Why all of their 90s cartoons are so fricking gloomy and depressive looking

Why all of their 90s cartoons are so fricking gloomy and depressive looking

CatDog always game me some 'ruined post-apocalyptic world' vibes, everyone on show looked like they were nuked at least once. There's a guy with a stitched bottom half for frick's sake.

I think that only Hey! Arnold wasn't like this. The only sane, comforting show in the entire line-up (but with some fricked up episodes too)

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Hey Arnold was very Grungy tho

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Hey Arnold! canonically takes place in Washington state, an area that has never know sincerity. While the show may not literally be post-apocalyptic, it is taking place during a moral apocalypse, one that Arnold and his friends are fighting against every episode

    • 2 weeks ago

      Despite being in Washington, it feels like the inspirations were 90% New York and 10% WA which made viewers think it is New York

      • 2 weeks ago

        that homie was blatantly in New York no matter what they say

        It was inspired by Brooklyn but is in Washington because the creator is from there

        Bartlett confirmed it was a mash of New York and Seattle as he remembered it growing up, Arnold's neighborhood actually looks a lot like parts of 20th Century Seattle even though the city as a whole feels more like New York. It's basically "What if there was an NYC on the West Coast", which ultimately still feels a lot like NYC because it's a giga-sized North American city regardless at that point.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >According to an interview with Craig Bartlett, Hillwood is an amalgam of large Northern cities in the United States, including Seattle, Washington (his hometown), Portland, Oregon (where he went to art school), and Brooklyn, New York City, New York (the bridge, the brownstones, and the subway). New York City was also seen in two episodes of the show ("Married" in Helga's dream and "Rich Guy" in a photograph), presumably as a separate city from Hillwood in-universe.
          Now that I think about it a lot of the city does look like old photos of Seattle and Portland I've seen, the wiki also goes into a lot of references they make to those cities. I think people are just used to seeing "Giant US city" and instantly assume it's New York, myself included.

    • 2 weeks ago

      that homie was blatantly in New York no matter what they say

      • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Bible Belt and Black South gotta step it up

    • 2 weeks ago

      I always confused the state for Washington DC

      • 2 weeks ago

        Its pretty easy to distinguish between them. Washington State is in the middle of a primordial temperate rainforest while Washington D.C. is a den of snakes and pedophilia

    • 2 weeks ago

      What the frick? It looks and feels just like Brooklyn

      • 2 weeks ago

        It was inspired by Brooklyn but is in Washington because the creator is from there

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Recess takes place in Arkansas
      Was this one pulled out of someone's ass? Where did the show confirm this?

      • 2 weeks ago

        well shit

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >Why all of their 90s cartoons are so fricking gloomy and depressive looking

    Generation X. That's literally the answer.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Generation X.

      My tolerance for these homosexuals has dwindled at exponential rates over the past 5 years. I grew up thinking Gen X was so cool because of how disaffected and misanthropic they were, because I knew how screwed they were by the world, so they adopted that "don't give a damn" punk rock attitude.
      Then I actually grew up and compared my generation (Millennials) with theirs and everything fell apart.
      Gen X felt like the stereotypical upper middle class whiny brats crying that their parents just don't understand because they didn't buy them the right pair of shoes and disciplined them with a belt like they were peasants. They had it made, and cried about it.
      Meanwhile Millennials got fricked over multiple times within the same 15 year span and quite literally have nothing to show for it except the total collapse and destruction of our own culture in the middle of the generation. And yet Millennial media is so fricking saccharine and wannabe wholesome but in that ironic misanthropic way, like "we're happy go lucky friends going on an adventure, and also capitalism sucks, also we're gay" which feels like a b***hout compared to Gen X straight up saying "everything sucks, you sucks, your neighbor sucks, grandma sucks, God is a prostitute, go frick yourself."

      Frick Generation X

  4. 2 weeks ago

    What about ren and stimpy?

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >mistakes grime for gloom
    Zoom zoom

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