Why did Doctor Strange 2 destroy Thor 4 at the box office?

Why did Doctor Strange 2 destroy Thor 4 at the box office?

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  1. 2 years ago

    DS2 flopped too

    • 2 years ago

      In what world?

    • 2 years ago

      So "flop" just means whatever we want it to mean now? Cool.

      • 2 years ago

        according to Cinemaphile morons every disney production movies need to garner 1 billion gross for it to not be considered flop

        • 2 years ago

          yes, thor 4 is literally batxir tier, fricking pathetic after kicking dc's ass for an entire decade

          • 2 years ago

            >yes, thor 4 is literally batxir tier,
            You wish. It opened bigger than Batman but ended up behind days ago. Thor is going to end up making less than Minions, it didn't even make a million more than it today

        • 2 years ago

          Its not a flop in general terms of a movie and its budget. But considering Marvel's track record (prior to 2020), they should all be making a billion+, especially considering inflation. Did it make money? Yes. Did the mouse expect it to make even more? Yes. Was it a disappointment to the mouse? Almost certainly.

          • 2 years ago

            Then it’s simply an underperformance. Not a flop.

            • 2 years ago

              Not performing well is okay. They'll just go back to the draw board look at what went wrong and start over.

              These last fricking movies poisoned the well and even murdered two very important ip before they could even get off of the ground.

              All for the Young Avengers initiative that is DAMNED to bomb.

            • 2 years ago

              It's an underperformance, but MoM making half of it's money in the first 3 days, then a massive drop after people heard it sucked, that is something they should be worried about, and even more so with Thor 4.

              Not performing well is okay. They'll just go back to the draw board look at what went wrong and start over.

              These last fricking movies poisoned the well and even murdered two very important ip before they could even get off of the ground.

              All for the Young Avengers initiative that is DAMNED to bomb.

              They probably are going to do some damage control to try and turn things around after these movies, but let's not pretend F4 and X-Men are "very important" to the MCU when most of their earlier movies performed worse than Ant-Man's movies.

              • 2 years ago

                Dr.strange and Thor are in fact worse then the alba FF movies and Deadpool with only a cameo of the xmen respected the source material and was more popular then the slap in the face that was the illuminati scene in drstrange 2.

                The layer FF movies and xmen movies were fox shitting stuff out to keep the ip.
                And when you consider litterally every shit level mcu movie did a billion or close simply for Brin part of the mcu, then it's obvious that those movies stood on the shoulders of giants.

                FF and Xmen in the mcu was their chance to start over fresh and build on the gotg and avengers and use wanda to awaken the marvels/mutants ir cause an incursion that fused the mutants world to "616" and run with it.
                I honestly think the people running marvel are deranged if the think YA and the marvels are the future of marvel.

                There is no walking back most of this shit
                It's clear brand destruction tier mismanagement. Someone should be fired and blackbalked for this. If irs nit gross incompetence then it's an open attempt to sabotage the brand.

              • 2 years ago

                How much evidence do you people need before you accept that normies have never been interested in the Fantastic Four, no matter how many times Marvel try? How much evidence do you need that the X-Men movies were never as popular as other comics movie franchises, and the demand for them is coming almost entirely from lifelong comics fans, and 90s kids from when the cartoon was big?

                >use wanda to awaken the marvels/mutants ir cause an incursion that fused the mutants world to "616" and run with it.
                Turning Wanda into a plot device to insert the X-Men into the MCU is as stupid an idea as turning her into a villain because it happened in some crappy old comic nobody actually liked, and inserting the X-Men into the MCU via the Chris Chan Dimensional Merge is equally moronic.

                >I honestly think the people running marvel are deranged if the think YA and the marvels are the future of marvel.
                I think they genuinely have a better chance of success with getting normies to take a chance on new characters they don't know yet, or expanding their existing successful brands like Avengers and GoTG than they do with trying to get audiences interested in reboots of Fantastic Four and X-Men when most normies have known for 20 years that they're not interested in those characters.

                >There is no walking back most of this shit
                >It's clear brand destruction tier mismanagement. Someone should be fired and blackbalked for this. If irs nit gross incompetence then it's an open attempt to sabotage the brand.
                If you'd said this about Thor and Wanda you'd be absolutely right in everything you say. Instead you're ranting about the treatment of the Illuminati, when even the most basic b***h normie comprehends these are just AU versions of characters and isn't getting bent out of shape about what happens to them.

              • 2 years ago

                1.Yhe GoTG wasn't even on anyone's radar. And it did gangbusters.
                FF and Xmen that both have MAJOR brand recognition and had every opportunity to reinvigorate the brand being fricked up to prostitute teen homosexual avengers is....insane.

                I'm sorry. Everything done in the mcu lately has been a fricking debacle of moronation. Them using her powers to bring in mutants would fricking work and since their stupid ass are using the God awful modern stories they can pull am uno re else card and have her make more mutants rather then nommore mutants.
                instead of a fantasy homosexual son and incest son

                They will not sell based on being fricking new. How well has that worked with any of the new phase 3 and 4 characters?
                They threw out money in their hand for an ego stroke push of homosexual tween avengers.
                ITS LUDICROUS.
                Are you insane?

                They purposely ruined Thor wanda and decimated any future fir the fantastic four and xmen in favor of homosexual kid avengers and three b***hes named marvel.

                And you think this is not only okay but a goid thing?

                TELL ME THIS homie IS A DAMNED TROLL?
                NONE OF THIS SHIT WORKS

                They have to be GOOD and have something the mainstream wants to see.
                Sabotaging what they have and their real money so we have no choice bu to go all in on characters that are just....
                Is an act of narcissistic insanity and ego I can't even fathom.

              • 2 years ago

                They're not going to reinvigorate the MCU with brands that audiences already know they don't care about. How is this so hard for you to understand? People have had three chances to see an FF movie, seven chances to see an X-Men movie, plus three more Wolverine movies and New Mutants. And most people weren't interested and chose not to see any of them.

                The ONLY way the FF and X-Men movies are going to do better than the Fox movies is if they cast MAJOR stars who are the actual draw.

                I'd ask if you're moronic, but you're literally asking for them to do "no, more mutants", so clearly you are.

              • 2 years ago

                It don't matter FF and The Mutants are gonna be woke garbage films about "the message" so who cares

              • 2 years ago

                But you're going to reinvigorate the brand
                with fricking marvels and homosexual teen avengers.
                So we should be happy that they ruined the last marketable vestiges of the MCU poisoned the well when it comes to the very marketable xmen and ff and are pushing queer and feminist failure left and right?
                You know what they are going to do to the gotg3 right?

                When Alonzo and feige frick that up. and they are, it's going to be over.

                None of that actually goes against what I said. Just because the characters are doing shit you don't like doesn't mean they're not consistent, sincere, and capable in what they're doing. You can b***h about ideology all you want, but at the end of the day Raimi is still just a better director than Waititi and he at least had a modicum of respect for what he was doing and the source material as opposed to Waititi who was actively trying to make Thor as a character shit.

                He did what his owners wanted hi. to do.
                The movie was already 3/4ths done and written. They only needed to throw a few raimi moments in to fool tarss into thinking his presence meant anything.

                The mcu is cynical bullshit that's been taken over by perverse closed off cultists who know frick and all about movies and how to make mo ey from them.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not saying Young Avengers or The Marvels are going to be hits or even what they should be doing, but when the FF has failed twice already, and the X-Men underperformed WHEN IT HAD NO COMPETITION, and the last few movies were utter bombs, you have to be deluded if you think these brands are still "very marketable". And again, how do you possibly think an X-Men movie won't be the gayest thing they've done so far? The comics have been gayer than a drag kid pride parade rainbow orgy for years now.

              • 2 years ago

                Young Avengers is a fricking dumpster fire that will end the mcu when the norms realize that all of the shit characters no one likes and dumbass stories that are uniformly hated we sat through was for that shit.

                Xmen underperformed compared to what?
                Xmen did well for it being by that sleazy gross boy thirsty creep synger.
                It didn't have the mcu to parasiticaly steal hype from.
                It only had itself.
                Look. I know those co ksuckers want ya and honestly do t give s frick about it making sense or the story being shit.

                They just want gay teen avengers.

                Xmen team based on the most popular versions of characters and teams?
                FF being a space faring family ala gotg but more light hearted.

                The trannies and gays want child grooming propaganda and loser b***hes named marvel.

              • 2 years ago

                How moronic are you? Nobody's talking about Young Avengers or The Marvels except you, and you're never going to get Jim Lee X-Men, you're going to get modern gay cuck orgy X-Men that makes Young Avengers look straight and normal in comparison.

                And you're in complete denial that normie audiences have a 20 year history of not caring about X-Men or FF. That's not going to change no matter how much nerds keep insisting these characters are more popular and more important than MCU characters audiences like better.

              • 2 years ago

                They also have to create a new take on those franchises.

                But if they do that the purists will moan.

              • 2 years ago

                They don't "have to". I mean, they're going to, but nobody's forcing them to try again, outside of comic fan circles nobody would really care if they didn't try.

        • 2 years ago

          So "flop" just means whatever we want it to mean now? Cool.

          Hitting lower than projected is a failure.

          • 2 years ago

            Whose projection? Yours?

        • 2 years ago

          Go woke go broke

          • 2 years ago

            The new Thor wasn’t particularly woke though.

            • 2 years ago

              Liar FemThor did all the work

            • 2 years ago

              No, but the woke shit in it was pretty odious, shit like KING Valkyrie, it being perfectly acceptable for Thor to get bareassed and have all the female in the film and audience ogle him, but the closest thing to a traditionally sexy woman in the film were Zeus' attendants.
              The main problem is the Thor has reverted back to being his oafish, self-centered fool from the opening of Thor 1. Shit like creating a love-triangle between Thor, Mjolnir and Stormbreaker and making that Thor's actual motivation. Undercutting Gorr as a villain because god forbid people actually be bad guys anymore. Recycling the same jokes over and over throughout the film (did we really need the goats to scream every time they're on screen?), everything is just a joke in the MCU now, because apparently taking anything seriously is not acceptable. Hell they even did their best to dismiss and joke about fricking cancer.

              • 2 years ago

                Huh? Gorr was still a bad person what are you talking about?

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, but they made that the sword was "corrupting" him, not that he actually made a conscious decision that he wanted to kill every god. Like people don't do things we think are evil because they actually have differing beliefs and experiences, no, they're "corrupted." Everyone has to be sympathetic and even have the chance to be redeemable. It's the same problem as with Thanos, they made him essentially a really over-the-top environmentalist because that is sympathetic, instead of him just being a complete psycho, who thinks murdering half of all life makes a good wooing gift.

              • 2 years ago

                >really over-the-top environmentalist
                Murdering half of a population for resources isn't environmentalism.
                It's evil.
                Just like the idea of depopulation is evil.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean is that bad when you like at the truely evil villains in MCU? Fricking ClanDestine who tried killing Kamala despite saying they wanted to go home? Bum ass Yellowjacket? Malkuth who killed Thor's mom? Awful trite

              • 2 years ago

                Full evil written well is better then muh noble logically moronic "necessary" genocide of half of the universe.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't expect fricking Hannibel Lector from Disney writers anon. Shit even GOT S8 would be too much for them.

              • 2 years ago

                >I mean is that bad when you like at the truely evil villains in MCU? Fricking ClanDestine who tried killing Kamala despite saying they wanted to go home? Bum ass Yellowjacket? Malkuth who killed Thor's mom?
                I don't know who ClanDestine is because I have no interest in Ms. Muslim. Yellowjacket was an angry corporate scumbag who was angry at being betrayed by his mentor (sympathetic) and driven insane (corrupted) by the shrinking tech he developed, Malakith just wanted to restore the universe to the state his people existed in before they were banished by Odin, the dark elves are basically a stand in for any displaced people and their actions are understandable. True evil isn't something you can comprehend, you can rationalise, you can try to understand motivation, but in the end a monster is a monster, and monsters are SCARY.

              • 2 years ago

                So you want Darkseid?

    • 2 years ago

      It didn't flop, but it made half of it's money in the opening weekend alone, before word of mouth started getting out, then had a massive drop. Thor 4 had a lot less hype going in, so had a smaller opening weekend, followed by another huge drop when word of mouth got out that it was crap.

      • 2 years ago

        Clears it up

    • 2 years ago

      it was coming in after the critically acclaimed Sony franchise Spiderman No Way Home, thor 4 came after dr strange 2

      Multiverse of Madness
      >shilled by Spider-Man NWH
      >literally put a trailer for the movie at the end of NWH which is unheard of
      >months of marketing everywhere worldwide
      >teased X-men and other cameos in the posters and trailers

      Love and Thunder
      >didn't even get a trailer until way too close to the release date
      >people thought it was delayed at one point because Marvel was doing nothing to market it

      I mean c'mon, one was clearly supposed to be a way bigger deal. Both are shit and huge disappointments though, that's what they have in common.

      • 2 years ago

        And had the avatar 2 teaser attached to it

  2. 2 years ago

    it was coming in after the critically acclaimed Sony franchise Spiderman No Way Home, thor 4 came after dr strange 2

    • 2 years ago

      The solo-last Jedi effect

      • 2 years ago

        This. Strange 2 is the Last Jedi of Marvel. TLJ did well but poisoned the well for SW movies thereafter.

        Mom's hyoe died the instant word of mouth spread.

        • 2 years ago

          Fricking what? Hiw on earth is DS2 on the level of subverted expectations?

          • 2 years ago

            It subverted the expectations of people who just watched the trailers and had reasonable expectations of Strange teaming up with Wanda to fight a villain, and it subverted the expectations of people who expected a good movie.

    • 2 years ago

      It's amazing to me that it was critically acclaimed. I understand audiences liking it because of the fanservice but critics I'm surprised.

  3. 2 years ago

    Bad ads.

  4. 2 years ago

    >call a movie whose biggest demographic is boys age 4-16 "LOVE and Thunder"

    Whatever moronic woman at Marvel who made that decision is to blame.

    • 2 years ago

      >call a movie whose biggest demographic is boys age 4-16
      Thor movies are chick flicks

      • 2 years ago

        Fricking what? When have comic book movies ever been chick flicks? Thor might have a slightly higher percentage of female viewers than the normal comic movie, but let's not talk like its the fricking Notebook.

  5. 2 years ago

    Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Maddness was actually a good and interesting movie.

    • 2 years ago

      How much is Disney paying you to turn Cinemaphile into a house of lies?

    • 2 years ago

      I also enjoyed it, messy though it was.
      I will always watch it over Eternals.

    • 2 years ago

      I also enjoyed it, messy though it was.
      I will always watch it over Eternals.

      How much is Disney paying you to turn Cinemaphile into a house of lies?

  6. 2 years ago

    Because Sam raimi is a better director

    • 2 years ago

      He still treats the material and characters as jokes. In this Raimi, Whedon, and Waititi are united.

  7. 2 years ago

    The Raimi factor. He's pretty much the ultimate comic book movie director.

  8. 2 years ago

    Because Raimi actually made a film where the characters were sincere, consistent, and capable. Waititi turned Thor into a punchline and every scene in the film that Thor is in at some point make a joke at Thor's expense.

    • 2 years ago

      Bitch, Raimi is Disney's houseBlack person.
      They shat out the garbage cg and scenes and characters and story beats.
      Feige and Alonzo's queer agenda, feminist poison, vague luciferisn shut, dislike of heteronornativuty and normal women.
      And pushing masculine gay women. Yet another take your daughter to work day movie.

      Fricking Dr strange 2 and Thor 2 were the same mivue.
      So much potential wasted on stupid ass new characters. trashy narratives that pushed away the notmies, and dumbass story....

      The onlything raimi brought were a few NOW THATS RAIMI trash scenes.

      • 2 years ago

        Nope sjw America Chavez fights Femnazi Wanda while Cuck Stranfe does frick all

        None of that actually goes against what I said. Just because the characters are doing shit you don't like doesn't mean they're not consistent, sincere, and capable in what they're doing. You can b***h about ideology all you want, but at the end of the day Raimi is still just a better director than Waititi and he at least had a modicum of respect for what he was doing and the source material as opposed to Waititi who was actively trying to make Thor as a character shit.

        • 2 years ago

          He sucked in DS2 stop defending wokism

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not defending wokism, all the shit with America Chavez was garbage, and Dr. Strange was definitely given a back seat to her bullshit. But that doesn't mean on a technical level Raimi isn't skilled as a director and better than Waititi. You don't get mad at a world class chef because he was given the job of making a McDonald's hamburger. You get mad at the people putting them in that situation.
            If Raimi was given the chance to write and direct anything he wanted from Marvel without studio interference it would be one of Marvel's best and highest grossing films, but that's not what we got.

    • 2 years ago

      Nope sjw America Chavez fights Femnazi Wanda while Cuck Stranfe does frick all

    • 2 years ago

      He didn’t write the script

  9. 2 years ago

    Some heat from NWH.
    It being the first MCU/Disney dumpsterfire hurt everything after it.
    America Chavez was that bad.

    • 2 years ago

      It's weird, Cinemaphile and a few Comicsgate-inspired culture war sites insist MoM underperforming is entirely down to audiences hating America Chavez, and are presenting a narrative where the reshoots were entirely a failed attempt try and make her less annoying, while you go anywhere else online and the complaints about the movie seem to have little or nothing to do with her, whether it's Youtube 'personalities' complaining that it didn't have more cameos, waifuists and the female audience complaining about what was done to Wanda, fans of the Fantastic Four and the X-Men complaining about this being how the MCU introduced them, or actual Doctor Strange fans complaining about his treatment in his own movie, or just more general complaints about the script, the tone, or the action scenes not measuring up. All of those complaints seem much more widespread.

      • 2 years ago

        1.People litterally make a special mention of how much they don't like the character and how poorly she acted
        2.EVERYONE knows the multimilliondollar reshoots were them fixing that disaster
        3.Everyyjing else was hated too.

        Stop defending the America chavez debacle. She was a terrible decision as a character and brought nothing to the table.

      • 2 years ago

        Tgey are correct MSHEU characters are killing the MCU

        • 2 years ago

          M She U?

          They have killed off Gamora, Natasha, Aunt May, Wanda, and Jane Thor, in quick succession.

          • 2 years ago

            Attractive het women g

            have to v
            be replaced with below average b***hy obvious dyles and easily manipulated unattractive teen girls.

  10. 2 years ago

    No idea, but it's the better movie anyway.

  11. 2 years ago

    DS2 was fricking low quality garbage so I can assume that thor was also dogshit. I think disney is done pumping massive amount of resources into marvel properties because they know people are tired of capeshit.

  12. 2 years ago

    the trailer had Charlies Xavier in it.
    Fans thought "holy shit...they are going to introduce the X-Men into the MCU!!!! HYPPPPPPED"

  13. 2 years ago

    >MoM didn't flopped!!

    • 2 years ago

      You don't know what that word means.

  14. 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    Because all you fricking homosexuals want to pretend people weren't just hyped for all the potential cameos. That's why it had it a 450mil opening but had a pathetically small multiplier and finished below a billion when it should have easily passed that

    • 2 years ago

      Cameos are just a bonus, an easter egg. With the cost of a ticket in these days, nobody goes see a whole movie just for a cameo. This honestly feels like something that "ruined" the movie for a few thousand hardcore nerds, not something that caused normies to nope out in large numbers.

      • 2 years ago

        You're a fricking idiot, a liar or both. All anybody talked about leading up to this film was who was going to show up from other universes. That was where all the hype was coming from.

        • 2 years ago

          By "anybody" you mean people on Cinemaphile, and nerd Youtubers. Not actual normal people who just watch these movies and don't obsess over them and speculate about spoilers and leaks. The only possible cameos from older pre-MCU movies that would excite the normie audience were the ones a Spider-Man movie had already done.

  16. 2 years ago

    >Thor 4
    >Moon knight
    >MS marvel
    all bad
    hahahahahahah marvelkeks
    >muties and f4 will save us!!

    • 2 years ago

      Ms Marvel is a huge failure as a character. Attaching her to anything is poison

  17. 2 years ago

    DS2 was overhyped and everyone thought it was an actual multiverse movie so people went to see it to see wolverine and tom cruise iron man
    once they found out it was shit it go a massive drop

    Thor love and gay sex had no speculation or even possibility to be a multiverse jerk off session so not many people cared. also the incels were mad that mighty thor exists.

    both are dogshit

  18. 2 years ago

    Because it was a legitimately fun movie

  19. 2 years ago

    I think it’s rich how Rami had to fight for the cheesy stare down between Strange and Mordo because Feige thought it would be too goofy, but Taika was allowed to go whole hog on making Thor into a ridiculous moron. What this tells you is that it’s not about a fear of being to edgy, it’s about a fear of being sincere. Rami wants little corny moments because they make the world feel lived in and authentic, Taika wants shitty jokes wedged between serious moments because it makes the jocks in the audience feel less embarrassed.

    • 2 years ago

      this. the moments in MOM that are pure Raimi are gold.

  20. 2 years ago

    can't think of a single reason.

  21. 2 years ago

    it was less gay

  22. 2 years ago

    The only good parts of DS2 were those where they let Raimi do his thing. Was a small breath of fresh air from the streamlined formula. Featuring America Chavez with her lesbian agenda really soured me on the whole thing though. I think I'm finally done with the MCU. Even as stupid popcorn entertainment it has gone down the drain too much. Needless to say I didn't bother to watch Thor.

  23. 2 years ago

    Go away pest
    Wrong board

  24. 2 years ago

    People think MoM was bad?

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