Why didn't Rambo just leave town?

Why didn't Rambo just leave town?
There were dozens of towns like that one, why staying in the one you're hated by the police?
>b-but muh f-freedom
shut the frick up, if you pick "freedom" over safety just to prove a point to yourself (and no one else) you're plain moronic

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  1. 4 days ago

    Why don't you just leave this site? What if I forced you?

    See how Rambo was completely within his rights to walk through town? Freedom of movement is a thing

    • 4 days ago

      >What if I forced you?
      you have 0 authority on me or anything else here, unless you're a mod
      stay humble

      • 4 days ago

        You're done now bud

      • 4 days ago
        sage this faggot thread

        So the same as the sheriff in the movie? Gee, you tried to ague with that anon, and blew a hole in your whole homosexual argument. saged thread

  2. 4 days ago

    He wasn’t staying in the town. He was on his way to visit someone, which is apparently illegal in the eyes of some.

  3. 4 days ago

    But he WAS leaving town. At no point was he trying to stay in town. He was just trying to get through town because his goal lay on the other side of it, but the sheriff wouldn't stop dumping him in the direction he came from and then he arrested him, like the pompous control-freak that so many sheriffs are.

    • 4 days ago

      He wasn’t staying in the town. He was on his way to visit someone, which is apparently illegal in the eyes of some.

      he was literally looking for a job in town

      • 4 days ago

        No he wasn't.

      • 4 days ago

        And the scene with his army buddy’s widow was there because?

    • 4 days ago

      >but the sheriff wouldn't stop dumping him in the direction he came from

      I am pretty sure the sheriff asks him where he is headed and even offers to take him to ANY neighboring town

  4. 4 days ago

    Vietnam vets were mindfricked bad. We got a taste of it when those clowns all came back from Iraq and Afghanistan with tribal tattoos and PTSD.

  5. 4 days ago

    Why didn’t America just leave Vietnam?

    • 4 days ago

      Well, they did, eventually.

  6. 4 days ago

    He doesn't like to be pushed.

  7. 4 days ago

    He was arrested because he was walking.

  8. 4 days ago

    Why did Rambo blow up the gun store

  9. 4 days ago

    reminder the sheriff did nothing wrong and was right to not want rambo in his town

  10. 4 days ago

    He was just passing through on his way home anyway, you idiot. If the sheriff had just let him have a hot meal, a shower and a bed, the whole thing could have been avoided.
    I’ll bet you never even read the book. Ignorant swine.

  11. 4 days ago

    Daily remind that Rambo is an unreliable narrator and you really can't believe everything that happens to him.

    For all we know the Sheriff was being responsible.

  12. 4 days ago

    You disagreeing with Ben Franklin, son?
    >Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

    • 4 days ago

      my boy Franklin sounds like the kind of guy that would refuse to wear a seatbelt because he finds them annoying

      • 4 days ago

        The frick kind of liberty are you losing from putting on a seatbelt in your own car?

        • 4 days ago

          ever heard of freedom of movement?

        • 4 days ago

          The liberty to not put on a seatbelt and not be fined for it.

    • 4 days ago

      This is the exact feeling of many who refused to follow the Biden
      /faychi Vaccine Mandates.
      Our body autonomy is our liberty and God given freedom.
      The imaginary "100% safe and effective" from the democrat party Biden/Fauchi was an evil satanic tyranny against humanity. It can never be forgotten or forgiven.

      • 4 days ago

        NTA but
        >it's a vaxx schizo
        abandon thread

        • 4 days ago

          Yup just like your immune system abandoned you.

  13. 4 days ago

    >*lick* *lick* *lick* *lick*
    Didn't quite catch that.

  14. 4 days ago

    >if you pick "freedom"
    No, YOU shut the frick up. America is land of the free FIRST. You don't get to harass, imprison, assault, batter, or kill someone because you THINK they will do something wrong. Rambo's free to go wherever he wants until he actually does something illegal or harms someone, then you frick him up. That's a core value of the country and you don't get to change that by implementing your fascism like a good little dictator's minion.

  15. 4 days ago

    How come people never talk about this as being the greatest anti-war film of all time?
    Is everyone filtered by it?

    • 4 days ago

      It's your turn to talk about it. Everyone's waiting on you.

      • 4 days ago

        >Horrors of war come back to the country that never had a war on its soil in the form of a "killing machine" that was created by the government
        >Government has no contingency for Vietnam veterans, and most of them turn out to be ill-equipped to enter back into society.
        >Politicians don't support military veterans, which leads to the public not supporting them either
        >The National Guard is ill-equipped to deal with ONE lone soldier, and have to send about 200 guys to try and capture him

  16. 4 days ago

    Give it to me straight: Are you really not allowed to walk somewhere in the US? Keep in mind, he was using public roads, he wasn't walking along a highway or anywhere dangerous.

    • 4 days ago

      You know what? Just come to the US if you want answers because I'm tired of you asking questions all the time.

      • 4 days ago

        I don't want to get shot for walking somewhere.

    • 4 days ago

      Doesn't matter if he was legally right, because the sheriff had power over him.

    • 4 days ago

      The Sheriff was shown to be abusing his authority because he could and knew no one would stop him. His other cops were just as corrupt and abused Rambo in the jail.

    • 4 days ago

      You can walk anywhere along the road but not in the lanes of vehicle travel.
      Not on the white line on outside edges of pavement. Someone would probably call cops and say there was a drunk or incapacitated person in danger walking in the road trying to get run over. Which does happen from time to time.
      If there is a side trail along off the pavement that might be better. Or some modern roads have a huge flat paved shoulder with enough room for a truck to pull of road.
      But older roads have no shoulder, edge is basically the whiteline. There's no place to walk off the road it's dense brush or swamp pits.
      Most jackoffs just hangout at the edge of the last gas station or edge of town with thumb out.
      T. Longtime hitchhiker

  17. 4 days ago

    He was trying to stop at the diner for a burger, he literally says that to the cop.
    And the cop thought he was shifty looking and didn't want Rambo passing through his town at all, expecting him to rob or rape someone because it's a small mountain town that's distrustful of outsiders.

    • 4 days ago

      Also if you look it up, there were a few serial killers running around and rape and murder was easy.
      There wasn't enough cops to deal with half the shit going on and much crime was just never even logged.
      A lone sheriff was supposed to be hard and preemptive to strangers because that is why he was elected to the office of sheriff. He takes care of shit. Nobody really wants to know what he does as long as sanctity of the people endures.
      ....like now all these filthy bluehaired troonys and pronouns would cry if anyone tried to stop their pets from smoking fents and shitting on the street or joggers breaking into houses and stabbing eight year old children as they slept in their beds.

  18. 4 days ago

    Do burgers really treat their veterans so bad? They fought and died for the israelites, they deserve some respect from the lesser goys.

    • 4 days ago

      Yeah, I don't think they even get a bag of potatoes and cooking oil for their service like russian soldiers.

      • 4 days ago

        Slavs dying (from both sides) is a gift to humanity. Let the Slav Wars cook.

        The sheriff is the kind of guy who would also be brought to tears and have his only true regret in life be that he didn't get to go to war.

        It really makes you think.

    • 4 days ago

      The sheriff is the kind of guy who would also be brought to tears and have his only true regret in life be that he didn't get to go to war.

      • 4 days ago

        >The sheriff is the kind of guy who would also be brought to tears and have his only true regret in life be that he didn't get to go to war.
        The Sheriff is a Korean War vet you mong, that's why he hates Rambo so much.

        • 4 days ago

          The fact that he did get to play war doesn't change his personality.

    • 4 days ago

      >watch half a century old movie
      >while blubbering and crying your eyes out, start complaining and whining about what burgers are doing in the year 2024 that you just saw on the magic box

      • 4 days ago

        Are you ready for the draft, burger zoomer? I heard they will let you bring your funkos to the barracks.

  19. 4 days ago

    Because John J. doesn't like injustice.

  20. 4 days ago

    >Why didn't Rambo just leave town?
    Eurotard mentality


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