Why did Nolan use such an anti-climactic explosion?

Nolan made the nuclear explosion look worse than real footage of the event shown in the documentary "Trinity and Beyond". With current CGI it would have been a walk-in-the-park to create an awe-inspiring explosion at the Trinity test. Instead, Nolan films an explosion that just looks like a close-up of a barrel of dynamite ignited at night.

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  1. 11 months ago

    yes, and?
    it's called subversion of expectancy, CHUD

    • 11 months ago

      Fat Man and Little Boy > Oppenheimer


      • 11 months ago

        I made a thread about Fat Man & Little Boy before Oppenheimer came out, and everyone ignored it.

      • 11 months ago

        >computer; disable safety protocols

  2. 11 months ago

    Why would he make it climatic when it's not the climax? That itself is the more worrying flaw as the actual climax is dueling security clearances

    • 11 months ago

      Nah the climax is that both men get their egos ratfricked making the shitty things they did all be for nothing - because both men were doing what they were doing for their egos first and foremost, even if channeled in a de-personifying manner into a field of interest. It's an existential horror movie about ego and narcissism resulting desire that is both self-destructive and destructive to the whole world around it. Just look at Oppie's attitude towards his sex drive.

      Strauss is a bad guy but that doesn't mean his assessment of Oppie isn't correct. Oppie, Strauss, the security board, Teller, plenty of other men present at Los Alamos, are all ruthless and ambitious, because they're working in a field, and at a level, that is self-selecting to the ruthless and ambitious, so of course they're the ones to be there. Some speak out, but most are okay with proceeding even after Germany is defeated (and yes the Japs were offering at least conditional surrender already, they would have been beaten without the further mechanization of murder, even if their soldiers did deserve it for Nanjing - the cost to the entirety of humanity was too great to justify enacting that punishment this particular way, should've just firebombed them more).

      The main decent men in the movie are Rabi and Chevalier. Pretty based of Nolan to depict probably the nicest man in the a US major studio picture to be the card-carrying communist and possible spy.
      >You're having trouble raising your kid because of your single-minded pursuit of STEM innovation? No problem pal I'll just take him off your hands for several years, no strings attached.

      Nolan set this idea up with Tenet, the way many of his films' developments tack on top to tail with each other. Protagonist =/= hero. John David Washington doomed humanity in Tenet and Oppie did here and in real life.

      • 11 months ago

        nice assessment, can you explain how Protag doomed humanity in Tenet? I saw it twice and barely understood it

        • 11 months ago

          Tenet maintains the status quo. Future humans are doomed already which is why they send the the bomb as a frick you to the morons in the past. The Protag only thinks in short term. The point is, that's how humans are programmed to think. We barely think one generation ahead.

          • 11 months ago

            They carried out the plan just as planned, just like Sator.

            The world was already doomed in a mundane sense, because of environmental damage, and it was doomed prior to the possibility of future shenanigans preventing it. The future had to send back something that could have a chance at changing the timeline without invalidating the reason to send it back in the first place, so their plan was always supposed to appear to fail. Like the plan with the nuclear bomb, the idea was to have it go off, and anyone outside of the Protagonist, Neil, and Ives would not be aware the artefact continued to exist. In the future, anyone outside of the genius scientist would assume their plan worked.

            Off-screen, but implied, the Protagonist would be bringing in more people like Neil and Ives, and creating a parallel world (based on the Freeport system that Sator already set up) that would survive or bypass the destruction of the environment without ever being discovered by the future people (except that the genius scientist who made the artefact would know it had a chance at existing, like Ives she would search for it but she'd hope to never find it).

            The creator of the artefact had to get everyone in the future to agree to be convinced that it was about destroying the past as a 'frick you', in order to sell that line to the past, in order to set off the whole plan.

            HOWEVER, it could also be the plan that the artefact was never going to work, and it would have been the introduction of time-turner technology that is the real cause of the mass reversal event. The artefact was never even functional, it was always a MacGuffin, and the whole plot was to get people fighting over it in such a way that things escalate out of control. In this case, the Protagonist is implied to have defeated the plan anyway, by preventing any kind of fight using time-turner technology from escalating out of control.

      • 11 months ago

        > they would have been beaten without the further mechanization of murder
        Only at great cost to American lives. They didn’t even quit after the first nuke. The war cabinet didn’t want to quit after the second, the emperor had to overrule them.

        • 11 months ago

          >The war cabinet didn’t want to quit after the second
          they were literally pants on head moronic
          there was nothing to do but surrender
          nothing but the utter destruction of the japanese people could be gained from resisting an invasion in the home islands

          • 11 months ago

            That's what happens when you're educated in pr*ssia

            • 11 months ago

              well, not even the germans fought to the last man, as Hitler wanted them to
              lots of prussian old guard caved in and surrendered when they saw that there could be nothing more gained militarily
              you'd have to be utterly shit-brained to consider further resistance in the position that japan was in in august of '45

          • 11 months ago

            They had been trying to surrender for nearly a year. Occupation by Soviet animals isn't tolerable then any more than now. They correctly estimated they couldn't have a third due to the logistics of uranium refinement -- and the shipment bound for Japan that a German U-Boat surrendered advanced the MP time scale by at least 4 months if not more.

  3. 11 months ago

    I dont care that he bombed a small japanese peninsula for the effect.
    What annoys me most about Nolan is the sound mixing, half the time you can't fricking understand what anyone is saying.
    He's done this in every fricking film he's made, the frick is wrong with him.

    • 11 months ago

      i think it's gonna come out in a couple of years that his hearing failed long ago and then all the coping morons will cry

      • 11 months ago

        anon, he doesn't do the sound mixing himself
        there are actual audio engineers working on that

        • 11 months ago

          you don't think nolan has final say on the audio mixing?
          i bet the engineers make a reasonable mix and then tune it so nolan is happy.

          • 11 months ago

            surely someone else that doesn't have hearing difficulties must hear it at some point
            some producer
            somebody must have mentioned it, right?

    • 11 months ago

      I notice this with a ton of newer films and shows where conversations are stupidly quiet and the actions scenes end up deafening. Are studios firing all of the sound mixing guys or something?

      • 11 months ago

        They do it on purpose to induce emotion.

    • 11 months ago

      Its called a signature Chuddie

  4. 11 months ago

    The bomb isn't the focus of the movie and Trinity was much, much smaller than what we've come to think of when we hear the word 'nuke', it wasn't some Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull shit. Fwiw I think a couple of the more close-up shots didn't work so well but the far shots I was totally happy with. 70mm IMAX also makes a big difference compared to when I saw it a second time at my local multiplex. Trinity itself is not as important to Oppenheimer as what comes next / the science behind it and the fact it worked, and the film is from Oppenheimer's perspective. This is also why we see so little of his wife and kids. He doesn't give a frick.

    • 11 months ago

      Trinity Test was more powerful than even the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. So you're wrong, it is a nuke and it's bigger than the one who killed a shitton of japs.

  5. 11 months ago

    i'm guessing he didn't want to make it look cool because he would feel gross knowing that everyone wanted to see this super cool bomb like it was an action movie. same reason why he didn't show the planes flying over the cities and dropping them

    • 11 months ago

      The decision for him to project the horrors of what the nuke dropping must have been like onto the college students, and for him to repeatedly see visions of those students melting and shit really worked for me.

  6. 11 months ago

    Because he's a hack.

  7. 11 months ago

    I'm assuming not wanting to use CGI and wanting to shoot it in a way that didn't glorify the bomb exploding were two good reasons that just ended up working together.

  8. 11 months ago

    They suckered a lot of people to pay a few extra bucks to watch that in 70mm. Kek.

    • 11 months ago

      i'm assuming he's just going to make movies in that format until he retires. doesn't matter if it's mostly a court room drama or action flick

  9. 11 months ago

    some dumb frick i work with keeps insisting that Nolan detonated a real nuke for this time. frickin moron

  10. 11 months ago

    Cause they get iffy about a real big explosion polluting the earth and such other stuff they would say

  11. 11 months ago

    The fricking trailer for the creator has 3 nukes in it alone that all look better than the one on Oppenheimer. Very disappointed when I saw it in imax.

    • 11 months ago

      Imagine preferring this CGI shitfest to a real gritty textured and thick explosion
      Then you gays shit and whine whenever the latest fantasy-capeshit goyslop you watch takes place in front of a greenscreen
      Fricking contrarians on Cinemaphile I would kill you all
      >inb4 nolangay
      No and the movie was not great, just like Tenet was a 2deep4u mindjerk but seeing gays on here complain about the live-action explosion grinds my fricking gears. The explosion was KINO and breathtaking ok I said it K I N O
      Frick all of you

      • 11 months ago

        It's kind of hilarious to see these "people" constantly post explosions that look obviously fake and CG and then cream their pants about how kino it looks. These people have a completely broken aesthetic sense.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeeeeeee realn'gritty hardcore noiresque EXPLOSION, all dark, thick and milky

      • 11 months ago

        The explosion was weak and underwhelming as frick and that's a fact. I've seen better gasoline explosions in B movies anon

      • 11 months ago

        it literally looks better calm down. I usually prefer practical but in this instance it failed. It looks like a movie set explosion, not a nuke test, it looked like a tiny bomb test at best (which it essentially was) get over it.

        • 11 months ago

          Nta but no. What you posted doesn't even look real. It's like early 2000s CGI.

          • 11 months ago

            nah it really doesn't. Here's another from the same trailer that also shits on oppy.

            • 11 months ago

              looks cheap and obviously fake

            • 11 months ago

              >rugged edges
              It's not even cropped properly
              Literally snapchat filter tier

              it literally looks better calm down. I usually prefer practical but in this instance it failed. It looks like a movie set explosion, not a nuke test, it looked like a tiny bomb test at best (which it essentially was) get over it.

              moron opinion. The explosion felt much bigger than it was and the way they focused on the details of the fire was kino.

              The explosion was weak and underwhelming as frick and that's a fact. I've seen better gasoline explosions in B movies anon

              >weak and underwhelming
              Your sex life t b h senpai

            • 11 months ago

              Lmao, that looks terrible. Is the nuke the in universe explanation for the terrible yellow filter as well?

      • 11 months ago

        It looked about as big as the explosion as the start of lethal weapon 4 KEK

      • 11 months ago

        it's not a real explosion. it is a backlit orange pingpong ball and phosphorous

  12. 11 months ago

    This movie was shit.
    Who actually thought it was good and/or historically accurate??

  13. 11 months ago

    >light travels at snail's pace
    >emits from side
    >is blue
    This was hilarious to watch. Why didn't they just use some of those thermobaric bombs Russia was using last year in Ukraine?

    • 11 months ago

      Also, scaling down an explosion of titanic proportions and then trying to make it look the part practically, never would've made it convincing. It looks like they're witnessing a gas station explosion a couple blocks away.

    • 11 months ago

      He also did that same blue light bullshit for the muzzle flash bit in Dark Knight Rises; one of the few things they did right in The Batman.

      • 11 months ago

        This was so fricking cheesy. I remember cringing a bit in the kinoplex.

    • 11 months ago

      >Bunkers (6 miles away): For physicist Val Fitch, then part of the SED, his welding glass wasn't enough to block out the "enormous flash of light" from the bomb, which he estimated took 30 microseconds to arrive. To Warren Nyer, another physicist, "it looked like a living thing with a blue glow," creating a contrast between the mountains and sky.

      • 11 months ago

        That explains the blue light then, although I'd say 30 microseconds is significantly faster than 300 milliseconds. Also, one would assume that the light would have emitted from the point of the detonation and not from some heavenly source off the side.

        • 11 months ago

          Lighting an entire area at night is difficult. I would say it's borderline impossible to recreate irl the flashing effect of a nuke. Look at attempts to create the moonlight in No country for old men. It's obviously coming from huge floodlights on the side not from above but it looks better than whatever you can come up with CGI.

    • 11 months ago

      it really does not help that in previous shots they kept on making it look like the test tower was fricking 100 yards away from them

  14. 11 months ago


  15. 11 months ago

    Probably because he didn't want his kino's message, Oppie's innocense, cucked by some explosion.

  16. 11 months ago

    The real one absolutely looked similar. People just look at footage from the tests that were done later than Trinity that had much bigger bombs

  17. 11 months ago
  18. 11 months ago

    Because Nolan is a hack. Hadn't you heard?

  19. 11 months ago

    dat sound though

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