When you think about it, it's retarded to assassinate your political enemies at a wedding, because at the end of the day you're left with a ...

When you think about it, it's moronic to assassinate your political enemies at a wedding, because at the end of the day you're left with a whole house seeking vengeance, but more importantly you signal to everyone that you're willing to do heinous shit as long as it benefits you. Anyone involved is forever marked a traitor

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    that was the point

    • 2 weeks ago

      >No you see it was intentional because the characters are morons and rapscallions
      Is there a single piece of media where everyone is actually intelligent?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Is there a single piece of media where everyone is actually intelligent?

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Robb betrayed the Freys first because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants

    • 2 weeks ago

      yeah he should just marry some hag and be miserable for the rest of his life.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Marriage wasn’t about love but alliances

        • 2 weeks ago

          yes, and everybody was miserable. So why continue that tradition? Because some dumb old fricks want you to?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Because if you don't they'll murder you and your whole family. If you don't enter into the agreement in the first place your army can't cross the bridge kingdom and your rebellion peters out and you get executed.

            • 2 weeks ago

              so they act like immature man-children just because you don't want to be miserable like them?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >So why continue that tradition?
            Because he fricking agreed to do it

            • 2 weeks ago

              yes and he realized how dumb it was. Pretty based to stand up to an outdated tradition and look out for your own happiness.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Don't take up responsibility as a military commander if you want to prioritize happiness. His dumbass wasn't so happy when his babymomma was getting stabbed 50 times in her pregnant belly huh?

          • 2 weeks ago

            You are not very bright, are you

            • 2 weeks ago

              smarter than you

              • 2 weeks ago

                Post IQ test

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm smart enough to know IQ tests don't mean much and scores can easily be manipulated.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You read the books or watched GoT and you don’t understand the core concepts

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Yes, my family served House Stark for centuries. We wept when we heard of your father's death. When my brother was lord of this castle, he answered Robb's call and hailed him "King in the North". And where was "King" Robb when the Ironborn attacked this castle? When they threw my wife and children in prison and brutalized and killed our subjects? Taking up with a foreign prostitute, getting himself, and those who followed him, killed. I served House Stark once... but House Stark is dead."

            • 2 weeks ago

              Robett Glover is such a b***h in the show.

          • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        he's the warden of the north, he can frick whoever he wants on the side no questions asked.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That is such an idiotic take because they showed that fricking moron REGRETTING the decision at the wedding when he saw Walder actually had hot daughters too

        • 2 weeks ago

          One of the best moments in the entire series is Roslin being shown at the reception

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't think this happened

          • 2 weeks ago

            Rewatch the episode when Walder shows off he had attractive daughters. Robb looks immediately like he got played

            • 2 weeks ago

              That wasn’t regret, it was the initial hunch that he was going to get betrayed. Because Walder had been underhanded from the beginning by only showing Robb his goblin looking offsprings

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Dude, why couldn't Freys commit a grievous war crime that will ensure no one will ever trust them again and their house is forever cursed

                >your son didn't marry my daughter
                >this justifies massacring your entire family
                Robb breaking his vow may have been moronic but Walder was a very dangerous snake and even if Robb had married his daughter the Starks would still have to keep placating him until the end of his days because anything could set hom off to pull some nasty shit on them. Robb should have killed him first and taken over the twins.

                i think it's clear frey was always going to betray them

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah he just needed a pretext

      • 2 weeks ago

        Hes a king you dumb frick he can have many concubines and mistresses. The writers of the show are just moronic.

        • 2 weeks ago

          king of...?

          • 2 weeks ago

            The North you butthole. If we assume you’re only pretending to be moronic we run the risk of being charitable.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >"king of the north"
              >can't even keep his own northmen from backstabbing him

        • 2 weeks ago

          yeah they were super cool with this, shown by the assassination of robert and his bastards

          • 2 weeks ago

            Walder Frey himself has several bastards you idiot. Even Honourable ned had a bastard. Just bad writing for him to not marry for power.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's worth it to avenge his father.

    • 2 weeks ago

      smoothbrain take

      • 2 weeks ago

        >dude why didn't the freys just let some uppity little punk outwardly and openly disrespect them?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >only freys can disrespect people
          lol smoothbrain

          • 2 weeks ago

            >enter an agreement with someone you feel disrespected you
            ok so robb is just a pussy b***h then?

            • 2 weeks ago

              an agreement with someone you feel disrespected you
              lol that's what walder frey did smoothbrain, he even b***hes and moans about it lmao

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"Your family's always pissed on me."
                >makes a deal with her anyway
                Was Walder Frey a little pussy or was he always planning to betray them?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"Your family's always pissed on me."
                >makes a deal with her anyway
                Was Walder Frey a little pussy or was he always planning to betray them?

                okay suck my fricking wiener jesus you think I remember every little detail about a show from 10+ years ago frick off

              • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago

          >Dude, why couldn't Freys commit a grievous war crime that will ensure no one will ever trust them again and their house is forever cursed

    • 2 weeks ago

      yeah he should just marry some hag and be miserable for the rest of his life.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >spunky peasant girl with a large ass
        Honestly, I get it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Funny how at that time I haven’t read the books yet and that part felt really off, with that woman. You can really point out the shit show writers put in even without knowing the source material. Same with house of the nigon

        • 2 weeks ago

          I felt that way about Shae. Can bookgays tell me wether her story arc and dialogue go down in the books as they do in the show?

          • 2 weeks ago

            I only watched the 1st season of the show so I don't know what happens to her there, but here's a summary of what happens in the books.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Pretty much what happened in the show though instead of giant she called Tyrion, lion. However her dialogue was supremely cringe. 3/4 scenes it's her saying something along the lines of "I am your prostitute". She also was kind of confusing as a character because she appears to be protective of Sansa and a genuinely good person that hares people having power over the lives of others. She also seems to have fun with Tyrion but then she betrays him. Or maybe she was playing him all along but then if she was in Tywin's payroll from the start why would she be protective of Sansa?

              >trial by battle
              This vexes me.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Pretty much what happened in the show though instead of giant she called Tyrion, lion. However her dialogue was supremely cringe. 3/4 scenes it's her saying something along the lines of "I am your prostitute". She also was kind of confusing as a character because she appears to be protective of Sansa and a genuinely good person that hares people having power over the lives of others. She also seems to have fun with Tyrion but then she betrays him. Or maybe she was playing him all along but then if she was in Tywin's payroll from the start why would she be protective of Sansa?

              >trial by battle
              This vexes me.

              She also argued with Tyrion and ultra nagged him to gtfo of King's Landing and go be happy somewhere far away. Again, of she was on Tywin's payroll why would she push Tyrion in that direction? Was she actually a good person and wanted to get away too? Then why did she go along with the betrayal in the end? Was it Tywin's plan to peacefully get rid of Tyrion that way? Then why wouldn't he simply order him away on some bullshit mission like get in touch with their spies in Essos instead of hoping a prostitute would be enough to get Tyrion away from the capital?
              Maybe I'm a brainlet and I'm missing something but Shae's character always bothered me.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >spunky peasant girl with a large ass
        Honestly, I get it.

        He should've pumped and dumped her in the show. It would've been justified because she's just a random Essosi field nurse literally who. Anyways, she was almost asking to be raped, arguing with Bolton and whatnot. Sassing the king to his face would've seen her getting turned into a living onahole for the entire army if Robb wasn't the designated le good guy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's true. That is why you don't do it and instead let ill-reputed morons like the Boltons and the Freys do it for your benefit.

      That's not really betrayal. If you aren't married, you simply aren't married. Frey could have demanded her wed one of his daughters right there and then, but he didn't. He let him walk out of his castle an unmarried man. If you are married, you have a duty to stay loyal to your wife. If you aren't, it's perfectly valid to try to re-negotiate your deal and make a different trade, because you aren't bound to your potential spouse.

      Its not like tywin had not done it before to the castermeres so its not exactly out of the ordinary in westeros. Plus at that point it was justified because the war was going to be done once they were dead and no one wanted to deal with that.

      IIRC he didn't backstab the Reynes in a dishonorable way. He was just very brutal, which is completely valid. Near my home town, Essen, there is actually an abandoned castle, Isenberg, who experienced something similar to the Reynes. The count of Isenberg kidnapped a Bishop, because he was kinda taking over the territory of secular rulers or buck-breaking them. The count's henchmen accidentally killed him though, which made him an outlaw of the Reich and as punishment he was wheeled and his castle was destroyed.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    it was based, it ended the war
    frick the Starks, they are traitors who caused thousand of innocent common folk to die, Tywin, Roose and Walder were the heroes here

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's a moronic idea in a feudal society based on fealty. Quickest way to never have any of your vessels trust or obey you again, because again the feudal system is based entirely on loyalty and honor. Not to mention you'd almost certainly be excommunicated by the church. But the church doesn't really exist in game of thrones unless it's convenient for the story.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The Freys took all the blame, even though Tywin was the one pulling the strings.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Quickest way to never have any of your vessels trust or obey you again, because again the feudal system is based entirely on loyalty and honor.
        that's what hostages are for. I mean, you WILL send your son to my household so he can see how we live, right? glad that's agreed.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    All's fair in love and war. The idea of "war crimes" is a totally israeli invention.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Its not like tywin had not done it before to the castermeres so its not exactly out of the ordinary in westeros. Plus at that point it was justified because the war was going to be done once they were dead and no one wanted to deal with that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The Reynes. Castamere is the name of the castle

    • 2 weeks ago

      The Reynes was justified since they were a minor house under the Lannisters that weren't paying their debts back. It was just extremely brutal, but Tywin was well within his rights to carry the attack out. The issue with the Red Wedding isn't the brutality, as Tywin points out, if they had all been killed on a battlefield instead, no one would take issue with it. The issue is the violation of guest right.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    It was a desperate move and is very specifically outlined as a short term Lannister success. Pretty sure Tyrion is the only Lannister that survives the show.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    They murdered the whole house dumbass, save for a handful of people.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hm they left out Arya with hilarious consequences

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >You didn't marry one of my 18 daughters, I must now conspire to kill you and your entire family even though you have an army of 22,000 men already at my doorstep and my fief only produces 3,000, per canon
    >This will all work out somehow without my castle being firebombed, weeee

    • 2 weeks ago

      >you have an army of 22,000 men already at my doorstep and my fief only produces 3,000
      You miss the part where a significant portion of Robb's army was comprised of House Bolton bannermen?

      • 2 weeks ago

        You miss the part where Robb's army had dozens of other commanders and would have definitely murdered the Freys on their way back north?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >murdered the Freys on their way back north?
          To what end? Roose was now warden of the north and they'd never be able to retake Winterfell.

        • 2 weeks ago

          All of those commanders were either massacred at the wedding, captured or forced to bend the knee. The show doesn't go into that but most of the riverlords surrendered because their heirs were in Frey hands. Of course, Walder Frey being the moron he is didn't make sure all valuable hostages get captured which led to some lords still resisting or conspiring against him and Bolton.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Both Bolton and Karstark armies turned traitor and the Tully vassals couldn't do shit either because edmure was a hostage. Who is supposed to kill the freys exactly

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Tywin was more concerned with being feared than being trusted

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Love the treatory, hate the traitor

  11. 2 weeks ago

    rob, ned, and cat are all total morons

    • 2 weeks ago

      Every show watcher calling Eddard an idiot for his actions didn't get the satisfying moments in the books where it's made clear that Eddard's honor and righteousness built long lasting loyalty from the other houses in the North. It looks silly in the show, but in the books we see that his children and his people will have loyal friends who will rise to support them for no reward because of the kind of man the Eddard Stark was.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It was really hypocritical too with how they kept going about how honor is dumb and "gets you killed" yet they give Robb an even more moronic justification for breaking his oaths in the name of "love". Being honorable would've actually been the smart thing to do there, in show's changed circumstances.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This show could literally have been titled "Women Ruin Everything". Think back on every fricked up situation or disaster in the show and you'll see a woman at the core of it.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    im watching house of dragon and the show went from god tier to shit- mid tier in instant when episode 6 launched with a new cast

    now there is literally no likeable characters in the entire show anymoore 😀 allwiener was likeable princess. original got had multiple 'likeable' characters like arya, hound and ned stark. is george martins intention to have a series with all unlikeable characters or did the producers frick up

    • 2 weeks ago

      You're a prostitute

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think the fat writer only cares about having a chance to finger random women because of hollywood status it very rarely happens for him
      Also at least we got 5 cool episodes. Treat them as a mini-series and ignore the rest. I do the same for most shows

    • 2 weeks ago

      >allwiener was likeable princess
      ugly monke

      • 2 weeks ago

        she is a downie but she was good at speaking High Valyrian

        • 2 weeks ago

          >she is a downie

          • 2 weeks ago

            yeah she was hired under the downie quota

  13. 2 weeks ago

    To anyone who says "it's okay if you win"

    That's only true if you get rid of everyone who opposes you, but the fact of the matter is that there were large groups of men in the northern kingdoms who wanted to seek revenge, which is also stated multiple times with "North remembers". Like other anons said, this was merely a short term win but really the reputation of the House Lannister was severely tarnished and you really wouldn't want to ally yourself with them in the future

    • 2 weeks ago

      The Lannisters were more powerful than ever after the red wedding though.

      • 2 weeks ago

        This, but they were very vulnerable
        Any dogged opposition would (and eventually did) break them

        The entire WoT5K is just so bad.
        >Everyone just goes along with executing Ned Stark, the hero of the war alongside Robert.
        >Stannis, the second brother, is given a shitty island rather than an entire kingdom.
        >Renly tries to usurp his brother despite him arguably being his heir.
        >The Iron Islands decide to invade the barren Northern wasteland rather than the Westerlands world renowned for their gold mines.
        >Stannis assassinates his brother with some spirit shadow baby.
        >Tyrion somehow acquires nukes and completely destroys Stannis vastly superior army.
        >The Vale doesn’t join Robb purely due to Lysa Tully’s meddling.
        >All the Lords sworn to Renly switch to Stannis despite him being the prime suspect for his assassination, not to mention he’s a heretic.
        >Some random petty lord is able to get away with committing treason and blackmailing his liege lord.
        >Roose Bolton decides to murder the Starks, despite everyone in the North being Stark cultists (in the books at least, in the show the North only mildly recalls) and will have their revenge even if it takes decades.

        People are idiots, if anything that makes the whole shitshow seem more realistic
        I mean, WWI is also a ridiculous and bloody clown fest from start to finish, thanks to those in charge

        • 2 weeks ago

          >(and eventually did) break them
          only because Tywin was dead

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah, because they were vulnerable. The Lannisters were built up by Tywin, and became ever more powerful--but that was it. To serve the Lannisters was to serve Tywin. Who else could lead them? Cersei? Impulsive, a woman, with certain rumors that also affected Jaime--who couldn't serve anyway as he was a Kingsguard. Tyrion was a dwarf, and Tywin was repulsed by him so the chance of actual rule was impossible.

            The Lannisters were in effect an exercise of dictatorial rule in the best-case scenario: A leader who can do what is needed, when it's needed, who can be trusted if not to be honorable, than to be fair. But when that leader dies, all bets are off. Tywin was a tactician, not a strategist when it came to securing the future of a House. He only knew how to control the situation--not to ensure that the situation WOULD be controlled after he passes away, whether it be a year from now or thirty.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Very good point

  14. 2 weeks ago

    The entire WoT5K is just so bad.
    >Everyone just goes along with executing Ned Stark, the hero of the war alongside Robert.
    >Stannis, the second brother, is given a shitty island rather than an entire kingdom.
    >Renly tries to usurp his brother despite him arguably being his heir.
    >The Iron Islands decide to invade the barren Northern wasteland rather than the Westerlands world renowned for their gold mines.
    >Stannis assassinates his brother with some spirit shadow baby.
    >Tyrion somehow acquires nukes and completely destroys Stannis vastly superior army.
    >The Vale doesn’t join Robb purely due to Lysa Tully’s meddling.
    >All the Lords sworn to Renly switch to Stannis despite him being the prime suspect for his assassination, not to mention he’s a heretic.
    >Some random petty lord is able to get away with committing treason and blackmailing his liege lord.
    >Roose Bolton decides to murder the Starks, despite everyone in the North being Stark cultists (in the books at least, in the show the North only mildly recalls) and will have their revenge even if it takes decades.

    • 2 weeks ago

      somehow acquires nukes and completely destroys Stannis vastly superior army.
      wew you are a fricking moron dude

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Everyone just goes along with executing Ned Stark, the hero of the war alongside Robert.
      Fricking this. What pisses me off most is that Barristan Selmy was RIGHT FRICKING THERE and he didn't even try to rescue the dude he knew was a man of honor unjustly persecuted. Hound also stood there and watched instead of lopping hands off any c**t who tried to approach and taking Ned back into the castle. No one should've went along with boy king's orders because he was clearly unstable and people like Varys and Cersei knew murdering warden of the North would have disastrous consequences and should've ordered guards/Ilyn Payne to stand down.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >The Hound
        He was a merc that had no qualms doing bad things and working for bad people who also do bad things.
        That's more sensible but still you can chalk it up to lawtism and following orders of the king no matter what. He was also on the side of the mad king iirc on the same principle.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >He was a merc that had no qualms doing bad things and working for bad people who also do bad things
          He also knew how dangerous and moronic Joffrey is and saw that the queen along with everyone not named Littlefinger were against that order.
          >That's more sensible but still you can chalk it up to lawtism and following orders of the king no matter what.
          I was talking about him being amongst the crowd which iirc wasn't ever alluded to in the show. By then he already said Joffrey to frick off and resigned the office.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Barristan was dismissed after Eddard's death

            • 2 weeks ago

              Was he? I could've sworn he bailed on the next day after Eddard's arrest.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Surprisingly no, Joffrey fired him because he's a little shit

          • 2 weeks ago

            Barristan was dismissed after Eddard's death

            Barry is a fricking limpdick homosexual who stood by and watched while Cersei ripped up king's last will and Stark loyalists were massacred. He should've been the voice of law in that room, not Janos fricking Slint.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Well yeah
              It's no wonder he's a Targsimp

            • 2 weeks ago

              It's frustrating how often the good guys in ASOIAF get brought down and defeated even though there's number of ways they could've avoided that. There really is no concept of Big Good in this verse and the characters are left to blunder about while evil does all the right calls because they have men like Tywin and Roose on their side.

              • 2 weeks ago

                And then he cheats by making his characters do terrible things like Stannis murdering his brother with dark magic or Sansa snitching on Ned or Cat kidnapping Tyrion ensuring her fathers land gets ravaged by war. Yet there's no reflection on these deeds, no repentance. Everyone acts like they're 100 justified all the time and it's just insufferable.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That's why le grey morality is just a meme. Instead of actual ambiguity what you get most of the time is the good guys being moronic and getting butchered by mary sue villains. The only ambiguity there is whether you want to side with the boyscouts that are obviously going to get their shit kicked in.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah, even in the books Ramsay is a Mary Sue and the Lannisters fall ass backwards into victories.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I honestly think he got broken by his moral dilemma with Aerys. He himself said that he was if Robert had so much as smiled when he was presented with the dead Targeryan kids that 'nothing in the world would have kept me from him' so it was clearly the moment that tested him the most. He probably spends every waking moment wondering if he made the right choice, so all the chaos he sees is just the same in his eyes. What does it matter if Robert's legacy is tarnished? He nearly killed the man. Laws, customs? The Targaryens are dead. It wasn't until he heard of Danerys that he actually got a spine back, because he saw her burgeoning rule as a chance to redeem himself. Book Barristan (I think he's still alive there?) if he makes it long enough definitely won't honor his personal vow over what he knows is right if he gets the chance.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yes he’s very much alive and ruling Mereen after Dany flies off on Drogon. He gained power by arresting the king, Dany’s husband, accusing him of orchestrating her attempted murder and being the leader of the Sons of the Harpy.
                He’s last seen in preview chapters leading an attack to break the Essosi siege of Mereen. Victarion’s forces are seen making an amphibious landing from the rear and he believes victory is within his grasp.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You’d think that Joffrey would be wracked with self-doubt when he has been brought up on war stories about how this guy was the most honourable man in the world with Jesus levels of magnanimity and wouldn’t do something unless duty compelled him to. But no, he’s just evil.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's like he was brought up by stories of Tywin being a horrible backstabbing civilian-massacring c**t and decided that he wants to be like him one day. What was Robert fricking doing?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >What was Robert fricking doing?
            Drinking and openly fricking prostitutes. Is it really any wonder that Joffrey was influenced by Cersei to despise "heroes" and want to have them butchered in grand displays of power like the stories he heard about Tywin from his mother?

            • 2 weeks ago

              There should've at least been a dedicated person keeping tabs on prince and making sure to balance him out, like Barrystan.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Tywin instantly rebukes Cersei for reigning in Joffrey as soon as he reaches KL.
                He then proceeded to dab on Joffrey several times over.
                >Perhaps we could arrange for you could to be carried?
                >The king is tired.

              • 2 weeks ago

                *not reigning in
                What a mummer’s farce.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yes, and that's why there should've been a strong positive influence on a prince all these years. Jon Arren should've been arranging just that instead of sticking his nose in queen's business and trying to prove prince's bastardy.

              • 2 weeks ago

                What's the point of teaching a prince if your plan is to dethrone him?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Don't plan to dethrone the prince, don't endanger Tywin's daughter, son and grandchildren, don't do anything that could lead to civil war. Good guys rocking the boat are responsible for more deaths than bad guys in these series - Jon Arren's investigation, Ned's stubborn lawfulness, Stannis ambition, Daenerys' reformations, all of that caused tons of death.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >yes, goyim, stop noticing, resistance is futile, just accept the status quo

              • 2 weeks ago

                The status quo keeps both good and bad people alive, i'd say it's worth it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The status quo causes a lot more harm in the long run.
                >Joffrey torturing and executing people for fun
                >the Mountain given leave to do the same in the countryside with an army on his back
                >"allies" like Walder Frey and the Boltons also going full psycho on their subjects and everyone turns a blind eye
                >Littlefinger and the rest of the council eternally playing their gay power games that get people killed
                I'm not defending the good guys' moronation mind you, just pointing out that in this setting you're getting shafted either way so you might as well go down fighting and maybe get to kill a motherfricker that actually deserves it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah I bet you do, you unmitigated homosexual.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Good guys rocking the boat are responsible for more deaths than bad guys in these series
                Interesting take. Kind of reminds me of irl "bleeding hearts" that want to make things better, but usually make them worse. Examples include, but not limited to:
                Yeah, lots of families want a better life and that's well and good, but there's also drug trade, wage suppression, cultural shift, and monetary export to consider.
                >Prison reform
                Maybe being hard on people, especially blacks, only turns them worse... or maybe refusing to punish criminals only emboldens them.
                Instead of using the aid to get back on their feet, many recipients become dependent. Also graft is rampant in charitable organizations.
                >Decriminalization of drugs
                Like violent felons, only emboldens their antisocial degeneracy.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >There should've at least been a dedicated person keeping tabs on prince
                As if Cersei would allow that. The only one that could overrule Cersei and attempt to influence her children in any way was Tywin.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Martin had no fricking right to bash Tolkien for his portrayal of absolute evil when he has people like Joffrey and Mountain in his books.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Or Ramsay. It would’ve been far more interesting if Domeric survived and you have a mini Bolton redemption arc which recontextualises Robb’s reign as the actions of a brash and inexperienced boy getting everyone killed. Perhaps he treats Jeyne Poole with respect and a romance blossoms there. Then when he is massacred by vengeful Northern lords with post-resurrection ’changed’ Jon Snow, Littlefinger 2.0 Sansa and Skagosi Rickon it gives the reader pause. That’s what moral ambiguity should be.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Joffrey was a tryhard little schizo with Lady McBeth for a mom. All points where he displays selfdoubt his mom basically tells him "no that didn't happen" Joffrey's been raised so his only recourse for any self-doubt is either to deny it or attack it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Everything you mentioned has a valid explanation but I'm not going to bother writing walls of text. Next time pay more attention.

    • 2 weeks ago

      keep in mind that all that happened without israeli meddling

      • 2 weeks ago

        Boltons and Freys are proto-Jews.

        • 2 weeks ago

          ASOIAF is post-apocalyptic

          • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      The only thing actually moronic here is this one:
      >The Iron Islands decide to invade the barren Northern wasteland rather than the Westerlands world renowned for their gold mines.
      Which yeah, is moronic as frick. The Ironmen can't hold the land, nor should they even want to. The move was also clearly an over-extension. Just a moronic decision for so many reasons, we can only conclude that Balon was a legitimate moron.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Everyone just goes along with executing Ned Stark, the hero of the war alongside Robert.
      The king ordered it!

    • 2 weeks ago

      i agee with your points but
      >Tyrion somehow acquires nukes and completely destroys Stannis vastly superior army.
      greek fire was a real thing used to defend Constantinople.
      >Greek fire was an incendiary chemical weapon manufactured in and used by the Eastern Roman Empire from the seventh through the fourteenth centuries.
      >Its ability to burn on water made it an effective and destructive naval incendiary weapon

      • 2 weeks ago

        It was never used to burn an entire fleet, and they used it in pitched naval battles with flamethrowers. Actually the biggest problem is that nobody had apparently ever thought of using wildfire for this purpose before.

        • 2 weeks ago

          idk, anon.
          the wiki seems to disagree with you.
          >Finally, the Byzantines, under Emperor Constantine IV, managed to destroy the Arab navy using a new invention, the liquid incendiary substance known as Greek fire.
          >The Byzantine military manuals also mention that jars (chytrai or tzykalia) filled with Greek fire and caltrops wrapped with tow and soaked in the substance were thrown by catapults, while pivoting cranes (gerania) were employed to pour it upon enemy ships.[72][73]

    • 2 weeks ago

      just goes along with executing Ned Stark, the hero of the war alongside Robert.
      This was the very thing which more or less started the war and make no compromises other than the complete independence of the North and Riverlands. While not exactly the same because Henry VIII was genuinely loved by his people, powerful and a competent King, people continued to support him in his actions until the day he died no matter how much they personally disagreed with him out of loyalty and respect for the man. Which probably wouldn't apply to Joffrey because he isn't any of those things which Henry was.
      >>The Iron Islands decide to invade the barren Northern wasteland rather than the Westerlands world renowned for their gold mines.
      Balon is depicted as a moron. His choices don't make any sense to anybody in both the show and books.

      A lot of your issues is that everybody should be acting logically at all times, which they don't. A system based upon personal relations and their actors is always going to be under the infulence of actors who aren't always a machiavellian prototype.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >>>The Iron Islands decide to invade the barren Northern wasteland rather than the Westerlands world renowned for their gold mines.
        >Balon is depicted as a moron. His choices don't make any sense to anybody in both the show and books.
        The better question is why the ironborn even obey their demonstrably moronic king. He's already disastrously started a war and lost it. Then he orders them to waste their time raiding a frozen wasteland? Who would go along with this? Especially when the ironborn are supposed to be "king aboard their own ship" or whatever.

        • 2 weeks ago

          He does get assassinated by a Faceless Man hired by one of his brothers.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    How popular were assassinations like this in real life, where you got invited to an event and get killed by your host? Now, do you think anyone would trust the host who just murdered their guests?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Happened at least once, to my knowledge
      But considering how many Roman and Byzantine emperors got assassinated, I guess it happened more than once

  16. 2 weeks ago

    >michael corleone says hello

  17. 2 weeks ago


    >God-tier at any point
    All of your opinions can be neatly thrown in the garbage

  18. 2 weeks ago

    The whole point is that Tywin is a moron chasing short term gains over lon term stability. That's why for all his autism about legacy, he is left with none after his death and the one son who was most like him was the one who killed him

  19. 2 weeks ago
  20. 2 weeks ago

    >your son didn't marry my daughter
    >this justifies massacring your entire family
    Robb breaking his vow may have been moronic but Walder was a very dangerous snake and even if Robb had married his daughter the Starks would still have to keep placating him until the end of his days because anything could set hom off to pull some nasty shit on them. Robb should have killed him first and taken over the twins.

  21. 2 weeks ago


  22. 2 weeks ago

    How do the Starks win in the end when their 8000 year old unbroken male line is going to be replaced by Umber or Glover stock? The Karstarks are extinct in the male line too so it’s impossible to preserve the male line. Truly over. At least George understands this and has kept at least one male from each great house in hiding somewhere so they can return and all is not lost (Tyrek, Edric, Rickon).

    • 2 weeks ago

      They're gonna extract sperm directly from Bran's balls.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Is that necessary? Maybe his dick works. Can we get a dick status on Bran?

        • 2 weeks ago

          They're gonna extract sperm directly from Bran's balls.

          >your highness, it's penis inspection day
          >the Citadel must get the monthly dick status report in order to ensure the continuation of the royal bloodline

          • 2 weeks ago

            >dude! what if sam met jorah?!
            this was some homosexual star wars tier fan service shit

    • 2 weeks ago



      • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Tell me what does it matter if Sansa is the one to give birth to Stark heir? It's not like their bannermen have ridiculous Bobby B level genetics that's gonna overtake Stark genes.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's not about genetics. It's about the family name. Sansa gets married and it's all over. Her children will take the name of the father and from that point on his family will hold the North.

        • 2 weeks ago

          She's a queen in the North, i think she's gonna be fine. Any guy who marries her is gonna take up her family name and you can be damn SURE she's gonna frick him amazonian-style.

        • 2 weeks ago

          No it isn’t. An unbroken male line is an important distinction to have and evidently House Stark went through great lengths to preserve it. Even if they retain the Stark name the Y chromosome of Brandon the Builder is lost. It would be like if Rhaenyra won and Jace took the Targaryen name, and instead of having the Y chromosome of Aegon the Conqueror all future Targaryen kings had Harwin Strong’s. The French kings understood this. It just isn’t the same and you may as well change dynasties.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Re-reading ACOK and ASOS is frustrating cause you see all the little signs pointing to the inevitable downfall of house Stark. Every time it's mentioned how troops under Bolton's command mysteriously got massacred again i want to fricking scream at Robb and Catelyn "EXECUTE HIM, you bumbling twats!!"

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Catelyn made Rob assign Roose as the commander of the foot army
      what a fricking b***h that ruins everything

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, that is the point. The Freys are idiots.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Why did Roose suddenly turn into a do nothing idiot after this, seemingly suddenly growing feelings for his psychopathic bastard and allowing him to murder him, his wife and any true born children?

    • 2 weeks ago

      The Bolt-On theory. Roose is planning on Orochimaru'ing into Ramsay's body.

    • 2 weeks ago
  26. 2 weeks ago

    No. It signals to everyone you will break any and all rules in ways they can’t imagine to utterly and completely annihilate them. You’d be surprised how many people just fall in line in the face of that. Most people are cowards and would rather be in the good graces of the truly ruthless than in opposition to them.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    but you also have all your enemies in one place, mostly unarmed and unaware. worked for the French.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    You're all wrong and my head canon is the objectively correct one

  29. 2 weeks ago

    >dat feel when you have to serve morons because they happen to be your liege lords

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