Why did the MCU fall off so hard after Endgame?

Why did the MCU fall off so hard after Endgame?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Multiverse removed all the stakes. Audience no longer cares if a hero lived or die anymore

    I think Disney is 'somewhat' aware of this problem, since they are considering taking the secret wars (unifying all the realities into one) route with Dr Doom...

    • 5 months ago

      the only way for the mcu to redeem itself is to cast a white chad as Dr. Doom and have him come in and kill off all the women and moron heroes that nobody likes to show everyone he means business.

      • 5 months ago

        I didn’t even know who doom was until I listened to MF doom. Honestly they should cast him (the artist) as Doom. Every time he comes on screen MF doom music plays.

        • 5 months ago

          Mf doom died years ago m8.

        • 5 months ago

          ALL CAPS when you spell the mans name.

      • 5 months ago

        >have him come in and kill off all the women and moron heroes that nobody likes
        who the frick will be left then? or is the movie gonna be only about Strange, Spidey and Guardians fighting Doom?

    • 5 months ago

      This. Casting Evan Peters as a joke? Yea, frick you disney.

      • 5 months ago

        >NOOOO my crossovers are VERY serious business!

        You deserved it, dork

    • 5 months ago

      yeah after the multiverse plot was uncovered i thought "wait, cartoon writers can just make up whatever they want to happen in the story? thats so lame im not going to watch this anymore"

    • 5 months ago

      >Multiverse removed all the stakes. Audience no longer cares if a hero lived or die anymore
      You think the audience is gonna be happy to accept somebody else as Iron Man?
      >I think Disney is 'somewhat' aware of this problem, since they are considering taking the secret wars (unifying all the realities into one) route with Dr Doom...
      Secret Wars doesn't unify realites.

      • 5 months ago

        Tom Cruise as Superior Iron Man is the best thing they can do.

        • 5 months ago

          Tom Cruise has no interest working on a production where he has no creative control anymore.

    • 5 months ago

      I bet that's what they'll do. Run the multiverse storyline while they're getting back the movie rights they've given away over the years.
      Then have Doom or the Beyonder or whoever unify it all back into one universe that has all the movie rights.

    • 5 months ago

      not to sound pretentious, but literally everywhere they teach writing, being it literature, screenplay etc. the idea of using a "multiverse" is frowned upon. It's the laziest, cheapest plot device there is for exactly the reasons you already listed. so it's no wonder marvel "writers" would seriously use it

  2. 5 months ago

    It didn't fall off, you just grew up. It was always this bad

  3. 5 months ago

    This casting decision probably caused them to lose a billion dollars.

    • 5 months ago

      In my head Gillian Jacobs is Carol. I know people prefer the ones like Katee Sackhoff and Kathryn Winnick but for some reason Jacobs is my go to

    • 5 months ago

      She's the only reason it made even 200 mil

    • 5 months ago

      Brie only got the role of Captain Marvel because she was "so hot right now" after winning an Academy Award. She got the role literally a few months after winning the Oscar.

    • 5 months ago

      They could redeem The Marvels with some decent costumes. Altho I guess the shitty script will be equally shitty with some eye candy.

    • 5 months ago

      She gets what she deserves for spitting in the face of an already shitty comic character and making it worse in film. At least wear the hot costume, ffs Brie.

      • 5 months ago

        >At least wear the hot costume, ffs Brie.
        In Brie's defense, it sounds like the costume thing wasn't entirely her choice. Not that she would've wanted to wear the hot costume, but it sounds like it wasn't even an option, no matter which actress they cast for Carol.

        • 5 months ago

          She should have demanded a comic accurate rendition or walked. The vision was set up to fail from the beginning when she was thrown into the mix in the middle of Infinity War and Endgame.

    • 5 months ago

      The character was written in the most obnoxious way possible, her being a c**t is just the icing on the cake. Had the character been different it might have gone better.

    • 5 months ago

      unironically yes
      but she was just the cherry ontop

      they cast her perfectly for the feminazi bullshit they had "written"

    • 5 months ago

      I don't think it's because of her alone, these kinds of movies just don't sell. Birds of Prey and Wonder Woman 84 prove it.
      I had no incentive of seeing it and I normally like her work.

    • 5 months ago

      The first movie was extremely successful.

  4. 5 months ago

    >after Endgame?
    Endgame was shit, people were just too soi face to care.

    • 5 months ago

      It’s a pretty epic conclusion to 11 years in the making. Whether homosexuals like admit it or not, it was a well crafted culmination of stories that worked really well and hit all the emotional notes of different viewers. Everyone cared what happened to spider-man, Tony, cap, scott lang, etc. So starting over and having to get to know new characters and care about them/care about the post-blip lives of the OG crew is just new. I’m willing to bet once they figure out what to do without Majors, we’ll see a new energy. But I dunno

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >well crafted
        >With soi Hulk and the girl power moment
        >And the greatest hits
        >And Hulk and Ancient One contradicting each other, in the same movie, about how the stones work.

      • 5 months ago

        >see new energy
        Anon, its been 4 years and like 20 movies/shows and none of the nuavengers are worth caring about. Also it feels like all their plots are completely disconnected and they keep adding huge shit that goes nowhere whereas before end game every major event impacted other movies

      • 5 months ago

        >It’s a pretty epic conclusion to 11 years in the making
        It was pretty bland and forgettable. I've had no desire to watch it again.

      • 5 months ago

        you have to be 18+ to post here

      • 5 months ago

        >epic conclusion
        >a hamfisted member berry memory lane tour
        The problem remains the product is dogshit if writers and directors are no more than studio puppets. That's why those moron brothers left after their leash was reigned in post TWS. MCU is allergic to competent storytelling that does not embolden action figure sales and new costumes.

      • 5 months ago

        This. I love Disney and they held my hand as I grew up. In a lot of ways Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, etc. were like family to all of us. Those films were a chance to escape the scary day to day realities a lot of us face if only for a few hours. There were years that went by where I didn’t even need to increase my antidepressant dosage. That is meaningful.

      • 5 months ago

        I can smell the onions from here holy shit

        • 5 months ago

          Brush your teeth?

    • 5 months ago

      It had flaws and was messy, but it was a good payoff nonetheless.
      IW was peak.

  5. 5 months ago

    They tried to up their N game instead

  6. 5 months ago

    It fell off after Infinity War.
    At least before endgame the Hulk being cucked was only a maybe. Endgay had the famous scene where all the women magically grouped up on the battlefield, as well as Fatnite Thor. Despicable.
    And dont even get me started on what they will be doing to my boy Norrin Radd

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, Infinity War was breddy gud. I had a feeling Endgame would be worse, but it sucked even more than expected.

    • 5 months ago

      >Fatnite Thor.
      I saw this and lost all hope for a competent finale. Laughable choices.

    • 5 months ago

      >And dont even get me started on what they will be doing to my boy Norrin Radd
      If Mr. Fantastic is a Hispanic, God know what they will do to Norrin Radd...

    • 5 months ago

      Fat Thor honestly could've worked if the story had leaned more into the fact that he was probably really fricking traumatized from having lost his entire family and his home and then failed the universe. But it never stood a chance if all they wanted to do was "LOL CHEESE WHIZ?"

  7. 5 months ago

    Quality of both directing and special effects dropped off hard. Takai Waititi should be shot. Multiverse removing all importance was actually 2ndary to the new characters apathy and constant quips removing all importance. Quality dropped off, simple as.

    Watch winter soldier, then love and thunder and the differences will be glaring.

    • 5 months ago

      That’s not really fair though. Winter Soldier is a masterpiece. Comparing that to even Thor Dark World is glaring.

      • 5 months ago

        Winter Soldier sucks and and only morons think otherwise.

        • 5 months ago

          We're talking about the MCU here, the bar isn't very high. It's good.

          • 5 months ago

            No, it's not. It's Dark World tier. Story is stupid, too many quips, and tries too hard to be serious.

            • 5 months ago

              when did The Winter Solider have quips?

            • 5 months ago

              Not at all

  8. 5 months ago

    Cultural zeitgeist just shifted. It was the culminated of a decade long arc, and people were just bored with it after.

  9. 5 months ago

    fall off from what, the top of a pile of shit?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, it's now near the bottom of the pile. That's a drop-off.

      • 5 months ago

        do the dynamics of a pile of shit warrant making a thread on them? what kind of person would engage in such a thing?

        • 5 months ago

          Let's be honest, anon. None of us have anything better to do. I already jerked off once today

  10. 5 months ago

    Stories should conclude at some point. The suits are only interested in cash so they're content to keep the mcu going as a sort of metastasized narrative tumour for as long as enough people are willing to gobble it up (that is, forever)

  11. 5 months ago

    They never really thought about what would come next. Else they would have setup the Masters of Evil throughout the last couple of phases and done a proper Thunderbolts movie post Endgame.

    • 5 months ago

      Throwing random crap on the wall worked for phase 1-3

      So they tried that again but this time with even more random shit, a villian that wasn't set up as well as Thanos was, and a bunch of TV shows that they expect people to watch, then go watch the movies


      I also don't know how much it mattered but for phase 1-3 we capped it off with an Avengers movie

      We didn't get that for Phase 4 and presumeably 5, so what's the reward for the people who stuck around waiting for some big payoff? Fricking nothing

      • 5 months ago

        what happend with ironhearth? did they cancel it for good?

      • 5 months ago

        barely made money back
        >Loki s2
        Decent, first and last episode, nothingburger for the moment with loki sidelined
        moronic story about Blades daughter and lilith
        apparently rehoots
        massive reshoots this year from may to aug
        >Secret invasion
        dropped the entire thing on hulu, nobody cared
        >Iron heart
        Reshoots this year... AGAIN
        Reshoots... rewrites... brining back Foggy and Karen.. Apparently it's only for flashbacks and they're not regulars... frickin lol.

        • 5 months ago

          >massive reshoots this year from may to aug

          This shit is going to be worse than The Flash, isn't it?

        • 5 months ago

          Good. I hope this shit burns as long as they keep using corporate stand ins who hate comics as their showrunners.

        • 5 months ago

          >apparently rehoots

          o rly?

    • 5 months ago

      They also wouldn't have fricked the whole way time travel works before introducing the villain who's whole thing is time travel. Unbelievably incompetent.

  12. 5 months ago

    Let's be real, Iron Man 1 to Endgame was the only cinematic universe plot anyone cared about.

    DC should never have chased the gimmick. Stand alones are better.

    • 5 months ago

      This. If you grew up on Iron Man - Avengers. The idea of characters from other movies being in a singular movie made up of all of them was quite novel at the time.

    • 5 months ago

      No, frick that. I hate that the overcorrection to the failed DCEU is every character functioning in isolation again. These characters were conceived with the idea that they interact with each other. Most of the best plotlines and story arcs people would want to adapt feature crossover with other characters. It works in the comics. It works in games. It works in animation. There's nothing inherently wrong with the idea, they just rushed it and did a half-assed job.

      And I don't understand why that logic doesn't work the other way. They made shitty solo Batman movies and shitty solo Superman movies before even trying the shared universe thing, Stand-alone films are no guarantee of quality either. You still have to make a good film either way and I'd rather give the creators more options than less. Let them use it when it suits the plot and just stop mandating it and a pre-determined condition on a set schedule and things will be fine

      • 5 months ago

        If you want actually compelling crossover films like what the Avengers movies did you have to make each character a fully realized character in their own films first. You can't just jump straight into crossovers. You have to let the solo movies do the heavy lifting of establishing the characters and having them go through their formative arcs, so that the crossover can just focus on the interactions of these established characters.

        People know who Batman and Superman are, in abstract, but every writer has their own take on these characters' personalities. Having 2-3 movies each before they meet would firmly establish in people's minds what the cinematic universe versions of Batman and Superman are like, what their actors bring to the table in their portrayal, what to expect from the writing in a movie where they meet. It builds anticipation for it.

        DCEU failed because they rushed into it, they didn't do it properly.

      • 5 months ago

        No frick you, Dark Knight trilogy was kino because it was Batman but somewhat believable, same with making Man of Steel a science fiction movie.

      • 5 months ago

        Batman should most definitely have had a solo flick before making Batman v Superman
        >Wonder Woman got one
        >Aqua Man got one
        >Superman got one
        >even the fricking Flash got one
        but Batman doesn't? Pure moronation.

      • 5 months ago

        >These characters were conceived with the idea that they interact with each other.
        No they weren't.

        • 5 months ago

          Not conceived, but they have been interacting in comic storylines for many decades at this point. I agree with that anon that the problem isn't that they all share a setting, but that the movies in them are not planned out and are just plain shit most of the time.

    • 5 months ago

      man of steal was the only good dceu movie

    • 5 months ago


  13. 5 months ago

    - The leads everyone most cared about were gone.
    - The connective tissue was gone. Nothing was being built up across movies, every post-credit was relevant only to that movie and not to upcoming entries. This lack of connection became too blatant after Eternals had a giant robot god tear out of the earth and another threaten the planet from space, only for this to not be referenced in a single movie
    - Demanding more time from the audiences with streaming series. Phase 4 alone ultimately had as much screentime as the entire Infinity Saga, every single movie put together.
    - The quality dropped hard as oversight was stretched too thin. MCU movies had been competently produced and their stories were cohesive by capeshit standards, now all the movies and shows have plot holes and out of character moments.
    - Kang
    It all added up to kill all momentum and future interest.

    • 5 months ago

      >Phase 4 alone ultimately had as much screentime as the entire Infinity Saga, every single movie put together.

      Holy frick I never realised. Thats abysmal.

      • 5 months ago

        This is why the streaming content was always an inherently doomed endeavor. You don't want to waste the legit characters with actual box office potential by putting their shit DTV, so all the characters getting series are b-tier. But then you wind up the absurd situation of those b-tier characters getting more total screentime than their A-list counterparts.

        The commitment to the whole endeavor becomes exponentially larger as you start adding 5-10 hours of streaming content per season for multiple characters and *in addition* to what's going on with the actual films. And again, all that extra time devoted to keeping up with the ever more tortured continuity is spent with minor, generally less appealing characters.

        Would you rather marathon all the Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America films or spend that same amount of time plus more watching Hawkeye, She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel? They asked for an absolutely INSANE level of commitment. No one wants 100 fricking hours of the dregs of the MCU

        • 5 months ago

          >or spend that same amount of time plus more watching Hawkeye
          Don't threaten me with a good time.

          • 5 months ago

            I tried to find it online this past Christmas, just for Hailee cuteness. No success.

          • 5 months ago

            > That scene where she is tied to the rocking horse.


    • 5 months ago

      Not recasting T'Challa was also a frick up.

  14. 5 months ago

    They fricked in a variety of ways but the biggest one of all was just thinking that they could take Captain America, Iron Man and Hulk and replace them with Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and a bunch of made for tv slop.

    They eliminated the majority of the OG cast but didn't add a single A-list character to replace them because they thought they could sell their scraps at a premium while they took their sweet time with the Fox merger. Pure fricking hubris.

    • 5 months ago

      >they took their sweet time with the Fox merger.
      Fricking hate this

      The first tease we got of the X-men/mutants were in a tv show nobody watched... KEK

      what happend with ironhearth? did they cancel it for good?

      what happend with ironhearth? did they cancel it for good?

      Clout chasers are saying Cap4 + Iron Heart +Agatha are going through MASSIVE reshoots this year

      • 5 months ago

        >b***h has a theme song go viral for two weeks
        >ten years later...

        • 5 months ago

          Thinking every minor supporting character is an IP unto itself is Sony-tier logic. Marvel might as well have hired Amy Pascal

      • 5 months ago

        Just fricking cancel Ironheart already. Her character is terrible in comics, and in MCU are just there and you can tell Coogler was forced to write her.

        • 5 months ago

          That was the dumbest shit in the comic with her teacher. holy frick. I thought it was fake when I heard about it until I actually read it.
          It's a God damn shame what they did to Marvel comics. And now they are forcing that crap into the movies.

          • 5 months ago

            I tried to be positive and think maybe MCU will write her better (this is when MCu was still good and the fact that ITSV, even if it's not MCU managed to make me like Miles) but then Wakanda Forever happened and her character..... is just there.

            Plus Ironheart as a conecpt is pointless (because she was always created as a genderswapped Iron Man). War Machine suits specializes in heavy artillery so that makes him distinctive from Iron Man, but what does Ironheart do. I would've prefered if they make her a melee-focused combatant, like her suit is able to create maces and shit and be the opposite of War Machine while Iron Man is the middle.

    • 5 months ago

      Most of the "A-listers" were complete unknowns to the general public 10 years before Endgame, dumbass.

      Marvel just didn't have the talent to pull the same thing off again, but that doesn't mean it was wrong of them to assume they could.

      • 5 months ago

        The characters? Especially in comparison to other Marvel characters, the big ones, that they could use at the start, were Hulk, Thor, Cap and Iron Man. The latter 3 being 'tThe big 3' Avengers.I
        Characters who are definitely not at that level - Captain Marvel, Falcon, Ant-Man, Shang Chi, ANY of the Eterhals...

        • 5 months ago

          You miss out the big one: Guardians of the Galaxy they're pretty obscure and then became household name. That is why Marvel (and to an even terrible extent, Sony) thinks they can take any obscure characters and make them A-listers through the movies.

      • 5 months ago

        They weren't Batman or Spider-Man tier characters but most of the phase 1 MCU characters were much, much more well known than a lot of the shit they tried to skate by with in the most recent phase. The Hulk has always been incredibly popular and well known. Was one of the few comic characters to get any sort of film or series before the big comic revival in the early 90's. And Captain America wasn't always the most popular guy but people were at last aware of his existence. And Thor is a mythological figure who was known even outside of being a comic character.

        Even if you want to insist the phase 1 characters were mostly b-list then I say the later stage characters were d-tier. Black Widow was never that big a deal even among comic geeks. Carol Danvers was just a footnote in X-Men lore and was dead 90% of the time. Scarlet Witch was Quicksilver's less interesting sister. Vision was one of those later additions to the Avengers that nobody disliked but no one really gave a shit about either. Hawkeye was always an afterthought who was seen as dollar store green arrow.

        You could tell which characters had traction and which didn't just by who could carry n ongoing title. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and the Hulk all had their own individual series for decades. All the characters I just mentioned in the second paragraph either never got their own books to begin with or tried and died after a short run. The tiers were clear and distinct. Marvel just got wienery because GOTG worked out

    • 5 months ago

      >Captain America, Iron Man and Hulk
      They convinced themselves these Avengers were not big names because a successful movie hadn't been made until mid 2000s. The reality is, these characters have always been popular and ancillary Avengers only works when paired with one of these 3. Regardless, they will try to milk solo outings for all the are worth rather than make stories with many characters and storylines that have meaning in the larger connected universe.

  15. 5 months ago

    >Iron Man dead
    >Captain America basically dead
    >Black Widow dead
    >Hulk neutered
    >Thor neutered

    So all the heroes I care about are gonna basically

    Now add a giant dash of having all the movies be filled with ultra gay feminist crap, a fine dose of multiverse overload removing any stakes whatsoever and finally a frickton of TV shows I'll never watch that are canon and central to the plot, and that's my interest 100% removed

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, it was a disaster by their own design.
      They thought it was so big they could put out any character, any slop, any TV show and people would just eat it up.

      People say Iron Man was B-tier before MCU but they're left with C-list or worse and asking people to watch a bunch of TV shows to know who people are isn't going to fly.

      Wandavision was the first MCU TV series and it was during the pandemic. That doesn't mean people are going to watch Ms Marvel.

  16. 5 months ago

    they went too hard on multiverse and tv show shit

  17. 5 months ago

    Iron Man was the lynchpin of the universe. Without him, it's meandering. There's no "main character" in the current phase.
    Also related, all the well-known heroes are dead or retired. What's left are C-listers or A-listers that already finished their character development so they're boring (Thor, Hulk)
    The universe itself is also not engaging. Without superheroes, what does the "universe" provide that's unique? It's all literally just modern-day New York.

  18. 5 months ago

    It's like playing through the sidequests after beating the main story. In your heart you've already moved on.

  19. 5 months ago

    It was the big payoff of all the buildup since avengers 1. It wasn't really all that good. Everybody's favorites (except thor, who they ruined) were retired afterwards. Phase 4 was woke af; nobody likes that shit. Multiverses are lazy and gay. People were getting overwhelmed with and tired of dozens and dozens of superhero movies that were getting pretty lazy, tbh senpai.

  20. 5 months ago

    not enough white males to carry the franchise

  21. 5 months ago

    People were already tired of it but they wanted to see the main Infinity War plot finished. That's what everything they'd watched had been building toward, so they wanted to see it through. But Endgame wasn't even that good, really. It has its moments, but also has egregiously bad parts to it, but people still sat through it to see off the characters they'd gotten attached to, and to finish the plot.

    So with Endgame's load blown and old favorites retiring out of the franchise there's not a lot to hold people to the MCU. Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the last loose ends from the pre-End Game days, and now it's wrapped up too. Sequels to stuff that came out in the run up to Infinity War and End Game are not doing well because people by that point only were watching these new characters because they wanted to see how it tied into the Avengers plotline.

    Nowadays stuff just jumps straight into crossovers and multiverse shit without giving characters any chance to develop independently. Every movie you watch feels like it's referencing a half dozen other things you haven't seen. It's fricking exhausting.

  22. 5 months ago

    because for all intents and purposes it was really the end of the mcu part anybody cared about, all the build up the previous movies had pretty much led to endgame, and with that gone people just no longer felt like keeping up since to them it was the real ending

  23. 5 months ago

    It was literally the Endgame dude. After a couple more movies of clean up, what else is there?

  24. 5 months ago

    Because Endgame was the end of the MCU. It's literally in the title.

  25. 5 months ago

    You mean Infinity War. Endgame was shit especially as the end to a decade long saga.

  26. 5 months ago

    As someone who followed the MCU casually (as 90% of the people), it was already a pain in the ass to go watch some fricking Ant Man movie or Thor 2 or whatever, now they want us to subscribe to Disney Plus and follow a whole fricking series on fricking Wanda, Dr Strange, Loki, Falcon and Winter Soldier, She Hulk etc. Then in the theaters its some fricking chinese guy and eternals, and when its finally someone relevant like Thor, the movie is some half-baked comedy slop. And I don’t care to watch Black Panther’s sister either. Also zero motivation to go to the movies to watch The Marvels when I already know its a guaranteed slop.

  27. 5 months ago

    It went woke.

  28. 5 months ago

    There are a lot of reasons, but the one that I had predicted with my friends, years before, was that they were gonna bring out a bunch of secondary and tertiary characters to the front.
    It happened in the actual comic books and it sure as hell happened in the movies.
    If they had kept featuring the original bunch of Avengers and better known characters people would have gotten bored, sure, but they would still be better shows/movies. What they did to the Hulk was criminal.

  29. 5 months ago

    You mean after Infinity War.

  30. 5 months ago

    Unfocused and casting literal who's with zero star power.
    Even Thor was a who at the beginning but at least he could command a scene.
    Now we have zoomer tiktokers in their first acting role.

    Marvel humour was a reaction to Nolan dystopia imo, but its about time we go full circle to the darkness again.

  31. 5 months ago

    They took a franchise powered by good looking white dudes and tried to pretend that wasn't a factor in their success.

  32. 5 months ago

    captain america and iron man were holding it together, they couldn't even be dragged down by their lame black sidekicks or widow/hawkeye.

    the replacements are laughable, the remaining ones are laughable. the guardians are over and that was their strongest one. spider-man was pretty good but the actor is done. thor went to reddit territory and doctor strange was an absolute fricking mess. the TV shows are largely just awful, I actually kind of like Loki though.

    • 5 months ago

      The only remaining decent character is Hollands Spiderman and Sony's going to play hardball since with him negioationg since Disney wants a new Spidey trilogy + Holland as the lead for Avengers

      Hollands already saying to the public that he's over acting and he doesn't wanna do Spiderman anything, lil man will milk Sony and Disney for all the money he can get, he won

      • 5 months ago

        Based. He probably learned from Downey. That dude leveraged his position better than anyone since Nicholson in Batman

      • 5 months ago

        His career is kaput, no one wants to watch a gay BBC fiend spiderman

      • 5 months ago

        Holland's spiderman movies are the worst of the 3. They are all dry...and Holland is definitely losing his appeal as he ages, unfortunately.

  33. 5 months ago

    There's nowhere to go from here. They popped the proverbial champagne.

  34. 5 months ago

    It didn't. It fell after Multiverse of Madness wasted all the build up.

  35. 5 months ago

    Also, why is the MCU so homosexual? Black Widow was all sex in Iron Man 2 and Avengers and then she became lame and gay. Imagine having Scarlett as a recurring character and not bawdting it up. Her career nude should have been in an x rated black widow movie released immediately after Avengers

    • 5 months ago

      burqa city

    • 5 months ago

      TBF the Black Widow movie did have more Scar Jo ass shots than the rest of the Mcu combined.

      Everyonce and a while female creators/artist are based.

      • 5 months ago

        >Everyonce and a while female creators/artist are based.
        One of the best cheesecake artist in comics is Sana Takeda.

        • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      burqa city

      Woke/feminism ruined everything.
      All they care about is destroying the male gaze over beauty and aesthetics. They are not artists, they are ideologues.

  36. 5 months ago

    You cant get any more cosmic than Thanos and the gauntlet. Other than The celestials and the beyonder. And that shit is beyond normie comprehension so they dont dare frick with it.

  37. 5 months ago

    Iron Man is the only good movie made out of this cancerpile and even that is a 6/10 at most. Marvel before this universe bullshit was actually kino. I loved Ben Affleck's Daredevil and Thomas Jane's Punisher and of course Tobey Maguire.

  38. 5 months ago

    It fell off well before endgame. Everyone just kept up with it out of obligation

  39. 5 months ago

    Most of the MCU up until Infinity War was incredibly middling, but they managed to bring it all together and then gave basically everyone a big farewell.
    Then they tried kicking off some new heroes, but politically motivated choices turned out to be more damaging than Marvel or Disney thought possible on top of COVID shutting down the theaters. So now they're trying to push another Thanos-type big bad storyline, but there's not even a foundation to build off of, like when Iron Man catapulted superheroes back into the spotlight.

  40. 5 months ago

    >Why did the MCU fall off so hard after Avengers?

  41. 5 months ago

    Endgame itself was a fall from infinity war

    • 5 months ago

      yes it was. it should have been better

  42. 5 months ago

    No leading men. RDJ and Evans were the only ones with charisma who weren't getting constantly emasculated. With them gone who the frick is gonna sell the wacky CGI battles as something audiences should take seriously. Paul Rudd? Tom Holland? Not happening.

  43. 5 months ago

    >Why did the MCU fall off so hard after Endgame?

    They are actually genuinely fricking brain damaged.

    It is un-fricking-fathomable how they could shred the Cap brand into oblivion instantly after Endgame.

    The Russos directed 4 of the best superhero films ever made and they fricking gave Sam's first film to someone whose only credits are a utterly panned Cloverfield sequel and some woke arthouse garbage about a ex child soldier destroying his teacher's life because she busted his friend for drugs. AND it's being written by the "stop calling them terrorist" guy, likely the worst most cringy moment in MCU history.

    Imagine what else they could have done...
    > Bucky as Cap
    > Bucky & Sam as dual Caps
    > Frank Simpson / Nuke
    > Adapt the story with Zemo putting Bucky on trial for his Winter Soldier crimes at the top of the statue of liberty.
    > Fighting The Man with No Face and a topical Chinese communist threat (China would not like the film anyway because of the black lead)
    > NOT have Buck/Sam act like deranged dicks to Walker.
    > NOT have Sam sympathize with genocidal antifa stand-ins just because the b***h is multiracial.

    Instead we are getting Sam molded into a fricking despicable far left lunatic fighting Trump stand ins & Hulk villains (1 who has not been seen since 2008 the other recast with a tired iconic actor dead certain to sleep walk through his role) without Bruce written/directed by some of the worst people possible.

  44. 5 months ago

    >non shitty MCU thread on Cinemaphile
    The frick

    • 5 months ago

      found that mexican teenager in every Cinemaphile thread

      • 5 months ago

        Ok esl, time to walk your goat.

        • 5 months ago

          fricking lawl this brown kid actually got mad. epic for the win!

          • 5 months ago

            found that mexican teenager in every Cinemaphile thread

            Based anon.

      • 5 months ago

        >can't understand perfect english
        Stop entering every thread.

        • 5 months ago

          you tell em, pedro! viva la california!

          • 5 months ago

            >speaking spanish
            Point. Set. Match.

            • 5 months ago

              >im winning on Cinemaphile fellow browns
              atta boy

  45. 5 months ago

    Get woke go broke.

  46. 5 months ago

    This dude can punch The Hulk into unconsciousness with his bare hands. What the frick does he need a sword for? Anything his hits with his fists is going to tear apart like paper. Christ capeshit is so fricking dumb.

  47. 5 months ago

    MCU was always a fad. It was a fad that lasted for years but a fad none the less. It was going to falter off eventually.

  48. 5 months ago

    They should have kept Chris Evans around for a bit longer after RDJ left. Getting rid of both of your main guys in one movie was one of the killing blows to the audience's investment

  49. 5 months ago

    Basically, they choked on the resolution to Infinity War - Endgame has some great moments, but as the finale to the entire Infinity Saga up to that point, it severely falls short - and then after Endgame it became obvious they had no idea what they were doing.

    At first it almost seemed like they were being intentionally malicious - Quicksilver being "Boner" in WandaVision, the Illuminati meaning nothing, wasting Wanda when she was one of the most beloved characters at the time (and later intentionally turning MODOK into a joke) - but then it became obvious that they were in fact just stupid.

    The writing (for both the shows and the movies) became noticeably, nonsensically awful and the SPFX dropped off, both of which came from Disney being unable to decide on what the frick they wanted to do with any given project. Previously beloved characters suddenly became shit (Sam just immediately gives up Steve's shield without even trying first? Sharon is a criminal now? Everything involving Wanda?). When they do manage to introduce fun and interesting new characters, like Shang-Chi, Kate Bishop, Moon Knight, Werewolf by Night, or Elsa Bloodstone, they don't capitalize on it and we never hear from them again.

    They threw the baby out with the bathwater when they turned Wakanda Forever into an on-screen funeral for Chadwick Boseman instead of just recasting T'Challa.

    They've been building up to the Thunderbolts for years now and who knows when the frick the movie is gonna happen.

    Thanos was built up as the ultimate evil; Kang has been beaten three times now by solo heroes.

    She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is one of the most nothing TV shows I have ever personally seen and it has the audacity to antagonize (what should be) its target demographic.

    They keep trying to make shit characters like Echo, Agatha, and Ironheart headliners when we already have plenty of old and new characters worth getting focusing on.

    I could probably keep going, but it's late and I'm tired.

    • 5 months ago

      >When they do manage to introduce fun and interesting new characters, like Shang-Chi

      • 5 months ago

        I thought the movie was fun. I liked the "mystical fantasy martial arts with dragons" thing it had going on. It's certainly better than 95% of the shit that came after it.

    • 5 months ago

      > At first it almost seemed like they were being intentionally malicious - Quicksilver being "Boner" in WandaVision, the Illuminati meaning nothing, wasting Wanda when she was one of the most beloved characters at the time (and later intentionally turning MODOK into a joke) - but then it became obvious that they were in fact just stupid

      This. For ppl that actually enjoyed up through Endgame, the MCU had a lot of goodwill that immediately started getting undone with these stunts.

  50. 5 months ago

    >Single best character fricking dies, explicitly for the purpose of making that hero into a sassy black teenage girl
    >Killed off the breasts and ass as well
    >The hulk is now the most powerful soiboi on earth
    >Made Thor, the peak of masculinity, humor and strength into a fat crying slob basically for a laugh, because they undo it by the end of the film and it serves zero purpose, also contradicting his character arcs in his previous films
    >Had an entire montage of strong womyn being strong and "helping" arguably the best superhero on the male cast after he basically b***hes out under pressure (spiderman can kill anything if he doesn't pull his punches, aliens are ez pickings) just so they can get a good shot of the c**ts in one frame, as half of them (being useless) are left behind while all the powerful ones can fly forward and attempt to do one-third the damage Cap, Stark and Thor do in 2 minutes over the next 10 minutes
    >Heavily implied Captain Marvel would be the new leader, which is probably the dumbest combo of casting and writing decision in the entire MCU
    >To top it all off they have a post fight scene where Cap gets catharsis and closure while also removing any chance for his character to be replaced in a reasonable way (Mackie is too much of a smug c**t and not even remotely intimidating, especially when you consider that he is given the shield, wtf is he gonna do with that he's a normie)

    Yeah basically the moment Stark died 85% of the audience mentally checked out. Especially the dudes in the audience. They knew where this was going.

    tl:dr is that they either killed or butchered every remaining character that had any goodwill left in the core MCU cast. And all of their followup TV shows and movies sucked as well, it was obvious from the first trailer with nearly all of them too.

    • 5 months ago

      thank god I left early

      • 5 months ago

        >We can remain uninterested longer than they can remain solvent.

    • 5 months ago

      if I remember they put Thor missing eye back

    • 5 months ago

      >the moment Stark died 85% of the audience mentally checked out. Especially the dudes in the audience
      very good synopsis and true
      I was actually relieved to not having to watch any more of these capeshits.

  51. 5 months ago

    Because as soon as I saw this poster I knew it was over, Endgame was thankfully close enough to be a convenient place to stop.

    • 5 months ago

      Why the frick is Gemma Chan on that poster? Her character is "Female Kree" and she has like two lines.

      • 5 months ago

        I wouldn't know I never watched it and I skipped all the feminist scenes in endgame.

    • 5 months ago

      It was a seriously misplaced movie.
      Forget the woke garbage and unlikeable lead, jus it's place in the MCU timeline was a disaster.
      Why not put Black Widow in between IW and EG? It would give Widow a beautiful last hurrah and make her send off in EG more impactful.
      Instead we got this, a character that couldn't exist in the MCU yet due to her being too powerful, so they just fricking wrote her out of the movie and ignored her anyway.
      Then we got Black Widow after EG, when ScarJo was already dead and no one cared about her character.
      Some suit at Disney wanted to push Brie hard no matter the costs, and it created this mess.

  52. 5 months ago

    everyone had been mentally checked out before that. End game just delivered that final nail

  53. 5 months ago

    Because every single movie that came after was bleak and depressing.

    Dr. Strange could have held the whole franchise together but instead of making a fun adventure movie about him they put him in a pseudo horror with psycho scarlet witch.

    The next Spiderman movies were about him being a failure.

    Captain Marvel is a charisma vacuum.

    The next GoG movie killed off that franchise.

  54. 5 months ago

    >retire or kill all the popular characters
    >huh why did people lose interest

  55. 5 months ago

    It was already getting stale but people wanted closure.

  56. 5 months ago

    It fell before, right after they changed Thanos model to this shit after Guardians 1.

  57. 5 months ago

    What storylines were actually left open post-Endgame?

    Loki from the time travel shit. Was that it?

  58. 5 months ago

    the multiverse shit sucks and just exists so that they can do shitty basedgasm cameos and it's such a failure they're already backpedalling on it. it also ruins the feeling of there being "one world" which is what made the mcu so popular
    all the heroes people liked either retired or died
    tried to replace iconic heroes with literal fricking whos nobody cares about while upping the diversity casting to obnoxious levels. they think that because it worked with guardians of the galaxy it'll work for anyone when the reason it worked for guardians was because it was made by people who gave a frick about it and not the morons they usually hire
    movies more concerned with trying to make some kind of point about a social issue or bait outrage instead of being fun capeshit romps

  59. 5 months ago



    • 5 months ago

      Marvel goes bankrupt and all rights are sold to someone who can do it right.
      I pick this one.

  60. 5 months ago

    Who wants to see my opinions

    I think they ran out of steam and the focus on the unimportant and non-White characters and women has been letting them down.

    Cpt America Winter Soldier was quite good, if israelites etc want to rope in more White men they should move back to that more dark, political and thriller-esque stuff.

    Eternals was extremely bad - a cast of nobodies, women and browns, and weird heros nobody cares about, obviously that movie tanked. If they made movies with hot women and cool strong White men, people would watch. It cant be that hard.

    • 5 months ago

      I agree with your takes

    • 5 months ago

      >Eternals was extremely bad
      Eternals is annoying because there's the bones of a good story there, if they'd made a movie with ONE plot instead of FIVE.

      "Immortal tires of living forever" is not an uncommon plot. You could do a lot with it. But it needs room to breathe.

      But no, we had to throw everything into a blender and tack on Earth X's climax without any of the fun stuff from Earth X's dystopian future.

  61. 5 months ago

    Deadpool 3 - potentially good

    Captain America without Captain America - very weird and bad premise

    Fantastic Four - no idea but we know the heros so it sounds promising

    Thunderbolts - seems like this is gonna be The Marvels v2, so bad

    Blade - might be good but who knows. If its a black actor and he pulls it off I will watch it. Depends on a lot on the actor. It musn't be the wienery type like Denzel Washington or Jamie Foxx, or the charismaless John Washington (Tenet, Last Voyage of the Demeter)

    Next "Avengers" - who knows

    So anyway this year will be quiet on the Marvel front. I'm looking forward to Furiosa. Really looking forward to the next Furiosa trailer than I am DP3

  62. 5 months ago

    Mcu fell off after iron man 1

    • 5 months ago

      Don't worry, they will remake it.

  63. 5 months ago

    Movie fans aren't as moronic as comic book fans. They won't accept endless stories with multiversal incursions and constant reboots without getting bored and just not showing up anymore. After endgame the MCU had no Direction and just started throwing everything they could at the wall.

    Dr Doom won't save the MCU, the Fantastic Four won't save the MCU, a new Avengers with an all white cast won't save the MCU. It's over

  64. 5 months ago

    Post nut clearity

  65. 5 months ago

    > Push Carol as their lead female.
    > Carol doesn't connect with audiences.
    > Wanda becomes the most popular female instead.
    > They decide to completely trash Wanda and make her irredeemable, turning her into a campy cartoonish one-dimensional villain.

  66. 5 months ago

    was dead on arrival!

    nobody gives a flying frick about unsexy female heroes

  67. 5 months ago

    Should have stopped with IW
    It was the best capeshit could muster and had a kino ending
    Endgame was already a big downgrade because of time travel frickery and pretty much no villain

  68. 5 months ago

    Because Disney is full of so many Communist subversives that they can’t even resist subverting themselves.

  69. 5 months ago

    There's no point to it, the early MCU movies had the premise of introducing heroes to form the Avengers, then it moved into building up for Thanos and Endgame. There's no narrative frame for the new movies to exist in. Kang and the multiverse doesn't count because multiverses suck, Kang sucks and even if they both didn't suck Disney did a piss poor job actually establishing any of it.

  70. 5 months ago

    comic book movies have never been kino
    it's like arguing over whether a big mac or a whopper deserves a Michelin star.

    • 5 months ago

      >comic book movies have never been kino

      but they were VERY rare

  71. 5 months ago

    Jonathan Majors has an” I kill white women” vibe. Same vibe as an animal shelter pitbull. That attitude of killing someone and then being like “shiiiit I just lost myself for a little there, what you gonna punish me for that???”

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