>whats west of Westeros

>what’s west of Westeros
Was this supposed some novel question that only Arya stark could come up with and solve? Surely people already tried

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  1. 4 months ago

    Sea monsters.

  2. 4 months ago

    didn't she have a map? ffs

    • 4 months ago

      I always thought this was the shittiest map of a popular fantasy setting. What the frick is going on? How do they not know what is further south of Ulthos? Why are there two continents that just run off the map. Why are their three poles marked? What the shit is this?

      • 4 months ago

        Westeros is secretly a Civilizations 2 game map

        • 4 months ago

          Would play.


          >what’s west of Westeros
          Was this supposed some novel question that only Arya stark could come up with and solve? Surely people already tried

          didn't she have a map? ffs

          Eustace Hightower sailed further west (and South) and discovered 3 small islands that he named after Aegon and his sisters.

          He sailed with Elissa Farman but she never came back. The Sea Snake (prehaps) saw her ship in Asshai many years later so she may have survived the voyage west and reached Essos.


      • 4 months ago

        What's your favourite GRRM short stories? I've been re-reading a bunch lately some I enjoyed others I thought were largely okay, some pretty forgettable that didn't make much of an impression on me but I'd say my top five would probably be:
        The Ice Dragon
        Dark, Dark Were the Tunnels
        The Way of Cross and Dragon
        The Pear Shaped Man

        I think it's all just jungle and arctic as far as the eye could see for the rest of the known world

      • 4 months ago

        >Why are there two continents that just run off the map.
        They have to keep themselves some places open for future expansion packs obviously.

    • 4 months ago

      that map supports her claim though

      they are on the far west of that map, and the far east shows a landmass hit the very edge, meaning no one has gone far east or west enough to fill in the gap and to find out where "The Grey Waste" eventually meets the sea

      are there islands on the east inbetween the Grey Waste and Westeros? is there a whole other continent? are there other cultures there with technology that no one else knows about? etc

      was posting the map meant to be a "gotcha"? because it proved the point that there is more to be explored

      • 4 months ago

        They have been west though. It's seemingly endless ocean full of giant sea monsters like krakens and leviathans. And there's a Kingdom of the Deep of merpeople but they're not friendly. Any voyage would have them starve, die of scurvy and vitamin deficiency, die of thirst, die of giant sea monster attacks, etc.

      • 4 months ago

        Planetos is much larger than Earth so the ocean west could be several times larger than the Atlantic. Apparently there was an island with komodo dragons but nobody who went searching further ever came back.

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          >komodo dragons
          Oh yeah, they tried to put them on the ship so they could show them off when they came back home, but they bit several of the sailors and they died a painful death. That's how komodo dragons kill, they don't have poison but their bites are super filthy and they can just wait around while their prey dies from sepsis.

          • 4 months ago

            >they don't have poison
            They do akshewally. It's an anticoagulant.
            >serrated teeth
            >wounds keep bleeding
            >guaranteed infection
            >can smell rotting flesh up to 5 miles away
            >excellent swimmers
            They're so cool. Apparently Sharon Stone's husband was mauled by one.

            • 4 months ago

              Interesting, thank you. Cute big lizards.

              • 4 months ago

                two things all monitor lizards aim to wound, they are like us they are long distance pursuit predators. they all perfer their meat rotten- it breeds the bacteria in their mouths that they use to kill.

                austraila apparently had 30 foot long monitors that the abos eradicated cause they got sick of being eaten by them- roughly 10k years ago. fing scary.

              • 4 months ago

                >abos spent 10k years in the stone age
                Scary indeed.

            • 4 months ago

              holy shit they're like walking nightmares

  3. 4 months ago

    >Surely people already tried
    A lesbian pirate stole some Targ dragon eggs and sailed around the world to Asshai. Those eggs ended up in Dany's hands.

    • 4 months ago

      Didn't Euron also go?

      • 4 months ago

        He went to Asshai but he didn't circumnavigate the globe.

    • 4 months ago


      I think the question has been answered in the books at the Kingsmoot with House Farwynd claiming to see land that has never been touched before. Either they went west of Westeros in warging seal mode, or they may have stumbled into some parts of The Land of Always Winter

      There was also a Targaryen who spent a year or two flying the globe and all she saw was an endless jungle stretching for miles. I think another Targaryen who stole Balereon may have tried the same but came back infected with worms crawling around inside her

      • 4 months ago

        The lore around GoT is actually more interesting than the actual story. I want to see Sothoryos dammit.

        • 4 months ago

          ikr I could feel myself getting sucked back in.

        • 4 months ago

          The Yellow Whale that bought Tyrian went to Sothoryos and brought back a flesh rotting disease so it could be pretty cool.

        • 4 months ago

          you dont, its only really interesting becuase you're given a vague idea and you fill in the blanks yourself if grrm actually wrote a book about it or god forbid they showed it on a tv show it would kill the mystique

        • 4 months ago

          I want to know more about The Land of Always Winter personally. I think The Others possibly escaped their own version of The Doom of Valyria because a giant volcano far north suddenly decided to explode and that is why they started marching south. Sothoryos is pretty cool it has giant apes, and dinosaurs if I recall.

          I also want to know what exactly The Heart of Winter really is I'm thinking it's either the volcano that exploded which caused The Others to march south or maybe it's one massive corrupt Weirwood Tree that went off script from what they typically do and they might need to destroy it or reboot it to stop another Long Night from ever happening

          • 4 months ago

            >I also want to know what exactly The Heart of Winter really is
            The Land of Always Winter is just the Arctic, the "heart of winter" would be the north pole or just the center of that cold lands.

        • 4 months ago

          >The lore around GoT is actually more interesting than the actual story
          ehhh not really?
          Only Old Valyria has kino lore that's barely touched.

        • 4 months ago

          GRRM puts all his wild stuff into the background
          >ser barristan becomes a kingsguard because he slays a giant, two headed targaryen mutant who was strong enough to kill a horse with a punch and rip a man's limbs off
          He puts some of that in, drenches it in mystery and your mind fills in the blanks with higher shades of fantasy than is in the story.

          • 4 months ago

            The whole Golden Company is pure kino.

        • 4 months ago

          yeah, Bone Town sounds so heckin mysterious!

      • 4 months ago

        >There was also a Targaryen who spent a year or two flying the globe and all she saw was an endless jungle stretching for miles
        that's a good point, if nobody found out what was there when dragons were around then Arya won't find out on her little boat

      • 4 months ago

        >I think another Targaryen who stole Balereon may have tried the same but came back infected with worms crawling around inside her
        That was a Targ's young girl who tried to ride Balerion without having enough skill and so he just fricked off back to where he was born, in Valyria. Pretty scary stuff
        >Ser Lucamore said that the princess's fever was so hot that he could feel it through his armor. She had blood in her eyes and her body had "something inside her, something moving", the knight said, until the king forbade him from speaking of the princess. Benifer left no account of Aerea's death, but according to an account in Barth's private papers, Aerea's fever was one unlike anything he had seen before. The septon described her as burning, with a red skin and having barely an ounce of flesh upon her bones, appearing gaunt and starved.[8]
        >Barth reported that "swellings" moved underneath the princess's skin, possibly searching for a way to escape and causing a great pain. He wrote "I pray that I shall soon forget some of the things she whispered", and that she often begged for death. It seemed to Barth as if Aerea was cooking from within. Her flesh grew darker until it resembled pork cracklings; smoke came from her mouth, nose, and her nether regions. Aerea's eyes cooked within her skull until they burst. When the princess was lowered into the tub of ice, "slimy, unspeakable things" making horrible sounds emerged from under her skin—one as long as his arm—but the "creatures of heat and fire" died from the cold of the ice.[8]
        >The origins of the creatures that lived inside Aerea are unknown. Barth speculated that Balerion, not Aerea, had chosen their destination; as likely the only living creature in the world that had known Valyria before it was destroyed in the Doom, Balerion had returned home, where accursed creatures as those found inside Aerea now lived.

        • 4 months ago

          The dragon fricked her. I have no doubt in my mind.

          • 4 months ago

            He also got fricked up by something there
            >Barth's accounts describe wounds and half-healed scars on Balerion. The dragon bore a huge jagged rent down his left side, almost nine feet long, and fresh blood still dripped from the wound, hot and smoking.
            I imagine some Cloverfield monsters living there and the things inside the girl were their parasites.

        • 4 months ago

          They should make this into an animated feature.

          • 4 months ago

            Agree. They made some cheap extras for the dvds explaining some of the lore, like this

            Or a bit more elaborate like this

            But that bit about Balerion was something that GRRM invented only a few years ago for his Fire & Blood book so it's not there.

        • 4 months ago

          >Barth's private papers, Aerea's fever was one unlike anything he had seen before. The septon described her as burning, with a red skin and having barely an ounce of flesh upon her bones, appearing gaunt and starved.[8]
          >Barth reported that "swellings" moved underneath the princess's skin, possibly searching for a way to escape and causing a great pain. He wrote "I pray that I shall soon forget some of the things she whispered", and that she often begged for death.
          This story was fascinating and illustrated Barth was an anti Valyrian / pro Faith of the Seven at heart
          His influence over Jaehaerys and turning from the the origins of his Valyrian roots was the beginning of the downfall of the Targs

  4. 4 months ago

    >>what’s west of Westeros
    A gigantic waterfall where you fall off the planet into space (according to flat earthers)

    • 4 months ago

      It's a giant wall of ice. All they have to do is explore the Wall.

  5. 4 months ago


  6. 4 months ago

    Winds coming any day now.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm just glad that there's a good chunk written already like I'd be a bit pissed off if he spent all this time on it and it's a pretty small book I'm just happy it's around 1,100 or so manuscript pages at least he's promised it's a fairly large novel which he is giving us.

      >There was also a Targaryen who spent a year or two flying the globe and all she saw was an endless jungle stretching for miles
      that's a good point, if nobody found out what was there when dragons were around then Arya won't find out on her little boat

      I could be wrong but I think that was a different direction the Targaryen went in. I think Arya's story is going to end with her stealing Sansa's face since both characters are a nod to Miramelle from Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn. It'd be a nice twist if Arya had to spend the rest of her days laying low living out her life pretending to be Sansa.

    • 4 months ago

      >Exciting news for all the Wild Cards fans out there

    • 4 months ago

      >Exciting news for all the Wild Cards fans out there

      news for all the Wild Cards fans out there

      • 4 months ago

        The only way for him to stop making those books would be if somebody picked it up to make into a show

  7. 4 months ago

    >A whole "Kingdom" of nautical people living on the shitty Iron Islands on the Western shores of Westeros
    >have hundreds of boats and experienced crews
    >never once thought to sail West to possibly find a better, unpopulated place to live

    • 4 months ago

      According to the books, multiple expeditions tried and none came back.

      • 4 months ago

        Hopefully she dies trying as well.

  8. 4 months ago

    >Surely people already tried
    They have, and they failed.

    • 4 months ago

      Good thing Arya has the power of the plot by her side.

  9. 4 months ago

    >Arya decides to sail west because of a throw away line two seasons ago
    >shirtless Ramsay
    >20 good men
    >Stannis burns his daughter because he forgot he could fish in the Long Lake
    >the North doesn't remember
    >all of Stannis' horse magically disappear with the sellswords, who don't want to get their money apparently
    >Sansa's Vale storyline is cut and replaced with her getting raped by Ramsay
    >the entire Dorne plot (Jaime and Bronn wacky adventure / "Weak men will never rule Dorne again" / "You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy" / Doran Martell death)
    >Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet
    >Dany kinda forgot about the Red Keep
    >Dany kinda forgot she was going to govern the Seven Kingdoms, not kill them
    >the Dothraki kinda forgot that all of them died in the Long Night
    >Yara kinda forgot that she declared independence from the Seven Kingdoms
    >"And who has a better story than Bran?"
    >*teleports behind the Night King* "nothing personal kid"
    >Tyrell cousins magically disappear, Highgarden falls in 2 seconds and the Reach is ruled by *checks notes* Bronn
    >"Tyrion is like Abraham Lincoln" because because slave economies in antiquity are the same to modern capitalist chattel slavery
    >Faith Militant disappears because the High Sparrow blew up
    >blowing up the High Sept has zero consequences

    Bravo D&D

    • 4 months ago

      up the High Sept has zero consequences
      Stopped reading there. Tommin killed himself because of that

  10. 4 months ago

    >Nothing is nothing
    I can't believe people defended this line.

  11. 4 months ago

    >I'll abandon my family after all we have been though
    You haven't even explored all of Westeros you dumb b***h.

  12. 4 months ago


  13. 4 months ago

    Who do you think will have the best POV chapters in The Winds of Winter? I think there will be something memorable in all of them but the ones I'm most looking forward too are: Bran, Melissandre, Samwell, Arianne, and Joncon.

    • 4 months ago

      Me for not caring anymore.

    • 4 months ago

      Sam's story might intersect with Euron's and he may have a horn that'll destroy the wall, so I'd be most interested in his side. I haven't a clue where Martin's going with that side of the world. Shame we'll never read it.

      holy shit they're like walking nightmares

      Parthenogenesis is the most dangerous when you think of it. A female Komodo dragon doesn't need a male to reproduce so it only takes one to become an invasive species.

      • 4 months ago

        >Parthenogenesis is the most dangerous when you think of it. A female Komodo dragon doesn't need a male to reproduce so it only takes one to become an invasive species.

        • 4 months ago

          We only learned this because we kept the females isolated too long. It could be more common than we think.

          >. A female Komodo dragon doesn't need a male to reproduce

          It's real. Komodo dragon females can give birth to only males. If one of those males mates with it's mother their inbred offspring could be female, creating an invasive population.

      • 4 months ago

        >. A female Komodo dragon doesn't need a male to reproduce

  14. 4 months ago

    >what’s west of Westeros
    Easteros. The answer is Easteros. You literally loop around and end up right in the East.

  15. 4 months ago

    Who's ready for House of the Dragon season 2?

    • 4 months ago

      No Milly, no watch!

    • 4 months ago

      >the first move in the Riverlands is Blackwoods fricking up the Brackens
      I can't wait for all the sweet memes on the board.

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