why can't they just let this show die? it hasn't been truly good since its original run.

why can't they just let this show die? it hasn't been truly good since its original run.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Matt Groin is the biggest hack in history. People can shit on lucas all day but that fat frick needs his comeuppance.

  2. 8 months ago

    Hulu has nothing else going for it

  3. 8 months ago

    Because people will watch it. That’s all modern television and film is; a constant milking of nostalgia for money. An original idea might not make as much money. It’s almost like Hollywood is rub by…I don’t know, greedy people.

    • 8 months ago

      who the hell is watching this shit? I haven't watched Futurama in ten years

      • 8 months ago

        there are new children born every year

  4. 8 months ago

    New season felt really dated and I honestly thought it was a bit of a flop.

    • 8 months ago

      The season finale was great.

  5. 8 months ago

    That's great news! Futurama is my fav TV show after The Muppet Show.

  6. 8 months ago

    Gonna keep watching it
    Dont care

  7. 8 months ago

    because the show only exists because of this "joke" which is actually exactly what test audiences want

    • 8 months ago

      >Comedy, sci-fi, and imaginings of the future are only popular due to focus groups
      You're a special kind of dipshit, aren't you?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, I want off the wall magic robots, but I also want to be able to suspend my disbelief so I can, while I'm watching it, believe that this world with magic robots exists, so I need it to be realistic and down to earth.

  8. 8 months ago

    Did my hate watching really get this renewed? I had to watch it just to confirm how shit it was.

    • 8 months ago

      So it was YOUR fault!

    • 8 months ago

      >I le watch it ironically
      You are worst than the normies, frick you.

  9. 8 months ago

    I'm sure I'll watch them eventually but just from the episode titles I expect garbage
    >set a thousand years in the future
    >falls for the simpsons/southpark/familyguy over-the-hill trap of every episode being commentary on current events...except on a 5 year delay

    • 8 months ago

      It always feels so horribly dated and unoriginal which is such a crime for a show set 1000 years in the future.

  10. 8 months ago

    I mean it’s either that or…*gulp* do something original.

  11. 8 months ago

    israeli money laundering

  12. 8 months ago

    >why can't they just let this show die?
    because storytelling is no longer viewed as an art. media companies only want known IPs that they can use as a resource to extract value from, like mining oil or minerals. they don’t “think does this show really need a 35th season?” or “do we have anything else to say with these characters?” instead it’s “let’s keep pumping until the well runs dry”
    we’re literally in the most soulless era of Hollywood. it’s never been this bad.

    • 8 months ago

      I can't tell if the plots are done by hack writers or an AI these days.

      • 8 months ago

        Hey, don't knock AI. It's putting out good stuff.

        • 8 months ago

          I hope it puts the fire under humanity's ass to regain our soul back.

          • 8 months ago

            >Get our soul back
            Not a difficult thing to do. Believe in God or not, Creativity logically comes from a force of creation. pic related Humanity's "soul" was something we gave away.... I don't think we can fix this- the people in charge are just too aligned against well.. God. At least there's a price to be paid for taking on the destroyer's role.

            • 8 months ago

              I agree.
              But do you feel that AI as a competitor/foil will juxtapose what has been metaphysically missing in man since rejecting God's Will and chasing the wills of shadows?
              I thought Blade Runner's main theme of Roy being more human/alive than Decker was a good evocation of what is to come for mankind.

              • 8 months ago

                The spark of creativity won't come from a copy of soulless humans. It'll be... A reflection of current humanity will necessarily be something else. I don't want to get into this.

              • 8 months ago

                We are still made in God's Image regardless if we refuse to accept our own ontology/calling.
                Without God, we naturally have placed ourselves as petty gods and the failures in our ability to create meaning and values is glaring apparent at this stage of Modernity.
                I'm not saying that AI will surpass God's Image in Man, just that if it will act as a suitable enough force to reawaken Man's attention toward God and what separates us from these simulacra.

              • 8 months ago

                >Without God, we naturally have placed ourselves as petty gods
                No, you only believe in god as a cope to make a demigod out of yourself from your minuscule position in the universe at large.

            • 8 months ago

              Also to address your Aquinas post, what are your thoughts on Meta-Omniscience?
              For example, God through Omniscience would have to know both what it is like to know everything and not know everything (i.e. like us). Else, we'd become unrelatable and God would not know what it is like to be us and not know everything. Hence the whole Doctrine on Christ having two natures (Dyophysitism); one that is both God/Divine and thus relates to Omniscience, and one that is Human and relates to Human Epistemology.
              Otherwise there is no Bridge between the Divine and Man and Omniscience becomes merely Nominalistic without any real attribute.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't believe that God knows sin. The people we are and the purification we seek is a straining towards a better self- a self without sin. We are... we drive ourselves (rather unsuccessfully) to be good. I think that our strain to align ourselves with God, with Good, with the underling being of Creation is (heavily reduced) similar to a dog trying to fit in with it's owner's concept of civilization. We understand dogs, but we don't really know them.

                We are still made in God's Image regardless if we refuse to accept our own ontology/calling.
                Without God, we naturally have placed ourselves as petty gods and the failures in our ability to create meaning and values is glaring apparent at this stage of Modernity.
                I'm not saying that AI will surpass God's Image in Man, just that if it will act as a suitable enough force to reawaken Man's attention toward God and what separates us from these simulacra.

                A perfect reflection of a distortion gives a distortion. I do not want to get into this. We're all going to suffer and if we're very very lucky we will die.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't believe that God knows sin.
                He knows Good & Evil.
                He knows all possible worlds, even the ones where we could've commited sin and didn't (and vice versa). Else God is unrelatable to Creation/Creatures.
                Even the Saints, who know God, are still sinners by nature; thus God knows sinners/sin.
                Hence the Dread Judgement: God knows what is Like Himself and what is Not-Like-Himself.

              • 8 months ago

                Also this is possible because God suffers.
                I find fault in Aquinas nominalization of God and rendering Him into an impersonal/unknowable Deterministic Force of Nature rather than a knowable Hyperreal Person that hypostatically transcends our small microcosmic views of Him.
                It's what lead the West into these Calvinistic glib statements as:
                >We're all going to suffer and if we're very very lucky we will die.
                How do we become antifragile to suffering as God and how do we transcend death?
                There's no doctrine of Theosis from the West.

              • 8 months ago

                An honest mirror of current humanity by our works would inevitably have brutal, horrifying, illogical, and stupid inputs. I already have to keep Novel an AI created explicitly for and trained on imaginative and good works from turning stories into rapefests. What the hell do you think a perfected, out-of-it's box AI will see in humanity? How will it justifiably treat us?
                Outrage marketing. Pornography. Shills. Our dammed leaders. What is our reflection anon? When we finally make our false god, our perfect form of us- what horrors do you think it'll dispassionately bestow on us?

              • 8 months ago

                >perfected, out-of-it's box AI will see in humanity? How will it justifiably treat us?

                Dumb anthropomorphizing. The AI does not think or act or behave or sets goals like a human, in fact, it is INCREDIBLY fricking hard to even get reasonably close to approximating of the many fricked up heuristics of the human brain, shaped by evolution that is constantly looking for a kludge shortcut that is just good enough. There is a reason why the human cognitive process is nothing but a short list of cognitive dissonances, its basically like if you took some lizard brain of a PC, some wooden box of the 60s, and kept adding more and more random parts of hardware and lines of code from a dozen languages and even more semi-randomly assigned coders who know they JUST have to do good enough to barely pass through code review and keep putting on more and more random ass hardware until it reaches the size and complexity of the modern human brain, running the equivalent of a 500 mod list of a minecraft server in Russia.

                The AI is alien as frick to us because WE are the strange ones, we are simply not evolved to be rational, dispassionate, logical thinkers, we want to regress to monke and run on instincts, because those did work out pretty well for millions of years, while civilization, writing, logic, etc. only for a couple thousand. Even unconsciously assuming that an AI would have human-like qualities is one these unconscious automatisms,

              • 8 months ago

                No AI in existence is a "rational, dispassionate, logical thinker". They don't think at all. They just look at things and get reminded of other things.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, I was arguing on two levels there and both of them went over you. For the sake of not having to go through something I don't want to talk about a fourth time, just imagine the biggest parts of the internet run through a dispassionate, logical process.

              • 8 months ago

                I accept your surrender.

                No AI in existence is a "rational, dispassionate, logical thinker". They don't think at all. They just look at things and get reminded of other things.

                It is. It LITERALLY runs on concrete, discrete, digital logic. And we are talking about an actual AGI, not chatgpt

              • 8 months ago

                Knowledge is not a confrontation and your immovable position of ignorance is not victory. However, if you see it as such, nothing I can do will help you.

              • 8 months ago

                >he keeps typing after surrendering

              • 8 months ago

                >And we are talking about an actual AGI
                This is actual fantasy. It's a made up concept from sci fi that you have confused with reality.

              • 8 months ago

                Matthew 7:23 is generally used for other things, but I think the wording's relevant here.
                >And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
                I see sin as an utter voluntary separation from God. A walking out of visual range of the Shepherd, as it were.

            • 8 months ago

              This shit is moronic.
              >potential ice (ie cold water) can't make your drink cold
              Swap coolers disagree.
              >actual cold air causes...
              No, water evaporates which makes it cooler all on its own, you don't need cold air.

  13. 8 months ago

    The new season is so painfully unfunny. Every episode is just a dated reference and it's had me wondering if it's just the new writers being bad or if the show has always been unfunny and I just didn't notice.

    • 8 months ago

      The whole thing has been like that since the CC renewal, every episode is just a reference to some 2-4 year old meme.
      I once read that the writers didn't like working with Fox because the execs meddled too much but damn, if exec meddling is what made the first four seasons watchable then I say we need more of it.

  14. 8 months ago

    The movies were good too and also had an okay ending for the show. Simpsons, Family Guy and Futurama are absolutely dead but som how every now and then South Park dumps on them.

  15. 8 months ago

    cool! more shows to torrent and share with friends so hulu goes bankrupt faster. thank you israelites!

  16. 8 months ago

    >why can't they just let this show die?
    We did this like half an hour ago.
    Do your Amerilard jannies continuously delete threads in order to make you sad fricks feel like this board is alive?
    This is honestly depressing if true.

  17. 8 months ago

    It was never particularly good

    • 8 months ago

      I like the first four seasons for being more "life just goes on" and less "current year", episodes about Fry simply adapting to the future or the other characters being involved in absurd shit that to them seems normal was entertaining, even politics-focused episodes were careful not to get too politicized, instead going for purposefully dated references (Nixon) or just making funny shit up (Brain Slug Party).

  18. 8 months ago

    this show is so corny and dated i dont know why they keep bringing it back

  19. 8 months ago

    >why can't hollywood make anything original and good
    are you serious?

  20. 8 months ago

    Well Shitsney owns Hulu now, so expect lots of gay lame chics in it.

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