Why did the revival fail?

Why did the revival fail?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Are they actually funny? I watched half of an episode/movie once, kinda comfy but I only laughed once.

    • 7 months ago

      If you're talking about the original then yea it's funny. They did make fun of a lot of minor pop culture things that at the time were fresh and relevant, think of Dana Carvey's Ross Parot impressions having boomers rofl. They also dropped inside jokes that literally no one but them and their friends would get. If you're really young, <25 you might think it sucks unless you are a huge nerd that knows a lot about old obscure pop culture.

    • 7 months ago

      Originally, hysterically so, now, not at all.

  2. 7 months ago

    Didn't they gender-swap Crow? wtf is that? I can handle a new human host that isn't Joel or Mike, but not having Trace/Bill or Kevin as Crow and Tom Servo was a deal-breaker for me, their personalities and deliveries helped define them more than the on-screen puppets.

    • 7 months ago

      Crow was voiced by a guy in the first Netflix season no idea why they changed it, but I think he's still a man

  3. 7 months ago

    Boomer show, and boomers moved on to watching black dudes react to starwars on youtube.

    • 7 months ago

      99% of youtube views are from third worlders or children

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, and?

        • 7 months ago

          just pointing out the fault in

          Boomer show, and boomers moved on to watching black dudes react to starwars on youtube.

          's assertion

    • 7 months ago

      the good thing about the black reaction channels is they can actually watch some old kino and get views for it
      when some average frumpy girl watches a movie she only gets views for watching the most popular blockbusters that everyone else has reacted to

    • 7 months ago

      No boomers moved over to Rifftrax which ended up becoming tame, inoffensive humor.

    • 7 months ago

      No boomers moved over to Rifftrax which ended up becoming tame, inoffensive humor.

      Anybody who claims 'boomers' doing something is automatically wrong

      It's almost a bigger useless meme than 'slop' at this point

      • 7 months ago

        >Anybody who claims 'boomers' doing something is automatically wrong
        >It's almost a bigger useless meme than 'slop' at this point
        MST3K fans are Gen-X for the most part. I'm ok with the Baby Boomer generation taking the blame while the angel of death passes over us.

        Real answer? Taken from a website that shall not be named and posted by some random liberal puke:
        >"Joel refuses to acknowledge the core elements of what made MST the success it once was.

        >Small amount of writers firing on all cylinders, that droll Midwestern charm, writing for the characters rather than three almost totally interchangeable personalities, cheap sets that look like you could have cobbled them together yourself.

        >Instead he wants to run things like a regular TV show, which is ironic considering it was MST's not having to do that which lead to all the conditions that made it great.

        Joel is bitter because his idea didn't actually need him and in fact got better with Mike starring.

        The other thing that cannot be overstated is how much the show depended on the camaraderie of the people involved. Joel is the original creator, but this made him jealous of other people working on the show. He's a very passive aggressive person who will go silent, brood, and then announce something to the world without telling the people he's been working with.
        This is true of MST3K, Cinematic Titanic, and his personal relationships. I won't tell you anything that's not public, but he's a very shitty person. An butthole. And one of the biggest self aggrandizers I've ever known.
        Add to that he now only hires people he perceives as less funny than he is, and his hate for Mike style riffs, and you have the recipe for the shows creative failure.
        The business failure is obvious to all. Shouldn't have tried to israelite them out of more money on Kickstarter, Jojo.

        >Add to that he now only hires people he perceives as less funny than he is
        This IS an actual boomer trait. It partially explains why nothing works anymore. Boomers love to hire people who they know sucks when they're on the way out.

        • 7 months ago

          >Joel is bitter because his idea didn't actually need him and in fact got better with Mike starring.

          Is this insider-anon, or is this some guy's opinion?

          • 7 months ago

            No, I didn't say that. But he's right. Jim Mallon and Joel fell out over several personal issues that came to a head with the possibility of doing Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie.
            Joel walked away from the series (and eventual film) with an attitude of "okay, I'll watch you fail without me." And that didn't happen, obviously, which made him hate Mallon even more, but also widening the rift between him and Mike.
            He used to quote this thing he came up with all the time. He said "I've made one hit show. That's one more than you can say."
            I think that sums up Joel.

            • 7 months ago

              Meh the show still got cancelled and had to go to the sci fi channel and then got cancelled again
              It was never a massive success

            • 7 months ago

              >that came to a head with the possibility of doing Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie.
              >Joel walked away from the series (and eventual film) with an attitude of "okay, I'll watch you fail without me."

              This astounds me. Like, how could he have lacked that much faith in it? It does play almost like another episode, which I like, was I supposed to hate it?

              >but also widening the rift between him and Mike.
              So that passive-aggressive stuff he said on tour about the show being "all wrong" because instead of it being on a Satellite of Love, it's now a spaceship of love, was for real?

              >He used to quote this thing he came up with all the time. He said "I've made one hit show. That's one more than you can say."
              >I think that sums up Joel.

              If true, sad, BUT I am able to divorce myself from reality and the show and can "live" in the old episodes and judge old Joel accordingly. Thanks for the insights, anon. If you got any more, I am all ears.

            • 7 months ago

              >And that didn't happen, obviously, which made him hate Mallon even more, but also widening the rift between him and Mike.
              How did Mallon end up with the right in the first place? Did Joel sell them when he walked away? "The Bots are Back" cartoon shorts has to be one of the cringiest attempts at using an IP I've ever seen.

              • 7 months ago

                He basically always had them. KTMA was under Mallon's stewardship, and he had a mess of movies that he was allowed to air which all sucked. And Joel was back from his failed attempt at a Hollywood career.
                The two put their respective halves together like the Wonder Twins, and you got MST3K. Now Mallon's shitty movies had an audience, and Joel had all the business side handled by someone who knew how.
                This would have been fine if Joel knew how to collaborate, but he basically felt that the show was his and everyone there just worked for him. Despite that not being the case, either on paper (Best Brains was more Mallon's thing than Joel's), or in the day to day where everyone else was doing it as a cooperative creative thing.
                That said, Mallon is kind of an butthole himself, but nowhere near the villain Joel tries to cast him as. Your example of the animated shorts is a good one. Mallon is the business side, Joel (and others) the creative side. And we've now seen both of them fail when they ventured out of their area.

  4. 7 months ago

    They just weren't funny. They're saying stuff throughout the movie, but it's like they're constantly firing off random non-sequiturs and not really watching it. It was extremely off-putting to watch.

    • 7 months ago

      brings to mind the space ghost coast to coast episode with mike and he tries, in vain, to explain why you can't just immediately make fun of a movie.

      • 7 months ago

        Yea I can't remember if it was a special feature or con panel but I remember listening to them talk about how all 8(?) Crew members would spend the better half of the week watching the movie over and over while recording the audio until they got what they felt was enough good shit. Then slap it all together and record the master audio/video for the episode. It's really an amazing amount of dedication for a small team, true genius shit.

    • 7 months ago

      Alien from LA proves you’re full of shit alone.

      • 7 months ago

        Guess I missed the one good episode, huh?

      • 7 months ago

        Wasn't that original MST3K?

    • 7 months ago

      I get the impression that the Revival is what happens when Millennial Coasties are tasked with reviving a Midwest Gen X show.

      • 7 months ago

        More like what happens when it's about the cash and not the love.

      • 7 months ago

        That's just what happened.

    • 7 months ago

      I get the impression that the Revival is what happens when Millennial Coasties are tasked with reviving a Midwest Gen X show.

      It can be both.

    • 7 months ago

      Joel has lost touch and is allowing others to write a show intended for those with the most real ADD diagnoses.

  5. 7 months ago

    Because the movies they are lamely lampooning are always better than whatever dumb shit these hasbeens pinch out. That and the shitty overlay. That there is grounds for instant termination. No survivors.

    Basically it's genuinely unfunny and cringe.

  6. 7 months ago

    Im not fixing your show without a consultation fee Joel

  7. 7 months ago

    Because evil can only twist and not create

  8. 7 months ago

    when did luffy start voicing one of the bots

  9. 7 months ago

    Patton Oswalt

    • 7 months ago

      This can't be said enough. Even without the Weib-killer meme weren't a thing, it's still like having Maculay (however you spell that coke-nose's name) Culkin on RLM, it's totally transforms the quaint modest show made with love into a hateful corporate product.

  10. 7 months ago

    >1. Old movies nobody knows, a lot black and white, fairly unpopular.
    2. NEW POPULAR movies, most people know, that are in hd and good color/effects/remastered/whatever.

    Which would you chose to make fun of?
    1 or 2? Cause I would enjoy 2, but not sure if i'm one of few?

  11. 7 months ago

    Too many cooks

    • 7 months ago

      OP: Because Gamer Girl UwU c**t is a shitty actress and a vapid person in real life. She's so fricking tedious it's not worth the trouble.

      the phrase or the meme video?
      >both is an acceptable answer

  12. 7 months ago

    From the episodes I watched it seemed they try to hard to riff it and the riffing is all over the place. I don't know where they got the cast, I don't find any of them all that entertaining. I know that they tried to keep the spirit of the original, using host segments and effects but it just feels different.

    It's run by Joel, and Mike was always a better fit for the show in my opinion. His involvement in the skits also made for the best ones even in the Joel era, and his riffs are just funnier.
    It could be nostalgia goggles because original MST3K would also drop in these now extremely dated references to local cultural things but somehow that works better than modern mst3k making a riff about instagram.

    I also feel like old MST3K would let the movies "breathe" more, they had a better feeling for the cadence of their jokes than the modern casts have done. I like the emily riffer, I think she's one of the better riffers. The bots are pretty bad.

    • 7 months ago

      This is pretty much it. At times they are just yelling out riff after riff. Also the robots suck now.

  13. 7 months ago

    Patton Oswalt killed his wife, someone post the picture

    • 7 months ago

      He took a picture of killing his wife?

  14. 7 months ago

    Real answer? Taken from a website that shall not be named and posted by some random liberal puke:
    >"Joel refuses to acknowledge the core elements of what made MST the success it once was.

    >Small amount of writers firing on all cylinders, that droll Midwestern charm, writing for the characters rather than three almost totally interchangeable personalities, cheap sets that look like you could have cobbled them together yourself.

    >Instead he wants to run things like a regular TV show, which is ironic considering it was MST's not having to do that which lead to all the conditions that made it great.

    • 7 months ago

      >that droll Midwestern charm,
      I was about to make a joke that they should have had Charlie Berens as the jumpsuit guy but now that I think about it that would actually work.

      • 7 months ago

        Well yea, he's from Wisconsin just like Mike.

    • 7 months ago

      The other thing that cannot be overstated is how much the show depended on the camaraderie of the people involved. Joel is the original creator, but this made him jealous of other people working on the show. He's a very passive aggressive person who will go silent, brood, and then announce something to the world without telling the people he's been working with.
      This is true of MST3K, Cinematic Titanic, and his personal relationships. I won't tell you anything that's not public, but he's a very shitty person. An butthole. And one of the biggest self aggrandizers I've ever known.
      Add to that he now only hires people he perceives as less funny than he is, and his hate for Mike style riffs, and you have the recipe for the shows creative failure.
      The business failure is obvious to all. Shouldn't have tried to israelite them out of more money on Kickstarter, Jojo.

      • 7 months ago

        >He's a very passive aggressive person
        I know, I met him*. He's ok, though, I've met passive aggressive who are also narcissists, and that's not Joel, but man, I hear ya. Having said, that I am grateful to him for creating the best TV show ever.

        >I won't tell you anything that's not public, but he's a very shitty person. An butthole. And one of the biggest self aggrandizers I've ever known.
        If true, not surprised and it doesn't surprise me, nor does it ruin the show because people tend to get meaner, not nicer over the years, and he IS a Boomer, so he's stupid in profound ways that can't be helped, but again, I forgive him because of all the good times he caused.
        I wish you could say more, but I hear you.

        *back in 2017 during the tour, had a great time, but it was tacky that he had donors pat themselves on the back and acted like regular customers didn't deserve as much praise. meh.

        • 7 months ago

          Already said too much, but I'll add that his directive to "NEVER attack the movie, only laugh WITH the film" leads to a lot of classic style riffs being thrown away in favor of toothless trash "commentary" nobody even chuckles at.
          Part of what's baked into him is this feeling that he's now bigger than the movies they riff and it's "punching down" which is again a sort of narcissistic viewpoint and also deflates what could have been halfway decent.
          Another thing I'll say is that the fast pace and inability to let the movie breathe is intentional. It's less bad than it was initially, because now they at least record together instead of separately. But it's a "keep them off their darn phones" move which has always been wrongheaded for the medium.
          Oh, while I'm at it, he rejected doing the movies on YouTube as a channel out of hand because he thinks of himself as being someone who works in television, and that's too much a step down. Vainglorious moves once again.

          This is getting into AVGNTruth levels of nonsense. Why is Reddit like this
          >I don’t like a thing
          >here is some psychological problems I imagine someone I don’t know has

          As for you, believe whatever you want. I'm just sick of watching someone I once considered a friend (and a reasonable guy who got fricked over by Mallon) reveal himself as a doddering old hack throwing away all the goodwill he ever had, while simultaneously running what we had into the ground.

          • 7 months ago

            > Another thing I'll say is that the fast pace and inability to let the movie breathe is intentional
            I just turned off an X-Files rifftrax because (I’m assuming) Pearl wouldn’t let 2-3 seconds go by without chiming in. That’s not the way it works for me at all

            • 7 months ago

              I can't stand that rapid fire crap. Let it breathe, damn it. To be honest, I never really liked either version of Pearl, but at least Mary Jo Pehl has solid comedic delivery. The new Synthia just isn't working for me, and her Gypsy is even worse.

              • 7 months ago

                >I can't stand that rapid fire crap. Let it breathe
                Isn't is crazy that the mid-western creator of the entire show's format did this? How someone can even be that immune from comic timing is astounding, let alone to attain a position to wreck a diamond like mst3k with their rank buffoonery. That's the thing, the new generation (and Joel's apparently) is that pure idiocy is now the rule
                >JUST SPIT OUT JOKES AT 700MPH
                >SOME GOTTA STICK RITE

          • 7 months ago

            >Already said too much,
            Doubtful, no offense, but what you said is generic enough that I am sure Joel would have no idea who you are.

            >but I'll add that his directive to "NEVER attack the movie, only laugh WITH the film" leads to a lot of classic style riffs being thrown away in favor of toothless trash "commentary" nobody even chuckles at.

            That's odd because Joel has directly attacked many films.

            >Another thing I'll say is that the fast pace and inability to let the movie breathe is intentional. It's less bad than it was initially, because now they at least record together instead of separately. But it's a "keep them off their darn phones" move which has always been wrongheaded for the medium.
            Ah, that's makes twisted sense.

            >Oh, while I'm at it, he rejected doing the movies on YouTube as a channel out of hand because he thinks of himself as being someone who works in television, and that's too much a step down. Vainglorious moves once again.

            ..well, I can kind of see his point, but your point means more in the long run to fans that he clearly does not understand anymore because youtube saved his ass.

            • 7 months ago

              >Doubtful, no offense, but what you said is generic enough that I am sure Joel would have no idea who you are.
              It was intended to be. I also took pains to alter my phrasing a little, can't serve myself up to him on a silver platter. His minions do read these threads and the Facebook comments. (The same ones who are writers on the show. Imagine a fan who grew up loving the show and finally gets to join it... Only to be tasked with Facebook comment trawling. A fate worse than death.)
              >That's odd because Joel has directly attacked many films.
              Yeah, like I've been implying, hypocrisy isn't even a roadbump to Joel.
              >..well, I can kind of see his point, but your point means more in the long run to fans that he clearly does not understand anymore because youtube saved his ass.
              I know. Joel doesn't do the internet. He watches television and doesn't engage with online anything. He has minions for that now. It's the other half of why he wouldn't do a YouTube channel. He doesn't want comments and a back and forth. "I'll do the commenting, thanks." He's a top-down guy trying to force that model onto a time period of media consumption and participation that just doesn't want it to be that way.
              Anyway, it's off my chest, I feel better. Sorry that Joel crashed the show, but at least you'll always have Rifftrax.

              • 7 months ago

                >Imagine a fan who grew up loving the show and finally gets to join it... Only to be tasked with Facebook comment trawling.
                Is that you or them? Not asking with snark at all.

                >>That's odd because Joel has directly attacked many films.
                >Yeah, like I've been implying, hypocrisy isn't even a roadbump to Joel.

                Sounds like a neighbor who is always right and vaguely thinks he's God.

                >Joel doesn't do the internet. He watches television and doesn't engage with online anything
                wut the fuc

                >He doesn't want comments and a back and forth. "I'll do the commenting, thanks.
                wow. Makes me wonder if he was some dark meta meta joke.

                >He's a top-down guy trying to force that model onto a time period of media consumption and participation that just doesn't want it to be that way.
                >Anyway, it's off my chest, I feel better. Sorry that Joel crashed the show, but at least you'll always have Rifftrax.

                well, shit. thanks, anon, whoever you are; I appreciate all the hard work that's been done on mst3k throughout the years, having been a fan since around 1997, and I wish you the very best in life!

      • 7 months ago

        This is getting into AVGNTruth levels of nonsense. Why is Reddit like this
        >I don’t like a thing
        >here is some psychological problems I imagine someone I don’t know has

    • 7 months ago

      Who is this semen demon?

      • 7 months ago

        Some Brazilian tomboy

  15. 7 months ago

    I assume because riff Trax exists. Why does Cinemaphile never talk about riff Trax?

    • 7 months ago

      It doesn't have the same magic of mst3k, but it comes close. The Star Wars holiday special feels exactly like an episode of mst3k, though, 1000%.

    • 7 months ago

      Try lurking more

      • 7 months ago

        You're an insufferable homosexual. Consider suicide.

        • 7 months ago

          It’s perfectly sensible advice. Sorry you’re too busy and important or whatever. I literally downloaded some stupid talking cat movie because of a rifftrax related thread earlier today. Why don’t you START a rifftrax thread you monumentally fat lazy fricking spastic?

          • 7 months ago

            I'm not about to get in a pissing match about how much time I waste on this website. Either post a link to prove how i need to lurk more or shut the frick up.

            • 7 months ago

              You’re literally posting in a rifftrax/mst3k thread. what the frick do you want? Recommendations? THEN ASK. Stop being a whiny homosexual. Why the frick are you opposed to starting your own Rifftrax thread? Do you want me to do it for you and link it?

              • 7 months ago

                You failed a basic either/or. MST is different enough than RT and I was the first to mention it ITT. I asked why I don't see it mentioned more. I guess I was asking if people view it the same, better, or worse than MST. I'm really sorry if you can't into discussion without resorting to "I'm so much better at channing than you" style of arguments. Again, kys.

              • 7 months ago

                Why are you avoiding the question? Why won’t you start a Rifftrax thread?

              • 7 months ago

                Because we're in a thread about why mst3k revival failed you colossal homosexual. I directly answered the question in OP and made an off hand indirect remark about how riff Trax is better. It doesn't need its own thread to compare and contrast the two. Are you that fricking moronic?

              • 7 months ago

                > I asked why I don't see it mentioned more.
                And the first response you got was all you need: lurk more. You don’t see them because the board moves too fast with asinine shit. The other responses you get are a suitable follow up: make threads if you think they’re lacking. It’s not rocket science.

              • 7 months ago

                The two of you need to take your clothes off and insert your penises deeply into each other, if you get my drift.

  16. 7 months ago

    Millennials aren't funny

    • 7 months ago

      Of course not because true suffering brings the best comedy out of guys and most millys have never suffered.

  17. 7 months ago

    Asking for too much money for a no budget cult show.
    Joel should just put it on Tubi and hire the cinematic titanic crew back
    >inb4 rifftrax
    Cinematic Titanic was funnier than riff trax though it had less episodes so it might have run into the same problems RT did where they just ran out of steam.

    • 7 months ago

      He also didn't do the show any favors by hiring a wife-murderer.

      • 7 months ago

        I assume Oswald and that lady were actually fans and help get the show some new fans
        Though in reality , it wasn’t worth it. Joel was doing CT with Pearl, Frank, Weinstein and trace so they could have come back as mads
        I think Joel wanted to hand the show over to newer people instead of just being an old guy doing jokes about 1970s commercials , which was probably a good idea in theory

        • 7 months ago

          >Though in reality , it wasn’t worth it
          Yeah no kidding. His presence alone has made me swear off ever watching 99.99% of the new stuff (the tour without him and Joe Camel was awesome).

    • 7 months ago

      >Cinematic Titanic was funnier than riff trax though
      btw how does anyone like it? The format is moronic. I hate how the screen image is tiny because DURR WE GOTTA STAND ITDZ LIKE DAD TIT-TAN-ICK!

      • 7 months ago

        I don’t like just hearing the voices in rifftrax. It’s boring
        The live stuff for cinematic titanic was always better than their regular shows though.

  18. 7 months ago

    Wrong sounding bots, too much pandering, and blatant political affiliations.

  19. 7 months ago

    Wish rifftrax would stop with the “doing an old mst3k” episode bit
    It’s never as good as the original

  20. 7 months ago

    It failed because they didn't make nick mullen one of the robots

    • 7 months ago

      Holy SHIT that would be so EPIC

  21. 7 months ago

    Hey, anon, the one who knows the inside dope, can you tell me this: Does Joel hate the fans? I hope that's not the case, but does he?

    • 7 months ago

      He sure acts like it.

      • 7 months ago

        Which anon is this? And can you give an example if you are mst3k-insider-anon?

  22. 7 months ago

    Too tame for modern times. Needs more swearing and meta jokes.

    • 7 months ago


  23. 7 months ago

    eh partially messed that up, but you got me.
    R.I.P. mst3k.

  24. 7 months ago

    Mike was always better

  25. 7 months ago

    They stopped circulating the tapes.

    • 7 months ago

      Ironically they never did stop, but yer joke is appreciated.

  26. 7 months ago

    Rifftrax is less charming than MST because I really liked the characters, now they're just some human comedians

    • 7 months ago

      The secret is to rip the audio, then generate your own Mike n' the 'bots silhouettes, then edit them together. You are most welcome.

    • 7 months ago

      I've never found MST even slightly funny because the movies are awful to begin with. Rifftrax has movies that are at least halfway competent, with occasionally funny comments.

      Or at least it did like 6 years ago when I last watched one, I don't know what it's like now.

      • 7 months ago


  27. 7 months ago

    It's a revival built on top of a broken friendship. It was never the movies, the robots, the jokes, it was them.

    • 7 months ago

      So basically, mst3k is ripe for an unauthorized biopic.

  28. 7 months ago

    >Why did the revival fail?
    They asked for too much money. It's always been inferior to RiffTrax.

  29. 7 months ago

    I love MST3K and I barely understand what they're doing now. Netflix seasons weren't good but at least it made sense that they had a new host, new bot voices, and new mads. It was too polished and felt off but that had to be expected. That didn't inspire enough confidence to buy in on the Gizmoplex stuff and I'm completely clueless about what's going on. I clicked on one on Tubi and Joel was hosting and Servo and Crow were women and apparently there's multiple hosts and multiple voices and everything looks like shit. They're asking a lot even without begging for millions of dollars again.

    • 7 months ago

      >Netflix seasons weren't good but at least it made sense that they had a new host, new bot voices, and new mads.
      With the Netflix episodes it was obvious that the people writing for it weren't *trying* to ruin the IP in the way that everything has to get ruined now. They truly do love MST3K. But if the idea is to implicitely move away from Mike-era MST3K AND avoid so-called "woke" era humor, that doesn't leave much because in my opinion the two most potent elements that made MST3K good was (a) they tried to avoid "current" topical humor that would date them and (2) there is a polite sarcasm and gallows humor that is uniquely midwestern and different from coastal israeli sensibilities.

      It seems like trying to navigate this didn't last past the first "return" Netflix season. Now with the crowdfunding it seems like girlbossing has come home to roost and they're making their wrenched mark. Just watch the Batwoman episode to see what I mean. Shouldn't be long now before they decide they can and SHOULD be overtly political and topical.

  30. 7 months ago

    I didn't hate the few Netflix episodes I watched but how many times is Joel gonna exhume MST3K's corpse.

  31. 7 months ago


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