When I pull out the HDMI cable

When I pull out the HDMI cable

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    >not whipping the b***h with a HDMI cable

    I have an extra long 20M cable so I can simultaneously tie someone up and whip them

    /tv/, how long is your HDMI cable?

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      That would damage the cable

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Pull out means unplug, Rajesh.

    If you wanted to mean you're bringing out something, you would say that, or also break out, whip out.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Am I too much of a boomer not to understand what this hdmi cable meme is supposed to mean? What are thots into now, displayport?

      >Pull Out
      >When the guy pulls his penis out of the pussy before he ejaculates. a form of birth control
      This doesn’t work. Don’t be an idiot.

      • 3 weeks ago

        It's not the first word you would use for that imo, has too strong a connotation with what you said. Take out, bust out.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Am I too much of a boomer not to understand what this hdmi cable meme is supposed to mean? What are thots into now, displayport?

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's a response to threads about women being disgusted when a guy calls them and pulls an HDMI cable instead of having tons of streaming subscriptions

      • 3 weeks ago

        Seems like a completely natural point of concern that women would come to care about without the help of streaming companies pushing it as a viral marketing campaign.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's a meme from like 2 years ago you utter newbie.

    • 3 weeks ago

      it's the same socially moronic guys in their late 20s that think pirating movies is some kind of secret cheat code that only they know about, and is completely alien to the average normie, and not something that everyone has been doing since they were 12 years old

      • 3 weeks ago

        >completely alien to the average normie, and not something that everyone has been doing since they were 12 years old
        Most normies are familiar with sketchy websites and getting in trouble with their isp. Most people don’t know how to torrent or that VPN’s work. So yeah, women associate men who pirate with idiots who can’t break the law and get caught.

        • 3 weeks ago

          my sister is the most normie stacey you could possibly imagine and has been using VPN's and torrent sites for decades. You guys are so out of touch it's insane

    • 3 weeks ago

      it means you're a cheapskate because you pirated movies instead of paying for streaming services.
      its a psyop by streaming companies to try and shame young men into subscribing by implying women will get the ick and think you're a poorgay and therefore undesirable

      • 3 weeks ago

        >it means you're a cheapskate because you pirated movies instead of paying for streaming services.
        Calmly and in an educational tone explain to the woman that the movie that you want to watch isn't available on streaming services. Or that the video quality there is dogshit compared to a bluray remux. Or perhaps even not available legally "at all" (apart from ordering a used second-hand copy of a foreign physical release from overseas).
        Problem solved.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >the movie that you want to watch isn't available on streaming services
          that's going to dry her up even more.

  4. 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      you joke but this was an issue for my grandparents back when they had a CRT with multiple video inputs. if someone accidentally changed the inputs they called me. i had to srive to their house because they were entirely unable to be instructed over the phone. Now i feel bad for being frustrated with them. RIP

      • 3 weeks ago

        It’s okay. They sound like they were good grandparents. It took me years to realize that when my grandpa would call me over to help fix his computer that he could have done it himself. It was just a good excuse to have me come over. Yours might have been running this same game. Treasure those memories. No need to feel guilty.

      • 3 weeks ago

        the same thing happened with my parents enough time that I put together a image with instructions. It had pictures of their remote control, their VCR, their TV; with step-by-step instructions titled "to play movie" and "to go back to TV"

        It’s okay. They sound like they were good grandparents. It took me years to realize that when my grandpa would call me over to help fix his computer that he could have done it himself. It was just a good excuse to have me come over. Yours might have been running this same game. Treasure those memories. No need to feel guilty.

        perhaps but not always, you can usually tell by the background noises.
        > call anon, tell him the damn tv isn't working
        > I'm on the phone with him now
        > but tell him...
        > sigh

      • 3 weeks ago

        the same thing happened with my parents enough time that I put together a image with instructions. It had pictures of their remote control, their VCR, their TV; with step-by-step instructions titled "to play movie" and "to go back to TV"

        perhaps but not always, you can usually tell by the background noises.
        > call anon, tell him the damn tv isn't working
        > I'm on the phone with him now
        > but tell him...
        > sigh

        My dad tried messing with the tv and accidentally made the image squished (16:9->4:3, or some combination of these settings on both the source and the tv itself) and couldn't unsquish it, and after giving up they called me, and mom b***hed at him for being a dumbass who thinks he knows everything but only breaks stuff. It was pretty hilarious.

      • 3 weeks ago

        but.... why though?
        They all grew up with TVs and boomers went through the entire hay-day of computers.
        70's, 80's, 90's internet craze. that was their youth and younger adult life.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >and boomers went through the entire hay-day of computers.
          Depends on how *exactly* you define the generation, but no, not really. Outside of stem-like jobs, most people only got exposed to computers through either office desktop computers which they had absolutely no need to tinker with themselves (think Win 98 era or so when this really took off, might be off by a few years but still 90s), or through home desktop computers somewhat later (again, I mean the average person, not outliers/early adopters). Most "boomers" were already in their "I'm too old for this shit, can't be arsed to figure it out and don't need to" age.

          My father, aged 62, recently asked me whether Win XP is a more modern operational system (sic) than this Windows 7 that he recently heard about. He also never managed to grasp how to use the scroll wheel on a mouse. Motherfricker you've been using at least some version of a Windows PC in your office since I think 1999 or so, give or take.

          It's generally widely accepted that millenials are pretty much the only computer literate generation. It's like this pretty much in any not-medieval country. Anyone older or younger only knows their way around computer and internet technology if their job / life revolves around it.

          You need to understand that even the most dumbed-down versions of computer concepts - user interfaces, the logic behind them, etc etc - are still too complicated for your average normie human.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    I like to picture Emma having just been told I have a huge dick and her expression is one of excitement to suck on it and ride it.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Being cheap gives women the ick

    • 3 weeks ago

      >implying having a jank cable or satellite box is a better medium for watching live sports than a laptop running a stream.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    HDMI? I got a display port.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    women are disgusting

  9. 3 weeks ago

    When I pull out my tiny brown wiener

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