a person just the political benefits of marrying her. You notice how Zuko doesnt even give a shit about the South Pole he literally just wants the Avatar so he can go home.

        • 3 months ago

          >After my 3rd subsequent rewatch of Last Airbender it became clear to me that Zuko is mostly talk. You notice how he's actually not that good at either threatening or hurting people.
          He throws fire at women and old people in his first appearance and tries to finish off Suki when she's down.

          • 3 months ago

            He did a real shit job when the Avatar took off running

            Zuko is all talk his hatred for females is entirely because he hates his sister that much. Prince "Mesugaki Destroyer" Zuko

            • 3 months ago

              >He did a real shit job when the Avatar took off running
              I'm talking specifically when he throws fire at a downed Suki right after his rhino b***hslaps her and Sokka has to save her.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, everyone forgets Season 1 Zuko except for Blue Spirit. He's a complete villain that only starts to soften during Season 2.
                >BUT HE LIKES HIS CREEEEEW
                "Scorpion and the Frog" tier understanding of evil.

              • 3 months ago

                Nah, he's not a complete villain, he's just not all talk.

              • 3 months ago

                Zuko would have killed the Water Tribe Village or Suki if it got him the Avatar. He's not all talk, he's just a jobber.

              • 3 months ago

                He'd probably have killed Suki, as a warrior on the battlefield. The SWT? I doubt that, he wasn't even willing to finish off Zhao when he was down.

              • 3 months ago

                >I doubt that, he wasn't even willing to finish off Zhao when he was down.
                Are you illiterate or something? Zuko is willing to kill if it gets him the Avatar. Guess what killing Zhao doesn't do?

              • 3 months ago

                Killing Zhao would make capturing the Avatar way easier for him, it'd certainly be more beneficial to his quest than ganking some random eskimo women who don't even seem to know who you're looking for.

    • 3 months ago

      >Season 1 establishes that Zuko is a terrible person who cannot be redeemed
      How did you get that?

      • 3 months ago

        I feel like egregiously the worst thing Zuko did was burn down Kyoshi village. He cant even be blamed for the destruction of the forest spirits home that was likely a different patrol unit

        Zuko beat up all the Kyoshi Warriors but only because they were in his way. You notice he didnt start taking prisoners he just jumped back on the boat and began the chase again

    • 3 months ago

      >Season 1 establishes Zuko is a terrible person
      Confirmed to not have watched the show

    • 3 months ago

      Zuko Alone
      >Focuses on cringey, whiny b***h boy rather than the main characters
      >Backstory is ridiculously contrived to make him look as sympathetic as possible (sister is a little demon, grandpa has a senior moment and decides to cull his own bloodline for no reason)
      >Fight scene is pathetic and makes b***h boy get beat by some random no name when a few episodes ago he was taking on an entire fortress sans bending
      >Lame ending contrived, again to make this loser seem sympathetic


  9. 3 months ago

    The Great Divide or The Headband. Probably give it to The Great Divide as The Headband at least had based Wang Fire in it as well as some fun dancing

  10. 3 months ago

    I liked the swamp. It helped me in a way, kind of saying there's more out there no matter where you look. The big tree is something I wanted to see irl, and the same thing from fallen order on kashyyyk. It's one of my favorite episodes, didn't know it wasn't liked, just thought no one really wanted to talk about it

  11. 3 months ago

    Avatar Day kinda sucks apart from the Kyoshi backstory

    • 3 months ago

      Its to demonstrate that not every nation is perfect and after many rewatches of the show and then taking everything that happens in Korra into consideration Kyoshi did absolutely nothing wrong when splitting the continent in half

      Like all this shit happened before Sozin even touched the throne and look what happens when Ba Sing Se gets a new queen. Immediately she demands the Dai Li resume operations and demands the Air Nomads be enslaved because she's entitled to feel important

      Zaheer had to kill her because she was out of her mind.

  12. 3 months ago

    Even the show makes fun of Great Divide as being the worst although even that episode wasn't that bad

    • 3 months ago

      It was bad. You need to have been there at the time, it was the most pointless kiddie episode possible in a show that was selling itself as being "a western competitor to anime".

      • 3 months ago

        How can the show even claim that when it wasnt even allowed to casually murder people. There are so many instances where I can feel the animators are basically being instructed to limit what level of violence theyre realistically allowed to depict

        Like Jet I feel like was suppose to be a proper impalement scene but they had to change it to having all the bones in his ribcage be crushed which dont get me wrong is still pretty fricking metal

  13. 3 months ago

    The recap episodes. Yeah, it had some funny episodes but it was literally nothing but filler and a waste of an episodes.

  14. 3 months ago

    Crossroads of Destiny was just bad at making Zuko's failure tonredeem himself seem plausible. It also dis not make it look like Firebending really has anything on the other styles in terms of combat (but in general it was always a massive stretch that the other benders could do nothing against the fire nation). And Aang going into a coma because of getting struck by lightning was just bullshit.

    Really, that was worse than anything in Korra by a mile.

  15. 3 months ago

    the painted lady, while not BAD, was boring and preachy. i would have loved this episode removed and more episodes dedicated to questing for the lion turtle instead of it just.....appearing.

    • 3 months ago

      The worst thing about the painted lady was the ending where its never mentioned again how there was actually a river spirit being suppressed in that area and they save her entirely by accident

      It reminded me of that horrible Megas XLR Ep where Coop accidentally destroys a reforment prison and then the Ep ends with all the villains escaping to either go destroy earth or other planets

    • 3 months ago

      This would be my pick, besides The Great Divide, and even then that episode is bad enough to still be interesting.

  16. 3 months ago

    Man, I never realized how many episodes in Book 2 looked terrible. Did they get ther animation budget slashed partway through?

  17. 3 months ago

    Having recently rewatched the whole series, the worst episode for me was Nightmares and Daydreams. Total filler and quite possibly the only episode that makes you REALLY realize you're watching a show for kids.

  18. 3 months ago

    The episode in the last season where Aang can't sleep so the team makes him a bed and a pillow.
    It felt quite out of place so near the end. Especially given so early ago we had the thing where Zuko attacks them in the beach house because they were lazying around and not focusing on their goal. So like, ugh ugh stop idling -> oh shit we need to make a bed? Totally not idling! Understandable that someone that's been sleeping outdoors for a year suddenly would need a bed!

  19. 3 months ago

    Great Divide, 100%. Full of annoying morons who manufacture conflict for no reason with an unsatisfactory conclusion. I skip it every time.
    Runner up is Ember Island Players. Yeah, the creators are lampshading and poking fun at themselves, big whoop. Given how rushed the energy bending shit was, they could have used a WHOLE EPISODE to explore it but instead decided to spend their precious time frivolously. Far from unwatchable, but annoying in a meta sense.
    Possible third place is The Headband since it does what The Painted Lady does but worse. Another example of wasted time.

  20. 3 months ago

    Great Divide

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