Why did Joker (2019) resonate with so many people all over the world?

Why did Joker (2019) resonate with so many people all over the world?

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  1. 4 days ago

    Because we live in a society.

    • 4 days ago

      We do. We really really do.

    • 4 days ago

      unironically fpbp
      It had unspecified political and social problems, and it only showed the breaking down of trust. That made it more of a universal story and setting.

  2. 4 days ago

    It was the 10's, man. You just had to be there.

    • 4 days ago

      Christ you sound like a brony

      • 4 days ago

        I never got it either. I thought it was a good movie but I didn't understand why it had such an impact for so many people.

        it was different time. you'll be hearing that about now in 10 years or so. this moment is a different time.

        • 4 days ago

          NTA but the 2020s up to this point have just been an extension of the hell of the late 2010s and their culture war shit going on

          • 4 days ago

            >outing yourself as a twitter addict

            • 4 days ago

              I see this shit everywhere, i barely use twitter outside of porn artists btw

            • 4 days ago

              I'm tired of this fricking meme that it's not prevalent outside of twitter. It's not late 2010's tumblr, moron. They've gained the upper hand over the heccin chuds, it's more widespread now than you think.

              • 4 days ago

                anon the right are winning elections all over the world thanks to this tumblr shit.
                Chuds are winning

              • 4 days ago

                Trump lost and will lose again

          • 4 days ago

            >people actually nostalgic for the early to mid 2010s
            I lived in those years. Shit was ramping up during that time. The true end to the golden years was 2007 when the iPhone released.

            • 4 days ago

              >the hub
              >adventure time and regular show coming out
              Early 10s had some good things.!Also All the culture war shit was contained to feminist tumblr blogs back then. Once gamergate hit thats when everything went wrong and the start of the decline to todays shithole world

            • 4 days ago

              lmao early 2000 was shit due to 9/11 mental illness

        • 4 days ago

          >I didn't understand why it had such an impact for so many people.

          I thin it was a aouple of reasons. On the one hand you had the terminally online schizos who got attached to the movie mostly by the memes, filmbros who appreciated a more author driven cbm, and for normies, being released during the superhero craze didn't hurt, plus Joker is an already iconic character.

          The main reason it stuck with audiences, however, could very well be the intent behind the film. Half the world lives in disenfranchisement, and inequality was one of the main political discourses during the 2010's. For many, having a film that explicitely said "frick you" to the rich was a neat revenge fantasy. I'm Chilean, and not long after the movie came out the whole country exploded on massive protests against the state and inequality; Joker iagery was all over the place.

          • 4 days ago

            Man, journalists were expecting incel shootouts in movie theatres, but barely touched on this.

  3. 4 days ago

    As someone with mental health issues I could relate to how difficult it can be getting government help.
    As someone with no gf I could also relate to him wanting a gf.

  4. 4 days ago

    Everyone wanted to prove the fear mongering journos wrong.

  5. 4 days ago

    Dude even has his own gyaru Harley Quinn.

    • 4 days ago

      What's up with those eyes?

      • 4 days ago

        She's an oriental relative of Peter Loree

      • 4 days ago

        What the frick is wrong with her eyes?

        Gyaru makeup

      • 4 days ago

        What the frick is wrong with her eyes?

        they reflect SOCIETY

    • 4 days ago

      What the frick is wrong with her eyes?

  6. 4 days ago

    joker represents chaos, the current "order" of the world is unbearably obnoxious and unnaturally stifling. It's the reason the /misc/ types like Hitler, he's the Satan figure of the dominant ideology mythology. no one likes the way the world is run.

    • 4 days ago

      I feel this. I honestly believe that the majority of Hitler obsession isn't even based on anything he did or anything with israelites or anything. It's because he's basically become the wests embodiment of the Satan figure of the world's order. It doesn't matter who it is really, it could have been Misc Pot or Mao or anyone, but Hitler resonated. A lot of these pol types just want to say frick you to what is the powers that be, they probably don't even know shit about Hitler and his ideals. It's what it makes others feel when you show your support of society's Satan.

      • 4 days ago

        >or anything with israelites

  7. 4 days ago

    It didn't. It was mostly memes.

  8. 4 days ago

    My wife worked at the movie theater and some guy was laughing at inappropriate parts of the movie giving this other woman a massive panic attack. He was removed from the theater. He may have actually been the joker baby.

  9. 4 days ago

    Oh, this is the one who has a porn actress as his running mate.

  10. 4 days ago

    It doesn't. Joker was a top tier film that was for some reason vilified by the MSM so you got reactionary edgelords and manchilds latching on to it ironically as some sort of "own".

  11. 4 days ago

    Because deep down a lot of people are breaking under the weight of society and the movie was ultimately therapeutic

  12. 4 days ago

    You wouldn't get it.

  13. 4 days ago

    Love from Kazakhstan
    I hate women so much it's unreal

    • 4 days ago

      she's not a woman, she's just a c**t

  14. 4 days ago

    The same annoying gays who have been blithering about everything not being diverse enough but having no problem with lack of entertainment value kept screeching and praying that every single man watching this movie would go Rambo in the streets.

  15. 4 days ago

    "If you are justice, then I am evil" - Hakaider.

  16. 4 days ago
  17. 4 days ago

    You mean the movie? Batman and the Heath Ledger Joker laid the foundation.

  18. 4 days ago

    Because it was a good movie?

  19. 4 days ago

    damn some anon is desperate to date this movie to the 2010s

  20. 4 days ago

    the explanation for this is probably just that it came out right at the perfect time; economic instability, mental health problems everywhere, social division and unrest - all things depicted in the film surrounding Arthur Fleck.
    On top of this, changing a character previously established as the ultimate villain into a sympathetic protagonist is appealing to people in a 'the contrast piques the curiosity' kind of way (kind of like how making vampires go from monsters into romantic sadboys made series like Twilight explode in popularity); on this point seeing what is normally a villain get humanized like this appeals to people's sense of their own innate 'villainy' being humanized. Even if they are completely evil, villains by their nature are usually always the underdogs in a story in some sense and most people in society feel like they are the underdog.
    Combine these points with the superhero movie fatigue and the audience's craving to see a movie that fricks up this formula (The Boys is popular for this reason) and it's not surprising it was such a culturally significant film.
    The other simple factor in this is just that it is simply a good film; well made, well shot, well scored and well acted, contrary to what many people here might think, films that are genuinely good are almost always popular even if most popular films are not good.

    Personally I don't even like how the Joker has becoem this icon of expressing societal grievances and I think this completely misses the point of the character wand what makes the Joker kino in the first place but this is the explanation nonetheless.

    • 4 days ago

      >Personally I don't even like how the Joker has becoem this icon of expressing societal grievances and I think this completely misses the point of the character

      This. I blame Moore and Nolan for the misconception of the Joker as some political/philosophical figure when he's the absolute opposite, just chaos for the sake of it. I hope if he gets introduced in Gunn's DCU at some point they'll portray him just as the psychopath without a cause he is.

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