Why did Gravity Falls succeed while The Owl House and Amphibia failed?

Why did Gravity Falls succeed while The Owl House and Amphibia failed?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Gravity Falls wasn't directly based on another similar show's basic premise and formula.
    It was fresh as hell when it was new.

    • 2 years ago

      Did Eerie, Indiana stop existing recently or something?

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        What's that?

        • 2 years ago

          The show Gravity Falls' basic premise and formula were directly based on

  2. 2 years ago

    I guess it comes down to the what was happening around these shows when they came out. What was going on in Disney? How was the state of animation? etc...
    I big portion of what made GF big was the lore, the show was practically made for fans to theorize and speculate, especially when they would throw out shit to make them. Also you have to realize just how old GF is, it's 8 years old. The world of animation was very different in 2012, too think that it would be only a few years until animation plummeted. People weren't fatigued with lore-based shows, nor were people really PC and on representation.
    I imagine they aren't promoting this as much, or the fact that there's an openly gay "couple".
    Disney didn't really care for this show I suspect, with the whole episode leaking fiasco showed it's clear they didn't share the same vision as the creators or the fanbase. Regardless if you hated the show, you can't deny that it did pull a sizeable fanbase who were in it for the long haul. This is along with OK KO, Mao Mao, Infinity Train, etc... are examples of companies actively shooting their own foot and crippling shows. Hell even SU got fricked over major because of CN's bipolar attitude. I also think there was a lack of promotion as well

    TL;DR? GF succeeded because it was made during a time where shows like these were in its peak of popularity (critically and fanbase wise). Disney didn't mistreat the show or the cast/team, nor did people have burnout for this type of medium.

    • 2 years ago

      >infinity train

      2nd season > 1st season

      the other two seasons kinda sucked.the creativity and original concept are the only thing that carried the rest of the show, then it ended when it could have kept going. literally infinity train, but the show stops at 4 seasons? what a dumb decision to stop writing stories that could have easily been better than the last season's

      • 2 years ago

        Infinity Train didn't end, it got cancelled. They wanted another season at least.

        • 2 years ago

          Will never forgive or understand CN's decision to do this? Especially with its newfound success on HBO Max possibly inspiring shows for this demographic proving it can pull in the money and the fans.


          While it's clear in your post, you sound like a massive hater who doesn't understand the show at all.
          >This shitty pretentious artsy fartsy show with a mediocre art style was created for obnoxious college students who think they are oh so smart.
          Not at all lol, this was a show for people who wanted something deep and serious. If anything the show feels out of place for what CN had at the time or ever really (with only OTGW to match it).
          > I respect Over the Garden Wall because it committed to its finale and concluding its story.
          Agreed, but OTGW really didn't need to "commit" since the show always seemed to have the end in mind. I mean the story did conclude in a good way, but there were still side stories coming out in comic book format. The only difference is that the team knew when to call it quits and how to give some extra shit here or there
          > I hated Infinity Shit because it felt like those bastard hacks wanted to keep it going forever to get free paychecks from Cartoon Network.
          Arguably the biggest lie/red flag here. The creators always had a end in mind, they talked about the story had an end goal but CN cut it short on S4 with S5 ending things. You could've looked this up, but it seems you came to your own conclusion
          >Hope this trash stays gone permanently.
          Yet ended up being one of the biggest shit that CN did with the numbers, acclaim and popularity to back. It's really weird that you vehemently hate IF but love OTGW though.

        • 2 years ago

          >They wanted another season at least.
          Then they should have made a 4th season that wasn't boring and stupid.

      • 2 years ago

        >2 > 1
        God I have a hard time with this one. They're both great, but Jesse and Lacey's relationship along with Sieve's growth, but seeing S1's tackle of mental health and therapy was really good (biased since I've been wanting a cartoon like this for so long), plus Atticus and One-One are great support characters (and I was genuinely surprised to be invested in One-One's backstory). S1 and 2 are both 8~9, with S1 edging a little bit more.

        You have no idea how pissed I was at S4, for context I got into this show late asf (decided to pass IF since of the hype and Cinemaphile) but by the time I got hooked into it S4 had just wrapped. Season 3 was an awkward season for me. We get two great seasons that continue the story only to have one that drastically stops this flow in favor of a prequel season? I just found it really hard to get into because I couldn't "buy" their cult or number ideology since I knew too much. It felt too meh and simple for how the story would go, I at least appreciate what they did with Simon and how far they decided to go with his descent into madness and his death.

        SEASON 4 IS PEAK DICK TO ME. As a continuation of the story, it does nothing for the overall plot seemingly repeating the same lesson over and over again or dragging it out way too long. Having two friends as the passengers was an interesting idea but they aren't fleshed out enough and only work when they're together. As a season this felt really meh with their "healing" feeling very rushed. The only thing saving this season was the fandom somehow thinking these two were gay unironically and would be canon or that it was supposed to set up season 5? Even if that were true (which I don't doubt), it would still be a shit season 4, if it was only good if and when we saw S5.
        sorry for the long post (feel free to not read most of it or skim through)

      • 2 years ago

        Every season of infinity train was solid


        Why did Gravity Falls succeed while The Owl House and Amphibia failed?

        I know this is bait, but gravity falls came out before streaming was murdering cable.

  3. 2 years ago

    3 seasons > 2 seasons

  4. 2 years ago

    How did Amphibia fail?

    • 2 years ago

      Both Amphibia AND The Owl House have or will have more episodes than Gravity Falls, in what way did they fail in comparison? Amphibia got a full run and The Owl House is being given more time to wrap its shit up than Gravity Falls was.

      Pure delusion, gravitygay

      >3 seasons, 19 shorts, 8 chibi tales shorts
      Amphibia failed? How did it fail exactly? Elaborate.

      I'm pretty sure the OP meant overall popularity/cultural impact, which is frankly difficult to measure at this point since both Amphibia and The Owl House are fairly new shows.

      Overall, I think its just plain release date + people dismissing TOH and Amphibia as "woke". Still, the fact that their cancellation is getting Disney in deep shit is a bit impressive.

      • 2 years ago

        So this is a classic "OP knows shit" thread?

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty much

      • 2 years ago

        TOH is more popular than Amphibia specifically because of woke controversy(lesbians, non-binaries and what not). Amphibia is more popular with "Based" types that cringe at it's few woke elements that are barely there outside of S3a but didn't blow up in either direction's popularity.

        Neither are as popular as GF because they came out at both a more polarized time and a time where they have to compete with the internet for kid's attention.

      • 2 years ago

        The real element of Gravity Falls’ success is that cable still had some relevance and it killed in reruns. Not only did kids like it but normal adults actually took notice of it and mainstream critics praised it. That crossover appeal is how it got big enough for Disney to try and carbon copy it with their own pre-existing IP with nuDuckTales and for it to actually get merch and a Blu-ray release.
        I can’t say exactly how much is owed to the decline of cable, how much is because the zeitgeist and demographic moved on, or how much is just because the product being made stopped having appeal, but that crossover between kids and adult audiences for cartoons that had strong showings in the 90s and again in the early 2010s has faded away. The closest thing now to having an Adventure Time/GF type popularity with adults is unironically Bluey

        • 2 years ago

          Timing and internet domination trends are definitely a huge factor, basically nothing gets as big anymore, there's far too many free distractions available

    • 2 years ago

      Both Amphibia AND The Owl House have or will have more episodes than Gravity Falls, in what way did they fail in comparison? Amphibia got a full run and The Owl House is being given more time to wrap its shit up than Gravity Falls was.

      Pure delusion, gravitygay

      >3 seasons, 19 shorts, 8 chibi tales shorts
      Amphibia failed? How did it fail exactly? Elaborate.

      Actual kids didn't watch it lol.
      Imagine being less popular than Big City Sneeds.

      • 2 years ago

        >american dragon 20th most streamed in 2021
        what the frick

      • 2 years ago

        Where's Gravity Falls?

      • 2 years ago

        Where's Gravity Falls?

        That's not an official chart, these homosexuals keep posting that picture over and over but Disney hasn't shared the ratings of the shows in Disney+.

        • 2 years ago

          Go on with'itch your bad self!

    • 2 years ago

      The end turned what little fandom it had against it.

      • 2 years ago

        Did it? Even the ones who said they disliked the ending still make a lot of art about thr show.

        • 2 years ago

          Don't reply to that moron. Amphibia is just doing fine. In fact, they're in the top 15 most-watched shows on Disney+.

          • 2 years ago

            They don't release that information.

        • 2 years ago

          If you didn't notice the change you're ignoring it.

          • 2 years ago

            I did and the general consenseus was that it was decent, possibly even the best ending out of the DTVA shows.

  5. 2 years ago

    Streaming services is the big difference
    Like, you may think it’s something actually about the shows, but frankly that doesn’t matter half as much as the climates they were released in

  6. 2 years ago

    Both Amphibia AND The Owl House have or will have more episodes than Gravity Falls, in what way did they fail in comparison? Amphibia got a full run and The Owl House is being given more time to wrap its shit up than Gravity Falls was.

    Pure delusion, gravitygay

  7. 2 years ago

    >Gravity Falls succeed
    I remember how assblasted people were about ending.

    • 2 years ago

      Why were they assblasted?

      • 2 years ago

        >le power of friendship
        >Stan being an ass for no reason
        >Stan getting his memory back at instant
        >Mabel being an egoistic c**t
        >zero fricking info about Ford and his life behind the portal
        >absolutely no consequences of events in general for Mabel and Dipper
        Frick Mabel. I hate her.

      • 2 years ago

        Biggest reason was that the cryptic mystery shit was really just window dressing. People thought the Author reveal was like a good warmup and that there would be another grand conspiracy in S2 for Bill but there wasn't.

        All the icon wheel characters just showed up together by circumstance rather than deliberately deciphering and seeking them out. Bill became a big stupid monster that chases people around rather than Machiavellian and esoteric.

  8. 2 years ago


    >Because there were no consequences, Stan gains his memory back instantly despite it being a supposed sacrifice,
    I guess stuff like that is why Anne’s a fricking homunculus now.

    • 2 years ago

      This is why I'm still split on the whole Anne sacrifice situation. Her death/rebirth has weight. But the way they put it in the last moment instead of forshadowing it make me kinda wish they never put it in there. Them risking losing the gems soo they can not get back home was enough for me.

  9. 2 years ago

    >3 seasons, 19 shorts, 8 chibi tales shorts
    Amphibia failed? How did it fail exactly? Elaborate.

  10. 2 years ago


    I guess agree to disagree. If you didn't like it, you didn't like it, to each their own.
    >Amphibia is shit with that Super Saiyan Anne trash.
    Fair, I can see how "pop culture DBZ reference" would be annoying, especially in a Deus Ex Machina sort of way


    >Dipper's main motivation in life as it turns out is to be like Dippy Fresh a loser slave to his bratty c**t of a sister.
    Really? It was pretty clear that Dipper made up his mind to be like his Uncle and continue exploring the weirdness. I wouldn't call this his motivation as much as a set back for his overly clingy sister who I assume eventually grows up during HS
    Mabel inherits the Mystery shack while Dipper basically inherits Ford's will and life long mission

  11. 2 years ago

    made for corruption

    • 2 years ago

      >single-episode plot
      >amounted to basically nothing
      >doesn’t even exist
      I guess Bipper wins by default

    • 2 years ago

      That fanart aged like milk, all the luzllector gays were assblasted, it was so good.

      • 2 years ago

        Then how come we never see them in the same shot?

      • 2 years ago

        >luzllector gays were assblasted
        In your head

  12. 2 years ago

    toh coulsn't keep a single theme and changed tracks all the time. Characters are annoying at best, with a lot of "try hard" moments.
    Amphibia is "good idea, bad execution", if someone had to sum it up to you, it sounds awesome, but in practice, it's full of fillershit, invasive humour, incoherent lore and completely rushed good ideas with really little paybacks.

    • 2 years ago

      >if someone had to sum it up to you, it sounds awesome, but in practice, it's full of fillershit, invasive humour, incoherent lore and completely rushed good ideas with really little paybacks.
      You can easily say the same about Gravity Falls.

    • 2 years ago

      Did GF succeed?

      I like to blame that to Disney. S2 was better when Disney just stopped caring, a better pace and more plot focus than character focus. Yet there's a risk to collapse for the number of characters
      From Matt's synopsis of the ending, the guy is like Michael Bay who needs a lot of help to create story arcs. Or maybe like Lucas, great ideas but he knows if he execute them, it would be shit as his talents are in visual. They're awesome, but he got too much time and the show was littered by filler

      • 2 years ago

        They need to work together. Matt with his fun side and adaptability, Dana with her ambition and structure.

        • 2 years ago

          Amphibia had the better show structure, you would get Dana to make a more slightlier interesting and original setting.

          • 2 years ago

            Amphibia lacks of structure at key moments, fillers takes space but halt the plot. With more structure, we wouldn't need to wait until "the middle season twist" to see things move from a status quo to another.

            • 2 years ago

              >With more structure, we wouldn't need to wait until "the middle season twist" to see things move from a status quo to another.
              But that's the typical structure of your average 20 episode series, you're really just arguing for the show to be serialized.

            • 2 years ago

              >With more structure, we wouldn't need to wait until "the middle season twist" to see things move from a status quo to another.
              But that's the typical structure of your average 20 episode series, you're really just arguing for the show to be serialized.

              This. Matt talents are not in a serialized stuff. If I were him, I'd aim for theatrical features.

              It bothers me knowing that amphibia and the owl house would both be noticably higher quality shows if they TOH had a full three seasons and amphibia was two seasons and three specials. it's like we live in an alternative, what-if reality

              Probably this. I still think 3 specials are too little for both stories. 4 would have been better.

      • 2 years ago

        It bothers me knowing that amphibia and the owl house would both be noticably higher quality shows if they TOH had a full three seasons and amphibia was two seasons and three specials. it's like we live in an alternative, what-if reality

        • 2 years ago

          >amphibia was two seasons and three specials.
          Not really, frick no.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah season three was paced horribly.

  13. 2 years ago

    They made them pale enough to pass as whites plus added a shota

  14. 2 years ago

    I think Amphibia did fine. They were able to finish their story completely, did fine in ratings, got a decent size fan base, and still are getting a bit of merchandizing.
    I still see normie memes of amphibia while browsing online so I wouldn’t say it failed.
    Owl house definitely did though. Season 3 was canceled, merchandise canceled, and worst of all gave Disney a bad reputation. Parents think it’s lgbt propaganda and fans think Disney is anti-lgbt due to Dana’s rants and cancelation/censoring.

    • 2 years ago

      Disney/Pixar hasn't put out an animated movie without gay shit for half a decade and you think TOH gave them a bad reputation

      • 2 years ago

        >HALF A DECADE
        >5 years
        so, extremely recent.

      • 2 years ago

        1. Never said TOH was solely responsible for this. I’ve just seen plenty of articles and controversy.
        2. Difference is, at least with those movies lgbt isn’t really a major focus point of the film. It’s usually just a half a second kiss that can be easily censored/forgotten. Luz and Amity are made out as a big deal in both the show and irl and you can really tell by the fan base. Majority of the fan base talks about luz and amity and the show got way popular after the grom episode.
        3. What

        >HALF A DECADE
        >5 years
        so, extremely recent.


    • 2 years ago

      TOH still has better ratings so that says a lot.

  15. 2 years ago

    They're are as good. Simple.

    • 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    There is absolutely no advantage to being male in the developed world in this day and age. By making shows like this with female protagonists, they are mocking us for not being women

  17. 2 years ago

    This is now a crossover thread! Discuss crossover ideas between these 3 shows!

  18. 2 years ago

    one is straight
    the others are gay

    • 2 years ago

      Hey now! Anne is still not confirmed

  19. 2 years ago

    If you mean popular culture reach, it's because Gravity Falls was part of a very rare "children's cartoons have adult appeal" period in animation that began with Adventure Time, included Regular Show, maybe Gumball, Gravity Falls of course, and ended around the time of Over the Garden Wall. There was just a lot of word of mouth support for Adventure Time and Regular Show among high school and college kids, and it carried over with Gravity Falls and until Over the Garden Wall. Whereas later 2010s cartoons just lacked that word of mouth completely. I told friends in 2019 I liked cartoons and they knew those older ones but not Amphibia which was new back then. I've had other friends from completely different social circles who are sort of the same. Maybe it's that they got older I don't know, but I honestly also don't see people of high school/college age into newer shows except for the fandom proper.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s pretty much this. I just don’t see these shows being talked with the same reverence as that period was.
      I think it’s partially due to the state of animation being seen more optimistically and television being more “centralized” as a platform back then.

  20. 2 years ago

    1 changed the industry while the other 2 followed

  21. 2 years ago

    It's called Mabel and Kristen Schaal. Srs. Mabel is cute and the voice is intoxicating.

    Now you know...

  22. 2 years ago

    Define "Failed"

  23. 2 years ago

    because Gravity Falls came out before Rick and Morty. That's the only reason. Hirsch is a lucky bastard

  24. 2 years ago

    I only know of gravity falls because of R34
    From what I've heard is that Mabel is a massive fricking c**t in the cartoons, the porn narrive belies her actual personality
    What's the appeal?

  25. 2 years ago

    Oh i get it. Op is one of those dumbasses who thinks every show with less than 10k images on rule 34 is unpopular

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