Why do they push this shit character so much in the new movie?

Why do they push this shit character so much in the new movie? Why do the crew of TLH love to push the old characters anyways? No one watches it for gayle or the other geriatrics they watch it for the sisters

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  1. 6 days ago

    because it's funny
    stop thinking with your pedowiener

    • 6 days ago

      Its not funny tho. None of the oldies from the royal woods retirement home are funny

    • 5 days ago

      fpbp, no one's refuted it
      If the writers like the old characters, more power to them

      • 5 days ago

        The writers are hacks and the old characters suck and are annoying and arent funny

  2. 6 days ago

    Sisters are shit. I only watch Loud House for Rita and gilf

    • 6 days ago

      My man.

    • 6 days ago


  3. 6 days ago

    I'm not a homosexual autist so I haven't watched this since season 1 but at this point how far is it from becoming a zombie show like FoP. If it's not already there yet.

    • 6 days ago

      Real talk: the original idea of it being about a boy living/surviving with ten chaotic sisters in a fairly grounded cartoon version of an 80s sitcom-meets-Sunday funnies comic pretty much stopped being relevant by season 3 or 4. At this point, the Loud House is more or less a bunch of semi-connected spinoff shows (The Action News Team Show, the Morticians Club Show, the Clincoln McCloud Show, Lisa's Laboratory) with some occasional flirtations with the original "1 boy 10 girls" concept

      Unlike FOP though, while it's not as good as it was, it wasn't even that good in its prime, so it didn't really "stop" being good as much as people stopped pretending it was super great. The only real "decline" is that the old seasons going out of their way to reinforce that this was a mundane world and supernatural stuff all had logical explanations (for the most part, don't try to guess what was going on with Lisa's inventions), well Lucy's now straight up a witch who can summon ghosts and demons and Lisa can regularly travel through time or enter dreams or go to space.

      If that doesn't bother you and if for whatever reason you're one of those who didn't like the family dynamics of the first few seasons (especially the "Lincoln's a black sheep" NSLgays), then to be 100% honest, you'd probably not mind season 7 and 8 of the Loud House if you liked seasons 1 and 2. It's nowhere near as bad as FOP got, and probably can't be because of how the show works.

      • 6 days ago

        This, season 7 and 8 got a lot better than the middle seasons where they exploded the setting into simpsons-lite

        • 6 days ago

          It isn't the simpsons, frankly; They could approach one or another element or an "alike", but it does not mean that it works the same for the show.

      • 6 days ago

        >Unlike FOP though, while it's not as good as it was, it wasn't even that good in its prime, so it didn't really "stop" being good as much as people stopped pretending it was super great.

        Debatable point. I enjoyed it and there was never any feigned intention about it. It is true that it had some defects or creative details to polish, but what it presented at the time was a resurgence of the studio in its cartoon bar; otherwise we wouldn't be talking about it.

        At most or in general it would be the taste or interest that prevails in the opinion of the show as well as the expectation I had at that moment.

      • 6 days ago

        I like the lucy friends episodes snd even the lisa episodes but clincoln mccloud shit and action news team shit is insufferable and ive skipped like 75% of the episodes of the past few years since the post schooled! era because its been sister less shit episodes
        >Unlike FOP though, while it's not as good as it was, it wasn't even that good in its prime
        NTA but FOP was never even good, at least TLH had some kino characters where as FOP was almost always grating for the most part

      • 6 days ago

        I feel that The Loud House evolved/expanded and FOP devolved/shrunk

      • 6 days ago

        How could it stop being relevant, though?

      • 6 days ago

        >If that doesn't bother you
        It does a little.
        I feel like I'm being petty, it's like watching malcom and the middle, they have dream sequence where something might be exaggerated but never breaks the show for me. Like the girl with big boobs was living out Malcom house suddenly was revealed to be an alien.

        I don't know what side of the spectrum it puts me that watching something supernatural or syfy gets me irritated watching loud house.

        • 6 days ago

          I dont get that at all. Im a literal autist and yet i do not mind when they have supernatural or sci fi shit in TLH. What i do mind is all the shit plots that happen now thats typically just ANT shit or clyde shit and the good episodes that focus on the sisters are like one out of each 10 episodes now

      • 5 days ago

        Only ghosts and zombies.

  4. 6 days ago

    Some said the same thing abput Flip getting episodes, but more as a plot's medium than a central character...

    It was expeculated about that with VA's contract; but nothing else.

    • 6 days ago

      I dont like flip either or how much focus he gets within the show

      • 6 days ago

        Some said the same thing abput Flip getting episodes, but more as a plot's medium than a central character...

        It was expeculated about that with VA's contract; but nothing else.

        I remember back circa 2017 when some ecelebs like Mr Enter argued that Flip deserved his own spinoff
        Like my god thank god these types don't have any influence with the show

        • 6 days ago

          I think that was more like 2018-2019 in regards to the Casagrandes, but I get your point
          I don't particularly get where Mr Enter was coming from with that but then again I don't know where Mr Enter is coming from with almost anything he says.

          What I noticed though is that people seem to be warming up to the Morticians Club episodes for whatever reason, but the Action news Team episodes are still unpopular. What on Earth is going on there?

          • 6 days ago

            I like the Lincoln and friend episodes, mostly, except that stupid one where the dumbass principal decided to make the school awful.

            • 6 days ago

              >I like the Lincoln and friend episodes

              • 6 days ago

                They aren't a bad group, there's fun to them. Though Riddle School, a recent episode, was really well done and fun.

                There's some decent ones, some not so good ones, its a mixed bag
                they can be fun

                I think they've been more good than bad.

              • 6 days ago

                >They aren't a bad group, there's fun to them
                Theyre an irritance tbh. I do not care for them at all and they are a distraction from the sisters like i already said

              • 6 days ago

                Riddle School was okay, wasn't one of my favorites of there's though

            • 6 days ago

              There's some decent ones, some not so good ones, its a mixed bag

              >I like the Lincoln and friend episodes

              they can be fun

              • 6 days ago

                I cannot derive enjoyment from then at all. They sidestep the sisters AND the three gingers especially irritate the shit outve me

          • 6 days ago

            >What I noticed though is that people seem to be warming up to the Morticians Club episodes for whatever reason, but the Action news Team episodes are still unpopular. What on Earth is going on there?
            Meta context, I think people really do unironically want a "goth kids" cartoon. There aren't many at all. The MC being stuck in the Loud House also forces them to be spooky kids in a mundane setting. TSC and a MC show would do the obvious and lame thing and make the setting dark and spooky too, so there's some contrast. If the MC had a temperamental foil in their group to go along with a setting foil, I would not hesitate to say that they would unironically make for a good crew to lead their own show. Kids also like creepy stuff like that. It's mainly Nickelodeon themselves holding them back because they're boomers who are way too scared of committing to a "spooky" protagonist because that's not who typically leads shows, especially not Nickelodeon shows. But that might be for the best because they don't get overexposed. It's only to Lucy's detriment because every Lucy episode now has to be about her in the Morticians Club without her family (the most recent episode literally only had Lynn cameo and that was IT, we saw not a single other Loud anywhere in the episode, so the MC episodes might as well be their own series already)

            Action News Team is starting at a disadvantage because Lincoln's a part of it, and the Loud House fans want more Lincoln with his family, so ANT episodes inherently screw with that. The idea of the ANT is also pretty boring: "group of awkward school kid friends doing things at school." Think of how many cartoons/children's shows/sitcoms that describes. And because Lincoln is the main character, we follow him way more often, so by default ANT episodes are going to happen more frequently. It's always nice when we see someone in the ANT interacting with the Loud sisters (like Liam and Lynn) but they don't do that enough either.

            • 6 days ago

              The only demographic I can think of that actively wants more ANT is the same demographic that doesn't like Lincoln's sisters (because of muh NSL/Brawl in the Family/Taunting Hour)
              Most people are indifferent to them at best and see their episodes as filler, or just flat out don't like them
              Kids are the biggest supporters of the ANT, and even then the Morticians Club edges them out anyway

              Maybe the movie will cause the ANT and Loudest Spies to swap places

              • 5 days ago

                I don't know if they genuinely thought these ideas sensibly... That is, on the one hand they seek direction from the audience but on the other hand they show a 'lack of plot' guidance.

                How long was this chart by the way.

              • 5 days ago

                Fairly sure the Morticians Club one was something someone just randomly suggested when they saw kids wanted a Lucy spinoff the most, and that's as much thought they put into it, and probably why they went with The Sister Chronicles over the Loudest Spies

                Action News Team though, that's just the ANT episodes as their own show. No, I'm no interested. Shows set totally in a school really need something special to work (like Recess) and the ANT episodes already are boring

              • 5 days ago

                >Fairly sure the Morticians Club one was something someone just randomly suggested when they saw kids wanted a Lucy spinoff the most, and that's as much thought they put into it,
                My take too. It doesn't seem like the team likes Lucy that much or knows how to write a spooky/goth girl character compared to other archetypes. That they had some really solid ideas for Lisa and kept hyping her up as the best pick for a spinoff in the document tells me that's the one they really wanted, because if they had even a fraction of the same passion for a Lucy spinoff, they'd have done more than "Oh, uh, the Morticians club episodes, but as a show"
                Like at the very least, introduce a foil to them. Maybe all the Louds join the club for some reason, or just give Lucy someone who plays off her like Leni or Luan does

                I'm glad they at least tried the Sister Chronicles though. If nothing else, I want to see what they do with it and what the Lisa, Lori, and Lola episodes look like the most

            • 6 days ago

              I think the Lincoln and Friends stuff should also be out of school too. Hooking it too school holds it too hard in there. I'd like to see how their friendships work a little more too.

              The only demographic I can think of that actively wants more ANT is the same demographic that doesn't like Lincoln's sisters (because of muh NSL/Brawl in the Family/Taunting Hour)
              Most people are indifferent to them at best and see their episodes as filler, or just flat out don't like them
              Kids are the biggest supporters of the ANT, and even then the Morticians Club edges them out anyway

              Maybe the movie will cause the ANT and Loudest Spies to swap places

              That'd be shame, because I don't hate the sisters at all, but still do enjoy the friend stuff to a point.

            • 6 days ago

              And how does making Lucy so overpowered serve this function, anyway?

            • 6 days ago

              >the most recent episode

              • 6 days ago

                Well thats disturbing

              • 6 days ago

                what the frick

              • 6 days ago

                That is both horribly gross and hilarious

        • 6 days ago

          >I remember back circa 2017 when some ecelebs like Mr Enter argued that Flip deserved his own spinoff
          Did he really say that? God i fricking hate enter so much he always has the shittiest takes

          I think that was more like 2018-2019 in regards to the Casagrandes, but I get your point
          I don't particularly get where Mr Enter was coming from with that but then again I don't know where Mr Enter is coming from with almost anything he says.

          What I noticed though is that people seem to be warming up to the Morticians Club episodes for whatever reason, but the Action news Team episodes are still unpopular. What on Earth is going on there?

          >What I noticed though is that people seem to be warming up to the Morticians Club episodes for whatever reason, but the Action news Team episodes are still unpopular. What on Earth is going on there?
          No one gives a shit about the unfunny and frankly annoying ANT characters who are just a distraction from the sisters, young morticians club has lucy AKA best sister alongside funny goth characters like boris and two other hot goth girls in the form of persephone and haiku

          • 6 days ago

            >Did he really say that?
            Yeah in his Casagrandes review. He didn't want a spinoff to be fair, which is reasonable, but he said that if any character deserved a spinoff, it'd be Flip
            And devil's advocate, "sleazy amoral gas station store owner screws people over and gets comeuppance" could have been a source of comedy if it was done well enough

            • 6 days ago

              I hate enter so much its unreal

              • 6 days ago

                I still laugh sometimes when I remember how he got so much hate for his Turning Red review, that he decided to conveniently review No Such Luck immediately after because he knew it was an easy win (and even then, most of his comments were making fun of his Turning Red review and the NSLgays were getting furious that no one was talking about the episode)
                Guy seems like he's self aware about it all now, but going all in on trashing the Loud House doesn't earn him any favors

                But to be fair, it was him who sold me on the Loud House in the first place back in 2017 when he talked about how good it apparently was

  5. 6 days ago
    • 6 days ago

      >No massive bush

  6. 6 days ago

    Because writers on this show can't/won't write good stuff even if their lives depends on it.

    It's easier for them writing an episode full of farts with flip, or sci fi shit, than a decent story with the louds. Many in the loud family barely interacted and we could get good episodes from it, but NO it's better 10 episodes of the boring morticians club.

    Imagine an episode with Luna and Lucy as the main characters, or Lori and Lynn. I guess they want to keep the characters one dimensional.

    • 6 days ago

      I remember under Savino we had a lot more Lucy and Lynn together because they share the same room.

      Which now that I think about does Leni now have a room all to herself, now that Lori is in college.

      • 6 days ago

        Nah, Tanya lives with her now

  7. 6 days ago

    since this is a myrtle thread

    • 6 days ago

      I wanna sniff those breasts.

    • 5 days ago
      • 5 days ago

        amazing game

  8. 5 days ago
  9. 5 days ago
    • 5 days ago

      I love how they gave her like real actual hips and breasts, not just the little c bumps, that's so rare for cartoons nowadays

  10. 5 days ago
  11. 5 days ago
  12. 5 days ago
  13. 5 days ago
    • 5 days ago

      Why is this secret agent looking to extra semen from me?

      • 5 days ago

        It's apart of her mission parameters, and she never fails a mission

        • 5 days ago

          Alright stop posting images from this scene because it's genuinely arousing me, and I don't want to jerk off to a regular still frame of a cartoon.

          • 5 days ago

            Surely you want Agent 28 to complete her mission sucessfully

            • 5 days ago

              Not him but I want agent 28 to choke me with her thighs

              • 5 days ago

                shes well trained at doing this to choke out supervillans

              • 5 days ago

                Guess I better get supervillaning then

            • 5 days ago

              Well of course I do, but at the risk of dehydrating?
              It was her face doing it if I'm honest, I might have to watch this movie alone just for her.

  14. 5 days ago
  15. 5 days ago
  16. 5 days ago

    The movie made me like Myrtle and I don't care about your opinion.

    • 5 days ago

      The movie made me like Young Myrtle

  17. 5 days ago
  18. 5 days ago

    >In an alternative universe where superhero fatigue didn't happen, Myrtle is a retired superhero

    • 5 days ago

      More like
      >in an alternate universe where Chris Savino wasn't ingloriously fired and everything he did on the show was memoryholed or shat upon and Ace Savvy isn't replaced by David Steele, Myrtle is a retired superhero

      • 5 days ago

        They were still doing superhero stuff in Season 4, what are you talking about?

        • 5 days ago

          Because it only takes 2 months to write an episode, right?
          Knutts, it takes at least 8 months and usually closer to 16 months for an episode to go from script to airing on TV
          The Savino material didn't run out until the back half of season 4

          • 5 days ago

            Aye, you can even see a lot of the leaked episode scripts for season 1 and 2 episodes were written in 2015, and Kyle Marshall said on Instagram that NTtS started work in February 2022
            In fact this is probably the biggest reason why those polls about the most popular sisters haven't really translated into the show proper: Nick probably did take the advice about who to focus on, but those episodes were written in 2022 and 2023, so we're not going to be seeing anything that resulted from them until very late this year and next year at the earliest (probably like TSC)

            • 5 days ago

              That makes me fricking nervous. What if we had a small blip of goodness before it just devolves into being about 2 characters half of the time?

              • 5 days ago

                I'm 90% sure that the takeaway was to do a spinoff though precisely to prevent it from being about 1 or 2 characters? That or because the sister the writers wanted to lead didn't win the poll, I forget

  19. 5 days ago

    I asked myself that same question everytime I that nigra clyde appeared on screen.
    The show was comfy if it was just about a boy and his oversized family. Even his redhead friends suck. The country boy was interesting, but the show shouldve kept the season 1 style of surviving a big a family.

  20. 5 days ago
  21. 5 days ago
  22. 5 days ago

    So she's 28?

    • 5 days ago

      Agent 28

  23. 5 days ago

    James Bond? More like Jane's Boned! Agent 47? More like anus on erection! Austin Powers? More like going down 'er's, OH!

  24. 5 days ago


    >Wasn't there a special graphic novel with superhero stuff recent?

    Speaking of what was about Loud House 2024 Free Comicbook day?

  25. 5 days ago


    >The ANT spam only happens in S5.
    Absolute bullshit i still see too many ANT episodes in the recent seasons

  26. 5 days ago

    So wait if the bad guys didn't age that much is it just implied she could be that hot again but is just fat?

  27. 5 days ago

    That woman is pretty hot.

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