What's a good example of this?

What's a good example of this?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    this thread

  2. 1 week ago


  3. 1 week ago

    Cell and Majin Buu saga

    • 1 week ago

      how so? the saiyins love fighting thing?

      • 1 week ago

        Yes, I don’t necessarily mind it since it’s established even in early dragon ball that Goku loves a good fight above everything else

      • 1 week ago

        >Gohan refusing to kill Dabura
        >Vegeta letting Babidi control his mind
        There’s so much more, but I don’t have hours of my life to write it all out

        • 1 week ago

          >Gohan refusing to kill Dabura
          Gohan couldn't kill Dabura, Dabura was leading the entire fight and Goku starts revising his guess of Dabura's strength.

    • 1 week ago

      There was no point in the franchise moving on past Frieza

  4. 1 week ago

    This is much less annoying and more believable than everybody being a brilliant detective and/or double crosser.

  5. 1 week ago

    Dumb and Dumber. Also common in Looney Tunes and black tv shows, especially Sanford and Son. Genuinely funny when done right.

    • 1 week ago

      >Dumb and Dumber.
      The guy would've gotten his reward money were it not for them.
      So their involvement actually got him arrested and saved the day (even though they still wasted all the cash).

      • 1 week ago

        Dumb and Dumber, was a documentary. And it's events were portrayed, in real time.

  6. 1 week ago

    The three stooges

  7. 1 week ago

    The big lebowski

  8. 1 week ago

    Alien Covenant

    • 1 week ago


  9. 1 week ago

    Star Wars prequels

  10. 1 week ago

    Idiocracy. Honestly, like 99% of comedies. Pretty much every comedy with few exceptions could have the plot solved immediately if the main cast wasn’t comprised of idiots or the villains weren’t equally buffoonish. Like seriously, think of any comedy. Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Ghostbusters, Knocked Up, Superbad, Harold and Kumar.

    • 1 week ago

      The characters in Ghostbusters weren't idiots, and the plot would not be instantly solved if they were smarter.

      • 1 week ago

        >Ray thinking of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man instead of something like a balloon
        >The Busters putting all of their ghosts in a containment unit within the firehouse instead of somewhere safer out of the city (they would have been fricked if they dealt with a blackout)
        >Ray not lying to Gozer about being gods
        And many more.

        • 1 week ago

          the balloon would have been just as deadly, the entire thing was that it didn't matter what the form was

        • 1 week ago

          You really missed the point of the destroyer huh?

  11. 1 week ago

    every horror movie made

    • 1 week ago

      every horror movie ever made

      Most slasher horror movies.

      As someone who works in emergency situations, a lot of people behave in completely moronic ways due to shock. It isn't "idiots" it is more "people do psychologically break due to shock etc".

  12. 1 week ago

    Jurassic Park
    All Godzilla origins

  13. 1 week ago

    dude wheres my car

  14. 1 week ago

    Burn after Reading in a good way

    The Last Jedi in a bad way

    • 1 week ago

      >Burn after Reading
      Came just to say this, canonical answer to OP question

  15. 1 week ago


  16. 1 week ago


  17. 1 week ago

    every horror movie ever made

  18. 1 week ago

    Dude where’s my car cause they could’ve looked around the road a little

  19. 1 week ago

    Most South Park episodes

  20. 1 week ago

    The Mist

  21. 1 week ago

    >What's a good example of this?
    Every single romcom anime ever

  22. 1 week ago
  23. 1 week ago

    Fool's Paradise

  24. 1 week ago

    Naked Gun movies

  25. 1 week ago

    Lord of the Rings after they leave the elf paradise not riding the eagles.

  26. 1 week ago

    Most horror movies.

  27. 1 week ago

    Most slasher horror movies.

  28. 1 week ago

    The Walking Dead

  29. 1 week ago

    Alien Prometheus

  30. 1 week ago

    The Boys

  31. 1 week ago

    Lord Of The Rings.
    They could just have left the ring to Sauron. What would possibly have happened! Oh no, a change in political leadership, who the frick even cares. People don't even know their Congress representative anymore. Now, it may have resulted in some unwelcome changes in tax policy, but that's not the end of the world, either.

    • 1 week ago

      Broh he was a literal dark god who did bad things simply because they were bad things.

  32. 1 week ago


  33. 1 week ago

    Everything Star Wars but the OT

  34. 1 week ago

    I watched all Saw movies in order a while ago and I didn't specifically hate Spiral (Saw 9) but it somehow stuck to my eye how EVERY single cop in the movie always went alone to every place and then got kidnapped. I realize it's a meme and happens in other movies too all the time, but at least it's usually one stubborn and loner cop who does it and the rest of the cops at least try to work together.

  35. 1 week ago

    Literally every coen bros movie

  36. 1 week ago
  37. 1 week ago

    Burn After Reading is the first thing that comes to mind

  38. 1 week ago
  39. 1 week ago

    Jurassic World
    >Indominus Rex is seemingly missing from its enclosure
    >It has a tracking chip in it though
    >For some reason this chip can't be checked from the control booth in the enclosure, only from the main control room
    >Rather than calling the control room to check the tracking chip while waiting at the enclosure Clare instead decides to hop in her car and drive towards the main control room, and only when doing this does she decide to call them to check the location of the tracking chip
    >While this is happening the guy in charge of the enclosure, a random worker, and Owen, a guy specifically bought in for being good at security and keeping dinosaurs from escaping, all enter the enclosure without knowing the Indominus Rex's location
    >Turns out it's still in the enclosure
    >Main control room radios the guy in charge of the enclosure to tell him this, showing he was in radio contact with the main control room this whole time so why the frick did Clare feel the need to drive to them and ring them on her phone
    >Indominus escapes because guy in charge of its enclosure opens the massive main gate to try and escape from it instead of using the person sized door that presumably let them in there in the first place
    >The Park tries to deal with the Indominus by sending a team with non lethal weapons to take it down
    >They all die while doing zero harm to it
    >Then they try to take it down with a gatling gun mounted to a helicopter
    >Somehow complete miss it with every shot and then all die
    >Then they try and take it down with raptors
    >This doesn't work and results in most of the people involved dying
    >Only thing that takes the Indominus down in the end is a surprise attack from the mosasaur, which no one actually planned to happen and was basically complete luck
    I don't even hate the movie, but it has the most moronic plot ever that hinges on every human being absolutely brain dead.

    • 1 week ago

      It's basically a film about a Black Swan event

    • 1 week ago

      You forgot how the helicopter failed to do anything because the pajeet CEO wanted to be a hero and do it himself even though he was still learning to pilot a helicopter and was even shown earlier in the film having problems keeping things stable.

    • 1 week ago

      >morons see clawmarks on the inside of the enclosure
      >Immediately assume that the dino has escaped
      >All of the workers outside did not mention an escaped dino
      >They haven't been eaten either and are clearly just working

  40. 1 week ago

    Dawn of the dead
    The decision to leave the mall for an uninhabited (?) island was dumb as hell, they where not 18 yo chasing a pipe dream of "living off their music", they where seemingly intelligent adults that went all in on an extremely low probability bet they could find something nicer.
    The decision also suffered a lot from the fact they had knowledge that there where many (?) other survivors in the US and civilization wasn't wiped out (the mall cops watched some weird cowboy TV show that just killed zombies all day). Because an uninhabited island would just isolate them further.

    A lot of the problems within the mall would also have been solved by them not being moronic e.g. kill each other over the stress of a zombie baby? Dog immortal, have to save the dog regardless. The whole conflict with the mall cops.

    • 1 week ago

      Now that I think about it, all zombie movies revolve around an idiot plot.
      28 weeks later come to mind as a true idiot plot.

      • 1 week ago

        28 Weeks Later

        >7 seconds

  41. 1 week ago

    Almost all fictional stories ever written because their events are contrived in such ways that can illustrate themes important to the creator at the expense of realism.
    Why did the Dog-Thing at the beginning of The Thing not simply lick every character's face, which it would know was completely ordinary behavior for a dog, thus infecting them all immediately? Because dipshit there needs to be a movie.

    • 1 week ago

      the thing didn't infect a gay bawd dog

    • 1 week ago

      I thought the Thing needee to use its tentacles to infect

    • 1 week ago

      Why didn't you lick balls of everyone in the thread which you would know is completely ordinary behavior for you and dogs.

    • 1 week ago

      >thus infecting them
      You clearly didn't see the movie

  42. 1 week ago

    (most Simpsons episodes and 100% of zombie Simpsons episodes, actually)

  43. 1 week ago

    Baby Reindeer
    The main character being moronic and gay is what fuels the entire story and if he had simply just not been gay or moronic, or even chosen to stop being gay and moronic partway through, his life would not have spiraled out of control.

    There's no real villain besides the main character's ability to keep making his own life worse without being forced to do so.

  44. 1 week ago

    28 Weeks Later

  45. 1 week ago
  46. 1 week ago

    If you actually want a legitimate answer to the question, this is probably the best modern example

  47. 1 week ago

    Schindler's list.

  48. 1 week ago

    Star Wars prequels

  49. 1 week ago

    No Country for Old Men

  50. 1 week ago


  51. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      >terry noterry

  52. 1 week ago

    The Bible.

    • 1 week ago

      it's non-fiction so it makes sense

  53. 1 week ago

    The Acolyte

  54. 1 week ago

    Real life

  55. 1 week ago

    Best example is probably picrel.

    Going to the Winchester was the dumbest frickin idea they could've had and somehow every single person followed into that death trap. They all would have likely lived if they'd just stayed home and locked their doors

  56. 1 week ago

    Cohen Bros shit

  57. 1 week ago

    Having the Lannisters win the war of 5 kings with 6.5 realms are against them at one point

    it only happens to extend the plot

  58. 1 week ago

    When Evil Lurks

  59. 1 week ago

    The Cell and Buu arcs only happen because everyone involved is braindead (even the villains)

  60. 1 week ago

    Life starring Jake Gyllenhall.
    Falling Down.

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