When will Dick get his personality back?

When will Dick get his personality back?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    I guess Donna has to die again for that personality to come back?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nobody cared that Lilith/Omen also died.

      • 2 weeks ago

        If memory serves, they killed Omen because the original bad guy of Countdown to Infinite Crisis was going to be her father Mister Jupiter and not Maxwell Lord. Lilith's death would have broken him and convinced him that metahumans were dangerous, leading to him joining Checkmate.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Right, Lilith's death being given the brush off was intentional, no one caring was the point. Countdown to IC should have stayed a Titans storyline. Kill off Mal instead of Ted and use it to push Bumblebee as a solo character.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I remember being there for Johns teasing she'd come back, and some of her fans being so hyped only for that zombie storyline to end like a wet fart. One of his industry friends then made fun of the fans on the forum, saying they wanted Lilith back but didn't say they wanted her back alive.

        If memory serves, they killed Omen because the original bad guy of Countdown to Infinite Crisis was going to be her father Mister Jupiter and not Maxwell Lord. Lilith's death would have broken him and convinced him that metahumans were dangerous, leading to him joining Checkmate.

        Didn't DiDio veto Jupiter because he figured nobody would know or care who that is? It's something to wonder how that plan would've gone I guess.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    He had a personality?

  3. 2 weeks ago

    The very page you posted makes a compelling case for why that should not be his personality.

    • 2 weeks ago


  4. 2 weeks ago

    Am I the only one who kinda misses the manipulative, dysfunctional Batman crew from this era? Everyone was an butthole.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You probably are.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    He never had one.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Fun fact; he got his personality back thanks to Devin Grayson kicking and screaming for Dick not to written like a c**t but in doing so, the Bat editors then made Tim Drake and even BIGGER c**t to everyone to compensate Dick going back to normal and being likable culminating in Grant Morrison getting cheered when he introduced Damien and had him beat the shit out of Tim and steal the Robin identity from him.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Judd Winick's Graduation Day and Outsiders were terrible, why would anyone want this depiction of Nightwing back?

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's a little improvement over the current Nightwing who is even blander than usual.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    It's so funny when people are so selfconsious about icky girls liking the same thing they do they want to purposefully sabotage characters thinking not making them well adjusted and nice will upset the wrong fans.
    (protip:it won't work, fujos also feed off angry man drama)

    • 2 weeks ago

      What are you even talking? And last time I checked, Tumblrinas don't even like the current Nightwing run.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's DC's third most popular series.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yeah? And you think it's the "fangirls" who made it this way? What's even your point?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >And you think it's the "fangirls" who made it this way?
            Unless DC has the highest concentration of gay Nightwing fans, I don't think it's teenage boys buying issues full of Nightwing beefcake that made it a success.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I'm almost 90% sure that it's not women who are buying his book. Nightwing has the kind of fanboys who do enjoy seeing Dick getting praised 24/7 and others who would support it with their money just to see him become successful even if they don't like the story.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >What are you even talking?
        I always see this idea that Dick's more lighthearted personality appeals to girls(specifically fujos)
        >And last time I checked, Tumblrinas don't even like the current Nightwing run.
        And I addressed that. like I said, fujos love man drama.
        (also tumblr's been effectively dead for like 7 years now.)

        • 2 weeks ago

          > fujos loves drama so they're into Dick's lighthearted personality
          Nta but that doesn't make sense.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Is ANYONE in the Bat-Senpai allowed to be light-hearted?

  10. 2 weeks ago

    >dick trying to clap back at anyone by calling them a "womanizer"

  11. 2 weeks ago

    These pages are so lame because you can tell the author is doing all the talking. Dick is like the last person I'd ever expect to use someone's addiction as an insult.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dick has a lot of terrible moments to say this is out of character for him. He is just rarely get called out for it.

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