Why did this fail?

Why did this fail?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    The 3rd act was lame as frick.

    • 1 month ago

      its a great movie. people dont understand it for whatever reason.

      WHAT?! if anything the second act is shakey as frick. the car chase and mimicking ET with the bike/moon.

      the kid is fricking annoying and for a movie with ACTION HERO in the title there isnt a ton of that going on. It reminds me of the 15 minutes of demolition man where stallone isnt allowed to fricking do anything because civilization has evolved past being cool and violent before the movie picks back up, except thats 45 or so minutes in Last Action Hero

      >the kid is annoying
      wrong. Danny would be a top Cinemaphile shitposter

      • 1 month ago

        Everything when they go to the real world is boring and lame compared to everything in the movie world.

        • 1 month ago

          I cant disagree more. Benedict realising he lived in a world where he cannot win but can win in the real world is great.
          >if God were a villain, he'd be me
          great line imo

  2. 1 month ago

    the kid is fricking annoying and for a movie with ACTION HERO in the title there isnt a ton of that going on. It reminds me of the 15 minutes of demolition man where stallone isnt allowed to fricking do anything because civilization has evolved past being cool and violent before the movie picks back up, except thats 45 or so minutes in Last Action Hero

  3. 1 month ago

    Not sure. It's pretty kino. Especially the evil guy with the axe who kills his son. And especially Charles Dance ("I've just killed somebody!" Lol). But especially especially his fricking smoking hot daughter who is unironically one of the sexiest women in cinema history.

  4. 1 month ago

    Jurassic Park came out the week before it released and went on to become the highest grossing movie ever made up until that point.

    • 1 month ago

      This. Nothing else stood a chance against Jurassic Park that summer

  5. 1 month ago

    ahead of it’s time

  6. 1 month ago

    >If the filming schedule had been punishing, fresh hell awaited in the edit suite. A meta action-comedy like Last Action Hero requires precision cutting in order to make the jokes land and the stunts fly. According to McTiernan, he barely had time to unspool the reels. “It was something like three weeks from the end of shooting to when it was in the theatres,” he laments. “Do you know the old joke? The editing department says to Cecil B. DeMille, ‘The editors are dropping like flies.’ And DeMille says, ‘Hire more flies!’ We were living that. There are enormous sequences in the film that are literally how it came out of my camera. We cut the heads and tails off, and that’s the sequence; it wasn’t edited at all.”

  7. 1 month ago

    The kid's fricking annoying and the core conceit is too cute for it's own good
    The best parts are when it's a normal action movie, not when this fricking grating kid acts like a redditor and calls out tropes in real time because he's seen sooo many movies. There's a stink of film industry navel gazing that sours a lot of the movie for me tbh, it just doesn't seem necessary

  8. 1 month ago

    Unironically too kino for its time

  9. 1 month ago

    >The hell you will.
    I still love this movie.

  10. 1 month ago

    >To McTiernan, up to his eyeballs in celluloid, it was just more grief. “I didn’t have time to get intimately involved in all the press disasters, but the advertising campaign was terrible. It did seem that if they hadn’t overhyped the movie, it would have been a lot easier to sell it. Because it’s actually sweet and kind of small in its heart. It isn’t Cleopatra. It’s the anti-Cleopatra. And if they had come on a little more quietly, it probably would have worked out better for them.”

  11. 1 month ago

    Child actor.

  12. 1 month ago

    >A problem 65 million years in the making. Steven Spielberg’s last film, Hook, had been a rare dud. It might have been this fact, or just good old-fashioned hubris, that led Canton to underestimate the director’s new project, Jurassic Park. When Universal announced that its dinosaurs-on-the-rampage blockbuster would open just a week before Last Action Hero, the Columbia boss refused to push back his own movie, despite the pleas coming from his own camp. “It was insane,” laughs Penn. “I rang him up and said, ‘I want to see Jurassic Park more than Last Action Hero, and Last Action Hero was my idea!’”

    >“Sheer stupidity” is how McTiernan describes the decision. “I saw Jurassic Park that summer: it’s a fabulous movie. But the studio tried to set us against each other, which was an idiotic thing to do. Because we weren’t the greatest action movie of all time. We were never supposed to be.” The rivalry became the season’s big story. Time ran a piece with the headline “The Dinosaur And The Dog”; some papers even reported on the contrast between Jurassic Park’s toys, which were selling like they were going extinct, and Last Action Hero’s, which were sticking to shelves, perhaps due to Schwarzenegger’s insistence that his action figure not be armed.

    • 1 month ago

      Slightly amusing to me because I used to have a Jack Slater toy and a Dr. Grant toy as a kid.

  13. 1 month ago

    Movie was wrong for a lot of reasons
    >called "Last Action Hero"
    >instead we get Arnold's in movie character as some generic cop as opposed to larger than life roles in Commando and Predator
    >a teen girl would have been better than a teen boy
    >after many years I barely remember the ending and plots involving the kid who died (they guy had really weird hair/face and was the kid Arnolds son?). But didn't he also have a teenage daughter? Too much dumb shit going on.

    • 1 month ago

      I always assumed the title was a wink towards Shane Black's other movie, The Last Boy Scout.

      • 1 month ago

        >The Last Boy Scout.
        I guess. But The Last Boy Scout title made sense.

        • 1 month ago

          The movie is a send-up of action movies, so it kind of makes sense to poke fun at the title of another action movie.

          • 1 month ago

            >The movie is a send-up of action movies,
            But that's the problem. Last Action Hero had Arnold as a character that is more generic cop than action star.

            • 1 month ago

              the boy puts Arnold the actor on the pedestal, not the character. he fantasises Hamlet with Arnie

        • 1 month ago

          If you read the original script, the title "Last Action Hero" makes more sense. It's basically a deconstruction and criticism of 80s Arnold movies. It's wildly different.
          Danny, the kid, is a teenager in the original script and very much acts like a school shooter. The projectionist is literally the devil.

          • 1 month ago
            • 1 month ago

              If you read the original script, the title "Last Action Hero" makes more sense. It's basically a deconstruction and criticism of 80s Arnold movies. It's wildly different.
              Danny, the kid, is a teenager in the original script and very much acts like a school shooter. The projectionist is literally the devil.

              >someone wrote this and thought it was compelling
              This reads like a middle schooler trying to write a fanfic about Shadow the Hedgehog

              • 1 month ago

                This script literally started a bidding war between all of the studios to get it
                >The script found a champion in Chris Moore, now a producer of such films as The Adjustment Bureau and the American Pie series, but back in 1991 an up-and-coming agent. “I saw it as a modern-day Wizard Of Oz,” Moore recalls. “The kid has a problem with his family. His father has left and he’s not getting on with his mom. And instead of getting whisked away to Oz, he does what most kids today would want to do, which is to escape into a movie.” He wasn’t the only fan. Penn and Leff watched agog as a bidding war unfolded, with Sony-operated studio Columbia Pictures ultimately prevailing by plonking down $350,000. More miraculous still, it attracted the attention of the star who had inspired Arno Slater in the first place: Arnold Schwarzenegger. “We never thought we’d actually *get *Arnold,” says Penn. “We were just two guys sitting in my apartment, thinking maybe someone would read it and get the reference. When we heard he wanted to do it, Adam and I looked at each other like, ‘This is insane.’”

          • 1 month ago

            >Danny, the kid, is a teenager in the original script and very much acts like a school shooter.
            This made me laugh

      • 1 month ago

        >Shane Black
        oh that was the problem, that guy's stuff sucks

        • 1 month ago

          The guy makes one bad Predator movie and everyone thinks he sucks now.

    • 1 month ago

      >a teen girl would have been better than a teen boy

      • 1 month ago

        For some reason I just think it would be better. John Connor as a boy worked better in Terminator 2 because that was a dead serious movie. In a comedic film/light hearted film I could see more chemistry opportunities with a girl that nags Arnold as opposed to a movie nerd boy.

        • 1 month ago

          a cute girl who Arnie warms up to makes more sense. Theres something inate that makes you want to protect a girl child more than a boy child, especially if the boy is just being a dick the whole time. Not to mention the girl character coild easily be near identical but she hates movies so its easier for her to poke fun at them without coming off so gay and annoying

    • 1 month ago

      >called "Last Action Hero"
      Is it supposed to be "Last of the Action Heroes", or "Hero of the Last Action"? Translatorgays in my c**try could never agree.

      • 1 month ago

        Last of the Action Heroes, I'd reckon.

  14. 1 month ago

    Because it was meant for 10-12 year olds, not 15-30 year olds. It literally had fart humor in it.

    • 1 month ago

      >Because it was meant for 10-12 year olds
      Im not so sure. how many 10-12 year olds had watched Amadeus at the time?

    • 1 month ago

      >At the lavish afterparty, an elephant lumbered about the room (metaphorically, although you wouldn’t have been surprised to see a real one there). “Everyone ate the food and drank the drink and nobody said anything to each other about what they’d sat through,” says Black. “It was like, ‘Don’t talk about the movie, but these are some really good fricking canapés.’” Meanwhile, Penn sat miserably in the corner, at the event that once promised to be the high-point of his career. “It was not a pleasant experience. People kept saying, ‘Did you do all those fart jokes?’ ‘No, no, that wasn’t me.’ ‘Why did you have a kid thrown off a roof in the opening sequence? It made my kid cry.’ ‘I didn’t write that!’”

    • 1 month ago

      I watched it at 20 and thought it wss too boring for me, but simultaneously too immature and cynical. So, you got a movie that lacks the action of better Arnold movies, stars some annoying TVTropes kid who points out cliches like its smart and cool to shit on the movie youre fricking in, and also enjoy fart jokes. Its the kind of movie for people who watch The West Wing to feel intelligent

      • 1 month ago

        I was 15 when it came out. Didn't see it in the theater, but watched it later when it came out on VHS. So I was 16. I thought it was goofy and kid centric. My brother was 12 and loved it.

  15. 1 month ago

    bad marketing
    now, every connoisseur knows it's pure KINO

  16. 1 month ago

    90s audiences couldn't understand satire. They thought it would be a typical Arnie punch-fest. What they got was a parody of 90s action films, and it flew completely over their heads. It was a different time.

  17. 1 month ago

    Too high brow for 90s audiences

  18. 1 month ago

    I dont know. it was Swarzennegers best movie by far

  19. 1 month ago
  20. 1 month ago

    >reactor uploads their reaction to a movie
    >threads about that movie pop up on Cinemaphile
    This happens way too fricking often to be a coincidence. I see you cassie bro.

    • 1 month ago

      threads have always appeared about this movie. you are assumption your perception where you obsess on a girl youtuber that we all do the same. no. I bet she thought the movie was stupid. my wife did.

  21. 1 month ago

    Jack Slater channeling The Punisher

  22. 1 month ago

    Jurassic Park happened.

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