Why didn't they just bring Bruce to a hospital? Should be no reason why anyone would think he's Batman, right?

Why didn't they just bring Bruce to a hospital? Should be no reason why anyone would think he's Batman, right?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Why didn't they just bring Bruce to Paradise Island? Wonder Woman has the purple healing ray. Why didn't Barbra just go to Paradise Island?

    • 2 years ago

      In this case the answer would likely be due to events over in the concurrent WML run in wonder woman Themyscira was missing having been teleported into a hell dimension by circe. It only got release a few months befotr zero hour which is also coincidentally around when bruce recovered from this.

  2. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Why didn't Superman just beat up Bane?

    • 2 years ago

      He was dead.

      Why didn't they just bring Bruce to Paradise Island? Wonder Woman has the purple healing ray. Why didn't Barbra just go to Paradise Island?

      Barbara refused out of respect for the underprivileged.

      • 2 years ago

        Barbara wanted Bruce to suffer... because he's rich?
        Maybe she deserved what happened in Killing Joke

      • 2 years ago

        >He was dead
        He was in a healing coma.

  4. 2 years ago

    Batman was healed by a magical black woman who later lost all her memories and power and becomes metallurgy infantilizad to never be mentioned again.

    • 2 years ago

      She is mentioned in Hush where they say she's fully recovered.

    • 2 years ago

      I liked shondra she was cute, bruce needed to do more bleaching

      • 2 years ago

        No lie, if I were writing Batman I'd bring Shondra back as his love interest. They've got a nice amount of comparison and contrast that'd make them work, and her medical background gives her a way to pitch in with superheroics that doesn't involve her putting on a costume.

  5. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      After they have secured him, they could have brought him to the hospital as Bruce Wayne.

      • 2 years ago

        When Alfred hired Shondra as Bruce's private doctor, he explained to her that as a prominent bussinessman, Bruce Wayne couldn't be sent to a hospital because if his critical condition caused by the "Porsche accident" were known, his competitors would use the chance to take over his bussiness and eat him alive.
        Shondra suspected right off the bat (lol) that Alfred wasn't being 100% sincere with the real cause of Bruce's terrible condition but she decided to play along anyway.

        • 2 years ago

          That was just an alibi he came up with to not bring him to a hospital tho.

          • 2 years ago

            That's exactly what I just said.
            Also, I don't know if back then everyone noticed that when Bane tossed Bats' broken self to the streets in front of everyone, there are 2 broken ribs poking out of Bats' side (under his costume of course)

            • 2 years ago

              The guy with the red hat still confuses me and makes me chuckle.

      • 2 years ago

        The examiner could tell work has been done on him, unless it was so shitty it might have done more harm than good.

    • 2 years ago

      For those wondering, Azrael is driving. Paul Vianney was it ?

      • 2 years ago

        Jean-Paul Valley

    • 2 years ago

      Man even though Tim is already trained by Shiva here, its funny to think he's only like a few months to a year into being Robin and this happens. Its like that college job you get where there's a management shakeup and you end up running the place despite having no clue what you're doing.

      • 2 years ago

        Man, that's happened to me so many times. Started a call center job for an energy company being told I'd handle maybe ten calls a day from builders installing new meters - long calls, 30+ mins, but out of an 8 hour day, I'd be working maybe 5-6 hours.

        Three weeks out of training, the company jacks up prices and people call in to complain. We're told we have to take these calls, even though there's nothing my department can do, except offer to put them back in the holding queue for upwards of 40 mins. Cue mass resignations across the dozen or so call centres the company owned, meaning more calls, meaning longer queues, meaning more resignations. Within two months, our call centre had gone from 500 to 220.

        • 2 years ago

          I remember when that shit went down once. The manager who hired me was a real b***h who hated working there and possibly stole from the store, then tried to pass it onto others, in between firing most of the employees who were already there for really dumb reasons. She gets moved, so a new girl comes in who lasts the shortest, but also was the nicest. She quits, and they have to get some out-of-town manager who has to drive to work at the store while also running her hometown store. She ended up being forced to fire me because I closed the store too early. Fricked-up store.

          • 2 years ago

            We once had a call centre manager come in to our office and take over. Goes without saying, but there's a world of difference between the two. I have a doctor's appointment one day, kinda important, so I say I'll need an hour or two one morning, but I'll stay behind 20 mins a day the following week to make it up. He says 'no, that's not good enough, you need to make it up on a Saturday'. I ask why? We process fraud claims and everything we do has a timeframe of months, not hours, because of all the companies, groups, etc. we have to communicate with. It's more of a courtesy anyway, all my cases are on hold waiting on someone else getting back to me, so I have nothing to do amyway. He says 'don't care, you need to come in when I say so'. I wind up having to go to *his* manager, explain the situation and she asks him what the frick he's doing and has he told anyone else this, because he could get them both in trouble.

            He had it out for me after that, unsurprisingly, but I had to quit not long after because of a death in the family. No, not Jason Todd.

  6. 2 years ago

    >this all happened because Bruce got a lil cold after a run in with a gimped up fetishist

  7. 2 years ago

    I don't remember what happens in the comic, but the novelisation (which I think was written by Chuck Dixon) had his injuries blamed on a car crash. Alfred or Tim has to slam one of Bruce's cars into a tree and they take him to hospital from there.

    • 2 years ago

      In the comis is Robin and Azrael who invent the fake car crash story- after they both pummel one of Bruce's Porsche cars with sledgehammers, they send it tumbling down a hill and claim that Bruce's body was sent flying after the crash and landed back first on top of a rock.
      Shondra still called bull on their story.

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